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Course Title: Master of Science in Data Analytics

Lecturer Name: Courtney ford
Module/Subject Title: Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
Assignment Title: Supervised Machine Learning – Regression
Report Type: Individual

IDNO: 20000086
This is a continuous assignment report on supervise machine learning and
I have detailed explanation in the way how I was done in task 2 and task3
and which I have participated with our team members to complete full

In Task 2 It looks like trying to build a convolution neural network (CNN)

model for image classification using TensorFlow and Keras. Your code is
defining a CNN model with 2 convolution layers, 2 pooling layers, 1 flatten
layer, and 2 dense layers. The model is compiled with the Adam optimizer
and categorical cross-entropy loss function. The model is then trained on
the training data for 10 epochs and evaluated on the validation data.

In Model comparison and train the model I am evaluating the accuracy of

model using validation data. also using transfer learning by using a per-
trained VGG16 model with Image Net weights as a base model and adding
a few more layers on top of it. After that training the model on the training
data for 3 epochs and evaluating it on the validation data. The results from
the CNN model and the transfer learning model are printed at the end.


Here required library are imported:

Pandas would be used for the data handling and pre-processing, after
which 'nltk' library will be used for the stop words and other text
classification preparation. word cloud is used for the representation of the
words and their weight age in the data-set.

Matplotlib is used for the representation of data and to create useful

statistics graphs of teh data set, Finally scikit-learn will be used to
implement the machine learning and classification tasks which will be
useful to create, train and test teh model on the provided data set

Here some types of packages are downloaded they are stop words,punkt
and word net.
Word cloud Representation

These three word clouds represent the sentiments and the words mostly
used in those sentiments, this will be useful for clarifying what words mostly
defines a specific sentiment and helps in identifying the accurate sentiment
if these words are in the sentence of content.


Task 2 The model to apply in actual applications will rely on a number

of things, including computing resources, training time, and particular
use case needs. However, the experiment showed how well each model
performed in classifying images and emphasized how Vision
Transformers have the ability to do state-of-the-art image identification

Task 3 Through this to predict the target values a base version model is
created and in linear regression a data set is created that contains
minimum and maximum values from that we can predict a target
values in a data-set

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