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- A 3rd Level Tale from the Swordcoast -

- Bringing the 5e Dungeon Master’s Guide Maps to Life -

Written by Björn Karsten Wendisch

INTRODUCTION gate to the Shadowfell in the cemetery and
want to know more about it.
Visitors of the Neverdeath Graveyard in Never-
winter have gone missing, and the graveyard  The heroes cross the graveyard by chance
gardener witnessed a dreadful mist flowing out of the and see the unnatural mist flowing out of the
main catacomb. The heroes investigate and are catacomb.
trapped with hordes of undead, led by an undead evil
king, who turned into a wraith. The wraith is opening
a portal to Evernight, the Shadowfell counterpart of ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS
Neverwinter. Can the heroes defeat the villain and
solve the mystery of the catacomb to close the Chapter I - Trapped with Skeletons
For one reason or another, the heroes enter the
catacombs and are trapped by activating the pressure
The adventure is optimized for a 3rd level party of
plates in the floor panel. Shortly after, hordes of
four heroes. The average duration of this adventure
skeletons attack them. During or after the battle, they
is six hours, and the heroes can gain 6000 group XP.
trigger the mechanism to open all secret doors in the
This will take them most of the way to level 4.

The adventure uses the Dungeon Master’s Guide

Chapter II - No Plants … Just Zombies
map from page 103. Therefore, the 5th Edition DMG
is required to run it. The heroes fight zombies and ghouls in the east and
west wings of the dungeon and can loot some of the
tombs for random treasure. Although, Kelemvor,
the patron god of the catacomb, will not appreciate
grave robbing.
They also encounter the only intelligible undead in
The adventure takes place in the rejuvenating
the dungeon, the former wife of the evil king, who
Neverwinter under the rule of Lord Protector Dagult
turned into a ghost. She helps the party to understand
Neverember, but you can easily adapt it to any other
the mystery around the mist.
city setting.

Chapter III -
The following reasons could motivate the heroes to
The Haunted Main Hall and the Evil King
enter the catacombs.
The former guards of the evil king Dungarth Van
 Sergeant Knox of the Neverwinter City Hyden haunt the main hall in the south. They attack
Guard looks for a party to investigate the
the heroes in the form of specters. In the small
missing visitors of the graveyard.
chamber to the west, the heroes encounter the evil
king in his wraith form and discover the Shadow-
 The Harpers or some other faction found gate to Evergate. Furthermore, they find a way
out that someone or something summons a

to solve the mystery around the mist and open the Construction
entrance to the catacombs. The heroes enter the underground catacombs via a
stair set in a small mausoleum. The ceiling is two
meters high, and the walls are constructed from
COMMON FEATURES OF rough granite blocks. The ceiling in the southern
THE CATACOMBS AND THE MIST main hall is five meters high, the upper half of the
hall rises above ground, and the heroes can see it
The Mist of Horror from the graveyard.
There are no windows or airshafts in the catacombs.
The whole catacomb is flooded by a waist-deep The doors are made out of solid oak planks with iron
unnatural thick and cold mist. The mist flows out of brackets. The heroes can pick closed doors with a
the Shadowgate, through all chambers and hallways, DC12 thieves’ tools check, or they can force them open
to the exits of the catacomb in the north and the with a DC15 athletics check unless mentioned other-
southwest. If the heroes are hit by the undead while wise. The iron bars blocking the entrances to the two
standing in the mist, they are filled with dread (see rooms in the south cannot be forced open by hand,
the horror mechanic - DMG page 266) and are and the lock is more difficult to pick, needing a
inflicted with a form of very short-term madness (see DC15 thieves’ tools check.
DMG page 259) if they fail a DC10 charisma save. The circled stars in the map represent granite statues
They also need to make a saving throw if they are of the missionaries of Kelemvor. The black circles in
completely covered by the mist for one reason or the southern main hall are tall pillars.
The madness inflicted by the Mist of Horror only
lasts for one round, and once a hero passes three Environment and Lighting
saving throws, he is immune to the madness.
The air is humid and cool in the catacombs and flows
As soon as the heroes shut themselves in and seal the slowly from the Shadowgate to the northern and
main entrance, the Mist of Horror will dam up in the southwestern exit. A damp and musty smell fills the
catacombs. Every hour - every short rest - the mist hallways and chambers. The whole dungeon is dark,
will rise about a foot until the heroes reopen the but there are two to four unlit torches in metal
main entrance by solving the mystery of the holders on the walls of each room, depending on its
catacombs described later on. Once a hero is size.
completely immersed in the mist, he is heavily obscured Except for some rats, spiders, and patches of moss,
and blinded. there are no living things to be found.
This mechanic will instill a sense of dread and help-
lessness, especially in the heroes of shorter races 

Secret Doors and Pressure Plates
Chamber Size Loot Roll
Seven secret doors are scattered throughout the
catacombs. The heroes can find the doors with an Small closed tomb Roll twice on the 50 GP
active or passive DC15 perception check but cannot open chamber Gemstone table - DMG
them by hand. Alternatively, you can let them page 134
discover the secret doors without any check by mist
Medium closed Roll once on the 250 GP
passing through cracks in the wall. That way, you
tomb chamber Art Objects table - DMG
don’t have to modify the map to cover up the secret
page 135
door signs.
They all spring open as soon as the heroes step on Large closed tomb Roll once on the Magic
the center pressure plate, marked by a large cross. chamber Item Table F - DMG
The four pressure plates are built-in perfectly and page 146
covered by the mist. The heroes cannot detect them
before stepping on them. Using the unmodified
Kelemvor, the patron god of the catacombs (see
map, the players will have to let their heroes act as if
Infobox in chapter II), disapproves of the grave rob-
they do not notice the pressure plates.
bing. As soon as the heroes loot any of the two
chambers containing the missionary statues, they
hear a disappointed sighing.
If the heroes do not loot any tombs or return the
Since the heroes are trapped in the dungeon, they can loot, they are rewarded after rebuilding the last
only take short rests. The Mist of Horror prevents missionary and lifting the curse (see chapter III).
them from sleeping in the catacombs. There are They are granted a charm of spiritual guardians (see
opportunities for short rests between each of the DMG page 228 for the charm mechanic), which
three chapters. allows them to cast spiritual guardians. If they loot the
tombs after receiving the charms, the charms vanish.
A hero proficient in religion will understand that
Tomb Loot and the Blessing of Kelemvor Kelemvor rewards them for not disturbing the dead.
Some of the tombs of the catacomb contain loot.
The only chambers containing loot are the ones with
closed doors or iron bars. Raiders have already
looted all open rooms. In total, there are four small
closed tomb chambers, five medium closed
chambers, and one large closed chamber in the
The tombs of the closed rooms contain random
treasures, according to the following chart.


Skeletons Pressure Plates

Trapped Skeletal Abomination Statues
Zombies Shattered Statue
Zombie Abomination Treasure: Small Tomb Chamber
Ghouls Treasure: Medium Tomb Chamber
Ghast Treasure: Large Tomb Chamber
Specters Treasure of the Wraith
Wraith Helpful Ghost

THE CATACOMBS charging as soon as a skeleton or a hero walks upon
the third pressure plate. Otherwise, the skeletal
Chapter I - Trapped with Skeletons abomination stays in the pit and attacks them later
on as they move closer.
As marked in the Layout Plan, place one skeleton in
each of the four small open chambers and two Battle loot: See tomb loot in the Common Features
skeletons in both of the larger open chambers, as well section for treasure. The eight skeletons are worth 400
as a skeletal abomination (minotaur skeleton stat block) XP, and the skeletal abomination is worth 450 XP.
below the trap door in the southern hallway. All
skeletons lie in their tombs and can only be discovered
by casting detect magic or similar means. Chapter II - No Plants … Just Zombies
The abomination seems to be composed of several
skeletons, loosely formed into a single skeletal giant, Place four zombies and one zombie abomination (ogre
wearing a horned helmet and swinging a colossal zombie stat block) in the northwestern chamber. The
greataxe. abomination seems to be sewn together from
various carcasses and is swinging an enormous
You can find the description of the general morning star. As soon as the heroes enter the room,
functioning of the secret doors and pressure plates the creatures rise from their tombs and attack
in the Common Features section of this adventure. immediately.
As the heroes walk upon the first pressure plates, the
mausoleum entrance is shut by a stonewall and can Place two ghouls in one of the small open chambers
only be opened by solving the mystery of the Mist of in the east and one ghast in the other. The undead
Horror (see chapter III). You may read out the creatures have already entered through the
following to your players to set an eerie atmosphere. Shadowgate and are feasting on the corpses in the
graves. The disfigured carcasses of the missing
graveyard visitors also lie in these chambers. The
“You wade through the thick and whitish mist. It almost
creatures attack as soon as they notice the heroes.
feels like walking in ice water, and you can see little ripples
flowing from your legs over the skin of the mist. A few steps
The heroes can also enter three chambers with
in, you hear a dampened clicking sound from below, and
statues of the missionaries carved out of granite.
you feel your feet sinking an inch or two. Seconds later, a
Each missionary holds a sign with a single word. The
large stonewall drops down and seals the entrance to the
four statues in the large western chamber hold the
mausoleum behind you. The last daylight is shut out, and
words “Lord” “of” “the” Dead”, the four in the
a shiver creeps up from your feet to your chest as you slowly
eastern chamber hold the words “Judge” “of” “the”
breathe in the damp and musty air.”
“Damned” and the five statues in the northwestern
chamber hold the words “Lead” “each” “soul” “to”
Once the heroes step on the second pressure plate,
“the”. The evil king in wraith form shattered the
all secret doors swing open, and the skeletons rise
sixth statue in the northwestern chamber a week
from their graves, attacking the heroes with bows
ago to corrupt the cemetery and disturb a possible
and swords. If the battle does not challenge the
safeguard of the tombs by Kelemvor, the patron
heroes, the skeletal abomination joins the fight
god of the catacombs. The word held by the Quirk: She nervously tries to arrange her dress
shattered statue was “afterlife”. while talking about private matters and loses her
The heroes can rebuild the statue using the scroll of thread of thought when her hands move right
stone shape found in the chamber of the wraith through herself.
(Chapter III). They will have to figure out the
missing word for themselves with the help of the Secret: Xandrilla knows about a secret chamber in
following Infobox about Kelemvor, which contains the castle Neverwinter holding an ancient trea-
common knowledge of the god. Supply the heroes sure.
with the information after they read the two titles of
Kelemvor in the chambers with the intact statues. If Quote: “Oh dear, my mother was right. My
a hero is proficient in religion, supply the Infobox beloved Lord Ereghast wasn’t a noble king after
after the heroes read one title of Kelemvor. all.”

- Lord of the Dead and Judge of the Damned - Xandrilla is non-hostile to the heroes and will enter
Kelemvor is the only non-evil god of death. His the ethereal plane if attacked, sighing, “Why do you
symbol is a golden scale held by a skeletal arm. His want to harm me?” She will return once the heroes
followers worship him as a fair judge guiding each conduct themselves peacefully. Talking to her, the
soul to their deserved afterlife. heroes can learn about the background of the
His priests support the followers of Kelemvor to undead corruption and get clues on how to end it.
transition to a peaceful afterlife at an old age.  Xandrilla was the wife of Dungarth Van Hyden,
Furthermore, they try to stop diseases and other the king of Neverwinter many centuries ago.
threats to life, and they annihilate the undead Orcs slaughtered them after a long and grueling
wherever they appear. siege.

Place a ghost in the eastern statue chamber. The ghost  Dungarth spent his last days during the siege
was the wife of the evil king Dungarth Van Hyden. with his court mage, who was skilled in the dark
arts of necromancy.
Xandrilla Van Hyden
human - neutral good - ghost  Dungarth rose ten days ago and brought her
back from the dead. He shattered the statue in
Appearance: Xandrilla is still dressed in her
the northwestern chamber and returned to his
queenly antique garment. She is floating a foot
southwestern room. Shortly afterward, the mist
over the ground, glowing bluish, and the heroes
can look right through her.

 He told her that soon they were going to rule

Personality: She used to be a caring and forgiving
Neverwinter again and lead a war against the
wife who always saw the best in those close to her.
orcs and other occupants of the city with his

new army. Dungarth does not understand that specters behind the pillars and one wraith in the small,
centuries have passed. upper westerly chamber. As soon as the heroes enter,
the raised personal guards of the evil king attack
 Xandrilla finally sees Dungarth for the evil king them. If the heroes seem to deal easily with them,
he is and wants to support the heroes in stopping you can have the wraith join during or directly after
this madness. the battle.

The ghost will offer the heroes healing and The door to the king’s room is unlocked. As soon as
resurrection if the heroes are struggling with their the heroes enter, the wraith will attack with the words,
quest. Empower her with according spells, as you “Who are ye? It does not matter. Ye shall not disrupt
seem fit (e.g., cure wounds, revivify, and restoration spells). my glorious return!” The room is empty except for a
Her chamber is also an ideal place to take a short small table with a casket in one corner and an open
rest. coffin leaning against the western wall. The Mist of
Horror flows steadily out of the coffin. The heroes
Battle loot: See tomb loot in the Common Features see no wooden planks at the bottom of the coffin
section. The four zombies are worth 200 XP and the but a curling, glowing, dark-red surface. It functions
zombie abomination 450 XP. The two ghouls are as a portal to the Shadowfell. If the heroes enter, they
worth 400 XP and the ghast 450 XP. shift to Evernight1, the Shadowfell counterpart of
Neverwinter. They will step into the same room, but
The pressure plate in the east, close to the chamber the small table and the casket will be gone. The
of the ghost, has no significant function. You could catacomb building functions as an indoor market-
use it as a “joke” trap. Every time a hero activates place for grim wares in Evernight. Ghouls, ghasts, and
the mechanism, an eerie wooing sound emerges other undead roam the building. You might
from down the hallways. improvise or plan a whole new adventure in the
Plane of Shadow.

Chapter III - Battle loot: The casket on the small table contains
The Haunted Main Hall and the Evil King the old crown of the king worth 500 gold, a Ring of
Vampiric Touch (see appendix), a map of Evernight,
The double-winged oak door leading to the main hall
and a scroll of stone shape.
is sturdy. The heroes can force it open with a DC 20
The four specters are worth 900 XP and the wraith
athletics check or unlock it with a DC 18 thieves’ tools
1800 XP. Closing the portal yields another 950 XP.
check. Brass adornments depicting the skeletal scale
of Kelemvor are fixed upon the planks of each door
To close the portal, stop the mist and reopen the
stone door at the catacombs entrance, the heroes
have to purify the catacombs by rebuilding the 14th
Behind the door lies the tall main hall, supported by
missionary in the northwestern statue chamber.
eight massive, five-meter-high pillars. Place four

1You can find a description of Evernight at

They can use the scroll of stone shape to reconstruct the Local Hero - Newsletter
statue out of its debris. Furthermore, they have to Subscribe to the newsletter of B.K.W. Adventures
choose the correct word “afterlife” for the sign of
and get a free, innovative one-page fumble chart and
the statue with the help of the Infobox of Kelemvor a free one-page identify chart! Furthermore, you will
provided in chapter II. Solving the mystery of the receive a mail every season including updates of
catacombs, Kelemvor rewards the heroes as published and announcements of new adventures
described in the tomb loot section in the Common and campaigns, as well as my take on a common DM
Features chapter. topic.
If the heroes fail to do so, they can still exit the
catacombs through the southwestern hallway. The Hero of the Realm - Discord Channel
rough tunnel leads to a remote part of Neverwinter’s
canalization. Other dangers might await the heroes Join the discord channel to discuss the B.K.W.
there… Adventure works, the seasonal DM topics, and

Master of the Realm - Spread the Word

An author is only as good as his exposure. Please
Magic Items rate, comment, and review my products on DMs
Guild and DriveThruRPG.
Ring or Vampiric Touch - Rare
The smooth ring is forged out of a mysterious, dark Master of the World - Hard Coin
red metal and feels cool to the touch. Once a hero
And of course, buy some or why not all of my
attunes to it, he can cast the spell vampiric touch once
competitively priced writings  You can find them
per long rest. He also has advantage on saving throws
at DMs Guild and DriveThruRPG. Just search for
versus life drain attacks.
Björn Karsten Wendisch.

Body of Work
Official WOTC Resources Used
As of 2022, my DMs Guild collected works consist
The Catacombs:
of five adventures based on the DMG maps and one
The map on page 103 of the DMG is used here and
free sandbox campaign stringing them all together.
is necessary for running the adventure.
Furthermore, I wrote a Norse campaign, including
maps and a world compendium a few years ago,
which you can purchase on DriveThruRPG. In the
Like What You Have Read?! following years, I will write adventures for the lair
If you enjoyed this work, consider becoming a hero maps found in the Volos Guide to Monsters.
or even a master of B.K.W. Adventures  You can
find all the necessary links in the next chapter.

Links Credits and Special Thanks
Discord Channel:  JSLArtShop, found on Etsy, illustrated the cover art.

 Forgotten Realms Wiki from Fandom was a

DMs Guild Works: fountain of inspiration.
 And a special thanks to my wife Sweta for
enduring my time-consuming passion 

DriveThruRPG Works:
Legal Section
3/Bjrn-Karsten-Wendisch DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of
the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron,
the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other
Newsletter: Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright
Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such
material is used with permission under the Commu-
nity Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters

All other original material in this work is copyright

2022 by Björn Karsten Wendisch alias B.K.W.
Adventures and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

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