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Q1: Which command is used to create file archives in Linux??

a zip

b tar

c None

d ps

e arc

f None

Q2: What is a permalink??

a Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual pages and blog posts, as
well as your category and tag archives

b None

c The numeric IP address of your WordPress site

d A popular WordPress Plugin

e The complete URL of your WordPress site

f A permalink is the web address used to link to your content.

Q3: In which file, can we permanently change the SWAP priority?

a /etc/fstab

The correct Answer is: None

c /etc/boot.conf

The correct Answer is: None

e /etc/prswap

f /etc/swappriority

Q4: MySQL supports multiple database storage engines.?

a None

b None

c False

d None

e None

f True

Q5: Gif and Jpg are the two main types of what ??

a None

b Videos

c Animated Effects

d None Of The Above

e Images

f None

Q6: What command, followed by the directory name is used to access that specific

a None

b cp

c cd

d None

e acs

f access

Q7: What command is used to permanently remove a record from a database table??


b None



f None

Q8: Which library is needed to be able to use the image function??

a None

b None

c None

d GH library is needed to execute image functions.

e None

f GD library is needed to execute image functions.

Q9: How to list all services sorted by name in Kubernetes??

a None

b None

c kubectl get services

d kubectl get services

e kubectl get services --sort-by=name

f kubectl get services

Q10: Which command will you use to list all deployments??

The correct Answer is: None

b kubectl require deployments

c kubectl get deploy

d kubectl get deployments

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q11: What will be the effect of inserting 500 rows in a table with the following definition.
CREATE TABLE `categories` ( `category_id` tinyint(3) AUTO_INCREMENT, `category_name`
varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `remarks` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY?

a only 100 rows will be inserted

b a table with the above definition is not possible

c None

d half the records will be inserted then an error will be generated

e 500 rows will be inserted into the table

f None

Q12: What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink??

a <a url=""></a>

b <a name=""></a>

c None

d <a></a>

e None

f <a href="">W3Schools</a>

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