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A second chance in love, so rare and true,

A gift from fate, a chance to renew.

The heart that once was broken, now mends,
The past, a lesson, the future, a friend.

The memories of past pain, they fade away,

As we open our hearts, to a brand-new day.
The love we thought lost, now found once
A second chance to adore, and to explore.

The stars align, the planets collide,

Fate steps in, and love is redefined.
The past is forgiven, the present is new,
A second chance in love, a chance to make it
The past may have been marred by hurt and
But now the present's pure, with love to
The chance to love again, to heal the pain,
To find the happiness that love brings again.

So let us seize, this second chance,

And make the most of love's sweet romance.
For in the end, love's love's grace,
And a second chance, is a beautiful place.

So let us embrace, this second chance,

And make the most of love's sweet romance.
For in the end, love is love's grace,
And a second chance, is a beautiful place.

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