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Target user

Freelancers & Entrepreneurs

 promote their services, find potential clients, establish partnerships, and network with
other professionals.
Businesses and Companies

 talent acquisition, networking, marketing their services or products, and engaging with
potential clients or partners.

Project Scope
User Authentication and Profiles

 User registration and login

 User profile creation with sections for work experience, education, skills, certifications,
and a professional summary.
 Profile customization options such as profile picture, cover photo, and personal details.
Networking Features

 Ability to connect with other users (sending and accepting connection requests).
 Newsfeed for users to see updates, posts, articles, and activities of their connections.
 Messaging and communication features for direct conversations between users.
Job Search and Recruitment

 Job search functionality with filters for job title, location, industry, etc.
 Option for companies to post job listings and manage applications.
 Resume upload and job application features for users.
Company Pages and Business Profiles

 Company profiles showcasing company information, job openings, culture, and updates.
 Tools for companies to post content, articles, and updates about their business.
Content Sharing and Publishing

 Feature for users to create and share posts, articles, and professional content.
 Commenting, liking, and sharing functionalities for user-generated content.

Notification and Alerts:

 Notifications for new connection requests, messages, job opportunities, and updates
from connections or groups.
Search and Recommendations

 Search functionality for users, companies, jobs, groups, and content.

 Algorithm-driven recommendations for jobs, connections, and content based on user
activity and preferences.
Privacy and Security

 Privacy settings allowing users to control visibility of their profiles and information.
 Security measures to protect user data, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure data

Premium Subscriptions
Premium subscription plans for individuals and businesses, providing enhanced features and
tools beyond the basic free account.
Marketing Solutions
Advertising opportunities for businesses to promote their products, services, or job listings on
the platform. Advertisers can create targeted ad campaigns to reach specific demographics,
industries, or job titles, using sponsored content, display ads, and InMail messages.
Premium Features and Upgrades
Additional features or upgrades within its platform, such as InMail credits for sending messages
to users outside of one's network, expanded search functionalities, and access to detailed
insights and analytics.

creating a platform that facilitates professional networking, career development, and business
connections in a digital environment.

Time for built app

The average time it takes to build an app is anywhere between 4-6 months, but let's further
understand the different factors that impact how long it takes to develop an app.

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