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REAPER LEG OSSIARCH BONE ng subactions for All OsstARCH he Beyond ofthe cor that subacti.18 mi dy has a di mnt subfaction keyword on s it cannot gain another one. This does: aa rcelude you from including the unit in your ey put you cannot use the allegiance abilities for sabfaction, + Morris PRAETORIANS (pg 79) + Pevearex Ex1TE (pg 79) + Srarstaxcu Lonps (pg 80) «Ivory Host (pg 80) + Nuzt MrRsaD (pg 81) + Casmarorsans (pg 51) ‘RANKS UNBROKEN BY DISSENT The soul-crafting process grants Ossiarch Bonereapers iron self-control with no room for any fear or doubt. Do not take battleshock tests for friendly OSstAKCH BONEREAPERS Unis, DEATHLESS WARRIORS ‘The Ossiarch Bonereapers are Nagash’s foremost ailtary force and the most formidable of all his legions, ‘tiendly OSStARCH BONEREAPERS units have ms d units havea 1 WEAPONS NADIRIT! The weapons of the Ossia aa with a single cut, stealing th the unmodified hit roll for

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