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Cigar Lounge
V. I . P
C i g a r lounge
Our design vision for the VIP cigar lounge is to orchestrate
an environment of unparalleled opulence, where the dark
thematic palette harmonizes with sumptuous leather
textures and meticulously curated luxury elements. This
concept will manifest as a sanctuary of timeless elegance,
characterized by an interplay of lighting, materials, and
bespoke furnishings, meticulously tailored to provide
an exclusive and deeply immersive experience for our
esteemed clientele.
I nte r i o r

Imagine stepping into a space

where dark, velvety walls envelop
you, creating an intimate, almost
mysterious ambiance. Soft, warm
lighting gently caresses the room,
casting a soothing glow that invites
you to unwind. The touch of leather
adds a sense of luxury and comfort,
while subtle industrial elements
introduce a hint of edginess,
forming a harmonious balance
between opulence and urban chic.
It’s an environment where modern
sophistication meets relaxation in
the most inviting way.

The ceiling design aims to infuse an

industrial-inspired edginess into the
space. Exposed structural beams
and elements will be integrated,
lending a raw, urban character
to the room. This design concept
not only adds a touch of rugged
charm but also creates a dynamic
visual contrast with the luxurious
interior, resulting in a unique and
visually captivating atmosphere that
harmonizes the best of both worlds.
Wa l l

The walls in the cigar lounge will be

a canvas of bold artistry, blending
dark and industrial elements.
Deep, rich tones set the backdrop
for an environment of intrigue.
Strategically placed metal details
will add an edgy flair, reflecting the
strength and craftsmanship of the
cigar culture. These walls will not
merely enclose the space but serve
as an artistic testament to the fusion
of elegance and rugged charm,
making every visit an immersive
journey through art, luxury, and the
essence of cigars.
F u r n i t u re
The furniture in the cigar lounge
embodies a fusion of opulence
and edginess. Dark brown leather,
with its supple and inviting
texture, envelops the seating,
exuding luxury and comfort.
Intricate kaputneh details adorn
the furniture, evoking a sense of
timeless craftsmanship. These
pieces serve as both functional
and artistic elements, enriching
the interior with a luxurious and
edgy ambiance, where every
seat is a throne in a realm of
sophistication and indulgence.

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