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Dear GOD,

1. Please burn every bridge that leads my life back in pain

2. If there is no purpose in it, please free me from it
3. Help me release what is stealing my peace
4. Please protect me from anything that wasn’t sent by you
5. Help me break free from the things that are breaking me

 I don’t chase, I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me

 The partner I seek is also seeking me and I now release any blocks that are standing between us
 It is always working out for me. The Universe conspires in my favor

Love. Peace. Joy. Money

 Love comes to me easily. Love comes to me fast. Love loves my company. When love comes
it lasts
 Peace comes to me easily. Peace comes to me fast. Peace loves my company. When peace
comes it lasts
 Joy comes to me easily. Joy comes to me fast. Joy loves my company. When joy comes it
 Money comes to me easily. Money comes to me fast. Money loves my company. When
money comes it lasts

Things not to do

1. Have a doormat that says welcome

2. Use only one favorite burner on the stove
3. Have sex with someone I do not want to be energetically connected to
4. Sleep in a room with a mirror facing the bed
5. Drink alcohol without grounding the drink and protecting the energy first
6. Not trust your intuition and your body reactions. The body always knows

When to burn sage

 When you’ve been arguing

 When someone in your home is sick
 When visitors leave
 When you buy second hand items
 When the vibe seems icky
 When you’ve been depressed
 When you’re grieving a lost
 During the full moon
 When anxiety strikes
 When you’ve had a nightmare
 While doing chores
 Before meditation/spells
 To clear crystals or spiritual tools
 When you move into a new home
Oglinzile sunt portaluri si amplifica energia. Deci, ai grija ce gandesti, spui sau ce faci in fata unei
oglinzi. Pune o oglinda pe fundulul bolului cu bani si ai sa observi cum banii se multiplica; pune o
oglinda la usa de intrare pentru ca astfel energia negativa sa se reflecte si sa dispara; nu plange
niciodata in fata unei oglinzi

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