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 If you would be invisible what would the first thing to do ?

 What is the secret you kept from your parents,and why ?

 if you were an animal , what kind would you be and why ?

 who was your first crush , and where are they now ?

 are you in love ?

 how do you calm yourself down when you’re feeling stressed ?

 Do u like what you are doing now , your life your study and why ?

 Is there something funny you do while you are getting ready to get out of the house ?

 What is the first thing that u do when u wake up in the morning?

 How do you want your partner to be ?

 When was the last time you apologized ,and why ?

 Is there someone you love in secret ?

 Who is the last person you deleted on social media , and do you want him to back?

 Have you ever cheated on your lover ?

 If you have the right to have three wishes,what would you ask ?

 What excuse did u ever use to get rid of an annoying date ?

 If you have the right to be a superhero ,what kind would you be and why ?

 Did you like the activity ? “ well u should  “

@Cirtec_ : Cirta Engineering club

@Cirtec_ : Cirta Engineering club

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