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is directed by Neil Burger, the film is set in a chicago dystopian future and the main characters are Trice and Four; they are played by
Shaileneand and Theo.
Its a science fiction and suspense movie.
Young children may not understand the movie, that's why I recommend it for adolescent and adult audiences
The film is based on a city that is divided by factions: truth, self-denial, daring, cordiality and erudition, you grow
up in the faction of your parents until you turn sixteen, that is when you must take a test in which it's determined
which faction you belong to. Trice decides to leave her faction because she doesn 't know if it's what defines
herself. Her decision will mark the beginning of the story, daring since she will face a world very different from the
one she lived in. She will meet good people but she will also face hard tests, and great enemies, but the most
important thing is that she must keep the secret: she's a divergent. It means that she belongs to more than two
factions, and to for the society she's dangerous

I watched this film a lot of times and I never get tired of watching it, I always enjoy every minute of the film, my
favorite character is Four, I think that is the best character for me and maybe for everybody, the plot is original and
all the time is interesting, always I want to know what happen next, everything is perfect: characters, the acting, the
special effects;there are so realistic. I love the cast I think everyone plays their perfect role, I’m not sure what is my
favorite scene of the film because I like so many but maybe when Trice meet Four. I recommend this film because is
original, entertaining, courious and exciting. I give it 5/5 stars, and there are two more films, there are five stars too.

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