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Stabilization of Dispersive Soil Using


Kajal Swain(&), Mahasakti Mahamaya, Shamshad Alam,

and Sarat Kumar Das

Department of Civil Engineering, NIT, Rourkela 769008, India,,,

Abstract. Dispersive soils are considered as unstable, as these are easily

erodible by wind and water. Structures, such as embankments, channels and
foundations are vulnerable to severe erosion when this type of soil is used.
Dispersive soil exhibits no strength resistance against environmental factors like
air and water forces and fails rapidly during soaking as per crumb test and
double hydrometer test. In the present study two biopolymers; xanthan gum in
1.0%, 2.0%, 3.0% and guar gum in of 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% are used for
stabilization of the dispersive soil. The effects of biopolymer stabilizing agents
are studied through crumb test and cylinder dispersion test for erosion control
and other geotechnical properties like compaction and unconfined compression
test (UCS). The optimum moisture content (OMC) of the bio treated samples
increased and maximum dry density (MDD) decreased with increase in per-
centage of biopolymer. The bio treated samples cured in sun light for a period of
3 days shows higher unconfined compressive strength (UCS) value compared to
as compacted sample and cured under ambient condition. Microstructural
studies like scanning electron microscope (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and
energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) tests were also conducted. The SEM analysis
showed that the particles of biopolymer modified dispersive soil are bonded
together by gum layer. This may be the cause of decreases in the dispersivity of
the soil. Guar gum was found to be more effective than xanthan gum.

1 Introduction

Soils in which the clay particles get separated instinctively from each other and formed
into suspension in quiet water are called dispersive soils (Yong and Sethi 1977; Mitchell
1993). Dispersivity is a physico-chemical process, which is mostly affected by the type
of soil minerals and chemical properties of the soil pore fluid (Yong and Warkentin
1966; Sherad et al. 1976). The Dispersive soil (DS) causes dust problem in its dry state
and leads to failure of dam and embankment due to piping in saturated condition (Sherad
et al. 1976). The dispersiveness of soil is mainly due to the presence of exchangeable
sodium ion. The formation of dispersivity may cause the formation of piping phe-
nomena in earth dams (Fell et al. 1992), deterioration and demolition of roads (Nevels
1993), and the erosion of the compacted soils of landfill clay liners (Tin 1984; Ouhadi
and Goodarzi 2003). These soils are found as both residual and transported soil and

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018

D.N. Singh and A. Galaa (eds.), Contemporary Issues in
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Sustainable Civil Infrastructures,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-61612-4_11
Stabilization of Dispersive Soil Using Biopolymer 133

found to exist in various types of climates in various locations in Australia, Brazil, Iran,
New Zealand, the United States, and many other countries (Sherad et al. 1976; Ludwig
1979; Goodarzi 2003). Thus, small seepage velocity of seepage can erode the dispersive
soil, which cause harmful to the stability of earth dam and earth retaining wall. These
soils are also identified with negative differential free swell values. The repulsive force is
dominant over attractive force among the soil particles under saturated condition, which
causes segregation of soil to get, disperse. The alum (aluminium sulphate) was found to
be effective to control the dispersivity of bentonite, which is a dispersive soil (Ouhadi
and Goodarzi 2006). Based on pinhole tests, double hydrometer and crumb test (Bhu-
vaneshwari and Soundara 2007) observed that dispersive soil could be stabilized with
lime and fly ash mixture. Lime and cement improves the strength and reduce the
dispersivity of the soil (Umesh et al. 2009, Vakili et al. 2013) and chemical agents
including sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate and sodium polyphos-
phate are also found to be effective for reducing dispersivity of natural soil (Abbasi and
Nazifi 2013). The magnesium chloride (MgCl2) solution is effective in reducing dis-
persive and expansiveness of clay soils (Turkoz et al. 2014). The industrial by-product,
granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) and basic oxygen furnace slag (BOFS) also can be
used to reduce the dispersivity of soil (Goodarzi and Salimi 2015).
However, the chemicals used for such stabilization may not be suitable for the
ecosystem. The erosion control of canal banks, due to dispersive soils using chemical
admixtures may not be in coherence to sustainable development. The microorganisms
present in the soil can be helpful to achieve some modification in soil (Ivanov and Chu
2008). From various researches it has been found that microorganisms produce
exopolysaccharides that helps in soil aggregation, bioclogging, bio cementation and
can be helpful in stabilization, mitigation of liquefaction potential, strengthening tailing
dams, binding etc. (Ivanov and Chu 2008). Chen et al. (2013) used xanthn gum and
guar gum for stabilization of mine tailing. Hence, in the present study, two biopolymers
named xanthan gum and guar gum are used to stabilize the dispersive soil.

2 Materials

In the present study, dispersive soil is stabilized using two biopolymers named xanthan
gum and guar gum to reduce its erosion. For this purpose, dispersive soil was collected
from campus of NIT, Rourkela, India, which is a residual soil and the stabilizing agent
xanthan gum and guar gum used which are commercially available in market.

3 Methods

Different geotechnical engineering properties like grain size, liquid limit, plastic limit,
compaction characteristic and unconfined compressive strength tests were conducted as
per relevant ASTM standards (ASTM D422, ASTM D4318, ASTM D1557 and ASTM
D2166). The depressiveness of the soil was studied by double hydrometer test (ASTM
D4221-99), crumb test (ASTM D6572-13e2) and cylinder dispersion test (Atkinson
et al. 1990). Cylinder dispersion test is an advance process of crumb test, which is
134 K. Swain et al.

consider to observe the characteristics of soil at zero effective stress by immersing a

saturated sample in water (Atkinson et al. 1990). Long-term strength and durability
property of soil sample was investigated in a specific way as discussed by Al-Kiki et al.
(2011). In this process, two sets of stabilized samples were prepared named controlled
sample and soaked sample. Particle morphology and mineralogy were studied for
dispersive soil to explain some macro properties. The individual morphology and
particle chemistry were studied in a Jeol-840-A model scanning electron microscope
(SEM) fitted with electron dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyser. The mineralogy of the
materials was studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis on a Rich-Siefert X-ray
diffractometer using copper target and Ni filter.

4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Grain Size Distribution, Plasticity and Specific Gravity

Figure 1 Shows the grain size distribution curve of dispersive soil and it can be seen
that dispersive soil is fine grained with 95% particles are fine particles (<75 µm). The
specific gravity (G) values of the materials are found to be 2.72.

Dispersive soil

Percentage finer (%)




1E-3 0.01 0.1 1
Particle size (mm)
Fig. 1. Grain size distribution of dispersive soil.

The liquid limit and shrinkage limit of dispersive soil were found to be 29% and
20.45%, respectively with plasticity index as 7. Other properties of dispersive soil are
shown in Table 1. As per ASTM D2487 classification, the present dispersive soil can
be classified as CL-ML (organic clay with high plasticity) or (inorganic silt with low
plasticity) category.
Stabilization of Dispersive Soil Using Biopolymer 135

Table 1. Properties of dispersive soil

Properties Value
Specific gravity (G) 2.72
Coefficient of curvature (Cc) 1.46
Coefficient of uniformity (Cu) 0.58
Optimum moisture content (OMC) 15.19%
Maximum dry density (MDD) 17.18 kN/m3
Liquid limit (LL) 29%
Plastic limit (PL) 22%
Shrinkage limit 20.45%
Plasticity index (PI) 7
Soil classification CL-ML
(Dispersion ratio) Double hydrometer 89.57%
Differential free swelling –

4.2 Compaction Characteristics

The heavy compaction (Modified proctor) was conducted as per ASTM D1557 and the
maximum dry density (MDD) of dispersive soil was found to be 17.18 kN/m3, at
optimum moisture content (OMC) of 15.19%.

4.3 Dispersion Test

Dispersion ratio of dispersive soil as per double hydrometer test was found to be
89.57%, which is extremely dispersive as per Volk (1937). The crumb test was carried
out on above soil and it was observed the soil get disseminated in the water and shows
obscure water within a short period. The depressiveness of the soil sample was further
investigated by cylinder dispersion test and in every case, the soil sample was found to
be highly dispersive.
As the soil was found to be highly dispersive, it needs to be stabilized to decrees its
dispersivity and increase the strength and stability. For this purpose, the soil samples
were subjected to biopolymer treatment by using two types of biopolymer, i.e. xanthan
gum and guar gum in very small quantity. The amount of xanthan gum and guar used
to stabilize the soil was 1.0%, 2.0%, 3.0% and 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0% respectively. The
biopolymer in powder form thoroughly mixed with soil and then added required
amount of water to mixture. After mixture was prepared it was subjected to various test
Compaction test were also conducted on dispersive soil and dispersive soil, which
was treated with 1.0%, 2.0% and 3.0% of xanthan gum and 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% of guar
gum. Figure 2 shows MDD and OMC of dispersive soil and dispersive soil treated with
different percentage of xanthan gum and guar gum. It is observed from Fig. 2 that the
MDD of the bio treated dispersive soils decreases and OMC is increases gradually with
increase in concentration of biopolymer as found (Das et al. 2015) but both OMC and
MDD are increased with concentration of biopolymer as studied Mahamed et al. (2016).
136 K. Swain et al.

Dispersive soil treated with 1.0% of xanthan gum shows higher MDD (17.04 kN/m3)
at OMC of 17.18% and lower value of MDD achieved with 3% of xanthan gum is 15.78
kN/m3 at OMC of 18.38%. In case of guar gum treated dispersive soil, the higher value of
MDD was achieved at 0.5% of guar gum is 16.95 kN/m3 at a OMC of 17.28% and lower
value of MDD achieved at 2.0% of guar gum is 16.17 kN/m3 at a OMC of 17.88%.
Crumb test was conducted on dispersive soil and bio treated dispersive soil samples are
shown in Fig. 3.


XG(Present study)
MDD (kN/m3)

GG (Present study)
18.0 XG (Ayeldeen et al,2016 )
GG (Ayeldeen et al,2016)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Biopolymerconcentration (%)

OMC (%)



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Biopolymerconcentration (%)
Fig. 2. Compaction characteristics of dispersive soil and dispersive soil treated with different
percentage of xanthan gum and guar gum.

Figure 4 shows cylinder dispersion test on dispersive soil and dispersive soil treated
with 1.0% of xanthan gum and guar gum. It can be clearly observed that the soil, which
is not treated with biopolymer, is dispersed and it formed dark muddy water inside the
biker whereas the biopolymer treated soil sample shows clear water around the
cylinder. This shows the effectiveness of the xanthan gum and guar gum for stabi-
lization of dispersive soil.
Stabilization of Dispersive Soil Using Biopolymer 137

Fig. 3. Crumb test on dispersive soil and dispersive soil treated with different percentage of
xanthan gum and guar gum.

Dispersive soil 1.0% XG 1.0% GG

Fig. 4. Cylinder dispersion test on dispersive soil and dispersive soil treated with 1.0% of
xanthan gum and guar gum.

4.4 Unconfined Compressive Strength Test

To determine the strength of dispersive soil and bio treated dispersive soil unconfined
compressive strength (UCS) test were conducted on freshly prepared samples (50 mm
diameter and 100 mm height) and the samples after 3 and 7 days of its preparation with
curing in normal temperature. The average of three tests results are considered in the
138 K. Swain et al.


Stress (kPa)



0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain (%)
Fig. 5. Unconfined compressive strength curves of dispersive soil sample and dispersive soil
sample treated with different percentage of xanthan gum of 3 days curing.

present study. Figure 5 shows stress-strain curves of dispersive soil sample and dis-
persive soil sample treated with different percentage of xanthan gum after 3 days of
curing and it indicated that the sample which is treated with 3% of xanthan gum have
higher strength.
Similarly, Fig. 6 shows stress- strain curves of dispersive soil sample and disper-
sive soil sample treated with different percentage of guar gum of 3 days of curing and
maximum strength is found at 2.0% of guar gum. The samples were treated with
different percentage of xanthan gum and guar gum and subjected different types of
curing condition. Bio treated samples were cured at normal temperature for a period of
3 days, 7 days than it these were subjected to UCS test and another set of bio treated
samples were subjected to sun light, allowed to dried for a period of 3 days after that
UCS test were conducted which is shown in Figs. 7 and 8. A comparison study on
UCS values of different samples is shown in Fig. 9, which specifies the UCS value of
dispersive soil and bio treated dispersive soil steadily increases with curing period of 3
days and decreases 7 days than freshly prepared samples and found considerably much
higher strength at sundried samples at curing period of 3 days.

4.5 Long-Term Strength with Soaking Test

The durability of bio treated samples was investigated using soaking test as discussed
by Al-Kiki et al. (2011). For this process, two sets of stabilized samples were prepared
named controlled sample and soaked sample. Cylindrical samples of dispersive soil and
bio treated dispersive soil of size (50 mm diameter x 100 mm height) were prepared
Stabilization of Dispersive Soil Using Biopolymer 139

DS+GG (1.0%)
DS +GG(2.0 %)

Stress (kPa)



0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain (%)

Fig. 6. Unconfined compressive strength curves of dispersive soil sample and dispersive soil
sample treated with different percentage of guar gum of 3 days curing.

Stress (kPa)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Strain (%)

Fig. 7. Unconfined compressive strength curves of dispersive soil sample and dispersive soil
sample treated with different percentage of xanthan gum of 3 days curing at sun light.

and cured for 2 days at 49 °C. At the end of the curing period one set of sample were
submerged in water considered as soaked sample over a period of 3 days, at the end of
the soaking period samples were subjected to UCS test. The second set of samples were
subjected to different curing conditions at normal temperature (25 °C ± 3o) and
140 K. Swain et al.

Stress (kPa)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Strain (%)

Fig. 8. Unconfined compressive strength curves of dispersive soil sample and dispersive soil
sample treated with different percentage of guar gum of 3 days curing at sun light.

3 days
7 days
3000 Sundried



0% 1.0%XG 2.0% XG 3.0%XG 0.5%GG 1.0%GG 2.0%GG

Fig. 9. Unconfined compressive strength curves of value of different soil.

considered as controlled samples with curing period same as soaking period of first set
of sample and controlled samples were subjected to immerse in water for a period of 2
days before testing. The resistance to loss in strength was determined as a ratio of UCS
of soaked sample to the UCS of controlled sample.
Figures 10, 11, 12 and 13 shows stress-strain curve of bio treated dispersive soil
with different percentage of xanthan gum and guar gum for soaked samples and
controlled samples. The soaked samples found to have better strength than the
Stabilization of Dispersive Soil Using Biopolymer 141

DS+GG(0.5%) of
soaked sample
DS+GG(0.5%) of
120 controlled sample
Stress (kPa)




0 5 10 15 20 25
Strain (%)

Fig. 10. Unconfined compressive strength curves of dispersive soil sample treated with 0.5% of
guar gum of soaked and controlled method.



Stress (kPa)

DS+XG(1.0%) of
soaked sample
DS+XG(1.0%) of
controlled sample
30 DS+GG(1.0%) of
soaked sample
DS+GG(1.0%) of
controlled sample
0 5 10 15 20 25
Strain (%)

Fig. 11. Unconfined compressive strength curves of dispersive soil sample treated with 1.0% of
xanthan gum and guar gum of soaked and controlled method.

controlled samples. A comparison study on resistance to loss in strength (RLS) for

dispersive soil sample and bio treated dispersive soil samples with xanthan gum (1.0%,
2.0% and 3.0%) and guar gum (0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0%) are shown in Table 2. It can be
seen that dispersive soils have no durability as it loses its shear strength and are
dissolved when it comes in contact with water. Whereas, biopolymer modified samples
142 K. Swain et al.


DS+XG(2%) of
soaked sample
120 DS+XG(2%) of
controlled sample
DS+GG(2%) of
soaked sample
DS+GG(2%) of
Stress (kPa)

controlled sample



0 5 10 15 20 25
Strain (%)
Fig. 12. Unconfined compressive strength curves of dispersive soil sample treated with 2.0% of
xanthan gum and guar gum of soaked and controlled method.

DS+XG(3%) of
soaked sample
DS+XG(3%) of
120 controlled sample

Stress (kPa)



0 5 10 15 20 25
Strain (%)

Fig. 13. Unconfined compressive strength curves of dispersive soil sample treated with 3% of
xanthan gum of soaked and controlled method.
Stabilization of Dispersive Soil Using Biopolymer 143

Table 2. Comparison of resistance to loss in strength for dispersive soil and bio treated
dispersive soil
Sample name UCS of UCS of Increase/Decrease Resistance to Loss in
Controlled Soaked in Strength from Strength
Sample Sample Controlled Sample (RLS = UCSS/UCSC)
(UCSC) (UCSS) (CS) to Soaked
(kPa) (kPa) Sample (SS)
DS + XG (1%) 50.37 109.73 Increase +2.18
DS + XG (2%) 42.20 83.40 Increase +1.98
DS + XG (3%) 37.71 69.90 Increase +1.85
DS + GG (0.5%) 54.06 116.02 Increase +2.15
DS + GG (1%) 53.68 125.27 Increase +2.33
DS + GG (2%) 44.21 90.98 Increase +2.06


(b) (c)

Fig. 14. Scanning electron micrograph of (a) dispersive soil (b) dispersive soil treated with 1%
xanthan gum(c) dispersive soil treated with 1% guar gum.
144 K. Swain et al.

showed an increase in stress and RLS was found to be maximum at 1.0% guar gum
treated samples and minimum at 3.0% of xanthan gum treated samples.

4.6 Morphology of the Material

Scanning electron micrograph (Fig. 14a) shows that dispersive soil consists of is
mostly angular and flaky particles of varying size. Figure 14(b) and (c) shows the
dispersive soil treated with 1.0% xanthan gum and 1.0% guar gum, respectively. It can
be observed that the bio treated materials got denser state by application of gum due to
bonding between soil particles with the biopolymer and leads to denser structure, which
may cause to increase in surface strength, stability and erosion resistance of dispersive
soil in ecofriendly manner.
Figure 15(a) shows EDX pattern of dispersive soil and Fig. 15(b) and (c) shows the
EDX patterns of dispersive soils treated with 1.0% of xanthan and 1.0% of guar gum,
respectively. Table 3 shows elemental composition of dispersive soil from EDX test.

cps / eV
18 Si

16 Al


12 Cr




Fe Mg
Ca Fe
Ca Cr Au
2 4 6 8 10 12 14

cps / eV
cps / eV Si
40 Al



20 Cr


4 O
Au Au Ni Au
2 Fe 5
Ca Fe Mg
K Ni Mg
Ca K
C Ca Fe C Na Ca Ti Fe
Au Cr Ni Au Cr Ni Au
Na 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
2 4 6 8 10 12 14

(b) (c)

Fig. 15. EDX analysis of (a) dispersive soil (b) dispersive soil treated with 1% of xanthan gum
(c) dispersive soil treated with 1% of guar gum.
Stabilization of Dispersive Soil Using Biopolymer 145

Table 3. Elemental composition of dispersive soil from EDX test.

Element Atomic number Normalized percentage in the geomaterial
O 8 37.78%
C 6 21.31%
Si 14 17.66%
Al 13 12.98%
Fe 26 4.53%
K 19 3.50%
Mg 12 0.92%
Ni 28 0.70%
Ca 20 0.35%
Na 11 0.20%
Cr 24 0.07%
Au 79 0.00%

4.7 Mineralogy of the Material

Based on XRD test, presented in Fig. 16 it was observed that dispersive soil contains
quartz and aluminum silicate and was found in crystalline phase and no difference was
observed between in XRD pattern of dispersive soil and bio treated dispersive soils.

Q- Quartz
8000 A- Aluminium silicate
Q A 1- Dispersive soil
7000 2-Dispersive soil+1% XG
A QQ 3-Dispersive soil+1%GG


4000 Q

10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Angle, 2Θ
Fig. 16. XRD analysis of dispersive soil and dispersive soil treated with 1% of xanthan gum and
guar gum.
146 K. Swain et al.

5 Conclusions

In the present study, two biopolymers xanthan gum and guar gum are used to stabilize
dispersive soil. The following conclusions can be drawn.
1. As per crumb test and double hydrometer test the present soil was found to be
highly dispersive and failed rapidly during soaking.
2. The xanthan and guar gum were found to be effective to stabilize the dispersive soil.
3. The OMC of the bio treated samples increased and MDD decreased with increase in
percentage of biopolymer.
4. The UCS of guar gum samples shows higher value than xanthan gum samples. The
bio treated samples cured in sun light for a period of 3 days shows higher UCS
value compared to as compacted sample and cured under ambient condition.
5. The resistance to loss in strength (RLS) value of xanthan gum treated samples
gradually decreased with increase in percentage of biopolymer whereas, there is no
certain pattern of RLS value in case of guar gum treated samples.
6. The micro structural changes studied by SEM analyses clearly show that the
minerals of biopolymer modified dispersive soil, are bonded together by gum layer,
which decreases the dispersivity of the soil.
7. The mineralogical study on bio treated samples shows no change in XRD pattern.

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