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VJTI TY – Professional Communication Skills

Business & Engineering Ethics

Name: Viraj Surana Batch no: 1
Roll no: 211040002 Date: 12/26/23
Engineering ethics is an important area of study for students in the field of engineering and
technology. As production engineers, students will be responsible for designing and developing
technology that impacts people's lives in significant ways. This case study assignment is
designed to help students develop their understanding of engineering ethics and to apply this
understanding to a real-world scenario.

Case Study:

Anirudh is a seasoned production engineer working for a medium-sized manufacturing

company, ABC Manufacturing. The company specializes in producing automotive components,
and Anirudh has been a vital member of the production team for over a decade. ABC
Manufacturing is known for its commitment to quality and safety, but in recent years, the
company has been facing increasing pressure to reduce production costs to remain competitive
in the market.

ABC Manufacturing has recently implemented a cost-cutting initiative to reduce production

expenses. One of the measures involves cutting back on the regular maintenance and
replacement of machinery components to extend their lifespan. Anirudh is assigned the
responsibility of overseeing this initiative in his department.

While Anirudh understands the need to reduce costs, he is well aware that neglecting regular
maintenance can lead to increased machine breakdowns, lower product quality, and, most
importantly, safety risks for the workers on the production floor. He knows that if he follows
through with this initiative, it could potentially compromise the integrity of the company's
products and put the safety of his colleagues at risk.

On the other hand, John is also aware that the company is struggling financially, and several
employees' jobs are at stake. If he refuses to comply with the cost-cutting measures, he risks
being labeled as uncooperative and might even face consequences for insubordination. He is
torn between his ethical obligations as an engineer to ensure safety and quality and his loyalty
to the company that has provided him with stable employment for many years.

In a written report, address the following questions:

1. What are the primary ethical issues in the case of Anirudh, the production engineer at
ABC Manufacturing?
2. Describe the relevance of engineering ethics principles such as safety, quality, and
responsibility in the context of Anirudh's dilemma.
3. Analyze the potential consequences of Anirudh's decision to comply with the cost-
cutting initiative on the company's products, employees, and reputation.
4. Discuss the ethical implications of Anirudh speaking up internally about his concerns
regarding the cost-cutting measures. How might this impact his relationship with the
5. If Anirudh were to blow the whistle and report the ethical concerns to external
authorities, what are the potential benefits and risks of this course of action?
6. Explain why it is essential for engineers to balance their professional responsibilities
with their loyalty to their employers, as illustrated in Anirudh's situation.
7. Compare and contrast the pros and cons of the compliance, internal speaking up, and
whistleblowing options for Anirudh. Which option aligns best with engineering ethics
8. Propose an alternative course of action for Anirudh that was not explicitly mentioned in
the case study. How might this alternative approach address the ethical dilemma
9. Discuss the long-term consequences for the engineering profession and the
manufacturing industry if engineers consistently prioritize cost-cutting over safety and
10. In your conclusion, reflect on the broader implications of Anirudh's case for the ethical
practice of engineering. How can engineers and organizations work together to ensure
ethical decision-making in the field?

Include a list of credible sources used in your analysis and cite them using an appropriate
citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Subject: Engineering Ethics Case Study Analysis

1. Primary Ethical Issues:

The central ethical concerns in Anirudh's case involve compromising safety and product
quality due to cost-cutting, conflicting responsibilities between company loyalty and
professional obligations, and potential repercussions for colleagues' well-being.

2. Relevance of Engineering Ethics Principles:

Principles like safety, quality, and responsibility are crucial in Anirudh's dilemma. Neglecting
machinery maintenance poses safety risks, compromises product quality, and challenges the
engineer's responsibility to uphold ethical standards in his profession.

3. Potential Consequences of Anirudh's Decision:

Anirudh's compliance with cost-cutting may lead to increased machine breakdowns, lower
product quality, and safety risks for employees. The long-term consequences could harm the
company's reputation and result in financial losses.

4. Ethical Implications of Internal Speaking Up:

Speaking up internally demonstrates Anirudh's commitment to ethics but might strain his
relationship with the company. The company's response to internal concerns will influence the
effectiveness of this approach.

5. Whistleblowing Benefits and Risks:

Whistleblowing could bring attention to ethical concerns but risks strained relationships,
potential legal consequences, and professional isolation. Benefits include addressing the issue
at a higher level and potentially protecting the interests of employees and consumers.

6. Balancing Professional Responsibilities and Loyalty:

Engineers must balance professional responsibilities with loyalty to employers. Anirudh's
situation highlights the challenge of maintaining ethical standards while considering the
financial stability of the company and job security.

7. Comparison of Options:
Compliance may preserve immediate job security, but it compromises ethical principles.
Internal speaking up seeks a middle ground, while whistleblowing prioritizes ethical concerns
but comes with significant risks. Internal speaking up aligns best with engineering ethics
principles, as it addresses the issue within the organization.
8. Alternative Course of Action:
Anirudh could propose a compromise, suggesting targeted cost-cutting measures that do not
compromise safety and quality. This alternative approach considers both financial concerns and
ethical obligations.

9. Long-Term Consequences:
Consistently prioritizing cost-cutting over safety and quality can erode trust in the engineering
profession, jeopardize public safety, and lead to industry-wide consequences, including
increased regulations and loss of consumer confidence.

10. Broader Implications and Collaboration:

Anirudh's case emphasizes the need for open communication, ethical training, and
collaboration between engineers and organizations to ensure that ethical decision-making is
prioritized in the field. Organizations should foster a culture that values both financial
responsibility and ethical integrity.

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