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15 most outrageous facts

about the USA

Being the most advanced and developed nation in the world, you would
expect the US to be maintaining the highest standards of almost every
important matter in the daily life of its citizens. However, the facts are
a bit strange if not outright outrageous:
1. The United States has the loftiest incarceration rate in the world,
with roughly 2.2 million people behind bars. This accounts for about
25% of the global captivity population.

2. The U.S. is the only bucolic nation that doesn’t guarantee universal
healthcare for its citizens. Despite being one of the flush countries,
millions of Americans warrant access to affordable healthcare.

3. The average American consumes about 126 grams of sugar per day,
which is further than double the recommended quantum. This
contributes to high rates of rotundity and affiliated health issues in the

4. The United States has the loftiest number of intimately possessed

arms in the world. It’s estimated that there are more ordnance than
people, with roughly 393 million arms in rotation.

5. The U.S. spends more on its defense than the next ten countries
combined. In 2020, the defense budget reached $738 billion, counting
for further than half of the country’s optional spending.
Image by 0fjd125gk87 from Pixabay

6. Americans are known for their love of fast food. The United States is
the motherland of popular fast-food chains similar to McDonald’s,
Burger King, and KFC. The fast- food assiduity has had a significant
impact on American culture and eating habits.

7. The United States is one of the many countries that still use the
Imperial system of dimension, including units like long hauls, pounds,
and Fahrenheit for temperature. utmost of the world has transitioned
to the metric system.

8. The state of Alaska has further banks than all the other U.S.
countries combined. Its bank stretches over 6,600 long hauls and is
home to stunning natural geographies and different wildlife.

9. Americans are known for their charitable pay. In 2020,

individualities, foundations, and pots in the U.S. bestowed a
record- breaking$ 471 billion to colorful causes and associations.

10. The United States has the loftiest number of billionaires in the
world. According to Forbes, there were over 600 billionaires in the
country as of 2021.

11. The U.S. is home to some of the most prestigious and influential
universities, including Harvard, Stanford, and MIT. These institutions
attract scholars from all over the world and contribute significantly to
scientific exploration and invention.

12. Americans consume a massive quantum of energy. Despite having

only about 4 of the world’s population, the United States is responsible
for nearly 15 of global energy consumption.

13. The U.S. is a melting pot of societies and races. It’s estimated that
by 2050, no single ethnical or ethnic group will constitute a maturity of
the population, making the country incredibly different.

14. Americans love their sports. Major leagues like the NFL (American
football), NBA (basketball), MLB (baseball), and NHL (ice hockey)
have a massive addict base and induce billions of bones in profit each

15. The United States has a vast and different geography. From the
Grand Canyon to the Statue of Liberty, the country boasts iconic
milestones and natural prodigies that attract millions of callers from
around the world.

These outrageous facts about the United States provide a glimpse into
the country’s unique characteristics, from its social and cultural
aspects to its political and economic landscape.

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