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Good morning! I am Mr. Ben Galang.

Welcome to the Marian Quiz Bee elimination round for

Grade 10 students.

Please listen to the instructions before we begin.

Contestants or representatives must prepare the following materials:

● A size 4 paper with your name and section
● A pen

This quiz bee is divided into three rounds: easy, average, and difficult, and each round has one

Write your three answers on the size 4 paper before going to the CLE representatives. Again,
please write your three answers before going to the CLE representatives.

I’ll introduce to you our CLE representatives for the grade 10 stationed at the Pamplona wing.
We have Mr. Aaron Bermudez, Mr. Anton Conception, and Mr. Cris Durango.
For the Cardoner wing we have Mr. Marckie San Juan.

I will only repeat the question twice. So please make sure to maintain silence and listen
carefully. Again, I will repeat the question twice!
The type of question is multiple choice, so please capitalize or in uppercase your letter when
you write on your size 4 paper.

Take note: The first to get the correct answer, wins.

Wait for the CLE representative to check your answer.
There will be an allotted 3 minutes for checking.
Please maintain proper decorum along the corridors.
Wait for the word "go!”, Before you show your answer to the respective CLE teachers.

Again, wait for the word "go!”, Before you show your answer to the respective CLE
Let’s begin our easy round!
Who is the archangel who announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she will bear Jesus, the
Son of God, the Savior of humanity [Luke 1:26-38]?
A. Archangel Gabriel
B. Archangel Michael
C. Archangel Rafael
D. The Cherub

I repeat, who is the archangel…

We are now on the average round.
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is often a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic
Church. What does this mean?
A. Catholics are required to abstain from eating meat.
B. Catholics are required to attend Mass on this day, similar to Sundays.
C. Catholics are required to pray the Holy Rosary.
D. Catholics are required to wear the October medal.

I repeat, the Feast of the Immaculate…

Now for the difficult round

Who declared the Feast of the Immaculate Conception as a dogma of the Catholic Church in
A. Pope Benedict XVI
B. Pope John XXIII
C. Pope Paul VI
D. Pope Pius IX

I repeat, who declared the Feast…

(After reading the three questions) Okay contestants ready, set, go!

(When the teachers give a cue to end the quiz)

That ends our Marian Quiz Bee! Have a nice day ahead, God bless dear students!

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