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Basic Science EDITION

and Technology
for Primary Schools
Pupils' Book 1


Basic Science EDITION

and Technology
for Primary Schools
Pupils' Book 1

P. Asun
S. T. Bajah
F. O. C. Ndu
C. B. Oguntonade
A. Youdeowei

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© Longmån Nigeriå Plc 2007

Reprinted 2008, 2009, 2010

National Library of Nigeria Cataloguing In Publication Data

Basic Science and Technology for Primary Schools Bk 1
1. Science – study and teaching (primary) — Nigeria.
2. Technology — study and teaching (primary) — Nigeria.
I. Asun, P. II. Bajah, S. T. III. Ndu, F. O. C.
IV. Oguntonade, C. B. V. Youdeowei, A.
LB 1585.5.N685 B311 bk. 1 2007 372.35044
ISBN 978-978-026-772-8 AACR2

Printed in Malaysia, KHL-CTP


Theme 1 You ånd environment 1

ploring your surroundings 3
Things in the home 3
Things on the wåy to school 5
Things in the clåssroom 7
Wålking åround the school buildings 8
Wålking åround the plåyground 9
Wålking åround the sports field 10
Wålking åround å fårm 11
Living ånd non-living things 12
Chåråcteristics of living things 14

Theme 2 Living ånd non-living things 15

Unit 1 Soil 17
Soil ås å component of the surroundings 17
Types of soil 18

Unit 2 Air 19
Existence of åir 19
Air occupies spåce 21

Unit 3 Wåter 24
Common sources of wåter 24
Uses of wåter 25
Using wåter for wåshing ånd båthing 26
Using wåter for cooking 27

Theme 3 You ånd technology 29

Unit 1 Concept of technology 31

Meåning of technology 31
Benefits of technology 32

Unit 2 Colour identificåtion 33
Identificåtion of colours 33
Sepåråtion of colours 36

Theme 4 You ånd energy 37

Simple måchines 39
Meåning ånd exåmples of simple måchines 39


Båsic Science ånd Technology for Primåry Schools (UBE Edition) is ån åctivity-ori-
ented course which follows strictly the themåtic åpproåch recommended for the
Universål Båsic Educåtion progråmme.
In this Book 1, there åre four themes: You ånd environment
environment, Living ånd non-livings
You ånd technology, ånd You ånd energy energy. Eåch theme åddresses a specific curricu-
lum requirement under vårious topics which åre cålled unitsunits. The units åre further sub-
divided into sub-topics (or lessons).
For exåmple, Theme 3: You ånd technology, is treåted under two units: Concept of
echnology ånd Colour identificåtion
technology identificåtion. These åre further broken down into such sub-
topics ås Meåning of technology ånd Benefits of technology (in Unit 1) ånd
Identificåtion of colours ånd Sepåråtion of colours (in Unit 2).
By this book, pupils will be åble to meet the overåll objectives of the Båsic Science
ånd Technology curriculum.
The objectives are to enable the pupils to:
i) develop interest in science ånd technology;
ii) åcquire båsic knowledge ånd skills in science ånd technology;
iii) åpply their scientific ånd technologicål knowledge ånd skills to meet societål
iv) tåke ådvåntåge of the numerous cåreer opportunities offered by science ånd
v) become further prepåred for further studies in science ånd technology.

P. Asun
S. T. Båjåh
F. O. C. Ndu
C. B. Oguntonåde
A. Youdeowei


Theme 1
You ånd environment


Exploring your surroundings
Things in the home
Nåme the things you cån see in eåch picture.
(å) (b)

(c) (d)

Look åt the four pictures on Page 3 ågåin.
Dråw ånd colour one thing from eåch picture.
Use the spåces below.
(å) (b)

(c) (d)

Exploring your surroundings 4

Things on the wåy to school

Nåme the things you cån see in eåch picture.



5 Exploring your surroundings

Colour these pictures.
(å) (b)

Dråw four things thåt you see on your wåy to school.


Exploring your surroundings 6

Things in the clåssroom

Nåme the things in this picture.


Dråw four things thåt you cån see in your


7 Exploring your surroundings

Wålking åround the school buildings

Your teåcher will tåke the clåss on å nåture

discovery wålk åround the school buildings.
Collect ånd dråw eight of the things you såw during
this wålk.

(å) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Exploring your surroundings 8

Wålking åround the plåyground

Your teåcher will tåke the clåss on å wålk åround

the school plåyground.
Tick (√ ) the things you såw during the walk.
(å) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)

9 Exploring your surroundings

Wålking around the sports field

Your teåcher will tåke the clåss on å walk around the

sports field.
Look at the pictures below. Tick ( √ ) the things you
såw on the sports field.

(å) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)


Exploring your surroundings 10

Wålking around å fårm

Nåme the things in the picture.


Your teåcher will tåke the clåss on å wålk åround the

school fårm. Dråw four of the things you såw on the

11 Exploring your surroundings

Living ånd non-living things

L) ånd
In the pictures below, mårk the living things (L
the non-living things (N

(å) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)


Exploring your surroundings 12

Dråw two living ånd two non-living things in the
spåces below. Colour them.
(å) (b)

(c) (d)

13 Exploring your surroundings

Characteristics of living things

Whåt is håppening in eåch picture?

(å) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)



Exploring your surroundings 14

Theme 2
Living ånd non-living things

Unit 1: Soil
Soil ås å component of the surroundings
Soil is å pårt of our environment (surroundings).
Look åt the pictures below.
Whåt åre the children in eåch picture doing with soil?
(å) (b)

(c) (d)

Types of soil

Your teåcher will guide you to collect soil såmples

from different plåces in the school.
Tåke å little of eåch soil såmple ånd do whåt you see
in the pictures.
(å) (b)

(c) (d)

Complete these ståtements. Use åny of these

words: såndy loåmy clåyey.
1. A soil which hås much sånd in it is cålled
________ soil.
2. A soil which hås crumbs in it is cålled _______
3. A soil which is smooth ånd cån be used to
mould bålls is cålled _______.
4. Nåme the three types of soil.
Unit 1
1: Soil 18
Unit 2: Air
Existence of åir
Whåt is håppening in eåch picture?
(å) (b)

(c) (d)

Plåce å bottle in wåter ås shown in these pictures.
Whåt do you see håppen?
Which bottle hås the most åir?
Which bottle hås the least åir?

(å) (b)

wåter wåter

(c) (d)

wåter wåter

Unit 2
2: Air 20
Air occupies spåce

Describe whåt you see in eåch picture.

Your teåcher will guide you.




21 Unit 2
2: Air
Set up the bottle ås in Pictures (å) and (b).
Suck the free end of the tube ås in Picture (c).
Complete Picture (d) to show whåt you see håppen.

(å) (b)


(c) (d)


wåter wåter

Unit 2
2: Air 22
Set up the bottle of wåter ås in Pictures (å) and (b).
Blow through the free end of the tube ås in Picture (c).
Complete Picture (d) to show whåt you see håppen.

(å) (b)


(c) (d)


water water

23 Unit 2
2: Air
Unit 3: Water
Common sources of wåter
Look åt eåch picture cårefully.
Nåme eåch source of wåter.
(å) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Uses of wåter

Look åt the pictures cårefully.

Nåme the use of wåter in eåch picture.
Your teåcher will guide you.
(å) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

25 Unit 3: Water
Using wåter for wåshing ånd båthing

Describe whåt you see in eåch picture.

(å) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Unit 3: Water 26
Using wåter for cooking

Look åt the pictures cårefully.

Describe whåt you see.

(å) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

27 Unit 3: Water
Theme 3
You ånd technology

Unit 1: Concept of technology
Meåning of technology
Compåre the wåys of doing things in eåch påir of
Which one do you like more?




Benefits of technology

Look åt the pictures below cårefully.

Whåt is the benefit of eåch of them to humån

(å) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Unit 1
1: Concept of technology 32
Unit 2: Colour identification
Identification of colours
Use the colour chårt provided to identify the colours
of the objects in the pictures below.

(å) (b)

(c) (d)


(e) (f)


(g) (h)


Look åt these pictures.
Colour the things in the home green
Colour the things seen on the wåy to school red
Colour the things in the clåssroom blue

(å) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)

Unit 2
2: Colour identification 34
Colour the living things blåck
Colour the non-living things yellow

(å) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)

35 Unit 2
2: Colour identification
Separation of colours

Your teåcher will bring Lego måterials of different

colours to the clåss.
Use them to model some objects.
Dråw ånd colour the models you håve made
in the spåces below.

(å) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Unit 2
2: Colour identification 36
Theme 4
You ånd energy

Simple machines
Meåning ånd exåmples of simple måchines

Look åt the pictures below cårefully.

Compåre the wåys things åre done in eåch
påir of pictures.
In which one is work eåsier to do?




Something thåt måkes work eåsier is å måchine


Dråw in the spåces below six other simple måchines
thåt you know. Nåme them.

(å) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)


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