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I’d like to share my thoughts on this expression, because it is quite

popular opinion, especially first pert, that says with age comes wisdom
2. So first part, with age comes wisdom, as I said it’s a popular belief
that as we grow older we gain more life experience. Only having passed
all the challenges and failures we can soberly understand whether it was
worth it.
3. What means that wisdom we obtain and how it’s connected with
other part of the quote? With age we gain more knowledge to make
wiser decisions, to understand human nature and world around us. But I
think that this understanding is much connected with wisdom. Because
wisdom it’s like a mix of knowledge and experience.
4. Theoretically, if we imagine a person who has lived their entire life
in one place, like in a box, that person would hardly become wise.
Because understanding comes with quantity of experience and
experience depends on number of situations that you have lived or
challenges that you have won. So anyway, you have to do something to
become wiser.
5. And that something is exactly traveling. Traveling is like a magic
thing that can help you solve many problems, whether it’s just boredom
or a necessity in chatting or whatever.
6. Traveling can help you just rest and heal your mental health, or
traveling can broaden your boundaries, horizons, or connect you with
new people. New sites, culture, mentalities, tradition, sightseeing, people
with their individual opinions and views will help you take a fresh look
on daily things.
7. So there are so many advantages in traveling that I want to
conclude, for me travelling is a booster for a process of getting wisdom.
So that even at a young age we can enhance our understanding by
speeding up this process with traveling, because it’s not just things that
I’ve already said but also a great tool to gain in experience.
8. In the end, all these terms age, wisdom, understanding, traveling
are connected and we better embrace and use all the opportunities for
personal growth and gain in experience, especially traveling as it’s
available in any age, without any necessity of getting old for becoming
wise. Thanks for attention.

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