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The article ‘’The Case for Reparations’’ written by Ta-Nehisi Coates in 2014 in ‘’The Atlantic’’

magazine examines thoroughly the reperation debate and inustices that black americans
faced through the history and today.

Historical injustices : After Coates started the date of oppression of Blacks in USA With 250 years of
slavery, continuinig with the Jim Crow era, legal racial segregation that lasted nearly a century and
remains continual structural racism.

Housing discrimination : The most important part of this article is especially prioritised to housing
policies that implemented in Chicago. Coates pointed that black families were excluded legitimate
rights to buy a house and also were forced to exploitative law like contractual purchase.

Racist violence : Coates especially discussed racist terrorism acts like destruction Greenwood region
of Tulsa in 1921. These acts are not only statements racist hostility but also looted wealth from
directly black communities.

Economic disparity : Coates mentioned about economic differences between black and white
Americans and Coates stated that reparation is not authentic idea.

İn short. ‘’The case for Reparations’’ is a historical, moral and economical argument for America to
accept its history of racial discrimination and to take the necessary steps to repair these ongoing
legacy of unjustices. Writing is not only an argument for Money, but also is a call for national
reflection and correction.

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