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8/3/23, 12:16 AM A Night Out by O.



A Night Out by O. Henry
10 Questions

1. Write a simple synopsis of A Night Out by using your own words.

2. How much does Chandler save his money per week?

A One Ringgit B One dollar

C Four Ringgit D Two dollars

3. How does Marian sprain her ankle?

A She walks carelessly B She falls into the drain

C Chandler knocks her down D She accidentally kicks something

4. The following are what Chandler mentioned about himself except:

A He rides horses B He spends time working

C He spends time travelling D He spends time dancing

5. Why do you think Marian refuse to join Chandler for dinner?

A She is not interested with Chandler B She is angry at Chandler

C She has to meet her dressmaker

? 1/
8/3/23, 12:16 AM A Night Out by O. Henry
D She wears old and cheap-looking
clothes 2/
8/3/23, 12:16 AM A Night Out by O. Henry

6. What are the characteristics of man that Marian looks for?

A Tall and kind B Rich and handsome

C Romantic and attractive D Ambitious and determine

7. Who is Sissie?

A Marian's sister B Marian's friend

C The maid D The waiter in restaurant

8. Why does Sissie get angry when Marian comes home?

A Their parents scold Sissie . B Marian disappears for two hours.

C Marian borrows her clothes. D Sissie cannot go out because of her.

9. What is the ending of the drama?

Both family disagree with their

A Marian does not accept Chandler. B

Marian says that she cannot live with a Chandler proposes Marian to
man with no ambition. get married.

10. What is the main theme of the story?

A Optimist B Appearance

C Honesty D Ambitious 3/

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