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Contact for digital transformation at Long Phuoc High School:

On March 26th, 2023, Long Phuoc High School had the honor of being selected as the
venue for the launching ceremony of Dong Nai Province's Youth Month 2023 with the
theme "Dong Nai Youth Pioneering Digital Transformation." The event was graced by
Miss World Vietnam 2022 - Huynh Nguyen Mai Phuong. At the event, the school's youth
union members participated in community digital transformation activities in various
neighborhoods and hamlets in Long Phuoc commune, Long Thanh district. At the end of
the campaign, the team provided digital transformation installations and assistance to
over 1,000 citizens in the area.
During the summer activities in 2023, the Long Phuoc High School Youth Union also
engaged in various digital transformation support activities in the local area of Long
Phuoc commune, Long Thanh district. Specifically, they participated in two phases of
supporting the installation of Level 2 electronic identification codes for the local
residents. Through these activities, the students made small contributions alongside the
community, accelerating the digital transformation and enhancing their awareness and
responsibility in the process.
The school's fanpage and broadcasting system always organize the dissemination of
content related to digital transformation, as well as the knowledge contest about digital
transformation in Long Thanh district in 2023, which has attracted a large number of
youth union members and young people to participate.
Digital transformation in education refers to the application of digital technology and
internet-based information systems in the field of education to enhance the quality of
teaching, learning, and educational management. It includes improving teaching methods,
enhancing learning support devices and tools, and enhancing the learning experience for
students and participants in training programs.
Some applications of digital transformation in Long Phuoc High School include:
 E-textbooks: The initiative to replace traditional textbooks with e-textbooks helps
save paper and allows for easy content updates. Applications such as Kindle,
iBooks, and Google Play Books support reading e-books on mobile devices.
 Learning Management System (LMS) software: Learning management systems
like Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, etc., support teachers in managing courses,
assessing student performance, and tracking their progress easily and effectively.
 Online collaboration tools: Utilizing applications such as Google Classroom,
Microsoft Teams, Zoom, etc., teachers and students can interact and learn together
in a flexible and efficient manner.
 Learning support applications: Learning support apps like Quizlet, Duolingo, etc.,
help learners practice skills and acquire knowledge through engaging online
exercises and activities.

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