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Chapter 18: Regulation of Gene Expression

0. Overview: Conducting the Genetic Orchestra

1. Cells intricately and precisely regulated their gene expression. Gene expression in eukaryotes, as in bacteria, is often
regulated at the stage of transcription, but control at other levels of gene expression is also important.
1. Bacteria often respond to environmental change by regulating transcription.
1. Metabolic control occurs on two levels. First, cells can adjust the activity of enzymes already present. Second, cells can
adjust the production level of certain enzymes.
2. A key advantage of grouping genes of related function into one transcription unit is that a single on-off “switch” can
control the who cluster of functionally related genes; in other words, these genes are under coordinate control. The
switch is a segment of DNA called an operator. All together, the operator, the promoter, and the genes they control
constitute and operon.
3. Regulation of both the trp and lac operons involves the negative control of genes, because the operons are switched off
by the active form of the repressor protein.
1. For the trp operon, the entire operon can be switched off by a protein called the trp repressor. The trp repressor is
the product of a regulatory gene called trpR, which is located some distance from the operon it controls and has
its own promoter. Regulatory genes are expressed continuously, although at a low rate.
1. Trytophan functions in this system as a corepressor, a small molecule that cooperates with a repressor
protein to switch an operon off.
2. The trp operon is said to be a repressible operon because its transcription is usually on but can be inhibited
(repressed) when a specific small molecule binds allosterically to a regulatory protein.
3. Repressible enzymes generally function in anabolic pathways, which synthesize essential end products from
raw materials.
2. An inducible operon is usually off but can be stimulated (induced) when a specific small molecule interacts with
a regulatory protein. The specific small molecule, called an inducer, inactivates the repressor. For the lac operon,
the inducer is is allolactose.
1. The enzymes of the lactose pathway are referred to as inducible enzymes because their synthesis is induced
by a chemical signal.
4. Positive gene regulation: When glucose and lactose are both present in its environment, E. coli preferentially uses
glucose. Only when lactose is present and glucose is in short supply does E. coli use lactose as an energy source. The
mechanism depends on the interaction of an allosteric regulatory protein with a small organic molecule, in this cAMP,
which accumulates when glucose is scarce. The regulatory protein, called catabolite activator protein (CAP), is an
activator, a protein that binds to DNA and stimulates transcription of a gene. By facilitating the binding of RNA
polymerase to the promoter and thereby increasing the rate of transcription, the attachment of CAP to the promoter
directly stimulates gene expression. Therefore, this mechanism qualifies as positive regulation.
2. Eukaryotic gene expression can be regulated at any stage.
1. A typical human cell probably expresses about 20% of its genes at any given time. Highly differentiated cells, such as
• Differential gene expression: the
muscle or nerve cells, express an even smaller fraction of their genes.
expression of different by cells with
2. Only a small amount of the DNA—about 1.5% in humans—codes for protein. The rest of the DNA either codes for
the same genome.
RNA products, such as tRNAs, or isn’t transcribed at all.
3. The structural organization of chromatin not only packs a cell’s DNA into a compact form that fits inside the nucleus but
also helps regulate gene expression in several ways. Genes within heterochromatin, which is highly condensed, are
usually not expressed.
4. In histone acetylation, acetyl groups (-COCH3) are attached to lysine in histone tails; deacetylation is the removal of
acetyl groups. When lysines are acetylated, their positive charges are neutralized and the histone tails no longer bind to
neighboring nucleosomes. The addition of methyl groups (-CH3) to histone tails (methylation) can promote
condensation of the chromatin. The addition of a phosphate group to an amino acid (phosphorylation) next to a
methylated amino acid can have the opposite effect.
1. Some activators recruit proteins that acetylate histones near the promoters of specific genes, thus promoting
5. Inactive DNA, such as that of inactivated mammalian X chromosomes, is generally more methylated than DNA that is
actively transcribed, although there are exceptions.
1. At least in some species, DNA methylation seems to be essential for the long-term inactivation of genes that
occurs during normal cell differentiation in the embryo.
2. Once methylated, genes usually stay that way through successive cell divisions in a given individual. At DNA
sites where one stand is already methylated, methylation enzymes correctly methylate the daughter strand after
each round of DNA replication.
3. A methylation pattern maintained in this way also accounts for genomic imprinting in mammals.
4. Alterations in normal patterns of DNA methylation are seen in some cancers, where they are associated with
inappropriate gene expression.
6. Epigenetic inheritance: inheritance of traits transmitted by mechanisms not directly involving the nucleotide sequence.
7. The REGULATION OF TRANSCRIPTION INITIATION in eukaryotes involves proteins that bind to DNA and either
facilitate or inhibit binding of RNA polymerase.
1. A cluster of proteins called a transcription initiation complex assembles on the promoter sequence at the
“upstream” end of the gene.
2. Associated with most eukaryotic genes are multiple control elements, segments of noncoding DNA that help
regulate transcription by binding certain proteins.
3. To initiate transcription, eukaryotic RNA polymerase requires the assistance of proteins called transcription
factors. Only a few general transcription factors independently bind a DNA sequence, such as the TATA box
within the promoter; the others primarily bind proteins, including each other and RNA polymerase II.
4. Proximal control elements are located close to the promoter. Distal control elements, groupings of which are
called enhancers, may be thousands of nucleotides upstream or downstream of a gene or even within an intron.
5. Protein-mediated bending of the DNA is thought to bring the bond activators in contact with a group of so-called
mediator proteins, which in turn interact with proteins at the promoter. These multiple protein-protein interactions
help assemble and position the initiation complex on the promoter.
8. In eukaryotes, the precise control of transcription depends largely on the binding of activators to DNA control elements.
The particular combinations of control elements in an enhancer associated with a gene turns out to be more important
than the presence of a single unique control element in regulating transcription of the gene.
9. Analysis of the genomes of several eukaryotic species has revealed some co-expressed genes that are clustered near one
another on the same chromosome. However, each gene in such a cluster usually has its own promoter and is individually
transcribed. Sometimes, however, several related genes do share a promoter and are transcribed into a single pre-
mRNA, which is then processed into separate mRNAs. More commonly, co-expressed eukaryotic genes, such as genes

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Chapter 17: From Gene to Protein

• Alternative RNA splicing: different coding for the enzymes of a metabolic pathway, are found scattered over different chromosomes. Coordinate control of
mRNA molecules are produced from dispersed genes in a eukaryotic cell often occurs in response to chemical signals from outside the cell.
the same primary transcript, 10. The life span of mRNA molecules in the cytoplasm is important in determining the pattern of protein synthesis in a cell.
depending on which RNA segments mRNA breakdown begins with the enzymatic shortening of the poly-A tail. Enzymes later remove the 5` cap. Once the
are treated as exons and which as cap is removed, nuclease enzymes rapidly chew up the RNA.
introns. 11. Translation presents another opportunity for regulating gene expression; such regulation occurs most commonly at the
initiation stage.
1. Some mRNAs can be blocked by regulatory proteins that bind to specific sequences or structures within the 5'
UTR of the mRNA.
2. Some stored mRNAs initially lack poly-A tails of sufficient length to allow translation initiation. A cytoplasmic
protein adds adenine nucleotides to prompt translation.
12. Translation of all the mRNAs in a cell may be regulated simultaneously. In an eukaryotic cell, such “global” control
usually involves the activation or inactivation of one more of the protein factors required to initiate translation.
13. The final opportunities for controlling gene expression occur after translation. Often, eukaryotic polypeptides must be
processed to yield functional protein molecules. Many proteins undergo chemical modifications that make them
14. Finally, the length of time each protein functions in the cell is strictly regulated by means of selective degradation. To
mark a particular protein for destruction, the cell commonly attaches molecules of a small protein called ubiquitin to the
protein. Giant protein complexes called proteasomes then recognize the ubiquitin-tagged proteins and degrade them
3. Noncoding RNAs play multiple roles in controlling gene expression.
1. Only 1.5% of the human genome codes for proteins. A significant amount of the genome may be transcribed into non-
protein-coding RNAs, including a variety of small RNAs.
2. Regulation by noncoding RNAs is known to occur at two points in the pathway of gene expression: mRNA translation
and chromatin configuration.
3. Since 1993, a number of research studies have uncovered small single-stranded RNA molecules, called microRNAs
(miRNAs), that are capable of binding to complementary sequences in mRNA molecules. The miRNAs are formed
from longer RNA precursors that fold back on themselves, forming one or more short double-stranded hairpins
structures, each held together by hydrogen bonds. After each hairpin is cut away from the precursor, it is trimmed by an
enzyme (Dicer) into a short double-stranded fragment of about 20 nucleotide pairs. One of the two strands is degraded,
while the other strand, the miRNA, forms a complex with one or more proteins; the miRNA allows the complex to bind
to any mRNA molecule with the complementary sequence. The miRNA-protein complex then either degrades the target
mRNA or blocks its translation.
4. Researchers had found that that injecting double-stranded RNA molecules into a cell somehow turned off expression of
a gene with the same sequence as the RNA (RNA interference, RNAi), which was later shown to be due to small
interfering RNAs (siRNAs), which are similar in size and functions to miRNAs.
5. The distinction between miRNAs and siRNAs is based on the nature of the precursor molecule for each. While an
miRNA is usually formed from a single hairpin in a precursor RNA, siRNAs are formed from much longer double-
stranded RNA molecules, each of which gives rise to many siRNAs.
6. In addition to affect mRNAs, small RNAs can cause remodelling of chromatin structure. siRNAs produced by yeast
cells appear to be crucial for the formation of heterochromatin at the centromeres of chromosomes.
4. A program of differential gene expression leads to the different cell types in a multicellular
• Cell differentiation: the process by 1. In the embryonic development of multicellular organisms, a fertilized egg (a zygote) gives rise to cells of many different
which cells become specialized in types, each with a different structure and corresponding function.
structure and function. 2. The specific genes expressed in any particular cell of a developing organism determine its path.
• Morphogenesis: the physical 3. It turns out that materials placed into the egg by the mother set up a sequential program of gene regulation that is carried
processes that give an organism its out as cells divide. One important source of information early in development is the egg’s cytoplasm. The cytoplasm of
shape. an unfertilized egg is not homogeneous. Proteins, mRNA, other substances, and organelles, are distributed unevenly in
• Cytoplasmic determinates: maternal the unfertilized egg, and this unevenness has a profound impact on the development of the future embryo in many
substances in the egg that influence species.
the course of early development. 4. The other major source of developmental information, which becomes increasingly important as the number of
• Induction: the process in which embryonic cells increases, is the environment around a particular cell. Most influential are the signals impinging on an
signals cause changes in target cells. embryonic cell from other embryonic cells in the vicinity, including contact with cell-surface molecules on neighboring
cells and the binding of growth factors secreted by neighboring cells.
• Determination: the events that lead 5. Once it has undergone determination, an embryonic cell is irreversibly committed to its final fate. Differentiated cells
to the observable differentiation of a are specialists at making tissue-specific proteins.
cell. 6. MyoD is the protein that transforms an embryonic precursor cell to a myoblast, a cell that is committed to becoming a
• Pattern formation: The muscle cell. MyoD stimulates the production of certain proteins, as well as itself.
development of a spatial organization 7. Positional information: the molecular cues that control pattern formation.
in which the tissues and organs of an 8. In the 1940s, scientists began using the genetic approach—the study of mutants—to investigate Drosophila
organism are all in their characteristic development. In Drosophila, cytoplasmic determinates that are localized in the unfertilized egg provide positional
places. information for the placement of anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes even before fertilization.
• Homeotic genes: control pattern 9. In the 1940s, Edward B. Lewis first showed the value of the genetic approach to studying embryonic development in
formation in the late embryo, larva, Drosophila. Lewis studied bizarre mutant flies with developmental defects that led to extra wings or legs in the wrong
and adult. places.
• Embryonic lethals: mutations with 10. In the 1970s, two researchers in Germany, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard and Eric Wieschaus, set out to identify all the
phenotypes causing death at the genes that affect segment formation in Drosophila. There were three major difficulties:
embryonic or larval stage. 1. Drosophila has about 13,700 genes. The genes affecting segmentation might be just a few needles in a haystack
or might be so numerous and varied that scientists would be unable to make sense of them.
• Maternal effect gene: a gene that,
2. Mutations affecting a process as fundamental as segmentation would be embryonic lethals.
when mutant in the mother, results in
3. Cytoplasmic determinates in the egg were known to play a role in axis formation, and therefore the researchers
a mutant phenotype in the offspring,
knew they would have to study the mother’s genes as well as those of the embryo.
regardless of the offspring’s own
11. Nüsslein-Volhard and Wieschaus began their search for segmentation genes by exposing flies to a mutagenic chemical
genotype. Because they control the
that affected the flies’ gametes. They mated the mutagenized flies and then scanned their descendants for dead embryos
orientation (polarity) of the egg and
or larvae with abnormal segmentation or other defects. Using this approach, they eventually identified about 1,200
consequently of the fly, maternal
genes essential for pattern formation during embryonic development.
effect genes are also called egg-
12. An embryo whose mother has a mutant bicoid gene lacks the front half of its body and has posterior structures at both
polarity genes.
13. Morphogen gradient hypothesis: Gradients of substances called morphogens establish an embryo’s axes and other
features of its form.
14. Bicoid mRNA is highly concentrated at the extreme anterior end of the mature egg. The mRNA is produced in nurse

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Chapter 18: Regulation of Gene Expression

cells, transferred to the egg via cytoplasmic bridges, and anchored to the cytoskeleton at the anterior end of the egg.
15. Scientists injected pure bicoid mRNA into various regions of early embryos. The protein that resulted from its
translation caused anterior structures to form at the injection sites.
5. Cancer results from genetic changes that affect cell cycle control.
1. The genes that normally regulate cell growth and division during the cell cycle include genes for growth factors, their
receptors, and the intracellular molecules of signaling pathways.
2. An early breakthrough in understanding cancer came in 1911, when Peyton Rous, an American pathologist, discovered
a virus that causes cancer in chickens.
3. Tumor viruses cause cancer in various animals. The Epstein-Barr virus, which causes infections mononucleosis, has
been linked to several types of cancer, notably Burkitt’s lymphoma. Papillomaviruses are associated with cancer of the
cervix, and a virus called HTLV-1 causes a type of adult leukemia.
4. Research on tumor viruses led to the discovery of cancer-causing genes called oncogenes in certain retroviruses. The
normal versions of the cellular genes, called proto-oncogenes, code for proteins that stimulate normal cell growth and
5. The genetic changes that convert proto-oncogenes to oncogenes fall into three main categories: movement of DNA
within the genome, amplification of a proto-oncogene, and point mutations in a control element or in the proto-
oncogene itself.
1. Cancer cells frequently contain chromosomes that have broken and rejoined incorrectly, translocating fragments
from one chromosome to another. If a translocated proto-oncogene ends up near an especially active promoter (or
other control element), its transcription may increase, making it an oncogene.
2. Amplification increases the number of copies of the proto-oncogene in the cell.
3. A point mutation either (1) in the promoter or an enhancer that controls a proto-oncogene, causing an increase in
its expression, or (2) in the coding sequence, changing the gene’s product to a protein that is more active or more
resistant to degradation than the normal protein.
6. Tumor-suppressor genes code for proteins that help prevent uncontrolled cell growth. They have various functions:
1. Repair damaged DNA, a function that prevents the cell from accumulating cancer-causing mutations.
2. Control the adhesion of cells to each other or to the extracellular matrix; proper cell anchorage is crucial in
normal tissues—and often absent in cancers.
3. Components of cell-signaling pathways that inhibit the cell cycle.
7. The Ras protein, encoded by the ras gene, is a G protein that relays a signal from a growth factor receptor on the plasma
membrane to cascade of protein kinases. The cellular response at the end of the pathway is the synthesis of a protein that
stimulates the cell cycle.
8. The p53 gene, named for the 53,000-dalton molecular weight of its protein product, is a tumor-suppressor gene. The
protein it encodes is a specific transcription factor that promotes the synthesis of cell-cycle inhibiting proteins. The p53
gene has been called the “guardian angel of the genome.” Once activated, for example by DNA damage, the p53 protein
functions as an activator for several genes. Often, it activates a gene called p21, whose product halts the cell cycle by
binding to cyclin-dependent kinases, allowing time for the cell to repair the DNA; the p53 protein can also turn on genes
directly involved in DNA repair. When DNA damage is irreparable, p53 activates “suicide” genes.
9. More than one somatic mutation is generally needed to produce all the changes characteristic of a full-fledged cancer
cell. The model of a multistep path to cancer is well supported by studies of one of the best-understood types of human
cancer, colorectal cancer.
10. About a half dozen changes must occur at the DNA level for a cell to become fully cancerous. These usually include the
appearance of at least one active oncogene and the mutation or loss of several tumor-suppressor genes. Mutations must
knock out both alleles in a cell’s genome to block tumor suppression. Most oncogenes behave as dominate alleles. The
gene for telomerase is usually activated, allowing the cancer cells to be “immortal.”
11. About 15% of colorectal cancers involve inherited mutations. Many of these affect the tumor-suppressor gene called
adenomatous polyposis coli, or APC. This gene has multiple functions in the cell, including regulation of cell migration
and adhesion. There is evidence of a strong inherited predisposition in 5-10% of patients with breast cancer. Mutations
in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene are found in at least half of inherited breast cancers. Both genes are considered tumor-
suppressor genes because their wild-type alleles protect against breast cancer and their mutant alleles are recessive. Both
function in the cell’s DNA damage repair pathway.

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Chapter 19: Viruses

0. Overview: A Borrowed Life

1. Lacking the structures and metabolic machinery found in cells, most viruses are little more than genes packaged in
protein coats. Viruses cannot reproduce or carry out metabolic activities outside of a host cell. Most biologists studying
viruses today would probably agree that they are not alive but exist in a shady area between life-forms and chemicals.
1. A Virus Consists of a Nucleic Acid Surrounded by a Protein Coat.
1. In 1883, Adolf Mayer, a German scientist, discovered that he could transmit mosaic disease from plant to plant by
rubbing sap extracted from diseased leaves onto healthy plants. Mayer suggested that the disease was caused by
unusually small bacteria that were invisible under a microscope.
2. Dimitri Ivanowsky, a Russian biologist, passed same from infected tobacco leaves through a filter designed to remove
bacteria. After filtration, the sap still produced mosaic disease.
3. Dutch botanist Martinus Beijerinck carried out a classic series of experiments that showed that the infectious agent in
the filtered sap could reproduce. He showed that the mysterious agent of mosaic disease could not be cultivated on
nutrient media in test tubes or petri dishes.
4. In 1935, American scientist Wendell Stanley crystallized the infectious particle.
• Capsid: the protein shell enclosing 5. The tiniest viruses are only 20 nm in diameter—smaller than a ribosome.
the viral genome. The capsid may be 6. Their genomes may consist of a double-stranded DNA, single-stranded DNA, double-stranded RNA, or single-stranded
rod-shaped, polyhedral, or more RNA, depending on the kind of virus. The smallest viruses known have only four genes in their genome, while the
complex in shame. Capsids are built largest have several hundred to a thousand.
from a large number of protein 7. Rod-shaped viruses are commonly called helical viruses.
subunits called capsomeres, but the 8. Some viruses have accessory structures that help them infect their hosts.
number of different kinds of proteins 9. Viral envelopes are derived from the membranes of the host cell and contain phospholipids and membrane proteins of
in a capsid is usually small.
both host and viral origin.
10. Many of the most complex capsids are found among the viruses that infect bacteria, called bacteriophages, or simply
2. Viruses Reproduce Only in Host Cells
• Lytic cycle: A phage reproductive 1. Each type of virus can infect cells of only a limited variety of hosts, called the host range of the virus. Viruses identify
cycle that culminates in the death of host cells by a “lock-and-key” fit between viral surface proteins and specific receptor molecules on the outside of cells.
the host cell. 2. A viral infection begins when a virus binds to a host cell and the viral genome makes its way inside. The mechanism of
genome entry depends on the type of virus and the type of host cell. Most DNA viruses use the DNA polymerases of the
• Virulent phage: a phage that
host cell to synthesis new genomes along the templates provided by viral DNA. In contrast, to replicate their genomes,
reproduces only by a lytic cycle.
RNA viruses use virally encoded polymerases that can use RNA as a template. After the viral nucleic acid molecules
• Lysogenic cycle: allows replication and capsomeres are produced, they spontaneously self-assemble into new viruses.
of the plage genome without
3. Bacteria are not defenseless. Natural selection favors bacterial mutants with receptors that are no longer recognized by a
destroying the host.
particular type of phage. When phage DNA successfully enters a bacterium, the DNA is often identified as foreign and
• Temperate phages: phages capable cut up by cellular enzymes called restriction enzymes.
of using both models of reproducing 4. Natural selection also favors phage mutants that can bind the altered receptors ore are resistant to particular restriction
within a bacterium. enzymes.
5. Infection of an E. coli cell by phage λ begins when the phage binds to the surface of the cell and injects its linear DNA
genome. Within the host, the λ DNA molecule forms a circle
1. During a lytic cycle, the viral genes immediately turn the host cell into a λ-producing factory.
2. During a lysogenic cycle, however, the λ DNA molecule is incorporated into a specific site on the E. coli
chromosome. When integrated into the bacterial chromosome in this way, the viral DNA is known as a prophage.
One prophage gene codes for a protein that prevents transcription of most of the other prophage genes.
3. The term lysogenic implies that prophages are capable of generating active phages that lyse their cells. An
environmental signal, such as a certain chemical or high-energy radiation, usually triggers the switchover from
the lysogenic to the lytic mode.
4. A few other prophage genes may be expressed during lysogeny. Expression of these genes may alter the host’s
phenotype. For example, the three species of bacteria that cause the human diseases diphtheria, botulism, and
scarlet fever would not be harmful to humans without certain prophase genes that cause the host bacteria to make
6. One key variable is the nature of the viral genome: Is it composed of DNA or RNA? Is it double-stranded or single-
stranded? Single-stranded RNA viruses are further classified into three classes (IV-VI) according to how the RNA
genome functions in a host cell.
7. An animal virus equipped with an envelope—that is, an outer membrane—uses it to enter the host cell. The viral
envelope is derived from the host cell’s plasma membrane, although some of the molecules of this membrane are
specified by viral genes. Some viruses have envelopes that are not derived from the plasma membrane.
8. In the cause of herpesviruses, copies of the viral DNA can remain behind as mini-chromosomes in the nuclei of certain
nerve cells.
9. The RNA animal viruses with the most complicated reproductive cycles are the retroviruses (class VI). These viruses
are equipped with an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which transcribes an RNA template into DNA.
1. Of particular medical importance is HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), the retrovirus that causes AIDS
(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV and other retroviruses are enveloped viruses that contain two
identical molecules of single-stranded RNA and two molecules of reverse transcriptase.
10. The integrated viral DNA, called a provirus, never leaves the host’s genome, remaining a permanent resident of the
11. How did viruses originate? Viruses have been found that infect every form of life—not just bacteria, animals, and
plants, but also archaea, fungi, algae, and other protists.
1. Viruses are not the descendants of precellular forms of life but evolved after the first cells appeared, possibly
multiple times.
2. Viruses originated from naked bits of cellular nucleic acids that moved from one cell to another, perhaps via
injured cell surfaces.
3. Candidates for the original sources of viral genomes include plasmids and transposons. Both are mobile genetic
1. Plasmids: small, circular DNA molecules found in bacteria and in the unicellular eukaryotes called yeasts.
2. Transposons: DNA segments that can move from one location to another within a cell’s genome.
12. The debate about the origin of viruses has been reinvigorated recently by reports of mimivirus, the largest virus yet

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