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Submitted to the Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training State

Islamic University of North Sumatra as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



No. Reg: 0304183184





Mahendra, Raju. 2023. The Use of Animation Video as Media in Teaching Narrative
Text for Reading Class at seventh MTS Pesantren Darul Ihsan Hamparan Perak.
Thesis, English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher
Training, State Islamic University of North Sumatera Medan

Learning English in schools is improving students' understanding of English and applying

it in daily life. One of the activities taught in English is narrative text. Narrative texts are
usually very long and often make students bored and lazy to learn them. This study is
based on the students’ needs who feel bored during reading narrative text in English.
Students need a tool that can help them comprehend the story and answer the questions
given. The animated video is the answer to this problem. Based on the explanation above,
there are two research objectives of this study three research objectives of this study. The
first is to describe the use animation video enhance student’s reading in teaching
Narrative text in class seventh MTS Pesantren Darul Ihsan, the second is to know the
struggles faced by english teaching using animation video as teaching media in class
seventh MTS Pesantren Modern Darul Ihsan and the third to know the strength and
weakness of animation video as a teaching media in class seventh MTS Pesantren Darul
Ihsan. The research method was descriptive qualitative. The data was collected through
observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of data used was triangulation
technique with data reduction, data display, and data verification/conclusion. The
informants in this reserach were students of class VII MTS Pesantren Darul Ihsan. The
results showed that the use of animated videos in narrative text learning for the reading
class at seventh MTS Pesantren Modern Darul Ihsan could strengthen students' reading
skills in narrative text learning. Because with this animated video media, students
experience the learning process more directly when studying a text by looking at parts of
the text directly. In fact, video animations provide real-world examples related to
narrative text. So that students will be more motivated to study narrative texts in reading

Keywords : Animation Video, Narrative Text, Teaching Reading


All applause to be Allah, Master of the universes, who has given his adoring and
favoring until the essayist can wrap up "Proposition". Peace and gratitude forever be upon
the Prophet Muhammad Saw, who has led all living things within the Islamic region from
ignorance to intelligence and darkness to light.

As part of the requirements for the S,Pd degree, this "Thesis" is presented to the
English Education Department, Tarbiyah faculty, and Teacher Training State Islamic
University of North Sumatera Utara.

The analyst understood that in doing the examination and composing this
proposal, many individuals have contibuted their significant idea, direction, help, and
guidance for the fruition of this postulation. Consequently, the researcher wishes to
acknowledge them.

The honorable receives our sincere thanks and the deepest gratitude:

1. Prof. Dr. Nurhayati., M.Ag as the Head of State Islamic University of North
Sumatera Medan.
2. Prof. Dr. Hj. Tien Rafida, M.Hum as the Dean Of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher
Training Faculty, State Islamic University of North Sumatera Medan.
3. Yani Lubis, S. Ag., M.Hum as the Head of English Education Department,
Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of
North Sumatera Medan.
4. Ernita Daulay, S.Pd., M.Hum as the secretary of English Education Department,
Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of
North Sumatera Medan.
5. Dr. Muhammad Dalimunthe, S.Ag., S.S., M.Hum as the first thesis advisor and
also the academic advisor who has directed, guided, and motivated the writer to
carry out the research and complete the writing of thesis from the start to finish.
6. Siti Ismahani, M.Hum as the second thesis advisor who has directed, guided, and
motivated the writer to carry out the research and complete the writing of thesis
from start to finish.
7. Muhammad RamadhanSyah, M.Pd as the Head of MTS Pesantren Modern Darul

8. Widya Utami S.Pd, as the English teacher of MTS Pesantren Modern Darul
9. The scientist might want to offer her significant thanks to my cherished guardians,
Muhammad Nasir and Okta Yuana for their request, monetary, inspiration, and
forfeited for succes.
10. My classmate of TBI-2 who directly or indirectly support me to revolve the
completion of writing thesis.

Medan, 31 May 2023


Raju Mahendra

No. Reg 0304182130





TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. iv


CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

1.1 The Background of the Problem ..................................... 1

1.2 The Identification of the Problem ................................... 5

1.3 The Limitation of the Problem ........................................ 6

1.4 The Research Question.................................................... 6

1.5 The Research Objective................................................... 7

1.6 The Significance of the Problem ..................................... 7

CHAPTER II : LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................... 8

2.1 The Theoretical Orientation ............................................ 8

2.1.1 TEFL.................................................................... 9

2.1.2 Teaching Reading ................................................ 9

2.1.3 Concept of Reading ........................................... 10

2.1.4 The Purpose of Reading .................................... 11

2.1.5 Kinds of Reading ................................................. 12

2.1.6 Narrative Text ...................................................... 21
2.1.7 The Purpose of Narrative Text ............................ 21

2.1.8 Language Features of Narrative Text .................. 22

2.1.9 The Generic Structure of Narrative Text.............24

2.1.10 Media...................................................................25

2.1.11 Animation Video.................................................28

2.2 The Related of Study ....................................................... 31

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD ....................................................... 36

3.1 The Research Setting ....................................................... 36

3.2 The Data and Data Sources ............................................. 36

3.3 The Research Method...................................................... 37

3.4 The Technique of Collecting Data .................................. 38

3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis ..................................... 40

3.6 Trustworthiness of the Study........................................... 41`

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................................. 43

4.1 Findings ........................................................................... 43

4.2 Data Display……………………………………………..44

4.3 Discussion..........................................................................49

CHAPTER V CLOSING ....................................................................................... .53

5.1 Conclusion..........................................................................53

5.2 Suggestion..........................................................................54

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 55


CURRICULUM VITAE......................................................................................85


Appendix I Reading Material....................................................... 60

Appendix II Teacher’s Activity and Student’s Activity ............... 61

Appendix III Name List of The Students......................................... 67

Appendix IV Interview Guidelines for Students ............................. 68

Appendix V Interview Guidelines for Teacher.............................. 69

Appendix VI Transkip Interview for Studenrts .................................. 71

Appendix VII Transkip Interview for Students..............................78

Appendix VIII Documentation of Interview....................................... 79

Appendix IX Letter of Research Permission and Response .............82



1.1 The Background of the Problem

Language is utilized as a specialized instrument among individuals to

share their considerations, thoughts, and sentiments. English is one of the
worldwide dialects that is vital for individuals. Individuals from various nations
utilize English to speak with each other. In Indonesia, English is a subsequent
language shown in primary school up to school. There are four major skills in
English that must be learned: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

َ ‫َّللاُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسله َم طَلَبُ ا ْل ِع ْل ِم َف ِري‬

ِ ‫ضةٌ َعلَى ُكلِّ ُم ْسلِ ٍم َو َوا‬
‫ض ُع‬ ‫صلهى ه‬ ِ ‫ك قَا َل قَا َل َرسُو ُل ه‬
َ ‫َّللا‬ ِ َ‫أَن‬
ٍ ِ‫س ْب ِن َمال‬
َ ‫ير ا ْل َجوْ هَ َر َواللُّ ْؤلُؤَ َوال هذه‬
‫َب‬ ِ َ‫ا ْل ِع ْل ِم ِع ْن َد َغي ِْر أَ ْهلِ ِه َك ُمقَلِّ ِد ا ْل َخن‬
ِ ‫از‬

Anas bin Malik said, Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said, " Looking for Science is an
obligation for every muslim. And the one who puts knowledge not on his master,
like one who drapes pearls, diamonds and gold on the neck of a pig. (HR. Ibnu

Reading turns into a significant scaffold to the students who need to

incorporate intelligent capacity (Springer, Sheree E., Harris, Samantha, and Give
2017). Reading is viewed as a significant expertise that should be mastered and
dominated by the students to procure information and accumulate data. In
showing reading, the teacher isn't just giving a text to the students yet additionally
constructing their cognizance of understanding abilities. It implies that showing
reading has numerous hardships from the teachers, the students, the circumstance
of instructing learning, or the slip-ups in picking technique or methodology or
media in teaching reading. ( Khand 2014) states that the issues of showing reading
in schools are brought about by the current reading material being old, teacher
focused, and less viable in students' circumstances.


Reading is the significant translation of printed or composed verbal images

(Harris, Albert J. Sipay 1981). Reading is a consequence of the communication
between the impression of realistic images that address language and the reader's
language abilities and information on the world. In this cycle the reader attempts
to re-make the implications planned by the essayist. The reading system includes
both the procurement of implications planned by the author and the reader's own
commitment as translation and assessment of and reflection on those implications.

‫ك طَ ِريقًا َي ْلتَ ِمسُ ِفي ِه ِع ْل ًما َسه َهل ه‬

‫َّللاُ لَهُ طَ ِريقًا إِلَى‬ َ َ‫َّللاُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسله َم َم ْن َسل‬
‫صلهى ه‬ ِ ‫أَ ِبي ه َُر ْي َرةَ قَا َل قَا َل َرسُو ُل ه‬
َ ‫َّللا‬
‫ا ْل َجنه ِة‬

Abu Hurairah said, Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said, " Whoever follows the path to seek

knowledge makes it easy for him the way to heaven."( HR. Ahmad).

In order to get data from composed sources, reading expertise is vital to be

dominated. It will permit them to keep creating different abilities that they have
procured in the homeroom. For students, reading is one of the essential sources to
get data.

In the field of education, teachers play a crucial role in helping students

comprehend and master English illustrations, particularly when teaching reading.
Educators can increase improvement in learning English by giving a speculative
perspective and giving rational instruments to look at, make and survey learning
finished according to the model plans instructive program (Muzakky 2016).
Instructors ought to pick the right media and methods to give texts to
understudies. Since understudies are interested about perusing English texts,
especially to the extent that comprehension and resolving inquiries considering
the meaning of the perusing, understudies will face inconveniences in figuring out

For most Indonesian understudies, guessing is the most thoughts

overwhelming and testing subject. Perusing comprehension is hard for all
understudies who are sorting out some way to examine because English is a

second or obscure vernacular, and they are at this point endeavoring to get a
handle on English texts. In secondary education, students are taught and expected
to understand specific types of texts, such as relate, clear, composition, and story.
Due to the social ability of narrative texts to engage the reader, story is the most
intriguing of the four types of texts for students to review.

Narrative texts can assist students with working on how they might
interpret understanding material. Notwithstanding, there are many variables that
must be thought about when deciphering narrative texts, for example, the capacity
to track down story ideas, character improvement, etc. Likewise, story texts have
a more complicated general design and etymological qualities than different texts.
As expressed before, reading story material is certainly not a simple interaction.
Reading narrative texts might be challenging for specific students. Different
variables that influence their ability to peruse incorporate earlier information on
English, for example, trouble figuring out the importance of stories and right way
to express vocabulary.

In addition, there is an additional element that ought to be included.

Something could help the educator in the instructing and growing experience. It
tends to be called as a media. The word "media" comes from the Latin word for
something that carries the message from the sender to the receiver. Media,
according to Sherman (2003), are types of tools that are used to convey
information from one sender to another. These tools can pique the students'
thoughts, feelings, attention, and interest, thereby facilitating the teaching and
learning process. It implies that media can foster the connection among educator
and understudies in the instructing and educational experience successfully.

The headway of development in this state of the art time has numerous
gadgets that educators can use to teach understudies. Advancement is developing
rapidly, and teachers can take advantage of it. Advancement has formed into an
astounding learning medium. The use of media for the instructing and instructive
experience can help teachers with making a reasonable report corridor

environment. Presently, a lot of media, especially games, music, pictures, card

tapes, tapes, radio, television, recordings, and movies, are used to show English,
especially to improve understanding dominance (Izzar, 2017).

Considering these issues, the researcher breaks down the use of general
media as vivified accounts for the educating and developing experience to
augment perusing discernment in story texts. Scientists focused on this medium to
figure out how video movement is used from top to bottom, like helping students
learn proper speech. With video development as a medium, understudies should
be more powerful and energized in perusing class by zeroing in on the precision
of method for communicating jargon, and understudies can get a handle on the
meaning of the illuminating text. According to experts, the use of energized
recordings as learning media aids students in comprehending complex concepts
more effectively because they have the potential to increase understanding
cognizance. According to Schnotz and Lowe, the liveliness is a strong depiction
that can be used to gain the course of headway clear to understudies (Munir
2013a). According to Indira Puspita (2017), movement recordings have been
shown to have the ability to stand out, improve memory, and allow for the
representation of imaginative ideas, objects, and their connections. As a result,
they are extremely compelling in the field of education.

Dhea Fernanda suggests that the purpose of this study is to determine the
benefits of involving students in video movement during the teaching and
educational experience, as well as to comprehend students' perceptions and
concerns regarding the execution of vivified recordings. Besides, the delayed
consequences of the assessment exhibit that activity accounts are convincing for
additional fostering understudies' perusing skills in sorting out story texts.
Meanwhile, Siti Munawaroh states that the inspiration driving the investigation
was to answer the issue of whether video action further creates perusing capacities
in understanding language features, finding organized real factors and information
and taking temperances in story texts in class (Siti Munawaroh 2019). Reading is
extremely helpful in further developing students' understanding perception, such

as by assisting them in comprehending language highlights, acquiring authentic

data, and identifying virtues in story texts. Likewise, in the assessment that the
examiner did, the point was to sort out that the usage of video had the choice to
construct understudies' ability in grasping class and by using video development,
the researcher sorted out the advantages in executing the perusing class in story
text learning. This concentrate in like manner bases on understudies to all the
more probable master perusing capacities with more pleasing class practices using
video liveliness media. After this test, teachers will be able to consistently teach
students how to use media that has been shown to increase students' enthusiasm
for learning.

In this review, experts picked empowered accounts as a story text

preparing medium to additionally foster understudies' cognizance in grasping
classes. The expert acknowledges that this investigation can be useful as a
promise to the result of the English teaching and instructive experience.
According to a few of the pictures above, the expert wants to conduct research on
these topics. The researcher chose to carry out a study with the name "The Use of
Animation Video as Media in Teaching Narrative Text for Reading Class at
Seventh Grade Students of MTS Pesantren Modren Darul Ihsan Hamparan

1.2 The Identification of the Problem

Based on the research background, the researcher identified several

problems as follows:

1. Students have difficulty to understand the narrative text.

2. The struggles faced by english teaching using animation video as
teaching media.
3. The strength and weakness of animation video as a teaching media.

1.3 The Limitation of the Problem


In light of the foundation of the concentrate over, the scientist centers to

lead the review which is media of animation video
( to teach reading narrative text at Seventh
Grade Student of MTS Pesantren Modren Darul Ihsan Hamparan Perak.

1.4 The Formulation of the Problem

The researcher came to the following conclusions regarding the study's

problems statement in light of the issues:

1. How is the use of animation video to enhance students’ reading in

teaching narrative text?
2. What are the struggles faced by english teaching using animation
video as teaching media?
3. What are the strength and weakness of animation video as a teaching
1.5 The Research Objectives

In light of the issue proclamation of this review, the targets from this
concentrate as follows:

1. To describe the use animation video enhance student’s reading in teaching

Narrative text.
2. To know the struggles faced by english teaching using animation video as
teaching media.
3. To know the strength and weakness of animation video as a teaching
1.6 The Significances of the Problem

It is anticipated that this study's findings will make a significant theoretical

and practical contribution to English instruction and the learning process.

1. Theoretically

It is anticipated that this study will serve as a reference for other

researchers investigating the learning process of English teaching.

2. Practically

The consequence of this examination can give a promise to the educating

and learning practice of English as unknown dialect, especially for:

a. English Teacher

Teachers may have more involvement with managing issues connected

with the instructing and growing experiences and further developing the teaching
skill by locating the answer. This can in like manner be one of the references and
commitments for the educating and educational experiences.

b. Student

It can assist them with further developing their understanding expertise

and exceptionally supportive students figure out in learning material.

c. The Researcher

The scientist benefits from the study's findings because they provide
insight into how to lead research involving critical thinking.

d. English Education

It can be used as a point of view for future research and an effective

teaching and learning strategy for displaying reading through animation video.


2.1 Theoritical Background

In this research, the researcher uses some theories relevant to the theme of
the discussion. Some of them are:

2.1.1 Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is a term used to teach

English to people or groups who don't speak English at home or in countries
where English is not the official language. Homeroom the board, alongside
educational practices, have a fundamental part in the students' results while
learning English as an unknown dialect (Andreou 2020). The consequences of
learning in the homeroom are estimated in view of how far the students' capacity
to dominate language abilities incorporate tuning in, reading, talking, and
sentence structure.

In order to best achieve learning objectives, showing English necessitates

methods, techniques, and assistive equipment. A speculative model or assessment
perspective is reflected in the procedure. It spreads out a philosophical perspective
on language direction, as demonstrated by disputes for the prompt procedure,
figuring out strategy, or open system (Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna Brinton
2014). CLT (Comunication Language Teaching) is a strategy for language
guidance that stresses the significance of learning a language most importantly to
speak with others.

2.1.2 Teaching Reading

Educating is a staggering cycle, it doesn't simply give the information from

the teacher to the understudies, yet likewise give one additional experiences and
looking into something. There are various activities. That ought to be conceivable
when the most well-known approach to educating and learning in the review


As indicated by Harmer (2007), "Teaching is definitely not a simple work,

however it is an important one, and can be extremely compensating when we see
our understudy's improvement and realize that we have assisted with getting it
going. It is actually the case that a few illustrations and students can be
troublesome and upsetting on occasion, yet it likewise worth recalling that atit's
best teaching can likewise be very charming. Training is a movement to assist
students with considering. It is characterized as the board of realizing which is
finished by an teacher in a class and oversaw of learning perceived overall that
various strategic choices exist.

Reading is a movement that is done deliberately by seeing and understanding

text to get meaning. Importance is at the center of what reading is conveyed. As
per David Nunan (2003), reading is a familiar course of readers joining data from
the text and their experience information to fabricate meaning. In light of this
definition, reading is the most common way of getting data from what has been
perceived from a reading text on the gr ounds that the reason for reading is to
grasp meaning.

ٰ ٰ ‫َّللاِ اَ ْك ََ ُر َۗ َو‬
‫َّللا ُ َي ْع َل ُم‬ ٰ ٰ ‫ب َواَ ِق ِم الص ٰهلو َۗةَ اِ هن الص ٰهلوةَ تَنْ ٰهى َع ِن ا ْلفَحْ َش ۤا ِء َوا ْل ُم ْن َك ِر َۗ َولَ ِذ ْك ُر‬
ِ ‫ك ِمنَ ا ْل ِك ٰت‬
َ ‫﴿ ا ُ ْت ُل َمآ اُوْ ِح َي اِلَ ْي‬
)45 :29/‫ ﴾ ( العنكَوت‬٤٥ َ‫صنَعُوْ ن‬ ْ َ‫َما ت‬

Meaning: Recite,(O Muhammad), what has been revealed to you of the book and
establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the
remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do. ( Al-

In light of the clarification above, reading is a movement that expects fixation

to get data from the importance of the text. At the point when students can't
comprehend the text well since they discover a few unfamiliar words, instructors
need to make numerous exercises to enhance students' capacity to grasp data from
a text and to improve understudy vocabulary.

2.1.3 Concept of Reading

Reading ability is a singular's remaining on some understanding assesment.

Talented readers are the people who score over some norm on this appraisal,
readers of low ability are the individuals who score underneath some norm. Mill
operator, has said that "reading is a course of correspondence of thoughts starting
with one individual then onto the next thanks to composing or printing to look for
the thoughts behind words". It implies that reading is a course of understanding
the significance of a text for readers to get information and new data from what
they have perused.

In addition, in Islam reading is likewise significant. Allah instructed us to

concentrate on a greater amount of his animals. That is to say, we committed to
search for information with no justifiable excuses.. One of the ways to get deep
comprehension is by reading. It could be seen in Holy Qur‟an surah Al-Alaq
verses 1-5:

َ ِّ‫﴿ اِ ْق َرأْ بِاس ِْم َرب‬

َ َۚ َ‫ك اله ِذيْ َخل‬

٢‫ق‬ ِْ ‫ق‬
ٍ َۚ َ‫اْل ْنسَانَ ِم ْن َعل‬ َ َ‫َخل‬

٣ ‫اْل ْك َر ُۙ ُم‬
َْ ‫ك‬َ ُّ‫اِ ْق َرأْ َو َرب‬

٤ ‫اله ِذيْ َعله َم بِا ْلقَلَ ُۙ ِم‬

)5-1 :96/‫ ﴾ ( العلق‬٥ ‫اْل ْنسَانَ َما لَ ْم يَ ْعلَ َۗ ْم‬

ِ ْ ‫َعله َم‬

1. Recite in the name of your Lord who created.
2. Created man from a clot.
3. Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous.
4. Who taught by the pen.
5. Taught man that which he knew not. (Al-'Alaq/96:1-5

Moreover, Allah additionally had give mind for person to make them
contemplating what Allah had made. It is served in verse 31 of QS Al-Baqoroh: ﴿
ۤ َ ‫ضهُ ْم َعلَى ا ْل َم ٰۤلى َك ِة فَقَا َل اَ ْۢ ْن َِـُوْ نِ ْي ِبا َ ْس َم ۤا ِء ٰهٓؤ‬
ٰ ‫ُْل ِء اِ ْن ُكنْتُ ْم‬
( ﴾ ٣١ َ‫ص ِدقِ ْين‬ َ ‫اْل ْس َم ۤا َء ُكلههَا ثُ هم َع َر‬
َ ْ ‫َو َعله َم ٰا َد َم‬
31. And he taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed them
to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful." (Al-

2.1.4 The Purpose of Reading

Reading printed words has various purposes relied upon the message that
would be conveyed by creator. Reader could be aware and fulfill inside on the off
chance that they read the data, as the need might arise. It implied that the reader
would have assumption for what they will read before them really to do as such. (
Fra ncoise Grelle 1981) expressed that there are two fundamental explanations
behind reading, they are reading for joy and reading for data (to figure out
something or to accomplish something with the data you got).

In view of that clarification, delight implied that the reader any abstract to
make readers feeling blissful, in any case reading for data implied the reader
search for data that has been normal beforehand.

Moreover, the motivation behind reader concurring (Grabe and Stoller 2002),
it has been grouped into four purposes, they are:

1. Reading to search for simple information and reading to skim

It is well known ability to understand, here the reader filter the text to figure
out a particular snippet of data or a particular word. In the interim, reading to skim
is the methodology to frame the overall thought utilizing fundamental
understanding cognizance and surmises the significant point.

2. Reading to learn from text

It occurred in scholar and expert setting, it likewise required recalling the

primary thought and the supporting thought, making a connection with the

reader's information. This movement could bring more grounded surmising in

light of the fact that it is to assist with recalling data.

3. Reading for general comprehension

Insight suggests the ability to sort out created words. It isn't equivalent to
the ability to see words. Seeing words on a page yet not understanding what they
mean doesn't fulfill the explanation or objective of perusing, which is
discernment. Imagine, for example, that an educator gives a youth a section to
examine. The child is able to read the entire entry, but when asked to make sense
of what they read, they have no idea. Insight adds significance to what is
scrutinized. When words on a page are both simple words and thoughts, reading
comprehension occurs.

Discernment makes perusing charming, fun, and illuminating. It is normal to

win in school, work, and life generally. It very well may be finished by familiar
readers exceptionally quick and naturally in the handling word, and successful
coordination in many course of the text.

4. Reading to integrate information, write and critique text

This expertise required basic assessment where the reader incorporating and
choosing the data that she/he needs. Then, at that point, it included capacities like
creating, choosing and making evaluate from the material (Grabe 2002).

Momentarily, the motivation behind reading is different. The readers have it

is own motivation in accomplishing it. In view of those reasons, looking sorts of
reading in which there is a relationship about the sorts of reading is likewise vital.
2.1.5 Kinds of Reading

While reading print words, the reader focuses the motivation behind reading
as well as he/she knows the sorts of reading. As per (Mikulecky and Jeffries
2004), they uncovered that the distinctions sorts of understanding ability, as

1. Reading for pleasure

Reading for pleasure is the reader perused the text whatever he/she needs. It
very well may be fiction or true to life. This action brings the reader appreciate
and fun.

Based the clarification above, reading for joy opens up new universes for
kids. It offers them the chance to utilize their creative mind to investigate
groundbreaking thoughts, visit new spots and meet new characters. Curiously,
reading for joy additionally further develops kids' prosperity and sympathy. It
assists them with figuring out their own personality, and gives them an
understanding into the world and the perspectives on others.

2. Reading comprehension skill

Reading perception is the movement when the readers cerebrum, the text and
the reader‟s eyes can connect emphatically to construct an association. Then, the
condition makes the reader learns about what he/she peruses and recalls about it.
In this idea, (Mikulecky and Jeffries 2004) isolated into ten sections, they are:

a. Scanning

Scanning in reading is a course of reading where your eyes immediately go

through a piece of text to track down a piece of important data. Filtering in
reading is a typical practice to find a word in a word reference. We are not keen
on understanding the synopsis of the text or what's going on with the text while

In view of the clarification, Filtering in reading is not quite the same as

skimming in a great deal of ways. Checking is the point at which the reader
searches for a piece of explicit data and in skimming, the reader would go through
the text to get a general comprehension. Along these lines, skimming is unique in
relation to checking. The ideal instance of filtering is the point at which we
attempt to figure out the significance of a specific word from a word reference. To

find the significance of a word, we won't go through every single word in the
word reference, yet rather we would run our eyes through the pages.

b. Previewing and predicting

Previewing implies the reader look and figure out data at book's cover. In this
condition, the reader will have a forecast and afterward make some reasonable
deduction about this book.

In light of the clarification, the Previewing and Predicting cycle will lead
reader through a progression of inquiries that will assist them with making an
exact expectation. These forecasts assist reader with contemplating what they
definitely have some familiarity with the point.

c. Vocabulary knowledge for effective reading

Vocabulary improvement is the comprehension of explicit words introduced

in text or oral language. Vocabulary is a significant essential for creating
understanding cognizance and oral and writtenexpression. Students who don't
have serious areas of strength for a keep on battling to acquire significance from
message while reading, and battle to see new ideas introduced in oral
conversations. Vocabulary is a fundamental ability for figuring out how to peruse
and compose, and vocabulary methodologies are vital when students are "reading
to learn."

In light of the clarification, reading vocabulary is the words we really want to

be aware to comprehend what is introduced to us in text. Informative procedure is
foster word learning methodologies that we can use with new words that poor
person been educated straightforwardly. Consolidate how to use word references
and other reference assists with learning word suggestions, how to use
information about word parts to figure out the ramifications of words in text, and
how to use setting clues to choose word suggestions.

d. Topics

Finding the subjects of the section is the others procedure to peruse for
significance. It gives a benefits to utilize an inquiry the point the text are finding
out about, for example, what is the overall thought?.

One method for finding the subject in a reading choice is to see whether
single word is rehashed in the passage. As you count, it is essential to consider
whether the creator is involving any equivalents for a word that may be the
subject. An equivalent is a word that has something similar or almost a similar
significance as another word. For instance, "speedy" and "quick" are equivalent

e. Topics of paragraphs

In a passage contains sentences that have same perspective connected with

the message. The subject of passage reports the general subject ( or part of the
subject) to be managed in the section. Albeit the subject sentence might show up
anyplace in the passage, it is typically first - and justifiably. This sentence gives
the concentration to the author while composing and for the reader while reading.
At the point when you find the subject sentence, make certain to underline it with
the goal that it will stand apart now, yet additionally some other time when you

f. Main ideas

A principal thought is significant data that informs really concerning the

general thought of a passage or segment of a text. The reader is introduced to the
author's topic by the paragraph's main idea. The topic and the central idea are
always included in the expresses when they appear in a complete sentence. The
principal thought of a passage is what's going on with that section. The other
sentences are subtleties that help the fundamental thought. Asking yourself, "What
is it about?" will help you identify the main idea.

The main idea of a paragraph is the point of passage, minus all the deails. It is
the main point or concept that the author wants to communicate to the readers
about the topic. Hence, in a paragraph, when the main idea is stated directly, it is
expressed in what is called the topic sentence. It gives the overarching idea of
what the paragraph is about and is supported by the details in the paragraph In a
multiparagraph article, the main idea is expressed in the thesis statement. The
main idea is what you tell someone when they ask what you did last weekend.
You might say something like, “I went to the mall,” instead of saying,” I got in
my car and drove to the mall.

g. Pattern organization

(Mikulecky and Jeffries 2004) arranged four normal examples while doing
perusing cognizance movement, they are: first, a list of ideas that are related, then
sequence, comparison/contrast, and cause-and-effect.

From the definition above, it tends to be inferred that, there are many
examples a peruser can use to coordinate his/her thoughts. The specific topic and
the reader's goals for reading the text determine the pattern (or combinations of
patterns) used.

h. Skimming

Skimming is an indispensable, explicit perusing strategy where you revolve

around the vital contemplations of a text. While skimming, deliberately skip text
that gives nuances, stories, data, or other elaboration. Concentrate on the
presentation, section outlines, the first and last sentences of sections, important
words, and message highlights rather than reading every word. Skimming is
separating the main message's substance from the more important places. Getting
the general sensation of a passage or a book fast could save the perusers time.

i. Making inferences

Making a deduction includes utilizing what you know to make a conjecture

about what you don't have any idea or finding out a deeper meaning. Readers who

make deductions utilize the signs in the text alongside their own encounters to
assist them with sorting out what isn't straightforwardly said, making the text
individual and important. Some reading entries don't expressed the point. Thusly,
the reader needs to make the deduction by speculating and tracking down the sign.

j. Summarizing

Summarizing from the significant central issues is to retell of an

understanding text and to make more limited structure (Beatrice S. Mikulecky and
Linda Jeffries 1996). Summing up is considered as a course of taking data from a
nearly longer section, hypothesis, or review and making a more modest form of it
that covers the real factors and primary concerns of the first rendition. An instance
of summing up is to compose a three to four sentence portrayal that covers every
one of the central matters of a story or sonnet.

Summarizing assists students with learning the method of taking out the main
thoughts from a text. They likewise figure out how to overlook superfluous data
that is available in the text, and students with these abilities are fit for
coordinating the focal thoughts in a significant manner from any hypothesis or
reasonable review. Students who are figuring out how to sum up, further develop
their memory capacities, and become more skilful all the while. Summing up
procedures is taken on in pretty much every area of studies or industry.

1. Thinking Skill

Harvey and Goudvis (2017) express that was finding new data, tracking down
replies, tackling issues, tracking down data, taking care of issues, creating
meaning, and further developing getting it, the scrutinizing system is required fo r
readers to ask themselves inquiries.

ِ ُۙ ‫اْلل ْبَا‬
:13/‫ ﴾ ( الرٰ عد‬١٩ ‫ب‬ ُّ ‫ك ِم ْن هربِّكَ ا ْل َح‬
َ ْ ‫ق َك َم ْن هُ َو اَ ْعمٰ ىَۗ اِنه َما يَتَ َذ هك ُر اُولُوا‬ َ ‫﴿ ۞ اَفَ َم ْن يه ْعلَ ُم اَنه َمآ ا ُ ْن ِز َل اِلَ ْي‬

Meaning:Then is he who knows that what has been revealed to you from your
Lord is the truth like one who is blind? They will only be reminded who are
people of understanding - (Ar-Ra'd/13:19)

Thinking skill permits reading texts to be worked out by deciphering,

summing up, dissecting, and incorporating in light of earlier or world information.
Aside from every single mental capacity, reading appreciation abilities ought to be
educated. It begins with reviewing information plans for figuring out, union,
examination, assessment, and application. For getting it, activities ought to then
be rehearsed or applied by reading.

In this way, activities to foster these abilities ought to be furnished with

reading understanding text. Subsequently, it is important to assess some talk
understanding activities progressively to affirm their work. In thinking skill, when
the peruser examines an English text, he/she is constrained to think English. The
length, English punctuation, and semantic, as well as legitimate, association of the
text should then be obvious to the reader.

2. Reading Faster

By reading faster, the reader will be effective and become more pleasant. In
the mean time, as per (Harmer 2007) there are two sorts of reading connected with
it is reason, those are serious reading and broad reading.

a. Intensive reading

The notion intensive reading, Harmer characterized that the reading

movement centers around learn arrangement of the text which is the variations of
the text relies upon the reason for the reader (Harmer 2007). All in all,
concentrating on the development of the text, which has a specific reason by the
reader, can be perused seriously.

(Country 2009) verbalized, serious investigation of reading text can be a

method for incr facilitating learners‟ information on language highlights and their
control of understanding systems.

In outline, intensive reading is reading text that needs profound consideration

from the reader about language highlights. Then, it additionally needs reader‟s
decisive reasoning to grasp it.

b. Extensive reading

Harmer clarified that broad reading alludes for reading which students do
frequently (however not only) away from the homeroom. It implies that reading
action should be possible in each spot alongside in the class. Additionally,
(Christine Nuttall 2005) expressed that broad reading is centered around
understanding in the more drawn out text and afterward it tends to be simpler in
light of the fact that this action should be possible external the study hall and in
any sort of the scholarly.

Then as indicated by (Country 2009), broad adding fits to the importance

centered info and familiarity improvement strands of a course, contingent upon
the level of the books that the students read. It implies that broad reading center
around the importance and progress of readers‟ understanding.

As conclusion, the readers need to conclude whether they need to peruse as

their consideration on the significance of the text or learning the language element
of the text. Hence, it will be made the reader more spotlight on the understanding
system. Besides, before the readers are made understanding of a text, they ought
to be familiar with the sorts of the text first.

(Scott G. Paris and Ellen E. Hamilton 2009) expressed that reading

cognizance is just a subset of a not well characterized bigger arrangement of
information that mirrors the open connections among the goals of the
reader/audience, the unique circumstance/circumstance of the collaboration.
Consequently, perception implied the series of activity simultaneously putting and
building sense by utilizing communication and support with the composed text.

(Robinson 1980) express that reading cognizance implies the comprehension,

assessing, and using and thoughts acquired through a collaboration among reader
and creator.

2.1.6 Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is a functioning interaction, coordinated by

deliberate reasoning that permits readers to make associations between their
reasoning cycles, the literary substance, and their own insight, assumption, and
motivation behind reading (Block 2004). Reading appreciation is the most
common way of understanding reading fully intent on acquiring information from
inside and out thinking.

(Wayne Otto 1979) states that reading understanding is an increase impacted

by different abilities. At comprehending text, the peruser needs to find the key
considerations that choose the idea of their grasping insight. When the reader is
able to locate significant significance in the text, it suggests that the reader is
adept at understanding exercises.

From the definition over, the writer can assume that perusing isn't attempting
to give the signal. The most common method of deciphering and collaborating
with language to grasp written ideas is reading perception. Reading cognizance is
best perceived as a multi-layered process impacted by different mental and
semantic capacities.

a. Level of Reading Comprehension

Thomas Barrett has recommended the accompanying three sorts of activity

with his three-level scientific classification of understanding cognizance (Brassel
Danny and Rasinski Timothy 2008). These are strict understanding, inferential
perception and basic cognizance..

1) Literal Comprehension

Literal comprehension is the most minimal of the three levels, it requires a

reader to have the option to retell or review current realities or data introduced in a
text. Names of characters and subtleties of the setting are instances of exacting
cognizance. Most of the data required for exacting figuring out comes from the
actual text. It is easy to evaluate review understanding. While answering to a strict
request, the reader may either remember or can't remember the data from the text.

2) Inferential Comprehension

Inferential cognizance alludes to a peruser's capacity to comprehend

information that is assembled or shown inside a text. Inferential comprehension is
more perplexing than exacting comprehension because it requires the arrangement
and control of data from the text and previous information.

3) Critical Comprehension

Critical comprehension includes shaping basic understanding on the realities

presented in the message. Responding to questions requires an elevated degree of
cooperation between printed data, the reader, different people with whom the
reader has interfaced and different texts the reader has perused. To make taught
decisions and assessments, top to bottom examination and decisive reasoning are
required. The reader's set of experiences, interest, and demeanor all play a role in
determining a reader's level and nature of inferential as well as fundamental
responses to level.

Considering the Brassel explanation, it has contrasts as follows, severe

discernment is perusing to understand, recall, or audit the information explicitly
contained in section. Inferential insight find information which isn't explicitly. At
the same time, fundamental discernment contrasts information in a passage and
the peruser's own knowledge and values.

2.1.7 Narrative Text


The narrative text is one kind of text taught for one grade in Senior auxiliary
school. Students are expected to determine the story's virtue and comprehend the
setting of a narrative text. Stories show up in a wide variety of designs. Story
texts, when in doubt, recap to about a story that truly happened or a whimsical
story. For instance, books, brief tale, folktale, legend, fantasy, excursion and story
of our remarkable second.

Klinger (2007: 77) states that the construction of accounts is frequently called
"story sentence structure". Accounts cover different sorts, or kinds, which can
vary marginally from this essential story punctuation layout. These incorporate
reasonable fiction, dream, fantasies, fantasies, fantasies, secrets, humor, authentic
fiction, show, and genuine undertakings. For instance, fantasies are brief tales
with common story punctuation however with moral augmentations. Readers
recollect stories better when organized naturally. The best stories are
exceptionally unambiguous, loaded with subtleties that paint a striking picture for
the watcher, so before you start to draft your content or gather visual materials,
sketch out the fine marks of your occasion.

Agreeing (Engraving Anderson 2003), narrativeis a piece of text which recaps

a story and, in doing thusly, draws in or enlightens the peruser or crowd. Story
text is telling a previous story. It will in general be as an experience or a
nonexistent story that hopes to connect with the perusers.

Moreover, story text requires a substance foundation for understanding. As

indicated by (Pamela J. Farris 2004) reading a story text in a verifiable period or
connected with a logical finding as a rule requires having some connected
information in that particular region. As such, reading a story text, the reader
ought to get to know the scholarly parts of character, spot, issue and arrangement,
subject, and composing style examined before.

In view of the above clarification, story text can be characterized as one sort
of text in English that is creative or as a made up or fanciful tale about a fantasy,
an overstated genuine story and a progression of occasions sequentially and

interconnected. Narrativemessage plans to engage the reader about a story or story

composed by the writer and simultaneously, infers an ethical message to be
passed on to the reader.

2.1.8 Language Features of Narrative Text

Language includes that describe story texts recognize them from different
kinds of texts. The semantic components utilized in making story texts include:

1) Simple Past Tense

The straightforward past tense is the type of action word used in the story.
Since, while let something in on that has happened, the appropriate activity word
is used which has the past tense. A few past tense action words include "ate, went,
felt, developed, and got,"

2) Adverbial of Time

The utilization of modifiers of time to make sense of when the story happens.
This is to make it more obvious the story's time setting. For instance, "later,
yesterday, last year, last month, a couple of months prior, sometime in the not so
distant future, keep going year, quite a while in the past, at some point."

3) Noun Phrases

When trying to explain something to people who are reading the text, thing
phrases are used. This allows the peruser to imagine the conditions and conditions
in the story in the account text. For example, "captivating sovereign, appealing
chap, the dusty and disagreeable road".

4) Direct Speech

The usage of trade or direct talk in account texts makes the story more fiery.
In the story, characters talk to each other. Readers of stories, fantasies, or even
tales created with story text can more easily imagine the atmosphere and the
connections between characters when there is conversation.

5) Action Verb

The use of action activity words in a story is emphatically extraordinarily

steady for the writer in getting a handle on the plot of the story. Activity words
used in story text are words that show that the subject is doing an action. For
example, "He killed the woman in the forest," or "She left the room with an
enraged face."

6) Time Conjunction

Time conjunctions have a capability as a period marker with respect to two

occasions that happen at the same time or consecutively. Time conjunctions
attempt to make it more straightforward for readers to effortlessly comprehend the
connection between two occasions with respect to the time they happen, for
example, data that makes sense of (when) something occurs, as well concerning
(how long) and furthermore (how frequently).

In view of the language highlights referenced in the narrative text, readers

need to focus on the punctuation rules keeping the story text.

2.1.9 The Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Narrative text is found in stories and has a basic affiliation that consolidates
beginning, a middle, and a completion of the story (Sulistyo 2013). The
customary plan as follows:

1) Orientation

It contains the proposition of the text. In this level, the character of the story,
present the understudies. What took place in the story and who was involved? In
this level furthermore used to convey climate so it makes the student are
persuaded to follow the story. By the day's end heading of story text tells who the
individual was/where, where it ended up actually working, when it ended up

2) Complication

This part tells the game plan of the story. The individual examined the issue.
The burden makes they story really captivating considering the way that the
individual is prevented to show up at their necessities. It's in the story.

3) Resolution

It tells the peruser (understudies) about how the issue was tackled it
additionally called taking care of issue. A wonderful story gives the goal of the

4) Re-orientation

It determines everything the story has said or tells the person once more and
contains the message of virtue to the readers. Those components should exist in
story text. It provides more clarification to make the story understood and

2.1.10 Media

Media are any devices that can be used to convey data or information to
people. Media, according to Smallino (2011), are characterized as channels of
communication and data sources. Media outfit message with an enlightening
explanation. Media will convey facts, skills, perspectives, information, or
additional materials to the students to make learning easier for them. This is done
with the intention of assisting the instructor in teaching effectively and the student
in actually grasping the illustration. In everyday presence, there are various media
that are oftentimes seen like television, radio, book, record, and PC.
(Arsyad 2007) states that media is the messages middle person from the
source to the recipient. It besides guarantees a message from the shipper to the
recipient to invigorate the contemplations, sentiments, inconveniences,
distractions, and the eagerness of novices just so learning takes area to acquirethe
getting to know goals accurately (Sadiman 2008). The researchers can build their
advantage, feeling, psyche, and soul to adjust with the training acquiring

information on strategy with media. one of the media is video. it is able to do at

the same time showing pictures and sounds.

Media have, without a doubt, been used as a tool for language learning or
teaching by both educated and non-educated students in a variety of contexts. The
usage of media is supposed to ensure a convincing correspondence to deal with
the idea of direction.

According to the aforementioned clarification, media can be distinguished as

any type of correspondence, whether printed or general media, as well as their
instrumentation of students to transmit messages that motivated students to learn.
It can help the instructor with giving and send the data or material to the

a. Kinds of Media

As shown by Susanti and Zulfiana, media is segment into 3 sorts there are
visual media, sound media and visual-sound media.

1) Visual Media

A gadget or learning resource that contains of messages, information,

especially on learning material, which is presented in a captivating and creative
manner and applied using the sensation of sight. So this visual media can't be used
for everyone, even more unequivocally this media can't be used by blind people.
Since this media should be used with a sensation of vision.

2) Audio Media

Media Audio isor on the other, hand hearing media is a type of learning
media or learning asset that uses only the feelings of hearing to teach messages or
subjects in a fascinating and imaginative way. Since this media is simply strong.

3) Visual-audio Media

Visual-audio media are media that have sound parts and parts picture. This
sort of media involves the fundamental media hushes up fluctuating media, to be
explicit media that introductions sounds and pictures, for instance, sound slides,
sound edge films, and sound prints. While the resulting media is fluctuating media
development, which is media that can show parts of sound and pictures that move
like sound films and video tapes.

b. Function of Media in Teaching and Learning Process

Media have undoubtedly commonly worked with the tasks of language

learning both taught and non-prepared understudies as an instrument for language
learning or training (Brinton 2010). It is anticipated that the use of media will
ensure a compelling correspondence regarding the nature of displaying
educational experience. Media, for example, provide students with a clear setting,
importance, and direction, which can encourage them to be enthusiastic about
learning English. They also offer a few positive commitments to the teaching and
educational experience. As per this, (Roblyer 2010) states that media, for instance,
slides and motion pictures conveyed information in extra significant and
consequently more practical ways than talks and books. According to (Smaldino
2011) gets a handle on five positions of media in progressing as follows:

1) Thematic Instruction

Thematic instruction is the instructors' ways on putting together their

guidelines around points. A decent subject should catch and hold students'
consideration, give critical thinking encounters, support interdisciplinary
exercises, and incorporate various media and innovation.

2) Portfolios

A portfolio is a assortment of students' work that represents development

throughout some undefined time frame. Portfolios incorporate such curios as
students created delineated books, recordings and PC mixed media projects.

3) Distance Education

A rapidly making method for managing direction generally speaking is

known as distance tutoring. The particular characteristic of distance preparing is
the division of the instructive gathering and understudies during learning. As a
result, informative media should be used to convey the course satisfaction.

4) Instructor Directed Learning

A regular use of media in an instructive situation is for supplemental

assistance of the "live" educator in the review lobby. Clearly, suitably arranged
media can redesign and propel learning and sponsorship educator based direction..

5) Learner Directed Learning

Media can similarly be used truly in appropriate preparation conditions where

an educator isn't available or is working with various understudies. Media are
regularly "packaged" consequently; goals are written down, instructions for
achieving them are given, resources are gathered, and guidelines for self-
evaluation are provided..

2.1.11 Animation Video

In norm, activity is characterized as the photographs that appear and may stream.
A vivified film is one in which manikins or drawings seem to move (Harrison and
Hummell 2010) characterize it as a concise presentation of a succession of static
pics that make the deception of movement.

Animation is a unique portrayal that can assist the students with having a
superior inscription of a thing (Munir 2013). Animation is an action to invigorate
and move lifeless things to make them wake up by recording and playing back a
progression of pictures to make a deception of development.

Animation alludes to a recreated movie portraying the development of drawn

(or reenacted) objects (Richard 2002). The principal elements of this definition are
as per the following: ( 1) picture, movement is a sort of pictorial portrayal; ( 2)
movement, a animation portrays obvious development; also (3) recreated,
animation comprises of items that are misleadingly made through drawing or
some other reenactment strategy.

Interestingly, the video alludes to a film portraying the development of

genuine items. One of the most interesting media to apply to language learning
and teaching is video. As per (Harmer 2007), a video is a superb guide to see
language being used, like cognizance, since students can see general implications
and states of mind passed on through articulation, signal and other visual pieces of
information and extraordinarily span the diverse comprehension. Students realize
the right elocution by watching recordings with captions. They are likewise
simple to recall stories since learning with recordings causes students to feel really
understanding and energetic about learning.

a. Types of Animation Video

Understanding the types of videos is also essential for teachers. It helps them
in picking the sensible one to teach. According to Harmer (2007), there are three
primary types of instructional video:

1) Off-air Programmes

Students ought to be able to complete projects of a reasonable length and

length from a television station. Educators need to ponder their coherence,
including assumption, socially different care, showing language, or as a goad for
the student's own creative mind. Copyright restrictions apply to all television
shows, but they vary from country to country. It is basic to comprehend what that
guideline is and comprehend that breaking it can have serious outcomes.

2) Real World Video


Educators need to pick considering how interfacing with and sensible the
concentrate is presumably going to be and whether the picked video has multi-
reasonable potential.

3) Language Learning Videos

Accounts can be utilized connected with course books. Those accounts are
most likely going to be reasonable and planned to address understudies' subject
benefits and multi-use since they can be used for language study and different
various activities.

Teachers ought to be able to select and demonstrate the appropriate

recordings to their students in light of the aforementioned clarification. The usage
of video in learning is a medium to move material in an entrancing way and
simplify it for understudies to get a handle on the material. As such, the video
included ought to be following the prerequisites of understudies in learning.

b. The Advantages of Animation Video

Animation video recordings enjoy benefits of accomplishing significant

objectives, for example, spurring students' advantage, invigorating language use,
and uplifting students' familiarity with specific language focuses or different parts
of correspondence. As indicated by (Hwang 2012), animations can possibly serve
both full of feeling capability and mental capability. The emotional cycle alludes
to depicting things in a diverting, breathtaking, or strange way so students are
drawn to give extra consideration to the learning materials and persuaded to learn.

(Harmer 2007) states there are many advantages to including accounts in the
teaching and instructive experience. Some of them are:

1) Seeing language-being used, students don't simply hear the language, yet
they can likewise see it. They can know the general importance and mind-
sets passed on through articulations, motions, and other visual hints.
Culturally diverse mindfulness permits students to check out at
circumstances past their homeroom. Recordings likewise allow students an

opportunity to see such things as what sorts of food individuals eat in

different nations and what they wear
2) The force of creation, when students use camcorders themselves they are
given the possibility to make something significant and pleasant.
3) Inspiration, most students show an expanded degree of interest whenever
they get an opportunity to see language being used as hear it, and when
this is combined with informative errands..
4) Students more excited in learning since they students comprehend and
know the subtleties of the storyline.
5) The class environment becomes fun and doesn't make students exhausted.
So students can feel the benefits of utilizing animation video
c. The Disadvantages of Animation Video

There are likewise a few shortcomings or weaknesses in utilizing animation

recordings that teachers should be aware. As per (Harmer 2007), when somebody
needs to involve recordings in the study hall, they must know about certain issues.

The main problem here is the disorder of "the same old thing." Students are
not particularly interested in the video when it is used as a TV replication. The
educator needs to give a video activity that incorporates the uniqueness and
entrancing material to make the student more lively in the homeroom.

The second type is known as circles and tapes of low quality. The bad quality
tapes and circles make the understudies not follow the survey. While deciding to
pick the accounts, understudies need to condemn the idea of tapes and plates or
material in using accounts.

The last accepting the video is extremely longer, it causes the understudies
who participate in the review lobby rest and get debilitating or event they lost
center in following the material (Astari Maylani 2019). Especially, accepting the
video simply keeps down overflowing with text which isn't captivating media
rather than activity, moving picture, and so on.

d. The Use of Animation Video in the Teaching and Learning Process


Animation video recordings are supposed to encourage students to read,

understand the concept, and further develop their learning results. According to
(Gagné 1983), the use of spiced up video as the media of information appropriate
to the dealing with model which is apportioned into eight phases. Moments of
inspiration, recognition, security, maintenance, dialing, movement, and responses
to support are all examples of these times. Understudies can be convinced to study
with the aide of jazzed up accounts until they show up at the level of help, as
would be viewed as ordinary following seeing the empowered video. Analysis can
then be given with the best outcomes.

2.2 Related Studies

There are numerous scientists that talk about students' understanding

cognizance and involving animation video in showing narrative text. The creator
take the alternate point of view to be investigated. The previous examinations here
are used to find openings between this investigation and past investigators' past

The primary exploration closed by (Humdinger Hasna Anggraini 2021)

from Surabaya State College. The title of his research was “The Use of Animated
Video as a Media to Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative
Text”. The study's goals were to learn about students' perceptions of the
effectiveness of animated video in narrative text learning and to investigate the
use of animated video to improve comprehension.

The similitudes of this exploration is the author and the analyst utilize a
similar subjective engaging strategy. This examination's distinction is that the
essayist about story text in understanding perception and gathers information from
perception and meetings at X MIA 5 MAN Sidoarjo, while the scientist gathers
information from perception and meetings at VII-A MTS Pesantren Modren Darul
Ihsan Hamparan Perak.

The second, research that concluded by (Khalidiyah 2015)from Indonesia

University of Education. The title of his research was “The Use of Animated

Video in Improving Students’ Reading Skill (A Quasi-Experimental Study of

Seventh Grade Student at A Junior High School in Jalancagak, Subang)”. The
assessment used semi exploratory arrangement with pre-test and post-test. This
study showed that by far most of the understudies gave positive responses toward
the use of vivified video, which are the spiced up video further fostering their
figuring out appreciation, motivating them, fortifying their benefit, and extending
their advantage.

The similitudes of this exploration is the writer and the expert use a
comparable stimulated video in educating perusing. The differentiation of this
assessment is the writer using semi exploratory arrangement while the expert will
use emotional philosophy and using connecting with abstract arrangement.

The third, research that closed by (Izzar 2017) from State Islamic
University of North Sumatera. The title of his research was “The Effect of Using
Cartoon Film on Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension at Eight
Grade of Mts Nurul Hakim Modern Boarding School Tembung”. The
investigation was arranged by the quantitative assessment plan. Considering the
delayed consequence of this investigation with emphatically shows that there is
useful result of the feasibility of understudies' achievement in perusing perception
by using movement film.

The similitudes of this exploration is the writer and the researcher use
comparative general media in getting grasping appreciation. The qualification in
this study is that it uses a quantitative investigation plan and the object of this
assessment bases on the difficulties of understudies in perusing texts clearly and
on contribute botches perusing English text.

The fourth, research that closed by (Rika Susanti 2018) from State
Institute of Islamic Studies of Ponorogo. The title of his research was “Case Study
on Students’Difficulties in Comprehending Narrative Text at SMPN 1 Siman
Ponorogo”. The method used in this investigation was enlightening contextual
analysis, and the methodology used was subjective. As a result of this

investigation, students face difficulties comprehending narrative text due to a lack

of prior knowledge, language emphasis on narrative text, limited vocabulary
information, and a lack of consideration.

The similitudes of this exploration is the difference between the expert

and the essayist in this study is that the story text is used to learn to read, and the
author used a graphic contextual analysis plan strategy on students' problems
understanding narrative text without using media, while analysts noticed that
students used media to learn narrative text.

The fifth, research that closed by (Yanuar Misbakhush Sholikhin 2016).

The title of his exploration was “The Influence of Using Video Animation in
Teaching Narrative Text on The Students’ Reading Ability at First Grade in
SMAN 1 Karangrejo Academic Year 2014-2015”. This study design is
quantitative preliminary. Considering the result of this survey, it is found that
video movement has effect on the understudies' capacity to comprehend. It is
furthermore maintained by the outcome of the data which has been figured by the
recipe of t-test that the score of t-test (6,558) is higher than t - table in basic 1%

The similitudes of this exploration is the writer and the examiner use
comparable movement video in showing account text on the understudies'
perusing. The qualification of this investigation is the writer using quantitative
preliminary arrangement while the expert will use emotional philosophy and using
obvious abstract arrangement.

The sixth, research that closed by (Siti Munawaroh 2019). The title of his
exploration was " Teaching the Descriptive Texts Using Animation Video:
Raising Students’ Skills on Reading Comprehension”. This review configuration
is study hall activity research. In view of the outcomes review, The devices used
to gather information are perception sheets, field notes, and tests. In cycle one to
cycle three, the examination involves vivified recordings as a medium to further
develop reading cognizance in understanding language highlights, tracking down

genuine and point by point data, and taking virtues in illustrative texts. The
exploration utilizes vivified recordings with the action of showing printed pictures
of energized video stories and empowering obscure words to comprehend the
enlightening text language highlights. The exploration utilizes energized
recordings with prescient exercises, affirmations, class conversations, and tests to
work on students' capacity to track down genuine and itemized data. The
examination utilizes energized recordings by looking into each person and
tracking down genuine and nitty gritty data to work on students' capacity to take
virtues from Story Text

The similarities of the research is the essayist and the scientist utilize
similar activity video in showing on students reading. The distinction of this
examination is the essayist utilizing Class Activity Exploration plan while the
specialist will utilize subjective methodology and utilizing unmistakable
subjective plan.

Considering the explanation over, the delayed consequences of the

essential audit communicated that the use of vivified accounts helped understudies
with resolving questions precisely, and fathom story messages better. The
following scientist used video games to demonstrate the effects of the review,
propelling them, increasing their advantage, and increasing their interest. The
third researcher demonstrated that the effects of the review on children's shows
had a significant impact on understudy comprehension achievement. The delayed
consequences of the fourth survey showed understudies' difficulties in
understanding story texts which were helped by the endeavor of the educator's
undertakings to apply a couple of strategies, for instance, throwing snowballs, and
little assembling discussions. The delayed consequences of the fifth examination
were found that breathed new live into accounts essentially impacted understudies'
grasping abilities. Additionally, the outcomes of the sixth survey showed the
delayed consequences of the audit using development video to positive
information to chip away at understudies' ability to take temperances from
indisputable texts. Appropriately, this study hopes to enhance the six related

assessments that have been referred to by focusing in on the use of video

development to make it more direct for understudies to sort out some way to get a
handle on story texts, with understudies' benefit in sorting out some way to
examine understudies can answer requests from account texts precisely.


This chapter discusses about the research setting, the data and data source,
the research method, the technique of collecting data, the technique of data
analysis, and trustworthiness of the study.

3.1 The Research Setting

The study was carried out at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta (MTS)

Pesantren Modren Darul Ihsan Hamparan Perak, which is located on Selemak
Village, H. Mustafa Kamil Road, Klumpang Kb., Hamparan Perak District, Deli
Serdang City, North Sumatra. Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta (MTS) Pesantren
Modren Darul Ihsan was chosen for the study because the researcher discovered
the problem there. A side from that, the researcher was once a teaching practice
in this school, which made it easier for the researcher to obtain the data. Then,
the same research problem has never been addressed here.

3.2 The Data and Data Sources

The information in this exploration were taken from students MTS

Pesantren Modren Darul Ihsan Hamparan Perak. The specialist involved interview
methods in gathering information. Then the information is known as the source
(the individual answering/addressing the inquiry from the scientist). The analyst
likewise elaborate the documentation strategy, and afterward the record of the
acquired information turned into the information source.

Information source in subjective exploration isn't emotional. Consequently

it requirements to give quality. The information source utilized in subjective
examination are:

1. Primary Source

This examination was centered around reading class in story text learning.
Information is acquired from perceptions of peculiarities that happen or from field


research. Information were likewise procured from a few inquiries arranged by the
scientist to be replied by the informants. Informants comprised of instructors and
students of class VII - A MTS Pesantren Modren Darul Ihsan Hamparan Perak.

2. Secondary Source

Secondary sources were information gotten from understanding papers and

diaries on showing reading and video activity in story text figuring out how to
reinforce discoveries and supplement the current essential sources.

3.3 The Research Method

In this review, the scientist applied a subjective exploration approach. As

per (Creswell 2009), subjective examination is social or human, in light of making
complicated, comprehensive charts that are shaped in words, give a point by point
perspective on the source, and are performed. ( Patricia Leavy 2017) characterized
as an examination cycle to figure out the issue in a common habitat. Strategically,
these methodologies depend on inductive plans to create significance and produce
rich, spellbinding information.

Subjective methodology is an exploration approach that utilizes specific

social circumstances by depicting reality accurately, helped by words in light of
information assortment procedures and examination of significant information got
from regular circumstances (Sugiyono 2010).

The scientist utilized an expressive subjective examination configuration

in this review. The object was to depict peculiarities as point by point data,
particularly to portray the utilization of video activity as media to show reading
engaging text at MTS Pesantren Modren Darul Ihsan Hamparan Perak. This study
included students as a subject in leading the exploration cycle.

The scientist applied subjective methodologies and spellbinding subjective

exploration configuration by noticing straightforwardly to the school. The
specialist inductively gathers the information from people to get the overall points
and the scientist deciphers the importance of information circumstances (Creswell

2009). The assessment was a decisive reasoning framework that investigated by

depicting the subject's state or object of investigation. Students felt less energetic
and required comprehension of the significance of reading, according to the
researcher, who discovered that the peculiarity of reading English texts in the
teaching and growing experience, particularly in engaging text illustrations,
reduced their energy. The information is broken down according to the current
situation. Then, to facilitate the conversation, it is associated with various
hypotheses, causing it to typically be clearly broken down through depicting and
drawing inferences. By interacting with relevant hypotheses, such as reading
hypotheses, the information that was discovered was dissected.

3.4 The Technique of Collecting Data

Information assortment procedure is a way that scientists can use to gather

information and get objective information. In this exploration, specialists involved
a few strategies in information assortment as follows:

1. Observation

Observation is a major piece of emotional assessment. Specialists can

methodically report and consider the activities and connections of test subjects
through perception (Farida, 2014). All seen and heard in discernment can be
recorded mindfully, expecting that it is according to the subjects and issues
focused on in the audit.

The specialist expects to be aware of the homeroom's teaching and growing

experience during observation. The analyst noticed, through perception, how
narrative texts were taught and used in education in class VII at MTS Pesantren
Modren Darul Ihsan Hamparan Perak. During the up close and personal
instructing and instructive experience, the researcher saw developments of each
and every sort from the beginning to the farthest furthest reaches of the educating
and developing involvement with the review lobby.

2. Interview

A meeting is a gathering of two individuals to trade data and thoughts

through and input, produce correspondence, and build importance about a specific
point (Sugiyono 2010).

As shown by (Arikunto 1990) states, there are three kinds of gatherings: ( 1)

unstructured gatherings. In this sort, the examiner conversed with no exact game
plan of the request, (2) coordinated interview. The meeting was concluded with a
series of prepared questions and a semi-organized interview. The examiner uses a
set request which is made to get the specific information.

For this present circumstance, the expert used coordinated interviews.

Students and teachers of English were the focus of the interviews. Interviews were
handled after class ended until the teaching and learning process were complete.
The purpose of this interview was to gather verbal responses from the witnesses.
The capacity of the gathering in this study was to re-check the data and surefire
that the data from the discernments were truly authentic.

3. Documentation

Documentation utilized in gathering information comprises of reports and

records. Notes for each composition or question are ready for people or
associations determined to demonstrate the presence of an occasion.
Simultaneously, archives can be through composition, pictures, or stupendous
works of somebody. Archives through composing like journals, life accounts,
stories, histories, guidelines. Reports as pictures, for instance photographs, live
pictures, portrayals and others. Archives as works, for example, masterpieces,
which can be as pictures, figures, movies, and others. Archive studies are
corresponding to the utilization of perception and interview strategies in
subjective exploration (Sugiyono 2010).

In this study, specialists got information as documentation like history of VII

MTS Pesantren Modren Darul Ihsan Hamparan Perak, vision mission, objectives,

topographical area, hierarchical construction, states of teachers, staff and

understudies, workplaces and in frastructure. The investigator also accepted some
documentation as the necessary photos during research works out.

3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the specialist utilized a subjective information

investigation method. Subjective information investigation is a work made by
working with information, coordinating information, organizing it into reasonable
units, mixing it, looking for and finding plans, finding what is critical and
understood, and picking what to tell others (Sugiyono 2010). The information
examination procedures used in this study employ Miles' (1994) three-phase
concept. Data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and confirmation

3.1 Data Reduction

Data reduction is implied as the most common way of picking, focussing,

diminishing, abstracting, and changing information found in composed field notes
or records. Information decrease happened persistently over the course of life
quality undertaking. Rise as a scientist likewise resolved reasonable structure,
which cases, which exploration questions, and which information assortment way
to deal with pick.

In this examination, the scientist chose the main significant information to be

explored, particularly the information aftereffect of the perception, interview, and

3.2 Data Display

Data Display is a coordinated, grouped alter of data that finishes a composed

end. The most well-known side effect of authentic subjective information is
extended text. This study incorporates composed wellsprings of instructor
archives, composed synopses by scientists, and information got from composed
understudy feelings.

The showcase included many sorts of lattices, diagrams, graphs, and

organizations. All were planned to consolidate coordinated information into a
minimal, effectively open organization to grasp the examination.

3.3 Conclusion Drawing and Verification

Conclusion drawing and verification are a coordinated, grouped alter of data

that finishes a composed end. The most well-known side effect of authentic
subjective information is extended text. This study incorporates composed
wellsprings of instructor archives, composed synopses by scientists, and
information got from composed understudy feelings.

The showcase included many sorts of lattices, diagrams, graphs, and

organizations. All were planned to consolidate coordinated information into a
minimal, effectively open organization to grasp the examination.

3.6 The Trustworthiness of the Study

In order the precision of the information, the research will confirm the
legitimacy of the information. Wrong information will bring about reaching
incorrectly determinations, as well as the other way around, legitimate
information will create right ends. ( Bachri 2010) makes sense of that, eventually,
the test for a wide range of examination is the acknowledgment of substantial,
legitimate, right and moral information creation.

To decide the legitimacy of the information, an assessment procedure is

required. The execution of the information checking strategy depends on some of
specific standards. As per (Bachri 2010) there are 4 (four), in particular:

1. Credibility

It fundamentally replaces the idea of inner legitimacy from non-subjective. Its

capability is to do a request so the degree of trust in its discoveries can be
accomplished and to show the level of trust in the discoveries via evidence by the
specialist on the various realities that are being considered.

2. Transferability

Transferability in qualitative research is inseparable from generalizability, or

outer legitimacy, in quantitative examination. Adaptability is laid out by giving
readers proof that the exploration study's discoveries could be appropriate to
different settings, circumstances, times, and populaces. The scientist works with
the adaptability judgment by a likely client through thick depiction. This is the
standards for knowing whether there are similitudes between the conveyance
setting and their beneficiary.

3. Dependability

Dependability is characterized as the capacity to meet achievement rules,

under given states of purpose and upkeep. It is impacted by the qualities of
dependability, practicality and accessibility. It subs for the term dependability in
non-subjective exploration, that is to say, assuming at least two reiterations are
taken out under similar circumstances and the outcomes are basically something
very similar. Where as in subjective examination truly challenging to track down
conditions are actually something similar. Likewise, on narrativeof the human
component as an instrument, weariness and immersion elements will make a

4. Confirmability

In qualitative research, the models for assurance or objectivity ought to

underscore the information, not individuals or many individuals. That is the basis
comes from non subjective objectivity, something that can be level headed or not
relying upon one's perspectives, feelings, and gatherings ( Komariah 2014).
Comfirmability alludes to how much the outcomes could be affirmed or verified
by others. There are various techniques for improving confirmability. The analyst
can record the systems for checking and reviewing the information all through the


This chapter consist of the finding and discussion of the research. The
researcher has collected the data by using observation, interview, and
documentation. The data will be discussing based on the theory explained in
chapter II will be present based on the researcher focuses stated in chapter I.

4.1 Research Findings

In this section, the researcher will explain about the result of an

observation and interview dealing with how to use of animation video to enhance
students’ in reading class focus on narrative text in Class VII of MTS Pesantren
Modren Darul Ihsan Hamparan Perak.

There are three research focuses that will be explained by researcher. They
are how is the use of animation video to enhance students’ reading in teaching
narrative text. What are the struggles faced by english teaching using animation
video as teaching media and What are the strength and weakness of animation
video as a teaching media in Class VII- A of MTS Pesantren Modren Darul Ihsan.
The researcher did observation on 27 April 2023 until 28 May 2023. In this
research, the researcher focuses on th seventh grade of MTS Pesantren Modren
Darul Ihsan and the researcher takes VII- A class as the object of the seventh
graders of this research.

Only seven students are selected by the researcher for the interview. The
researcher discovered that some students described how animation videos helped
them read narrative text after collecting data from the interview. There were
useful in upgrade understudies perusing however in the event that frequently
make exhausted in seventh graders understudies in MTS Pesantren Modren Darul


4.2 Data Display

1. The use of animation video to enhance students’ in reading class focus
on narrative text

This review analyzes the use of video development in perusing class which
revolves around story text. Perception, meetings, and documentation were used to
gather information from the execution of story text learning to use enhanced
recordings. The use of media in learning English assistants understudies even
more really sort out the representation. During the time spent learning English,
there are numerous media options. In understanding class, the English educator at
MTS Pesantren Modren Darul Ihsan includes media as video development. It is
normal that understudies are more unique and understudies in the use of video
action can additionally foster perusing discernment in story text material.

Based on feedback from students in class VII-An at MTS Pesantren

Modren Darul Ihsan, the English teacher started each illustration on May 2, 2023,
with "good tidings," "good tidings," and "supplicating." The instructor then
solicits student participation at that point. Starting there ahead, the teacher
invigorates the understudies' memory of the story text. When the instructor
inquires, some students are aware, while others simply remain silent. The educator
gets a handle on the significance, regular plan and language features on the
whiteboard. Then, at that point, the teacher mentioned that the understudies read a
delineation of a narrativestory with the title "The Rabbit and The Turtle ".
Children appear exhausted, languid, and uninterested in class during
understanding exercises. Because students believe they have no idea what the
story means, there is no indication of how they might interpret the text. The
educator gives occasions of requests, for instance, "Who are the chief characters
in the story?, What might we anytime at any point gain from the story?". Only two
to four students responded to the instructor's inquiries, others didn't answer since
they didn't have the foggiest idea what to reply. The teacher audits the story " The
Rabbit and The Turtle", and the students pay attention to the instructor's

clarification. Furthermore, closes with inspiring students so they have an

adoration for reading.

The information above is upheld by a meeting for certain students in the

VII-A. This is a meeting result with Radita Deviazia Nalini, one of the class
students, as follow:

“Ehmmm, Naratif text itu kaya cerita rakyat gitu bang tapi kebenaran ceritanya
masih diragukan.”.

According Rindang Hazma Naibaho, the VII- A grade class students, as follow:

“Menurut saya, naratif text itu bang salah satu jenis teks yang menceritakan
sebuah cerita legenda gitu bang atau sering disamain kek cerpen bang.”.In view of
the perceptions and meetings above, students when the topic of narrative text in
understanding appreciation, immediately feel exhausted, the class becomes latent,
students experience issues experiencing long texts. Students are feeble in
understanding the importance because of an indifference toward reading story

The instructor used video animation as a means of displaying narrative text in

reading class in the subsequent gathering, which was displayed on May 16, 2023.
Account stories perused stories that matched the group book were about
individuals story "The Legend of Crying Stone". The educator figures out the
ordinary development and language features in the video. Right when the video
was played, the understudies looked happy and locked in. After the video was
finished, the educator represented a couple of requests to test the understudies'
memory about the story's substance. Understudies become more powerful and
many can answer questions associated with stories. At the end of the illustration,
the instructor assigns four separate tasks to each group of students so that they can
examine the report and discuss it at the next group. The instructor urges the
students to continue pleading and reminding them to study toward the end of the

The third gathering hung on May 23, 2023, was equivalent to the previous
gathering with the same animated video title. The instructor made sure that the
students had arranged the conversation results before showing the video. Not long
from now of the video, the educator stops to test understudies' memory
concerning language components and nonexclusive development. After the video
is finished, the teacher and understudies discuss the discussion results at the past
social affair. The outcomes of the conversation covered every aspect of the

narrative, including the characters' personalities, the plot, and the opportunity for
students to discover the moral message conveyed by the story. Starting then and
into the foreseeable future, understudies managed questions associated with The
Legend of Crying Stone 's story also, accumulated them that day. Understudies
while working, look value considering the way that they remember the nuances of
the story. After all assembling, the educator impels understudies not to get
depleted with learning.

The data above is maintained by a gathering for specific understudies in the

VII-A class. This is a meeting with Abdullah, one of the class students, about
using video animation to read story text exercises:

“Ehmm menurut aku bang, Animasi yang merupakan kumpulan gambar bergerak
dan suara berisikan materi pembelajara yang ditampilkan melalui media. Menurut
aku bg animasi video dapat membantu dalam naratif text karena kita dapat dikit
gambaran tentang pelajarannya bang”

According to Muhammad Fazal Ibrahim, the VII-A grade class students, as


“Animasi itu seperti video kartun yang ada cerita didalamnya, Setelah mengikuti
belajar pakai animasi video belajar jadi lebih mudah dan Saya sangat tertarik
belajar pakai animasi video dikarna kan memudahkan saya unuk memahami

2. The struggles faced by english teaching using animation video as

teaching media

In showing story text in the reading class involving media as video

movement, analysts found the battles looked by english showing involving
activity video as teaching media.

In light of perceptions and interview from the teaching and educational experience
in class VII - A MTSs Pesantren Darul Ihsan in English subjects in regards to the
utilization of video movement media in story text material in understanding class,
there are three general stages, including pre exercises, while exercises, and post

The teacher generally attempts to take care of an issue in the study hall.
The teacher thinks about a method for causing the class to feel invigorated and
fun. The teacher picks the legitimate media to be given in the class according to
the material. It is anything but straightforward. Perusing class gives off an
impression of being depleting and makes you tired. Mrs Widya Utami in the
perusing class picked video movement media to chip away at understudies'
perception to make it more understood and review.

Using video liveliness to be applied in the comprehension class, helps

understudies with understanding narrativestories even more successfully,
understudies really review the story thoroughly in light of the fact that
understudies have a picture of characters, spots, or environment while perusing
account texts. In addition, understudies in perusing class become dynamic, not
debilitating, feel happy, and empowered.

The battles looked by english showing involving animation video as

showing media, Mrs. Widya Utami Said:

“Yang menjadikan hambatan, pastinya dari sarana. Untuk mengaplikasikan

animasi video pastinya kita membutuhkan Proyektor, Laptop dan Speaker untuk
menopang keberhasilan dalam mengunakan media ini. Dan yang paling sering
terjadi yakni kesalahan teknis seperti mati lampu dan speaker tidak dapat
digunakan saat pengaplikasian media ini sangat menghambat pembelajaran.”

3. The strength and weakness of animation video as a teaching media

In showing story text in the reading class involving media as video
movement, specialists tracked down the strength and weekness of animation video
as an teaching media. As per a meeting with Mrs. Widya Utami said that the

“Menurut saya, Animasi memiliki fungsi spesial yakni: yang pertama animasi
mampu menarik perhatian murid yang kedua mempermudah saya khususnya
sebagai guru untuk memudahkan memberi gambaran suatu materi kepada siswa
dan pastinya membuat pembelajaran menjadi enjoy. “

And Mrs. Widya Utami also said that the strength:

“Menurut saya, kelebihan animasi video yang pertama memberikan kemudahan

guru untuk memaparkan materi secara rinci. Yang kedua dengan mengunakan
animasi video dapat menarik perhatian siswa untuk lebih fokus untuk
meningkatkan pembelajaran. Yang ketiga, mampu menggambarkan secara
langsung isi materi yang akan guru sampaikan.”

And Mrs. Widya Utami also said that the weakness:

“Yang menjadikan hambatan, pastinya dari sarana. Untuk mengaplikasikan

animasi video pastinya kita membutuhkan Proyektor, Laptop dan Speaker untuk
menopang keberhasilan dalam mengunakan media ini. Dan yang paling sering
terjadi yakni kesalahan teknis seperti mati lampu dan speaker tidak dapat
digunakan saat pengaplikasian media ini sangat menghambat pembelajaran.”

According to Qalesya Alia Lubis, a class VII- A student at MTS Pesantren

Modren Darul Ihsan, the strenght in using video animation in narrative text
lessons are:

“ Animasi video sangat membantu dalam memahami narratif text, karena animasi
video akan memberikan gambaran dalam cerita naratife text, dan saya sangat
tertarik jika belajar menggunakan animasi video”.

According to Khayla Amira Maritza, a class VII- A student at MTS Pesantren

Modren Darul Ihsan, the strenght and weakness in using video animation in
narrative text lessons are:

" Saya sangat tertarik dikarenakan saya menjadi lebih mengerti dan paham ketika
belajar menggunakan animasi vidio akan tetapi jika terlalu sering saya juga
merasa bosan”.

In view of certain conclusions from Mrs Widya Utami and the students above,
it very well may be reasoned that in the utilization of video movement, a few the
strenght and weekness. For this situation, an teacher goes about as the

fundamental model in the class who should have the option to deal with the class
to make progress in the teaching and growing experience.

In view of the clarification of the strenght and weekness given by the teacher
in showing story text utilizing animation video, students have various degrees of
understanding capacities so an teacher should constantly have elective answers for
conquer issues that happen in the teaching and growing experience involving
media as video movement.

4.2 Discussion
1. The use of animation video to enhance students’ in reading class focus on
narrative text.

From the results of using video animation in the teaching and learning
process are able to motivate students. Students are persuaded to like story text
examples and furthermore students appreciate reading narrativestories. In light of
the consequences of meetings with a few students of class VII-A MTS Pesantren
Darul Ihsan, utilizing video movements makes it simpler for students to
comprehend story storylines, students don't feel exhausted, students are intrigued
and propelled to pick up utilizing video animations and furthermore the class feels
fun since students are not difficult to respond to inquiries from the teacher in
regards to narrativestories.

Based on the explanation above, the analyst presumes that the utilization of
video movement is appropriate whenever applied in story text illustrations. In the
action of reading narrativestories, students effectively figure out the subtleties of
the story. Students recall pictures of characters, environment, spots and
articulations of characters and voices of characters. In addressing the inquiries
given by the teacher connected with story stories that match the video, students
didn't find it challenging to respond to the inquiries given by the instructor.
Subsequently, the utilization of video animation makes students more energetic in
learning, students feel keen on learning story texts and students' reading skills
increment in the wake of utilizing video movement.

2. The struggles faced by english teaching using animation video as

teaching media.
Based on explanation above, from the teaching and learning process in
class VII-A MTSs Pesantren Darul Ihsan in English subjects as to utilization of
animation video as media in narrative text material in understanding class, there
are three general stages, including pre exercises, while exercises, and post
The struggles faced by english teaching using animation video as teaching
media, Mrs. Widya Utami Said:
“Which makes struggles, certainly from the means. To apply video
animation of course we need a projector, Laptop and speakers to sustain success
in using this media. And the most common are technical errors such as dead lights
and speakers can not be used when the application of this medium is very impede

Based on the explanation above, the researcher presumes that the utilization of
video movement is appropriate whenever applied in story text illustrations. In the
action of reading stories, students effectively figure out the subtleties of the story.
Students recall pictures of characters, air, spots and articulations of characters and
voices of characters. In responding to the inquiries given by the teacher connected
with story stories that match the video, students didn't find it hard to address the
inquiries given by the instructor. Accordingly, the utilization of animation video
makes students more excited in learning, students feel keen on learning story texts
and students' abilities to read increment in the wake of utilizing video movement.

3. The strength and weakness of animation video as a teaching media

The use of animated videos in the teaching and learning process of

narrative texts in the reading class is gainful for the two teachers and students.
Circling back to the aftereffects of a meeting with Mrs. Widya Utami as an
English teacher at MTS Pesantren Darul Aman, she expressed that by utilizing

energized recordings, aside from the many saw benefits, there were additionally
the strength and shortcoming in showing utilizing video animation.

A portion of the strength in showing utilizing video movement. In view of

the consequences of meetings with teachers and students, animation has an
exceptional capability, in particular:

The first, video animation make it easier for teachers to explain the
material in detail. The second by using video animation can attract the attention of
students to focus more on improving learning. The third, is able to describe
directly the content of the material that the teacher will convey.”

Some of the weekness in teaching using video animation. Based on the

results of interviews with teachers and students, using animation video as media
in learning process has struggle, there are :

“Which makes obstacles, certainly from the means. To apply video

animation of course we need a projector, Laptop and speakers to sustain success
in using this media. And the most common are technical errors such as dead lights
and speakers can not be used when the application of this medium is very impede

So students will be made sense of by the teacher in regards to story text

stories after they watch energized recordings on. What's more, the last battle is the
absence of excitement of students in English illustrations, in this way making
students not keen on movements of every sort in English material. The teacher
generally gives inspiration and furthermore helps students strongly to grasp
narrative text stories subsequent to watching vivified recordings.

Based on the explanation above, the strength and weekness in the use of
video animation. Behind the many benefits of utilizing video animation, an
instructor generally gets ready arrangements in the event that potential issues
happen. The progress in the educating and educational experience is a critical goal

of an educator to make understudies who are dynamic and prepared to sort out
English point.

After the discussion, the previous researcher found related to this study.
(Lulu Hasna Anggraini 2021) concluded by from Surabaya State University. The
title of his research was “The Use of Animated Video as a Media to Enhance
Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text”. She used the qualitative
research to systematically gather data but the data pure descriptive text. The data
taken from students of X MIA 5 MAN Sidoarjo.

The other concentrate by (Khalidiyah 2015) in diary The title of his

exploration was "The Use of Animated Video in Improving Students’ Reading
Skill (A Quasi-Experimental Study of Seventh Grade Student at A Junior High
School in Jalancagak, Subang)". This assessment used semi preliminary
arrangement with pre-test and post-test. This study showed that by far most of the
understudies gave positive responses toward the usage of vivified video, which
are the stimulated video further fostering their grasping appreciation, prodding
them, energizing their benefit, and extending their advantage.


A. Conclusion

By the conversation in the past section, specialist at long last could reach the
determination as follows:

1. The results showed that the use of animated videos in narrative text
learning for reading classes at MTS Pesantren Darul Ihsan could fortify
understudies' perusing abilities in story text mastering. Since with this
video development media, it makes understudies experience the instructive
experience even more directly while focusing on a text by seeing the bits
of the text clearly. Truly, liveliness video give certifiable models
associated with story text. That way the youngster's memory ends up being
more impact in seeing a material associated with the perusing being
taught. As a result, teachers need to improve or be more creative when
incorporating energized recordings into comprehension classes, taking into
account the significance of doing so. So understudies will be more
impelled in learning story texts in the grasping class.
2. The results showed that the struggle in teaching process using animation
video. This shows that the utilization of video activity in showing story
text in the reading class can be the ideal selection of media to be applied to
the showing system of narrative text. Proven by the shortfall of battles
while utilizing video activity.
3. The results showed that the strenght and weekness, this demonstrates the
way that the strenght is by utilizing video activity can draw in the
consideration of students to zero in more on further developing learning.
Which makes obstructions, positively from the means. To apply video
animation obviously we want a projector, PC and speakers to support
progress in utilizing this media. Also, the most widely recognized are

specialized blunders, for example, dead lights and speakers can not be
utilized when the use of this medium is very obstruct learning.
B. Suggestion
1. For Teacher
a. In picking learning media, the teacher ought to conform to the material
and adjust it to the understudy's experience. Teachers are supposed to be
more imaginative and creative in the teaching and learning.
b. Teachers can persuade students to be energetic about learning and like
understanding exercises.
c. Teachers can increment media use in the teaching and educational
experience, like utilizing vivified recordings to make reading classes more
2. For Students
a. Students are spurred to be more dynamic and basic in understanding class.
b. Students are assisted with understanding the message alluded to in the
message without any problem
3. For Institution
a. Institutions can improve and finish learning offices so the teaching and
growing experience will run ideally.
b. Institutions should focus harder on the necessities in the educational


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Once Upon a Time on a hill far from the country in West Kalimantan. There
lived a beautiful girl and her poor widowed mother. Unfortunately, her character
wasn't as beautiful as her appearance. Every day she would only print herself in
front of the mirror. She was lazy and never helped her mother Moreover, she was
really spoiled.

One day, the girl and her mother went to a market. Village boys who saw
the girl were mesmerized by her beauty. The girl looks so different from her
mother who walked behind her.

"Hi girl, you look so beautiful. Anyway, who is the old woman behind you? Is she
your mother?" asked the man. "Of course, she is not? She is my slave!" said the
girl arrogantly

The mother was broken-hearted to hear her daughter's answer. Suddenly, the
mother stopped and sat off the road. (Crying)

“Mother, for what reason do you stop there? How about we get rolling or we
won't be home before 12 PM yelled the little girl.”

The mother couldn't refrain herself anymore. She asked God to punished her
treacherous daughter. The mother's prayers were granted. Shortly after, the girl's
body slowly, turned to stone. The beautiful girl cried and begged for her mother's
forgiveness. But, it's too late. The girl finally turned to a stone that kept dripping
water. That stone was then known as "The Crying Stone.


Date : 2 May 2023 Teacher : Widya Utami S.Pd

Activity Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Opening Good tidings, Joining in Answer Greetings, Answer

understudy participation, to be present when who’s
asking and instructor called, praying together
give inspiration to the and listen to the
understudies. motivation given by
The teacher invigorates
Apperception understudies' getting it
of story texts with The students answer
proper inquiries whatever them know about
about story texts. narrative texts.

The teacher goes over
the general structure and The student listened
Presenting the
material vocabulary of narrative explaination from the
The teacher shows a
vivified video whose The student watched the
story related the text. animation video was
To assess students' shows by teacher.
comprehension, the
instructor poses a few The understudies answer
questions based on the anything that them
narrative. grasping about story texts.

The understudies answer

Giving an open to The instructor offers
anything that them
the understudies understudies the chance grasping about story texts.
read story text to peruse an account
story subsequent to
watching an energized
video that matches the The students answer
teacher to explain what

text. was read.

Giving students The instructor requests

assessment that understudies The students answer the
examine the account text questions from the teacher
that has been perused

The instructor gives

inquiries to understudies
to deal with and

Closing The educator permits The understudies asks

Discuss understudies to pose anything that poor person
inquiries that poor comprehended.
person been perceived.
The students listen to the
The educator finishes up concludes the material
the material in the from the teacher.
growing experience.
The students listen to the
The teacher inspires motivation given by
students to be excited teacher.
about learning. At the
conclusion of the
meeting, prayers and The students answer
greetings are exchanged. greeting and prayers

Date : 16 May 2023 Teacher : Widya Utami S.Pd

Activity Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Opening Good tidings, Joining Answer Greetings,

in understudy Answer to be present
participation, when who’s called,
asking and instructor praying together and
give inspiration to the listen to the motivation
understudies. given by teacher.

Apperception The teacher
understudies' getting The students answer
it of story texts with whatever them know
proper inquiries about narrative texts.
about story texts.


Main The teacher goes over

the general structure
Presenting the and vocabulary of The student listened
explaination from the
material narrative texts.
The teacher shows a
vivified video whose
story related the text. The student watched
the animation video
To assess students' was shows by teacher.
comprehension, the
instructor poses a few The students answer
questions based on the whatever them
understanding about
narrative texts.

The instructor offers

Giving an open understudies the The understudies
to the chance to peruse an answer anything that
understudies account story them grasping about
read story text story texts.
subsequent to
watching an energized
video that matches the
The students answer
teacher to explain what
was read.
The instructor
requests that
understudies examine
the account text that The students answer
Giving students has been perused the questions from the
assessment teacher

The instructor gives
inquiries to
understudies to deal
with and evaluate.

Closing The educator permits The understudies asks

understudies to pose anything that poor
inquiries that poor person comprehended.
person been
perceived. The students listen to
the concludes the
The educator finishes material from the
up the material in the teacher.
growing experience.
The students listen to
The teacher inspires the motivation given by
students to be excited teacher.
about learning. At the
conclusion of the
meeting, prayers and
greetings are The students answer
exchanged. greeting and prayers

Date : 23 May 2023 Teacher : Widya Utami S.Pd

Activity Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Opening Good tidings, Joining Answer Greetings,

in understudy Answer to be present
participation, when who’s called,
asking and instructor praying together and
give inspiration to the listen to the motivation
understudies. given by teacher.

Apperception The teacher
invigorates The students answer
understudies' getting whatever them know
it of story texts with about narrative texts.
proper inquiries
about story texts.

The teacher goes over
Presenting the the general structure The student listened
material and vocabulary of explaination from the
narrative texts.
The teacher shows a
vivified video whose The student watched
story related the text. the animation video
To assess students' was shows by teacher.
comprehension, the
instructor poses a few The students answer
questions based on the whatever them
narrative. understanding about
narrative texts.

The instructor offers

understudies the
Giving an open chance to peruse an The understudies
to the account story answer anything that
understudies subsequent to them grasping about
read story text watching an energized story texts.
video that matches the

The instructor The students answer

requests that teacher to explain what
understudies examine was read.
the account text that
has been perused

Giving students The students answer

assessment The instructor gives the questions from the
inquiries to teacher
understudies to deal

with and evaluate.

Closing The educator permits The understudies asks

understudies to pose anything that poor
inquiries that poor person comprehended.
person been
perceived. The students listen to
the concludes the
The educator finishes material from the
up the material in the teacher.
growing experience.
The students listen to
The teacher inspires the motivation given by
students to be excited teacher.
about learning. At the
conclusion of the
meeting, prayers and The students answer
greetings are greeting and prayers
exchanged. together.


NO Name Class

1 Radita Deviazia Nalini VII-A

2 Rindang hazma Naibaho VII-A

3 Abdullah VII-A

4 Qalesya Alia Lubis VII-A

5 Muhammad Fazal Ibrahim VII-A

6 Irfan Kamil VII-A

7 Khayla Amira Maritza VII-A


No Research questions Interview Questions

1. How is the use of 1. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang

animation video to naratif text?
enhance students’

reading in teaching 2. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang
narrative text? animasi?

3. Apakah kamu pernah mengikuti

pembelajaran mengunakan animasi

4. Bagaimana pendapat kamu setelah

mengikuti pembelajaran mengunakan
animasi video?

5. Apakah menurutmu animasi video

membantu anda dalam memahami
naratif text?

6. Apakah kamu tertarik belajar

mengunakan animasi video?


No Research questions Interview Questions

1. What are the struggles 1. Bagaimana menurut kamu dengan

mengunakan animasi vidio sebagai
faced by english teaching
media selama proses belajar
using animation video as mengajar?

teaching media?

2. Apakah pernah mengunakan animasi

video sebagai media pembelajaran?

3. Apakah kamu sering mengunakan

animasi video sebagai media

4. Bagamana reaksi murid ketika kamu

mengunakan animasi video sebagai
media pembelajaran?

5. Apakah murid tertarik ketika kamu

mengunakan animasi video didalam
kegiatan belajar dan mengajar?

2. 1. Apakah animasi video memiliki

What are the strength and fungsi special dalam proses belajar
dan mengajar?
weakness of animation
video as a teaching
2. Apakah alasan kamu yang bagus
untuk mengunakan animasi video?

3. Apa yang menjadi hambatan selama

mengunakan animasi video sebagai
media pembelajaran?

4. Apa kelebihan dengan mengunakan

aniamsi video sebagai media

5. Apa kekurangan dengan mengunakan
aniamsi video sebagai media


Participant 1
Name : Radita Deviazia Nalini

Class : VII-A
No. Questions Answer

A. The use of animation video to enhance students’ reading in teaching

narrative text
1. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Ehmmm, Naratif text itu kaya cerita
rakyat gitu bang tapi kebenaran
naratif text?
ceritanya masih diragukan.

2. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Kalo animasi itu seperti kartun
kartun gitu bang tapi animasi ini
membantu kita untuk memahami
sesuatu pesan.

3. Apakah kamu pernah mengikuti Ya bang, saya pernah mengikuti

pelajaran menggunakan animasi
pembelajaran mengunakan animasi
video, seperti saya yang memasuki
video? ekskul english club, di mana
biasanya guru guru meminta siswa
mangambil pesan moral yang
terdapat dalam animasi video
4. Bagaimana pendapat kamu setelah Kalo menurut saya, animasi video
sangat membantu dalam
mengikuti pembelajaran
pelajaran,karena kita dapat sedikit
mengunakan animasi video? memahami pelajaran dalam animasi
video tersebut

5. Apakah menurutmu animasi video Ya bang, animasi video dapat

membantu dalam naratif text,karena
membantu anda dalam memahami
kita mendapatkan sedikit gambaran
naratif text? dalam cerita yang di tayangkan

6. Apakah kamu tertarikbelajar Ya bang, pastinya saya sangat

tertarik, tetapi terkadang animasi
mengunakan animasi video?
video membuat saya sedikit bosan

Participant 2

Name : Rindang hazma Naibaho

Class : VII-A
No. Questions Answer

A. The use of animation video to enhance students’ reading in teaching

narrative text
1. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Naratif text itu bang salah satu jenis
teks yang menceritakan sebuah cerita
naratif text?
legenda gitu bang atau sering
disamain kek cerpen bang.

2. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Animasi itu film yang bergerak
gerak didalamnya ada karakter dan
pastinya ada pesan yang disampein.

3. Apakah kamu pernah mengikuti Ya bang, saya pernah ikut belajar

pakai animasi video
pembelajaran mengunakan animasi

4. Bagaimana pendapat kamu setelah Kalo menurut saya, animasi video

membantu saya utuk memahami apa
mengikuti pembelajaran
yang mau kita pelajari lebih mudah
mengunakan animasi video? ngerti bang

5. Apakah menurutmu animasi video Ya bang, pastinya membantu bang

setidaknya dikit dikit ngerti jalan
membantu anda dalam memahami
ceritanya bang.
naratif text?

6. Apakah kamu tertarikbelajar Saya sangat tertarik belajar pakai

animasi video karna lebih enak
mengunakan animasi video?

Participant 3

Name : Abdullah

Class : VII-A
No. Questions Answer

A. The use of animation video to enhance students’ reading in teaching

narrative text
1. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Naratif text itu text yang bercerita
tentang cerita dongeng.
naratif text?

2. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Ehmm menurut aku bang, Animasi
yang merupakan kumpulan gambar
bergerak dan suara berisikan materi
pembelajara yang ditampilkan
melalui media

3. Apakah kamu pernah mengikuti Ya bang, aku pernah ikut belajar

pakai animasi video
pembelajaran mengunakan animasi

4. Bagaimana pendapat kamu setelah Kalo menurut aku, lumayan

ngebantu aku untuk ngerti dan lebih
mengikuti pembelajaran
paham lagi tentang pelajaranya
mengunakan animasi video?

5. Apakah menurutmu animasi video Menurut aku bg animasi video dapat

membantu dalam naratif text karena
membantu anda dalam memahami
kita dapat dikit gambaran tentang
naratif text? pelajarannya bang

6. Apakah kamu tertarikbelajar Tertarik aku bang, selain itu ngebuat

kita ga suntuk ada dikit hiburan liat
mengunakan animasi video?
video kartun kartun itu bang.

Participant 4

Name : Qalesya Alia Lubis

Class : VII-A
No. Questions Answer

A. The use of animation video to enhance students’ reading in teaching

narrative text
1. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Naratif text itu satu jenis teks yang
menceritakan rangkaian peristiwa
naratif text?
dengan sistem kronologis atau saling

2. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang menurut saya , Animasi adalah

sebuah karakter yang bergerak gerak
untuk menyampaikan sebuah pesan

3. Apakah kamu pernah mengikuti Saya pernah ikut belajar pakai

animasi video club belajar bahasa
pembelajaran mengunakan animasi

4. Bagaimana pendapat kamu setelah menurut saya, animasi video sangat

membantu untuk lebih memahami
mengikuti pembelajaran
mengunakan animasi video?

5. Apakah menurutmu animasi video Ya, animasi video sangat membantu

dalam memahami narratif text,
membantu anda dalam memahami
karena animasi video akan
naratif text? memberikan gambaran dalam cerita
naratife text
6. Apakah kamu tertarik belajar Ya, sayaa sangat tertarik jika belajar
menggunakan animasi video
mengunakan animasi video?

Participant 5

Name : Muhammad Fazal Ibrahim

Class : VII-A
No. Questions Answer

A. The use of animation video to enhance students’ reading in teaching

narrative text
1. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Satu jenis teks yang mengisahkan
serangkaian kejadian secara
naratif text?
kronologis atau berhubungan satu
sama lain

2. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Animasi itu seperti video kartun
yang ada cerita didalamnya

3. Apakah kamu pernah mengikuti Pernah bang

pembelajaran mengunakan animasi

4. Bagaimana pendapat kamu setelah Setelah mengikuti belajar pakai

animasi video belajar jadi lebih
mengikuti pembelajaran
mengunakan animasi video?

5. Apakah menurutmu animasi video Iya bang, animasi video sangat

membantu untuk mengetahui apa itu
membantu anda dalam memahami
naratif text khususnya diri saya
naratif text? sendiri

6. Apakah kamu tertarikbelajar Saya sangat tertarik belajar paai

animasi video dikarna kan
mengunakan animasi video?
memudahkan saya unuk memahami

Participant 6
Name : Irfan Kamil

Class : VII-A
No. Questions Answer

A. The use of animation video to enhance students’ reading in teaching

narrative text
1. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Naratif text adalah teks yang berisi
tentang cerita khayalan, dongeng,
naratif text?
ataupun kisah nyata yang telah

2. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Kalo animasi sih bang kaya
dalamnya ada gambar gambar yang
mana gambarnya bergerak dan
gambar kaya makhluk hidup gitu
3. Apakah kamu pernah mengikuti Pernah bang barusan aja bang
pembelajaran mengunakan animasi

4. Bagaimana pendapat kamu setelah Abis belajar pakai animasi video jadi
lebih enak untuk pahami
mengikuti pembelajaran
mengunakan animasi video?

5. Apakah menurutmu animasi video Iya bang, membantu bang

membantu anda dalam memahami
naratif text?

6. Apakah kamu belajar Tertarik kali bang selain mudah

mahaminya bang, lebih santai gitu
mengunakan animasi video?
juga ada hiburannya liat video
animasi itu ga kaku kali belajarnya

Participant 7
Name : Khayla Amira Maritza

Class : VII-A
No. Questions Answer

A. The use of animation video to enhance students’ reading in teaching

narrative text
1. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Menurut saya bang, Naratif text
adalah teks yang menceritakan cerita
naratif text?
yang tidak nyata atau kisah yang
hanya bertujuan untuk menghibur
pembaca saja

2. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Jadi bang, ehmmm Animasi itu
seperti gambar bergerak yang dibuat
oleh manusia yang berbentuk dari
sekempulan objek yang disusun
secara beraturan mengikuti
pergerakan yang telah ditentukan

3. Apakah kamu pernah mengikuti iya saya pernah mengikuti belajar

mengikuti pelajaran menggunakan
pembelajaran mengunakan animasi
animasi vidio seperti contoh guru
video? guru yang masuk ke kelas dan
memberikan vidio pembejaran
menggunakan animasi vidio

4. Bagaimana pendapat kamu setelah menurut saya animasi vidio sangat

membantu menjadi lebih mengerti
mengikuti pembelajaran
mengunakan animasi video?

5. Apakah menurutmu animasi video iya animasi vidio sangat membantu

dalam narratif text karna dapat
membantu anda dalam memahami
memberikan gambar di dalam vidio
naratif text? tersebut

6. Apakah kamu tertarikbelajar iya, sayaa sangat tertarik

dikarenakan saya menjadi lebih
mengunakan animasi video?
mengerti dan paham ketika belajar
menggunakan animasi vidio akan
tetapi jika terlalu sering juga bosan.


Name : Widya Utami, S.Pd

Teacher: English Lesson
No. Questions Answer

B. The struggles faced by english teaching using animation video as

teaching media
1. Bagaimana menurut kamu dengan Menurut saya, dengan kita
mengunakan animasi vidio sebagai
aplikasikannya anmasi video sebagai
media selama proses belajar
mengajar? media sangat membantu proses

belajar mengajar dan memudahkan.

2. Apakah pernah mengunakan Alhamdullilah, sebelumnya saya

animasi video sebagai media
juga sudah pernah mengunakannya.

3. Apakah kamu sering mengunakan Saya sering mengunakan animasi

animasi video sebagai media video sebagai media pembelajaran

4. Bagaimana reaksi murid ketika Untuk reaksi murid sendiri ketika

kamu mengunakan animasi video saya menggunakan animasi sebagai
sebagai media pembelajaran? media, anak anak murid begitu
senang dan ceria selama mengikuti
5. Apakah murid tertarik ketika kamu Untuk ketertarikan murid sangat
mengunakan animasi video tertarik ketika mengunakan animasi
didalam kegiatan belajar dan video didalam kegiatan belajar dan
mengajar? mengajar

C. The strength and weakness of animation video as a teaching media

Apakah animasi video memiliki Menurut saya, Animasi memiliki

fungsi spesial dalam proses belajar
fungsi spesial yakni: yang pertama
1. dan mengajar?
animais mamp menarik perhatian
murid yang kedua mempermudah
saya khususnya sebagai guru untuk
memudahkan memberi gambaran
suatu materi kepada siswa dan

pastinya membuat pembelajaran
menjadi enjoy.

2 Apakah alasan kamu yang bagus Alasan saya, animasi video itu
untuk mengunakan animasi video?
sangat membantu dan memudahkan
saya dalam kegiatan belajar dan

3 Apa yang menjadi hambatan Yang menjadikan hambatan,

selama mengunakan animasi video
pastinya dari sarana. Untuk
sebagai media pembelajaran?
mengaplikasi kan animasi video
pastinya kita membutuhkan
Proyektor, Laptop dan Speaker untuk
menopang keberhasilan dalam
mengunakan media ini. Seperti mati
lampu saat pengaplikasian media ini
sangat menghambat pembelajaran.

4 Apa kelebihan dengan mengunakan Menurut saya, kelebihan animasi

aniamsi video sebagai media
video yang pertama memberikan
kemudahan guru untuk memaparkan
materi secara rinci. Yang kedua
dengan mengunakan animasi video
dapat menarik perhatian siswa untuk
lebih fokus untuk meningkatkan
pembelajaran. Yang ketiga, mampu
menggambarkan secara langsung isi
materi yang akan guru sampaikan.

5 Apa kekurangan dengan Adapun kekurangannya, yang

mengunakan aniamsi video sebagai
pertama penyampaian materi tidak
media pembelajaran?
akan maksimal jika suara dari

speaker tidak terdengar oleh murid.
Yang kedua, untuk pembuatan video
animasi ini sendiri memakan waktu
yang lama. yang ketiga
permasalahan teknis seperti mati
lampu kerusakan sarana.




Full Name : Raju Mahendra

Place/ Date of Birth : Pekanbaru, 21 Juni 2000

Father’s Name : Muhammad Nasir

Mother’s Name : Okta Yuana

Father’s Job : -

Mother’s Job : House Wife

Address : Griya Pratama Sejahtera Housing, Hamparan Perak

Education :

1. SDN 105277 Hamparan Perak

2. MTS Pondok Pesantren Modren Babussalam

3. MAS Pondok Pesantren Modren Babussalam

4. State Islamic University of North Sumatera, Department of English

Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Experience :

1. English course teacher in MTS Pondok Pesantren Darul Aman,

Hamparan Perak.


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