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Umar Hayat

Assignment # 03


“Michele Terry, the Aspiring Banking Executive”

Question# 1
Identify the specific career exploration activities that Michele undertook to gather information
about herself (her values, needs, abilities, interests, and desired lifestyle) and her environment
(different jobs, employers, industries, her family). What could she have done to acquire more

Specific career exploration activities Michele undertook include:

 Seeking interviews with other banks to explore external opportunities.

 Engaging in conversations with senior officers at Federal Bank and her husband to gather
different perspectives and insights.
 Reexamining her original goal of becoming an executive vice-president and identifying
her intrinsic motivations, including her desire to influence bank policies for the
betterment of the community.
 Enrolling in training seminars on community reinvestment to enhance her knowledge
and skills.
 Convincing her boss to let her chair a task force on new market development, thereby
broadening her current role.
 Becoming a mentor to younger managers at Federal Bank, contributing to their career

To acquire more information, she could have conducted informational interviews with
individuals in executive positions in the banking industry, attended networking events, and
joined professional associations to expand her knowledge and connections.
Question# 2
Does Michele currently have conceptual and operational career goals? If so, what are they? If
not, explain why you believe that Michele does not currently have career goals.

Michele currently has conceptual and operational career goals. Her conceptual goal is to make a
positive impact on the community through influencing bank policies, while her operational goal
involves broadening the scope of her current position and mentoring younger managers.

Question# 3
What specific career strategies did Michele implement? Were they effective? Why or why not?

Michele implemented the following career strategies:

 Focused on broadening her current role by taking on the task force leadership and
community reinvestment training.
 Became a mentor to younger managers.
 Reassessed her goals and motivations, aligning them with her current position.
 Prioritized work-life balance and personal satisfaction.

These strategies appear to have been effective in terms of her job performance and personal
satisfaction, but they may not have led to her desired advancement within the bank.

Question# 4
To what extent has Michele received useful feedback regarding her career? Should the Federal
Bank have been more proactive in helping Michele manage her career? What could the Bank
have done to help her?

Michele has received useful feedback in the sense that she realized her chances of becoming an
executive vice-president at Federal Bank were slim and adjusted her career goals accordingly.
Federal Bank could have been more proactive in helping her manage her career by providing
career development opportunities, training, and guidance to bridge the gap between her
current qualifications and the requirements for advancement.
Question# 5
If you were advising Michele, what recommendations would you give her to help her effectively
manage her career going forward?

Recommendations for Michele's career management going forward:

 Continue to focus on her current role and seek ways to have a positive impact on the
community through her work in community reinvestment.
 Pursue further professional development, including obtaining an MBA or additional
relevant certifications, if feasible.
 Explore opportunities in other organizations or industries where her skills and
aspirations align with their requirements.
 Seek a mentor or career coach who can provide guidance and support.
 Maintain a work-life balance and personal satisfaction while staying open to new
possibilities and remaining adaptable in her career choices.

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