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Core Rules & Conversion Guide

A Tabletop RPG of survival, transcendence, and building a future amidst the relics of the past
Core Rules

What Godeater is
Narratively, Godeater is a game about Why Modular Design?
surviving in a post-apcalyptic world that Each subsystem within Godeater (items,
may well be better than it was before, adventures, magic, and so on) is
and dining on divine carcasses in an designed to be connected to every other
attempt to thrive and ascend yourself. subsystem through very simple
connectors. They’re like lego bricks -
Practically, Godeater is a game about easily attachable to one another, and to
triumphing over long odds thanks to plenty of other things besides. The
your wits, your preparations, and clever section on ritual magic, for instance -
use of your own inherent weirdness. not in this document - fits perfectly
smoothly into the rest of the game, but
Mechanically, Godeater is a 2d10 system isn’t necessary to play it.
with an emphasis on temporary items
and assets rather than extensive The other advantage this gives is ease of
character builds, designed for ease of conversion: you can take the sections on
play. summoning demons, performing
rituals, exploring dead gods and so on,
Historiographically, Godeater is an and easily stick them on to your own
attempt to meld the rulings-focused games, even if they’re in different
simplicity of the OSR movement with systems. The only thing you need to play
the narratively-focused stylings of more the game is this document, but each
modern RPGs. addition gives you more options. If you
want, you can even start with just the
core rules and introduce more complex
systems organically as players continue
to explore the world.
The Core Mechanic Abilities
Anything attempted by a character with
Every player character is represented by
a meaningful chance of failure requires
three abilities:
a roll on 2d10 to beat a certain difficulty
value determined by the GM.
● STAMINA is a measure of your Core Rules
character’s physical strength, health,
The player will announce their intent, and durability. Stamina is the relevant
then the GM will tell them the target stat for fighting off disease, punching
number. The player will then have the your opponents, minimising damage,
option to spend an amount of Ability and performing feats of athletic
Points to increase their odds of success,
before making the roll.
● DEXTERITY is a measure of your
Monsters, enemies, environmental character’s fine motor skills, grace, and
threats and NPCs do not make rolls; poise. Dexterity is the relevant stat for
instead, whenever they attack or oppose evading traps, attacking at range,
the party, players make a reactive roll to duelling, dancing, and performing
avoid or mitigate it. feats of athletic skill.
● PRESENCE is a measure of your
If players end up working against each
other, they both roll simultaneously, character’s charm and strength of will.
with the winner being whoever rolled Presence is the relevant stat for
highest. winning people over to your side,
making friends, making your voice
Some tasks may require different target heard, defending yourself from
numbers to represent degrees of psychic attack, and commanding
success; attempting to shoot a cannon at
a gunship may require a 12, but hitting
the powder magazine and destroying
the whole thing may be possible on, say, Spending Ability Points
an 18. After being told the difficulty value of a
task, a player may choose to burn Ability
Points from the relevant Ability to
increase their odds of success. They may
spend up to four points at a time, each
one reducing the target difficulty value
by one. Spent ability points are
refreshed between Adventures.

Characters may choose to take any skill,
so long as the GM approves it. Having a
relevant skill reduces the difficulty of a
check by 2, and having two relevant
skills reduces the difficulty by 4, but
after that there are no further benefits
Advantage and for stacking skills. So, being trained in
Disadvantage closing planar overlays would reduce the
Some effects may give you Advantage or difficulty of closing a Patterner Overlay
Disadvantage on a roll. If you have by 2. Being additionally trained in the
advantage, roll twice and take the Patterner would reduce it by 4, but any
highest result. If you have disadvantage, further relevant training would have no
roll twice and take the lowest. Spent effect.
ability points apply to both rolls.
Danger and Death
Initiative A character may Retire at any time,
Core Rules If it’s a situation in which it makes a using any ability, item or skill that they
difference who takes their turn first - have access to. The results of this action
like combat - usually all that matters is will be particularly impressive and
whether the players get to go first, or dramatic, but will render that character
their opponents do. If either group got permanently and irrevocably
the drop on the other, they should go unplayable. For instance, when the party
first. If no other factors apply, seizing is pursued by an unstoppable swarm of
the initiative is usually a DC10 intellect goblins, a player may choose to retire
check for whoever is leading the party. their character to buy time for the
others to escape; their success in this is
Harm all-but guaranteed, but they will
heroically fall in the process. This is
The most common consequence of
designed to be an opportunity for
failing rolls in dangerous situations is
players to end their character’s story on
Harm. Harm comes at four different
their own terms.
levels. If you take a level of Harm that
you already have, increase it by one
instead. If you have 2-Harm and take
2-Harm again, take 3-Harm instead,
and if you have also already taken
3-Harm, crank it up to 4-Harm. At
1-Harm you are bruised and winded, at
2-Harm you are in need of medical
attention, at 3-Harm you are in serious
need of help and can barely stand, and
at 4-Harm you are Broken. Fighting
everything you come across is unlikely
to end well.

Taking 4-Harm causes a player to
become Broken: they are incapacitated
and no longer able to achieve anything
Critical Success and
until healed. The exact consequences of Failure
Breaking are deliberately left to be Rolling a 20 on a standard 2d10 roll is
determined by the players and GM, considered a Critical Success. This means
depending on the tone and feel of the that the action has gone unexpectedly
game you want to play. At maximum, well for you, often in an unforeseen
being Broken could mean instant, manner. Notably, this doesn’t guarantee
irreversible death, but at minimum, it success, only a positive outcome.
could mean that you'll spring up again at
the end of the encounter, not much the Conversely, rolling a 2 is considered a
worse for wear. So long as the terms of Critical Failure, causing the action to go
being Broken are mutually agreed upon, unexpectedly poorly. Notably, this
consistent, and public knowledge, needn’t be because the character in
anything works. question actually did anything wrong,
as such. For instance, critically failing to
strike an enemy could mean that more
opponents show up, or the opponents
change their tactics, and so on.
The World Items
Anything attempted by a character with
Players may carry an amount of items
a meaningful chance of failure requires
equal to their maximum Stamina score.
a roll on 2d10 to beat a certain difficulty
value determined by the GM.
Swords, armour, and so on, are not Core Rules
usually included in this: Players can be
assumed to be carrying basic tools and
Tags provisions unless there is a specific
Special effects on items, people, and reason these might be lost or destroyed.
monsters are known as Tags. An item
might be flaming, a person might be
berserk, a monster may be intangible. The
In addition to Harm, players may suffer
effects of these are intuitive: it is clear
from Afflictions. These are persistent
that a flaming weapon will set some
ailments, curses and more ambiguous
things on fire, provide light, and be
effects that will impact upon the
somewhat more effective against
character until they are cured.
enemies made of or armoured in ice, but
Afflictions may occur when taking high
it is up to the GM to determine what
levels of Harm, or when touched by
those effects are in a given situation.
weird energies. They come in three
Similarly, if a creature is flaming,
levels, Minor, Major and Chronic.
attempts to grapple it will likely result in
Higher-leveled afflictions are usually
a lot of pain and burns, while any
more serious and more difficult to
attempts by that creature to sneak or
remove. Some examples are as follows -
pass unnoticed are unlikely to succeed.
note that not all of the effects of an
affliction need be negative:’
Monsters and Foes
Creating monsters and other threats is
incredibly simple; choose a number
between 1 and 20. Then add some tags to
Creating a Character
Characters are defined by what they
it. The number is the challenge’s DC, or
carry and what influences are acting
difficulty check. If a player wants to
upon them. Developing as a character is
‘beat’ that challenge - be that by
as much about picking up weird
sneaking past it, fighting it, or tricking
metaphysical complications as it is
it - that is the number to beat. For
about becoming more powerful. To get
monsters that are much greater
started, define a name and pronouns,
challenges in some areas than others -
then roll 2D6 for each of your three
like a clumsy giant that is hard to fight
stats, or assign a 5, a 7, and a 9.
but easy to avoid - use tags. In this way,
the focus is on what monsters can do,
not what their stats are, and fights are
more about creative use of abilities and
the environment than comparing stats.
It also means that monsters are trivially
easy to create: here are some examples:
● -Chameleonoid Fungus (DC7):
● -Chimera (DC11): poisonous, unflankable,
● -Lesser Phoenix (DC13): divine, wild
magic, ranged, flaming, resurrecting
Exploring the World unpredictable ways. Without regular
overlays, the world would be a much
safer place - if a more boring one. Most
Some Useful Definitions humans treat Overlays like extremely
A God is an intelligent, self-aware plane inclement weather: dangerous, but
Core Rules predictable, and survivable so long as
several thousand square miles in size.
The shape and position of that God in proper preparations are taken.
four-dimensional space determines
where any entrances or exits from the The Between is the space outside the
plane end up-back into the world, into Materium that is not occupied by Gods -
other Gods, or to other, darker places. the sea that divinities swim through. It
The contents of that plane are is cold, empty, and inimical to life.
manifestations of the mind and nature
of that God, and look and act Human is the term used to describe the
accordingly. Sub-components of the sapient species of the Materium. Before
God, often referred to as Servitors, may the great war, these people bore other
resemble living beings in of themselves, names and divisions; Orc, Minotaur,
and might even come into conflict with Aven, and so on. These divisions are less
their fellows. Gods are in control of their important now, though some may still
interior dimensions, but often simply do have an attachment to them.
not notice the humans poking around in

A Dead God is functionally very similar

to a living one; it lacks a controlling
intelligence, and cannot be
communicated with, but the
fragmented parts of its mind are still
active and meaningfully living. It is
substantially easier to harvest resources
and Godsblood from the dead. Servitors
of dead gods that are sufficiently
removed from their origin to survive its
death are known as Scions, and typically
inherit a portion of the deceased’s
power while gaining much more
individuality into the bargain.
Ecology of the New World
A Godeater is a human who spends True, many mourn the old world that
most of their time, willingly or was, but just as many do not: a good
unwillingly, inside a God, living deal of those that survived were those
parasitically off its contents and seeking that the old world was not kind to, after
to survive and maybe, if they are lucky, all. The world is undeniably more
transcend. Godeater communities tend dangerous now, with divine weaponry
to be nomadic, based as they are within running amok and much old
ever-shifting spaces. infrastructure and resources laid to
waste. Those settlements and
The Materium is the space still organisations that have survived and
untouched by the warping influence of thrived have done so by embracing
Gods. Most settlements are within the symbiosis: every danger in this world is
Materium. also a resource to be understood and
utilised, and each horror is an
An Overlay occurs when the opportunity for those brave enough to
8-dimensional body of a god, living or risk it. By collecting the essence of the
dead, intersects with the Materium for a divine and using it to flourish, humanity
time, causing it to warp in has a (dangerous) way forward.
Core Rules

A long time ago, Gods were entwined with the World and their
magic suffused it.

That was then. This is now. What Gods survived the war are
wounded, dangerous, unpredictable. Those that died have become
deadly divine carcasses, sprawled across the world in 4-D

The rest of the world has been torn asunder by divine

superweapons, filled with monsters and horrors. Small towns and
hamlets, heavily fortified, are pockets of safety in a world of

Yet without the weird, these bastions of safety have no resources,

and no meaning. They depend upon those reckless enough to seek
out the strangeness and horror of the world outside, to consume
the remnants of the Gods, and to become more than human.

They depend on Godeaters.

Now, Feast.
Conversion Guide
Converting the Setting
Core Rules Godeater’s primary differences from
more conventional fantasy settings are
a) that it details a particular cosmic
ecology involving the bodies of dead
gods, and b) that it exists after an
apocalyptic war that changed the nature
of the world. Accounting for b) in other
fantasy settings is fairly easy - a lot of
them have ancient wars and long-dead
civilizations. Moreover, the fact that
civilization as we know it has largely
fallen apart doesn’t have that much of an Converting the System
impact on how the game is played: The ● Stats: in an old-school six-stat
biggest change is the absence of system like D&D, Stamina should be
currency, but assigning prices to the either Strength or Constitution
items and treasures of the world is well (depending on context), Dexterity
within the capacity of a good GM. should be, well, Dexterity, and
Presence should be either Wisdom or
Resolving a) is a little more complicated. Charisma, again depending on
Obviously you can just drag and drop context.
the Godeater deities into your world ● Encounters and Adventures: Most
wholesale. Otherwise, if your game games you play will have fairly
setting already has a cosmology, you can natural breakpoints for encounters
adapt: to use D&D as an example, the and adventures anyway. For games
positive energy, negative energy, and like D&D that use ‘short rests’ and
elemental planes make for good ‘long rests’, you can treat a short
substitutes for the gods, and their rest as a gap between encounters,
associated denizens make for good and a long rest as a gap between
equivalents of scions, servitors, and so adventures, for the purpose of
on. refreshing abilities.
● Harm: This is likely to be the
hardest part of conversion: Harm is
very deliberately designed to be
logarithmic in scale, not linear like
any systems that use hitpoints. The
most sensible approach here is just
to treat 1-Harm as ‘a little bit of
damage’, 2-Harm as ‘a decent
amount of damage’, 3-Harm as ‘a
great deal of damage’, and adjust
according to what feels right. For
D&D 5e, 1-Harm should be d8
damage, 2-Harm shouldbe 2d10
damage, and 3-Harm should be
4d20 damage.
● Effort: Effort can either be added to
the other system wholesale, or
converted to ‘spell slots’, or
equivalent. Alternatively, you can
replace “expend effort for the
encounter” with “once per
encounter”, and so on.
Advice for GMs
The key thing to remember when
running this game is that TRPGs are
made fun by their choices, and by the
Give tools, not buffs.
The core of this game is
problem-solving, and a power that can
solve any problem is a fairly boring one.
characters that we play. Those two Core Rules
things are the focus of this game. When Encourage creative use of skills and
running this game, consider the items rather than catch-all solutions or
following advice. straightforward statistical advantages.

You don’t need to roll as Make every encounter

often as you think. matter.
You should only roll for tests where both Before planning any individual
failure and success have the potential to encounter, consider what it adds -
advance the plot and characters. There is thematically, mechanically, narratively -
no need to roll to see if a character can to the game. Rather than padding things
tie their shoelaces. Similarly, if the out with unnecessary fights, move fast
characters are seeking out an important and hit hard with novel challenges and
NPC, rolling to see if they find them is emotional beats. A couple of good
largely superfluous, since they will encounters are more memorable and
simply keep trying or abandon the plot compelling than a hundred mediocre
entirely. Rolling to see the complications ones.
come about as a result of their search,
however, has more potential.
Make calls according to
Be upfront with your consistency and fun.
When situations come up that you have
players. not planned for, try to choose the most
It’s usually more fun for players to figure fun option that is consistent with other
out how to deal with a problem than to rulings - that is, if you earlier decided
figure out what the problem is. Nobody that lightning does extra damage to
likes getting killed by a threat they never people in plate armour, it would be
knew was there. Let players know the strange if that suddenly ceased to be
likely consequences of their actions - it true. Be unafraid to say yes to clever
will make their choices more interesting plans, but equally, be unafraid to say no
for everybody. If there is a good reason to strategies that are not fun, while still
to disguise the nature of the rewarding players. In a game about
consequences, at least try to telegraph determining the last wishes of a dead
the likely severity of them. Empress, having one of your players
instantly whip out an Arcana of
Expect players to move in necromancy and summon her reckless
shade is not fun, and you should feel
mysterious ways. free to come up with an excuse as to why
Asking your players to engage with the that won’t work, so that the rest of the
core elements of your game is not game can go ahead. However, the player
restriction or railroading, but basic in question should also be rewarded in
common sense. If you are running a some way for their quick thinking.
game about slaying a dragon, it is
reasonable to expect your players to go
along and engage with that dragon, Use prep work to help you
rather than, say, running away improvise.
somewhere else entirely. However, in A quick list of random names, random
terms of their feelings toward the treasures, and so on, will do a lot to
dragon, their plans to reach it, and so streamline your GMing. Write down ten
on, try to allow as much improvisation of each before each session, just in case -
and freedom as possible. it only takes a moment.

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