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Enjoying Company

a metagame to be played during any multi-player game

This is more of an excercise than a game, but one that can be helpful. the goal is
to remember that a good portion of playing a game is the company you play it with.
so remember that. remember that you like the people you are playing a game with,
that you enjoy spending time with them. That the wandering discussion, the getting
off topic, the meandering is still enjoyable.

so, to the game, such as it is.

if you have a character sheet, you can use a corner of it to play, or any other bit
of paper to make tallys on.

be mindful of your play, and pay attention to the people you are playing with. mark
a tally when you find yourself enjoyably off topic, or amused by an aside.

mark a tally when you are impressed by the people you are playing with.

When the session ends, tell the people you have been playing with that you have
enjoyed their company, assuming you have.

So there it is, and it isn't much of a game, but doing these things, enjoying the
moments between active gameplay with the people I've chosen to spend time with is
good. remembering it, and reminding them that you enjoy their company is powerful.

I hope this helps you.

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