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Peacewick University (PU)- May 2022

True/ False

Exercise 1

1. Peacewick University (PU) was founded as a teacher training college specializing in post-16 education in 1935. ( True/

2. Peacewick University (PU) was founded as a teacher training college specializing in post-16 education in 1935 but
became a university in 1995. (True/ False)

3. Adriana Cortez, works as the Vice Principal of Peacewick University (PU). (True/ False)

4. Peacewick University (PU) only caters to medicine, engineering and media faculties. (True/ False)

5. Peacewick University (PU) has both teaching and research functions in all its faculties. (True/ False)

6. The university is organized as a not-for-profit business. (True/ False)

7. Peacewick University (PU) board of trustees made up from representatives of the community and employees. (True/

8. Peacewick University academic year runs from October to August. (True/ False)

9. In 2020/21 there was an economic recession in the country (Country A). (True/ False)
10. In September 2020 there was a catastrophic accident at a nearby chemical plant which affected PU. (True/ False).

True/ False

Exercise 2

1. September 2021, the university had sufficient IT equipment for the lecturers. (True/ False)

2. All of the lecturers had inadequate IT skills to prepare and deliver high-quality online courses. (True/ False)

3. Few students lacked the necessary IT equipment or internet connection to attend online lectures. (True/ False)

4. Many international students had to return to their home countries, as their accommodation had been damaged. (True/

5. Some employees were made redundant as a consequence of September 2021 incident. (True/ False)

6. The Faculty of IT received a large amount of funding from the government. (True/ False)

7. PU’s business plan for 2020-21 included building a new lecture theatre and a new building for the Faculty of sports.
(True/ False)

8. For the academic year 2022/23, few local students have decided to postpone their studies for a year. (True/ False)

9. For the academic year 2022/23, some international students will not return to complete their courses (True/ False)

10. In 2021-22, Adriana made 10 % of teaching staff and support staff redundant. (True/ False)
Exercise 3

1. In 2021-22, 25 % of staff were moved to part-time employment. (True/ False)

2. In 2021-22, Adriana decided to cut PU’ s marketing budgets because of the economic recession. (True/ False)

3. By Jan 22, PU’s cash flow position improved. (True/ False)

4. As 2021-22 progressed, the critical problems at PU are recovery and cash flow. (True/ False)

5. In Feb 2022 as PU’s marketing was increasing student interest for the next academic year, the applications for

student places at PU also increased. (True/ False)

6. Staff turnover in the Faculty of History is high. (True/ False)

7. Adriana is dealing with few cases of alleged bullying by Jim Summerfield, the head of the faculty. (True/ False)

8. Jim Summerfield is the head of the faculty of History. (True/ False)

9. PU’s mission statement is based on inclusivity, social responsibility and excellence. (True/ False)

10. Jim Summerfield the head of the faculty of History never consults the members in his department. (True/ False)

Exercise : 1 Answers Exercise : 2 Answers Exercise :3 Answers
1 (True/ False) True/ False
(True/ False) Correct answer: Correct answer: 20%
2 (True/ False) [Correct answer: 1992] True/ False True/ False
Correct answer: Many [ Correct answer
Adriana decided to maintain
PU’s aggressive marketing
3 (True/ False) (True/ False) True/ False
Correct answer: Many [Correct answer: worsened]
4 (True/ False)- (True/ False) True/ False
Correct answer: Some
[correct answer-IT, business, [Correct answer: recovery,
electronics, medicine, engineering and cash flow and managing
media faculties] redundancies]

5 (True/ False) (True/ False) (True/ False)

[ Correct answer:

Applications for student

places at PU remained low.]

(True/ False)
[ Correct answer: From
the founder of one of the
(True/ False) world’s largest software (True/ False)
6 companies]
7 (True/ False): (True/ False) (True/ False)
[Correct answer: community, employees, [ Correct answer: building [ Correct answer: Several
businesses and government] a new lecture theatre and cases of bullying]
a new building for the
Faculty of Music]
8 (True/ False) (True/ False) (True/ False)
[Correct answer: October to July]
[ Correct answer: many}

9 (True/ False) (True/ False) (True/ False)

[ Correct answer: many} Correct answer:

[Inclusivity, social responsibility,
excellence, perseverance,
commitment, resilience,
ambition and creativity}

10 (True/ False). [ Correct answer: (True/ False) (True/ False)

September 2021]

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