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Grade 5 G K 40 marks

I. Choose the appropriate answers from the following given :

1. A place where ships can seek shelter is called _________
i) park ii) harbour iii) palace iv) nest
2. A roadside hotel is called __________
i) motel ii) hut iii) house iv) station
3. A place where nuns stay is called ___________
i) school ii) convent iii) museum iv) yard
4. Fear of heights is called __________
i) Acrophobia ii) Phobia
iii) Musophobia iv) Astrophobia
5. Fear of snakes is called _____________
i) Ophidophobia ii) Enachlophobia
iii) Phobia iv) Anthophobia
6. Deficiency of Vitamin B3 or Niacin causes __________
i) Cold ii) Fever iii) Pellagra iv) Sickness
7. Deficiency of Vitamin c causes ____________
i) Goitre ii) Panic iii) Anxiety iv) Scurvy
8. Deficiency of Vitamin A causes _______________
i) Night blindness ii) Thyroid
iii) Beri Beri iv) Jaundice
9. A collection of stars is called ____________
i) meteor ii) galaxy iii) planet iv) orbit
10. The path of a celestial body in its revolution about another is
known as ____________
i) orbit ii) horizon iii) sphere iv) circle
11. _______________ is pertaining to the universe.
i) glaciers ii) cosmic
iii) structure iv) landscape
12. 2018 FIFA World Cup was held at ________________
i) India ii) Russia
iii) Sri Lanka iv) Meghalaya

II. Fill in the blanks: 1x8=8

1. Badminton was originated in the country ____________
2. ______________ is the length of a badminton racket.
3. The first Olympic games was held in _______ at __________
4. The first Asian games were held in ________ at ___________
5. ______________ country was the winner of FIFA World Cup 2018.
6. ________________is the energy extracted from organic material.
7. ________________ are the shaking or sudden shock of the earth's surface.
8. ______________happen during rain, when rivers overflow.

III. Match the following: 1x8=8

(A) (B)
1. The envelope of gases surrounding a) Beri Beri
any celestial body
2. Deficiency of Iron b) Palace
3. The natural satellite of the earth c) Atmosphere
4. Deficiency of Vitamin b1 or thiamine d) Cricket
5. The residence of a king e) Table Tennis
6. A place where plays are performed f) Anaemia
7. National sport of China g) Moon
8. National sport of Australia h) Theatre

III. Define the following given: 3x4=12

1. Natural disaster
2. Solar energy
3. Phobia
4. Wind energy

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