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I regret to inform you that authorizing your entry to the Hall of Fame is
beyond my______. (JURY)
72. It is unpardonable for a trainer to inflict______punishment on their
Pokémons. (DRAGON)
73. While Nicole is engaged with her______job, all her husband, Richard, ever
does is staying at home and vegging out.
74. You can’t lose your temper with your Pokémon like that and then
expecteverything to be______. (HUNK)
75. Loosing your Life Points in a Shadow Game will leave your body
substantial damage and______agonies. (NIGHT)
76. Ninjask moves so fast that its______sometimes become unseeable. It also
congregates around tree sap. (IMAGE)
77. Since my son's behavior is______, he might be grounded for a week.
78. Overtraining your Pokémon may turn out______ and end up that Pokémon
totally beat. (PRODUCT)
79. The belief in The Winged Dragon of Ra being the mightiest Egyptian God
has been so______that it can hardly be
changed. (ROOT)
80. This Pokéball really needs______(LIVE). You should start off with
polishing it up with this______(HAND).
jurisdiction (n): thẩm quyền, quyền hạn
draconian (adj): hà khắc
nine-to-five (adj): giờ hành chánh
hunky-dory (adj): không có vấn đề gì cả và mọi người
đều vui vẻ hong quạu
nightmarish (adj): cực kỳ kinh khủng hoặc khó chịu
after-images -after-image (n): dư ảnh
incorrigible (adj): dùng để nói về một cái điều mà ko
thể nào sửa hay bù đắp được
counter-productive (adj): phản tác dụng
deep-rooted (adj): ăn sâu bắt rễ (thường dùng để nói về
một quan niệm hay tục lệ)
enlivening -enliven (v): làm cho hấp dẫn hơn, chấn hưng
handkerchief (n): khăn mùi soa, khăn tay

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