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lfal Activity _ I

Types of Relations
... Objective :
To verify that lhe re lation R in the set L of nil lines in II plane,
defined by R = t (/. 111): / l. ml is symmetric but neither reflexive nor
transitive. I. A wooden board

Pre-requisite Knowledge : 2. Some pieces ofmelaf wires ( 10/

J. Iron nails
Students must he familiar w11h rc ln1iu11 nnd ii~ tyre~.
-'· While chnn paper
Method of Construction :
\.., S. fc vistick etc.
I . On a piece of W\\o<lcn hoard, r11s1e the white ch11 r1 pnpcr with
fevi-stick (fig . (1)).
, ....... ,:;:.M . ..... ~ _:J "",§> ~

flg. (1)
2. Take the metal wires and fix them randomly on the wooden board (fig. (ii)/ .

• •

• •
r-11, (ii)

3 . Fix lhe wires in such a manner 1h 1.11 some of them arc para llel, some arc perpendicular 10 each other and some arc
inclined (fig. (iii )).

• L


Fli, (ill)
P rocedure :
I . Let th,: mctnl wires n::prcs...-nt th e 1111.:s / 1• ' ~· / 1 .................... /Kin the plane L.
l!. /~ is p.:rpemli rn lur to ench of the line~ / 1• / 2 nnd / 1 (refer fig (i/1)) .
3. /, is pt.·rpc:ndiculur 10 /N (refer lig (Iii)).
4 . / 1 is pnnillcl lu 12. 12 1s pnrn llcl to /1 and /4 i, parn lld 10 ' ~·

5. \/,. ,o). (I;, I~ ). a,.,,,). (/7, Isle R.

Observation :
l . \\'e ~,t,~crw 1hn1 an ligurcs (ii) rmd (iii). none of the lines is perpendicular to itself,

hence the relation R a { ( /. 111) : I .L 111} I rc llex ivc. (i

1 . We observe thnt in lig (iii). /6 1. / 1,

1s1 1 1. /0 ?
I ,.
And (/0 , / 1) e R ⇒ (/1• / 0 )
Similarly. 12 .L 16.

Is 16 .L 11 ?
I I-

:. ('o· l2 l " R ·~ U2, /6) I R .

A lso. Is l. /7. Is / 7 .L Is ? I

symmetric. Ii
TI1c re lation R ,___ _ __ _ _ _J

]. In fig. (/if). / 1 .L 16 :ind 16 J. /,.

Is / 1 1. 12 ?
1.c., (1 1• /6) E Rand (/6. 12) e R

VINESH X•cr Lab Manwal in M ,uhcmatics-XII /2

⇒ U1, 12)
The relation R
I I transitive.

A pplication :
This activity can be applied to check the equivalence of the given r,elation.
-~ -- -
i(Ml Activitv - 4
Functions (One.One/Onto)- H

.... Obje ctive :

1. Wooden board (of su11ab1t
To demonstr11e a funccion which is one-one bul no1 oolo. mc:asurcmenl )
P re-requisite Know ledge : 2. Iron nai ls
Students must t,., fan1ilinr ",th one-one and on10 funcmm J . Stnngs
4 . Glue
M ethod of Cons tructi on : \i 5 . Paper Strips. _ ,L
I . On the \\OOOCn hoard . pnsle n pupcr ~trip m11hc lefi ~,de.
2. Fix 1hrcc imn nails on i1. tis sho\\ n in Ii~. (i) Nnmc the iron 11111
b on 1-.,,_-- ~ . ... ' ~ ~: ~
lhc SlflJl ~ \ I 1111d: r..-spccll\ cl~.

•• )'

• z

Fi2. (,)
3. Take anoth er strip and pas1e it on lhe right side of the woode
n bo:ird .
the iron nails as a. b, c, d and e rcsp« uv-ch
4 . Fix ii vc iron nnils on the paper strip. ns shown in fig (ii). Name

I l
a •"
b •"
C ••
d •
e ••

Fig. (ii)
righ1 strip with the sinng s. ns shown 111 Ii~ 1
5. Then. join the iron nails on the left strip with the iron nails on the
A / ~

• a
,J '·"'
X : .. •• b

y 1~ ,- • ('


. I ti

' e

Fl11. C/1/)
P rocedure :
1. Take SCI A a {x, y, : }
2. Take sci B • ta, b, c, d, e}
3 · Join the elements of set A 10 the clcmcnls of 101 B as shown is fig. (/If).
O bservation : We observe that

I. The image of the clement .t of A in B is:

The: 1mngc: of the clement y of A in B is
The image of lhc clcmenl z of A in B is
I _ ______JI-
So. fig. (iii) rcpresenLs a
2. Every clement in A hus n I._______ __...JI image in B.

So, the function is
i,.,.._ __ _ _ _ _ _ (onc-on,/nol one-one)

3. The pre-,magc of the clement a of sci B in A I _ __

L _ _ _ _ _ ___.I- (ubts/docs not cxlJlt)

So, the fu ncuon is I j. (onto/not o nto)

Thus. fig . (iii) represents a fu nction which is .l__ _ __ _ _ __ ____.Ibut 1101 0 1110 .

A pplication :
T hi s acti vity helps in the understanding of the concept of one-one but not 0 1110 function.

VINE SH /(•et Lab M.anwtl In M.admmuia-X'll / 11

ihii1 Activity - 5
Graph of Inverse Trigonometrical Functions
~ O bjec tive :
To draw the graph o f sin - 1 x. using the g rarh or sin r and
onstrate the concept of m irror rcllcction (obou t the hnc 1• - .r) I. Cu rdho urd 2. Iron nn i ls
P re -re quisite K nowledge : J . S trings -1 . Pencil 5. Eraser
6 . Mcn,unng scnlc 7. White pupcr
St udcms must be lilmilinr with drawing of1rigo110111c tric11I (:!rnrlts H. (\1 lo urc.J pens 9. C utter IO. Gluc.
symmctr~ .
\., 11 . C;rnph l'upcr
ethod of Construction :
I. Tal..c a cardbonrd <'f dimc11,1,,ns 40 c1n • -10 cm approx .
' ....- ~ ...-.. . -e:: 1 ~~
2. Pastc
pape n white in
r as shown chnn
fig. pnpt,r
( 1) on 11 uf si1,c 30 cm , 30 cm npr,rox. Also pustc u grnph pupcr of s u11ablc size on white

Fig. (1)
Draw two muruaJJy perpen dicular lines on the white chan pupcr using a scale.
Nnme them as X'OX and YOY' as rectangular axes [refer fig (I')].
Thea approximately, graduate the axes by taking unit on x-axis = I · 5 times the unit ofy-a.xis, as shown is fig V).

I j

iii i

Fig. (II)

VINESH Keet Lab M anual in Mnt11~maric,~X11 11,

io n
ts 10 th e ncarcs1 ap pr ox im at
6 . M arlc th e po in

( ~6 , sin
4 ..s in 4 . ...............
~6 ) . ( .::
~) (~
2· sin 2 in lh e
co -o rd ln al c pl an e.

, NJ, N,
1 ;m d na m e th em 11S N1, N 1
7. Fi x an iro n na il a1 ea ch po in ng the po i111s ns
on th e ot he r si de of x-ax is by m arki
e pr oc es s
8. Re pe al lh e ab ov
( ~• ,sm(-6n)).(; ,sin ( ~• )}-.......... (;n .sm 2
n ))
ar 0 .
as N j, N '. N ; . N ,'. A ls o lix a na il
m e th em 2 -n n •
th es e po in ts and na
9. Fi x th e na ils on e gr ap h of si n x fro m 10
th sides of x-ax is 10 ge t th 2
!h l s rri ng on bo
b th l' he lp of 1il po in ts .
I 0. Jo in th e na ils ";L lm e y = x . Fi x a st rin g on lhcs.e
t 1he gr ap
.. ... 10 ge
h of ch Iha! the lcn gi
lines su
en , pl ot th e po in ts (I , I) , (2 . 2) ... ... , 011 llu, lin cy c x an d prod uc e thes e
I I. Th ,N , N •N
rs from th e po in ts N 1 2 1 is sa me.
1 ?. D ra w pc rp en dl cu ln line v • x
la rs on bo th sides of 1hc
of pe rp en di cu as P 1. P 2, 1'3 • P, .
es e po in ts an d na m e th em I':£. Pj . P; .
I3. A ga in foe na ils 01 th
id e of <- axis an d num c 1hcrn as Pr',
on th e ot he r s
14. Si m ill irl ). fh nails th e line y = ,t by a
1igh1 str in g.
on bo th si de s of
I S. Jo in th e na ils 1 x.
rin g re pr es en ts th e gr ap h of ; c s in -
16. Th is st
P ro ce du re :
on th e line: v = x si n" 1 r.
I . Place: a m irr or of si n x rcp,-ese nt s th e gn ,p h of
rh e gr np h
2. Th e im ag e of or rcOec1ion of sin
x an d vi ce vt-rsn
in - 1 r is 1he m irr
3. Th e gr np h of s
ro r
Imag e in rbe M ir
O bs er va ti on
N am e of 1be po in


______ _ _, .
x in )' = r is th e grap h o f ,__
e of !h e yr np h of SI
• Th e im ag
_ _ __ _ _ _
1 in,1 = xis lhe gr ap h of ,._j_
e gr ap h of si n- t
• Th e im age of 1h
1 x e1c .
A ppllca tlo n : n be u.;ed 10 pl ol th e gr ap hs
of co s- r. I.Clll-
. nc iv irv ca
15 .,. .,

m ni cs -Xll II ◄
V INE S H X•ct Lab Manual in M•thc
- --

Ig : ) Act1v1ty - 10
· • Ol1JllCl111&
T,, , , nt, r1.1,·11.:.,lh 1h111 fo1
ll 11111\'li,,11 ( l\l 1-.•
1'•'111 '.' , , ,•011111111,,11, Ill ,I
., ',,, .,, ,,) 11, \i. ,~
·i-'111h ,111.111 11 111 h11rn11 h ,11111II. ii \ , ,, I . w, uH kn hu urd r h crn
ni. :o l
i-111,1.'111, 11111,11,,. t:l11ulmr "il l . l'c ncil 3. Sc uk
h ,•;,111111,111) ,,1 i:.r;irh
P re c,:i , •• 1tc K now
l~d ge -'· Whi1.: Ch on ra,, cr~
S111J,·11t- m11 si 1-.· f,111\\h .u "1
\h ._.,,.111111111, ,,f fu11,~th,n, s. Ciluc o. Cn ku lnt or
M ~u o•t 01 Co ns tru cti on P ro ce ,hu
\ . I .1\..,• .1 ",, ,,,l ,·11 b.• anl ,,f ,,111 e
7. D1nwi11g, pH "
. -"- . ..__ -.;, -9
..,...- ~
~ -
.1\'ll c d1mc11~11'1\l- 1111d rns tc ., )
, h.u t p.1p,·1 ,,11 11 "11 h tlw lwl "h ue
p ,,f c lIi~ 11 ll

?. , , ,h"" " m tig 111'1. dro Fig

\\ 1he gm ph/curvc of the giv. (il
en continuou s fun cti on /{\ I [Re
fer lig . (11)l


3. ' '"' on the p OS III\ e side of fig. (ii)
,·-n~is. tak e o pont Al "o· 0 ) Th
11, 1"'1111 A [R t:l.:r lig. t11il \ en make a po int U ( ' u· 1· 1on
the cu nic . cor res po nd ing

\\\ ' r

\__ •\

' ,, ,, •• 111

Fi)!, (iii )
VIN ES H \ .ib 1'\.\1111 ,1\
\I\ t<.b1
'd fA such mat , i.\x 1 is anf incrcmcm inx io
Illustration : 0) the nght s1 co . . B as (x "t',,.
. . . Tnkc rhc coordinates o pornt I
I. Cons ider nnothcr pornt A 1(.r0 + Ar 1, on
ol r 01111 8 J • O .\t1
2. From A1, drawn perpendicular on 1hc cur"c
[Refer fig. (iv)). r


Fig. (fr)
B(.r0• y0) on AI B1· Name it as BT1.
J. As shown in fig. (ii'), dr:iw n perpendicular from point
4 . Let A A 1 = i.\x I and B IT 1 = i.\y 1. Record both
the mcnsurcmcnts.
5. Take another point A, by reduc ing rhc increm ent in .r to M 1 such that, 6."2 < i.\x 1· Let the coord ~
(.ro I Ar2, 0). -
A on the: curve [Refer fig. (v)j.
Then obtain point 8 2 by drawing a perpendicular from 2
---, o,...,___.,
0 I'
"""I! o,, b1l .l1•
• I
r.: I
Ti T,

\ I A A, A, ~,,._Tl11,0)
h,•.\a,J h.,•ru~?J
0 r' .lr 0

Fig. M
Let the perpendicular BT 1 intersect A~ 2 a1 point 2• r
6. Let A1A2 = ru-2 and 82T2 = l.\r2 (soy). Record the
7. Repe al the above steps b) reducing lht: increment in .r in each
Observation Table : We observe thnt :
S. No. lncrem,nl In .\' Correspo ndi ng lnrrement In J'
I. 1£\yil
2. l6Y2I


VINESH X•ct Lab ManiQI tn

• Mau,em
.L •
aucs--XU /30

... I . 1P ,.
--IUII•~ ~-- ~-~ ~ ' W I
• As .~x becomes smaller the value of ~y \ \.
• Hence Lim !lv = O. for a continuous function.
.1 x➔ o
A pp lic ation :
This acti\.ity helps in understanding the concept of derivatives (right hand or left hand) at any point on the curve
espo nding to a given function.
- Aclivily _ 13
Increasing and Decreasing Function

@ Ou1 ctivL
I,, umki-.1,11111the ,·u11rcpls 111 d1·11 ,·a•,i11µ 11ml 1111·1,·11,1111• l11111·11,u1,
I . 111111 1111'1ll1II m·, ',rti,111•1,·111 k11i:th~
l . t ·111 dhn:11d 111 ~111111 hk d i1111·11s i111"
Pre r qu, ilo r<no h dgL . .1. Wl111,· , h,•1•1s -1. <il11,·
Sllllkn" 11111~1he l111111 h,11 \\ llh 11111t•c111, '" c111 1,•, , l11p1• t1 I 11111· !i, l 11•111111.'il 11•111111 ~11111111'111~

t,. I ll l{t111111111·111, I n~•lc~ .
Mt.tlloll ol Co, 111.,,.\1011
1. P:1, ll' ., whuc , heel 1111 ,1,,11dh,1111d t1 I \IIIHthlc 1!1111,· 11,11111\ 7. c ill" N. I J111\\ 111!5,_1'" 1~
\\ 1th l!l11,· lli1• \1)l ► • ~ . ... ' ,,, '\ i-


\' ti \

Fli:. (II
1. r.,l-c 11\0 " m:~ nl c111 111I lc11g1h anti lh 1111·111 ,111 the " l111e , ltcd " 11h d ip,. "' 1h1111h,·~ 1q>rL·sc1111hc :0. -J \IS and
Y-,1\1, I R<'lcr fig. (ll)j Nn111e 1hc111 :0.'11:X .111d Y'OY



Fli:. (ii)
.l. Tal-c: .mother pair o f wi res of su1111hlc lcnglh. Fi.\ 1hc111 on lhe sheet i111hc shn pc ,,f \'ur, cs I Rl'l~r Ii,: \ii ll
-1. rah : II\ 0 po1111.s_ 0 11 holh curves rind rcprcsl.'nl l11111)l'l11~ Ill lho,c p111111, I\ ilh the l1dp ,,rSll' ll••hl II I : . f · • I 11 ,
lcngrhs [ Refer 111,1. (i,i)j.
"' -. · · c:- r.:s ' ' "" ·' ' <

Flu. (Ii/)

VINEStl X«ct I .,h Manual in Mu1hc111111 k , XII /JS

u stra tion :

~~e a straight wi re and fix it on the left curve C 1 in such a wa, that it is tangent to Lhe curve at point A 1 [ fig.
(iu)] . Let this tangent make an anl!le u. 1 with the positive direction of X-a.xis.
We observe that u · b - . .
• . 1 1s o ruse so Lan a 1s negauve.
~is_illustrates that Lhe slope of tangent at A is nel!ative.
Sftml ilarly. take tv. 0 poinLS say A,, and A 3 on the s~e curve make tangents at A ,, and A with wires of suitable
o ength. - ' - 3
Let ese tangents make angles a.2 and u.3 respcctiH:ly "ith the positive direction of x-axis. [fig. (iii)].
~gles a2 ~ a3 are obruse angles which illustrates that the slopes of tangents at A 2 and A 3 are also negative
1 e.. the denvatives of th fu ·
e ncuon at A., am! A 1 arc negative.
H_en~e , e function gi\en b~ the left h;nd s1tk of the curve C is a decreasing function .
Similarly, repeat the ab°' c steps to obtain, on thi.: second curve C at points B • B2 and 8 3.
th 2 1
Let ese tangents maki.: anglc, J\ 1• I\ , and I~. " 1th the po~111vc direction of x-axis [Refer fig. (iii)].
We_obs_crve ~at P, •0~ and ~1 arc all ;cutl' an~l1.:, so the ._lope!> or tnngcnl '> al B1, 13-, and 8 3 are positi ve I e. lhe
den, all\ cs o f th, fu , 1 . -
~ i.: 111: 10n at 8 1• B~ and 13 1 arc po!>1t1v1.: .
Hence. the tunct1on g1,cn b~ thi.: right hand -..idc ot eunc is an increasing fun ction.
bse"Vat1on Tibte ·
Cune 1 C u rve II
An gle Slope Slope

tan a t= D (- vc) tan Pt = □ ("vc)

tan a 2 = D (-ve) ran p2 = D (- ve)

tan a 3 =D (-ve) tan P, = D (+ve)

. the function represented by the curve is IL.---------~\- Thus, the function represented by the curve

pplicatJo n : . . · fu ·
l . This funcrion is helpful in undersLaDding the concept of decreasmg and mcreasmg ncuons.
11'111=)Activity -1 4
Local Max ima and Minima

(I) Objective :
To undcrs1and 1he conccpls or local maximn. local minima I. l':mlhoard (ofsui1able dimension,)
and poim ofinlkc1ion . 2. S1rings :l. c.tuc 4 . Na1b
P re-requisite K nowledge : S. While shcclS 6. Draw111g pm,
7. I l111111n cr K. ( ' hr,
S111dcn1s 111us1he fiun iliur wi1h ,mlli111111y 1111d dilk1<·1111ahil1l)
func1ion. 1angent, 10 ..:urvc. , l11pe ul li11c.
Method of Cons truct ion :
i,:l11c I Iii,:. (Ill,
t.,. -~ . .: -:-~ "\,~ .
I . laJ..c a cardboard and flllSlc 11 "hilc , heel 1111 11 w11h

y ,

. ...

x· , 0 'X
- ,.y•
• ~

2. Take 11\ 0 pi.:ces of string s and lix them on 1hc shcel 10

Fig. (t) "'
rcprescru the X-ax is ond Y-axi s IF1g. (1)1 Name 1hcm 1..
X'OX and Y'OY.
of n curve nnd fix it on the \\h11c sheet using 11.1ils•
J. Take anoth er ~Iring of s uirnhlc length . llend it in the: , hnpc
shown in li g. (ii)

Fig. (it)

-'· Take live pieces or strings nnd fix them at points A.

B. C. Dan~ E as shown in fig . (ii).
nts to l 11J 1.:11rvc .ll I t , X ,,xis it' the va lue ofth~ tirll
5. L.:t the wires nl points/\. 13, C, I) anc.1 r- repre sent u111ge nts nrc porn c c ·, · ·
nu: slope s uf the 11111gents nt these poin ts 1s ,cro ns the tnnge
dcriviitivo: al thesc point s is zcm. t
VINESt"l X«cl I Jb M""" "I in M:11hcm~d n - XII /4 0

· - - --- -
- · .. - -- \\ c tih,c.·n t' 1h.1t
\ the ptHnt, A ;\nd ( 11! 11 ni :•1~
' ~ • "
•i· • •~
· • ' · ' " ; i ' .1• 1, c , hang.cs from nega11vc
· 10 pos11tvc.
· · so, they are po1111s o fl oca I
fl 111\fll\.l
.. \ 1 lhl· pom t, I\ ,1nJ I·. , 1~n , •I the ,~ •, · Ji: r I \ .it , c.: , h.1ni;l.., from positive 10 negative. so, they are the points o flocal
11.1\ 11nn
'- I hc. t.m ~cnt ot p\• 1111 I) 11 t, r • •I
.r. i: l h,· "t;!n ,11 the den, alive docs 1101change al point P. Hence. i1 is a
pn1111111 mnc~ lltlll
I hh ac.'11\ 11, "hdplu l 1111. ,pl.111110:.: :t-c,.. cr-t I ... .at ma'1mum minimum values ofa fu nctions graphicall~.
- Activity _ 21

·• Objective : _
To vcnfy practically that angle in a semi-circle is a right 11ngle, using t. Woodert hoard 2. Chnrt paper
, cctor method. 3. Coloured pens 4. Gluc

P re-requisite Knowledge : s. Eraser 6. Thi n wires

Students must be fam iliar with pythagoras theorem. chor,d of circle. 7. Pnpcr nrrow heads
M ethod of Construction :
I. Twee a wooden bo.,rd of suitable dimensions {50 cm # 40 cm) and
paste a white chnn paper on it using glue.
2. The chan pupcr should be of th.: snmc s11..: ns that o f the board
8. Geome try box.
..,..,.. ~ . . .~ ~ ~
[fig. (i)J

Fig. (,)
3. With centre O and a suitable radius (= 15 cm). draw a circle on the paper [fi g. (i) ].
4 . Let AB be the diameter of the circle. Fix paper arrow hcnds ar points A and B [fig. (ii)!.

f ig. (i,)
S. Take poi nts C and D on the same side of the diameter as shown in fig. (ii). Fix arrow heads nt points C and
6. Join QC. OA, OB, AC, AD. BD. OD and BC using the thin wires as shown in lig. (it).
Illustration :
... ...
I . Measure the angle between the vectors AC and BC i.e., L ACB = 90°.
-• -•
2. Similarly, the angle between the vectors AD and 8 D i.e. L ADB = 90°.

VINESH X«ct Lah M:a.nutll in Mu hc:matics-Xll /58

, . Repeat th e ab
ov e ste ps by ta ki
ng so m e m ore
- --
~- ni e an gle fo rm po ints on the se
ed be tw ee n two m i- ci rc le an d
ve ctor s in a se m m ea su re th e a
:) us ,vat lo n : i- c irc le is a ri gh ng le s.
W e obSCTVe th t an gle.
O n ac tu al m ea su
re m en t :
_, _...
OC = O A I = ....... _.
OB = OD = r =a ==

} B.....C =\ l, I A-B I =(
} B-•O =\
!\Cl2 + I BC 12 = \....________ ~ AD l
I 12 + I IID 12
So. L A CB =\
~------ \ an d AC •BC = \
-·\D B = t
\a nd AD · B.....C
Ap ·,c at io n :
1 '!•, -'C ti,·" h. d
rr ": em on st r: l-
m Activity _ 22
Three Dimensional Geometry

te I.he pomts to given coordinn1cs 111 ~pace, 111c11M11·c the d1s11111~e I. C'11rtlho11rd
two poi nts in space and then to \cril) the d1 ~1nncc 11~111g t11,1a11cc 2. S41111rcd pupcr or llnlJ>h p11pcr
.l . C;comclr)' ho.,
4. Nnib of'd1ffcrcn1 kngth,
-requisite Kn owledge :
~- Pnpcr ,II ro,1 head ~
ents must be familmr with di,u111cc formulu C1ft110 points in ~- s . '- · .._. ·~ ~

tod of Construction :
Take a cardboard of sui tnbk dimen sions ond pn.~tc II squurcd grnph puper on it ( rig (/) ).
Orn\\ the coordinmc axes nnd namc them n~ X'OX and Y'OY. Take I u1111 I cm
[Refcr 1ig (ill
Represent the Z-a.xis by fixing a wire in the w nicnl dirccuon [tig. (1)1 Nnmc ii as OL.

I-ill, (i)
4 . Plot different points on 1he squnrcd sheet nnd name them us P, Q, R, S c1c
Lc:t P<->(2,3) QH(l,2)
RH(- 2, I ) SHt6, - 3) CIC.
s. Fix nails of different lengths I cm, 2 cm. 3 rm :mcl-l "11 nt points P. (), R, S etc ltig. ti1)]

_ The upper tips ol'thcsc nails of lengths I cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm etc. nt points P, Q, R. S rc~p~·ctivd) be A.
B. C, D CIC. in thc space rRcfor lig (1/)I

VINESH Xt1ct L:ab Manual in Mathenudc...-XII /61

i . Allach wirn trom poinb A, B, C, D Ill the 11rig,in [Re fer Iii; 111111 l

lnust ation ·
1. l ,,11rJm.11,·, ,1I l'<'lllt •\ - • t : ••\, l)
t oonhn.11<·, ,,t J'<ll111 l:l , ' I l. l. 2)
to,,rdm.11,-.. ,,t fl''111t l ◄ ' l ~- I. \)
l l1'>rJm.u,·, ,,t J)<lll\l I) ' ► (Cl. ' . -1 )
' lln mc.1$m 111~ the ,lis1nncc "1th a ,-,1k. 11 1s tound thnt di,t:mcc i\11 Hl .:m

.\. H~ d1stn11,,· tonuuln, !Alli 0°1' · (' 2)" • tl 2)'

; ,1 -:m I ~l~i:m
lkn.:c. the J1,1ancc An uhumcd h~ nctu.,I mcJsurcmcnt ts nppro,1ma td) ~amc a~ the dist,inlc obumr.;
"uh the hclp \lf distnn.:c fom1uln.
,;imilnrl~. we cttn, mf~ the distnim.·!C l>ctwccn othc1 points i.e.. AC. BC. AD. CD. 8D.

Ob e vation
Db1:1nce OnActuul U~ing the Dis111nce Formula
l\lcns uremcnl (in cm) (in cm)



Thus. thcdistam:c between two poinis ohtaincd on ac!U:11 mo:asuremcnt and with the help ofdistancc fomi
nearly the same.

A ppltcation :
• TI1tS acLi, ity is hdpful in ohmining the: coordinates ofdifferent points mspace.
• It 1, ab,o hdptul 111 c,plaming the concept of position n:ctors.

VINESH X•cr Lab M~JlU;ij in Mmcm~1ics- XII /62

(1tl,l~ Act1v1ty - 2 6
Plane (Shorte st Distanc e)

mca,urc 1hc ~hori c,t d

111111111\ 11,all\ · •Munce bel\H•cn '"'' ~i..c\\ linc, ,ind I. \ ptc,c ol "'oodrn board (25 cm • 10 cml
. .
2. I\ sc1u,irc:d ~rnrh sheet
ro I 11 I\ IO V. le l ij .I. I Itri:.· \\ ondcn blod, , o l ~,,c
J l'n L~ 11111,1 h,• fo111 iluu ,11 h k lmc, . shurtc,1 llis1n11~c 2 crn • 1 .:Ill • 1 ~m and nnr hlock of
' " s ·c" \lie 2 cm • 2 cm • 4 cm
0 tl H 4. Wire) ol d1flcrc:nl lenglh) ~- l,luc
'11 t ''"
Tru..,·• ·' p,.-,·c•ot
"-'' id <'II bo th•.u, l\nd (111.\lc 6. l'cnc,I 7. Sci )quarc:~
ti ,(1111m:ll ~ruph
paper on II \\1th the hdr of glue (fi~ 11)1

Ora"' the X-axis and Y-llxis on the squared shccl 11s shown in fig. li).
Place lhc three wooden blocks on the squared sheet with their base centres at points (3. 3 ). (2. 5). (7. 6)
Place !he fourth wooden block with its base centre at point (6. 2) (refer fig. (1i) J.
4 . Jorn the base po1111s A and C of the blocks B I nnd 8~ with II wire. Join the ccnrr,e:; B and D of the tops ofblocll,
B~ und 8 1 (refer lig. (ii)I.

1nacio-Xll , .. ,
- -- -
S. These wires rcprescnl the skew lines.
6. Tnkc n wire and join ii perpend iculnrly wi1 h 1he skew li nes and measure the actual di slnnce.
Illustration :
I. Pince n sci square in such n way tha1 its one perpendicul ar side is along the wire AC.
2. Move the set squurc nlong AC ti ll its 01hcr perpcndiculur side touches 1hc other wire.
3. Measure the distnncc be1ween the lines in 1his position using the set square.
T his is the s hortest dist1111ce he1wccn 1hr lines.
.a. Find the cquntion of the line joining A nnd C nncl otJ1cr line joining B and D nnd /ind the shoncst distance us,n,

S. TI1e disrnncc ohtaincd in 1wo cases will he 1hc same.

Observation : We observe thru :

• The coordinutes of poi111 A :ire

• The coorclinmcs of point 8 arc

• The coordinn1es of point C are

• The coordinates of poinr D arc

• Equation oflineAC is

• Equntion of line BD is

The shonest dis1ance between AC and 8D nnalyt.ically = r------------- ----

The distance by actual measurement "'

The distn nce in both the cases is

A pplication :

The oc1ivity is helpful ,r1 understanding the c f k .

space. oncept O s ew Imes and tJ1c shortest distance between two lines In

VfNESH Xact Lnb Manual in Mnthematics- Xll /72

ltfi1 =] Activity - 27

l I
. . . Objecuve :
. . f d · . I b:ibility ofnn event A. I. Cardboard
'" ,·,plnm the computation ,1 con 111011,1 pro . . .
"hell c, ent 11 has ,1lr,•ad) 0<:currcd b) 1111 cx umpk of rolling II dice. 2. White chart pnpcr
3. Pen
Pre-requisite Know1edgo : 4 . Scale
S111denl~ must he fomilinr with snmpk spncc ofmlling of dice. S. Pair o f dice
Method of Con1tlrucllon : 6-··_:_G: l:uc~.- --.--:-:;:--;-:7-;E'"~ ,.I
_,;-..,. .,,.,,. 4 ~~ .... ~ - ' ·(!] ~
1. fol.,· ,1 ,·,mlhonrd .,f .:<111, c111,•111 ,11c 111111 l'·"' c n wl11tc pnpcr on 11
u,111i; g lue 11.-f,·1 Ii ~ (1)1

Fig. (1)
2. Drawn square on the p3pcr and di vide it into 36 equal squares of size I cm each [refer fig. (ii)J.

( I , I) (2, I ) (3, I ) (4, I ) (5, I ) (6 , I)

( I. 2) (2. 2) (3, 2) (4, 2) (5, 2) (6, 2)

( I , 3) ( 2. 3) (3, l ) (4 , 3) ( 5, 3) ( 6,3)

( I , 4) (2, 4) (3, 4 ) (4. 4) (S, 4) (6, 4)

( I , 5) (2. S) (3, S) (<I , S) (5, 5) (6, S)

( I, 6) (2, 6) (3 , 6) (4, 6) (S, 6) (6, 6)

fig. {Ii)
3. Write the sampl e spnce of rolling two dice toge ther.
r1 Illus tration :
I. The s11 111plc spac co
2 L ·1 \ I .
. r ,oll,ng
. , lwo dk. ' . I . .
c logd tcr ts g1vc11 in lig . (ii).
, c /. 1t 1111 C\IClll llf occ11 rrc11cc o f'
11111 I ltplcof4 on nllcnsl onc ofthcdic1~.11HJ I ltplc
. of'-1 on both lhc dice and B be an event of occurrence of the

J. L<.:1 ti s /ind. lhl.·

. conditi ona I probubility of'A and B i.e. p (A/ B)

-' · Nu11 1hc r ol fa vour·ibl

' c, outcomes
. ol. event A I

Number of lit vourablc outcomes o l. cvcnl B = 11

Num ber of fo vourublc O u1comes of•event A " B = I

5. (i) P(B) = _!..!. (ii) P(A r, B ) = _I (iii) P(AIB) = P(A n B) =

36 36 P(B) 11

O bservation : We observe that :

I. n(A ) =

2. 11(8) =

3. n( A n B) =

4. P(A n B) =._[_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __JJ

pplication :
his activity is helpful in learning the concept of conditionnl probability which is further applicable in Baye's Theorem.

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