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AlEISTER Crowley is Donald Trump

From the Abby House to the Whitehouse

This is how Crowley did it!
Rational thinking people that see only
the world that their enemy presents will
reject this truth however those people are
oblivious to where they are and why they
are here! I am a clairvoyant and I see the
world a lot differently than the ones
without the gift! This book is the world
you see and the world you do not see;
Welcome to Reality!

The Mystery of God
Hidden in Front of Our Eyes

1. Why Hell was Created page 1

2. Zodiac page 8
3. Church of Christianity and Lucifer page 12
4. New York State Seal page 22
5. Freemasons and the OTO page 41
6. The Holy War page 48
7. When Israel Appears in Court page 62
8. Meaning of the USA Flag page 68
9. Beginning of the Universe page 77
10. Union of Rose and Cross page 92
11. Illuminati Card Game page 140
12. Presidents’ Cards and Autographs page 149
13. Extras

Some of you will be amazed and astonished at

what you see and read in this book, yet most will
not understand a single statement.

The Great Mystery What Does “666” Mean?
The Hidden World in Front of Our Eyes

What does “33” mean in the thirty-third degree

I read these books as part of my “Great Work”.
Reading the books as they were meant to be read
front to back… and I’ve studied the: Bible, Quran,
Vedas, Book of Enoch, Book of Mormon, Dead Sea
Scrolls, Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Hidden
Bible: Old Testament Apocrypha, Gospel of Judas,
Apocrypha of John, Gospel of Thomas, The Torah,
others, and hidden books of the Rabbi!!!
I didn’t only read these books; I was also
touched by the Light of Binah, and I have been
given supernatural help to achieve my
understanding. I was born remembering some of
the things that I will teach in this book, and I am
still learning today.

When a person reads the bible
or any of God’s books, they must
understand that the scriptures will
go from being very general to very
specific from scripture to scripture. The mystery of
God is a grand puzzle, in which, all that seek shall
find! Each one of God’s books is like a puzzle piece
to a picture. The Bible and God’s books are
magic… Yes, magic is real!!! Our prayers are magic
and through our words, language, rituals also, how
we obey and know the law will make the magic of
our prayers stronger!
My understanding and knowledge of the
freemasons were obtained mostly from these
three: thirty-third-degree freemasons: Albert Pike,
A.E. Waite, and Aleister Crowley.
As well as all these men being freemasons, the
three names I mentioned are all Luciferians and
Satanist. These men are not my mentors but my
teachers! The Great Mystery of God is “Good and
Evil are One!” I am a Chassidim-Rabbi, a Son of
Light and an Elder. These three men are Kabbalah
instructors and are part of the Luciferian cult
called the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Albert Pike: taught me about Lucifer and God the
Father through his speech to the thirty-third
degree Supreme Council called the Scottish Rite
when he stated the “Lucifer is God but
unfortunately Adonai is too!” This book will
explain what Pike meant in detail. Pike also
captured my intrigue by announcing the upcoming
three world wars in 1871. The first two world wars
were predicted perfectly by Pike.
A.E. Waite: taught me the events inside of a
masonic lodge, Tree of Life and the secret magic of
light : ) Waite was a Kabbalah instructor and wrote
books interpreting and explained the Kabbalah
and Dogma through his books.
Aleister Crowley: taught me what I was reading in
the bible, every time I struggled with
understanding his name would come up in Google
searches with the answers, he taught me the
masonic rituals up to level three, and so much
more. Aleister Crowley declared himself “The
Great Prophet of Our Generation” … when I first
learned about Crowley’s statement I denied it, I
thought to myself, “No satanist will teach me
about God!” However today, I agree with
Crowley’s teachings, and I am so grateful for the
shared wisdom!
Again, each one of these men were/are thirty-
third degree-freemasons and that is a perfect
achievement to the Dark-Side of God! These three
men are teachers of Truth! (33 = Perfection)
The beginning of everything and the beginning
of understanding comes from this scripture on the
first page of the bible: (The mystery of God is on
the first page of the Bible).
Genesis 1:4 of the Bible: “In the beginning God
separated the Light from the Darkness and the
Light was good.”
Once God separated the Light from the
Darkness, the darkness (evil / anger) attacked the
light (good / Joy) to kill it and the light attacked
the darkness to kill it as well.
This dispute was settled by God on the third day
of creation when Gehensom (Hell) was created.
Both the light and darkness came to agreement.
The creation of Hell settled the dispute between
light and darkness? Answer: Yes
Why did the creation of Hell settle the dispute?
If there wasn’t perfect light or perfect darkness it
would go to hell and the dispute would be settled
there. This is why the scripture Mark 3:28 says,
“All sins shall be forgiven”; all sins must be
forgiven to achieve the light. (Heaven)

One third is Light, one third is Darkness, and One
third is Hell and God is the Head.
1/3 = 33% Both (Darkness + Light)
The Tree of Life (Aleister Crowley)
The Tree of Life is everything, it is ten dimensions
(Called Sfirot), in which we live: 4,5,6,7,8,9. The
universe we know is six: (three are hot and three
are cold) Hot: Chesed, Gvarah, Tiferet / Cold: Hod,
Netzach, Yesod. These “6” of 10 are called Zeir

Kether is the Darkness (female), Binah is the
Light (male), Chochmah is the union of male and
female and the Great Secret: (Named: Arich
Anpin) Malchut is the Godhead. These are the ten
dimensions, the Tree of Life that makes up
everything we know and everything we don’t yet
know! There is a deeper darkness that we do not
know, and it is a deeper pain, a deeper fury!
(Good and Evil) Good is stronger than evil on the
earth because Elohim created the earth. Elohim is
Yahweh (Binah) the Good or also called the light
and Adonai (Kether) is the darkness, the rage, the
anger, the vengeance, the two combined are
Elohim (Zeus). If Adonai created the earth, nothing
would survive! Binah created the firmament of
earth a perfect protection. Eve used the Tree of
Life and brought forth darkness into this realm…
Eve’s actions were a preplanned event!
Hot and Cold? What do Hot and Cold mean?
The Darkness is of God is a black and white fire
and the Ice is the light… God is Fire and Ice. Father
is Fire (Bible) and Jesus is Ice (Book of Mormon
Doctrine and Covenants)
Hebrews 12:29 King James Version
For our God is a consuming fire.

Chapter 2: Zodiac
The starry universe has names of gods in the sky
and as described in the zodiac. To study job 38:32
of the Bible is to know that the starry universe is


Job 38:32 Complete Jewish Bible

Can you lead out the constellations of the
zodiac in their season
or guide the Great Bear and its cubs?
Job 38:32 Wycliffe Bible
Whether thou bringest forth Lucifer, that is,
the day star, in his time, and makest the even
star to rise upon the sons of [the] earth?
These are both the same scripture in two
different bibles; notice that zodiac and Lucifer
are interchanged. In most bibles (like King

James) the scripture uses the word Mazzaroth.
Mazzaroth is openly known as another name
for the zodiac, and it is also another name for
Lucifer! Lucifer is the Zodiac and Aleister
Crowley in his books states that Lucifer is the
“Starry Universe”.
Decoding the Bible: Every scripture
decodes itself in this manner: analyzing the
same scripture across multiple bibles. Words
interchange and help understandings and
other versions of scriptures will come together
and read out like a paragraph rather than just
a confusing statement.
An excellent resource to decode the bible
is: “”. The website allows
you to run every version of the bible… on the
same page! is an amazing
resource for biblical studies!

John Lennon of the Beatles said it best,

“Lucy in the sky with diamonds” Lucifer is
the starry universe and is the stars in the
sky. The starry sky correlates to the gods
that joined together to create Lucifer.

In Greek mythology it states that Zeus froze the
gods and place them in the sky. Zeus is both the
Light and Darkness joined together, or another
name is Elohim, or another name is Seth (the
Egyptian god and grandson of Amun-Ra) Amun-Ra
is called Amen in the bible. (Amun-Ra = Amen)
In Egyptian mythology Seth also goes by Set. Set
is the darkness which is Adonai (God the Father in
the Bible) The “H” is removed from Seth’s name
and became (Jesus “H” Christ) the Light. God split
the Light from the Darkness; This is directly stated
in the Gospel of Judas: “Set and Jesus are one”.
God is Rage is what the hidden biblical books
teach. Rage is the combination of Anger and Joy.
To hide the truth is why the Gospel of Judas is
removed from all organized religions… Darkness of
God is the reason as well as the gospel of Judas
also states that all the apostles had sex with each
other and abused children. (Serving the dark side
of God), Catholic churches are named after
apostles and their religious practices. The use of
the “Trinity” is a grand example of a Luciferian
religious practice as taught by Aleister Crowley’s
“Book of Magick in Theory and Practice”. Occult’
ceremonies and religious practices are used to
reach the ecstasy of God… the Christ of God. Yes,
Luciferians and Satanic occults achieve the
“Ecstasy of God” … the Christ.

On mason lodges you’ll see FA&M Father

(Fire), Air and Water… it’s a symbol for

Trinity used in Black Magic

Aleister Crowley Book of Magick page 28…

The Formula of I.A.O.
This formula is the principal and most
characteristic formula of Osiris, of the
Redemption of Mankind. I is Isis, Nature,
ruined by A, Apophis, the Destroyer, and
restored to life by the Redeemer Osiris.1 The
same idea is expressed by the Rosicrucian
formula of the Trinity:

In Aleister Crowley’s “Book of Thoth” he begins

the book with a story of a very high-ranking priest
in the Catholic Church that was also a satanic cult
leader. The Church is not what they tell us it is!
Christianity is the “Great Deception”!

Chapter 3: What is the Church of Christianty?
Christianity is a violation of the first two
commandments: (1) (Exodus 20:3) No Gods before
me … the name of the church “usually apostles
names” and the name of the religion
“Christianity” violates this commandment.
The second commandment (2) No images of the
starry universe and idols (Exodus 20:4) … there
are paintings and idols of Lucifer in the church and
the cross is Sagittarius. The Zodiac symbol
Sagittarius is part of Lucifer and the cross had
meaning before Jesus died on it, also, the cross
has the same ancient meaning today!
Inside catholic churches and its branches of
“Christian Science” songs are sung that are a
mockery to God during praise!
Lamentations 3 (Summary): songs of mockery
against God the sitting and standing folly during
praise… also, Holy Water standing still is a
violation of God’s law. Only running water is
allowed for cleansing; this is why John baptized
Jesus in a river. Also, the foods the church offers
during their events: pork and poultry are
violations of God’s law. To say, “Praise Jesus” is a
violation of the first commandment!

This is the Gospel of Judas and Jesus is speaking
to the apostles; notice what Jesus says: the
apostles give offerings (sacrifices) at the altar (that
is who they are), the apostles lead many people
astray, they are slayers of children, they lead
people to lawlessness and error, and apostles have
already come to conclusion; they have a set star in
the sky.
When an apostle dies, they go to the starry
universe (a star in the sky). This knowledge I told
my family since I was a very young child (3, 4, 5
years-old)! When a C
Child of Israel dies, they will lay silent in the grave
until they face judgment, (Psalms 31:17) when a
sold soul of Israel dies, they go to hell (the River)
for torture for a set amount of time and then are
reborn (Pistis Sophia Book), when an Egyptian dies
they lie in the grave three days and then are
reborn (Book of Jasher), an Assyrian is a Visvedeva
and they do not die (they fake their deaths) (Book:
The church uses a scripture out of context and
claims that Jesus made all foods clean however
the scripture that they use was meant solely for
the apostles. Jesus tells the apostles to eat
whatever the people offer because the apostles
already have a destine star in the sky. This is not
for the Children of Israel; Deuteronomy 14 shows
clean and unclean foods and 4 Maccabees shows
poultry being declared unclean. God gives us diet
restrictions; we are allowed to eat the fish and bull
of the zodiac but nothing else from the zodiac! We
are not allowed to eat the foods of the lesser
gods! This is the reason for unclean foods!
A destined star in the sky? An apostle by Greek
definition is “one that was sent”. Apostles are
God’s people sent from the Starry Universe.

What exactly is Lucifer?
Lucifer is the joining of the gods to fight
against mankind! (The Children of Israel is
mankind or known as Malchut; the Rose.)
The Rose is innocence and purity, and the
cross represents: Rose and Cross Men which
are called “Rosicrucians”. Rosicrucians are
Assyrians. The illuminati card game says
that you can identify them by the cross that
they wear, however you will never hear
them talking about the cross. (It’s a Grand
open secret)

This picture is the Arrow of Sagittarius

…Do you recognize what it would look like
if shot in the ground? … A cross… (Second
picture is a Christianity church cross) Poison

Examples that you see of your enemy
wearing the cross and saying nothing:
professional sports, musicians, and
television shows… the cross = Lucifer.

The Council of Nine (Wikipedia)

In Greek mythology,
when Prometheus gave Fire to mankind,
he infuriated Zeus, so to punish
Prometheus, Zeus had him chained to a
rock and every day an eagle came down
and ate his liver. Because he was
immortal, the liver grew back and the
eagle returned to do the same to him
the next day. To punish mankind, Zeus
and eight other deities gathered to form
the Council of Nine. The council members

were Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena,
Demeter, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Posei
don and Zeus
Lucifer is the Council of Nine. The Council
of Nine were gathered to fight mankind; this
gathering is named Lucifer. Zeus is Seth
meaning Zeus is both Good and Evil / Anger
and Joy. These are the lesser gods and there
are also the Olympians that serve the lesser

This is a list of translations between the

gods and the planets and their role. These
are the names of the gods that are joined
together to create Lucifer.

These scriptures in reverse order shows who the

church of Jesus Christ salutes = Lucifer
If you read and study Romans 16, you will see
that the church does not follow Jesus but Hermes
and the Olympians, the Council of Nine = Lucifer!
Anyone that reads the bible and then listens to a
Christian leader realizes how deep the deception
is! All organized religions are deception to the
books they represent and an act of religious
Different species of people on earth?
Ezra 9:1 KJV (names) Canaanites, the Hittites, the
Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites,
the Egyptians , and the Amorites.

All listed here except for the Egyptians are the

six and seven nations. They are six nations that
continually morph into other beings; they are
reptiles and insects and in this scripture the
morph is the Amorites from Ammonites.
These are the giants that Moses took their Land
of Milk and Honey. These are but are not limited
to only these creatures because they morph:
Canaanites = Locust / Hittites = Birds / Perizzites =
Parasites / Jebusites = Fish / Ammonites = Sea
Creatures / Moabites = Snakes
These nations are at war with the Children of
Israel and are overlords to the Egyptians. Not only
do these nations war with the Children of Israel
but they war against themselves; the Hittites are
the top species = the Birds. This is why the eagle
stands atop of flagpoles and the world in their
symbolism… Adolf Hitler is a Hittite. The Vedas,
the Bible, the Hidden Bible, and all the world’s
mythologies speak about shapeshifters and the
shapeshifters are the six-and-seven-nations.

The six-and-seven-nations (the giants) serve
God the Father. The Egyptians serve the
lesser gods of Lucifer. We are in a Holy War
against them, and they are the people of
renown: Celebrities, world leaders and
business tycoons.
An example of Lucifer is in the Coat of Arms
/ Great Seal of New York State: = Lucifer
The Great Seal of the State of New York is
symbolism of the Council of Nine which is
Lucifer (But not limited to just the Council of
Nine nor is Lucifer limited to just the
government… all facets of prestigious
standings in this world).
Symbolism is Mystical and Holy Designs.
Holy meaning aligned with the religious
practices and mystical meaning there is a
magical presence. The magic is blinding to
the Children of Israel, most cannot see,
hear, or understand what I am about to
describe; this is the Secret Wisdom.

Chapter 4: Seal of the State of New York

Lucifer (Council of Nine)

The Shield = Hephaestus (Shield of Achilles)
Water = Poseidon (Greek God of the Sea)
Apocrypha Bible (Hidden Bible = Maccabees
names Poseidon) removed books of the
bible = Apocrypha
Countenance of the sun = Zues (Bible
Revelation 1:16)
Zeus is Set and Jesus (Bible / Torah / Gospel
of Judas) the two joined together.

Seth (Egyptian God) is Set and the “H” is
Jesus “H” Christ. Genesis 1:4 God split the
Light from the Darkness and the Light was
Good. Jesus is the Light of God called Binah
(the “H”) and the Father is the darkness
named Adonai or Set) … the light and
darkness joined together are Elohim aka
Zeus. (Kabbalah / Zohar)
Mountain = Mount Olympus (Olympians)
Ships sailing in different directions
represents: Commerce = Hermes / Apollo
(Twins)… Commerce is what gives the
Egyptians control. (All judges are Egyptians
that wear the black robe) Apollo by day and
Hermes by night are the twins.
Woman to the right of the shield is “openly
known as Themis” (Google it!) which is the
twin Hera / Athena. There is an over four-
thousand-year-old cult that worships /
serves Themis. There are several ancient
Temples dedicated to Themis that still stand
in ruins today. Themis is Hooray or Hora

(Wikipedia) Themis is Hera both are the
“Goddess of Women and Childbirth”.

Blind fold represents = Resistance to Clarity

(Resistant to truth)
Sword upright = War = Ares
Themis is Hera / Athena) aka Hora / Hooray
/Hera / Athena / Juno/ Maia / Nephthys /
Queen of Heaven (Bird: Peacock); She is the
same with all these names, and each
mythology tells the same story; but told a
bit different! She is the holder of the secret!

This is Hera and Zeus on the Buffalo, NY City
Hall building. Notice Hera has her index
finger over her mouth to give “Shhh” keep
the secret quiet! All the Council of Nine
members are on the city hall building and
an interpretation of Jesus too.
The Woman holding the Cornucopia on the
NY state logo = Only one god is known for
the cornucopia and that is Demeter.
Demeter / Aphrodite (twins and one) is to
the left. Cornucopia is known as the Goat’s
Horn which is a symbol of Satan (Google)
Demeter is known as the mother of the
“Devine One” Demeter is Lamia / Callisto /
Merope / Venus / Diana / The Great Bear /
Daughter of Babylon / Goddess of the
Harvest (Bird: Owl) she was raped and gave
birth to a child. “The Divine One” Demeter is
the Egyptian Goddess Isis.
In Egyptian mythology (found in the Hindu
book the Vedas not the Egyptian Book of the
Dead but uses alternate names in the
Vedas) Isis’ husband Osiris was killed by Set,
her son Horus was killed and overtaken by
Set and she was raped by Set with the cut
out “Eye of Horus” from a battle between
Set and Horus and Isis gave birth to a child.
Every time you pass a catholic church and
see a mother holding a baby, it is Isis
holding her baby. After the rape of Isis, her
name became Hathor (the Whore) Isis
surrendered to Set and became a Child
Eating Demon due to her great despair from
her losses of her husband and son. The
story of Lamia

Demeter is a child eating demon and
Themis (Hera) feeds her (being the Goddess
of childbirth) The New York Great Seal
symbol represents the Council of Nine
(Lucifer) Known as the Starry Universe the
Seal of the State of New York also
represents “Child Trafficking” and it shows
the shield of protection and control given
through commerce. (Sailing Ships)
The Seal of New York is the Cult of Themis!
The Assyrians stand atop of the world = The
Eagle = Assyrians. Assyrians = Hittites /
Federal Government.

The USA eagle and the Nazi eagle look

identical and that is because they both

represent the same thing: the Assyrian
Race; the Persian Eagle.
Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the
Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the

Again, these are the 6 and 7 nations and

the Egyptians. The 6 and 7 nations go on
infinitely because they are ever changing.
The 6 and 7 nations warred against
themselves, and the Children of Israel until
the Assyrians (Arians) stood atop of the
world. The eagles are the Assyrians and are
called the Hittites. Again, Adolf Hitler was
and is a Hittite aka Assyrian aka Arian.

Perseus cutting
off Medusa’s is a
symbol of the
Assyrians (notice
the wings on the
Helmet) … the
same as Hermes
(the bird) Hermes
in Greek is Horus
in Egyptian and
Medusa is the snake aka Moabites which
are the Medes (Snake People)

This symbol is called the Caduceus of

Hermes, and the symbol means to protect
the liar, cheater and thieve. Notice it is used
by the medical association.

All wealth in this world comes through
Hermes aka Agni and Hermes is found in all
mythologies by his traits, only the names
are changed! (Wings on the Helmet)
The Caduceus of Hermes comes from an
event and that event can be traced to
Egyptian mythology. Two snakes fought in
upper and lower Egypt in the desert. The
two snakes were Set and Horus. Horus is a
bird and serpent combined. Set is known as
a snake and other beasts as well. Amun-Ra
is the Yaldabaoth and Amun-Ra’s children
Geb (the earth) and Nut (Nature). Geb is
known as “The Father of Snakes (Five)”:
Seth, Osiris, Nephthys, Taweret, and Isis.
Hermes threw down his staff while the
two serpents were fighting in the desert,
and the two came to agreement (Caduceus
Horus became Zeus’ owl and they joined
together to overcome the enemy (Israel).
This event led to the great despair of Isis,

her child was overtaken by Set, her husband
Osiris was killed and through despair she
surrendered to Set and became the Child
Eating Demon Lamia.
The four beasts of Daniel (Bible); Daniel
7:3 to 7:7 … the third beast of Daniel 7:6
controls the other three. The fourth beast
Daniel 7:7 is the most powerful, however
beast three overtook it. Daniel 7:6 is the
Father Set and 7:7 is Amun-Ra.
The story of Zeus killing his father Cronus
in Greek mythology or Quetzalcoatl killing
his family in Mayan mythology and Set
killed Osiris and all his family. Again, Isis
surrendered and was altered into Lamia.
Other than the Cardecus of Hermes
symbol, other symbols that are used by the
medical association is the crescent moon;
which represents the Cut out eye of Horus
and the medical industry also uses the Rod
of Asclepius.

Wikipedia: After Asclepius's death, Zeus placed his body
among the stars as the constellation Ophiuchus ("the
Serpent Holder")

Ophiuchus is the thirteenth zodiac symbol.

People that read the newspaper zodiac
found only twelve zodiac symbols; The
occult (hidden) always used 13 signs
because the zodiac is “13”. When a person
walks into a hospital, they view images of
the starry universe.

The symbolism in the images seen is not
only in your city but fills the whole country
and not only in your country but every
country of the world uses these same
symbols. The wings represent Horus or
known as Thoth or known as Hermes (The
Apostle Paul) The serpent is Set aka The
Father. The two serpents are Horus: the
winged serpent Horus and Set the serpent.
The six-sided star represents the sixth
planet which is Saturn. Saturn is identified
by occultist as Satan. The Crescent Moon
(Eye of Horus / Sacrificial Moon) represents
the birth of Satan. Search every country and

you will find the exact same symbolism!

Middle East China

We are presented with the illusion that
medical companies are in competition
against each other, however the truth is
that there is world-wide unity.

Crowley says the Dolmen is where the

hospital is now. Stonehenge in Great Brittan
is an example of a druid dolmen. Hospitals

in place of dolmens! The druid has given
place to the doctor! All Doctors are Druids
and nurses are usually antisocial (Medical
Term) No narcissist will ever be a conspiracy
theorist! Dolmens are sacrificial grounds!
I was watching a live
broadcast and I saw this
morph happening in
front of my eyes. I also
captured a video
(myself) of a news
reporter’s right eye
flipping in his eye
socket. I watched them
both live, then found and downloaded the
videos, I slowed the videos down and found
very strange happenings in their morphing
There are many conspiracy videos of news
reporters transforming into serpents, they
are the Medes (Moabites). The Medes are
the Media are the Medical association; they
provide Medicines from poisonous plants
from the Mediterranean. All prescribed
medications come from poisonous plants
(Google it). All medicines are poisons that
create side effects in people that create a
path to death for their victims. Slowly
poisoning them just like a serpent’s bite. A
slow poisoning of a viper or strangling of a
boa serpent. (A slow agonizing death)

Crowley says nature accepts no excuses;

“if you drink poison for wine, your mistake!”
People get temporary relief from medicines
however the medications they take are
poisoning them to death!

The medical association is all
witchdoctors!!! Doctors are your enemy!!!
Although you will find that most will say
they “Trust their doctor!”
People don’t die from cancer; they die
from cancer treatments. There is a cure for
cancer and other diseases, is found in most
people’s homes. There is even a cure for the
common cold. If you wish to know, ask me, I
will tell you!
To prescribe is to proscribe (words) which
is to condemn. Words and word play are
reflected by the enemy, and you’ll find this
word play in God’s books. Words that have
deep routed meaning and are magical.
Theban is the Wiccans’ hidden language;
ancient Egyptian is the druids’ hidden
language and Hebrew is the most powerful
language that is used by the Rabbi and the
Rabbi’s opponents. Secret Alphabets!

The Hebrew letter Dalet (7) means poor. 777
= poor, poor, poor. Hebrew is the most
powerful language used in magic!
(Kabbalah / Zohar) The universe is
equivalent to 777 in the religious practices
of Aleister Crowley’s religious practice
called: “Thelma 93”.
Our words said and wrote have numeric
values. Many known “Great Minds” that
mankind holds in prestige, announce that
“God the Father is an arithmetician”. And
this is true! God’s fingerprint the Golden
Number 1.618.
The Zohar says that God the Father
amuses himself through keeping a
mathematical code throughout the ten
dimensions (we see one dimension). Both
the Zohar / Kabbalah and Aleister Crowley

state that magic alters nature. God the
Father then alters the number sequences to
match the Golden Number across the ten
dimensions (Kabbalah). Our reality is ever
changing, and this is the reason for the
Mandela Effect!

Chapter 5 Freemasons and the OTO
There is a satanic sex occult in your
neighborhood and in every neighborhood of
the world; they meet in your local churches
on Saturday nights. You can find the satanic
sex occult on Facebook, and they are called
the O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis).
The O.T.O has young girls that service the
level 2 freemasons “Oasis”. The girls give
birth for sacrifice. The O.T.O is
interconnected to the freemasons for the
reason of the level three freemasonic ritual.

Most Police Officers and most Attorneys
are Children of Israel that achieved their
status through the freemason level three
ritual called the “5-and-68-degree-ritual”
(described in Aleister Crowley’s Book of
Magick in Theory and Practice) in which
they banish the protection of Christ and
unknowingly lose their souls to the devil.
The level three freemason goes to the
“Star of Kephra” (Equinox 1) and gives blood
sacrifice of their own child. They know their
act is evil, however desires in this world will
bring them to sacrifice. (Blood Offering)

Most in a statistic, of attorneys and police
would be well over ninety-nine percent of
police and attorneys are Children of Israel
that deceive their own people and achieved
their success through the 5-and 68-degree
ritual. After this event a mason gets a
wreath, sword, and a clock. The mason also
receives the “Silence of the Lambs”
(Crowley); a mason can never speak about
the events due to a magical restriction.
Police and attorneys forget the event!
The Knights of Templar Agreement: the
Children of Israel can only obtain level three
status to the dark side of God (Adonai; the
female principle) only a direct descendant
of Moses (Israel) could obtain perfection of
the thirty-three to the dark side of God.
The local masonic lodge near you is thirty
two percent. Shriners are masonic leaders
in the thirty-second percent (Shriners are
from the Land of Shriner). Judeans: original
inhabitants and the 32nd degree masonic
lodge in your neighborhood is the Shriner’s
altar, in which they are looking to achieve
thirty-three percent. (Perfection in
Rumors at Yale University of Skull and
Bones (Called: 322 Brotherhood of Death)
can be found on the presentation page of
the freemasons; what happens after a level
three freemason sacrifices: the mason will
go to the river (Hell) and will meet the
Council of Nine for torture. These events are
described by Jesus in the book, “Pistis
Sophia” in which Jesus says each god of the
(Council of Nine gods and Olympian gods)
punish them for a set amount of time based
on their sins.
This is reflected on the presentation page
of the freemasons “Initiation, Death and
Resurrection. The date between death and
resurrection is usually several months. The
level three mason is tortured during this

This is a blue lodge masonic bible that I
purchased. The Presentation page shows
this mason being dead from June 8th, 1957,
until August 6th, 1957.
“Did the freemason lay dead for the 57
Psalm 30:3 King James Version
O L ORD, thou hast brought up my soul from the
grave: thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go
down to the pit.
What a mason does is appear at another
man’s altar and this event is the “Ultimate
Sin”. Jesus speaks about the error of
appearing at another man’s altar in the
Gospel of Judas. Again, all masonic lodges
are thirty-second degree, and the head
mason is a “Shriner”. The Shriner is looking
to achieve the thirty-third degree level
through his altar (Masonic Lodge).
After a level three mason dies, they go to
the “River” (Hell) and they are again
punished for their sins. After their
punishment they are reborn into positions
of power to serve the ones that punish
them (The Great Seal of New York are the
gods that were joined together to create
Lucifer.) Lucifer is the starry universe! The
freemason’s punishment is over periods of
time as described by the words of Jesus in
the book, “Pistis Sophia”; the mason is
punished by the Council of Nine and other
Olympians until rebirth.
Attorneys and Police speak the language of
contracts called “Legalese” which is a
mystical language made up of Latin and
Ancient Greek. Prayers said in English are far
less powerful to a prayer in Latin and even
more powerful is Ancient Greek, a more
powerful prayer language is Ancient
Egyptian (Used by Druids) and again, the
most powerful language for prayer is
Speaking a language of contracts
(Legalese) two and two never add up for
police officers and attorneys because before
they descend from hell they drink of the
water of forgetfulness. “Para Lemptes of
Saboath the Adamas” (Pistis Sophia) They
are born with a prideful, deceitful, and
arrogant spirit, and although all things are
possible through God, their outcome will be
to relive lives of service to the enemy while
deceiving their own people and on the final
day become an eternal inheritance of
Lucifer (Fruit baring plants in the pit of Hell)
The freemason has no memory of their
horrible act and are reborn in positions of
power to serve Lucifer!

Chapter 6: The Holy War
The Holy War is a Holy and Civil War. The
United States government is at war against
its citizens and has been since its beginning.
The Civil War in the USA ended on a
“Gentlemen’s Agreement”. Wars end with
peace treaties or total annihilation and this
would be the only war to end on a
gentlemen’s agreement. A “Gentlemen’s
Agreement” is NOT a legal binding contract
in the USA or any country! (Invvalid)
Jesus in the apocrypha (Hidden) book of
the Book of Mormon called “Doctrine and
Covenants” sections 87 through 114
describes the upcoming events in the Civil
War. Doctrine and Covenants is a book that
was released in 1832 by John Smith and vast
group of people witnessed Jesus as a spirit
or like a hologram. The group of men
studied Revelation of the bible and

questioned Jesus on the meanings and
Jesus answered their questions.
The Civil War was fought from 1861-1865.
History books tell us the Civil War was the
“Only War” in the world’s history in which
the rich men fought the war and hid their
precious slaves however this is NOT the
truth! The poor fought the war just like wars
today and throughout the world’s history;
the slaves fought the Civil War!
The slaves were “Marshalled and
Disciplined for War” just like Jesus said in
section 87 of Doctrines and Covenants (the
Hidden Book) of the Book of Mormon.
Jesus foretells that the war will be
between the Southern and Northern states
under the false pretense of slavery. The war
was to bring forth punishment against the
Children of Israel (the Gentiles) the gentle
ones. Famine, plagues, and earthquakes all
happened, and the battles were very violent

with piles of dismembered limbs and stacks
of dead white bodies.

The slaves that were “marshalled and
disciplined for war” had white skin. If you
research runaway slave photos, you will find
“white sin” people in the photos and white
skin stacked in piles of the dead.
Lord of the Sabaoth is a Kabbalah term;
“Sabaoth” meaning ending prayer after
ritual; being a “Fast” (No eating for light) or
“Blood Sacrifice” (For darkness).
The true reason for the Civil war was to
bring about a new financial system based
off the bodies of the slaves! True history
was erased by the immigration of whites
from Europe (They came over on the boat)
and opium prescribed to create addicts.

What is Cestui Que Vie Trust?
The Cestui Que Vie Trust is God’s
sacred treasury, and it is what the
financial system is based upon. The
Children of Israel are God’s trust (the
bodies that incase the soul – Job 10:11
Bible); and this trust can be dated back
in the Torah to the time of David “the
Israelite” before he became ruler of
Today, the financial system is based off
of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 denominations
world-wide “All Nations.”
Our body incases our soul and our bodies
are bought and sold on the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE)
Our Bodies Bought and Sold on NYSE?
When you hear “We the People” or in a
court case, “The People verses Jane Doe”
you need to realize that there are two

species of man that walk the earth.
Judaeans (Jews = original inhabitants of the
land / Sons of Seth / Sons of God) and the
Children of Israel.
The two species of man are separated by
names by the government: The People =
Judaeans… and the Children of Israel are
the Persons or Citizens of the USA.
Citizens have Birth Certificates, which are
a document of ownership. Three days after
a child’s birth its mother will be tricked by
smiling faces, to sign over the rights of their
children to the government. (For hard work
in this life and torture in the afterlife… Old
Testament Apocrypha: Esdras)

There are twelve Federal reserves in

the United States and on Birth
Certificates and Social Security Cards
there is a letter that coincides with one
of the twelve federal reserves in the
USA. The other letters are an account

number associated with you. You can
check your market value on investment
sites with this information.

Notice: “F” and the string of numbers;

this person is owned by Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Why are the Children of Israel Bought
and Sold?
The children are bought and sold to be
owned for hard work in this life and

eternally tortured by their enemy after
death. (The final day = eternity)
Every day the USA goes deeper in
debt, however the USA wealth grows
each day. Rather than the debt causing
financial despair, the debt grows the
country richer… and the Cestui Que Vie
Trust is the reason why!
How is the War fought today?
Fraud committed against the Cestui Que
Vie Trusts by Druid-Judges (Egyptians) that
act as Fiduciaries to trusts that are based on
the bodies that we are in being owned by
The Torah declares in scripture that after
Moses freed the Israelites, God place them
in control in providences throughout the
world. You can see the Egyptian power
today through every city of the world with
an enormous obelisk erected.

This image is of the obelisk in the Vatican
in Rome. There is an obelisk in your nearest
city and every city in the world. The
Egyptians serve the lesser gods of Lucifer
and the giants (six and seven nations).
Again, symbolism is mystical and holy
designs; “Mystical” meaning there is a
magical presence: the magic is blinding to
the Children of Israel and “Holy” meaning
alignment with the religious practices. The
Council of Nine has but one purpose: To
Punish Mankind.
Druids, judges, Egyptians are all the same
and they have no books for learning their
ancient practices; they are taught through

ritual and ceremony; a spiritual
enlightenment. In the Torah it states the
Children of Israel lost their inheritance that
they seized from the giants, in the wars of
Moses, (Land of Milk and Honey) through
the covenant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
by their wrong-doings and violation to the
covenant with God. The Egyptians will
inherit the “Land of Milk and Honey”.
The ‘New” covenant between the
Morning Stars: Sirius (Jesus / Isis) and Venus
(Lucifer) before God allows the Children of
Israel a chance at the “33 of Light =
Heaven”. Jesus died on Lucifer’s cross for
another chance for the Children of Israel
because the Children were condemned.
Muslim is a word that Abraham chose as a
word of protection to his future
generations. Abraham asked God about his
descendants and God told him they would
fail. Abraham made a covenant with God for
protection of his children and children’s
children to feel no pain in the afterlife.
Again, Muslim was the word that Abraham
chose as a word of protection for his child
and children’s children (Quran).
Muslim does not mean that they are going
to heaven, it means they will not feel
physical pain in the afterlife; this is a similar
covenant or the same as level three
freemasons. Freemasons and Muslims will
not feel physical pain, but they will face
mental torture in Hell! Muslims do have the
opportunity to reach heaven and
freemasons do not!
Everything that you heard about Muslim
and Islam on media devices are lies,
Mosques are led and instructed by liars!
When you walk into the older buildings of
your nearest city; buildings that are
government buildings, education buildings,
banks, hospitals, churches; you will find
zodiac symbolism. These buildings are the

roots, and the institutions today are its
branches. These institutions are all Lucifer.
This is M and T the
original Buffalo Savings
Bank, the zodiac is
painted inside, and
Lucifer symbolism fills
the building, another
great example is Buffalo’s City Hall and the
Courthouse across the street from the City
Hall building. Zodiac and Council of Nine

Chapter 7: Israel Appears in Court
A courtroom is a religious ritual in
which the Children of Israel shame
themselves before God. The very first
thing a judge will do is attempt to
establish jurisdiction over the Israelite.
Once the Israelite verifies their
address, jurisdiction I established,
appearing for a summons and
jurisdiction is established, answering to
your corporate fiction name (trade
name) all capital letters name JANE D.
DOE (declares them ownership and
jurisdiction). Once jurisdiction is
established a CUSIP is created against
the Cestui Que Vie trust.

Doctrine and Covenants 104:71 (Jesus)
Trust bonds are drawn against the
treasury, jail sentences are paid for
through the treasury, court
appearances are paid for by our trusts.
Many people online tell us that our
debts are paid through our trusts and
that is the truth however our trusts are
solely for our Master’s Temple!
When Moses split the Rea Sea, he led
the Israelites to be freed eternally of
Heavy Bondage from the Egyptians
therefore, today, Egyptians trick the
Israelites into contracts for punishment
(2-3 Esdras … the Hidden Bible Old
Testament Apocrypha).
Every prisoner is in jail because they
volunteered to be there. They are
tricked through Legalese to admit guilt
against themselves.
An example of trickery in contracts
(Legalese): When a police officer asks,
“Do you understand the charges
against you?” (Sounds like English but
they are speaking to you in Legalese)
The real question is “Do you stand
under these charges?” Meaning: “Do
you admit guilt to these charges”!
We are told that citizens of the USA
are innocent until proven guilty,
however the truth is the exact
opposite! The police officer has you
admit guilt by saying “I understand or
yes!” to their miranda.
What happens inside a courtroom?
When you enter a courtroom and are
asked to appear in front of a judge; you
pass a “floodgate”. Inside that
floodgate is druid holy ground!

If you ask a judge this question, “Your
Honor, have you committed crimes of
fraud through these courts against the
citizens of your state?”
The judge should say, “No!” however
they cannot!
A judge will not answer the “yes or
no” question because the judge has
committed crimes of fraud and “yes”
would incriminate themself and be an
act of treason among their people. The
judge cannot lie because all judges are
honorable therefore the judge will not
answer the question on “Dolmen or
Sacred” grounds.
Other questions like: “By me
appearing in front of you today, am I
subjecting myself to concealed acts of
religious warfare?” Or “Does your robe

indicate involvement in an occult
The answers to these questions are
all yes, however a judge will not
I have confronted a bunch of judges
with this truth and usually get
acquiescence but once a judge started
screaming, “You’re crazy! Get out of my
The courtroom is a religious ritual
performed by druids. The Children of
Israel that appear in the courts are not
considered people by the government
but citizens or persons, possessions of
the government. The druids are
fiduciaries to your trust before God.
Sold souls of the Children of Israel or
obvious ones are “Trustees” to your

trust. They are enemies against their
own people; some are sold souls like:
police and attorneys and others are
unaware to their doings like bank
employees, salesmen, or some nurses.
When you apply for a job and get hired

An employee will be asked to submit

a checking account for direct deposit.
What happens is the employee signs
over their money to the banking
industry. Their earnings are given to
the bank and the employees’ direct
deposit comes from the Cestui Que Vie
Trust (God’s Treasury). Trust Fraud!
Everything in this life is fraud! A
masonic lodge is never far from a
police station. Masonic leaders are
high priests to the dark side of God.
Members (Israelites) of the masonic
lodge are deceived, they will only
achieve level three and will become
enemies to their own people in the
Holy War.
The Meaning of the United States Flags

Were you aware that the USA has a
peace time flag and a wartime flag?
Most citizens of the USA have never
seen their country’s peacetime flag!
The USA peace flag has never flown
in the country’s existence. The reason
why is because the United States has
always been a warring nation!
The United States government has
always been at war against its citizens.
The war is a holy war and a civil war
that is fought with contracts (2 + 3
Maccabees (Hidden Old Testament)
A civil war fought with a pen where
the citizens (Children of Israel) are
tricked into contracts in which they
subject themselves to punishment and
trust fraud against their treasury with
God due to their lack of knowledge.

Again, once Moses split the Red Sea,
forceful heavy labor and bondage
ended against the Children of Israel.
The Egyptians were wiped out and
then God the Father restored the
Egyptians power placing them in
providences around the world. (Torah)
This is the meaning of the USA
wartime flag “Old Red White and Blue”
This can be learned by Googling the
spiritual meanings of images you see.
All symbolism breaks down in this
manner… Those that seek shall find!

Inside a courtroom and government

building the USA flag will have tassels,
the reason for the tassels is to indicate

that it is a holy flag. Holy flags have
A Holy flag and it is the Wartime flag
(Holy War)
The fifty stars on the blue represent
(The Starry Universe Lucifer) the
Yaldabaoth (Demiurge) and its forty-
nine demons that want to torture their
victims with heat. Fifty also represents

The Yaldabaoth is the Demiurge is
Amun-Ra is Amen.
The Stripes on the flag mean the same
thing as the stripes of Christ. Christ was
tortured through his stripes and these
stripes mean torture.
There are thirteen stripes and the 13
represents the starry universe (Lucifer)
The White stripes represent purity and
peacefulness (Gentiles) and the Red
stripes that surround the white stripes
represent strength and aggressiveness.
The flag sideways is the fasces symbol
which represents slavery and

The USA flag is a holy war flag that
shows Lucifer (the red aggressive starry
universe overtaking the white purity
and enslaving and torturing the
peaceful purity of the Israelites.
The education system teaches that whites,
enslaved blacks and this truth was washed away
with opium addicts and immigrants coming to
America and taught lies in the education system.
Children are taught that the Jews were killed by
Hitler however Hitler was and is a Jew (Judean).
Children of Israel are misled by a fake religion
Children are also taught that the United States is
a democracy and not a dictatorship. Yes, the USA
is NOT a democracy it is a dictatorship, and this is
clear in the symbolism the government presents:
Trump in front of three Fasces symbols
and pillars. Three pillars represent good
right side, evil left side and the middle is
you (the flag) eternal slavery.

Hitler used the same symbolism that the

USA uses today because it is the same
government (the exact same = Nazi
Why are we told the USA is a Democracy
rather than a dictatorship?
The earth is flat and not round and the
reason why we are told to believe that it is
round is to “prevent people from thinking
about what is on the other side!”
The Children are taught that the USA is a
democracy because the illusion of freedom
allows the Children to fall deep into moral
inequities and not feel a need to seek or
obey God. They will become the pain of the

Faces symbols fill our world however so

few notices; in fact, people carry fasces
symbolism with them every day and looked
at it with eyes every day and they are
clueless to its existence!

All money is the image of the beasts!
Hermes (and all presidents)on front are the
beasts and on the back of dimes fasces. In
the image above Abe Lincoln is making the
axe symbol with his hand over the fasces.
(Same as rge axe in fasces. This symbol
being errected has been a declaration since
the beginning of time that a nation was and
is an oppressive dictatorship!

The Beginning of the Universe
How did this all begin?
In the beginning there was heaven of
peaceful gods and heaven’s name is
Pleroma. Pleroma is a parallel universe
to our universe. (Jesus Apocrypha of
Pleroma always existed and will
never end. A perfect existence of gods
resides in Pleroma. A goddess by the
name of Sophia broke the rules of
Pleroma and gave birth to a child
without a male consort.
The child being born created an
unbalance… an evil. Sophia knew she
did wrong and hid her child and
enslaved her child (the artisan). The
artisan is: the Demiurge / Yaldabaoth /
Amun-Ra / Amen.

At one point Sophia left herself
vulnerable to her child and the
Yaldabaoth seized most of her power.
The other gods of Pleroma created a
box and lock the Yaldabaoth in a cube
to protect themselves from its evil.
The Yaldabaoth created an imitation
universe to Pleroma. A universe of little
substance to Pleroma but an imitation
universe. A universe of Darkness.
The Yaldabaoth created children in the
universe (Everything mentioned about
Pleroma is a summary of what Jesus
says in the Apocrypha of John)
The next parts of explanation are
taught by Egyptian mythology.
Amun-Ra created children Geb the
earth and Nut Mother Nature.

Geb and Nut had five children: Geb is
known as “The Father of Snakes” (Seth,
Osiris, Nephthys, Taweret, and Isis).
Seth and Osiris are male and Nephthys,
Taweret and Isis are female. Seth had two
wives: Nephthys and Taweret and his
brother’s wife was Isis.
Seth was very jealous of Osiris having Isis.
Seth would turn himself into a bull to attract
her, but she was devoted to Osiris.
The gods had a monthly banquet and at
the last of these events Set came and
offered Osiris a grand box made of beautiful
stones. Set offered the box to Osiris; saying,
“all you have to do is lay-down inside and it
is yours!”
Osiris laid down inside and Set shut and
locked the box. Set then took the box to the
Nile River and drowned Osiris. This was the
first coffin, Osiris was dead!

Set then opened the box and chopped off
the limbs of Osiris and scattered his body
parts across the desert.
Isis learned of what Set did to her
husband then went to gather the body parts
of Osiris. Isis restored Osiris’ life long
enough to conceive a child.
The child was a serpent bird (Falcon)
named Horus. Horus is Thoth is Hermes is
Saul is Paul.
Horus went after Set for revenge of his
father’s death, and they had great battles in
upper and lower Egypt.
In one battle Horus was about to kill Set and
Isis intervened and pleaded with Horus to
spare Set.
Set rose up and cut out the right eye of
Horus. (Egyptian Mythology)
The story of Callisto (Greek Mythology) and
the seven sisters / seven stars: Set took the
cut-out eye of Horus and raped Isis with the

eye. Isis became pregnant. After the rape of
Isis, she became known as Hathor the
Nephthys was enraged at the birth of the
child. Nephthys had no children for Seth,
she only had children on her own without a
male consort. Nephthys created an army to
kill Isis’ child (Anubis is Arcturus is Artemis is
Satan is Pan).
Nephthys’ army was an army of locusts
(grasshoppers) called the Nephilim. Anubis
went to Seth (Zeus) and asked for help and
received an army of ants called the
Anunnaki (Myrmidons). Great wars were
fought on earth between Nephthys’
Nephilim and Anubis’ Anunnaki and Set and
Horus were still at war in Upper and Lower
This next part, I was born remembering
and is taught in Mayan mythology very
clearly and visually presented in Ancient
Sumerian Artwork. A Trespasser entered the

imitation universe. The trespasser was
tricked a winged serpent and led to the
light. (Earth)

There are images around the world of a

female sphinx. (Sekhmet) The female sphinx
was a decoy for the hunter that enticed a
Lion or as Mayan mythology says a “Jaguar
from Pleroma” to cross over into the
darkness. The Lion loved the lioness for a
long time “Billions of years”. (Mayan
Until the lion found the lioness missing. The
lion searched the darkness intensely to find

Thoth is another name for Horus (Egyptian
Book of the Dead). Heliopolis = Hell
The lion was approached by a winged
serpent; the winged serpent acted as a
friend and appeared harmless to the great
lion. The winged serpent offered help to
find the lioness and traveled with the lion
searching for her. The winged serpent told
the lion to go to the light and inside the
light, he would find the lioness. The lion
greatly loved the lioness and charged into

the light with all its might! The lion was
caught, turned to stone, then was defaced,
and became mankind (The face of man).

The Sphinx in Egypt is where mankind

began. The Trespasser was trapped
eternally for punishment. The pyramids are
covenant stones just like the obelisk found
in your nearest city. All obelisks are erected
for people that died untimely deaths (the
sacrificed). The local obelisks are for
covenants and division of land before the
Egyptian gods by the druids and put up by

the freemasons. The pyramids are covenant
stones between the morning stars (Jesus-
Sirius B planet) and (Lucifer – Planet Venus)
Planet Venus in the Language Latin is called
This is Sumerian Artwork describing the
events that happened once the Lion
entered the light.

The Lion
in the
light and
it was a
were killed.

Notice the Lion’s mouth, (Absorbing)
Amun-Ra is known to deface and absorb his

This is the Father’s head atop of the lion. A
symbol of in control over… the head

Captives, top picture, notice the hands on
the bottom… they are working and being
beaten by people that look the same as
they do. “Let’s make man in our image!”
Genesis 1:24 - 26 our kind is the reptiles,
their kind is the mammals. / The sphinx was
a god from Pleroma that was shreded into
The space aliens that we are told about
are from this realm… Israel is the trespasser
and true alien to this world! A stranger to a
strange land.

This image is of the base of the “Soldiers’
and Sailors’ obelisk that is errected at the
end of Court St. in downtown Buffalo, New

Notice the dates 5882 and July 4th, 1882

separted by colons. Also, notice the middle
has the protractor that represents
Science and christian beliefs are spread
by druids and are twisted truths for
deception and blatant flat out lies. Pick one
or the other science or religion however
they are both pure deception!

A great debate between christianity and
science is how old is the earth. Science says
billions of years and the bible dates men
back around six thousand years. Both of
these are true and I believe that the date
5882 BC is the date that the Lion arrived in
the light. After that point, is the beginning
of the Bible.
July 4th, 5882 BC date of the Sphinx arrival?

Rosicrucians Visvedevas

Isaiah 47:3 King James Version (KJV)

3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy

shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance,

and I will not meet thee as a man.

Chapter 10: Union of Rose and Cross
In God’s books and all the world’s
mythologies speak of shapeshifters!
Shapeshifting snakes, birds, spiders,
other insects, and reptiles.
Revelation 9:7 King James Version (KJV)
7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto
horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads
were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces
were as the faces of men.

Aleister Crowley talks about a ritual

called the “Union of Rose and Cross”
and the people that perform this ritual
are called “Rosicrucians”. They repeat
lives and reincarnate immediately.
Crowley says that this religious practice
can result in several egos for a
magician. Living multiple lives at the
same time! These magicians become

multiple beings (multiple people at the
same time) Union of Rose and Cross:

Egyptians are druids and they do not

practice this religious practice. This is
the religious and magical practice of
Egyptians’ overlords that are led by the

Assyrians … the eagles atop of the
flagpole and atop of the world (the six
and seven nations).
The next images will show the
Assyrians (AssyRIANS) Arian Race
When I show these images to the
“oblivious ones” they will often
respond with “What a coincidence!”
However, they disregard logic,
mathematics, and reasoning; they also
refuse the understanding that magic is
real! Prayer is magic, and it is ritual and
that is dogma, also, the Master
controls everything! If you ever have a
problem that is too big for you, fall to
your knees and put it all in God’s
hands! You will be successful!

There are approximately four-
hundred-thirty people in congress and
about ninety famous nazis. Odds are
that you will never find a match up that
one out of four people look identical.
Also, to be pictured with Trump or
Hitler increases the odds of
unlikeliness of happening;
mathematically speaking; the odds of
what you are about to see being by
chance, are far beyond astronomical!
Rosicrucians have been mentioned by
many authors and what Aleister
Crowley says about them connects the
dots where other writers fall short. (at
least the ones that I’ve read!)
Visvedevas / Rosicrucians / Federal
Government / Shapeshifters are all the
same (they serve God the Father);
judges are druids, and they are serving
to the Assyrians and the lesser gods of
Aleister Crowley the world’s
Greatest Witch

Aleister Crowley is Donald Trump
Union of Rose and Cross = Rosicrucian
Are we seeing a succession of a new
life as Crowley says about the Union of
Rose and Cross?
Are we seeing many lives lived as
Crowley says about the Union of Rose
and Cross:
Crowley is also Jimmy Page of Led
Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin
purchased Crowley’s mansion “The
Boleskine House”
A manor on the south-east of Loch
Ness in the Scottish Highlands. Is
where Page purchased the house, its
condition was said to be in terrible
shape… a strange endeavor for a
millionaire at the height of his

It is believed that inside the

Boleskine house, Crowley committed
a magic ritual called the Abramelin
Ceremony. This ritual is said to take
six months to perform, and it ends
once you meet your guardian angel.
Jimmy Page purchased a cape that
Crowley wore while residing at the
residence and he wore it while he was
the owner of the house.
Led Zeppelin had three tours after
Page purchased the Boleskine House
and each tour ended prematurely. The
first ended due to John Paul Jones, the
band’s bassist breaking his finger. The
second ended when the singer Robert
Plant’s son died and the third ended
with the death of John Bonham, the

The Boleskine House burnt to the
ground in 2015, appropriately,
because it was built on an old church
ground where the whole congregation
was trapped inside when the church
burnt to the ground. The whole
congregation burnt to death in the
great fire.

Led Zeppelin’s drummer John

Bonham is believed to have died in
the house and other famous
celebrities are rumored to have died
there as well. According to what I’ve
read, the locals all stayed far away
from this house do to strange

In Led Zeppelin’s book “Hammer of

the Gods”, Jimmy Page gives praise to
Crowley and black magic; Led
Zeppelin members also say they sold
their souls in this book.

Also, in the book, Jimmy Page boasted
about his creation of the ZOSO symbol
saying it was equivlent to 666.The
ZOSO is an example of numerology in
sybolism. (All letters have numerolic
values) It is both a name and a symbol
and to a magician this means great
magical power!

Another story about Jimmy Page,

involves a band called Eddie and the

Hot Rods. Eddie and the Hot Rods
were an up and coming band from

London, England until they posted an
album cover:
At the height of their popularity, Eddie
and the Hot Rods toured the United
States with the Talking Heads and the
Romones in 1976 and 1977. In late
1977 they released an album called
“Do Anything You Wanna Do” a spin-
off from Crowley’s: “Do What Thou
Wilt”. The story goes, Jimmy Page saw
the album cover and became very
angry and the band believes that Page
cursed them. Eddie and the Hot Rods
said weird things began happening to
them on their tour and they blamed
Page! The band started in 1975 and a
year later toured the U.S. but by 1979
their label dropped them and nobody
else would sign them. In 1981 the
band broke up and the record’s cover
image “Crowley with Mickey Mouse
ears” is the blame!

Pictured: Crowley Left and Page on the
right (Jimmy Page is considered by many to
be the greatest guitar player ever.) Notice
the eyes… the hair is identical (follow the
curves in the hair), the facial features: the
chin, the nose, lips, and cheek lines. Today,
Jimmy Page owns occult bookstores in
Europe and is openly an occult enthusiast,
“Order of the Golden Dawn”. Order of the
Golden Dawn was taught by Crowley, and it
is a Luciferian cult.

AC/DC = Aleister Crowley / Devil’s

Angus Young (AC/DC) and Aleister Crowley

as a “school boy” …? Notice the cheeks,
nose and jaw!

Crowley in Mason attire / 33 rd degree
Mason emblem on his hat.

The picture to the left is of Neil Peart

from the band Rush playing his drums and
the picture to the right is Aleister
Crowley. Notice the resemblance (Peart is
known by many to be the best drummer
ever) Notice the two occult symbols on
Peart’s shirt: The double cross and the dark
Here is Neal Peart’s base drum from
Rush’s Snakes and Arrows Tour. Notice
on Crowley’s logo the same circled snake
biting its tail; also notice the snake and
arrow in both images.

If you read Crowley’s books and the lyrics

to Rush songs, you will find where the
band’s lyrics come from. (Aleister
Crowley’s books)

These pictures are of a young Crowley “In
Golden Dawn attire”, and Paul McCartney
that looks very much alike… The Paul
McCartney death conspiracy: “It was
twenty years ago today that Sargent Pepper
told the band to play!” It has been said by
many that the Sargent Pepper song was
recorded in 1967 twenty years to the day of
the death of Aleister Crowley in 1947. “Let
me introduce to you, the one and only Billy
Spears” “The William Sherman / Paul’s
Death 1966 conspiracy”. Paul is Dead!

Aleister Crowley on the Sargent Peppers’

album cover

Paul McCartney was not the only Beatle to
go solo, John Lennon was a terrorist by the
name of Draza Mikhailovic.

What we are witnessing, again, is called,

Union of Rose and Cross. These people are
the birds on the flagpole. They are called
Rosicrucians!(Rose and Cross Men)
Aleister Crowley has played many
prominent roles in this reality but this next
one is by far the most terrifying:

Starting with Trump’s compared rhetoric to the
world’s dictators, Trump echoing word for word
verbatim to Hitler in regard to immigration issues,
Trump is also rumored to have Hitler’s book
“Mein Kampf” under his bed, and there are many
writers that brought forth the Hitler Trump

Both Hitler and Trump are egos of the world’s

greatest magician Aleister Crowley! Aleister
Crowley called himself the “Great Beast” and he
also called himself “Little Sunshine”; which tells
me, Crowley is Satan himself!

In the game of chess, a powerful piece is the

bishop. In real war the bishop (High-Priest) is a
most important piece; Trump is the High-Priest of
Vladimir Putin is Julius Caesar. Caesar
and Putin both gained power by
declaring themselves dictators over
nations that were democracies.
Vladimir Putin
rules this world!

Each person that is in this list has a
“connection” to the nazi that they are
pictured with; a picture match and
some type of characteristic or relating
event. Vladimir Putin Russia’s Dictator
and Nazi Herman Goring:

Putin WW1 WW2
Herman Goring was a masterful pilot in World
War 1l Goring is known as the “Red Baron” as
seen in “Peanuts cartoons with Snoopy”. Today
Putin is known as a “Masterful Pilot”.

Herman Goring
Goring was Nazi
number one man
known as the
“Minister of
Goring was
known as the
second most
powerful man in Nazi Germany.

Heinrich Himmler
Is known as the
Architect of the
Holocaust. Goring
brought forth
Himmler and this is
Dr. Fauci that
brought forth the
AIDS epidemic and the 2019 Pandemic
Corona Virus. Himmler was Nazi
Germany’s number three man.

Was the Chief
of Nazi
Security and
brought forth
thr “Nazi’s
invaded Czechoslovkia and brought
forth heavy economic conditions for

the people of the land. The same as
Joe Biden is doing in the USA today!
Extreme Inflation!!!

Right to left Nazis: Hitler, Himmler,
Goring, Eichmann and Heydrich
Right to Left Politicians: Trump, Fauci,
Putin,B. Sanders and Biden

Adolf Eichmann / Bernie Sanders

Adolf Eichman and Bing Crosby

Eichmann on the bottom was in 1942
and atop in the war crime trials 1962.
Eichman was attributed to being a
major organizer of the Halocaust.
Look at the bottoms of their noses,
identical and reflected like looking into
a mirror. All the facial features are
"I hate to see children separated from
their parents like this, but we can
hardly blame Adolf,"

A quote attributed to Eva Braun
Melania Trump: "I hate to see
children separated from their parents
like this . . . but we can hardly blame

Melania Trump repeated Hitler’s wife

word for word with the only change
being Donald for Adolf. This is History
repeating its self!!!!
Nazi: Joseph Goebbels
(Minister of Propaganda)
Trump’s Political Advisor:
Stephon Miller

Nazi Albert Speer / Whitehouse Chief
John Kelly

Nazi: Albert Speer and Whitehouse

Chief John Kelly pictured in the 1950’s,
with Donald Trump in our modern
world. Speer was the Minister of
Armaments and War Production for
Nazi Germany.

Nazi: Elizabeth Volkenrath and House
speaker Nancy Pelosi

On the two women notice the noses,

cheeckbones, lips, eyebrows and chin…
all facial features are identical.
Volkenrath was a Supervisor of Nazi
Concentration Camps / women’s and
children’s gas chambers during World
War 2.

Nazi: Heinrich Muller and New York
Governor and Trump’s attorney a
young Rudy Giuliani.

Heinrich Muller was the Chief of the

Gestapo (Nazi Secret Police)

Nazi Joachin Ribbentrop /
USA Vice President Pence

Joachin Ribbentrop was Nazi

Germany’s Minister of Foreign Affairs
and was the Ambassador to the United
Kindom, he organized with Hitler at his
house the events that brought Hitler
forth to become Chancellor of
Germany, and he was responsible for
the Pact of Steel which allied Fascist
Mussolini of Italy with Germany to
bring about World War 2.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo /
Nazi: Otto Skorzeny

Otto Skorzeny was the Lieutenant

Colonel of the of Nazi Germany and
served in many Nazi operations.

Hans Frank was the Governor
General of Occupied Poland and Dan
Scavino “Whitehous Deputy Chief of
Staff”. Hans Frank was resposible for
the murders of hundreds of thousands
of Polish Civilians.

Nazi: Arvid Harnack
Harnack was a Nazi Jurist (Nazi Legal
System Authority) Marxist economist
and Communist. Harnack was the
Advisor of Reich Ministry Economics
and Foreign Advisor.

Nazi Han Kammler (Architect of Terror)
Administrator of small business Chris

Han Kammler was responsible for

Civil Engeneering projects “the Secret
V Weapons”, oversaw Nazi
concentrations camps and brought
forth the V2 Rocket.

Side Note: These are not “Random

Nazis” these are Hitler’s main military
officers during World War 2!

Nazi Erich Raeder
Four Star General Jim Mattis

Erich Johann Albert Raeder was the

“Grand Admiral of the Nazi Navy” the
highest rank in naval operations.
Side Note: The Quran says “There is no
Son of God!: and the Bible says “The
Son of God!” This is a conflict between
religions however both statements are
the Truth! Answer: The word “Son” has
more than one meaning!

U.S.A. Representative to Congress Dan
Nazi Claus Von Staufenberg

Claus Von Staufenberg was a Nazi

Germany Army Officer and is most
known for his attempted assassination
of Adolf Hitler.

Side Note: We are to give praise to

Adonai three times a day: Sunrise,
Noon Hour and Sunset.

Nazi Wilhelm Keitel
Administrator of the EPA Scott Pruitt

Wilhelm Keitel was the Chief Reich

Minister of War of Nazi Germany.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Nazi Martin Borman (SS Commander)

Martin Borman was Head of the Nazi

Part Chancellery and Private Secretary
to Adolf Hitler.

Side Note: Nazi Meaning:

National Zionist / Nazis are Zion

Nazi Karl Doenitz
Attorney general Jeff Sessions

Karl Doenitz was a Nazi Germany

Admiral that became Germany’s Head
of State after Hitler’s death and
surrendered to the Allies.
Side Note: April 1st (April Fools’ Day) is
the beginning of the New Year,, you are
required to fast 40 days (No eating
during the daylight hours!) Saturday is
the Sabbath Day Fast as well!

Homeland Security Secretary Chad
Wolf /Nazi Joseph Mengele

Mengele / I Love Lucy: Ricky Ricardo.

Joseph Mengele was a Nazi physician
that performed experienemtal
surgeries and sent many to gas
chambers for death. Known as the
Angel of Death!
Nazi Walter Funk
Sonny Perdue Secretary of Agriculture

Walter Funk was th Nazi’s

Administrator of Economic affairs and
President of Reichsbank. Perdue
organized forced labor inside of
concentration camps.
Hitler’s Nazis are politicians and they
are Rosicruicians. They are AssyRIANS .
Arians and their army is the SS. They
are shapeshifters and aliens to our
understanding, most cannot perceive
this truth and will only deny it!
Greta Thunberg

I had a dream about Greta Thunberg.

I had this dream of her as a small child.
The dream was in color, but Greta was
black and white.
In the dream I was playing on a
perfectly cut lawn and it was a very
beautiful day. The song Hell’s Bells
started playing in the sky. I liked the
song Hell’s Bells, but it became very

The song became too loud and
distorted to hear and the world started
spinning. I was pinned to the ground
from the spinning and Greta came up
to me.
I asked her, “What is happening?”
and she responded to me. “It’s God!”
and she looked very concerned! I had
this dream over thirty years before
Greta appeared in the media.
In the Gospels of the New Testament
Apocrypha, Jesus would often appear
to the apostles as a small child… a girl!
Jesus appeared to the apostles as a
small girl in apocrypha scriptures!

The Nazis had a girl with pigtails at
their rallies. The Nazi girl had the same
look and hairstyle as Greta Thunberg
Thunberg / Thunderbirds…
Thunderbirds in mythology are
shapeshifters that turn into men.

Illuminati Card Game
World Trade center 9-11, 2001
The Illuminati Card Game was released in
1982 by Steven Jackson Games and the
designer was Steven Jackson with the artist
Dave Martin. The Illuminati Card game was
based on a book that was released in 1975
called the Illuminatus Trilogy. (Three books)
The books were written by Robert Anton
Wilson and Robert Shea. The original deck
of cards with three 1983 expansion packs
totaled 502 cards in the game. There was
also an additional expansion pack in 1995
that brought the total to 526 cards. In 2023
the Pandemic cards were released and
although I have attempted to find them, it
has not been God’s way for me, I have not
looked at a single card!

(The Illuminati Card Game won: The Best
Science-Fiction Board Game of 1982)
These cards have raised many conspiracies
and predicted future events of the world
with bewildering accuracy!
9-11-2001 World Trade Center, faces in the smoke

The United States currency, during that
time, when folded into airplanes shows the
World Trade Center buildings from impact
until they both fell.

Both the World Trade Center buildings and
the Pentagon. The currency (money)
pictured was printed during the 1990’s.
Today’s USA currency one hundred dollar
bills and Euro hundred dollar bills have
aliens and alien spacecrafts on them.
Purple Strips = Aliens.

Magnified the
hundred displays
an alien on the
purple strip. In
Ben Frankilin’s
eye there is a
skull and on the
back a man is

The top left
image is from
the USA one
hundred dollar
bill and the
second two:
alien space
craft and alien
in the purple
strip are found
on the Euro 100
dollar bill. ALL

Here is an Aleister
Crowley self-portrait. Was he telling us he is
an alien? (YES!!!)
Crowley made a penis of the “A” in his
name and a crescent moon from the “C”.
Aleister Crowley is believed to have started
the sex occult OTO.
We are in a Holy War against an alien race
with an intelligence far superior to ours. We
were born in Hell and our lives are our
opportunity to escape thanks to the sacrifice
of himself by Jesus the Christ of God.
Nothing is more important, in fact nothing
else is important.
Why is nothing else important? We are in a
simulated, predetermined reality!

President’s Illuminati Cards and
Autographs 1333
Vladimir Putin Illuminati Card (1982)

1333 Putin’s Signature

Notice the one followed by three
threes. Most will say, “This is not evidence!”

However, the symbolism is there, and no one can
say, “It’s NOT there” although they will deny it!”
President Joe Biden

This is the Joe Biden Illuminati Card Game

“Irish Flu” card. Biden has been the: Corona
and variations of corona virus president.
This card was released in 1982. These cards
are clear evidence of a preplanned course
of events or a predetermined simulation!


Donald Trump:

1333… Illuminati Card: Donald Trump is

extremely charismatic; his absertivness,
arrogance and face gestures will etch a spot
in everyone’s memory… here is Trump’s
next illuminati card:
Enough is enough

Some will see by this evidence, but most will

not! The thirteen is the starry universe aka
zodiac and the thirty-three is completion in
“Holy Alignment” = Perfection. (1333)
Perfection to the dark side of God; the other
third of darkness is coming. A darkness that
we could never perceive. This coming
darkness will be 33% and with current 33%
will make 66% or 66.6%. 666 is when Hell
comes to earth and the meaning is perfect
alignment. Time is the Highway to Hell!

Barrack Obama’s backlash; the seniors
hated him, all the business owner’s hated
him, the black community was greatly
disapointed in him and the media
controlled it all was scripted!

3 3 13 Phi symbol (Split Circle = Phi = 13 universe)


George W Bush

1 3 3 1 3 3 (Three and laying three)
After 9/11 many governmental changes
were made under George W. Bush. New
agencies began like: Department of
Homeland Security, President’s Surveillance
Program, Foreign Intelligence Surveillence
Act, Intelligence Reform and Terrorism
Prevention Act and the Patriot Act. In these
new laws American citizens lost their legal
rights to privacy because the government
could listen to phone calls and monitor
American citizens in anyway they see fit.
This is what NBC Nightly News Stated on June 6 th
, 2013:
“NBC News has learned that under the Post 9/11
Patriot Act, the government has been collecting
records on every phone call made in the U.S.”
The Freedom of Information Act website offers
5,000-page reports on citizens!!!

Bill Clinton

1 3 3 (3 + Laying 3) 3 3
Both Hillary and Bill Clinton were rumored
to have bizarre sexual escapades. Bill
Clinton was said to have visited Epstein’s
Island where children were believed to be
raped, beaten and killed according to
victim’s stories. The deposition of Katy
Johnson is testimony of a girl beaten and
raped by Donald Trump when she was
thirteen years old, and she speaks of a girl
that Trump killed in her affidavit to the
George H W Bush

(Saturn’s Ring) 13 33 (3 + Laying 3)

Page 34 Aleister Crowley’s Book of Magick in

Theory and Practice:. Satan is Saturn, Set,

Bush had his famous broccoli story in

1989. (My mother made me eat it!) 1982

Ronald Reagan

The left picture is the Sickle Sigil of

Holy Qalmana (God of Darkness) 666 in
his autograph.

Ronald Wilson Reagan; six letters in

each part of his name 666. Reagan was
said to be a trained monkey for the
world’s elite.

The Holy sigil of Qulmana is the reapers
staff and “Sigils” are what these
signatures are called. They are marks
that demonstrate ownership. The
presidents are part of the starry universe
just like Jesus said to the apostles in the
Gospel of Judas.

What the illuminati card game

demonstrates is: we are on a
predetermined course of action. Your
life is predetermined! And you are on a
course for failure, prayer is the only
thing that will alter your course.

You must pray, give praise, obey

God’s law and follow the rituals
presented by God. I fast (don’t eat) for
my prayers to be answered, while those
that serve the dark side of God, and the
lesser gods give blood sacrifice.

Although at your local church of

Christianity they perform rituals on
Saturday nights of child sacrifice; we are
not to stop or attempt to stop these
events by order of Jesus in the Hidden
Bible New Testament.
The one who sacrifices loses their soul
to the devil and the sacrificed child goes
to the Christ (Jesus).

Jesus was the first firstborn blood

sacrifice (Genesis 1:4) and this is my
special connection to Jesus!

The caption on this card reads: “They’ll

never get it, even when the saucers are
flying overhead.”

USA Congress has broght forth the
existence of aliens, we are shown alien craft
repeatedly on media devices, yet if you ask
a person, “Do you believe there are aliens?”
They will more than likely give an answer of
uncertainy because “they will not get it!”
Some of us see clearly, while others
cannot see at all, there are reasons why:
the curse of God: those that are morally
incorrect will not see, some people are
“Nature”… like the female sphinx. These
people will never understand you or things
like the Mandela Effect, they will not see
because magic alters nature!
There are other bloodlines and there are
enemies that are there only to deceive:
Assyrians, Druids, Sold Souls.
The news stories that we read and listen
on Satan’s media devices are performed by
“Crisis Actors” (Wiccans). Our news is used
to control the herds. Some will see through
the rouse however not enough to change

anything! Example: “I can’t breathe” George
Floyd was posted on a Barrack Obama
political site a week before the event took
place! George Floyd’s picture was posted
one week before the event along with the
outrage for the event taking place. Another
incident was the laughter of the father
“Robbie Parker” before his speech for his
slain daughter “Emilie Parker” at Sandy
Hook Elementary school in 2012.

Set’s Symbol Over a Dead Osirus


What the pyramids do: (pull the stars to

earth.) The pyramid’s shafts are aligned
with constellations that mythology tells us
are gods. When the earth’s poles flip; the
pyramids will act like a deadbolt lock as
they align perfectly with the stars and
unlock the evil unto earth for all eternity.
The pyramids shafts will pull the aligned
stars to earth.
Revelation of the Bible and Old Testament
apocalypse books: Joel, Ezekiel,

what this
Come Not
Here” The
example of
a non-
spider is
the Black
Non-Weaving spiders are called “Wolf Spiders”
and those spiders ambush their prey. Female wolf
spiders eat their mates after intercourse. (Lamia
(Isis) is the owl)

The Bohemian Club is located on 2,700 acers in

Monte Rio, California since 1860. Some Bohemian
Club members include Richard Nixon, Ronald
Reagan, Walter Cronkite, George H Bush, George
W Bush, Dick Chaney, Prince Charles, Dukes,

Kings, World Leaders, heads of the fortune 100,
religious leaders, Democrats and Republicans.
(Only men are Bohemian Club members)
There have been rumors about the Bohemian club
members having gay sex orgies, committing
human sacrifices, and eating the sacrifice over a
three-day period. The rumors about the
Bohemians align perfectly with Leviticus in the
bible. In an interview with Harper’s magazine
Richard Nixon said that homosexual orgies go on
at the Bohemian club. (After his death Harper’s
magazine released the audio interview with
Richard Nixon where he admitted this… you can
listen to the audio of this interview on YouTube)
Nixon also went on to say, “He would not have sex
with the men in San Francisco because the good
sex is at the Bohemian Club” … also, Nixon goes
on to say in this interview: the moon landing in
1969 was faked!” (Whitehouse Bohemian Owl)

This is the overhead of the Whitehouse in
Washington, D.C.

The Owl is Isis or now known as Lamia. (A Child
Eating Monster. Out government is “Child Sex

Venus in the language Latin is called “LUCIFER”

(Latin is the Church’s Language)

Venus and Aphrodite were two women lovers

from the land Lesbos and it is said that they
joined together as one.

Lesbian Lovers (this is where the term comes from

Planet Venus Symbol Lesbian Symbol

Venus and Aphrodite joined together /


The ancients said if you watch the planet

Venus in the sky you will see it pulsate and
split because it is two; Venus and

Find Venus in the sky and you can see this

happen with your own eyes: pulsate and

The Council of Nine or Nicea comes from a


Wikipedia: word In Greek mythology,

Nicaea was a nymph
Aphrodite and Venus are commonly
depicted as “nymphs”.

Our Prayers: (Most important)

Prayer is magic. Magic, by definition, is to

alter nature. When we pray, we attempt to
alter our course of destiny. Again, we are on
a predetermined course and the course for
us is not for success. We must alter our
course to achieve success.

Crowley in Magick in Theory and Practice

says that the purity of blood in sacrifice
determines how strong the prayer result
will be.

Example: To kill a prostitute in ritual will

make your prayer happen, however, to kill a
child or infant the magic will be much more
powerful in black magic.

Jesus (The Christ-Good of God) died and

spilled his blood for our prayers to be
Our prayers are stronger than theirs yet, so
few know this because they fill our heads
full of lies. Most people are completely
blinded to the Holy War!

Mankind was a condemned nation before

Jesus came, the Torah says all mankind was
in holy alignment to the dark side of God.
This is why Jesus died for a better covenant
and today we have pleasure and laughter. If
Jesus didn’t create a new covenant, today
we would only feel pain and despair.

Jesus died for the new covenant and not

only did Jesus die on Lucifer’s cross, but
Jesus will also be in hell misting the ones
that he can for all eternity. Jesus gave it all
for a stranger (alien to this realm) to have a
chance to experience love, happiness, and a
chance at heaven. We are not allowed to
worship Jesus in this life, but we can in the

April Fool’s Day is the beginning of the

New Year. Julius Caesar changed the date to
January 1st to deceive the many from God’s
law. On April 1 st, the Children of Israel are
required to fast for forty-days (40) days.

Moses, Daniel, other prophets and of
course Jesus all performed the forty days
fast. What this fast does is separate the light
from the darkness within us and this fast is
the path to heaven. At the end of the fast we
are to light a candle and the candlelight is to
reflect off of our fingernails. God’s spirit
comes forth through the flame. This is the
same principle that a witch uses with the lit
candles at the end of blood sacrifice. Our
sacrifice is the restraint to temptation and
the spirit of the flesh.
There are three spirts within man: our
perfect soul of purity and innocence, spirit
of flesh that is driven by worldly desires,
and an evil spirit (driven towards spite and
The 40 days fast separates us and all
weekly fast on the Sabbath Day (Saturday’s)
also create the separation. Both fasts are
required by the law of God to be performed!
Prayer and fasting will alter your destiny
and your prayers will forgive the sins dead

that we lost, we cannot pray for the sins of
the living!

If you see, hear, and understand this

message; you are required to warn others.
The people will deny and mock you, but
they are either wrong or they are liars.

If you have a question, please email me @

Those that seek shall find!

The Hebrew Language is God’s Gift to Us!!!

Love God with All Your Heart!!!

Give Praise three times a day

Praise you the Most High


We are in a Holy War, Your People Need You!


BIBLE!!! No man will teach you; you must seek on
your own!!!! That’s God’s way!!!

All Praise, Honor and Glory to ADONIA ELOHIM!!!


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