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(Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, Affiliation No.-2131917, School Code 60805)

Session- 2023-2024
Subject: - English
Class – 1 ( )
Comprehension – 2
Name: ____________________ Roll No: ________

Answer the following question

Little Jenny eagerly joined her family on a joyful picnic with Grandma. The sun beamed brightly as they spread a
colourful blanket in the lush green park. Grandma, with her warm smile, shared tales of her childhood. Laughter
filled the air as the family savoured delicious sandwiches and fruity treats. Birds chirped, and butterflies danced
around as the kids played games. Grandma even brought a basket of cookies that she had lovingly baked. It was a
magical day of bonding, making memories that would be cherished forever.

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