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I am creating a website for event organizers and vendors who want to setup stalls

in thier events. I want to add a feature for event organizers to create and post
events with the details of the event along with the number stalls they require.
Then these events should show up in a feed for vendors and they can book the number
of stalls they want. I am implementing my website using Nextjs and firebase, help
me building this functionality.
Sure, I can help you build this functionality. Here's an overview of the steps you
can follow:

Set up your Firebase project and enable Firestore and Firebase Authentication.
Firestore will be used to store event and stall data, while Authentication will be
used for user authentication.
Design your Firestore data structure. You'll need to create two collections: one
for events and one for stalls. In the events collection, each document will
represent an event and will contain the event details (such as name, date,
location, etc.) as well as the number of stalls required. In the stalls collection,
each document will represent a stall and will contain information such as the
vendor who booked it, the event it's booked for, and any other relevant
Create a form for event organizers to create and post events. This form should
allow the organizer to enter the event details and the number of stalls required.
When the form is submitted, the data should be saved to Firestore in the events
Create a feed for vendors to view available events. This can be done by querying
the events collection in Firestore and displaying the relevant information in a
list or table. Each event should have a button or link that allows vendors to book
Create a form for vendors to book stalls. This form should allow the vendor to
select the event they want to book stalls for, as well as the number of stalls they
want to book. When the form is submitted, the data should be saved to Firestore in
the stalls collection.

To implement these steps using Next.js and Firebase, you'll need to use the
Firebase JavaScript SDK to interact with Firestore and Authentication. You can also
use Next.js's built-in server-side rendering (SSR) and API routes to create dynamic
pages and handle form submissions.

I hope this helps you get started! Let me know if you have any further questions.
I have setup my project and created a form for organizers to fill event details, so
can you explain in details about the 2nd step especially the stall collection.
Sure, I'd be happy to explain the second step in more detail!

In the Firestore database for your event organization website, you'll need to
create two collections: one for events and one for stalls. The events collection
will store information about the events that organizers create and post, while the
stalls collection will store information about the stalls that vendors book for
each event.

Here's a sample data structure for the stalls collection:

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stalls (collection)
- stallId (document)
- eventId (string)
- vendorId (string)
- stallNumber (number)
- otherStallData (any)
- stallId (document)
- eventId (string)
- vendorId (string)
- stallNumber (number)
- otherStallData (any)
- ...

In this data structure, each document in the stalls collection represents a single
stall. Each stall document has the following fields:

eventId: The ID of the event that the stall is booked for. This field should be a
string and should match the ID of an event document in the events collection.
vendorId: The ID of the vendor who booked the stall. This field should be a string
and should match the ID of a user document in the users collection.
stallNumber: The number of the stall that was booked. This field should be a number
and can be used to help organizers and vendors keep track of stall assignments.
otherStallData: Any other data that you want to store about the stall can be added
here. For example, you might want to store the dimensions of the stall, whether it
comes with electricity or wifi, or any other relevant information.

To create a new stall document in the stalls collection, you'll need to use the
Firestore JavaScript SDK. Here's an example of how to do that:

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import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';

const db = firebase.firestore();

// Example code to add a new stall document to Firestore

const eventId = '12345'; // ID of the event that the stall is booked for
const vendorId = 'abcde'; // ID of the vendor who booked the stall
const stallNumber = 1; // Number of the stall that was booked
const otherStallData = { dimensions: '10x10', electricity: true };

}).then((docRef) => {
console.log(`Stall document added with ID: ${}`);
}).catch((error) => {
console.error(`Error adding stall document: ${error}`);

I hope that helps clarify the data structure for the stalls collection and how to
create a new stall document in Firestore using the JavaScript SDK. Let me know if
you have any further questions!
Can you explain me step 3 with code.
Certainly! Here's an example of how you could create a form for event organizers to
create and post events using Next.js and Firebase.
First, you'll need to set up a Firebase app and initialize the Firestore and
Authentication services in your Next.js app. You can do this by adding the
following code to a file like firebase.js in your utils directory:

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import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';
import 'firebase/auth';

if (!firebase.apps.length) {
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
authDomain: 'YOUR_AUTH_DOMAIN',
projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID',

export const auth = firebase.auth();

export const firestore = firebase.firestore();

Replace the placeholder values with your actual Firebase configuration details.

Next, you can create a form component in a file like AddEventForm.js that allows
organizers to input the event details:

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import { useState } from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { firestore } from '../utils/firebase';

const AddEventForm = () => {

const router = useRouter();

const [eventName, setEventName] = useState('');

const [eventDate, setEventDate] = useState('');
const [eventLocation, setEventLocation] = useState('');
const [numStalls, setNumStalls] = useState('');

const handleAddEvent = async (e) => {

const eventsRef = firestore.collection('events');
try {
const newEvent = await eventsRef.add({
numStalls: parseInt(numStalls, 10),
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error adding event:', error);

return (
<form onSubmit={handleAddEvent}>
<label htmlFor="eventName">Event Name:</label>
onChange={(e) => setEventName(}
<label htmlFor="eventDate">Event Date:</label>
onChange={(e) => setEventDate(}
<label htmlFor="eventLocation">Event Location:</label>
onChange={(e) => setEventLocation(}
<label htmlFor="numStalls">Number of Stalls:</label>
onChange={(e) => setNumStalls(}
<button type="submit">Add Event</button>

export default AddEventForm;

This component uses React's useState hook to store the form input values in state.
When the form is submitted, it creates a new document in the events collection in
Firestore using the firestore object exported from firebase.js. The handleAddEvent
function also uses the useRouter hook from Next.js to navigate to the event details
page after the new event is added.

Finally, you can render this component in a page file like add-event.js:

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import Add

Now explain me step 4
Sure, here's how you could create a feed for vendors to view the list of events and
book stalls using Next.js and Firebase.

First, you'll need to create a page component to display the list of events and
allow vendors to book stalls. You can create a file like EventsPage.js and add the
following code:

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import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { firestore } from '../utils/firebase';

const EventsPage = () => {

const router = useRouter();

const [events, setEvents] = useState([]);

useEffect(() => {
const fetchEvents = async () => {
const eventsRef = firestore.collection('events');
const snapshot = await eventsRef.get();
const eventsData = => ({ id:, }));
}, []);

const handleBookStalls = async (eventId, numStalls) => {

const eventRef = firestore.collection('events').doc(eventId);
const event = await eventRef.get();
if (!event.exists) {
console.error(`Event with ID ${eventId} does not exist`);
const { numStalls: maxStalls, bookedStalls = 0 } =;
if (bookedStalls + numStalls > maxStalls) {
console.error(`Cannot book ${numStalls} stalls, only ${maxStalls -
bookedStalls} available`);
try {
await eventRef.update({ bookedStalls: bookedStalls + numStalls });
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error booking stalls for event ${eventId}:`, error);

return (
{ => (
<li key={}>
<p>Date: {event.eventDate}</p>
<p>Location: {event.eventLocation}</p>
{event.bookedStalls} / {event.numStalls} stalls booked
<label htmlFor={`numStalls-${}`}>Number of stalls to
<input type="number" id={`numStalls-${}`} min="1"
max={event.numStalls - event.bookedStalls} />
<button type="button" onClick={() => handleBookStalls(,
parseInt(, 10))}>
Book Stalls

export default EventsPage;

This component fetches the list of events from Firestore using the useEffect hook
and the firestore object exported from firebase.js. It then renders a list of
events with their details and a form for vendors to book stalls. When the "Book
Stalls" button is clicked, the handleBookStalls function is called, which updates
the bookedStalls field in the event document in Firestore if there are enough
stalls available.

Finally, you can create a page file like events.js to render this component:

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import EventsPage from '../components/EventsPage';

const Events = () => {

return <EventsPage />;

export default Events;

This page component simply renders the EventsPage component. You can navigate to
Now explain step 5
Sure, for step 5 you'll need to create a page component to display the details of a
single event and allow vendors to book stalls for that event. You can create a file
like EventPage.js and add the following code:

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import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { firestore } from '../utils/firebase';

const EventPage = () => {

const router = useRouter();
const { eventId } = router.query;

const [event, setEvent] = useState(null);

const [numStalls, setNumStalls] = useState(1);

useEffect(() => {
const fetchEvent = async () => {
const eventRef = firestore.collection('events').doc(eventId);
const event = await eventRef.get();
if (!event.exists) {
console.error(`Event with ID ${eventId} does not exist`);
setEvent({ id:, });
if (eventId) {
}, [eventId]);

const handleBookStalls = async () => {

const eventRef = firestore.collection('events').doc(eventId);
const event = await eventRef.get();
if (!event.exists) {
console.error(`Event with ID ${eventId} does not exist`);
const { numStalls: maxStalls, bookedStalls = 0 } =;
if (bookedStalls + numStalls > maxStalls) {
console.error(`Cannot book ${numStalls} stalls, only ${maxStalls -
bookedStalls} available`);
try {
await eventRef.update({ bookedStalls: bookedStalls + numStalls });
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error booking stalls for event ${eventId}:`, error);

if (!event) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;

return (
<p>Date: {event.eventDate}</p>
<p>Location: {event.eventLocation}</p>
{event.bookedStalls} / {event.numStalls} stalls booked
<label htmlFor="numStalls">Number of stalls to book:</label>
max={event.numStalls - event.bookedStalls}
onChange={(event) => setNumStalls(parseInt(, 10))}
<button type="button" onClick={handleBookStalls}>
Book Stalls

export default EventPage;

This component fetches the details of the event with the given ID from Firestore
using the useEffect hook and the firestore object exported from firebase.js. It
then renders the event details and a form for vendors to book stalls for that
event. When the "Book Stalls" button is clicked, the handleBookStalls function is
called, which updates the bookedStalls field in the event document in Firestore if
there are enough stalls available.

Finally, you can create a page file like event/[eventId].js to render this

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import EventPage from '../../components/EventPage';

const Event

How is the booking information updated in the stalls collection?
The booking information is not directly updated in the stalls collection. Instead,
it is updated in the events collection, specifically in the bookedStalls field of
the document for the event that the vendor wants to book stalls for.

When a vendor clicks the "Book Stalls" button on the event page, the
handleBookStalls function updates the bookedStalls field of the event document in
Firestore by calling the update method on the eventRef object. The code for this is
as follows:

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await eventRef.update({ bookedStalls: bookedStalls + numStalls });

This increments the current number of booked stalls by the number of stalls that
the vendor wants to book, and updates the Firestore document accordingly.
The stalls collection itself is only used to keep track of the details of the
stalls that have been booked by vendors for each event. It does not store any
information about how many stalls are available, or how many stalls have been
booked. Instead, this information is stored in the events collection.
So how do I add this data to stalls collection when a vendors books stalls?
When a vendor books stalls, you can add the booking information to the stalls
collection by creating a new document for each booked stall. Each document should
contain the details of the stall, such as the event ID, the vendor ID, and the
stall number.

You can modify the handleBookStalls function to create a new document in the stalls
collection for each booked stall. The code for this might look something like this:

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async function handleBookStalls(numStalls, eventId) {
const user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
const vendorId = user.uid;
const eventRef = firebase.firestore().collection('events').doc(eventId);

const event = await eventRef.get();

const bookedStalls =;

const stallsRef = firebase.firestore().collection('stalls');

const batch = firebase.firestore().batch();

for (let i = 1; i <= numStalls; i++) {

const stallNumber = bookedStalls + i;
const stall = {
eventId: eventId,
vendorId: vendorId,
stallNumber: stallNumber
const stallRef = stallsRef.doc();
batch.set(stallRef, stall);

await batch.commit();

await eventRef.update({ bookedStalls: bookedStalls + numStalls });


In this modified version of the function, we first create a reference to the stalls
collection using firebase.firestore().collection('stalls'). We also create a batch
object using firebase.firestore().batch(), which will allow us to write multiple
documents to the stalls collection in a single batch operation.

We then iterate over the number of stalls that the vendor wants to book, and for
each stall, we create a new object containing the details of the stall (the
eventId, vendorId, and stallNumber). We also create a new document reference using
stallsRef.doc() and add it to the batch using batch.set(stallRef, stall).

Once we have added all of the stall documents to the batch, we commit the batch
using await batch.commit(). This will write all of the new stall documents to the
stalls collection in a single batch operation.
Finally, we update the bookedStalls field of the event document in the events
collection to reflect the new number of booked stalls.
Can you explain the algorithm behind the booking system, because I am confused, If
so can improve It.
Sure, I'd be happy to explain the algorithm behind the booking system and suggest
some possible improvements.

The current booking system works as follows:

The event organizer creates an event and specifies the number of stalls they
The organizer publishes the event, which makes it visible to vendors.
Vendors can view the available events and the number of stalls required for each
When a vendor wants to book stalls for an event, they enter the number of stalls
they want and click the "Book Stalls" button.
The system checks whether the requested number of stalls is available for the
If the requested number of stalls is available, the system updates the event
document in Firestore to reflect the new number of booked stalls.
The system creates a new document in the stalls collection for each booked stall,
containing the details of the stall (event ID, vendor ID, and stall number).

One potential improvement to this system is to use transactions instead of batch

writes when creating the stall documents. Transactions are a better choice when
performing multiple write operations that depend on each other, because they ensure
that the writes are atomic and consistent.

Here's an updated version of the handleBookStalls function that uses transactions

to create the stall documents:

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async function handleBookStalls(numStalls, eventId) {
const user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
const vendorId = user.uid;
const eventRef = firebase.firestore().collection('events').doc(eventId);

const eventSnapshot = await eventRef.get();

const event =;
const bookedStalls = event.bookedStalls;
const availableStalls = event.numStalls - bookedStalls;

if (numStalls > availableStalls) {

alert(`There are only ${availableStalls} stalls available for this event`);

const stallsRef = firebase.firestore().collection('stalls');

const stallBatch = firebase.firestore().batch();

const eventBatch = firebase.firestore().batch();

eventBatch.update(eventRef, { bookedStalls: bookedStalls + numStalls });

for (let i = 1; i <= numStalls; i++) {

const stallNumber = bookedStalls + i;
const stallRef = stallsRef.doc();
const stallData = {
eventId: eventId,
vendorId: vendorId,
stallNumber: stallNumber
stallBatch.set(stallRef, stallData);

try {
await firebase.firestore().runTransaction(async (transaction) => {
transaction.set(eventRef, event, { merge: true });
transaction.set(stallsRef.doc(), stallData);
alert(`Successfully booked ${numStalls} stalls for event ${eventId}`);
} catch (error) {
alert('Failed to book stalls');

In this updated version, we first check whether there are enough stalls available
for the requested number of stalls. If there are not enough stalls available, we
display an error message and exit the function.

We then create two batches: one for updating the event document, and one for
creating the stall documents. We also create a stallData object that will be used
to create each new stall document.

Instead of using batch.commit() to write the stall documents, we use a transaction

to ensure that the writes are atomic and consistent. We use the runTransaction
method provided by Firestore to run the transaction, and pass in a function that
performs the necessary writes.

In the transaction function, we first update the event document with the new number
of booked stalls using `transaction.set(eventRef, event, {

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