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SHAMAN A totem comes to life surrounded by a my green aura, An elf stands in front of it mum- bling words of spiritual power and making dis: tinct symbols with his hands. A spirit mask ap- pears before his face and spews forth a horrid concoction of insects and bile that blanket the gruesome orc band that rushes towards him, A dwarf lashes about for an instant before her eyes illuminate with power. As she ope her mouth a horrendous and unworldly sound. echoes forward causing the handful goblins and bughears to buckle to their knees, They're assaulted by both the sound and spirits that tear through their mind, leaping in and out of the monsters bodies as they writhe. Anhalfling sits bent over his fallen comrade, his enormous dream catcher strapped to his back vibrates with a soothing hum, The cuts and bruises on the fallen sorcerer heal and recede as etherial hands brush back and forth across her skin. All of these individuals are shaman, the embodiment of the spirits on the material plane. POWER OF THE SPIRITS Shaman derive their magic from the spirits, past and present. They believe those who ‘would listen can be guided and taught by their forbears, long dead and gone, or by the spirits, of the natural world. They know that spirits exist throughout the world if you know where to look and they desire to teach, Shaman are powerful priests who com- mune with spirits to command, cajole or guide them into doing their bidding. Shaman are found among less sophisticated societies pre ferring to stand naked on a glacial peak and call upon power from the spirits than live clus- tered within the city walls of more "advanced societies. Shaman excel at using their magic to make a clan of fierce warriors even more pow erful, Tibes revere them not only because they are spiritual leaders and links to their cultures’ gods, but also for more practical reasons. The warriors of a shaman's society know that spi tual magic can turn them into unnaturally swift, strong, and lethal fighters. Shaman themselves ean take on a variety of roles as helpful healers, etherial evocationists, or tical THE SHAMAN Proficiency Level Bonus” Features 42 Spelicasting, Spirit Recovery 42 spirit Path 2 +2 _apitisy Score improvement 8 43 spirit Path Feature i +3. Ability Score Improvement “4 +4 _spint Recovery (2/ay), Spit Path Feature 4: 4 45. spint path Feature 6 5 6 46 Vongelu Spirits Ablity Score Improvement 46 Ability Score Improvement 46 spirit Recovery improvement capable combatants, though they rely on their ‘magic to overcome most obstacles. Shaman specialize in buffing the physical attributes of their allies and damaging their foes with poison and disease. SPIRITUAL POWER All shaman reccive messages from the spirit world in many forms. Vision quests, omens, and dream sequences can all be messages from the other side that might suddenly send the shaman off on a journey of great importance. A dis turbing dream, an animal acting unusu- ally, or even a Storm may be taken as an ‘omen requiring a quest to understand it. While more civilized classes often scoff ata shaman's omens they recognize that their power is quite real. Shaman are often able to travel alone in places were most choose to only go in large number. However, they are never truly alone as the spirits always watch over them and walk beside them, ‘Shaman are held in high esteem in their homelands, often taking roles of royal advisors or even rulers. Of course, shaman of different races have very dif. ferent backgrounds and traditions, and ‘would most likely be insulted by the sug- gestion they were at all similar. The one clement that unites all shaman is their belief in and manipula- tion of spirits, but even here there is CCantrips Spel Known Known 4th sth 6th Spell lots per Spell Level great diversity. Some shaman believe that they channel the force of their ancestors, others be- lieve they are a vessel for all spirits to work through, others still believe they bend the spit its to their will. Shaman may practice this faith through worship to specific entities, medita tion, general prayer, or gaining a greater under Stauing of CREATING A SHAMAN When making a shaman, consider why your character has decided to seck out the spirits. Perhaps your character has had an omen or been visited in a dream or was brought up in a shamanistic tribe. Perhaps your character had nightmares as a child before realizing it was just the spirits attempting to communicate or has tried for decades to finally contact a lost loved one from the grave. Maybe your charae- ter was born when a beloved shaman died and the tribe believed her to be reincarnated. Have you always been an adventurer as part of your shamanistic calling, or did you spend time as.a priest in a small nomadic tribe? Per- hhaps your vision quest led you on a path of righteousness or even something fouler, to attain spiritual greatness. QUICK BUILD You can make a shaman quickly by following these suggestions, First, Wisdom should be Your highest ability score, followed by Constitu- tion, Second, choose the Folk Hero back- ground. eas a whole, CLASS FEATURES Asa shaman, you gain the following class fea- tures. Hit Points Hit Dice: 148 per shaman level Hit Points at Ist Level: 8 + your Constitu- tion modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per shaman level after Ist PROFICIENCIES Armor: Light armor, medium armor Weapons: Simple weapons Tools: None Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Percep- tion, Religion and Survival Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: +(a) hide or (b) leather armor +(a) a sling and 20 pellets or (b) any simple weapon +(a) a mace or (b) any simple melee weapon + (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack +a shamanic focus SPELLCASTING Drawing on the essence of the spiritual world, you can cast spells to shape the will of the spirits. See chapter 10 of the PHB for the general rules of spellcasting and the end of this supplement for a selection of shaman spells. CANTRIPS At Ist level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the shaman spell list. You learn additional shaman cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Shaman table. SPELL SLOTS The Shaman table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of Ist level and higher. To east on e of these shaman spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the Istevel spell burning hands and have a Ist-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast burning hands using either slot SPELL KNOWN OF IST LEVEL AND HIGHER You know two Ist-level spells of your choice from the shaman spell list. The Spells Known column of the Shaman table shows when you learn more shaman spells of you choice. Each of those spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of Ist or 2nd level Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the shaman spells you know and replace it with another spell from the sorcerer spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots. SPELL SLOTS Wisdom is your spelleasting ability for your sorcerer spells, since the power of your magic relies on your ability to project your will into the world. You use your Wisclom whenever a spell refers to your spelleasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom ‘modifier when setting the saving throw DC for for a shaman spell you cast and when ‘making an attack roll with one. ave DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier Spell ‘Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier ‘SPELLCASTING Focus You can use a shamanic focus (found in this supplement) as a spelicasting focus for your shaman spells. Cost 1ep Spirit pipe 1ep Dreamcatcher 2ep Headdress 5p Pelt from spirit animal 10gp 1 Ib. SPIRIT RECOVERY You've forged a pact with spirits who feed off your own life force, in return providing the shaman with a sudden influx of power, Once per day, you may summon hungry spirits as a free action. The spirits feed from your life force for 1 round, lowering your maximum hit points equal to your shaman class level + Wisdom Modifier. Tiny welts, bruises, and lacerations begin to appear on your body. Al though this process is painful, you have inured yourself to such pain and do not have to make Concentration checks to continue casting spells due to the damage caused by the hungry spirits. At the beginning of your tum on the following round, you reyain a number of spell slots equaling half your shaman level, minimum 1, and **none** of, the slots ean be’* Sth level or higher. T life force drained by the hungry spirits cannot be healed before taking a long rest, even by magical means, Atlevel 10, you can use this feature once per short re AUlevel 20, when you use this feature, the life force drain no longer effects you as it once did. Your maximum hit points lowers only half of what it normally would, SPIRIT PATH At 2nd level, you choose to follow a specific spirit path: Spirit of the Mystic, Spirit of the Herd, Spirit of the Hunt, Spirit of the Elder, all detailed at the end of the class descrip- tion. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level, ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT At 2nd level, you choose to follow a specific spirit path: Spirit of the Mystic, Spirit of the Herd, Spirit of the Hunt, Spirit of the Elder, all detailed at the end of the class descrip- tion. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level VENGEFUL SPIRIT Starting at 18th level, when targeting a crea ture with a spell that forces them to make a wisdom saving throw you can choose to loose angry spirits along with the spell. Once per short rest, you may use this fea- ture to make the target roll their initial wisdom saving throw at disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the vengeful spirits tor- ment the target's mind causing the spell to deal double the regular amount of damage. On a successful saving throw, the spell deals the normal amount of damage. SPIRIT PATHS In the ether, every spirit weilds dominion over different aspects of their mortal life and civiliza- tion, called a spirit’s path. Asa shaman, you choose one path to embody, and are granted. powers related to that path. Your choice might correspond to a particu- larly powerful spirit or a sect of spirits all fo- cused on the same path. Alternatively, your choice of path could simply be a matter of per- ‘sonal preference, the aspect that appeals to you ‘most. PATH OF THE MysTIC Your mystical connection to the spirit world infuses you with the abi st certain spells. At 2nd, 3rd, Sth, 7th and 9th level you gain access to spells provided to you by the spirits of the mystic. These spells are taught by the specific spirits you follow. Once you gain access to these spells they are innately known to you, they do not count against your Spell Known column on the table. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the shaman spell list, the spell is nonethe- ess a shaman spell for you. Mystic PATH SPELLS Spell Level spells 2nd expeditious retreat, feather fall yad—_-misty step, iniebility Sth gaseous form, nondetection 7h —__greoter invisibility, dimension door Sth posswall, tree stride Mystic Toucr, Starting at 2nd level, you have been gifted a deadly touch and your hand is guided by the mystical spirits. After 2 successful melee at- tacks in succession, your next melee attack on your next turn is taken at advantage. You add an additional die of damage for your weapon on a successful hit. INCORPOREAL ESCAPE Starting at 6th level, your body is aided by the spirits. When you take damage you can choose to use your reaction to become incor- poreal until the end of your next turn. While incorporeal, attacks against you are ata dis- advantage and you can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force damage if you are inside a solid object when you fully enter the material plane. Once you tse this fea- ture, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest, Lanp’s STRIDE Starting at 10th level, moving through non. magical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement. You can also pass through non- ‘magical plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard, While using Incorporeal Escape, you no longer move through other creatures and ob- jects as if they were difficult terrain. In addi tion, you have advantage on saving throws against plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement, such those created by the entangle spell. Mystic Macic Starting at 14th level, your Mystic Touch allows you to use ranged spell attacks in- stead of melee weapon attacks. The adi tional damage you gain on your third suc- cessful hit for a ranged spell attack on your third turn is half the spell's original damage dice, minimum of 1. PATH OF THE HERD. ‘Your connection to the spirit world infuses you with the ability to cast certain spells. At 2nd, 3rd, Sth, 7th and 9th level you gain access to spells provided to you by the spir- its of the mystic. These spelis are taught by the specific spirits you follow. Once you gain access to these spells they are innately Known to you, they do not count against your Spell Known column on the table. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on. the shaman spell list, the spell is nonethe- Jess a shaman spell for you. HERD PaTH SPELLS Spell Level Spells 2nd bless, protection from good and evil yd ——_barkskin, warding bond Sth erusader’s mantle, beacon of hope Tth aura of purity, stoneskin 9th circle of power, ontilife shell Spirtr AuRA Starting at 2nd level, the range of spells that target multiple allies is doubled. Spells that target a willing creature at range has the ‘spell range extended 10 feet. Torem Spirit Starting at 6th level, you can use your action to create a totem from your own spirit. The totem is a small, solid idol seemingly wreathed in shifting spirits. You can only have one totem in existence at a time. While efeating your totem, you imbue the totem with a spell that requires concentration, ex- pending a spell slot. The totem acts as the caster of the spell, no longer requiring you to be concentrating. The spell then continues, regardless of duration, until the totem is de- stroyed or you dismiss the totem and it dis- appears. The totem has an AC equal to your level + Wisdom Modifier and has hit points equal to your level + your Constitution modi fier, The totem counts as a willing creature for you and your ally’s spells. It is considered Tiny, being 2 feet tall and weighs 10 times your shaman level in pounds. If destroyed, you take half the damage it received. Orrensive HERD Starting at level 10, once per day all allies within 30 feet of you gain advantage on attack rolls on their next turn. Once you use this feature, you can't use it ag. you finish a short or long rest. BLoop oF THE SPIRIT Starting at level 14, spirits wateh over you and your allies. Allies within 30 feet of you cannot be frightened or charmed while you PATH OF THE HUNT Your connection to the spirit world infuses you with the ability to cast certain spells. At 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th level you gain access to spells provided to you by the spi its of the mystic. These spells are taught by the specific spirits you follow. Once you gain access to these spells they are innately known to you, they do not count against your Spell Known column on the table. Ifyou gain access toa spell that doesn't appear on the shaman spell list, the spell is nonethe- Jess a shaman spell for you. HUNT PATH SPELLS Spell Level Spells Ria (ahaa ale eh ee Sth slow protection fom energy 7th locate creature, stoneskn Sth | fan la Iga ote ‘Spirit WEAPON Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action to summon a weapon from the spirit world. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it from any blunt or piercing weapon. You are profi ‘cient in your spirit weapon. You may only have one spirit weapon at a time. The ‘weapon looks as though it was created out of spirits, it feels like a normal weapon, but looks as though it is wreathed in spirits. You can use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Strength modifier when attacking with this weapon. This weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. Your spirit weapon disappears after 1 minute unless you attack with it every turn after the 10 rounds. You can dismiss the spirit weapon, no action required, when you ‘choose. You can use this feature twice per short rest. ELEMENTAL WEAPON Starting at level 6, when you create your spirit weapon you can choose to imbue your weapon with elemental energy. Choosing from acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder. ‘Your weapon now takes on the look of its el- ‘mental energy. You weapon now does 16 additional damage, this additional damage is, ‘of the energy from your choosing. This ‘counts as the energy type when overcoming resistance or vulnerability to the elemental ‘energy. Your weapon now disappears after 2 minutes unless you attack with it every turn after the 20 rounds. ‘SpiriTvaL ENHANCEMENT Starting at level 10, when you choose to imbue your weapon with an elemental ‘energy your weapon truly becomes a weapon, ‘of energy. Your spirit weapon now does 26 of additional energy damage. Your weapon now disappears after 3 minutes unless you attack with it every turn after the 30 rounds. + When hit with an acid weapon, the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. If the target failed, the target takes an additional 1d6 on its next turn. + When hit with a cold weapos speed is reduced by 10 feet un turn, When hit with a fire weapon, the target takes an additional 2d8 damage rather than the 2d6. Any flammable object hit by this, spell ignites iFit isn't being worn or carried. the targets: next * + When hit with a lightning weapon, the target can't take any reactions until its next turn, In addition you have advantage on. melee attacks with your spiritual weapon against any target wearing armor made of metal. + When hit with a thunder weapon, the target must succeed a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC or be pushed 10 feet away from you. OFFENSIVE HERD Starting at level 14, once conjured your spirit weapon does not disappear until you've dismissed it. Your epirit weapon's damage dice is doubled and your additional energy damage of your choosing is now 446. You can also make a melee attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, For example, if you should summon a spiritual weapon in the shape of a maul each of your two attacks would deal 4d6 damage plus 4d6 elemental damage or 4d8 elemental damage if it's a fire weapon, PATH OF THE ELDER you with the ability to cast certain spells. At 2nd, 3rd, Sth, 7th and 9th level you gain access to spells provided to you by the spir- its of the mystic. These spells are taught by the specific spirits you follow. Once you gain access to these spells they are innately known to you, they do not count against your Spell Known column on the table. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the shaman spell list, the spell is nonethe- Jess a shaman spell for you. ELDER PATH SPELLS 1s SER wre ance pare cf aaa aceste iin hai srdons “_gurdian offith ara of ie ee SPIRIT OF THE ELDER Starting at level 2, once per long rest you can embolden you and your allies EE. 30 feet. You and your allies gain term ee points equal to your shaman level + wisdom modifier. Discirte oF Lire ‘Starting at Oth level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of Ist level of higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell level. WisboM oF THE ELDERS Starting at 10th level, you can add your wisdom modifier to any skill check. Once ‘You've used this feature you can’t use it again ‘until you've taken a short or long rest. Rituat Bete Starting at 14th level, each spell provided on this spirit path can be cast as a ritual once per day. SHAMAN SPEL! CANTRIPS (0 LEVEL) Acid Splash Guidance Poison Spray Presdigitation Produce Flame 2 Ray of Frost Resistance ‘Spare the Dying ‘Thaumaturgy Vicious Mockery IST LEVEL. Bless Burning Hands Charm Person Chromatic Orb ‘Comprehend Languages Cure Wounds Detect Magic Detect Poison and Disease Dissonant Whispers Healing Word Purify Food and Drink Ray of Sickness. Shield Thunderwave Unseen Servant Be Enhance Ability OTH LEVEL Lessor Restoration Protection from Poison Chain Lightning Scorching R: Find the Path See Invisibility Globe of Invulnerability Shatter Harm Spirit Weapon Heal Warding Bond Planar "Spirit” Ally 3RD LEVEL 7TH LEVEL Delayed Blast Fireball Aura of Vitality Divine Word Bestow Curse Blink Ethereainess. Call Lightning Fire Stom Clairvoyance Planeshift Dispel Magic Prismatic Spay Fear fesurrection Fireball Hypnotic Pattern 8TH LEVEL Lightning Bolt ntipathy/Symps Protection from Energy patina tty Sapa) Seen Demiplane enor Ce Dominate Monster Rernty Feeblemind Sleet Storm ae Speak with Dead i Spirit Guardians EE Stinking Clouds 9TH LEVEL Tongues Foresight 4TH LEVEL, Imprisonment Prismatic Wall Areane Eye ‘True Resurrection ‘Aura of Life ‘Aura of Purity Thanks and credit to: Compulsion lniXsen, ju/DnDSe,/u/Smyris, Cana Eten cages eee Conjure "Spirit" Animals land Omer Haciomerogls Death Ward Dominate Beast Fire Shield Ice Storm Locate Creature Phantasmal Killer STH LEVEL Circle of Power dill ommune Cone of Cold Contact Other Plane Contagion Dominate Person Dream Flame Strike Greater Restoration Legend Lore Reincarnate Serying

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