Ketchum 2006

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The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care

Indications for Early Fresh Frozen Plasma, Cryoprecipitate,

and Platelet Transfusion in Trauma
Lloyd Ketchum, MD, John R. Hess, MD, MPH and Seppo Hiippala, MD

Background: Massive blood transfu- patients usually starts with crystalloid fluids quickly. Ideal platelet concentrations in
sion can be lifesaving in the treatment of and progresses to uncross-matched RBC. trauma patients are not known, but are gen-
severe trauma. Guidelines for the use of Low blood volume, insensible losses, con- erally held to be greater than 50ⴛ 109/L.
non-RBC blood components in the early sumption, and resuscitation with plasma Cryoprecipitate can rapidly increase the
phase of trauma resuscitation are largely poor RBC concentrates rapidly lead to concentrations of fibrinogen and von Wille-
based on extensions of expert recommen- plasma coagulation factor concentrations of brand’s factor, but the advantages of higher
dations for general surgery. less than 40%. This typically occurs before than normal concentrations are speculative.
Methods: The logic and evidence for 10 U of RBC have been transfused. Early Conclusions: Early use of plasma
the use of plasma, platelets, and cryopre- initiation of plasma therapy is often delayed and platelets at the upper end of recom-
cipitate early in the course of massive by its lack of immediate availability in the mended doses appears to reduce the incidence
transfusion for trauma were reviewed. trauma center. Platelets usually fall to con- of coagulopathy in massively transfused
Large series of consecutive patients were centrations of 50 –100ⴛ 109̂/L after 10 –20 individuals.
sought. units of RBC have been given, but platelet Key Words: Massive transfusion, Co-
Findings: Resuscitation of the most se- concentrations in individual patients are agulopathy, Blood components.
verely injured and massively hemorrhaging quite variable and can decrease more
J Trauma. 2006;60:S51–S58.

t the dawn of the age of blood component therapy, John 18 g/L, with significant loss of colloid oncotic activity and
Collins wrote: “Volume, red cells, albumin . . . clotting the onset of edema, requiring colloid replacement.
factors and platelets are needed in that order as the Coagulation Factors
volume of blood loss increases.”1 In a subsequent book,2 At 180% loss, with replacement as above, coagulation
Collins also provided the following quantitative guidelines. factors typically fall below 20% of their normal concentra-
tions and the plasma coagulation times will be prolonged
Volume more than 150% of normal.
Young healthy patients can tolerate up to 30% loss of Platelets
blood volume but after that need significant volume replace- When more than 220% of blood volume has been re-
ment to avoid severe shock. placed, platelet counts will usually have fallen to around
50,000/␮L; and frank coagulopathy will ensue.
Red Blood Cells (RBC)
At 50% loss, many patients will need RBC.
These observations, distilled from calculation, animal
Albumin experiment and clinical practice, are still viewed as accurate.
After 150% loss, with continuous replacement of volume However, their utility has been tempered by the recognition
with crystalloid and RBC, albumin will typically fall below that individual variability in response to injury is large.
Bleeding patients who are also frail, anemic or thrombocy-
Submitted for publication November 18, 2005. topenic, or have underlying cardiac, lung, liver or kidney
Accepted for publication November 28, 2005. disease, arrive at critical resuscitation thresholds sooner than
Copyright © 2006 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. their healthy counterparts. Conversely, the young and athletic
From the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring,
may tolerate greater losses with fewer symptoms or signs.
Maryland, USA (L.K.); University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,
MD, USA (J.H.), and the University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (S.H.). Massively bleeding patients with reduced blood volumes,
The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the lose a proportionately greater fraction of their remaining
authors and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the blood with any given volume of loss.
Department of Defense or the United States Government. One of the authors A clinical approach to the problems of administering
is an employee of the U.S. Government. This work was prepared as part of plasma, platelets, and cryoprecipitate for the control of bleed-
his official duties and, as such, there is not copyright to be transferred.
Address for reprints: Lloyd H. Ketchum, MD, Chief, Department of ing needs to take into account four facts. First, 95% of all
Blood Research, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 503 Robert Grant injured patients do not need any of these components.3 Sec-
Avenue—MCR, Silver Spring, MD 20910; email: Lloyd.Ketchum@na. ond, a few patients, perhaps 1 in 20 of the remaining 5%, are coagulopathic at the onset of resuscitation, usually as a result
DOI: 10.1097/01.ta.0000199432.88847.0c of drugs or acquired diseases, and need immediate treatment

Volume 60 • Number 6 S51

The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care

of coagulopathy as well as volume and oxygen carrying volemia, followed by therapeutic interventions that in turn
capacity. Third, as resuscitation progresses to massive trans- lead to further blood loss, leads to a rapid dilution of plasma,
fusion, and plasma and platelet therapy are added to control all while the patient is still in the ED undergoing primary
decreasing concentrations of these blood constituents, signif- assessment and is still without any definitive treatment plan.
icant hemodilution is inevitable because of the composition This unpredictable and often poorly controlled sequence
of banked blood components.4 Fourth, massively bleeding of events in already hypovolemic patients leads to a deficient
patients have low blood volume and ongoing vigorous resus- coagulation profile much sooner than is usually anticipated.
citation with crystalloids and colloids. The combination of In addition, the extensive exposure of subendothelial matrix
these factors means that data directly applying to every pos- of the injured tissues from millions of endothelial microtears
sible combination of circumstances is not available. Never- generates excess, and usually unappreciated, consumption of
theless, it is an excellent general rule that a determined effort coagulation factors and platelets. Reduced clearance of inac-
is needed to deliver sufficient amounts of all of the compo- tivated coagulation factors further interferes with the assem-
nents in a timely fashion to maintain adequate coagulation. bly of active factor complexes. The emergence of coagulation
Hemorrhage is the second leading cause of death in disturbances can be further accelerated by some solutions
combat casualties.5 Severely injured soldiers generally have used for volume replacement. Hypertonic saline preparations
the advantages of youth and physical fitness, but with the can affect platelet function, and hydroxyethyl starch and
disadvantage of high-energy penetrating weapons injury. The dextran solutions impair platelet adhesion and aggregation by
hemostatic system, composed of platelets and coagulation decreasing the von Willebrand factor activity in plasma.8,9
proteins, faces two distinct clinical challenges in dealing with
their injuries. The most obvious is to stop or limit blood loss Monitoring of Coagulation in Trauma
from the initial site of injury. The second occurs in the small The coagulation profile, prothrombin time (PT), platelet
subset of patients requiring massive transfusion many of count and plasma fibrinogen concentration, should be deter-
whom will go on to develop a life-threatening trauma asso- mined as soon as the blood volume has been restored to a
ciated coagulopathy in which hemostasis is reduced diffusely more acceptable level. Unfortunately, standard laboratory
and spontaneous bleeding occurs at uninjured or minimally testing processes are often too slow to provide results in a
injured sites. Platelets and clotting factors must be present in timely fashion. The use of small portable point-of-care de-
sufficient quantity and have adequate function to perform vices can prove helpful in this situation, but calibration is a
their critical role of stopping bleeding. problem. Several devices of this type measure PT, the most
sensitive and practical coagulation test to detect imminent
Evolution of Coagulopathy in Severe Traumatic coagulation disturbances. Most devices now available also
Blood Loss provide the results as a percentage of the activity of a refer-
Following trauma accompanied by massive hemorrhage, ence plasma, a more readily understood measure of dilution
coagulation factors and platelets are lost and consumed, and than the PT in seconds. A PT activity remaining above
their activity is reduced by hypothermia, acidosis, and dilu- 30 – 40% generally ensures normal coagulation with a safe
tion. In addition, clots that are formed may be broken down margin.10
inappropriately by physical manipulation of wounds and fi- The hemoglobin concentrations obtained before transfu-
brinolysis. The processes that lead to coagulopathy are dy- sion of red cells can also be used, with some reservations, as
namic and ongoing. a surrogate to estimate the degree of plasma dilution and
Most massively bleeding trauma patients have high blunt coagulation factor deficiency. Assuming the patient to have a
trauma injury severity scores.6,7 They have often lost consid- normal hemoglobin before trauma, a value of 40 –50 g/L after
erable amounts of blood into internal spaces, either at the volume resuscitation, but before RBC replacement, strongly
scene of injury or during transport, without obvious signs of suggests that the patient has already lost at least two thirds of the
hemorrhage. Depending on the age and physical capacity of original blood elements, including plasma and coagulation fac-
the injured person, some degree of volume homeostasis can tors, and therefore should be given fresh frozen plasma.
be achieved by tissue fluid shifts, and a significant amount of The decline of platelet count is a highly individual phe-
plasma may be replaced with capillary refill. Of necessity nomenon. Some patients are able to maintain high platelet
however, this autologous replacement is largely acellular and counts despite ongoing blood loss by recruiting platelets from
contains little protein, beginning the process of dilution of the spleen and possibly mobilizing new ones from bone marrow.
components of coagulation. Dilution is then rapidly enhanced Most patients, however, approach the critical platelet count of
by crystalloid resuscitation often started outside the hospital 50,000/␮L after losing two blood volumes.11 Because of the
and continued, even more vigorously, at the emergency de- high variability, platelet count should be determined early on
partment. As volume replacement is achieved, blood pressure after admission and repeated frequently to assess the individ-
rises, and the patient bleeds more profusely. This additional ual course of the evolving thrombocytopenia.
blood loss requires more volume to maintain acceptable By the time the clinical manifestations of severe coagu-
blood pressure, and so on. The sequence of recurring hypo- lopathy become apparent, as pathologic bleeding from skin

S52 Supplement 2006

Early FFP, Cryo, and Platelets

lacerations, cannulation sites or mucous membranes, the PT treatment of true massive bleeding requiring pressurized in-
activity will be well below the safety margin of 30 to 40% of fusions, clinical experience suggests that it is exceedingly
normal. These are late signs denoting significant coagulopa- difficult to over transfuse such patients with any of the blood
thy and usually demand exceptional interventions to regain components available, possibly excluding specific small vol-
control. ume preparations such as cryoprecipitate or fibrinogen. Fur-
thermore, it is impractical and often impossible to resort
Replacement Therapy exclusively to blood products, because lines are primed and
FFP Supplementation kept open with saline and delivery of blood is sometimes
Staying ahead of the coagulopathy of massive bleeding delayed. Therefore the hypotensive episodes are frequently
in severe trauma requires anticipation. As noted, relying on treated with crystalloids and colloids, which rapidly dilute
washout equations to guide replacement almost assures un- plasma, red blood cells and platelets.
derestimation of losses in this situation. The basic assump- The use of plasma carries certain caveats. Fresh frozen
tions of the washout equation are simply not met in the care plasma contains most of the citrate anticoagulant added to the
of bleeding trauma patients.10 If they were, the hypothetical collection bag and is therefore approximately 20% diluted
best-case scenario, the patient would still retain more than compared with normal plasma. As the blood volume drawn is
one third of plasma with all coagulation factors after losing constant, the degree of dilution mainly depends on the he-
more than one blood volume. Obviously this is not the case in matocrit of the donor. A unit of FFP contains approximately
the massively bleeding trauma patient. The best-case scenerio 0.5 g of fibrinogen and all the pro- and anti-coagulant pro-
does not take into account the insensible losses of whole teins within normal range.
blood into tissue compartments, the greater proportional In Europe, solvent-detergent treated plasma (SD-plasma,
losses of clotting factors and platelets because of low blood not available in the US) is widely used instead of normal FFP.
volume, the consumption of clotting factors at sites of injury, The average volume of normal FFP unit is approximately 250
the inhibitory effects of colloid resuscitation fluids and inac- mL while the volume of an SD-plasma unit is just 200 mL. In
tive coagulation factors, and the loss of clotting activity to addition, up to 20% of the coagulation factor activity of
hypothermia and acidosis. Every violation of the best-case SD-plasma is lost in the processing.12 In terms of total coag-
scenario demands earlier supplementation of fresh frozen ulation factor content, one unit of SD-plasma equals just two
plasma to avoid coagulopathy. thirds of normal FFP unit. Therefore, if SD-plasma is used for
Most bleeding trauma patients will need fresh frozen supplementation in massive blood loss, the ratio should be
plasma well before losing one blood volume. This is different one unit for each unit of red cells.
from the recommendations for more controlled circumstances
of blood loss. In controlled elective surgery situations, the
loss of one and a half blood volumes justifies, in most cases, Platelets
the transfusion of FFP. One can make the argument that the A declining platelet count usually requires intervention
“early” start of FFP transfusion in trauma, at or before one much later than the deficit of plasma. Although we can
volume loss, is not far away from the “legitimate” starting determine the platelet count easily, we have no practical
point. Starting “early” normally means that an adult trauma methods to rapidly assess the function of native platelets. Nor
patient will get four to six more FFP units than an equivalent do we have practical ways to assess and assure the viability
patient experiencing blood loss in an elective surgery. How- and activity of transfused platelets. Platelet function assays
ever, considering the difficulty in estimating true blood loss exist but are too cumbersome to be used in the emergency or
in traumatic injury, there is probably very little actual differ- operation room. Furthermore, these functional assays are not
ence in the proportions of blood loss to FFP units between validated for low platelet counts and therefore usually have
these two groups of patients. If clinically evident coagulopa- no use in hemorrhagic thrombocytopenia. The possible excep-
thy is prevented by the early use of FFP, subsequent blood tion, thromboelastography (TEG), is slow, suffers in accu-
product consumption is likely to be less. racy, and is expensive, but can occasionally suggest problems
The above recommendation, for early FFP supplementa- not evident from the PT and platelet count.
tion in the course of resuscitation for massive bleeding in We do know that the recovery rate of five-day old plate-
trauma patients, is based on computer simulation models lets after transfusion is about 50% and that nonviable platelets
taking into account the interaction of circulatory changes, are sequestered into the spleen.13 However, we have no data
blood loss and the effects of fluid resuscitation. In one such on how fast these useless platelets are removed from the
model, two units of FFP had to be given for each 3 units of circulation in unstable clinical settings like massive trauma.
red blood cells to avoid excessive plasma dilution compro- Platelet counts taken shortly after platelet transfusion may be
mising hemostasis, well before the patient had lost one blood giving us a falsely optimistic perception of the efficacy of
volume.10 This ratio is significantly higher than advocated by platelet replacement if a significant proportion of those plate-
the majority of transfusion protocols, and the model has been lets included in such counts are nonviable and in fact fated for
blamed for overestimating the need of FFP. However, in the eventual clearance by the spleen.

Volume 60 • Number 6 S53

The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care

Nor do we know if the generally accepted threshold of sion. A comparison blood product usage in survivors versus
50,000/␮L for platelet transfusion is correct and applicable to nonsurvivors demonstrated a RBC/FFP ratio of 1.8 versus 2.5
all types of trauma. In one small, retrospective study, the lowest ( p ⫽ 0.06) and RBC-platelet transfusion ratio of 7.7 versus
platelet count was around 40,000/␮L in both the coagulopathic 11.9 ( p ⫽ 0.03) which if we assume the average platelet
and non-coagulopathic groups. However the temporary rela- transfusion contained approximately 6 units; translates to
tionship of the lowest platelet count, transfusions and possi- platelet-RBC unit transfusion ratio of 0.78 versus 0.50 which
ble coagulopathy were not disclosed.14 In blunt trauma the is remarkably similar to the ratio seen in the Cosgriff cohort.
consumption of coagulation factors and platelets is often While there are assuredly various changes in patient manage-
accelerated and may require interventions sooner compared ment between these time periods the decrease in the RBC-
with penetrating injuries. platelet ratio (12.7 versus 8.0, early versus late period, p ⫽
In contrast to the above, the effects of hypothermia on 0.01) points to a potentially important role for aggressive
platelet function are well known, and contribute significantly platelet administration in massive transfusion.
to the coagulopathy of trauma. Mild hypothermia, core tem- While a randomized controlled trial comparing prophy-
perature above 33°C, appears to affect platelet adhesion more lactic platelet transfusion to FFP failed to show a benefit of
than the coagulation enzymes. At core temperatures under platelet transfusion, after a variety of exclusions there were
33°C, both platelet function and coagulation enzyme activi- 33 patients evaluated in this study and only 6 of them devel-
ties are reduced.15 The effects of hypothermia should be oped abnormal microvascular bleeding.18 In this study 6 units
taken into account when estimating platelet function. Active of platelet were administered after 12 units of blood, giving a
measures to warm trauma patients at risk for coagulopathy platelet to PRBC ratio of 0.5, which is the platelet transfusion
may improve hemostasis more than platelet transfusion and ratio of the non-survivors in the cohort studies. Given the
have become standard-of-care in advanced trauma care. small number of patients with microvascular bleeding, this
Massive blood loss requires rapid decisions. The abso- study does not exclude the possibility that prophylactic plate-
lutely right timing of a platelet transfusion is rarely the issue let administration may confer a large benefit in patients at
of utmost importance in the minds of the attending team. significant risk of developing microvascular bleeding.
Considering the long delivery time typical for platelet orders In summary there are two publications of patient cohorts
from the blood bank and the rapidity with which massive requiring massive transfusion in which there appears to be a
trauma situations evolve in the ED, the early placement of survival advantage of receiving approximately 0.8 units of
platelet orders seems wise. There is, further, at least some platelets per unit of RBC. In civilian clinical practice this
evidence suggesting that early platelet transfusion may im- could be accomplished by administering a standard 6 unit
prove outcome in trauma. pheresis pack of platelet for every 7.5 units of RBCs. In the
Cosgriff and his colleagues reported on a cohort of 58 military setting where platelet availability is a tremendous
massively transfused (⬎10 units red blood cells) non-head challenge the only alternative currently available is the ad-
injury trauma patients to determine risk factors for develop- ministration of fresh whole blood. An ongoing evaluation of
ing life-threatening coagulopathy.16 Life-threatening coagu- massive transfusion in Iraq by Perkins and colleagues during
lopathy was defined as both a prothrombin time and a partial the current conflict includes distinct patient cohorts who
thromboplastin time of greater than two times normal controls. received either fresh whole blood or pheresis platelets may
Based on these criteria 27 (47%) of the patient developed provide additional insight into this question.
life-threatening coagulopathy. Univariant analysis identified
Injury Severity Score, lowest systolic blood pressure in the
first 24 hours, pH and temperature as predictive of develop- Cryoprecipitate
ing life-threatening coagulopathy. Interestingly the volume of Cryoprecipitate was developed and used for the treatment
PRBC in 6 hours and 24 hours were not predictive. Of the 27 of hemophilia A and von Willebrand disease before it was
patients who developed life-threatening coagulopathy 15 pa- replaced in the pharmacopoeia by specific preparations. Cryo-
tients (56%) survived. A comparison of blood product usage precipitate contains abundant fibrinogen, von Willebrand-factor/
in those who survived versus died demonstrated platelets/ VIII complex, and fibrin stabilizing factor/XIII and has been
PRBC unit transfusion ratio 0.79 versus 0.48 ( p ⫽ 0.01). included in all transfusion protocols since the whole blood
Cinat and his colleagues reported on a cohort of 45 era.19 Initially, the main indication for cryoprecipitate was the
massively transfused (⬎50 units of red blood cells) divided restoration of plasma labile factor-VIII, as deficit of this
into 2 groups for comparison (early [1988 –1992] and late factor was thought to be one of the vital defects caused by
[1993–1997]).17 Survival following massive transfusion in- massive whole blood transfusion. Later, both the need for
creased over this 10 year time period (16% versus 45%, early supplementation of fibrinogen and the usefulness of cryopre-
versus late period, p ⫽ 0.03). Factors associated with poor cipitate as a source for this factor were recognized as well. In
outcome included male sex, major vascular injury, high In- addition, the boost of von Willebrand factor may enhance
jury Severity Score, severe acidosis, prolonged hypotension, adhesion and aggregation of platelets. The effect of surplus
refractory hypothermia and decreased use of platelet transfu- factor XIII remains disputable.

S54 Supplement 2006

Early FFP, Cryo, and Platelets

Presently, the strategy to preserve adequate coagulation massively bleeding individuals. It is constrained by delays in
is strongly based on fresh frozen plasma and platelets. The thawing FFP or transporting thawed plasma to the trauma
need of prophylactic cryoprecipitate should be reevaluated. center. Platelets can generally be delayed until 10 –20 units of
Obviously, the crucial role and small body stores of plasma RBC have been given and in less urgent situations should be
fibrinogen, and its early depletion in massive trauma, requires guided by platelet counts or evidence of coagulopathic bleed-
an efficient plan for replacement. However, the administra- ing. However, cohort data on survival in massive transfusion
tion of cryoprecipitate by rule of thumb as supplement to FFP suggest that administering a standard 6 unit platelet transfu-
may not be necessary for all trauma patients exposed to sion for each 7– 8 units of RBC may be associated with
massive transfusion. One unit of FFP contains approximately improved survival. Cryoprecipitate, usually given in 10 U
0.5 g of fibrinogen and all other pro- and anticoagulant increments can rapidly raise the concentration of fibrinogen.
proteins in balanced proportions. A unit of cryoprecipitate The benefits of giving additional cryoprecipitate to raise
contains 0.25 g of fibrinogen, but in 4% of the volume of a fibrinogen and von Willebrand’s factor are unknown.
unit of FFP, 10 mL compared with 250 mL respectively. Ten
units will contain 2.5 g in 100 mL of plasma. However,
provided the replacement volume is sufficient, FFP should be REFERENCES
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Volume 60 • Number 6 S55

The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care

17. Cinat ME, Wallace WC, Nastanski F, et al. Improved survival But when can you make that call? I think you can make that
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platelet administration during massive transfusion. A prospective, transfusion case, you should be going to a one-to-one-to-one
randomized, double-blind clinical study.” Ann Surg. 1986;203: replacement of FFP, red cells and platelets. Admittedly,
40 – 8. based on the dilutional calculations, you’re never going to get
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Dr. Angel Delgado: I really enjoyed the paper because it
DISCUSSION gave me more questions than answers and as a scientist doing
Dr. Fred Moore: When thinking about the issues dis- research, that’s exciting. Dr. Hess talked about vitamin K-
cussed in this manuscript, I see three problems. First, we dependent pathways which are affected on their pH condi-
don’t understand the basic pathophysiology of the coagulopa- tions. And he talked about platelet activation problems with
thy that we’re trying to treat. As a trauma surgeon I’ve been hypothermia. Dr. Lawson talked about platelet phospholipid
taught that coagulopathy occurs because of hemodilution, on membranes that have to be expressed in order for coagu-
consumption, acidosis and hypothermia. But actually, if you lation cascades to occur. And all these things are affected by
test for coagulopathy as severely injured patients come off the hypothermia, acidosis and Hemodilution. The data about tissue
helicopter, they will be coagulopathic before any of these factor expression in monocytes also has to be understood. These
events have happened. So there’s something else going on factors contribute to making clinical decisions on when to use
and we don’t understand it. Second, we don’t know how to different products. Understanding will give us an aid on earlier
monitor coagulopathy early when it’s most important. By intervention and helping in preventing this derangement.
default, we use the PT. Third, we have empiric guidelines for I have two main questions for the authors. One, we’re
FFP and platelet administration that were derived in the
trying to find a way to measure and come up with a test that
1980s when whole blood was commonly used. And as we’ve
will give an indication early on of coagulopathy, and we
heard, these were based on wash-out equations and grossly
don’t have that. Right now, the best thing that I believe we
underestimate what we should be giving patients who require
have is the TEG. Certain labs are doing TEG, in the OR and
massive transfusions.
at the bedside. And there may be some parameters within the
So what do the authors recommend? They recommend
TEG that may elucidate on when to use FFP or platelets or
that we aggressively use FFP. So my first question to the
stop the use of all those. Also, what is your impression about
authors is, we need to be more aggressive, but when do we
using some of these new drugs, like platelet derivatives,
start? One of the comments in the paper was after the patient
loses one blood volume. However, as a trauma surgeon, I’m rFVIIa, earlier in the therapy of massive hemorrhage and
not quite sure how I would figure that out in a patient who is trauma to ameliorate the trauma induced coagulopathy and
potentially bleeding from multiple sites. I believe that as soon improve the outcome of mortality?
as you think somebody is bleeding a lot, you ought to give Dr. Ketchum: As far as your question about FFP, when
fresh frozen plasma. do we need it and where do we need it, I think that there’s a
Now, the second intervention the authors talked about lot of consumption going on. And there’s two parts of the
was platelets, but there were some conflicting statements. consumption. There is the consumption of the clotting fac-
One was that we should start platelets after 10 to 20 units of tors, but there is also the consumption of the clotting inhib-
packed red blood cells. On the other hand, we should be itors and the fibrinolytic pathway components, which shut
giving these platelets at a very high ratio of 0.8 units of down clotting. So I think you can reasonably expect that if
platelets per unit of packed red blood cells. So if you’re not you put FFP in, you’re infusing some fibrinogen and you’re
going to start until 20 units, then you must be going to give infusing both sides of the hemostatic system which are being
a lot of platelets late. Why not start up front? consumed because of the tissue injury. Admittedly the co-
The last issue is the use of cryoprecipitate. We don’t give agulopathy is compounded by cold and by dilution, but fun-
a lot of early cryoprecipitate. Our patients arrive into the ICU damentally, particularly in massive injury, you’re just using
with a mean fibrinogen level of about 160 mg/dl (only 1% are everything up.
less than 50 mg/dl). Over the next 24 hours, fibrinogen levels Dr. John Owings: One of the things that we’ve seen is,
quickly increase into the low 400s. These data are very tight. even within that first four-hours after injury, is a dramatic
We believe this is due to the acute phase response and that the increase in monocyte expression of tissue factor. I think the
liver is producing a lot of fibrinogen. upshot is that in the very initial period of time they are
Dr. Lloyd Ketchum: I’ll take the question of platelets. I hypercoagulable. It’s a question if giving all these blood
agree with Dr. Hess that only the small group of patients products is maintaining an organized coagulation that will
destined to require massive transfusion need any platelets. then stave off the late complications that are immune.

S56 Supplement 2006

Early FFP, Cryo, and Platelets

Dr. Jeff Lawson: I just want to add some perspective as are certain things that you know you start off behind with. If
a guy who spent five or six years isolating clotting proteins we say every trauma patient shows up and they’re coagulo-
from plasma, from cryo, and from FFP. It’s important to pathic, I think starting with FFP makes excellent sense. Plate-
remember that the lowest concentration of factors on a molar lets make sense to wait, because the patient should not be
basis is factor VII and factor V. They go away really fast thrombocytopenic when they show up and you can catch up
because they live in concentrations that are between one and with that. The other thing that we did was, we gave cryopre-
ten nanomolar. Things like factor IX and factor X live at cipitate early without an indication. The literature doesn’t
concentrations that are at 100 to 200 nanomolar. And pro- support that, either. But we gave it because it thawed very
thrombin lives at a concentration that is micromolar. You can quickly and we expected the labile factors to be down in
isolate grams of prothrombin from FFP if you want to. Where stored units. Overall, there is no prophylactic transfusion data
I give cryoprecipitate is not for fibrinogen, but for the things that says it’s any good. All these ratios in varying studies are
that I think got burned out. Cryoprecipitate is what falls out based on retrospective analysis of what was given prospec-
of solution when you freeze and thaw plasma. So if I’m using tively. Managing a problem of this complexity under the
cryo, it’s because I think that V or VII deficient or I’m giving pressure of time, especially where getting behind can have
platelets because the platelets have factor V. So I think there disastrous consequences, warrants being proactive, even if
are benefits to these things that are not subtle and we sort of only for simplicity’s sake.
lump them into these one-to-one-to-one kind of ratios and it’s Dr. Harvey Klein: I just wanted to comment again on
really not that way at all. It’s what do you think you’re out of the fixed ratio issue. If you look at the cardiac surgery
and what’s the best source to get it? If you’ve burned a lot of literature, granted, a different clinical setting, but there’s
resources, you’re likely out of factors V and VII pretty early really no evidence that fixed ratios decrease bleeding, use of
on in the game. red cells, morbidity or mortality. It just isn’t there. So again,
Dr. Mike Dubick: If you had a preference, would you I would toss out that either we need to study this prospec-
like to use these blood products as your first fluid, or would tively or else we need a way to figure out which of these
it not really matter if you give crystalloid first?
patients needs it, because otherwise, giving everybody a fixed
Dr. Seppo Hiippala: We all know that it’s impossible in
ratio is going to use a lot of blood component and put a lot of
that situation. You always start with an intravenous line and
people at risk for probably a very small benefit.
you start with crystalloids. You have to maintain the blood
Dr. John Holcomb: I’m going to speak for the surgeons
pressure in an acceptable level, even though you are some-
in the group. We’re all thinking the same thing right now.
times intentionally avoiding normovolemia. I⬘m referring to
Charlie, you said this earlier. There are papers that address
tactical hypotensive cases. Rarely are blood products given
fixed ratios and say that they don’t work and waste products.
from the hip. It unfortunately takes some time.
The problem is when we’re down there in the ED or in the
Dr. Tom Repine: I did extensive reading about ratios
and prophylactic component replacing while trying to come OR, we know that if we get behind, the patient is going to die.
up with a massive transfusion protocol for use at our combat You know that and I think everybody here would agree with
support hospital. There isn’t any data that says giving early that. So you’ve got to stay out of trouble because once you’re
prophylactic component therapy, basically of any kind, de- in trouble you can’t get out. And our solution to that is a fixed
creases the number of transfusions, impacts survival, or the ratio. While we would all agree a prospective study would be
like. The reason we held off on platelets was a very com- optimal, every one of the clinicians here would use a fixed
monsense reason. It’s the same kind of commonsense reason ratio.
why early FFP in these patients seems to make sense. A Dr. Owings: Every one of us, though, would use a
casualty who was brought in with no legs was obviously different ratio. I have good results using fresh frozen plasma,
going to require a lot of blood products and was most likely almost no platelets and no cryo, and I give them calcium.
in hemorrhagic shock, no matter how effective field therapy Dr. Rick Dutton: Two comments. Staying out of trou-
had been to that point. In these patients, we gave FFP right up ble: if you’re in a massive transfusion situation, I don’t know
front, but it was as much for volume and to control the chaos exactly what the patient needs, but I’m sure it’s not crystal-
of the resuscitation as it was for any other reason. The loid. So it’s one-to-one-to-one blood products until I think of
intuitive reason to give it up front makes sense with the something else. Second, in terms of getting out of trouble,
clotting factors as well, just hasn’t panned out in clinical John Hess is right about our cryo use in 2000. We’ve changed
study. On the other hand, a patient rarely shows up with that now, because we observed in the rFVIIa era the occa-
thrombocytopenia unless there is some congenital thrombo- sional patient who was really bleeding very heavily for a long
cytopenia. Giving platelets right away is probably going to period and we can’t get to stop. And we now give them a
flush the platelets right out of the bleeding patient and you’re cocktail of cryo, platelets, and rFVIIa, and we’ve had some
not getting much benefit. So waiting until there is a dilutional good success with that.
thrombocytopenia, which is reliably after 10 to 20 units of Dr. Holcomb: One of primary observations of clinicians
packed red blood cells, makes sense intuitively. Again, there who resuscitate trauma patients is that if you can

Volume 60 • Number 6 S57

The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care

identify patients who are sick when they come in, why would small group of patients that are going to bleed a lot. Person-
you further dilute that patient with crystalloid? It makes ally, I take down the crystalloid and hang the products (FFP,
absolutely no sense. They have a hemorrhagic problem. As cryo and platelets) that will help promote intravascular
Dr Moore said they present coagulopathic. The problem is hemostasis while we work on stopping the bleeding from
bleeding, yet we resuscitate them with a solution that exac- large holes in vessels and organs with externally applied
erbates coagulopathy. Why not resuscitate them in a hemo- modalities. Big bleeding is their problem, so we feel that
static fashion? We and others are starting to develop and giving more of the products that help stop bleeding makes
study a concept called hemostatic resuscitation for the very a lot of sense.

S58 Supplement 2006

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