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hi I'm Lauren wolka I come from

Australia I study a double degree in

business and international relations at

Bond University on the Gold Coast and I

decided to pursue an international

internship because

studying international relations of

course the international engagement

component is quite important but I think

that gaining Global insights and work

experience in a different culture and in

a different environment outside of your

comfort zone is really important to

developing professional skills the

opportunity to learn a language or to

improve language skills has been

fantastic but also working abroad you

get the opportunity to gain a greater

cultural understanding and knowledge of

a different lifestyle or a way of living

and the way different people conduct


so I did my internship at Massive Action

in think tank or might a think tank that

works here in Medellin to improve the

city in areas of business governance and

education and we've also enjoyed a bit

of working mobility and transport as

well so my role has included everything

from social media marketing to helping

design websites and research tools to

actually conducting research writing

papers and writing blogs as well

The Internship has taught me so much

that I guess one of the biggest things

personally was it was fantastic to gain

experience working in an international

work culture the work culture here in

Colombia is very very different to

Australia it's

sort of longer days but a little bit

more flexible but really professional

and really enjoyable meditating is

beautiful the scenery the mountains are

stunning and

even speaking limited Spanish living

here and with the pies of people being

so friendly it's been so seamless and

I've really enjoyed it I've absolutely

loved it here

to people thinking about doing an

international internship I would

definitely recommend taking it it's been

an unbelievable experience

I can 100 recommend medicine as a

destination for an international

internship it's been incredible as I've

mentioned for the culture of the people

and but also the work environment has

been incredibly supportive and I would

definitely recommend going through the

intern group it's been such a seamless

experience and they've been so so



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