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JOEY YAP'S BREAKTHROUGH Skyrocket Your Inspiration, Impact and Income Episode2 | Joey Yan's Rock Your Life | 1 Ifyou have missed any of the training videos, {2029by Joe Yop Private Linted A QUICK RECAP Welcome back, everybody! In our last lesson, we introduced you to the concept of Feng Shui. To recap, Feng Shui is an age-old practice that has been building in popularity. However, there have been many new Feng Shui theories ~ New Age Feng Shui ~ based on ideas such as lucky colours or items that came mainly from superstition religion, and old wive's tales, ‘The real Classical Feng Shui has nothing to do with lucky charms, colours or numbers. Instead, itis an art that helps the user to tap into the natural energies ofthe environment (Qi) to improve their lives and achieve the goals that they desire. Feng Shui isn't some mysterious white elephant that costs rmilions to implement. For an experienced practitioner, al they need is 3 compass floorplan, time and effort, It's very affordable, and the results are priceless, (Of course, all ofthis sounds nice so far, but the real question everyone asks is ‘How can Feng Shui help me! right? How does eliminatingblockagesin your fe sound! Ifyou are ever ‘experiencing a period of your life in which you carit seem to. progress in relationships, career, or income, today's lesson will be just what you're looking for. Enjoy! sure Episode 2 | Joey Yan's Rock Your Life | 2 THE 2 STEPS TO IDENTIFY YOUR BLOCKAGE Have you ever reached a period in your life where you feel like you're not progressing at all, whether it be in your career, relationship or even self-growth? That's what we call a blockage. Blockages are disruptive to a person's life, as the lack of progress and growth often leads to a lack of motivation However, you can use Feng Shui to eliminate or at least weaken these blockages in your life.

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