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Journal of Social Sciences Review (JSSR) DOI:


How to Cite This Article: Farooqi, R., Khan, M. I., Ahmad, W., Ullah, Z., & Imran, S. (2023). Role of Functional
Literacy and its Impact on Women’s Empowerment. Journal of Social Sciences Review, 3(2), 922-929.

Role of Functional Literacy and its Impact on Women’s


M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University,

Ruhma Farooqi
Mardan, KP, Pakistan.

M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University,

Muhammad Ismail Khan
Mardan, KP, Pakistan.

Waqas Ahmad Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, KP, Pakistan.

Zahid Ullah Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KP, Pakistan.

Sumera Imran University of Malakand, Women Sub Campus, Batkhela, KP, Pakistan.

Vol. 3, No. 2 (Spring 2023) Abstract: This research paper aims to elucidate the synergistic outcomes resulting
Pages: 922 – 929 from the integration of functional literacy initiatives with the objective of promoting
women's empowerment in the District of Mardan. The research adopts a quantitative
ISSN (Print): 2789-441X
approach, with the primary objective of investigating the influence of functional
ISSN (Online): 2789-4428 literacy on women's empowerment and exploring its direct effects. The population of
the study consisted of all five hundred female individuals enrolled in the functional
Key Words literacy program in District Mardan. Hundred females were conveniently chosen from
two union councils as a sample. In order to examine the data, descriptive statistics i.e.
Functional Literacy, Women
average and variability measured by the standard deviation were utilized. The results
Empowerment, Female,
were tabulated along with corresponding interpretations. The primary outcome of
Mardan District the study indicated that knowledge of functional literacy positively influenced the
lives of participants. Moreover, the research findings emphasized the crucial
Corresponding Author: contribution of organizations in promoting women's empowerment through the
Ruhma Farooqi facilitation of functional literacy. In order to build upon these discoveries, it is advised
Email: that future investigations delve into the incorporation of novel and advancing
technologies like artificial intelligence and virtual reality within functional literacy
initiatives. This exploration holds the potential for amplifying the influence of such
programs on women's empowerment.

Based on data provided by the International Functional literacy encompasses a broad
Labor Organization, there has been a notable rise range of cognitive abilities, practical skills,
in female labor force participation, ranging from aptitudes, and attitudes necessary for individuals
52.4% to 54.6%(Abramo, L., & Valenzuela, M. E. to actively and adeptly participate in a specific
(2005). Additionally, according to a survey profession or occupation within the dynamic
conducted by Mc Kinsey & Company (2019), the labor market. It surpasses basic reading and
global representation of women in the field of writing proficiencies and encompasses a diverse
entrepreneurship has reached 36%, indicating a set of essential competencies essential for
growth of 13% since 2014 (Hunt, 2019). successful performance in various professional
contexts. These competencies include critical
Role of Functional Literacy and its Impact on Women’s Empowerment

thinking, problem-solving, information literacy, autonomy in pursuing their aspirations and goals
numeracy, digital literacy, and effective (Malhotra, A., Schuler, S. R., &Boender, C. 2002,
communication and collaboration skills. June).
Possessing functional literacy equips individuals
To instil confidence in women, it is
with the necessary tools to navigate and adapt to
imperative to grant them the freedom to exercise
the intricate demands of their chosen field or
agency in decision-making, ensure access to a
wide array of opportunities, and enable them to
However, functional literacy extends beyond take control of their own lives. Women's
work-related aspects alone. It also plays a crucial empowerment can be delineated into five
role in enabling individuals to effectively engage fundamental dimensions: social, educational,
in everyday activities and make well-informed economic, political, and psychological (Tandon,
decisions that impact their personal lives and T. 2016). Achieving women's empowerment
communities. Beyond the scope of employment, necessitates the equitable provision of resources
functional literacy empowers individuals to and opportunities, enabling them to exercise
comprehend and interpret different types of their prerogative in making decisions concerning
media, critically evaluate information, manage their livelihoods, both within and beyond their
personal finances, access healthcare services, households. In order to enhance the efficacy of
fulfil civic responsibilities, and actively women's leadership in decision-making
contribute to the social, cultural, and political processes, it is imperative to grant them social,
dimensions of society. Essentially, functional economic, and political autonomy (Moyo, C. S., &
literacy serves as a foundational cornerstone for Francis, J. 2010). Recognizing this imperative,
lifelong learning, empowerment, and active various governmental and non-governmental
citizenship, allowing individuals to navigate the organizations have implemented numerous
complexities of the modern world and realize initiatives with the primary objective of
their full potential in both professional and empowering women and promoting their well-
personal spheres. being. These programs encompass literacy
initiatives that aim to emancipate women from
. Any endeavors aimed at enhancing an
traditional gender roles and facilitate their
individual's knowledge, conduct, and
integration into the mainstream economy. These
competencies should yield a discernible impact
organizations are committed to enhancing
on the individual's overall social welfare. When
consciousness and fostering literacy among
communities deliberate upon literacy, they
individuals. The primary aim of pursuing
incorporate receptive skills, encompassing
women's empowerment is to realize gender
reading and listening, and productive skills,
parity by enabling them to acquire functional
comprising writing and speaking (Smagorinsky,
literacy skills, thus granting them equitable
2001). Women's empowerment encompasses a
employment prospects in the marketplace. How
diverse range of conceptualizations, with distinct
society treats women unfairly, causing them to
definitions emerging within different
experience various forms of domestic abuse,
communities and spheres of society.
societal injustice, and denial of their basic human
Nonetheless, a common understanding revolves
rights needs to transform their lives (Shah, 2011).
around the notion of enabling women to assert
their viewpoints, enhancing their societal
Objective of the Study
standing through awareness campaigns,
fostering literacy and educational development, To investigate the importance of functional
and facilitating the redefinition of gender roles. literacy and how it directly impacts women's
These efforts aim to afford women greater empowerment

Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 no. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428 923
Ruhma Farooqi, Muhammad Ismail Khan, Waqas Ahmad, Zahid Ullah, and Sumera Imran

Research Question an environment where women can fully realize

How does functional literacy contribute to the their potential and contribute to the social,
empowerment of women and what are its direct economic, and political progress of their
effects? communities. (Fawe, 2018). Furthermore, having
functional literacy empowers women to acquire
Literature Review knowledge and access valuable resources,
facilitating their journey towards self-sufficiency
Functional literacy skills significantly contribute
and independence (UNESCO, 2019).
to the empowerment of women (Kabeer, 2019).
Functional literacy plays a pivotal role in Functional literacy plays a crucial role in
empowering women by enabling their active empowering women and improving their overall
participation in various economic and political quality of life. By enhancing women's skills in
endeavors, significantly improving their health reading, writing, and basic numeracy, functional
and overall welfare, and equipping them with the literacy enables them to engage more actively in
necessary capacity to make informed and society and enhance their overall welfare.
knowledgeable choices. By enhancing women's Researchers have identified various factors
proficiency in essential skills such as reading, contributing to the low literacy rate among
writing, and basic numeracy, functional literacy Nigerian women, including historical influences
opens up a world of opportunities for them. With from the colonial era and the impact of
improved literacy, women gain the ability to Christianity. Despite efforts by Christian
access a wider range of employment missionaries to promote literacy through Bible
opportunities, enhance their income-generating reading, these factors have affected literacy
potential, and contribute meaningfully to levels in the country. However, as colonial rule
economic growth. Moreover, functional literacy expanded, there was an increasing emphasis on
equips women with the critical thinking and literacy. Nonetheless, the strict adherence to
analytical skills necessary to navigate complex Western ideology further exacerbated the lack of
societal issues, engage in public discourse, and access to education for females. The recipients of
actively participate in political processes. As a the advantages of literacy were primarily men
result, women's voices and perspectives are who were entrusted with the task of teaching
amplified, and they can advocate for their rights, (Mengistie, T. A. 2021). As the nation's economy
challenge gender inequalities, and promote transitioned from an agrarian foundation to a
inclusive policies and practices. Beyond economic more modernized and industrialized one, women
and political domains, functional literacy has a found themselves facing devaluation and
profound impact on women's health and overall deprivation, highlighting their exclusion from
well-being. It enables them to comprehend the process of socio-economic progress and the
health information, access healthcare services, overall development of their country. This
and make informed decisions regarding their widespread practice had profound consequences,
own and their families well-being. Additionally, particularly on women's access to significant
functional literacy equips women with the educational benefits, which were withheld from
knowledge to adopt preventive measures, them. The shift in the economic landscape placed
manage chronic conditions, and understand women at a disadvantage, as traditional gender
important health-related aspects such as roles and societal norms limited their
nutrition, reproductive health, and child care. By opportunities for advancement and intellectual
promoting functional literacy among women, growth. Women were often confined to domestic
societies can break the cycle of poverty and roles and denied the chance to pursue education,
discrimination, foster gender equality, and create limiting their potential contributions to the

924 Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 No. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428
Role of Functional Literacy and its Impact on Women’s Empowerment

workforce and their ability to participate fully in hampers their personal growth, restricts their
the nation's progress. This deprivation of professional aspirations, and undermines their
educational benefits not only perpetuated gender overall well-being.
inequality but also hindered the country's overall
The consequences of this systemic inequality
development, as it failed to harness the talents
extend beyond the individual level and permeate
and potential of half of its population. By
the broader fabric of society. When women are
disregarding the intellectual and educational
denied equal opportunities and face ongoing
needs of women, the nation missed out on
discrimination, societies miss out on the
diverse perspectives, innovation, and expertise
immense potential and talent they possess. By
that could have propelled it forward. Therefore,
marginalizing women, we are depriving
the exclusion of women from educational
ourselves of their unique perspectives, innovative
opportunities served as a significant impediment
ideas, and valuable contributions to fields
to their empowerment and stifled the nation's
ranging from science and technology to arts and
social and economic growth. (Adetuyi, 2015). A
significant number of women suffer from chronic
anaemia, a condition characterized by a It is imperative that society recognizes and
deficiency of red blood cells or haemoglobin, addresses these deep-rooted disparities to create
leading to fatigue and weakness. Sadly, this a more equitable and inclusive environment for
health issue not only affects their physical well- women. By implementing policies that promote
being but also seems to impact their overall gender equality, ensuring access to quality
ageing process. Astonishingly, studies have healthcare, fostering educational opportunities,
shown that women with chronic anaemia may and combating gender-based violence, we can
age at a rate twice as fast as their husbands or begin to dismantle the barriers that hinder
male counterparts, highlighting the additional women's progress. Empowering women not only
burdens they face. benefit individuals but also leads to more
prosperous communities and a more just society
In addition to grappling with health
as a whole.
challenges, women also play a crucial role in
enhancing the economic resources of their In conclusion, chronic anaemia affects a
families. Through their contributions and significant number of women, contributing to an
earnings, they contribute significantly to the accelerated ageing process. Despite playing a
financial stability and prosperity of their vital role in enhancing their family's economic
households. However, despite their undeniable resources through their contributions and
importance, women's full potential remains earnings, women face profound societal
largely unexplored due to the prevalence of deep- inequality. They endure persistent targeting,
seated societal inequality. assault, and discrimination across various
aspects of their lives, preventing them from
Throughout history and across various
reaching their full potential. Addressing these
cultures, women have encountered persistent
systemic challenges is crucial for building a fairer
targeting, assault, and discrimination in multiple
and more inclusive world where women can
facets of their existence. These forms of
thrive and contribute their invaluable skills and
oppression manifest in diverse ways, including
perspectives. (Gupta, (2017).
limited access to education and employment
opportunities, gender-based wage disparities,
Research Design
and the perpetuation of harmful gender
stereotypes. As a result, women often find The research study utilized a quantitative
themselves trapped in a cycle of inequality that descriptive research design, which proved to be

Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 no. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428 925
Ruhma Farooqi, Muhammad Ismail Khan, Waqas Ahmad, Zahid Ullah, and Sumera Imran

the most effective and dependable approach collection. The goal of the survey was to gather
given the collection of data from multiple quantitative information on how functional
participants. literacy affects the empowerment of women in
collaborative environments. The participants
Sampling were personally given the questionnaire and were
Convenience sampling involves the selection of provided with the choice to remain anonymous
study participants who are readily available and while completing it.
willing to take part. To ensure a representative
sample of the population of interest, individuals Data Analysis
were enlisted from diverse segments of District Statistical software like SPSS was utilized to
Mardan. The study focused on women who were analyze the data gathered from the five-point
18 years of age or older and had completed at Likert Scale questionnaire. The analysis involved
least primary school as the eligible participants. condensing the data and conveying the findings
using descriptive statistics, such as the Mean and
Data Collection Standard Deviation.
In this study, the researchers utilized a five-point
Likert Scale questionnaire as a method for data

Table 1
The significance of functional literacy and its direct influence on the empowerment of women
S# Items Mean Standard Deviation
Having functional literacy has instilled a sense of
1 4.2 0.75
confidence within me.

Functional literacy provides individuals with the

2 fundamental knowledge required to generate financial
4.0 0.80

I have achieved the ability to financially support my

family by acquiring functional literacy skills. 4.1 0.73

I have developed the ability to actively engage in the

decision-making process within my family. 4.1 0.73

Functional literacy has had a positive impact on my life by

enhancing my knowledge. 4.3 0.66

Overall 4.1 0.67

Based on the data, it is evident that functional highest mean score of 4.32, accompanied by a
literacy has had a beneficial influence on the lives standard deviation of 0.66, indicating that this
of the participants. All five statements received particular statement was highly favored by the
mean scores above 4, suggesting that a majority participants.
of the participants either strongly agreed or
The statement "Functional literacy gave the
agreed with them. Among these statements, "The
basic knowledge about creating financial
knowledge acquired through functional literacy
resources" received the lowest average rating of
has positively impacted my life" obtained the

926 Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 No. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428
Role of Functional Literacy and its Impact on Women’s Empowerment

4.05, along with a standard deviation of 0.80. them to establish goals for their families, and
This suggests that the participants showed the fosters community mobilization. These findings
least strong agreement towards this statement, indicate the importance of organizations
although there was still a relatively high level of prioritizing the promotion of functional literacy
consensus. among women and harnessing technological
advancements to maximize the benefits of such
In general, the data indicates that functional
programs. Policymakers should allocate
literacy has brought about positive changes in the
sufficient resources and establish appropriate
participants' confidence, financial knowledge,
schedules to ensure favorable outcomes. By
and ability to support their families financially
taking these steps, women will be better
and contribute to family decision-making.
equipped to make informed choices and take
Nevertheless, there is a suggestion that further
charge of their lives, ultimately leading to
enhancements can be made in delivering a more
increased empowerment and overall well-being.
extensive education on generating financial
Findings The following recommendations were drawn in
the light of research findings;
The findings demonstrated that women's
1. When examining the lasting consequences,
confidence, financial resources, and decision-
it was discovered that functional literacy
making skills are positively influenced by
positively affected women's empowerment.
functional literacy. Participants expressed that
Nevertheless, to obtain a more thorough
acquiring the ability to read and write improved
comprehension of the long-term viability
their comprehension of the world and enhanced
of comparable initiatives, it would be
their communication skills. Furthermore,
beneficial to conduct a comprehensive
functional literacy empowered them to
assessment of the program's impact over an
effectively handle their finances and make well-
extended duration. Undertaking follow-up
informed choices in various aspects of their lives.
studies several years or even a decade later
The research also assessed the impact of
would provide valuable insights into the
functional literacy on women's social
enduring effects of functional literacy on
empowerment, revealing that it heightened their
women's lives.
awareness of basic rights and empowered them
2. To obtain a comprehensive comprehension
to establish objectives for their families.
of the correlation between functional
Participants shared that they became role models
literacy and women's empowerment, it
and motivated their communities to pursue
would be advantageous to expand the scope
knowledge and provide support to their families.
of the study beyond a specific geographical
The study's findings underscore the area. Conducting further research that
significance of functional literacy in empowering includes women from diverse regions,
women. The research illustrates that programs cultures, and backgrounds would provide
aimed at improving functional literacy have a valuable insights. By undertaking cross-
positive impact on women's self-assurance, cultural studies, it becomes feasible to
ability to make decisions, and financial explore how various factors like
capabilities, ultimately resulting in greater socioeconomic status, cultural values, and
empowerment. Furthermore, the study suggests educational background influence the
that functional literacy enhances women's relationship between functional literacy
knowledge of fundamental rights, motivates and women's empowerment.

Journal of Social Sciences Review | Vol. 3 no. 2 (Spring 2023) | p-ISSN: 2789-441X | e-ISSN: 2789-4428 927
Ruhma Farooqi, Muhammad Ismail Khan, Waqas Ahmad, Zahid Ullah, and Sumera Imran

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4. The study emphasized the significance of /6
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empowerment and suggested that and Women Empowerment in India: A Study
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