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Баник Богдан


A The sentences below represent a variety of views on international

markets. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

1 provide opportunities for people to work/study abroad and

improve their lives.'
2 increase competition and improve the choice of goods and
3 create unemployment and lead to job losses in richer countries.'
4 reduce poverty and increase wealth everywhere.'
5 exploit workers in poorer countries.'
6 widen the gap between rich and poor nations.'
7 mean lower costs and cheaper retail prices, which benefit
8 give large multinational companies and trading blocs too much
9 lead to damage to the natural environment, local cultures and
10 promote higher standards of living, working conditions,
technology, education, etc.'
B Work in pairs. Which of the statements in Exercise A do you agree
1. yes
2. yes
3. no
4. Yes
5. yes
6. No
7. yes
8. yes
9. No
10. Yes

C Work in pairs. How has the development of international markets

a) you as a consumer?
I have a lot more choice among goods and services
b) your company/institution?
First, there are more competitors. And also got more customers,
which increased the profit of the company.
c) your country?
There are much more investments, the state also receives money
from taxes, and the more international companies come to our
country, the more attractive it becomes for other companies
D How do you think international markets will develop in the future?
it seems to me that now the international market, or rather
international trade, will slow down due to the war in Ukraine, but
compared to the same pandemic, trade will recover much faster

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