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I was once a kid

By: Ailene Ninte

I was once a kid that you need to feed;

not just by food but also with care and love that I need

I was once a kid who has a dream

A kid who's always looking for a gleam.

I was once a kid who's always aiming for more

Dreaming high, higher, highest that soar.

I was once a kid who once adore;

Adore and dream about the version of me right now proudly saying I bore.

and now I've grown, I'm no longer thinking about a toy to play nor crying about small thing.

I'm now focusing on what I can bring;

Bring in the future that I'm always admiring back then

when I was young, when I was ten.

I was once a kid, but now I've grown

I'm on my way on achieving what was drawn;

Drawn in the future I'm always holding on to

Believing, bearing, and the resilience all through.

Now I've grown, it's not a toy anymore that makes me cry

It's the pressure that cause me a teary eye.

When I was young it's always my sleep that recharges my energy;

waking up and then playing like a flying bee.

A young innocent that is free from thinking what may happen,

But now thinking and thinking that worsen.

It is really fulfilling thinking about the younger version of me,

Being strong, joyful, and bearable from negativity.

But it also excites me thinking what I would be;

from young innocent to brave persistent me.

I was once a kid, but now I've grown

I've learned a lot from the things I have known

I was once a kid, but now I've grown

I also learned to stand and fight on my own.

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