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Phrasal verbs (multi-words)

Try on is a separable phrasal verb. That means the object can go before or after the particle,
but if the object is a pronoun, it MUST go between the verb and the particle.
Vyskušať niečo (nejaku vec,), preto tam pouzijem zameno Try it on

Stand up ( vsať) is an intransitive phrasal verb, and intransitive phrasal verbs are used
without an object. ( postav sa, nevieme pouzit ziadnu vec)

The verb look for is transitive, so it needs an object. However, it is an inseparable phrasal
verb, so the object (or object pronoun) needs to go after the verb + particle: Tu musim vzdy
doplnit co ale koho nap. hladam

 I looked for my bag everywhere.

 I looked for it everywhere.
 Take car of…

Choose the correct verb forms for the gaps below.

stood up
1Judy and pushed her chair under the table.
threw it aw ay
2I finished the apple, then I .
looking for it
3A: "And your phone?" B: "I am ."
w rote it dow n
4He gave me his number, and I .
takes care of the children
5Anna .
try them on
6I really like these shoes. Is it okay if I ?
gone up
7The price of gas has a lot recently.
took off my shoes
8I .
looks after us
9Cara is our babysitter. She .
turned on the radio
10I .

Fill in the gaps with the phrasal verb in brackets in the present or past simple. Use a

EXAMPLE: The light is on. Please turn it off when you leave. (turn off)
try them on
1Before buying those shoes, you should really . (try on)
stood up
2At the end of the show, the audience and clapped. (stand up)
picked it up
3I dropped the pencil on the floor, then I . (pick up)
looks after her
4Jean has a granddaughter. She every Saturday morning. (look after)
grow up
5I hope to be much taller when I . (grow up)
put it on
6I took my jeans out of the wardrobe, then I . (put on)
looked for my
7After losing my bag, I everywhere, but I couldn't find it. (look for)
throw milk aw
8If I forget milk out of the fridge for a few hours, I always . (throw away)
set dow
9I walked over to the sofa, then I . (sit down)
searched for i
10When we discovered that the gold was missing, we for hours. (search for)

Complete the conversation with a phrasal verb in the correct form. The definitions in
brackets will help you.
set off pick up hang on get in
A: You’re arriving in Rome next Friday, right?
B: Yes, that’s right.
A: I’ll (1) pick you up if you like? (collect)
B: That would be lovely.
A: What time does your plane (2) get in? (arrive)
B: (3) Hang on (Wait). I’ll just check on the ticket. Eh…..20.45.
A: OK. If I (4) set of (leave the house) at about 8.00p.m., I’ll be there on time.

These phrasal verbs all relate to emotions and feelings. Try to match them to their meanings:
1. calm down C
2. chill out / oddych D
3. cheer up / rozveseliť A
4. look forward to something/ tešiť sa E
5. wind somebody up / naštvať niekoho B
6. freak out / stratiť nervy F

a. to feel happier / citiť sa šťastne

b. an informal phrasal verb meaning to make someone angry and upset/ ktoré znamená
rozhnevať a rozrušiť niekoho
c. to stop being angry, excited or upset / prestať byť nahnevaný, rozrušený
d. an informal phrasal verb meaning to relax / relaxovať
e. to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen/ cítiť radosť a vzrušenie
z niečoho, čo sa stane
f. an informal phrasal verb meaning to be very excited or emotional or to cause someone be
this way/ byť veľmi vzrušený alebo emocionálny alebo spôsobiť, aby niekto bol takýto;

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