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by jascat

Jasper is horribly scarred by a vindictive Maria. He decides to live alone in the forest around
Forks, certain no one could ever love him now.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - [Jasper, Bella] - Chapters: 30 - Words:
85,962 - Reviews: 1,253 - Favs: 963 - Follows: 799 - Updated: 7/22/2014 - Published:
3/30/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10230143
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1

2. Chapter 2

3. Chapter 3

4. Chapter 4

5. Chapter 5

6. Chapter 6

7. Chapter 7

8. Chapter 8

9. Chapter 9

10. Chapter 10

11. Chapter 11

12. Chapter 12

13. Chapter 13

14. Chapter 14

15. Chapter 15

16. Chapter 16

17. Chapter 17

18. Chapter 18

19. Chapter 19

20. Chapter 20

21. Chapter 21

22. Chapter 22

23. Chapter 23
24. Chapter 24

25. Chapter 25

26. Chapter 26

27. Chapter 27

28. Chapter 28

29. Chapter 29

30. Chapter 30
Chapter 1

I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 1

It was almost time. Any minute he would walk through the door. The man she was destined for,
the man she saw in her visions. Visions of love. Alice smiled to herself. She hadn't seen his face
but she knew he was perfect. He had to be, he was a vampire.

All she saw of him was his wavy blonde hair but that was beautiful. It was odd she couldn't see
his face but she didn't let it bother her. She thought of the visions she had seen. He was
compassionate, loving, comforting, and protective. He was perfect for her. She saw him holding
her, shopping with her, hunting with her. They would join a family. It was going to be everything
she longed for. She would make new memories, it wouldn't matter that she couldn't remember
her old life.

She squirmed on her stool at the counter. She wished he would hurry up. She watched the rain
falling outside the diner. It was odd that the day that would change their lives was rainy, it was
the reason he would enter the diner and meet her. She smiled softly, she would never curse the
rain again.

She heard the bell over the door ring and put a hand over her unbeating heart, she tried to
control her excitement. It was him she was sure, she took in a deep breath smelling him. He
smelled of earth and sunshine. Perfect she thought as a sigh escaped her lips.

"You kept me wait..." She started to say as she turned around but the words died on her lips as
she faced him.

The man that stood in the doorway was the man she had been waiting for. He was tall and
broad shouldered. He had the same wavy blonde hair as in her visions but his face...Alice
couldn't help her instinctive reaction. She fell backwards off the stool almost landing on the floor
before catching herself.

She turned her face away unable to continue looking at his face. Her vampiric instincts
screamed at her to run but she was frozen in the horror of it all. This couldn't be the man she
saw. The loving man who held her so tenderly, no this was a brutal man, battle hardened and
horribly scarred. She snuck a peek at his face. Only one eye looked back at her and in that eye
she saw pain. For a moment guilt overwhelmed her and she started to reach out to him but he
was gone back out the door before she could utter a word.

Alice stared at the door in shock. Her mind numb and his face burned into her mind.

"Would you like some coffee miss?" The waitress called to her.

Alice turned to look at her without really seeing her. The woman looked at her with impatience
and a hint of anger. Alice's brow rose in question.

"Look I know he ain't pretty to look at but he's a good man. He helped Larry when those punks
were trying to rob us last Wednesday. If it hadn't been for him Larry would have been hurt."
She looked Alice up and down seeming to come to a decision. "You know I think I'd just like you
to leave." She said and turned her back on her.

Alice couldn't believe it. Her man, the man of her visions...She remembered the visions she had
of him. The man in them had been kind, tender, protective. Alice hung her head in shame, he
hadn't deserved her reaction. She began to search her visions, to learn how her reaction had
changed them. The waitress patently ignored her and Alice returned the favor.

She hung her head, she was no longer destined for the man. He would never be open with her
now. Any vision of them together showed him quietly following her but never happy. No, that
wasn't good, he deserved better than that. Alice was saddened to learn that she could no
longer be with him if she wanted his happiness but resolved that it was what she wanted. She
didn't like it but she knew she didn't deserve him. Her reaction had proven that. She wasn't sure
how she felt about what it revealed about her but she would think of that later.

She decided not to pursue him and watched his future change. Now she saw him living alone in
the woods outside a small town, hunting animals and never coming into contact with another
vampire or human. She frowned again not liking his loneliness. No, that would not do. Alice
walked to the door ignoring the waitresses relieved sigh. He would be happy, Alice would make
sure of it. She walked out the door into the rain, determination on her face as she ignored the
rain that drenched her new dress.

Jasper walked through the town slowly, his collar turned up and his hat pulled down. Not many
people were out but he avoided the gazes of anyone he passed. Covering up his face as much
as possible. He hated the fear, disgust and pity that people felt when they looked at him.

He grimaced, the vampire in the diner had been horrified when she looked at him. Jasper
clenched his fist, what had possessed him to let her see him. Sure Sue and Larry accepted
him, he had saved them from those punks and helped them fix up the diner. That didn't mean
anyone else would, especially a vampire who could see the scars even clearer.

His mind wandered back, remembering that day. The day everything had changed. He had
been so stupid, confident in his own abilities, looks and favored status. Maria had been angry
already. She hadn't really forgiven him for letting Peter and Char go. He shouldn't have pushed
it. She had been turning him away for months, gratifying her sexual desires with Richard.
Jasper had been jealous and angry as he watched Richard take his place as favorite. He shook
his head remembering his arrogance.

He had taken one of the newborns to his bed, making a point of having Maria catch him. He had
thought causing her jealousy would remind her what he meant to her. He foolishly thought she
really loved him. The woman had been torn apart and burned, she had been lucky. Jasper
himself had been captured and tortured. His one eye closed in remembered pain.
He felt guilt remembering all the victims he had tortured for Maria. He had never let himself feel
their pain before. He shut off his empathic abilities they interfered with his ability to fight. There
was no way he could hurt someone whose pain reflected in his mind so he had blocked off that
sense. In his newborn year all that mattered was his value as a fighter, it meant his survival. So
he willed it away, ignoring any feelings that trickled through.

During his torture the damn had burst and his ability was no longer containable. He felt not only
his own pain but the emotions of those around him. The anger and sadistic lust of Maria, the
fear and willingness of his torturers. It was hell. They had bit and tortured him for months
before Maria finally thought he was punished enough. He had scars from his many battles but
by the time they were done he didn't think there was an inch of his skin that wasn't scarred.

He closed his eye remembering the first look he had of his face. Maria had brought him a
mirror, smiling vindictively. Her emotions were poison and Jasper wondered why he had ever
thought he loved her or that she had loved him. She was clearly incapable of love and if he had
allowed himself to use his abilities he would have known that. Maybe he didn't want to know...
He looked in the mirror when she ordered him to. The torture he had endured had made
disobeying her impossible. What he saw...

Jasper's hand went to his face tracing the eye patch and running down along his mangled lip.
One of his eyes was gone a bite mark halfway through the socket and running to his eyebrow,
deforming it. His skin once was smooth was now bumpy, with silver lines in the forms of bites
running over it's entirety. His bottom lip had a part of it missing and had been fused back
together in a way that deformed his once full lips, making them thinner and showing part of his
teeth as he was no longer able to close them all the way. To a human he would look as if he
had been in an accident and had acne as a teen, to a vampire... Jasper shook his head.

"Your angel face is gone. Who would want you now?" Maria had said smugness in her voice.
Those words echoed in his head even now.

She kept him around for a couple of years afterwards but he could never fight as well again.
His empathic abilities made him hesitate, stopped him from being as ruthless as he once had
been. When Maria realized he could no longer fight as well she threw him out. He had hoped
she would kill him but Maria was cruel and wanted him to live.

He had wandered for a long time. He had debated going to Peter and Char but couldn't face
them if they turned from him in horror. He had found this town and thought maybe he could
settle down but it had been clear that it wouldn't be possible even before meeting the strange
vampire. He could no longer feed on humans, their emotions of horror and disgust when he saw
them was too much. He needed to go away, far from any person. He lifted his face to the sky
letting the cold rain soothe him. Maybe someplace rainy...
Chapter 2
I don't own twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 2

Jasper laid down on a bed of pine needles and looked for slivers of sun to pass through the
thick trees. How long had he been here? Alone? It seemed an eternity, he had stopped
counting the days when he had counted ten years.

He heard a bird call overhead and on a whim decided to climb a tree. He wanted to feel the sun
on his skin, see the endless sea of green he lived in. It didn't take him long to climb a tall tree
and he closed his eyes as he faced the sun.

The heat on his skin felt nice. For a little while he could forget the scars that covered his body
and deformed his face. His peace was short lived as he heard nearby gunfire. He groaned and
jumped down the tree. He raced to his cabin, the shot had sounded close to his home and he
didn't want a hunter stumbling on his solitude.

He quickly caught up with the hunting party and began to send them light fatigue and boredom.
That was usually enough to send sport hunters on their way. Few had wandered out this far
and when they did they were tired from the long trip. These humans seemed no different, they
yawned and stretched. They began to joke about the beer waiting for them at camp and
started to head out.

Jasper let out a sigh of relief. So far he had been able to dissuade anyone from finding him. In
his solitude he had learned to control his gift. He was able to manipulate others emotions with
ease now. He felt their emotions from a greater distance too. His gift had become such an
ingrained part of him, he couldn't understand how he had ignored it for so long.

He never let anyone see him but a few times, in sheer loneliness and a need to escape his
crushing guilt, he had ventured into the small town of Forks. He liked the town and it was easy
to loose himself in the emotions of those around him. He didn't do it often the risk of getting
caught was great, he never wanted to feel horror from another living being at the sight of him.
Only when the guilt of his past crimes threatened to swallow him did he risk it.

Not only had he learned more about his gift in his hermitage but his past began to haunt him. He
had been arrogant before, he had viewed the world only in the ways it involved him. Jasper
closed his eyes as pictures of his past actions played in his mind. He had never tortured anyone
as cruelly as Maria had but he had tortured human and vampire alike. He had killed without
mercy, ignoring broken cries of fear and agony. He had ignored his victims plights in the past
but he knew pain , loneliness, fear, despair felt like first hand and he regretted his

Jasper snorted, a mirthless laugh, it was ironic that an empath was only now beginning to learn
compassion. It was even more cruel that now that he knew how to show sympathy, he was
alone and anyone that he would want to show it to would run from him in terror.
Charlie walked into the station with a bounce in his step. It was his first day as a deputy and he
was anxious to start. He had no illusions of big crime in his sleepy town but he was eager to
serve the people who lived here. He loved Forks, he had grown up here and he wanted to
protect the people. Besides maybe Renee would agree to marry him now that he had such a
secure job. Sure she was young but he loved her so much, he would make her happy, he knew
he would.

The chief looked up at him as he approached his desk. He was on the phone and seemed
annoyed. Chief Robbins was good at his job but everyone knew he had a temper. He didn't like
people wasting his time.

"Charlie this woman says she wants to talk to you." He said handing Charlie the phone, he kept
his hand over the receiver. "She sounds like a wacko." He said in a low tone. Charlie smiled and
reached for the phone.

"Can I help you Ma'am?" He asked eagerly.

"Hello, I hope you can help me." She said. Her voice sounded like bells and Charlie was
momentarily amazed.

"I broke up with my boyfriend last week and his family says they haven't heard from him since. I
know he has a cabin far out in the woods. Could you maybe go check and see if he is there?"
She asked sweetly.

Charlie felt a blush cover his face. He knew he loved Renee but this woman...she
sounded...heavenly. Charlie nodded before realizing she wouldn't see his nod and gruffly
answered yes.

"Oh thank you." She gushed. "He may try to hide, please look thoroughly I am almost certain
that is where he went."

Again Charlie nodded before shaking himself and replying to her. "I promise I will search
diligently." He said hoping he sounded intelligent. Chief Robbins snickered behind him.

Charlie ignored him as he listened to the angels voice give him directions. He hung up before he
realized he didn't ask her for her name or her ex-boyfriends name. Chief Robbins laughed more
before patting him on the shoulder.

"She told me her name was Alice Cullen and the man she is looking for is Jasper Whitlock." He
smirked at Charlie's red face. "Personally I think this is a waste of time but if you want to play
the knight in shining armor it's fine with me. I'll introduce you around town tomorrow. Maybe we
can go by Pacific Place, I heard Renee was working there after school."

Charlie said nothing as he walked out the door. He heard Chief Robbins laughter following him
Jasper felt the human coming. He tried to stop him, he sent him boredom, fatigue, even fear but
the man kept coming. He was looking for someone. Jasper could tell by how alert he was, how
he looked at his surroundings carefully as if he was searching for clues. His emotions were full
of excitement and determination. He couldn't help but like the man. His emotions were so
positive and optimistic. They drew him in, made him want to actually meet and talk with the
man. It had been so long, would he even be able to use his voice?

The man was not being deterred and Jasper was running out of ideas. He was almost to his
cabin. Why had he built the cabin? It would have been easier to hide if he hadn't. It wasn't as if
he actually needed it, but it had given him something to do and made him feel more human.

The man saw his cabin and a smile covered his face. He put the map he had been following
back in his pocket and walked with more determination. Jasper held back his sigh. He was
going to have to move now. It was too bad, he had grown to like living here.

He watched the man curious what he would do, what or who he was looking for. The man
walked up on the porch and knocked on the door, he looked around him and for a moment,
Jasper wondered if he knew he was being watched. He studied his emotions. The man did
seem to be more anxious than before.

"Mr. Whitlock, Alice Cullen has sent me to check on you. Your family is worried about you." The
man said.

Jasper was shocked. The man knew his name. Who would know where he was? Who would
care? And who the hell was Alice Cullen? Jasper stood there in indecision. Part of him
screamed at him to leave, his solitude was clearly gone. The man had known exactly where he
was and who he was. The other part of him wanted to know how the man knew. He doubted
Maria would search for him and if she did she wouldn't send a human to find him. Peter?

Curiosity won out and he stepped out of the shadows. He kept his hood up and his head down,
hiding his face. The man turned to him instantly. Jasper studied him, he was younger than he
had thought. He was tall with dark brown hair. He was clean shaven and his brown eyes were
clear and full of his own curiosity.

"Mr. Whitlock? Jasper Whitlock?" The man stepped forward and Jasper stepped back a little.

The man stopped and ran a hand through his hair. Jasper knew he was thinking of ways to
handle the situation. Finally he smiled and began to speak.

"My name is Charles Swan, you can call me Charlie." He said with a smile. He held out his hand
for a handshake and Jasper was sorely tempted to shake it. The man was just so enthusiastic
and friendly it was almost infectious.

Charlie dropped his hand and his smile. He cleared his throat and tried again. "Your girlfriend
called..." He trailed off and let out a big breath of air. "Listen Mr. Whitlock I can't pretend to
know what you are going through, but I would like to help." Charlie said.

"Why?" Jasper croaked. He felt Charlie's genuineness even though he was sure the man didn't
know what Jasper needed help with. He meant what he said, but why would he want to help a
stranger that he didn't know.

Charlie kind of chuckled and looked a little embarrassed. He ran a hand to the back of his neck.
"It's my job..." Charlie stopped obviously he had meant something more. "It's more than that.
It's my life, what I want to do with my life. This is my town, my friends, my family. I love it and
want to serve and protect not only the place but the people who live here and you Mr. Whitlock
live here. " Charlie said with feeling.

Jasper read all his emotions during his speech and was awed by the young man who stood
before him. He honestly liked him.

"I don't know any Alice Cullen. I have been living out here alone for years." Jasper told him his
voice raspy.

Charlie frowned. He was disappointed but Jasper didn't really know why. He heard him mutter
"Chief Robbins was right she was a wacko." Jasper actually smiled for the first time in a long

"Well I'm sorry to have bothered you Mr. Whitlock." Charlie said and started to turn around.

"You can call me Jasper." He said and held out his hand.

Charlie's warm smile returned and he shook his hand vigorously.

"Well I'm glad to meet you Jasper." Charlie said as he let go of his hand. "I'll see you around."
He said as he turned to leave.

Jasper didn't want him to go. He had talked to no one in so long and this young man was so
warm and full of like, so idealistic. He wanted to be his friend.

"Maybe...maybe you could come by again sometime." Jasper said. His eye widened under his
hood what the hell was he thinking? He felt Charlie's happiness and it calmed his panic.

"I would really like that Jasper." He said and turned to leave again giving him a last friendly
wave. Jasper watched him leave, he put a hand to his face feeling the scars there and
wondered if he had made a huge mistake.

Author's note: Thank you everyone who has read, favorite, reviewed, followed this story. My
updates wont be as regular as I normally like. My life is busy right now but I just couldn't stay
away from writing. As you can see it will be a bit before Bella enters the picture. She will
appear though.
Chapter 3
I don't own twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 3

Jasper felt Charlie coming and smiled. Charlie had been visiting him once a week for six months
now and Jasper was glad that he had taken a chance and talked to him. He was filled with such
happy emotions that it soothed Jasper's own darker ones.

Jasper's smile widened, Charlie seemed even happier than normal today. He pulled his hood
over his head and walked forward to meet him.

"Jasper!" Charlie called waving a hand in the air as he saw him. Jasper half heartedly waved
back but inside he rejoiced at the joy he felt coming from Charlie.

"I was going to wait to tell you but I just can't hold it any more." Charlie said handing something
to Jasper.

Jasper took the item and looked at it a little confused. "A cigar?" He asked.

"I'm going to be a father!" Charlie declared happily.

Jasper didn't know what to say. He was happy for Charlie but he had doubts about Renee.
Charlie had told him what a free spirit she was and how she dreamed of traveling the world. It
was part of the reason Charlie loved her so much. Renee was just eighteen, Jasper wasn't sure
that she would take the news as well.

Charlie clapped him on the back. "Come on let's grab the poles. I need you to help me figure
out how to propose to her." He said smiling widely.

Jasper followed him and they each grabbed a pole. Charlie put his pole under his arm and
fumbled in his pockets for a minute before drawing out a ring box. He opened it nervously and
showed Jasper an engagement ring. It wasn't big but Jasper knew it was probably more than
Charlie could afford.

"Do you think she'll like it?" Charlie asked nervously.

Jasper put the cigar in his pocket and reached for the ring. He made a show of studying it while
he thought of what to say. "I think she will, but are you sure she will want to get married?"
Jasper asked cautiously.

Charlie brought the ring back and shut the box, putting it back in his pocket. "Of course she will!
We're going to have a baby!" Charlie declared.

Jasper began walking again and Charlie followed his good mood starting to fade and doubt
creeping in. Jasper hated that but he was worried for his friend. He had heard him talk so much
about Renee with obvious love that he had gone to see her, in secret of course. She was
definitely beautiful and from what he could read kind, but she was also discontented and a little
selfish. He supposed it was just her age and in time she would mature. She was at the age to
rebel and she clearly wanted to leave this town. The problem was that Charlie loved it here.

He looked over at his friend who was smiling and staring off into the distance. "So maybe you
could take her to Seattle, to a fancy restaurant. Do the whole getting down on one knee
thing..." Jasper trailed off wondering if Charlie was even listening.

"That's perfect!" Charlie exclaimed.

Jasper smiled at his enthusiasm. "Maybe for your honeymoon, you could take her some place
exotic. Maybe Jamaica?"

"Renee in a bikini..." Charlie said dreamily then blushed when he realized he said that out loud.
Jasper chuckled and they sat down next to the stream they regularly fished at. They never
actually caught anything, Jasper really didn't think the stream was big enough for fish but it was
an excuse to sit and talk and he loved it.

Charlie frowned after a moment. "Renee might be too pregnant to want to lay around in a bikini.
Is it even safe to fly when you are pregnant?" Charlie said beginning to worry.

Jasper honestly didn't know so he thought of an alternative. "Well maybe you could go to
Vancouver, Canada? You said she wants to travel."

A cloud passed over Charlie's face. "Do you think I can make her happy?" He asked softly.

"Yes, Charlie." Jasper told him honestly. Charlie could make anyone happy.

"I want you to see her Jasper! She's the most beautiful baby ever. Her eyes are so expressive
and she is so smart. I swear she is going to be the first woman president!" Charlie told him
while he sat on Jasper's porch. They had given up the pretense of fishing three months ago and
now would sit on the porch and watch the forest.

"She smiles at me and is babbling, she said mama very clearly and I swear she said dada but
Renee told me I was imagining it." Charlie said still smiling.

Jasper just grinned he loved to just listen to Charlie describing his happiness. His feelings
overwhelmed him and chased out the guilt and loneliness that Jasper felt when he wasn't there.

"Renee insists we call her by her full name but I think Isabella is too long. She's my Bella."
Charlie said with a dreamy grin. He looked over at Jasper and his face became serious.

"I'd like you to meet her. Renee said you can come for dinner Saturday." Charlie told him.

Immediately Jasper tensed up, he couldn't go to his house. Renee might want to see his
face...then Charlie would see him as a monster. "I can't." Jasper said quietly.

Charlie studied him for a couple of minutes before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a
picture. He passed it over to Jasper. Jasper looked at the tiny baby and smiled, Charlie was
right she was beautiful. He told Charlie so.

"I know." Charlie said with pride taking the picture back. He turned the conversation to work
and sports but didn't bring up the invitation again.

"Bella is five now and I've decided it's time to take Renee on a trip. I've saved enough money
that we can go to Paris, Spain, or maybe England. Anywhere she wants to go." Charlie said as
he looked up into the sky.

Jasper sat next to him on the porch and listened silently. Charlie wasn't his normal self, he was
tense, he had been for the last six months.

"She's unhappy Jasper...I was thinking maybe a vacation would help." Charlie said taking a sip
of his beer.

"There is a killer loose. Rachel was found beaten and stabbed in the forest yesterday. She was
just sixteen...her mother is distraught. Before that it was Michelle Jones, found in her car.
Things like this aren't supposed to happen here. I'm supposed to stop things like that from
happening it's my job!" Charlie said looking off into the distance.

Jasper knew it was more than just a job to him and he felt the guilt that Charlie felt.

"I can't leave while someone is preying on the women of this town but...I'm afraid I'm losing her
Jasper." Charlie whispered. Jasper felt his fear and guilt, had felt it for a while now but didn't
pry. Now he was cursing himself for not asking him what was wrong. Charlie had been a good
friend and Jasper needed to help him.

"I can help." He said quietly.

Charlie looked over at him studying him quietly. "What can you do?" Charlie asked skeptically.

"Take me to where you found Rachel." Jasper told him.

Charlie seemed to think it over, finally he shook his head. "I can't do that Jasper. I'm sorry but I
don't want you hurt by some psycho. Let us handle it, that's what we are paid for." Charlie said
with a strained smile.

"I'd better go. Renee wants to go out for dinner. Mrs. Raymond is coming over to watch Bella
tonight." Charlie stood up and headed down the trail. Jasper watched him go.

Jasper watched the little girl walking up her walkway. Charlie hadn't exaggerated Bella was a
beautiful little girl. She looked over to the trees he hid in and for a moment he feared she had
seen him but she quickly looked away and walked the rest of the way to her house.

Jasper turned away he had taken to watching over Bella since that talk he had with Charlie.
She was a lot like her father, her emotions were happy and positive. He felt drawn to her. It
disturbed Jasper that someone was killing people in this town. He had seen many atrocities, he
had committed some and been the victim of them but it shouldn't happen here. Not in Charlie's
town. He decided he wasn't going to let it happen. He was going to catch this killer.

He knew there was a chance Renee might convince Charlie to leave once this killer was caught.
He had been reading Renee and her restlessness was almost bubbling over. She would leave
soon and Charlie loved her enough to go with her. Jasper didn't want him to leave but he
wanted his friend happy.

He let his gift roam the town. Emotions washed over him, he tried to pick out anything that
might be suspicious but could find nothing. He walked the outskirts of the town, searching as he
had for the last month. Two more murders had been committed. Charlie said that they were
thinking of sending out the state police but Chief Robbins was trying to stop that.

Chief Robbins was a very stubborn man who didn't like anyone horning in on his territory.
Charlie didn't think he would be able to hold them off for much longer, though.

Jasper picked up Charlie's emotions, they were no longer filled with happiness and optimism.
Now he was filled with fear and determination. Jasper admired the man more and more every
day. His loyalty and his deep love for his family and community inspired him. Jasper followed
the police car. Maybe he could get some information by eavesdropping on them at the station.

Charlie parked his car and went inside. Jasper went to the other side of the building and
positioned himself under the window. A sudden spike of fear went through Charlie and Jasper
heard him shout. "Freeze!"

Jasper didn't even hesitate he jumped through the window and landed to the side of the Chief's
desk. It only took him a moment to assess the situation. Chief Robbins sat at his desk his head
laying on it blood pouring down his back, Jasper could hear no heartbeat from him. Charlie
stood with his gun drawn and pointed at a man who also had a gun drawn and had turned it on

Everything happened in a blur of speed. Charlie fired his gun at the criminal, who in turn fired at
Jasper. Charlie's shot went wide but the criminal's shot was sure. Jasper felt the impact of the
bullet as it bounced off him and embedded in the wall. He didn't give the man a second chance
to fire. He ran at inhuman speed and disarmed the man. He held his arms behind his back and
looked at Charlie.

Charlie was staring at him with his mouth open.

"Cuff him Charlie." Jasper said.

That woke him up and he pulled out his handcuffs. He secured the man then went to the phone.
Jasper left while his back was turned. He would have to face Charlie's questions but he didn't
want to be around when the state police showed up.

Jasper sat on the chair he had made and waited as Charlie approached. It had only taken him
a day to come up here. Jasper guessed it took him that long to get everything cleared up.

"His name was Richard Manns, he came here from Utah. Apparently he was wanted there for
murder. They suspect he targeted small towns in hopes of avoiding capture. Chief Robbins
stopped him because he had a parking light out. He gave the Chief lip and you know how bad
Chief Robbins temper was, he took him into the station and Richard panicked." Charlie told him
grimly. Jasper felt the grief in him. Chief Robbins had been his mentor.

Charlie sat down and stared into the woods. "What are you?" He asked.

Jasper debated on telling him, it could put him in danger but Charlie was the best friend he had
ever had. He wanted to talk to him.

"A vampire." Jasper said after some time.

He felt nothing from Charlie, no disbelief or acceptance just quiet. "It's daylight." Charlie said

"We don't hide from the sun because it hurts us, we hide because it reveals us." Jasper told

Charlie looked at him for the first time. Questions appeared in his eyes and Jasper could see
he wanted to believe him but he doubted. Jasper stood up and walked off the porch. He pulled
off a glove and rolled up his sleeve, thrusting his arm into the light. The sun glittered on his skin
and Charlie's eyes widened then narrowed as he studied Jasper's revealed skin. Jasper quickly
rolled down his sleeve, he knew Charlie saw the scars that deformed his skin. He pulled on his
glove and walked back to the porch, but Charlie stood up and stopped him.

"Let me see your face." Charlie said.

Jasper put a hand to his hood pulling it more over his face. He didn't want to feel the horror
come from his friend. Charlie said nothing he just stared at him steadily and waited.

Finally Jasper began to pull his hood back. He was terrified but he had taken a gamble with
Charlie before and it had paid off in a deep friendship, maybe this would work out. He closed
his eyes and pulled the hood back. He heard a small gasp and felt a slip of apprehension,
followed by pity then replaced by understanding.

"That's why you hide." Charlie whispered.

Jasper nodded. "I won't lie to you it is shocking but you are a good man. I know once people
got to know you they would accept you." Charlie told him.

"It's more than just the scars. I have a gift, I can read people's emotions. Everyone who looks
at me in horror...I feel it." Jasper turned his back on Charlie and took a deep unneeded breath.

"Look Charlie you don't really know me." Jasper turned back and looked at him with his one
eye. Charlie didn't flinch but held his gaze. "I am not a good man. I deserved this. That man we
caught, Richard, he killed five people here, maybe more else where? I killed hundreds. I
tortured people, I reveled in their pain and the sense of power it gave me. I deserve this!"
Jasper yelled the last.

Charlie said nothing as he studied him. Jasper sensed compassion from him, not pity. "You
have been a good friend to me all these years Jasper and I'm afraid I haven't returned the
favor. I have accepted your ear as I told you about my life. Now why don't you tell me about
yours?" Charlie asked him.

Jasper just stared at him for a moment, then he walked over and sat in his chair. Charlie sat
beside him and he began to talk. He told him everything, from his boyhood to this very moment
and Charlie listened attentively. When he was finished he felt like a weight had been lifted off
his shoulders. During his telling he had felt no disgust or dislike from Charlie only acceptance.

"You have had quite a life Jasper. You have done some awful things but I think...I think now you
have a second chance. You lost your heart when Maria changed you but now those scars have
taught you compassion and given you back your heart. What are you going to do with it?"
Charlie asked.

Jasper looked down. He hadn't really liked himself when he was with Maria, but he really didn't
like himself now either. He wasn't sure that Charlie was right, he hadn't done anything but hide
since he had been disfigured.

Charlie stood up. Jasper looked at him and realized that it was getting dark. He must have
talked for hours.

"I have to get home Jasper." Charlie said as he started to walk away he stopped suddenly and
turned back to Charlie. "This changes nothing you are still my best friend." Charlie said and then
continued on his way.
Chapter 4
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 4

"Please..." Charlie whispered as he watched his wife packing her suitcase.

"I'm sorry Charlie but I just can't stay here any longer. I'm dying here." Renee said not looking
at him.

"I've saved money Renee, we'll take a long trip. We can go to Spain, France,
England...wherever you want." Charlie told her. He was begging he knew but she was cutting
out his heart.

"It's not enough Charlie. We would still come back here and I just can't live in this town any
longer." Renee told him throwing some more clothes in the suitcase, not bothering to fold them.

He couldn't let her leave. "I'll leave with you...we can go wherever you want. Live wherever you
want." Charlie whispered. It would hurt him to leave his beloved town but he would do it. He
loved her and Bella more than his life here, more than his dreams. He couldn't be happy here
without them.

She turned to him and looked at him for the first time. Her eyes were wide with shock, but she
swallowed hard and shook her head no. "It's more than just the town Charlie. I want to be free.
We married so young...I had so many dreams..." She shook her head again and turned back to
her packing.

"I don't want to be forty and married to a small town cop. I want to be free and explore the
world. I want to do new things. Meet new people." Renee shut her suitcase hard.

Charlie heard her words. It wasn't just that she wanted to leave this town, she wanted to leave
him. He became angry for the first time, what would she do with Bella while she was

"You're not taking Bella." He growled at her.

Renee looked up at him shocked. "I am Charlie." She told him her eyes narrowing.

"I'll fight you." Charlie said becoming determined.

Renee stood up and stared at him hard. "You will lose. No judge is going to give you custody
over me."

"We'll see." Charlie said his lips firming with resolve.

"Then we will drag each other through the mud with Bella in the middle. Is that what you want
Charlie? You know she would rather be with me. Or maybe you think we should ask her and
make her pick one of us?" Renee asked.

Charlie closed his eyes, hurt at the truth of her words. Bella did gravitate more towards Renee.
She was bright, energetic, charismatic, everything Charlie was not. He didn't want to hurt Bella
by dragging her through court battles and making her choose one parent over the other.

"She can stay with you in the summers Charlie." Renee said quietly.

Charlie lowered his head in defeat. He didn't say anything or turn as she left their bedroom. He
heard them moving around upstairs in Bella's room. He heard their quiet chatter, but his mind
didn't register what they were saying. He heard them approach his door and put a smile on his
face with great difficulty.

"Go hug daddy, Bella." Renee told her.

Bella hesitated looking at her mother in question. "Where are we going?" She asked.

"On a grand adventure." Renee told her with a smile.

"Where is daddy's suitcase?" Bella asked.

Charlie cleared his throat. He looked at his daughter and smiled with all the love he felt. "I have
to work Bells but you will come see me soon." He told her softly.

Bella smiled and ran to him. She hugged him and Charlie held her as long as he dared. He
didn't want to upset her by holding her too long but it was hard letting her go. Bella laughed and
ran back to her mother with a shy wave to him. Charlie returned the wave then turned to

"Call me when you get where you're going so I know you are okay." He said quietly.

Renee gave him a bittersweet smile and ushered Bella out the door. Charlie stood there still
hoping that she would change her mind, until he heard the car start up and drive away. He sank
to the ground and pulled his knees to his chest and put his head in his hands as grief
overwhelmed him.

Charlie was two days late. In all the time Jasper had known him he was never late. He saw him
every Friday. It was now Sunday and Jasper was worried. He paced back and forth in his
cabin. He needed to go check on him but he was loathe to go so close to town.

Jasper growled and put on his jacket, making sure to cover his face . He made his way to town
quickly and carefully. It was late so there wasn't a lot of people to avoid. He felt almost
overwhelming despair as he approached Charlie's house and picked up his pace. He didn't
bother to knock before entering. He could tell Charlie was the only one there. He found him in
his bedroom on the floor curled up in the fetal position.

Jasper fought the sadness that threatened to swallow him. He pushed calm to Charlie, trying to
give him some peace. It was difficult to concentrate but he felt Charlie's emotions start to
lighten and he looked up at Jasper for the first time.

"Jasper..." He whispered in a raspy voice.

"What happened Charlie?" Jasper asked.

"She left me...she took Bella with her.." Charlie murmured and lowered his eyes.

Jasper clenched his fists. He suspected Renee would some day leave but he had hoped she
wouldn't. Charlie was such a good man he deserved better than Renee but Jasper knew
Charlie wouldn't see it that way. Charlie thought Renee was better than he was. He had told
him often that she was too good for him.

Jasper gripped Charlie's shoulder and helped him sit up. "Charlie I need your help. The Wallis
kid is spray painting the school again. If I try to stop him I will scare him to death."

He felt a glimmer in Charlie's emotions, a sense of duty fighting through the darkness. He
helped the spark along. "When I ran by the Rollins house I heard a party going on. I'm sure you
told me last week that Mr. and Mrs. Rollins were going out of town. Do they have kids?" Jasper
knew they did but he was trying to get Charlie to interact with him.

"Yes, LeeAnn has been a little rebellious lately, she's going through that awkward stage. She's
probably trying to fit in with the popular crowd. I better break it up before she gets herself in
too much hot water. Maybe you should go scare Ronald. I've already caught him two times and
he is still vandalizing. A good scare might do the trick." Charlie said getting up slowly. He looked
down at his clothes and frowned.

"I should probably change." Charlie said.

"Go ahead, I will wait for you." Jasper told him and turned to leave.

He made his way to the kitchen and started to make a sandwich. He was sure Charlie hadn't
eaten in awhile. He started some coffee and had just finished it when Charlie showed up at the
door. He handed him the sandwich first. Charlie started to shake his head but Jasper increase
his hunger to the point that Charlie couldn't resist. He ate the sandwich as they walked out the
door. Jasper passed him his cup of coffee as he entered his car and nodded at him as he took
off down the driveway.

"She's coming tomorrow." Charlie said with the first genuine smile Jasper had see in months. It
had been an uphill battle but Charlie was beginning to climb out of his depression. The fact that
Bella was coming for the summer helped a lot.

Jasper had stuck close to him those first weeks after Renee and Bella had left. He even stayed
at his house at first, he had been afraid to leave him. He had used his empathy almost
constantly trying to help his friend. He made sure he ate, slept, made it to work. Slowly his job
and his love for his town had begun to heal him. Jasper helped him more often and he had
come to understand a little of Charlie's love for the place. Helping people filled a hole in Jasper
and helped chase away his own darkness.

Charlie wouldn't talk about his pain but instead focused on Jaspers. He was concerned that
Jasper couldn't sleep. He said it wasn't right that Jasper had no break from his constant
thoughts. He searched for a way to give Jasper peace and finally suggested that Jasper try
meditation. Charlie claimed it wasn't for him but might help Jasper rest his mind. It was a god
send. Jasper was able to escape his guilt and insecurity for those hours he meditated. It also
seemed to give him more control over his gift.

Charlie would ask him questions about his past life. Jasper answered all of it knowing that
Charlie found peace in helping others. He began to heal too as Charlie accepted him. Some of
his suggestions helped him, others didn't work out but it was nice having someone genuinely
care about him. It was nice to have a friend that he genuinely cared about.

Charlie didn't talk as much as he used to, for that matter he hardly talked at all any more. His
emotions that had once been so positive now were dark. It was nice to see a little joy in that

"There was a group of rowdy fisherman camping south of your cabin. I'm a little concerned that
they may cause trouble. Can you keep an eye on them?" Charlie asked. "I don't want my first
day with Bella interrupted by drunk fisherman."

"Of course." Jasper answered with a smile. He actually liked helping him.

"Are you sure you won't come over and meet my daughter?" Charlie asked.

Jasper's smile disappeared. "I don't want to scare her off." He told Charlie only half joking.

Charlie nodded and stood. Jasper stopped him. He held out some money for him. Charlie
scowled and shook his head angrily. "No Jasper I'm not taking your money."

"I didn't steal it Charlie. I worked a short security job last month." Jasper told him. He knew
Charlie wouldn't think he stole it but he was hoping that if he acted offended Charlie would take
the money. He knew Charlie sent every dime that wasn't needed for his mortgage and food to
Renee. The woman was awful with money and was constantly calling Charlie with some
emergency that amounted to her forgetting a bill and buying some unneeded item. Charlie never
told him that but Jasper could hear both sides of the conversation when she called.

Charlie still wasn't taking the money. "Look Charlie, I know you want to spoil Bella while she is
here. Take the money." Jasper told him.

"No amount of spoiling is going to make her happy to be with me Jasper." Charlie said frowning.

Jasper could have kicked himself. Renee had made a point of telling Charlie how unhappy Bella
was to have to come to Forks for the summer. Charlie had nearly caved and told her she didn't
have to come but Jasper had talked him out of it.

"Maybe not but I'm sure she doesn't want to live on peanut butter and jelly and I know you still
can't cook." Jasper told him.
Charlie actually chuckled and ended up taking the money. "I'm paying you back." He said then
turned away.

"So LeeAnn and Ronald are actually getting married?" Jasper asked again.

Charlie chuckled but Jasper could feel no real joy in his laughter.

"What's wrong Charlie?" Jasper asked.

Charlie looked down, his mood darkened. He was doing so much better lately. He never went
back to the same Charlie, Jasper had met all those years ago but in twelve years he had
settled into his life and his job as chief of police. He wasn't talkative and he rarely shared his
thoughts with anyone. He probably only really talked to Jasper. He went fishing with some
friends from the reservation but Jasper knew they only talked about fish.

Sometimes it angered Jasper to the point of wanting to hurt Renee but he knew that Charlie
wouldn't want that and he didn't want to be that person anymore.

"Bella has decided that now she is twelve she is not coming to Forks for the summer anymore.
Renee suggested that I take her to California but I don't know where I would get the money to
do that." Charlie told him.

Jasper clenched his fists as anger nearly overwhelmed him. He knew Charlie lived for his
summers with his daughter. Jasper had seen her from a distance but still hadn't met her. She
was a pretty little girl with brown hair and brown eyes. Her emotions felt a lot like Charlie's. She
seemed mature for her age and Jasper wouldn't have guessed that she would hurt her father
like this. Maybe he had been wrong about her, maybe Renee influenced her more than he

"Don't worry about it Charlie. I'll loan you the money. I have some stashed." Jasper told him. He
did odd jobs here and there. He didn't really need money, the only thing he ever bought was
clothes. He liked to have extra though because Charlie still gave most of his money to Renee
and their had been times where the man needed it. Charlie always paid him back, he knew he
didn't have to but it was a matter of honor to him.

Charlie let out a breath of relief. "Thanks Jasper I'll pay you back."

"I know you will." Jasper answered.

"I'm going to talk to Billy this weekend about buying that old truck of his." Charlie told Jasper as
they sat on his porch.

"Why do you need that? I thought you were allowed to drive the police car anywhere you
needed?" Jasper asked him.

Charlie grinned widely. "Bella is coming to live with me." He answered.

Jasper turned to him in shock. Bella had made it clear she hated Forks why would she come
here to live?

"Renee is marrying some baseball player and Bella decided she would give the newlyweds
time." Charlie answered his smile only faltering a little. Jasper knew that Charlie's love for
Renee had died long ago but it had to hurt that Bella was only coming to live with him for
Renee's sake.

Jasper shook his head. "That doesn't explain the truck." He told him.

"I'm getting it for Bella." Charlie said smiling widely.

Jasper turned away for a moment trying to get his anger under control. Charlie couldn't afford
the truck...but with Renee marrying again and Bella living with him maybe he wouldn't have her
draining his money dry. Still buying Bella a truck because she didn't like riding in the police car...

"Stop Jasper, It's a privilege I didn't think I would get. I'm buying her, her first car and she is
going to live with me for a couple of years. I never thought this would happen and I'm happy
regardless of the reasons." Charlie said happily.

Jasper studied Charlie again. He was happy. Happier than Jasper had seen him since Renee
had left him. Jasper returned his smile.

"I just hope I can make her happy, I'm not exactly Renee." Charlie said his smile fading a bit.

'You're better than Renee' Jasper thought but didn't say it out loud.

"So when is she coming?" Jasper asked knowing that trying to reassure the man would get him
no where.

"Next week!" Charlie said smiling again.

Author's note: Okay just to let you know Jasper is not going to like Bella at first. He is
Charlie's friend and feels she doesn't treat him right...honestly I felt that way when I read the
books. Don't worry though, while this well not be an immediate we are mates story they will
have a strong love. As far as the wolves go...They haven't started phasing with just Jasper
there because it is not enough of a threat. They won't start till the Cullens appear.
Chapter 5
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 5

Jasper looked around the forest cautiously. He felt emotions...anger, bitterness, determination.
They were stronger then any animal felt but they felt almost beastlike. He tried to smell the air
but the creature was smart, it hid downwind from him.

Instinct saved his life and he ducked right as a massive wolf leaped over him. A second later
and it's jaws would have been in his throat. Jasper studied the creature from beneath his hood.
It was what was emanating the emotions he felt...not an animal. Animals felt fear, loyalty and
affection but never in the depth that a human could. This being felt deeply.

They circled each other. The wolf growling deep in it's throat and studying him with intelligence.
Jasper stood ready not wanting to actually hurt the wolf but knowing that it meant to kill him.

Finally the wolf made it's move and charged Jasper. With speed and reflexes honed in
countless battles Jasper moved to the side and threw his arm around the wolves neck.
Capturing it in a choke hold and keeping it's deadly jaws from his flesh, Jasper held on tightly
while the wolf thrashed and struggled. He tightened his grip but kept enough space to allow the
wolf air. They stayed like that for what seemed hours before the wolf began to quiet.

"Now show me what you really are." Jasper said confident that the wolf he saw was not all to
this creature. The body he held suddenly disappeared and a naked, native American man fell
from his hold.

Jasper studied him closely. The man was afraid but his anger overshadowed it and Jasper was
confident he wouldn't run. Attacking him though...he decided to be on his guard.

He sent out a wave of trust. "My name is Jasper Whitlock." He said quietly standing still ready
for the man to change and attack him again.

"You're in violation of the treaty." The man spit out while glaring at him.

"What treaty?" Jasper asked.

The man's eyes narrowed. "You are on our land, you passed the treaty line a mile back."

"I didn't realize. If you will show me the line then I will leave and not make this error again." He
really didn't understand, he had hunted in these woods before and never been stopped.

"Why are you here? To spy on us?" The man growled.

Jasper ignored the antagonism and answered politely. This man was hurting deep inside, why
Jasper was unsure, but he had no wish to make it worse. "I was hunting." He said honestly.
"Let me see your eyes." The man demanded.

For the first time Jasper flinched. He didn't want this man to see his face. It had been a long
time since he had felt horror from another person at the sight of him and he had no wish to feel
it again. Jasper took a step back.

The man began to growl and shake. Jasper knew that any moment he would attack again. He
readied himself for the attack but the hurt below the anger nagged at him and quickly before he
could think too much about it he lowered his hood.

He heard a gasp and felt the man's dismay. He started to pull the hood on and turn away. He
meant to reassure him he would stay away from this area but the man's hurt burst through his
anger and Jasper turned around to face him.

A tear ran down the man's face and Jasper couldn't leave.

"My name is Sam Uley." He said in a whisper as he sat down on a log. Jasper sat in front of
him, trying to show trust but prepared if the man's anger resurfaced and he attacked.

"Your scars..." The man asked.

Jasper shook his head unwilling to talk about it with him. Only Charlie knew his story, he only
trusted Charlie with it.

"You are a vampire." Sam said as a matter of fact.

Jasper said nothing, knowing it wasn't a question.

"Are you a part of the Cullens coven?" Sam asked.

Jasper had heard a little about the Cullens from Charlie. The father Carlisle was a doctor, he
had four adopted children all in their teens. Charlie had told him that Billy didn't like him. He said
they had a superstitious hate for them.

"I have never met them." Jasper told him. Sam wasn't meeting his eyes and Jasper guessed his
face disturbed him. He pulled up his hood.

"I am sorry..." Sam murmured. Jasper shook off the apology, it was unneeded, he knew his
scars were unnerving.

"The Cullens are vampires who made a treaty with my people many years ago." Sam paused
studying Jasper. "In my tribe there are some who can shift into wolves to protect our people
from vampires. There were no vampires around for a long time so there was no need. Now with
the return of the Cullens...I changed." Sam told him.

"I have been here for a very long time." Jasper told him.

Sam studied him lost in thought. "I believe that one vampire may have not been enough of a
threat but now there are seven. I fear more people in my tribe will change." Sam told him, his
anger resurfacing.

"Why did my scars effect you?" Jasper asked trying to change the subject as he felt the man's
anger rise.

Guilt surged in the man. "I was a happy man. Dating a beautiful girl before I first shifted. I was
scared when I changed and stayed away from her as much as I could but...I wanted comfort."
Sam hung his head in shame at his weakness.

"I went to her house but instead of finding Leah I found her cousin. Something strange
happened I felt as if my world shifted and she was the only thing that mattered to me. At first it
was wonderful but then...the reality of what I was...who I was attached guilt and anger
over the whole situation." Sam clenched his fists tightly.

"I shifted in front of her and...I scarred her face." Sam buried his head in his hands and wept.

Jasper said nothing, he didn't try to lighten his pain. He had a feeling that Sam was not the type
to show his emotions so freely and this outlet would do him good, Jasper wouldn't stop it.

"She has to pay for my loss of control. Every time we go out and someone whispers and points
at her it kills me. She's so beautiful and I hurt her in such a way that she continues to be hurt
every day." Sam whispered.

Jasper didn't know what to say. He wished he could offer him some comfort but the truth was
he was still dealing with his scars and didn't know any words to help. Then he thought of
Charlie's acceptance and how he was free to leave his hood down around him. He cleared his

"Your acceptance helps." Jasper told him quietly.

Sam stood up nodding. "You are not part of the Cullens...and I think a good man. You may
come on our lands but stay away from our people and do not hunt humans or I will hunt you
down." He said with authority.

Jasper really had easily adapted to his animal diet and had no problem with his stipulations so
he nodded.

Sam turned to leave but stopped and hesitated. Jasper waited for him patiently.

"Could Emily meet you?" He asked.

Jasper was taken aback. He wasn't sure he wanted to meet her. He didn't want to be the
poster boy for living with deformity. Still he couldn't deny Sam's heartfelt plea or the off chance
that he may be able to help the pair. He nodded his head and gave a gruff yes.

Sam smiled at him. "We can meet here tomorrow around this time."

Jasper sat on his porch watching the sun filter through the trees. Charlie was due in another
hour but for now he was enjoying this time with his thoughts. The last few months had been
different for him.

Charlie's daughter was here so Charlie was spending more time at home. Charlie had told him
that things weren't going as he had hoped. He had trouble relating to his daughter. He was
happy to have her with him and loved her dearly but he couldn't express it and he felt
inadequate. On top of that Bella felt the need to cook and clean for him. It made Charlie feel
uncomfortable but he took it as her way of showing her love for him and allowed her to do it.
Charlie told him that Bella was a lot like him, both tended to be quiet and keep their emotions
on the inside.

He had told Charlie all about his meeting with Sam. Charlie had been shocked, not only about
the fact that there were shape shifters in La Push but also that the Cullens were vampires. He
had taken the news in his typical fashion and accepted it, not letting it color his view of the
people involved. He still thought of Billy as his friend in spite of his keeping secrets and the
Cullens as good people.

Jasper smiled thinking about Sam and Emily. He had met Emily as promised. She was quite a
woman. She accepted her scars far better than Sam did. Far better than Jasper did. Her love
and serenity was something Jasper liked to be around. She was a perfect buffer for Sam's
volatile emotions. They had become fast friends and helped fill in the gaps that Charlie having
his daughter with him left in Jasper's life.

His circle of friends had grown from one to three and Jasper liked it, but he didn't think he
wanted to let more in. He was content where things were.

"Hey Jasper." Charlie called as he approached the porch. Jasper looked up and looked directly
into Charlie's eyes. His hood was down, but Charlie didn't so much as flinch. Jasper smiled

Charlie took a seat beside him. His emotions were friendly but Jasper could pick out some
worry in there. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Charlie chuckled. "I'm sorry Jasper I wanted to visit a while before dumping my problem on
you. Should have known better."

Jasper just waited his smile still firmly in place.

"It's Bella. She's seeing Edward Cullen and starting to spend time at their house. Now you
know I don't think worse of the boy for being a vampire but I remember your stories. Not all
vampires are good. I have never seen any signs of danger from the Cullens. No missing people
or mysterious bodies but I am worried. Could you check them out? Maybe get a feel for the
emotions, tell me what their intentions are?" Charlie asked.

Jasper frowned. Bella had been home for only a few months and she already had a boyfriend
and was probably spending more time with him than with Charlie. After all Charlie had
sacrificed for her, all the pain he endured she owed him more than a few months.
Charlie shifted uncomfortably. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked. I shouldn't be spying on Bella's
boyfriend. I'm being an overprotective father aren't I?" Charlie asked with a little chuckle.

"No you are right to worry. Very few vampires are safe to be around. I will check it out." Jasper
told him before staring off into the trees.

"You're wrong you know." Charlie said quietly. Jasper looked over at him with questions in his

"She has every right to seek company with people a little more her..." Charlie paused and
couldn't seem to find the words but Jasper felt his deep insecurity and growled a little. "Look
she was miserable. She loved her mother and made a sacrifice for her. I tried but I just couldn't
give her what she needed. I am glad she is able for find it. I want her to be happy Jasper. She
is a wonderful, caring girl and I want the world for her." Charlie told him pride evident not only in
his words but also in his emotions. Jasper kept his thoughts to himself and tried to change the

"So Sam said Billy was bragging about catching the biggest fish on Saturday." Jasper said with
a smile.

"It was my fish, Billy moved his line in front of mine to get it." Charlie said a little disgruntled.

Jasper laughed at that. It was a silly excuse and they both knew it. They talked for a couple
more hours then Charlie left with Jasper's promise to check on the Cullens.

Jasper sat in a tall tree outside the Cullen's house. It was after midnight and inside the
vampires were all engaged in differing activities. A woman who he identified as Rosalie, after
hearing the big man call her several times, was pacing by the couch where said man played a
video game. She was annoyed with him. Jasper guessed she wanted him to spend time with
her instead of the game. She seemed agitated and unhappy. There was deep hurt in her but a
deeper love for the man on the couch.

The man on the couch seemed almost childlike with his happy, open emotions. He loved the
blonde woman as deeply as she loved him. There was no anger or hurt in him just a happy
acceptance of life.

In a room upstairs a man sat at a desk. His features were almost angelic, his emotions nearly
matched it. Jasper sensed a great compassion in him and a deep need that he soon identified
as a need to help people as he listened to him talk to the pretty brunette who entered the room.
He was discussing a case from the hospital that was troubling him.

Mrs. Clark had cancer. Jasper knew of this from Charlie and they both worried over the
children she would leave behind when she died. Her husband had died in logging accident last
year and she struggled to raise their three children alone. Both Charlie and Jasper helped by
giving her food anonymously. Charlie took the boys to little league practice a couple of times.
Neither knew what they would do to help the boys when she died.
Carlisle was talking with the brunette, who he soon found out was named Esme, about sending
them to California for an experimental treatment that may heal her. They were working out the
logistics and had come to the conclusion they would call Mrs. Clark's mother and pay for her to
go with the family to help look after the boys while Mrs. Clark was treated.

Jasper decided there was nothing to worry about with these people but he had yet to see the
other two. He had caught a little of Rosalie's conversation with Emmett, he heard her finally say
his name in annoyance a half an hour ago. From that he gathered the other two were hunting
and would be back in time for school in the morning. Jasper frowned. He got their names but
nothing else. Edward and Alice. Not much to go on. Edward had to be the one Bella was dating
and the one he really needed to check on.

After a lot of thought Jasper decided to stake out the school. He really wanted to catch Edward
with Bella that would give him a better indication of his intentions for her than if he saw him
separately. He went to the school and found a position that allowed him to look into the lunch
room without being seen and sat to wait.

He meditated lightly while he waited. It helped kill the time and rested his mind. He was still
aware enough of the outside world to notice the kids arriving by bus and car. He heard Bella's
old truck and opened his eye to see her.

He was shocked by his first sight of her. The pretty little girl had turned into a very beautiful
young woman. Her brown hair had hints of red in the faint light that the clouds hid. Her brown
eyes were big and expressive and her figure was petite and perfect. Jasper shook his head at
the instant attraction that hit him. It was wrong she was Charlie's daughter and even if she
wasn't who would want a scarred man such as him.

He shook himself and watched as a tall bronze haired boy approached her with a petite dark
haired girl at his side. The boy was annoyed as he spoke to her.

"I don't know why you don't let me drive you to school. That thing isn't safe." He told her.

Jasper nearly growled at Edward's words about the truck that Charlie had bought Bella. He
could barely afford it and it was something that Charlie was proud to be able to give her. Bella's
words surprised him.

"Don't talk about the beast like that. You know I love this truck." She told him.

Edward pulled her near him and apologized. He stiffened as she put her arm around his waist
and Jasper felt his blood lust rise. This time Jasper did growl.

The brunette, Alice spoke up. "We need to get to class." She said in an overly happy voice.
Something about her was familiar but at the moment Jasper couldn't pinpoint what it was and
she had her back to him.

"Alice there is someone out there..." Edward said ignoring her and searching the area.

"Edward you are probably just hearing one of the students thoughts. Probably someone
skipping class." Alice told him. Bella looked unsure and a little nervous but she looked up at
Edward with adoration.

"No the thoughts were darker. He was deciding whether he would attack me to keep me away
from Bella." Edward said.

"Well then we should get Bella inside." Alice said and ushered the pair inside.

Jasper had heard enough. Edward was a mind reader and a threat to Bella. He didn't want to
tell Charlie. Charlie would try to keep her away from him and destroy his relationship with his
daughter. He easily read Bella's infatuation with Edward. No, Jasper would just have to keep an
eye on them.
Chapter 6
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 6

Jasper sat outside Charlie's house. He knew Edward would be dropping Bella off soon. Edward
would leave then come back to watch Bella as she slept. Bella would talk in her sleep and the
mind reader would sit and listen to her. He imagined the boy hoped to gain an insight to her
thoughts since he could not read them.

He felt their emotions approaching and quickly subdued his thoughts. He had learned a couple
of things during his vigil. His range was greater than Edwards and he could tame his thoughts to
the point that Edward could not read them even when he was close by.

He had gotten fairly close the other day, he had watched them as they sat in a meadow talking.
Bella had looked at the vampire worshipfully and he had soaked it up. Jasper couldn't quite
figure out if Edward truly liked her or if he just liked things about her. He knew Edward liked her
silent mind, he had overheard him talking to Carlisle about it and explaining how it made her a
mystery to him.

Edward also seemed to like her obvious adoration, Jasper could feel the pride coming off him in
waves whenever she turned her adoring looks on him. Lastly was the blood lust. Jasper had
found out that Bella was his singer. He wondered if Edward was confusing blood lust for
attraction. He could feel no sexual desire from the boy for her. He told Bella it wasn't safe for
him to kiss her or hold her. On that Jasper had to agree, the boy was holding on to his control
by a thread.

Jasper leaned back against a tree and thought back to the picture they presented in the
meadow. Bella had been so beautiful she made his heart ache. Edward had sparkled in the sun
and smiled knowing his own perfection was revealed to her. Bella had told him he dazzled her.
Jasper snorted, Bella was too insecure and didn't realize she herself was dazzling that day,
sitting among the flowers with a look of love on her face.

Jasper looked down his thoughts becoming melancholy. What he would give to have someone
look at him like that, to love him like that. He shook his head and shook off his thoughts. No
sense on dwelling on the impossible. Bella and Edward were pulling in the driveway.

Edward got out of the car and opened the door for Bella. He then walked her up to the porch.
Bella stopped him before he could leave and quickly kissed him. It was a quick inexperienced
kiss but it threw Edward off. He pulled back quickly, then pinched between his eyes.

"Bella..." He started to say in a soft warning voice.

Bella interrupted him. "Are you coming back later?" She asked in a whisper.

Edward sighed but Jasper couldn't hear his answer. From the resignation he felt coming from
him he assumed he had agreed.
Bella entered the house. "Hi Charlie." She called. The television was turned off and Jasper
heard Charlie rise.

"Bells..." He heard Charlie say but he said no more. Jasper could feel the discomfort coming
from both of them. They both seemed to want more but neither knew what to say. He tried to
think of a way to help when he heard Bella speak up.

"Well good night Charlie." She told him and he heard her footsteps going up the stairs. Charlie
stood where he was for a long time and Jasper could feel his frustration. Finally he turned out
the lights and went to bed.

An hour later Jasper heard Edward climbing in Bella's window. He felt his anger rise. It was
disrespectful for them to meet like this in Charlie's house.

"Edward..." Bella muttered sleepily. Jasper could hear the rustle of covers and imagined she
sat up. They were quiet for a long time. Jasper felt Bella's disquiet and Edward's longing. He
was struggling with his blood lust tonight. Jasper knew he had hunted three days ago, it
shouldn't be this bad yet.

"Edward couldn't we try..." Bella said shyly. Jasper felt her desire and knew what she wanted.
He didn't like this at all.

"Bella you know we can't." Edward answered her much to Jasper's relief.

"But how do you know, we never try. Just one real kiss..." Bella pleaded.

Jasper heard Edward approach her and then felt Bella's lust rise. Though he couldn't see it he
knew they were kissing. Bella was getting lost in the kiss but Edward was beginning to get lost
in his blood lust.

'Get away from her now!' Jasper thought loudly. He hoped it would be enough he didn't want to
scare Bella by rushing into her room and pulling the vampire off her or by knocking him out. He
sent out waves of fear to Edward and heard him jump back from Bella.

"I..I'm sorry." Bella gasped in embarrassment.

'Tell her it's not her fault and get the hell out of there!' Jasper demanded in his thoughts. He
sent out even more fear to get his point across.

"It's not your fault. I..I need to hunt." Edward said and jumped out the window.

Jasper watched him go. He looked up at Bella's window. She was feeling insecure and guilty.
He sent her waves of calm then waited as she fell asleep. He walked around her house insuring
that Edward did not come back. He decided to stay just in case and sat himself against a tree
and began to meditate.

"So where are we going?" Bella asked Edward excited. It was a family outing and they were
taking her. She loved their family and was glad they included her.
"Here go put this on." Alice said with a smile and handed her a pink and white baseball outfit.
She looked at the others and noticed that they were all wearing similar outfits. Even Emmett
was wearing the pink. Bella held back her amusement and took the outfit from Alice.

Normally she wouldn't be caught dead in pink. She had many arguments with Alice about it but
since everyone was wearing it she decided it wouldn't be bad this time. It made her feel good
to be included.

She changed quickly, not wanting to hold them up. If she were a vampire they wouldn't be
waiting on her. She hated that she was slower, uglier, less intelligent than them. She had begun
to talk to Edward about changing her. She knew she wanted to be with him forever. To be part
of the Cullen family forever. Edward balked though. He told her he couldn't curse her that way.
Bella looked in the mirror and frowned, maybe he just didn't want to be with her forever.

She shook off her thoughts and put on her ball cap as she headed down the stairs.

"Lookin good Bells!" Emmett called loudly.

Bella grinned he always made her feel good. Rosalie beside him snorted and turned away,
causing Bella to frown a bit.

"You look beautiful Bella." Edward said as he approached her. Bella wanted to believe him but
looking at his utter perfection it was hard.

"Let's get going the storm will be here soon." Alice said and Bella gave her a relieved smile.
She didn't like being the center of attention. She just wanted to sit in the background and watch
the people she loved. Bella got on Edward's back and closed her eyes tight. Edward chuckled
as he took off at full speed. She knew the other Cullens were running too but couldn't open her
eyes to see.

Finally they stopped and Edward let her down. She did her best not to collapse as her knees
were shaking badly. Finally she gave up and sat on the ground. She watched them for nearly an
hour. It was wonderful, they were so bright and shiny...dazzling. Even though the sun wasn't out
to show there sparkles they shone with a bright light to her. So beautiful and strong, perfect in
every way. How she wished to be like that...

Alice suddenly froze and Edward ran to her side. "How long?" He asked.

"There's no time..." Alice gasped.

Edward ran over and picked up Bella. He took her baseball cap and pulled it back on her head,
trying to tuck her hair into it. He was a little rough and Bella bit her lip to keep from crying out
when he tugged her hair a little hard. Finally he gave up in exasperation. He motioned to the
others and Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, Alice and Edward surrounded her. Carlisle stood a bit in
front of them.

Three people emerged from the woods and approached Carlisle. Bella was too frightened to
really hear what they were saying. The dark skinned man talked to Carlisle, the other two
stayed back. Bella stared at the female, she was fascinated by her flaming red hair.

Suddenly Edward growled and roughly pushed Bella behind him. Bella was drawn from her
thoughts and looked at the man Edward was growling out. He had blonde hair pulled back in a
pony tail and red eyes that identified him as a vampire who drinks from humans. Bella began to
shake with fear. It was a stand off, everyone seemed ready to attack and Bella prayed none of
the Cullens would be hurt.

Finally the blonde looked directly at her. "I'll be back for you." He said holding her eyes. Those
eyes...he looked at her with such hunger. She didn't even see his coven melt into the forest, she
was so frightened. Edward grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"Bella..." He called but she couldn't move if she did she knew she would fall apart. She didn't
know what was happening but she did know it was bad.

"Bella." Alice's high birdlike voice called and snapped her out of her daze.

"We will go to your house and get some clothes and leave a note for Charlie. Esme and Alice
will take you. I will lead James coven on a wild goose chase while you escape. Go see your
mother for a while till we take care of this." Edward told her.

Bella heard nothing but Charlie's name. Yes that's what she needed. She needed her father. He
would protect her. Bella let Alice and Esme carry her out of the woods and to their house. They
bundled her into the car without her saying a word.

She didn't even know when they arrived at her house she just let Alice lead her in the door.

"Bella go upstairs and gather some clothes." Alice told her.

"Shouldn't one of us go with her?" Esme asked.

"No, it will be okay. I will write a letter for Charlie while you keep a watch." Alice told her. Bella
didn't move still in a daze.

"Bella we need to hurry. Pack some clothes, while I leave a note for Charlie." Alice told her

Bella nodded and walked up the stairs. She got her duffle bag out and began to throw things in
when she felt a hand cover her mouth. She tried to scream but was unable to get a sound
through the large hand that covered her mouth. She fought uselessly against the arms that
surrounded her and hauled her against a masculine chest. She fought harder as she felt them
jump out her bedroom window and take off towards the woods.

This was it James had captured her and she was going to die. At least the Cullens wouldn't be
harmed trying to protect her. She let herself go limp in the man's arms. He ran for quite some
time. Bella tried to keep track of where they were going but it was impossible. He turned and
backtracked, circled around and even stopped from time to time. He had taken off her shoes
and socks. He left them in different places and she assumed he was trying to lead any
followers astray.
He had uncovered her mouth awhile ago but she knew it was useless to scream. He wouldn't
have let her go if he thought anyone would hear her. She had learned some things about her
captor. He was definitely a vampire but she now knew he wasn't James. He was much bigger
than James and she was sure if James had her he would be hurting her. This man seemed to
try his best to be gentle with her. He was actually better than Edward was. When he ran while
holding her he cushioned her more, keeping her from jarring, and his gait was smoother easing
her motion sickness. When he removed her socks and shoes he had been conscious of his
strength and took his time. She actually blushed at the feel of his fingers on the sole of her foot.
He only touched her by accident but it was enough to cause tingles to run up her legs. Edward
had been rather rough, even that night they had shared their kisses. Sure he had excited her
but it was more in spite of his rough touch than because of it.

Bella looked at the man closer. He wore a gray hoodie and had the hood pulled up and no
matter how she tried she couldn't catch a glimpse of his face. "Who are you?" She finally

He didn't answer her instead he asked her a question. "Why would you lead dangerous
vampires to your father's house?"

Bella was shocked. She hadn't even thought about that. She had only been thinking of the
safety her father offered not of the fact that she was putting him in danger. She felt ashamed
but a little angry at this man.

"Who are you?" This time she demanded her eyes flashing angrily. This seemed to make the
vampire angry but Bella didn't care. She wasn't afraid of him, deep inside she didn't think he
would hurt her.

The vampire growled. "You put yourself in danger by hanging around a vampire who your blood
sings for. Fine if that's what you want to do, but now you put not only yourself in danger but
your father in danger too and who were you thinking of Bella? Were you thinking about the
safety of your father or the safety of the Cullens?" He asked angrily.

Bella began to sputter, angrier than she had ever been. Who was he to question her like this?
She was about to reply when he pulled out a cell phone. She waited curiously while he dialed a

"Charlie." She heard him say. He knew her father?

"No. You need to meet us at the cabin. I'm taking Bella there now. I'm trying to mislead any
pursuers but I will be there in a half an hour." Jasper told him. He listened for a minute then
spoke again.

"I'll explain it all when we get there." He said finally then said his goodbyes.

"You know my father?" Bella asked in a whisper her anger gone.

The man looked at her. She couldn't see his eyes but she could feel them and she felt like she
was being judged.

"Since before you were born." He finally told her then motioned for her to rise. "We need to get
a move on. I need you to be quiet and do exactly as I say."

Bella nodded. She felt deep inside her that she could trust him, the fact that he knew her father
and seemed to have a good relationship with him only increased that feeling. He picked her up
and began to run again. The stress of the day faded for her. It shouldn't have and she couldn't
explain the calm that came over her but she accepted it and nestled into his arms falling into a
deep sleep.

She woke with a start when he stopped. She looked around as he set her on her feet. She was
in front of a quaint cabin. It wasn't large but it had a very nice porch. There were two chairs
there along with a small table. There were potters along the rails that held flowers. She was a
little surprised that flowers grew with such little light, but there they were. She was enchanted,
she instantly loved the place. He lead her up the stairs and stopped as the door to the cabin
opened and Charlie rushed out.

All the fear she had felt came back to her and with it relief at seeing her father. She rushed to
his arms and he quickly gathered her in holding her tight. He kissed her hair and rubbed her

"Shhh Bells everything is alright now. Jasper won't let anything happen to you." He told her.
Bella briefly noted that she finally knew the vampires name. She kind of liked it. 'Jasper' Yes
she liked it a lot.

"What's happening Jasper?" Charlie asked over her head.

"The Cullens decided to play baseball in the storm. They brought Bella along. They attracted
the attention of a coven of three. I believe they are the ones responsible for the recent deaths. I
would have actually already been tracking them but I was busy..." Jasper trailed off and Bella
wondered what he was busy with.

"Edward made a show of protecting Bella and the leader of the coven took it as a challenge.
From what I saw the Cullens aren't equipped to deal with them. They took Bella to your house
endangering you. That's why I called you to meet us here. I need you to stay here while I hunt
them down." Jasper told Charlie.

Charlie stood back a bit from Bella and looked her over. Satisfied he turned back to Jasper and
studied him. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Jasper's shoulders hunched. "I'm going to have to kill them. They won't stop till she's dead or
they are." He said quietly. Bella could hear the regret in his voice.

Charlie looked at Bella for a moment then kissed her cheek before walking past her and putting
a hand on Jasper's shoulder. "I know this isn't something you wanted to do. This isn't like when
you were in Maria's army. "
"These vampires aren't soldiers..." Jasper started to say but Charlie cut him off.

"No but they are threatening us and need to be dealt with. Is there another way to stop them?"
Charlie asked.

Jasper bowed his head then muttered no.

"Jasper you are not that man anymore. The fact that you feel guilt over this proves that. I know
you will do what's needed regardless of your feelings but I don't want you to torture yourself for
doing what needs to be done." Charlie told him.

Bella watched the two in shock. Charlie never talked so much or so easily and he seemed to
care about Jasper. Jasper seemed to respect him and listen to him.

"Charlie take Bella too the shelter if you hear someone and they don't give you the knock push
the button." Jasper told him then turned and ran into the woods.

Bella had learned a lot from their conversation. Jasper and Charlie were very good friends.
Charlie knew all about vampires, Jasper had once been something he wasn't proud of but
Charlie trusted him and seemed to admire him. Charlie was confident Jasper would take care
of the problem. Bella decided that she would trust her father and Jasper.

"Good luck." She whispered into the woods and turned to follow her father.
Chapter 7
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 7

"Where are we going Charlie?" Bella asked her mind was in a whirl thinking about all that had
been revealed and all she still didn't know.

"Jasper built a shelter for me when I found out he was a vampire." Charlie answered as he
reached down on the ground and pulled up a ring that Bella hadn't seen. He motioned for her to
climb down. Bella looked down the hole tentatively before grabbing hold of the ladder and
starting to climb down.

"Why?" She asked when they both reached the bottom.

Charlie didn't answer at first and set about lighting some lanterns that were hung on the walls.
Bella looked at the now revealed room, forgetting for a moment her question. There was a bit
of furniture, two chairs and a table with a checkers board on it. Built into the wall were
bookshelves lined with books. On a far wall were more shelves lined with various canned goods
and bottled water. There was a cot nestled in the back of the dim room.

Charlie motioned for Bella to sit and she did, looking at him expectantly.

"When I found out he was a vampire he built this shelter. It is well hidden and booby trapped.
We developed a signal knock so that I would know if it was him or someone else, if someone
tries to enter. He has explosives rigged to go off if I press that button on the wall. It would kill
anyone trying to get in while we remain safe in here." Charlie told her while setting up the board
for a game.

"I don't understand why though Charlie." Bella said before taking the first move. It had been a
long time since she played checkers with her dad.

"Do you know about the Volturi?" Charlie asked moving his own piece.

"The what?" Bella asked.

"It is a large coven of vampires that rule the vampire world. They have strict rules about
humans finding out about vampires." Charlie told her briefly.

That surprised Bella. Why hadn't Edward told her about this? Was she in danger too? "What
happens if the Volturi find that a human knows about vampires?" Bella asked.

"They are either killed or changed. More often killed." Charlie said looking at Bella with a frown.

Bella looked at him in shock. "What about the vampires that revealed themselves?" She asked
worried for the Cullens.
"From what Jasper said it depends on the kings mood. He said that Aro likes to collect gifted
vampires so gifted ones would most likely be recruited into the guard." Charlie said looking at
her with concern.

So Edward and Alice would be safe but what about Emmett, Rosalie, Carlisle and Esme?
"What about the ones without gifts?" Bella asked licking her suddenly dry lips.

Charlie sat back in his chair with a sigh. "It depends on Aro's mood. Jasper said he is not very
predictable, most likely they would be reprimanded."

Bella bit her lip, she didn't like the sound of this. Her knowing about the Cullens put them and
her in danger. Why would Edward risk not only her life but his families? His reasoning for not
changing her seemed weak in the face of the consequences. She looked around the room they
were hiding in. Everything looked freshly stocked and had obviously been built for Charlie's
comfort. At least Jasper made a plan for Charlie's safety if the Volturi found out.

It made her angry. "So Jasper was just going to hide you in here indefinitely if the Volturi came
after you?" She asked. She couldn't be mad at Edward so redirected her anger on Jasper.
Hiding her father away for years seemed cruel.

Charlie laughed. "No, this is for an emergency. He made more contingency plans than I could
keep up with. I usually just nod my head and smile when he talks about them." Charlie told her
still chuckling.

Bella crossed her arms over her chest. "Why didn't he just change you?" Maybe there was
another reason not to be changed that the Cullens were afraid to tell her. Some reason that
stopped them from changing her, other than they just didn't think she was worthy of being a

"He wanted to." Charlie said turning his eyes from Bella.

"And you didn't want to because you didn't want to kill anyone." Bella finished for him. Charlie
was the chief of police, he wouldn't want to be a danger to those around him.

"You don't have to hunt humans Bells, I'm sure you know that." Charlie told her.

Bella frowned. "Why didn't you want to be changed?" She asked again. Surely it would have
been easier and safer. She had already gathered that Charlie cared a great deal for Jasper.
His staying human put Jasper in danger.

"I didn't want to leave you Bells." Charlie said softly.

Bella stared at him, her eyes narrowed. "You had no problem leaving me before." She said old
bitterness surfacing.

Charlie turned his eyes to hers, the hurt in them made her gasp and regret her words. "Not by
my choice Bells."

Bella stood up angrily. She wasn't sure if she was more mad at him or herself. She hadn't been
a good enough daughter, she wasn't bright and beautiful like Renee. She must have
disappointed him so much. No she shook her head in denial, he was the one who had picked his
life in Forks over her. "You could have come to Arizona any time to see me, but you never did."

Charlie looked down in shame. "You're right Bells and I am sorry. At first I was so hurt over
your mom leaving I just didn't want to see the life she built for you and her away from me. I
loved her very much. Then in time I became Chief and it was harder to get away. It's excuses I
know and I am sorry I should have put away my feelings and been there for you Bella. You
deserve more."

Bella stared at him. He was talking to her and it shocked her, but she was still so angry at him.
"You hardly sent support. I don't know how many times we struggled to pay bills and you are
the chief, surely you make enough money to have helped us more." He had sent her gifts and
the occasional card with money. He had also called her every week, Bella supposed that was
more than most children got from their fathers but a voice in Bella's head screamed she had
wanted more. She wanted her father there. She wanted his calm presence to offset her flighty
mother. She wanted him to take care of Renee so she didn't have to. She wanted her childhood

Charlie turned away from her at her words and Bella stared at his back in shock. He walked
over to the shelves and got two bottles of water. He opened one and took a drink handing her
the other one. Bella shook her head. She was a little thirsty, she looked up at Charlie's face and
relented taking the bottle and letting a little of her anger go. Whatever was in the past didn't
matter. What mattered was right now. Charlie was talking to her and maybe she should give
him more of a chance. She took a drink.

"Do you think Edward and the Cullens will be hurt? I mean Jasper won't hurt them by mistake
will he?" Bella asked. She got the impression that Jasper knew who the Cullens were but she
couldn't be sure.

Charlie smirked a bit. "Jasper..." Charlie stopped as if gathering his thoughts. "Jasper is a
fighter but he is also the most compassionate man I have ever met. He knows who the Cullens
are and won't hurt them. I have every faith that he will take care of this rogue coven too."

Bella was still worried. James had been frightening and the Cullens were out there trying to
protect her. She didn't like it, she didn't want them hurt for her. She looked over at Charlie's
now relaxed posture. He didn't seem worried at all.

"Tell me about Jasper." Bella said. She was very curious about him. He was so mysterious, she
didn't even know the color of his hair.

Charlie smiled. "How about this, you tell me about Edward and the Cullens and I will tell you
about Jasper." He asked her.

Bella returned his smile. "Deal. You first."

Charlie moved a checker piece jumping two of hers. "I met Jasper a year before you were
born..." He suddenly stopped and sat back in shock.
Bella looked at him with a question in her eyes.

"An Alice Cullen told me about her ex-boyfriend being out in the woods and it lead me to
Jasper. Do you think it's the same Alice Cullen?" He asked but Bella could already tell that he
was thinking it was.

"She sees the future from decisions made. I think it is a very good possibility." Bella answered
in a whisper. What was Alice up to?

Jasper watched red hair flowing through the trees. She wasn't trying to hide from him. He could
tell by her actions and emotions she was a decoy. He wasn't going to bite, he turned away from
her and began to run in the opposite direction.

He felt her frustration and confusion but ignored it. He couldn't smell or feel James yet but he
was sure that he would be on Bella's trail. As he had studied the coven from the shadows of
the baseball game he had gotten quite a bit of information.

Even though Laurent had talked to Carlisle he wasn't the leader. James had no respect for the
darker vampire. In fact he had seemed to not even want to be there. Jasper was sure he
wouldn't even fight. The red head, Victoria was obviously the mate of James. Her emotions
were full of love and obsession for the ponytailed vampire.

James...he was a bastard. Jasper felt his sadistic emotions. The man was arrogant and liked
to prove his superiority. He guessed from the reactions that James was some kind of tracker.
He wasn't worried when he left the Cullens, he had been confident. He hadn't even tried to spy
on them, to see where they were going. That meant he knew he could find them.

Jasper knew exactly the best place to ambush James and made his way there. He hoped
Victoria would follow. He had let her distract him a bit just to suck her in. Ideally he would like to
take them both out at the same time. He didn't want to chance them escaping. He grinned as
he felt Victoria's emotions behind him. She was frustrated, confused and just a bit worried. He
knew she would follow him.

He quickly made his way to his trap, making sure to leave a clear trail for anyone who wanted
to follow him, and hid himself in the trees waiting for James to show up. He knew he would, all
that arrogance had to come from somewhere and Jasper was betting that it was from a gift of

He waited for a couple of hours before James finally showed up. Maybe he had given him too
much credit. Jasper grabbed the vampire as he ran by and threw him into a tree. The tree
cracked but didn't fall. James growled and showed his teeth, instantly going into an attack

Jasper smiled, so the man knew how to fight. All the better, Jasper dodged a punch and
grabbed James leg throwing him on his back. James seemed to get a hold of his anger and he
began to study Jasper.
'Well time to give him more to think about.' Jasper thought as he lowered his hood. It had the
desired effect, James turned his head in horror and began to scramble away. Jasper grimaced.
He had wanted James fear, it would make him sloppy and easier to defeat, but still the reaction

Jasper easily caught James, the tracker was too frightened to put up much of a fight. He just
tried to run and Jasper subdued him with no effort. James fought frantically and Jasper had
some new bites to add to his scars but in the end he was lying on the ground in pieces.

Jasper put his hood back on when he felt Victoria's emotions approach. She was torn between
the need to flee and wanting to save her mate. Jasper lit a fire slowly giving her time to make
her decision. He knew without a doubt she would soon try to save James. The mating bond
once established was too strong to be ignored. Still he would have to be careful, she had
proved to be slippery and he wanted this ended now.

He bent over and picked up one of James legs intending to add it to the fire when she made her
move. He turned and used the leg as a weapon, swinging it like a bat he hit her in the side.
Instead of falling back she grabbed the leg and tried to take it from him. Jasper grinned and
reached out to grab her, she dodged him but wasn't quick enough and he managed to get a
hand full of hair. He pulled her close to him gaining a hold on her neck.

"I'm sorry but you threatened what is mine." He whispered in her ear before detaching her head
from her body. He went about his gruesome work of dismembering and burning the bodies,
frowning. Why had a picture of Bella entered his mind when he had said that. Why did he feel
like she was his? And where were the Cullens? He had worried about running into them but he
hadn't caught any trace of them.

Author's note: Happy Easter everyone!

Chapter 8
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 8

Bella was angry. Charlie had let Jasper in after he heard the agreed on knock. Jasper had
stood there for a long moment looking between Bella and Charlie, then turned and told Charlie
that James and Victoria had been eliminated. He explained how Laurent hadn't entered the fight
and that he hadn't seen the Cullens at all. He then left without so much as turning Bella's way
even once.

He hadn't said anything to her but she felt his disapproval. Why should he be so angry at her,
he didn't even know her.

"Did you want to stop and get dinner Bells?" Charlie asked.

"I'm not hungry Charlie." Bella said still looking out the window. "Besides I'm curious where the
Cullens were and if Alice is behind that phone call you got."

"Bella I know you are almost eighteen and in most things you are pretty level headed but I'm
not sure you should be hanging around the Cullens." Charlie told her.

Bella felt her heart leap in her throat. Was he going to forbid her to see them? What would she
do if he did? She didn't want to lie to Charlie but she loved Edward.

"Bells I have a confession." Charlie said guiltily. "I asked Jasper to keep an eye on you. I found
out the Cullens were vampires and I was just trying to look out for you." Charlie finished in a

Bella looked at her hands in her lap. She should be angry but she wasn't. A large part of her
was glad Charlie cared about her enough to ask Jasper to watch out for her. If she had been
honest with him all along it wouldn't have been needed.

"I love Edward, Charlie and the Cullens have been so nice to me. They welcomed me into their
family. I..." She started to confess her desire to be turned but stopped as she looked at the
pained look on Charlie's face.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you the family you wanted Bells." Charlie had pulled into their drive
way but still sat in his seat. "I wanted that family too."

Bella just looked at him. He hadn't wanted that family enough to leave Forks. Not enough to
give up his job. She closed her eyes and swallowed her bitter feelings. "Charlie I love Edward,
please don't tell me not to see him." She didn't say she would see him anyways, she didn't want
to have to, but the determination was there. She couldn't stop seeing Edward, it would be like
cutting her heart out.

"Jasper told me that you are Edward's singer." Charlie told her.
Bella knew by the grim look on his face he knew exactly what a singer was. "I trust Edward."
She told him in a determined tone.

"He also said he had to stop Edward twice from biting you." Charlie said looking into her eyes.

Bella was shocked, how could Jasper lie to him. Edward hadn't tried to bite her once! "That's
not true!" She exclaimed.

Charlie just watched her steadily. She was just about to argue more when Charlie stopped her.
"Look I know I can't stop you from seeing Edward, I know if I tell you not to that you will
anyways. So I am just I'm begging you to be more careful. I don't want anything to
happen to you Bells." Charlie told her with such feeling that Bella could do nothing but nod in

"I want to go see the Cullens and find out what happened. I especially want to talk to Alice."
Bella said as she got out of the car.

Charlie stopped and stood still for a minute. Bella knew he was trying to decide what to say.
"Okay Bells, I trust you." He finally said.

Bella turned around to get her truck then remembered it was still at the Cullens. "Charlie!" She
called. When he turned she blushed. "Can you umm give me a ride?" She asked.

Charlie chuckled a bit then got back in the car.

Bella walked into the house slowly. In spite of what Jasper had said she was afraid that one of
the Cullens had been hurt. She felt her self crushed in a bear hug the minute she opened the
door and laughed in relief.

"Emmett!" She cried and hugged him back as hard as she could. She didn't protest his
squeezing her as he twirled her around. She was a bit dizzy when he set her back down. Esme
soon engulfed her in a hug and Bella's smile grew wider.

"We are so glad to see you dear." She said letting her go and stepping back into Carlisle's
arms. They both wore huge smiles.

She felt another arm encircle her waist and looked up into the golden eyes of her love. He was
smiling his crooked smile at her. She smiled back and he bent to kiss her on the forehead. Bella
sighed happily before she looked around the room. She saw Rose standing near Emmett but
Alice was no where in sight.

"Where's Alice?" She asked.

"She escorted Laurent to Alaska to stay with the Denali's." Rose said with a little anger in her

Bella frowned. She hadn't thought Alice would leave in the middle of a crisis and this seemed a
little convenient. She was no where around to answer her questions.
"Can I call her? I really would like to hear her voice." Bella said.

"Sure." Edward said pulling out his phone and dialing Alice's number. Everyone turned in shock
to the dining room table when the phone on it began to ring. Edward looked surprised.

"That's not like Alice to forget her phone." He said.

"Well we will just have to call her when she get's to Alaska." Esme said and ushered them into
the living room.

Bella sat on the couch with Edward and debated how to ask them where the hell they were
during the crisis. She was saved by a very curious Emmett.

"So what happened Bella?" He asked. "Alice said she saw you playing checkers with your dad.
She said you were safe and we had to stay out of the way."

Bella was surprised and looked at Edward for confirmation.

"I saw her vision. You were safe. She said if we tried to help you we would endanger you. She
told us James and Victoria would be taken care of." Edward told her.

"How? What happened?" Edward asked.

Bella looked down her thoughts a whirlwind. That certainly explained why they hadn't been
there, a small part of her resented it though. She understood how much they relied on Alice's
visions. She had seen it time and again but her life had been on the line. She felt a nudge and
looked up at Edward. She realized they were waiting for an answer. She wasn't sure she
wanted to tell them about Jasper. She looked around the room at the expectant faces.

She took a deep breath. "Charlie apparently is friends with a vampire. He had a safe house
prepared for Charlie and we hid in it till he ummm took care of James and Victoria."

Edward stood up suddenly knocking Bella on the floor. "I knew someone was watching us!" He
exclaimed. The other Cullens looked at him questions in their eyes.

Bella stood up rubbing her hip. She was going to have a bruise later. "Charlie asked him to
watch over me when he found out you were vampires." Bella told them.

"How did he find out we were vampires?" Rosalie asked her face showing growing concern.

"I don't know." Bella answered honestly.

Rosalie turned to Carlisle and Esme. "I told you this was dangerous. What if the Volturi find
out?" She hissed.

Edward made a shushing sound and Bella turned to him angry. "I know about the Volturi. Why
didn't you tell me?" She asked.

"There's no way they are going to find out you know about us and I just didn't want to worry
you for nothing." Edward said glaring at Rose. She threw up her hands in disgust and stormed
out of the house.

Bella didn't like his answer. He should have told her. He should have been prepared. Jasper had
been. She said nothing though and changed the subject.

"So I would really like to talk to Alice. Can you call the Denali and ask them to have her give me
a call as soon as she gets there?" Bella asked.

"Of course dear." Esme said with a small smile.

"I have a head ache, I think I'm going to go home now." Bella told them. She wasn't lying all the
stress of the day was catching up to her and her head was pounding. She turned to give
Edward a peck on the cheek. He surprised her and gave her a deep kiss.

"I'll see you later?" He whispered in her ear.

"Ummm not tonight Edward. I really just want to sleep." Bella told him, hoping she didn't hurt his
feelings. He frowned but nodded as he walked her to her truck.

Jasper was watering his flowers when he felt her approaching. He briefly thought of running
before she got there. He really didn't want to talk to her, so far he wasn't impressed with
Charlie's daughter. He thought a lot about her since the week of the baseball game. Most of the
time with anger but sometimes he remembered how beautiful she looked in her field, looking at
Edward with eyes full of love. Her emotions were so intense they drew him in. They made him
wish for someone to feel that way about him.

Charlie had asked him to stop watching her, even though he didn't agree with it he honored
Charlie's wishes. It was difficult every instinct screamed at him that she was in danger. He
didn't want Charlie hurt by her death. He guessed he was happy she had come out here at
least he knew she was unharmed. He pulled his hood lower around his face and waited for her
to appear.

She had a frown on her face and he could feel her anger. He put down his watering can and
crossed his arms to face her.

"Why did you lie to Charlie?" She demanded.

Jasper growled, but she felt no fear as she continued to approach him. This girl really needed
to learn when to be afraid. "I don't lie." He gritted out.

"You told him that you had to stop Edward from biting me. Twice!" She almost yelled. "That
never happened!" She said.

"Once at school. You told him you loved your truck. You called it the beast. His blood lust rose
and I growled. It stopped him and he looked around trying to find me. It was when I found out
he was a mind reader." Jasper told her his words clipped and sharp with anger.
"I remember that day. Edward didn't do anything. You must have misunderstood." Bella said

"I am an empath Bella. I know when someone is feeling a minor attack of blood lust and when
they are about to lose control." Jasper told her.

"I'm his singer. He feels like that a lot but he resists because he loves me." Bella told him with
narrowed eyes.

Jasper had to bite his tongue. He had no doubt the boy had feelings for her but they were no
where as deep as she imagined and were tangled in differing emotions. He felt curiosity, blood
lust, protectiveness, liking and a bit of love.

"The other time was when you two were making out in your room while your father was
asleep." Jasper told her. Bella blushed scarlet and gasped. He felt her outrage.

"You spied on that?!" She yelled.

"It's a good thing I did. If I hadn't he would have drained you." Jasper growled.

"You lie!" Bella yelled then drew back her fist and hit him. Jasper was too surprised to stop her.
She yelped in pain when she pulled her fist back, but the look on her face was mutinous and
seemed to say she would do it again in spite of the pain.

Even though she hadn't physically hurt him the fact that she wanted to devastated him. He let a
little of his hurt out and Bella's eyes widened as she gasped in surprise. Seeing her reaction
told him what he had done and he shut off his emotions before turning away from her and
running off into the woods. He wasn't sure why her hitting him had hurt him so much. He didn't
even like her, it shouldn't bother him. But it did.

Bella watched him run off with tears in her eyes. She was ashamed of herself. Why had she
lashed out at him? She should have been thanking him. He had protected her and her father. He
had been a friend to Charlie for years. He had watched out for her even before he knew her.

Things were so hard this past week. Charlie had been watching her with concern and she knew
it was killing him to let her go to the Cullens alone. That is why she had come to confront
Jasper. She wanted him to retract his lies so Charlie wouldn't worry.

Bella bit her lip. The pain Jasper had felt...she had caused that...Bella lowered her head. It
wasn't right. Maybe he wasn't lying maybe he just confused physical lust with blood lust. She
shouldn't have hit him. It was never right to lash out in anger, especially against someone who
had saved you and your father's life.

She glanced down at his flowers. She would bring him a peace offering tomorrow. Maybe a
plant. She didn't think he would talk to her again and really she didn't blame him but she could
leave the gift as an apology. She would stop at the florist before she went to the Cullens and
again attempt to get a hold of Alice.
Bella was beginning to suspect that Alice was deliberately avoiding her. She always seemed to
be out when she called. Sooner or later she would catch her though, Bella was determined.

Edward watched her while she slept. He wasn't supposed to be here. After she found out
Charlie knew about his late night visits she wouldn't invite him to stay the night. He had
respected her wishes but tonight he needed to see her.

He felt like she had been slipping away from him. She didn't come over as often and he no
longer watched her at night. On top of that his blood lust seemed to be rising. He just came
back from a hunting trip and he could barely control himself. He felt as if his mouth was
watering, she smelled so good. Why was it harder now? Shouldn't it be easier now that he
knew he was being watched?

Bella had said that the strange vampire wasn't watching them anymore but Edward didn't know
if he believed it. She had refused to answer questions about the vampire, only saying he was
Charlie's friend. He had only caught the thoughts of the vampire twice, both times he had
almost slipped in his control and the vampire had stopped him. Had the vampire been helping
him in some way? Was it the only way he could be with Bella if someone was helping him keep

He looked down at her sleeping face. She was so beautiful. He didn't want to hurt her. She
wanted to be changed but he couldn't damn her. What else could he do though? He was
dangerous to her, not only because of his blood lust but because he brought her into his life and
his life was dangerous for a human.

If he truly loved her he would leave her alone, let her live her human life. Let her marry and have
children. He clenched his fists at the thought of her with someone else. He slowly loosened his
fingers as he stared at her, then reached out and caressed her cheek gently. If he loved her he
would do right by her. Edward leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before
jumping out the window. He had a lot of thinking to do.
Chapter 9
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 9

Bella looked at the plant on her dresser. The florist had talked her into getting a fern. She
wasn't sure if Jasper would like it. The plants on his porch were all flowers. He seemed to like
bright colors a fern was just…so green. Bella bit her lip in indecision.

"Enough of this! Jasper will like it and if he doesn't well…" Bella stopped her murmuring there.
She really hoped he liked it.

She picked up the plant and headed down the stairs. She had wasted enough time worrying
about this; she really owed Jasper an apology.

She was just about to open her door when she heard a knock. She opened the door to find
Edward standing there. He smiled his crooked grin at her and she couldn't help her return smile.
It seemed she hadn't seen him in ages, it had only been a couple of days but it felt longer.

"Bella I was wondering if we could take a walk. I really wanted to talk to you about something."
Edward asked her.

Bella glanced at the plant in her hand. She gave a sigh and put it on the table before grabbing
her coat and nodding at Edward.

"It seems we haven't been talking lately." Bella started with her hands firmly in her pockets. She
wanted to reach out and hold his hand but she was afraid of being rejected. All week he had
avoided her touch, almost rudely at times. He had come to see her less and less till finally he
stopped coming over two days ago. She figured he was still freaking out about the James
incident and she had decided to just give him time. Besides she was feeling different, she
wasn't sure why but she thought some time apart might help.

"Have you been able to talk to Alice?" She asked finally when he was still silent.

"I talked to her this morning. She said that Carlisle and the others arrived safely." Edward told
her. Bella stopped and turned to him. Her heart leapt to her throat. She was suddenly very
afraid. She thought time apart would draw them closer together, had she been wrong?

"They went to Alaska?" She whispered.

"We couldn't stay here much longer. Carlisle can't really pass for thirty. It's time to move on."
Edward told her not looking into her eyes.

Bella ran a hand through her hair. "Well when are we joining them? I really wanted to graduate
and I'll miss Charlie but I can be ready whenever you say." Bella said going over what she
wanted to take in her head and trying to figure out how to break the news to Charlie. He knew
about vampires so maybe he could come visit? Maybe he would even want to be changed too.
"Bella I'm leaving without you." Edward told her still not looking at her.

"Am I supposed to come later? I'm not that set on graduating, I mean in the grand scheme of
things I will probably go to high school numerous times and be able to graduate any time." Bella
told him the sinking feeling getting stronger.

Edward pinched the top of his nose and sighed. "Bella I don't want you to come with me. I don't
want you forever." He said slowly.

Bella thought her heart was going to stop. She shook her head in denial.

"You were interesting for a while but we live in to different worlds. It's dangerous for you in my
world. The human mind is a sieve you will forget me and find someone else. A human, who you
can marry and have a family with." Edward told her.

"You, the Cullens, you are my family." Bella whispered.

"No Bella, we're not." Edward said shaking his head sadly. "You are a wonderful girl and I …"
He trailed off and reached out to caress her cheek. He kissed the top of her head and then left.

Bella stood there in shock for a few minutes before turning and looking in the direction he had
left. She had to find him, had to change his mind. She ran blindly for what could have been
minutes or hours, she wasn't sure but finally she fell to her knees in exhaustion. The pain began
to swallow her and she fell to the ground not caring that the rain was falling. She laid there with
no thoughts just unending pain.

"What is it Charlie?" Jasper asked. Charlie rarely called him and he knew this couldn't be good.
He just hoped Edward hadn't lost control and hurt Bella. His insides clenched at the idea.

"Bella is missing. She took a walk with Edward, it's now midnight and she isn't back. I called the
Cullens house but no one is answering." Charlie told him. His voice held a note of panic, Jasper
felt it too but kept his own voice level so as not to worry his friend.

"Call Sam, he can get the pack together and we will find her." Jasper said already thinking of all
the possible scenarios.

"Don't worry Charlie I will be there soon and we will find her." Jasper told him already running
out the door.

"I know you will." Charlie said hanging up the phone.

He ran as quickly as was possible to Charlie's house, hoping to pick up their scent. If Edward
hurt her in any way , he was going to find out why Jasper had been so greatly feared in the

It didn't take long to pick up on her despairing emotions. He found her quickly, laying beside a
log, oblivious to the falling rain.
He bent down and picked her up just as Sam broke through the brush. The huge wolf looked at
Jasper holding Bella, he nodded his head and took off in the other direction.

Jasper gathered Bella close and ran back to her house. He entered to find a frantic Charlie.

"How is she?" He asked fearfully.

"She'll be okay, we need to get her warm though. You might want to call Dr. Cullen." Jasper
said as he laid Bella gently on the couch. He went into Charlie's room and grabbed a blanket.
He took off her wet jacket and wrapped her up tightly with the blanket.

"The Cullens apparently left. They are going to send out Dr. Gerandy." Charlie said his eyes
never leaving his daughter.

"What do you think happened?" Charlie asked.

Jasper looked up at him. Bella's emotions felt an awful lot like Charlie's had when Renee had
left him. For a moment Jasper was struck by how alike father and daughter were. Her near
catatonic state along with the fact that the Cullens were gone gave him a pretty good idea. "I
would guess that Edward broke up with her." He felt Bella stiffen at the mention of Edward's

"I knew that kid was a bastard." Charlie said with venom. He knelt down beside Bella and took
her hand. He began to rub her fingers. "Can you help her?" He asked.

Jasper debated briefly. Was it the right thing to do? Sometimes it was better to let people
handle their emotions. If he covered them up and the person never learned to deal with them it
could do more harm than good.

"I'll help her some Charlie, but it's better if she deals with the majority of it herself." Jasper said.

Charlie whispered thanks and continued to rub Bella's cold hand. Jasper began to send out
peace. He knew she could feel it but she was fighting against him. Her efforts angered him and
he strengthened the emotions he was sending.

"Stop it!" Bella cried sitting up and jerking her hand away from her father. Jasper felt her anger
and didn't try to assuage it. Her anger was better than her apathy.

"First you ignore me then you won't leave me alone!" She growled to her father. "I want to be
alone." She said as she got off the couch and started up the stairs. Charlie went to follow her
but Jasper laid a hand on his shoulder stopping him.

"She's not really angry at you Charlie." He told him between gritted teeth. "Let me talk to her?"
He asked a little more gently, it was time that girl had a wake up call. Charlie hesitated but
finally nodded. Jasper made his way up the stairs and to her room. He found her curled up on
her bed staring out the window.

"You're acting like a spoiled brat." He said as he shut the door and leaned against it with his
arms crossed.
"All you know is what my father told you. You don't know what it felt like to be abandoned. He
picked his life here in Forks over me and Renee. I hated this town. I hated that he loved it more
than me." Bella cried sitting up.

"Is that what Renee told you?" Jasper asked, her words explained why she hadn't wanted to
come to Forks in the summers. He was sorry she misunderstood her father so much but he
was glad she had abandoned the summers with her father for a better reason than she just
didn't like the weather.

Bella stood up glaring at him her arms now crossed mimicking Jasper. "It's what I know!" She
told him vehemently.

"Well it's about time you learned the truth." Jasper said approaching her slowly. He stopped in
front of her, glaring down at her. He stood far enough away so she couldn't see his face under
his hood but close enough to be intimidating. Bella didn't back down and Jasper felt himself
smile in spite of his anger. She definitely had spirit.

"When I met Charlie he was a deputy and his dream was to marry Renee and to protect and
serve this community. Yes, he loves Forks. He was a happy man when I met him, full of life and
optimism. When he found out Renee was pregnant he was over the moon with joy. He had
always wanted to marry Renee, he worshipped that woman. He was so proud when you were
born. He worked hard and saved as much as he could because he knew that Renee wasn't
happy here. He planned on taking her on a trip once you were old enough. When the time came
it was too late, Renee told him she was leaving. He begged her, he told her he would give up
his life here and travel with her if that's what she wanted. She told him she didn't want to be
married to a small town cop. He then told her he wanted custody of you, she told him that they
would have a fight and you would be in the middle and you would pick her over him. She said he
shouldn't make you make such a decision. Charlie relented because he felt you were closer to
your mother than to him and he didn't want you hurt." Jasper told her his words biting as he
tried to hold back from projecting his anger about what had happened to his friend.

Bella's eyes were wide with shock. He felt her anger leave and guilt replacing it. "He…he didn't
send support. If he loved us so much why didn't he send support? Why didn't he come to my

Jasper growled and fought for control. "He sent every extra dime he had. You're not stupid
Bella. You know how your mother is with money. Charlie went without many times because she
spent the support on some class or trip instead of rent or food. I helped him out many times. As
far as your recitals, Renee had a habit of telling him about them after the fact and when did you
tell him Bella? I know he called you every week, why didn't he know about them?"

"I sucked at ballet, I was embarrassed. I just thought Renee had told him…" Bella said looking
away from him.

"You think your life is over because Edward left. You think the Cullens fake family would be a
better family for you. Well let me tell you something Bella, they left you, they didn't even tell you
they were going. This is how Charlie felt when Renee took you and left him." Jasper said then
projected the feelings he had felt coming from Charlie when he had found him curled in a ball
after Renee had left him. Bella gasped and sank to her knees. Tears poured from her eyes and
she shook her head in denial.

"Do you think the Cullens are in Alaska feeling like that?" Jasper asked. Bella said nothing.

He stared at her, waiting for her reaction. He had said his piece. Slowly Bella stood up, she
wiped her eyes and squared her shoulders. She was feeling determined but about what Jasper
was unsure. She walked past him and down the stairs. Jasper followed her, he was uncertain
what she would do.

She walked straight up to Charlie who had been standing by the door, probably waiting for Dr.
Gerandy. They looked at each other for a few minutes.

"Dad." Bella finally said and flung her arms around him giving him a fierce hug. Charlie's mouth
dropped open in shock but soon he put his arms around her and stroked her back.

"I love you Bells." Charlie whispered.

"I love you too dad." Bella replied not letting go.
Chapter 10
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 10

Bella sat on a chair drearily looking out the window. Her father sat on another chair watching a
silent television. Their relationship had changed since Jasper's revelation to her but it was still
strained. Neither seemed to know how to talk to each other.

She sighed dramatically and leaned her forehead on the cool window. She missed the Cullens.
Missed Alice gracefully dancing through a room, her pixie voice chattering away about
everything. Emmett playing a video game loudly and Rose rolling her eyes at him but secretly
smiling with love at her boyfriend. Esme baking something for one of her many fundraisers and
Carlisle when he wasn't working sitting at his desk looking at his computer. The Cullen home
had been so lively, she had enjoyed sitting there with Edward and watching them as they

Bella glanced over at her father and caught him watching her with concern. She gave him a
small smile. She knew he worried over her and she wished she could be brighter for him. She
wished she was like the Cullens or her mother. Someone who knew how to fill in the empty
spaces instead of someone who watched from the background.

She jumped when she heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it dad." She said thankful for the distraction.

She opened the door to find a soaking wet Jasper. She looked up into his dark hood searching
for some glimpse of his face. Her father had told her a little, he had scars that embarrassed
him and caused him to hide himself, but it made her curious. Jasper sensed her curiosity and
turned his head.

"Jasper!" Her father said startling Bella. She hadn't heard him get up. He grabbed Jasper's arm
and pulled him into the house eagerly. Bella looked at her father strangely, but followed them
into the dining room.

"Bella I have an extra coat for him in my room. Can you fetch it for him. It's the gray hoodie in
the back of my closet. Also a towel might be nice." Charlie told her.

Bella stood there for a moment unwilling to leave. She was hoping to catch a glimpse of him.
She let out another dramatic sigh before following her father's wishes.

She quickly found the hoodie and grabbed a towel. She stopped before entering the dining
room hearing her father talking.

"She's calling me dad Jasper!" Her father was saying. Bella smiled she was glad it made him
happy. She had even begun to think of him as dad in her thoughts instead of Charlie.
"I told you she loves you Charlie. Why were you both so relieved to see me when I came in?"
Jasper asked. Bella's smile left her face. Charlie actually thought she didn't love him?

"I'm not Renee. I can't think of what to say. I know she's hurting and I want to help her but I'm
afraid whatever I say well make her feel worse. I'm afraid I'm not enough so I say nothing
ensuring it." Charlie said in self-disgust.

Bella's jaw dropped at this. She never understood just how much her father and she were alike.
Hadn't she been thinking the same things before Jasper came? She heard Jasper growl.

"I've told you time and time again that you are worth ten Renee's. You are loyal and love
deeply, with all your heart. Bella is just like you and worth ten Edward's. It's about time you
both realized that." Jasper told him and Bella knew he knew she was there.

Bella entered the room handing Jasper the towel and hoodie. He took it from her hands and
walked off. She stared after him for a moment biting her lip. He was so different than the
Cullens. He didn't seem to want to be in the limelight. They were bright and beautiful. Even quiet
Esme outshined everyone around her. Jasper seemed to melt into the shadows.

Her father cleared his throat and Bella turned to him. "Bells do you want to maybe go to Port
Angeles? We could get dinner and stop at the book store?"

Bella smiled at him, she knew he would rather sit in his chair watching whatever sport was in
season. He was offering for her. "I had stuff out to make spaghetti tonight." She told him.

"Why don't you teach Charlie how to make spaghetti? It's about time he learned to make
something other than peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." Jasper said coming into the room
with a fresh hoodie on.

"Hey I like peanut butter and jelly." Charlie said defensively.

"I told Sam and Emily you were cooking next Friday. They are bringing Paul, Jared and Jacob."
Jasper told him.

Charlie froze and his mood soured. "Does he think Jacob…" He trailed off at Jasper's nod.

"Shouldn't that have ended?" Charlie asked a frown firmly on his face.

Bella looked between the two not knowing what they were talking about but concerned. Jacob
was a good friend of hers.

"What's going on? Is something wrong with Jacob?" Bella asked her voice tinged with fright.

Jasper and Charlie looked at each other, silently communicating.

"Bells you know about the Cullens and Jasper but there is more going on in Forks. Because of
the Cullens some of the Quileute have begun to change. They have become shape shifters able
to change into very large wolves. Sam Uley was the first. He met Jasper some time ago and
they formed a friendship. Jasper is the only vampire that the tribe accepts. Jared and Paul
began to change later. Sam told us that the danger of so many vampires being near is what
caused the change after so many years of having no shifters. We had thought that with the
Cullens leaving it would stop." Charlie said. Bella stared at him her eyes wide.

"Is he sure about Jacob?" Charlie asked Jasper.

"I checked him out after Sam told me his concern and I have to agree with him. It's better to tell
him with me around to help calm him. I believe he had already begun to change before the
Cullens left. Hopefully no more will change. Though Paul does seem to enjoy being a wolf."
Jasper said with a slight chuckle.

Charlie grinned. "Have you been playing tag again?" He asked.

Jasper outright laughed. "It's good training for them and I'll admit it's fun as hell to fluster them.
They get a little cocky when they first change."

Bella cleared her throat. It was odd seeing Charlie laugh and talk about such strange things, but
it was kind of nice too. The atmosphere between the two friends was so relaxed she couldn't
help but begin to relax herself.

"Ready for a cooking lesson, dad? I don't want you to embarrass yourself in front of Sam."
Bella said with a grin.

"Well umm…Bells I was kind of hoping you might umm…cook for me?" Charlie looked at her
hopefully while asking.

Bella laughed. "Puppy eyes will not work on me. Come on I'll have you an expert at this before

They walked silently into the kitchen and Bella began to pull out ingredients from the
refrigerator. Silence descended on them but before Bella could feel uncomfortable Jasper sat
down at the counter watching them.

"Are you just going to sit there and watch my humiliation?" Charlie said with a wry look.

"Yep!" Jasper replied laughing.

"Oh quit hamming it up." Bella said with a laugh as she handed him an onion and showed him
how to peel it then dice it.

They laughed and talked throughout the whole process. She learned more about the shifters
and while she was worried for Jacob she felt better being informed. She also learned more
about her father. She was surprised at some of the stories Jasper told. She had never realized
how caring her father was. He helped out many in the community, people she didn't even know
but Charlie cared about. It became clear through the night that Charlie really felt pride over his
town and worked hard to help and keep safe the people who lived here.

Bella smiled later that night as she lay in bed, thinking over the whole night. She had fun, she
wasn't on the outside looking in she had laughed and talked with Jasper and her father. For a
while tonight she had felt bright and fun. It was a nice feeling.

She looked over at her dresser and saw the fern still sitting there. Tomorrow she would go see
Jasper and finally give it to him. It was more than an apology now it was a thank you, though it
would never be enough for getting her father back. She fell asleep with a small smile on her

Jasper stood in the corner of his porch looking into the forest. Bella was coming, for some
reason he could sense her emotions at a greater distance than anyone else's. She was nervous
and excited. He couldn't even begin to imagine what her purpose was for coming to see him.

She finally came into his view holding a small fern in front of her. She wore a nervous smile and
Jasper shoved his hands into his pockets as her nerves seemed to infect him.

"I umm…I came to give you this." Bella said setting the fern on one of the rails not covered with
a flower planter.

"Umm…Thank you?" Jasper said unsure what this was about.

"At first I wanted to apologize for hitting you." She said her eyes down and guilt rising in her.
"Then everything happened and well I wanted to thank you for kicking me in the butt and
opening my eyes. You gave me back my father. A fern doesn't quite cover it but…Thank you."
Bella said.

Jasper just stared at her. He really didn't know what to say, the last two times they had talked
they had fought. He hadn't liked her and she hadn't seemed to like him.

Bella cleared her throat nervously and started to walk backwards away from the porch. "Well I
guess I should get back." She said a little dejectedly.

Jasper watched her for a minute as she turned and began to walk away. For some odd reason
he didn't want her to go. He held out his hand and called her name. She turned around and
looked at him a little surprised.

"Do you want to take a walk? I could tell you more about your father." Jasper said hoping she
would decline. What the hell was he doing? He didn't like her and even if he did he had enough
friends he didn't need more. If he became friends with her eventually she would see his face
and he didn't know if he could take it if she looked at him in horror.

"Umm…okay but I would rather talk about you." Bella said.

Jasper walked down the stairs and started to walk toward the woods. He had a trail made that
he liked to walk and it was the easiest one to take her on. She followed him. Her nerves began
to ease and by consequence his did too. He felt her curiosity but she didn't say anything as they
walked. Usually Jasper would be looking into the woods and enjoying the beauty but now he
was distracted. He led her to a fallen log and motioned for her to sit down. She did and patted
the log next to her, indicating he should sit too. Jasper shook his head and sat across from her,
deep enough in the shadows that she wouldn't see his face but close enough to make
comfortable conversation.

"So what was life like in Arizona?" Jasper finally asked. Bella looked a little surprised at his
question but smiled all the same.

"Warm. I loved the heat, not everyone does but I did." She said.

"Did you have a lot of friends that you had to leave behind?" He asked wondering if that was
the reason for her melancholy when she first arrived.

"No I was kind of a freak. My mom was my best friend." Bella said with a slight frown. Jasper
cocked his head to the side and began to ask her more questions about her relationship with
her mother. Bella answered willingly, telling him of her mother's many different endeavors and
her childlike behavior. Though Bella obviously loved her mother Jasper began to get a picture of
what her life had been like. Bella had been the adult. She had taken care of Renee and in
consequence hadn't been allowed to have a life of her own. She should have had friends her
own age but her mother had taken up her time with her own pursuits and needs. Jasper began
to growl startling Bella who had been talking about a sky diving class Renee had got them both

"It's not right you know." Jasper growled.

"What do you mean?" Bella asked feeling insecure.

Jasper fought down his anger. "She stole your life. She forced you to be her companion
keeping you away from people your own age. She shoved you into the shadows to feed her
own ego and in turn destroyed yours."

Bella stood up her own anger rising. "Your wrong she opened me up to so many things, gave
me new experiences and helped me grow into a responsible person." Bella defended her

"In all those activities she had you join was there one of them that interested you? Ballet? Sky
diving? Pottery? Long distance running? Bella I barely know you and I know you aren't athletic
how could your mom not know? How come she didn't have you two join a book club?" Jasper

"How do you know I like books?" Bella whispered in surprise.

"Well aside from the fact that I have seen your well worn books, your father told me. He often
asked me my opinion on good books to buy you." Jasper said.

Bella sat down thinking over what he said. "She didn't mean anything. She loves me and I love
her." Bella said looking to the side and not facing him.

"I know that Bella. I'm an empath remember?" He said pointing to his head. "She hurt you
though." He held up his hands. "Without meaning to." He added.
"You are a wonderful person. When I was watching you I saw you with Edward in the meadow.
You were so beautiful it almost made me hurt to look at you, sitting there with the sun shining in
your hair and the wild flowers around you. I felt your love for Edward and I was jealous that you
loved him so much. I wished someone could love me like that. You love so deeply…" Jasper
said trailing off as he noticed her blush.

Bella cleared her throat. "Umm…we were supposed to talk about you." She declared sitting
back down on the log.

Jasper chuckled. "What do you want to know?" He asked.

"What was your life like as a human? When were you turned? What was life like for you as a
vampire before you came here? What made you decide to come to Forks?" Bella asked in a

"I was a normal boy living in Houston, Texas. I was cocky. My looks and my charm go me
anything I wanted. I think I may have had a touch of my gift even then without knowing it. I
didn't take advantage of it though. I felt too much compassion for others to take advantage. I
joined the confederate army before I was seventeen. I wanted to protect my home and family. I
was young and brash and confident in my abilities. I was the youngest major in the confederate
army." He said with pride.

" I met Maria and her sisters after evacuating people from Galveston. She changed me to help
her regain territories she had lost." Jasper paused as he remembered the pain of the change,
the confusion when he woke up so hungry…

"My gift doesn't work well with my hunger so I shut it off. I ignored it and became a monster."
Jasper clenched his fist and dropped his head in shame. Bella said nothing and he felt no fear
or judgment from her. She was a lot like her father.

"Maria was my lover and I thought I had her wrapped around my finger." He felt a burst of
jealousy from Bella and it shocked him for a moment. He shook it off deciding that he had
misjudged the emotion, it had to be disgust. "She had begun to take another newborn as a
lover. She did that from time to time but this time she was ignoring me and I didn't like it. I
thought I would make her jealous." Jasper gave a self-depreciating laugh.

"I'm not sure if it made her jealous or just plain mad. She tortured me, scarred me then ignored
me. I left the southern armies and wandered a bit until I met a female vampire in a little diner.
Her reaction to my scars…" Jasper trailed off the pain still fresh.

"I came here to avoid people. My gift resurfaced and I found it impossible to hunt humans. I
began to only drink from animals and vowed never to hurt another thinking being. I met Charlie
when he was responding to a call. He saved me from the loneliness. I owe him so much."
Jasper said. He was surprised when he felt Bella's small, warm hand tentatively lay on his. He
jerked his hand away.

"I'm sorry." Bella said embarrassed. He hadn't even noticed that she had gotten off the log and
come to him.
"It's okay I'm just not used to being touched. When I became a vampire I was only touched in
battle or while having sex. Never for caring, compassion or love. Charlie has patted my back
and hugged me once or twice in friendship, but neither of us are touchy feely." Jasper told her.

Bella cleared her throat, her embarrassment fading. "I meant to show compassion."

"I don't deserve it. I'm a monster. The scars just show what is on the inside." Jasper said
putting his head down. He felt her hand on his back and felt her rest a cheek on his shoulder.

"You're not a monster." She told him softly.

Jasper let her hold him for a bit, reveling in the warm feeling she gave him.

"It's getting dark, I should get you home." He said quietly. He didn't want to break the spell but
he knew Charlie would worry.

She stood up and held out her hand. He looked at it for a moment before reaching out and
putting one of his scarred hands into her perfect hand. He stood up and looked down at her
hoping it was too dark for her to see his face, hoping she wouldn't jerk away from the feel of
his scarred hand.

"I'd like us to be friends." Bella said.

He really shouldn't, his circle of friends kept growing even though he tried to stop it. First just
Charlie, then Sam and Emily. Paul and Jared had joined the group and now Bella was asking
him… He looked down at their entwined hands.

"I'd like that." He told her truthfully.

They walked together back to his home, neither letting go.

Chapter 11
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 11

Bella leaned her head on Jasper's shoulder and squeezed his arm slightly. She had thought it
was the saddest thing she had ever heard when he told her he wasn't used to being touched.
She had resolved to end that and touched him as often as she could.

She would hold his hand, lay her head on his shoulder, hug him tight, always in a friendly
manner but she hoped she conveyed the warmth of her feelings to him. Bella smiled to herself,
he was an empath he knew how she felt, how she valued his friendship, respected his strength
and was thankful for his compassion.

She wasn't sure how she would have got through the Cullen's desertion without him. He had
given her back her father. His suggestion that she could teach Charlie how to cook had been an
inspiration. They were able to talk while they worked as they never had been able to before.
She was learning more and more about her father and he was learning more about her in turn.
Charlie even took her with him on some of his good will missions. Bella had no idea how much
Charlie cared for the community and how well respected he was. She was rather proud of her

Jasper had become her best friend. He seemed to have a sixth sense that told him when she
was missing the Cullens and he would take her mind off of them whenever she started to
brood. He kept her from self pity.

"I should be going home." She whispered but didn't move.

When she was totally honest with herself she would admit she liked to touch him. He made her
miss Edward a little less. It wasn't that he was like Edward. Aside from the coldness of his skin
there was little similarity between the two vampires. Edward's skin was hard and smooth, like
marble. Jasper…his skin was rough and craggy, written on by life…by hardship and pain, by
courage and sacrifice, by lust and desire.

Bella shivered a little at her thoughts and she reached down and ran her fingers over the scars
on his hand, wondering what stories the scars told. Jasper was ashamed of them, he told her
often that he had been a selfish, cruel vampire. Bella found it hard to believe, he may have been
lost in a world of cruelty and self-indulgence but that wasn't his true self. She knew this in her
heart, knew him in her heart.

She sat back from him a little shocked by her thoughts. She looked towards his face, looking
for a sign that he may have known what she was thinking. As usual his face was buried in the
shadows of his hood as he faced away from her. He was an expert at hiding and try as she
might she hadn't caught a glimpse of his face yet. It was frustrating.

She reached out for his hand again and felt a little jolt of pleasure come from him. Sometimes
when she touched him he would project, it let her know that her touch pleased him. She smiled
and leaned back into him.

"I know my dad is your best friend but I think you are the best friend I've ever had." Bella told
him as she looked out over the stream they sat by.

"I'm glad we've gotten to know each other Belly." He said and Bella slapped his arm.

"You know I hate it when you call me that." She said grinning at his chuckle.

"You can't tell me none of the kids in grade school teased you and called you that." He said still

"Well maybe some of the meaner boys." Bella said.

"I was definitely one of those boys. I pulled my share of pigtails." Jasper told her.

Bella laughed at the thought of a blond, curly haired boy pulling girls pigtails then running off
while laughing. "I'm sure you were quite a rascal." She said.

Jasper laughed out loud and Bella marveled at the sound. She loved his laugh. It was rich and
deep and seemed to come from the depths of his being. She didn't think she had ever heard
Edward laugh like that. Emmett would at times but none of the other Cullens did.

As usual thoughts of Edward killed her mood. She wondered what he was doing now. Was he
with a pretty vampire? Or was he romancing another naïve schoolgirl? Was he pining for her?
No he wouldn't be. He had said he didn't want her for forever. Still he had seemed to be
worried about her safety. If she wasn't so weak…if she was prettier and less clumsy. If she
was a vampire, Bella thought with a sigh.

"Jasper could you turn me? Make me a vampire?" Bella asked.

If she were a vampire then when Edward eventually came back maybe he would love her. She
glanced at Jasper as he stiffened next to her. Even if Edward never came back it wouldn't be
so bad being a vampire if she was with Jasper. They could be true BFF's Bella thought with a
barely suppressed giggle. Of course she would want Charlie to join them. They could live in
Forks forever with the shifters, protecting this little community she was coming to love as much
as the rest of them did. It wouldn't be the life she envisioned when she wanted to join the
Cullens but in a lot of ways it would be better.

"Why?" Jasper asked his voice rough.

Bella looked at him in surprise, she could only see the back of his hood as he had turned away
from her. Maybe he didn't want her to be a vampire. Maybe he thought of her like Edward did,
she was good enough for a while but not for forever.

Bella looked down biting her lip. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to bring it up. She didn't
think she could handle a rejection from Jasper. It would ruin his friendship with Charlie. She
couldn't come between Charlie and Jasper.
Bella stood up and started to dust off her jeans. "I just wanted to be able to beat your ass in
football." She told him with a grin. She could tell she shocked him because he turned to look at
her. She pressed down her insecurity.

"I'm tired of being the cheerleader on Friday when you are playing football with the shifters.
Emmett told me that new borns are incredibly strong and just once I'd like to wipe that
chauvinistic grin off of Paul's face." She continued trying hard to control her emotions. His
reaction had hurt her.

He stood up and held out his hand to her. She took it and they began to walk toward her house.

"Tell you what; I'll tackle him extra hard this Friday." Jasper said. "But if you really want to get
at him, don't let him have any of Emily's pie and make him watch while you eat it in front of

"Oooohhh that is evil!" Bella said laughing. The shifters loved their food. Emily, Charlie and her
spent most of Friday cooking in preparation for the boys coming over. The shifters ate
voraciously. Bella had taken to making sure she ate before they arrived or she wouldn't get any.

The pack would come over every Friday to visit. When it was sunny they often barbecued but
football was a staple rain or shine. They had even played in the snow. The elements didn't
affect the shifters or Jasper. She had caught Charlie watching them wistfully a couple of times.
She knew the feeling they were astonishing to watch and she envied them.

They reached her porch all too soon. "Goodnight, Jasper." She said a little sadly. She hated
leaving him. He kept the insecurities and sadness at bay for the most part.

Jasper surprised her and reached out to cup her cheek tenderly. He never initiated a touch, it
was always her. This was a first. His touch was rough but gentle and she felt herself lean into
his palm.

"Goodnight Belly." He said and then was gone before she could say anything. She laughed
before shaking her head and walking into the house.

Jasper ran as fast as he could. What was happening to him? He had touched her…had wanted
to kiss her. He punched a tree as he flew by and felt a moment of satisfaction at the destruction
he left.

If she would just stop touching him. He loved her touch and hated it, longed for it and dreaded
it. She touched him so tenderly, felt his scars and didn't pull away. She would trace them almost
reverently. She made him feel like they weren't such a bad thing. How did she do it?

He stopped and climbed a tall tree, sitting in the top branches he stared up into the cloudy
night. She was so kind, fun, smart and compassionate. She was perfect in every way and he
was falling in love. He dropped his face into his hands.

He was doomed. She would never love him as he loved her. Even if by some miracle she saw
his face and didn't run from him in horror she loved Edward. Even in his mind he growled the
boy's name.

It had been such a good night. They had sat together for hours, sometimes talking, sometimes
in silence. She had caressed his hand and he had felt such warm feelings from her. He knew
she felt affection for him. It was friendship, strong friendship but friendship was all it was.

Every once in a while she would feel a spark of desire for him but that was to be expected. He
was a vampire after all, a scarred vampire but a vampire none the less. Even the vampire he
had met in that diner so long ago had felt desire for him. It had been overshadowed by horror
but it was there. It was part of being a vampire, you attracted the opposite sex.

It had been four months since the Cullens left and he was beginning to hope she was moving
on, but she had asked him to change her. Jasper shook his head. He had felt her insecurity
before she asked and she only felt insecure when she thought of the Cullens, Edward

He growled, startling some birds that hadn't already flown away from him. Sometimes he
wanted to hunt down that little bastard and make him pay for the harm he had done to Bella.

Jasper leaned his head back against the tree and slowly calmed himself. It wasn't right to
blame Edward, he didn't think the boy meant to hurt Bella the way he did. They just weren't a
good fit.

Sadness descended upon him again. He wasn't a good fit for her either and he needed to
control these feelings he had for her. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. She
deserved a prince not a monster.

Charlie heard Bella enter the house and turned off the television. He had made it a point to talk
to her before they went to sleep. They were still awkward at times but they were really
beginning to connect and Charlie couldn't be happier. Finally he had his daughter back.

She entered the living room sitting down on the couch and putting her head in her hand.

"What's wrong Bells?" He asked hoping she wasn't thinking of Edward.

"I asked Jasper if he would change me." She told him with a frown.

Charlie was taken back. "Why?" He asked.

"For a brief moment I thought if Edward came back and I was a vampire he might want me."
She said staring out the window. Charlie was glad she wasn't looking at him so she wouldn't
see his frown. Whatever good thoughts he had for Edward and the Cullens disappeared when
they abandoned Bella.

"But more of a reason is I had this picture of me and you becoming vampires and living here
forever with the shifters and Jasper, protecting and taking care of Forks." Bella said this time
she did look at him and Charlie could tell by the look in her eyes that this was more the reason
than Edward.

"That's a fine picture Bells." He said with a smile.

He wasn't sure how he felt about being a vampire. It would allow him to protect his beloved
town more effectively and it would allow him to remain with Bella and Jasper forever but he
wasn't sure he wanted to be a vampire. Though Jasper had amazing control now he had gone
through hell to get there. Jasper had explained to him how hard it was to deny the thirst for
human blood and Charlie was a police officer, the chief of police. It would kill him if he hurt

Looking at Bella's beatific smile he knew though that he would deny her nothing. If that's what
she wanted he would join her. The smile left her face to be replaced by a frown.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Jasper wasn't happy with the idea." She told him her head down.

Well that was confusing. Jasper had asked Charlie many times if he wanted to be changed. He
had practically begged not wanting Charlie to leave him. Charlie knew that Jasper had strong
feelings for Bella, why wouldn't he want to change her?

"Did you tell him why you wanted to be changed?" Charlie asked trying to figure out what

"Well I kind of made up a story about wanting to beat Paul at football." Bella said.

"Bells." Charlie lightly reprimanded.

"He stiffened right away when I asked dad. I couldn't take it if he rejected me like…" She didn't
finish but Charlie knew what she was talking about.

"Bells he probably thinks you want to be changed for Edward and frankly none of us like the kid
anymore. The pack has vowed to kick his ass if he ever returns and Jasper has had to restrain
himself quite a few times from running after the boy and teaching him a lesson." Charlie told

"Really?" Bella asked in surprise.

Charlie chuckled. "We all are very protective of you Bells." He told her.

Bella blushed but smiled.

"I think you should tell Jasper what you were thinking when you asked." Charlie told her.

"I can't do that." She said alarmed. "He's the best friend I've ever had, I can't risk losing him."
Bella finished.
"Jasper is not Edward. He's not going to leave you just because you want to be changed."
Charlie tried to reason with her.

"Leave it dad please?" She pleaded real fear in her eyes.

Charlie shook his head in exasperation, but agreed.

Bella let out a sigh of relief before standing and kissing her father good night.

Charlie watched her leave the room thinking over what she had said. He knew Jasper had fallen
in love with his daughter but he was beginning to suspect that Bella was falling in love with
Jasper too. He began to smile, maybe he could give them a little push.
Chapter 12
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 12

"You know Bells it wouldn't hurt for you to learn some self-defense and learning from Jasper
would be best." Charlie said not looking away from the onions he was chopping.

Bella resisted the urge to roll her eyes. For two weeks now Charlie had been telling her what a
saint Jasper was and how good he would be as a boyfriend for some lucky woman. She smiled
a little, Charlie was as subtle as a two by four across the head.

"I suppose he would be a good teacher." She said diplomatically while peeling the potatoes.

"Great!" Charlie enthused. "I'll tell him you want to start on Saturday. Maybe afterwards he can
take you into Port Angeles. He was saying he wanted some new books to read. You could
suggest something for him."

Bella let out a groan. "Look dad, there is no way Jasper would be interested in me and even if
he was I still have feelings for Edward. It wouldn't be fair to him. I like Jasper but we are just
friends!" She finished sternly.

She was saved from whatever he was going to say by a knock on the door. She put down her
potato and peeler, wiped her hands and hurried to the door.

"Emily!" She greeted while pulling the woman into a hug. Sam walked by them into the house
commenting on the smell coming from the kitchen. Paul and Jared hurried in behind him trying to
make their way to the kitchen. Bella laughed but let her father stop them from grabbing any
food. Jacob came in next but he stopped by the women and looked at Bella.

"Do I get a hug?" He asked with a grin.

Bella fidgeted uncomfortably. Jacob was a childhood friend but lately he seemed to want more
and Bella just didn't like him like that. She was saved by Jasper who shouldered Jacob out of
the way.

"Hey Belly how'd you do on your test?" He asked walking toward the living room.

Bella let out the breath she had been holding. She didn't know whether to hit him for calling her
that dreaded nickname or hug him for saving her from Jacob's over affectionate hugs. She
decided to let it slide this time and smiled before taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen.

"An A of course." She answered him rather proudly.

Emily followed them with a smile. Bella liked her a lot, she was a little shy but she really
listened when you talked to her. She was warm and compassionate. Jasper let go of her hand
and walked over to Charlie. They started a conversation while Bella picked up her potatoes
again. Emily grabbed a knife and began to help her.

"So how are things?" Bella asked.

"Okay." Emily said but her eyes didn't agree with her answer.

"Leah still not talking to you?" She asked.

Emily didn't answer, just bowing her head. Bella pulled the girl into a hug.

"It will get better." She told her softly.

"I just feel so guilty." Emily whispered.

Bella pulled back and looked her in the eye. "You did nothing wrong. Neither you nor Sam could
stop what happened. " She told her firmly.

"I know it's just we were so close…" Emily murmured

"Dad suggested I have Jasper train me in self-defense." Bella said with a wry grin trying to
change the subject and cheer up her friend. She was rewarded by a laugh.

"Still trying to fix you up?" She said with a large smile.

Bella rolled her eyes and nodded.

"You know Bella I kind of agree with him. I think you and Jasper would make a very good
couple." Emily told her still smiling.

Bella waved it off. "Jasper is too good for me and I'm not over Edward yet." She said returning
to her task . She saw Emily shake her head out of the corner of her eye but ignored it.

Jasper paced his porch. Bella should be here any minute. He knew Charlie was trying to match
make but he agreed with him. Bella really should learn some self-defense there were more
dangers in the world than vampires and shifters and he wanted to make sure she was able to
defend herself. He had brought it up to Charlie before but he had suggested her enrolling in a
class. Charlie argued that Jasper could give her tips no human instructor would know.

He pulled his hood closer making sure his face was covered. He had heard what she said to
Emily on Friday. How could she think he was too good for her? He understood her not being
over Edward, Bella loved deeply and couldn't just turn it off, but he couldn't understand why she
thought he was too good for her. Maybe he should let her see his face, let her see the monster
he truly was? Maybe then she would understand she was too good for him.

He was pulled out of his reverie by emotions coming toward him. He grinned knowing it was
Bella. She was nervous and excited. He stopped his pacing and waited for her.

She smiled as she walked toward the porch. Her smile widened when she saw the fern she had
given to him still green and growing. Jasper was speechless for a moment. How could she
make sweats and a hoodie look so damn good? He mentally shook himself and walked down
the porch.

"So what are you going to teach me sensei?" She said with an arched eyebrow and a grin.
Jasper couldn't help but grin himself.

"First I am going to give you this." He said holding out a rape whistle. She took it while eying
him skeptically.

"I want you to carry it at all times. Most supernatural beings have enhanced hearing and
blowing this will incapacitate them for a short time, hopefully giving us enough time to come to
your aide." He told her.

"How long would it give me?" She asked.

"The time varies with the sensitivity of hearing. Not long for a vampire, but really the only
chance you have if you run into a hostile vampire is either me or the shifters coming to help you.
This would let us know you are in danger and give us about two minutes to get to you." Jasper
told her. It wasn't a lot of time but as he said there wasn't much that could be done if she ran
into a vampire without one of them around.

Bella fingered the whistle for a moment before putting it around her neck. Jasper marveled for
a moment at her trust in him.

"Are you going to teach me any fighting moves?" She asked, obviously excited.

"Of course." Jasper answered. "We'll have to start with the basics but when I'm through
teaching you, you will kick ass." He told her with a chuckle.

She didn't react as he thought, insecurity flooded her.

Jasper growled. "You're thinking about Edward." He said. He knew she when she thought of
Edward her insecurity would rise and he hated it.

"No." Bella whispered and looked away from him. "I was thinking how graceful and strong you
are and how I am going to embarrass myself."

Jasper was shocked. He was making her insecure? He didn't like that at all. He gently grabbed
her shoulder. "Bella please don't say that. Don't ever be embarrassed around me. You are
perfect, beautiful and strong, inside and out. I am scarred both inside and outside." How could
she not see how far above him she was?

"You are scarred but it doesn't make you ugly or a monster." Bella told him putting her hand
over his. "It makes you beautiful." She finished with a whisper.

Jasper stared at her in shock. She really believed what she was saying. How could she believe
that? Maybe it was time to show her exactly what he was? He put his hands on his hood
debating with himself. He didn't want her thinking badly about herself but he didn't want to lose
her either. A breeze blew her scent to him and Jasper inhaled deeply. She smelled so good…he
shook his head and decided to wait to show her.

"Come on let's get started." He said gruffly as he led her into a clear patch in front of his porch.

Bella paced in her living room. Where the hell was Charlie? They were supposed to be going
out to eat tonight. He had even convinced her to wear a dress. Father and daughter date night,
he said. He told her he had always wanted to have one and guilted her into agreeing.

She heard a knock on the door and jumped. She wasn't expecting anyone. She opened the
door to find Jasper standing there holding a bag full of something that smelled delicious.

Bella frowned as she looked at him. She didn't think she had made any plans with him. He was
not saying anything so Bella asked him.

"I don't remember making plans with you. If I did I'm sorry Charlie is taking me to dinner." She
said a little flustered.

"You look beautiful." Jasper said in a gruff voice.

Bella blushed but was pleased with his compliment. "Thank you." She told him. She was about
to ask him why he was there, with food no less, when the phone rang. She began to get

"Hey Bells, sorry I can't make it tonight. I have to fill out some paperwork. I asked Jasper to
bring you something. Maybe he could keep you company." Charlie said.

"Dad!" She said exasperated. They had obviously been set up.

"Have fun Bells." He said hanging up before she could say anything.

Bella stared at the phone a little angry and a lot embarrassed.

"Charlie match making again?" Jasper laughingly asked.

"Yes." Bella huffed crossing her arms over her chest.

Jasper walked in still laughing. "Well I am sorry Bella but I do have some alfredo from that
restaurant you like." He said waving the bag.

Bella uncrossed her arms and followed him. It could be worse, Charlie could be trying to set
her up with Jacob. At least Jasper didn't take it seriously.

She pulled down a plate and began to dish out the food. Jasper followed her and they sat at
the table. They talked while Bella ate. She was having a good time, she always enjoyed
Jasper's company.

She had just finished her last bite when music began to play. Bella's mouth dropped open and
she quickly got up walking toward the living room. She found the stereo playing slow, romantic

"What the…?" She questioned walking towards it. Surely Jasper would have known if someone
had come in and turned it on. "Did someone turn that on?" She asked him.

"Nobody that I could sense." He told her just as confused.

She investigated the stereo further and found out that it had been programmed to turn on at
8:00 pm. Bella laughed loudly. "Charlie actually figured out how to program the stereo. I can't
believe he went that far." She said wiping a tear from her eye. She was so glad she had gotten
this chance to know her father. Every day she discovered what a wonderful caring man he was.
He was hopeless at anything electronic and he had learned how to program the stereo to turn
on. She knew his matchmaking came from his love for her. He just wanted her happy.

She looked over at Jasper who was standing there awkwardly. It was because of Jasper she
had her father back, Bella thought with warmth. She didn't like to dance but it would make
Charlie happy and honestly there were worse things than being held by Jasper. She trembled a
little at the thought, before holding out her hands.

"Dance with me?" She asked looking up at him through her lashes.

Jasper hesitated a moment before acquiescing, he pulled her close and Bella went willingly. He
put his arms around her waist as hers went up to his shoulders. They danced this way for the
first song. By the second he had pulled her closer and she had laid her head on his chest.

How long they danced Bella wasn't sure, she really hoped Charlie had programmed a lot of
songs because she didn't want to move from Jasper's arms. She had never felt so safe, so
cherished… With a start she realized she had not stepped on his feet once, she hadn't tripped
either. She was astonished but at the same time she knew it couldn't last. She pulled back from
him slowly. His arms lingered as if he didn't want to let her go.

She looked up at him, wanting to see his eyes. His face was turned from her as usual, leaving
only shadows for her to see. She wanted to know what he was feeling. It was unfair that her
feelings were laid bare for him and she wasn't even allowed a glimpse of his. If she could see
his eyes maybe she would know how he felt?

She took a deep breath. "Let me see you." She said softly, more a demand than a request.
'Please' she asked softly in her thoughts.

She waited for what seemed ages before his hands rose and settled on his hood. Slowly he
pulled it down.

The first thing she saw was wavy golden hair, that seemed to put all the light in the room to
shame. Next she saw one eye covered with an eye patch and the other… she gasped.

His eye was the golden color the Cullens wore, but his was an even lighter shade of amber.
She supposed that meant he hunted more to keep himself from craving human blood. She saw
his hood fall down to his shoulder but she couldn't look at the rest of his face, so entranced by
his one eye.

Everything was there for her to see. Doubt, insecurity, pain, compassion, hopelessness and
love…Intense love directed at her.

Bella stepped forward, drawn to him, unable to stop herself as her hands came up to his face.
Her fingers ran over his forehead brushing his hair back. His hair felt like silk and she
shuddered. She ran her fingers over his brow feeling the valleys that marred his eyebrows.

Her fingers ran over his cheekbones, her eyes following their trail. She licked her lips as they
drew closer to his marred lips. She ran a finger over his lips, butterflies began to do danced in
her stomach and she again licked her lips. She looked up at his eye, he had closed it.

"Don't hide from me." She whispered. He opened his eye and looked at her.

"So beautiful…" She breathed again entranced by his golden gaze. She felt him tremble
beneath her fingers. She stood on her toes and slowly leaned up. She wanted him to kiss her
so bad, she felt she would die if he denied her. She saw the doubt in his eyes.

"Please…" She breathed.

His lips came down to hers and the butterflies in her stomach exploded. She had wondered if
the kiss would feel weird because of his deformity. Whether it was because of that or just that
it was Jasper she didn't know but it was heaven. None of Edward's kisses even came close to

She pulled back when the need to breath became too much. She let her fingers trail over his
face. He was so beautiful, to her his scars didn't detract from that but enhanced it. Jasper
again leaned down and kissed her. The feeling in her stomach intensified and she pressed into
him, her breathing becoming heavy. Would every kiss be like this?

She shied away from the thought. There was no way he would want more than this and for now
she would be content.

Eventually he pulled away. Laying his forehead against hers, he groaned.

"I want you so bad…" He whispered.

Again that sensation in her stomach threatened to overwhelm her. She wanted to tell him yes,
she wanted to tell him how bad she wanted him too, but the words wouldn't come out.

"I think you need time. Charlie has been pushing this and maybe we just fell into it. Figure out
your feelings Bella. I don't want to take advantage. If you still love Edward I understand. I will
just be your friend if that is what you want." Jasper told her holding her gaze.

Bella couldn't speak. Her emotions were on overload. She wanted him so badly but was it love?
Would it be right to just have a sexual relationship with him? She couldn't think clearly with him
standing so near. She ached for him.
Jasper growled and again his lips met hers. Bella felt as if she would burst into flames, she
clung to him and hoped he would just take what they both wanted. She didn't want to think
about it. She just wanted him desperately.

He let her go with a growl and turned his back on her, running out the door. Bella was incapable
of following him. It took all her strength not to crumble onto the floor. Her fingers went to her
lips and traced them. They were warm and moist, slightly tender. She smiled before taking a
deep breath and climbing the stairs.

She changed her clothes and crawled into bed. She knew she should be sorting out her feelings
about Edward but her mind just kept replaying the events of the night. She smiled as she
remembered the sight of his beautiful eye, the feel of his rough skin and the press of his lips
against hers. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.
Chapter 13
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 13

Jasper clutched his chest tightly, taking breaths he didn't need, trying to get a hold of his
emotions. It had taken every bit of will power he had to leave. What she felt for him on top of
what he felt for her…the desire was almost overpowering.

He sat down and stopped his heavy breathing, reminding himself his heart didn't beat and the
pain that seemed to center there was imaginary. He could still feel her fingers tracing his face,
her lips caressing his. Never in a million years would he have expected her to react like that to
the sight of his face.

She had looked and touched him with curiosity, awe and desire. No one had reacted like that to
him before. Even when his face and body had been free of scars. There had been those who
desired him but none to such an extent as Bella had. How could she desire him? His hand
touched his face, wondering if the scars had disappeared miraculously, but they were still there.

She had kissed him so passionately that for a second he could almost believe that she loved
him. He had wanted her so much, had told her so. Her answering desire almost sent him over
the edge, but he had felt hesitation from her. He didn't want to be the same man he had been,
using sex as a physical release instead of an expression of love, especially with Bella. So he
gave her an out. He told her to take time, figure out if she still loved Edward. She had said
nothing, just looked at him with her eyes shining with desire and her heart pounding. He felt her
confusion, knew she was torn between desire and something else. He had kissed her one last
time before running away.

Had she really wanted him that much or had he projected his own strong desire on her? The
question tormented him. It seemed unlikely that she would feel such desire for him. Bella had
loved Edward's perfection, Jasper was probably the farthest a vampire could get from

No, Jasper shook his head, it was Charlie's pushing and Jasper's projecting. He was extremely
glad he had not taken advantage of it. Bella deserved more and it would be wrong to betray
Charlie's trust. Charlie trusted Jasper to do the right thing by Bella it was why he pushed so
hard for them to develop a relationship. He knew Jasper would treat her well.

Jasper started walking back to his cabin slowly. The imaginary pain in his chest growing, he
would talk to her tomorrow. He didn't want them to be uncomfortable with each other. He would
give her an easy way out of it so she wouldn't be embarrassed.

Bella woke up to the birds singing outside her window. She smiled in genuine happiness. She
had slept so well last night. No dreams of Edward, no nightmares about being abandoned.

A frown marred her face. Was that a good thing? Was she being disloyal to Edward? She had
loved him so much, surely love like that didn't end.

She threw her covers to the side and put her feet on the floor. The cold floor startled her, but
she was grateful for the distraction. She didn't want to feel guilty and really why should she.
Edward had abandoned her, told her he didn't want her forever. She shouldn't feel guilty for
enjoying Jasper's friendship, for enjoying his kiss. She blushed and smiled again.

She began to dress for her day. Jasper had told her to take time to think about her feelings but
she really didn't want to. She was tired of dwelling on the Cullens. Was it really a bad thing to
just want to enjoy Jasper's company?

She walked downstairs to the smell of bacon and her smile increased. Her father was really
getting better at cooking. It was kind of nice that he cooked for her once in a while. Still she
wasn't going to let him off the hook easily. She put her hands on her hips and a frown on her
face as she rounded the corner.

"Damnit!" Charlie swore.

Bella watched as he scraped a broken egg out of the pan and into the garbage. He still hadn't
got the hang out of making over easy eggs. She cleared her throat as he cracked another egg
into the frying pan. Charlie jumped and the egg flew against the cabinet.

"Damnit Bells!" Charlie swore again, looking a little embarrassed.

Bella couldn't help it she giggled. Oh well, she really wasn't mad at him and even if she had
been she wouldn't have been able to keep it. He looked like a child with his hand caught in the
cookie jar.

"I feel like scrambled eggs this morning." Bella said with a smile as she snuck a piece of bacon.

Charlie let out a breath in relief and began to fix it for her. Bella watched him cook silently. He
glanced at her once in a while expectantly. She knew he was waiting for her to tell him what
had happened but she figured he deserved a little torture and made him wait by keeping silent.

Charlie fixed her plate up and set it in front of her. Then he fixed his own and sat down. He
watched while she ate, not touching his own food. Bella kept quiet and tried not to laugh as she
watched his impatience grown.

Finally he couldn't take it anymore. "Alright Bells. I know something good happened because
you're not yelling at me." He said with feigned indifference.

Bella grinned and shrugged her shoulders before taking another bite. Charlie let out a breath in

"Bells…" He finally growled.

This time Bella did laugh. Their relationship had changed so much. When she first arrived he
would have never asked her for such information. After Jasper had woken her up and got her
started talking to him he freely asked her all about her life and Bella liked it. She hadn't before
but once the walls between them were torn down it wasn't so hard to show each other how
much they cared. Jasper would never understand what a gift he had given her.

"We ate dinner, we danced, he showed me his face, we kissed. Nothing much." Bella said
trying to keep the smile off her face.

"What?" Charlie exclaimed.

"How did you figure out how to program the stereo dad?" Bella asked.

"I asked Ben Cheney." Charlie said taking a bite of his eggs.

Bella laughed, she should have known.

"So how did you react…" Charlie asked hesitantly.

Bella sat back and thought how to answer, she couldn't very well tell her father about the
overwhelming lust she had felt. Even now picturing his face that's what she felt though, she
shivered a bit.

"I don't know how to explain it. His face is so…" She ran a hand over her own cheek and closed
her eyes remembering the feel of his skin. She opened her eyes but didn't really look at her
father. "And his eye held so much emotion. It was like looking into his soul and…he's beautiful."
Bella breathed. She came out of her reverie and looked at Charlie. He was studying her closely.

"So what does this mean? Are you dating?" He asked her carefully.

"He told me to think about it. He wanted me to figure out if I still love Edward. He told me he
would be just my friend if that's what I wanted." Bella said.

"Is that what you want Bells." Charlie asked.

"No." Bella said honestly. She didn't want to be just his friend. She wasn't sure she wanted a
relationship either.

"So you want to be in a relationship with Jasper?" Charlie asked with an I told ya so smile.

Bella shook her head. "Not really. I was thinking more along the lines of friends with benefits."
Yes that would be perfect. She could enjoy his kisses maybe even experience sex. It would be
mind-blowing with him she was sure, but she wouldn't have to deal with the drama. She
wouldn't get her heart-broken.

Charlie began coughing and Bella looked up at him as he tried to regain his breath. Bella got up
and patted his back. "Are you okay dad?" She asked.

"Bella no father wants to hear anything about his daughter's sex life." Charlie said giving her a
sour look.

Bella grinned and blushed. "Sorry dad." She told him.

"Bella how do you feel about Edward?" Charlie asked serious again.

Bella hesitated. "I still love him dad. I know he's probably not coming back. I just want to stop
thinking about him and Jasper makes me forget him."

Charlie frowned at her and Bella knew she had disappointed him, but she couldn't help the way
she felt. The heart wanted what it wanted.

"Don't break Jasper's heart Bella." Charlie said quietly.

"I don't see how I could dad. He doesn't love me." Bella told him. How could he love her? She
was a silly school girl who loved a vampire that abandoned her.

"How do you know that Bells?" Charlie asked.

"How could he?" She asked.

Charlie stood up shaking his head. "Maybe you should talk to him Bells." He said picking up
their plates and carrying them to the kitchen.

Bella smiled broadly at the thought of seeing Jasper again. "I think I well." She said before
grabbing her coat and heading to Jasper's cabin.

Jasper sat on his porch looking at the sun shimmering through the trees. He felt her coming and
wasn't sure he was ready to see her. He smiled at her emotions, she was very happy. He
hoped that was good news.

He felt her pull his hood off and ducked his head before she grabbed his chin and raised his
head to meet her eyes. Again he felt the desire pour off her and his own start to answer, or
was she answering his? Her hand left his chin and ran over his face almost in the same path
she had taken last night.

He stood up suddenly and turned away from her. "Bella stop. I'm sorry." He felt confusion from
her and she grabbed his shoulder before walking in front of him and looking up at him with
questioning eyes.

"I figured it out last night. I'm projecting." He gritted out, terribly ashamed.

The confused look stayed on her face for a minute before realization dawned on it.

"You think that my lust comes from your gift?" She asked disbelieving.

Jasper nodded. "It's the only explanation." He said guiltily.

Bella snorted. "Think again bucko."

It was Jasper's turn to look confused.

"Just thinking about you today made me ummm…you know." She said blushing madly.

"Really?" Jasper said a grin starting to appear as hope returned to him. Maybe she did feel
something for him. If she felt desire for him, maybe the affection he had passed off as friendly
was more?

Bella nodded and start to approach him. He groaned when she pulled him down into a kiss. He
had longed for this. Hoped she wanted this. He couldn't believe she wanted him.

She made a soft noise and Jasper felt his need for her grow. He began to kiss her neck and
felt her press her lower body into him.

"What do you want?" He purred.

"Help me forget." She gasped.

Jasper pulled back from her. He looked down into her passion filled face. "What?" He asked.

Bella looked at him through her lashes, it was the sexiest look Jasper had ever seen but he
resisted the offer she unconsciously gave him. "What?" He asked again.

"Help me forget." Bella said again, unsure this time.

"What exactly are we doing here Bella?" Jasper asked, his heart dropping, but his mind telling
him to not question it, to take what was offered.

"I ummm…" Bella said starting to fidget. "When you kiss me I want you so much I forget

Jasper stared at her waiting for her to continue. "I want you and I think you want me…" She
was blushing so much Jasper could almost feel the heat coming from her cheeks.

"I thought we could be friends with benefits." She finally finished.

Jasper stared at her unsure what she was talking about. He hadn't heard the term before.
"What does that mean?" He asked not sure if he really wanted to know.

"Friends that have sex with no attachments." Bella said licking her lips.

Bella fidgeted under his gaze. He couldn't speak as his mind processed what she was saying.
She didn't love him she just wanted him, and only to help her forget about Edward. If Edward
came back she would go back to him. Jasper shook his head. Even if there was no Edward he
couldn't agree to this.

"I can't Bella." He told her though part of him, a humiliating part wanted to take her up on the
offer. "You know about how I got my scars. I used a girl to try to make Maria jealous. I got the
scars but the girl was killed. I can't even remember her name Bella." He told her guiltily.

"I promised myself that I would never again use sex in such away. I promised myself that I
would only use it as an expression of love." Jasper said.

Bella looked hurt and Jasper frowned. Maybe he should tell her he loved her.

"It's not the same thing Jasper. There is no Maria here. Neither one of us is trying to make
someone jealous and you won't forget my name." Bella said.

Jasper ran a hand through his hair. She was right of course but he couldn't tell her the rest. He
couldn't tell her he loved her. It would make her have to turn him down and ruin their friendship.

"I know it's not but I promised myself Bella. I know a monster like me doesn't deserve it but I
want love." Jasper whispered realizing it was true and knowing now he couldn't accept her

"No….no Jasper that's not true. You above all people deserve love." Bella cried and flung her
arms around him. He felt her affection and regret.

"No Bella what I deserve is to pay for my sins. If ever a man deserved to be punished it is me."
Jasper said thinking of all the people he had callously put to death. The nameless girl wasn't the
first or the last but she was a symbol to him of how heartless he had been.

He felt Bella's anger as she pulled away from him. "Stop it Jasper. The past is gone. You can't
go back and fix it, you can only live today and today you are a good man. A man who cares for
those around him and helps where he can. A man who helped my father when my mother left
him, a man who befriended Sam and Emily, helping them overcome their heartache. A man who
has helped countless people in this community. A man who gave me back my father." He felt
the gratitude pouring off her and was a little embarrassed by it.

He didn't feel that a few good deeds made up for the bloodshed he had caused but she was
right in one sense. He couldn't change the past, only the future.

"Where does this leave us?" He asked wanting to change the subject and praying that they
were still friends.

"I hope we are still friends." Bella said.

Jasper smiled at her, relieved.

"And though you are rejecting my advances, maybe we could ummm kiss once in a while?"
Bella asked shyly.

Jasper chuckled, kisses wouldn't hurt anything... "Most definitely." He said before leaning in and
claiming her lips.
Chapter 14
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 14

Bella sighed in pure pleasure. She was in her favorite place in the whole world, sitting with her
back leaned on Jaspers chest and his arms draped around her.

They were sitting on his porch, listening to the birds and the wind through the trees. It had to be
one of the few perfect days in Forks. The sun shone above casting shadows through the trees.
She couldn't imagine a more perfect day.

Jasper kissed her hair softly and stroked her arm. She felt goose bumps appear on her skin
and snuggled closer. The last two weeks had been perfect. She still wanted him with a passion
she didn't always understand but he offered her so much affection that she was able to enjoy
the contact they had.

Maybe in ways it was better this way. Jasper deserved more than she could really give him at
the moment. Even though she didn't feel guilty for the little cuddling and kissing they did, it
would be wrong to enter into a sexual relationship with her feelings still lingering for Edward.

Edward…to be honest she hadn't thought of him much the last two weeks. Did that make her a
bad person? Did it make her fickle? Perhaps Edward was right in not trusting her with his
forever if she couldn't remain loyal in her thoughts.

"It's okay, you know." Jasper murmured.

Bella turned in his arms and looked at him. Could he read her thoughts?

"You feel guilty. I'm only guessing but I assume it is because you are happy and you think you
should be still mourning Edward." Jasper told her.

"Yes." Bella sighed and fell back into his embrace. She loved that he didn't push the matter. Tell
her, as her father and Jacob did that Edward didn't deserve her loyalty. She knew they were
right. In all probability Edward was not coming back.

He didn't deserve her loyalty but she feared that if she wasn't loyal that she was like her
mother. Flitting from one passion to another never being true to anyone or anything. She loved
her mother but she didn't want to be like her. The only person that Renee had loved consistently
was Bella herself. Bella still had a worry that Renee would bore of Phil's life on the road and
eventually leave him.

The offer she had made to Jasper had hurt him and she was sorry for it but she wanted him so
bad it confused her. She sat up and turned to look at his face. She had convinced him not to
hide his face from her and she loved looking at him.

She put her palm to the side of his face and looked into his eye. She could see so much in his
gaze that at times it took her breath away. Did he love her? Did she want him to?

She leaned forward and kissed him gently on his lips, as always a tingle ran down her spine at
the contact and she let out a low sigh of pure pleasure.

"I should go." She murmured across his lips.

"Mmmm" Jasper hummed in half agreement while pulling her closer and kissing her more
thoroughly. Her insides thrummed and she grabbed his shirt in her fists trying to keep her hands
from wandering. She tried to respect his wishes but at times like this it was hard. She wanted
him so much…

He pulled back and she was surprised to catch him breathing hard, he didn't need to breath.
Did she affect him like he did her? She smiled and buried her face in his chest, breathing in the
woodsy scent of him.

He kissed the top of her head. "C'mon darlin let's get you home." He told her as he helped her

Bella wondered if the smile she wore would break her face. She smiled so much these days.
She looked over at Jasper and noticed he wore a smile too. Was it wrong for her to be happy?
Bella sighed and reached for his hand. She wasn't going to worry about it just now.

They began to talk as they walked. She loved talking to him almost as much as kissing him. It
wasn't just the history he had lived through, it was him. His morals and ideals were admirable.
She loved his mercy, compassion and kindness. She loved his honesty, bravery and loyalty.

She wasn't the only one who saw it. Her dad greatly admired Jasper and valued his opinion
above all others. Sam had got over his deep hatred for vampires to form a respect for Jasper
that he showed no one else.

Emily, sweet, kind Emily had confided to Bella that she thought Jasper was the best person she
had ever met. He had somehow managed to mend her relationship with Leah. They weren't the
friends they had once been but they were talking now. Jasper had shown Leah the strength of
the imprint and Leah understood more what happened between her cousin and her lover. It
hadn't been enough for her to overcome all her bitterness but Jasper had helped her more by
listening to her and letting her release her anger. He never judged her feelings and it was the
beginning of healing for Leah. She had even come to last Fridays get together. She had been
quiet but Bella could see the beginnings of recovery.

The rest of the shifters admired Jasper for his skill as a warrior and often sparred with him. It
was funny sometimes to watch them. They had an obvious hero worship of Jasper. Even Jacob
did, he had backed off with his attentions to Bella. He had been a little disappointed when he
saw Jasper and Bella kissing but he had told Bella later that he thought Jasper was ten times
better for her than Edward and probably five times better for her than him. Bella was shocked
at his confession and it showed her just how much he admired Jasper.

"You're lost in your thoughts Belly. Anything I should worry about?" Jasper asked.
Bella hit him on the arm. He always called her that dreadful name when he wanted her attention
and it always worked.

"Thinking about how wonderful you are." She told him truthfully.

The smile left his face. "I told you before Bella, I'm not."

Bella sighed in defeat. She loved his humility. She was glad he wasn't like Edward. Edward had
soaked up her worship of him as if he deserved it…Bella couldn't believe her disloyal thoughts
and shook her head.

She looked over at Jasper with a sly grin. "Yeah you're right but I guess I can put up with you
even when you're annoying me."

"Annoying you?" Jasper asked with a frown as they walked up her porch.

"Well you keep calling me that dreaded name, you insist that you are less than you are and you
won't kiss me when I clearly need your kisses." Bella told him as she faced him with a small

"Hmmm well Belly I do love annoying you but I guess I could have a little mercy." He said as he
pulled her close.

She threaded her fingers through his hair and tugged him down to meet her eagerly awaiting
lips. Their kiss soon turned passionate and she groaned as the fire spread in her stomach and
started an ache she knew wouldn't be quenched soon.

They were so lost in the kiss she didn't notice her father till he cleared his throat rather loudly.
She pulled back from Jasper reluctantly, but the desire that had threatened to overwhelm her
left her as she regarded her father. He was glaring at Jasper.

She had been caught up in Jasper for the last few weeks but now that she thought about it
Charlie had not been friendly with her. He had been gruff and disapproving. Guilt swamped her
as she realized that she had been so caught up in Jasper she had been ignoring him. She didn't
want to do that, didn't want their relationship to revert to what it had been. She had just
resolved to talk to him tonight when he turned his gaze to her.

"Bella I need a chance to talk to Jasper." Charlie said his lips thin with anger.

Bella didn't know what was going on and was reluctant to leave. Jasper didn't deserve Charlie's

"It's okay Bella. Let me talk to your father." Jasper told her.

Bella looked between the two of them. They both looked angry but they had been friends for so
long. They were two of the greatest men she knew and she would have to trust that they would
resolve whatever was wrong.

She nodded and walked into the house. She shut the door but didn't go any farther. She trusted
them to work out their differences but both were a little too protective with her and she didn't
trust them to tell her what was going on.

"So you took her up on her offer?" Charlie said his voice tight with barely controlled anger.
Offer? What offer? Bella wondered.

He didn't give Jasper a chance to answer though. "I thought better of you Jasper. I never would
have pushed you two together if I had known you would take advantage. I thought you would
treat her right." Charlie growled.

"What offer are you talking about Charlie?" Jasper asked. Bella was glad he asked, she
wanted to know too.

"Friends with benefits." Charlie spat out. Bella felt her face heat up. She had forgotten she told
Charlie about that. Whatever had possessed her to do that?

"I thought you knew me better than that Charlie." Jasper said.

"I told you how I felt about such matters. You know what I've gone through, how I feel. How
could you think I would do that?" Hurt was evident in his voice and Bella closed her eyes in guilt.
She hadn't really realized till this moment how much she had hurt him.

"I'm sorry Jasper…It's just every time I see you two you are in some kind of passionate clinch,
the heat coming from you two is almost visible. She walks around with a silly grin on her face.
Hums and laughs for no reason I can see. I assumed and shouldn't have." Charlie told him.

"I'll be honest with you Charlie. If she loved me I would be with her in a second, but she still
thinks of Edward and…" Jasper trailed off, his voice low and pained. He had to know she was
listening. Did he want her to know this?

"No man likes to think about his baby girl all grown up and I'd rather not hear details but I know
you would be faithful to her. Another man would take what he was offered and not respect it.
That's not why I was angry. I thought you had taken her offer and not told her how you felt.
That would have been wrong and hurt her and you in the end." Charlie said. How he felt? How
did Jasper feel?

"She doesn't love me Charlie. I know that." Jasper said. Bella closed her eyes at the pain in his

There was a long pause before Charlie began to speak again. "I loved Renee, very deeply. You
know that, you were there for all of it. The thing is, I don't think I loved her the right way. She
was beautiful, bright, exciting but no more than that. When it came to friendship and respect we
were too different to last for the long run. I loved her, yes but we didn't really fit. I couldn't let
her go though. I've spent my life being loyal to a love that wasn't true. My daughter is a lot like
me Jasper. It isn't that she doesn't have feelings for you. I believe she even loves you, it's just
she is young and confused on the meaning of real love. She thinks the hero-worship she had for
Edward was the real thing. She doesn't understand that real love comes from not just admiring
a pretty face but loving the heart and soul of your intended. She is happy with you, she sees
past your scars, she obviously desires you…" Charlie said.

"I know she desires me, but she wants me as a stop gap till Edward comes back. Someone
who will help her forget." Jasper growled interrupting Charlie.

Bella gasped at not only his words but the anger behind them. It hit her like a ton of bricks. He
thought she was using him…she was using him. She didn't hear what was said next as she ran
to her room, guilt overwhelming her.

Jasper felt her guilt and felt his own rise. He had enjoyed the last two weeks with her. Loved
the feelings she projected when they were together, but he had that nagging hurt in him. That
anger at her proposal, poisoning their time. He had known she was listening and said that so
she would know.

He put his head in his hands as fear started to overwhelm him. He should have kept his peace.
What if her guilt caused her to distance herself from him? He didn't think she was ready to let
go of Edward. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked into Charlie's concerned eyes.

"She was listening?" He asked.

Jasper just nodded.

"I know my daughter. You need to go fix this before she decides something foolish." Charlie told

Jasper started for the door but Charlie's voice caused him to pause. "Bella didn't have a
boyfriend in Phoenix as far as I know. The only boyfriend she has had was Edward, at least
that I know of. It's kind of surprising she would want to have benefits with you when I'm not
sure she has ever had them before. You might want to ask her about that." Charlie told him a
little uncomfortably.

Jasper didn't draw out the awkward moment but it caused him to think as he walked up the
stairs. He knocked on her door.

"Can we talk later dad?" Bella called through the door.

Jasper opened her door and walked in. She turned in annoyance till she saw it was him then
guilt flooded her. He didn't like that, didn't want her to feel anything but the contented happiness
that had come from her lately.

"I'm sorry Bella. I knew you were there. I guess I've been harboring a little anger." He said
running through his hair.

Bella let out a breath. "I'm so sorry Jasper. I didn't mean to use you."

"I know you didn't darlin." He told her and crossed the room to take her in his arms. She threw
her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest.
He held her close, swaying a bit and murmuring sweet words to her. She soaked it up and
though the guilt remained it became a little less overwhelming.

"Bella?" He asked. She pulled back and looked up into his face.

"Bella have you…" He paused, embarrassed about what he was going to ask but needing to
know. "Have you ever been intimate with anyone before?" He asked.

Bella blushed a brilliant red. "No." She said putting her head down and letting her hair cover her

Hope soared through Jasper at the implications. He grasped her chin gently and pulled her up
to look at him.

"So you were offering me your first time?" He asked.

She blushed even brighter. "W..well I trust you…and when I'm with you…you make me feel
so…." She stammered. He pulled her to him and hugged her tight. This put a whole new light on
the situation. Maybe the love he felt from her wasn't just a friendship type of love. Maybe she
did truly love him, she just didn't want to admit it because of misplaced loyalty. He sensed only
trust and desire. She had offered him a precious gift and he hadn't even realized it.

"Wouldn't you want to save that for Edward?" He asked, waiting anxiously for her answer. He
felt a moment of confusion from her then guilt.

"At the time I told myself I offered because of the overwhelming attraction I had for you... I
guess it's disloyal but I wanted it to be you...wanted that memory for always..." She said
slowly, guilt pouring from her at the admission.

"I don't want to hurt you Jasper. I don't want to use you. Maybe what we are doing is wrong.
Maybe I should stop taking advantage of your kindness. You should…you should find someone
who will love you as you deserved." Bella said with a frown and tight voice.

Jasper couldn't help the grin appeared on his face. He felt her sorrow, jealously, anger when
she made that statement. She definitely did have feelings for him and wouldn't be happy if he
took up with another woman.

Were her feelings for him as strong as what she felt for Edward? He wasn't sure. They were
very strong but different. She had a very different kind of love for him than she had for Edward.

He reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her to him. "I happen to like you taking
advantage of me. I like your company. Do you like mine?" He asked. Bella nodded looking up at
him with those big brown eyes.

He bent down and kissed her. "I like your kisses. Do you like mine?" He whispered against her

"Yes." She breathed. He kissed her much more passionately then. He felt her desire for him
and his own rose to the point where it was almost overwhelming before he pulled back. He
groaned when he thought of how close he was to just giving in. Only the knowledge that they
were in Charlie's house and that she didn't acknowledge her love for him, held him in check.

He touched his forehead to hers. "Then I think we shouldn't deny ourselves. I can't make love to
you Bella unless there is love but we can and should treasure what we have and not worry so
much." He felt Bella's relief, it made him happy.

"Maybe Edward has a new girl…" He said out of the blue. He didn't want to hurt her but he
needed to feel her reaction. Needed to know for sure how she felt about Edward and him. Her
reaction stunned him. Her first feeling was a sense of hope then it was replaced by soul
crushing guilt. His own guilt at bringing it up rushed through him and he kissed her hard and fast.
Trying to comfort her. She responded with the same passion, but he quickly turned their kisses
to gentle and loving.

"I'm sorry darlin, I shouldn't have said that." He said with real regret.

"It's okay I imagine he will find a new girl." Bella said, her insecurity rearing it's head.

"If he does she wouldn't be half the woman you are." He told her kissing her cheek, then her
forehead, then her lips. She sighed in pleasure.

"See you tomorrow?" Jasper asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Yes." Bella said with a surge of happiness.

Jasper kissed her one last time before leaving her room. He smiled at Charlie while he was
leaving and Charlie returned the smile. Jasper knew that he had relieved his mind and was glad
his friend wasn't disappointed in him. He left the Swan's house already counting the minutes till
he saw her again.
Chapter 15
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 15

Bella smiled as she watched Jasper play with the pack. She couldn't believe how happy she
was. Charlie was grilling hamburgers with Billy. He had lost a bet with Bella and now was on
chef duty for the day, giving Bella time with the girls.

Emily and Leah sat in chairs watching the boys and talking some. None of them were extremely
talkative people and there were long periods of silence but none felt the lack and all of them
enjoyed the company.

Jasper took the football and looked at the boys wrestling and struggling for position. Bella
couldn't help but admire him. He had his hood down, she loved it when he had his hood down.
He only did it when he was comfortable and she was glad he was so at ease with them.

She licked her lips as she gazed at him. He wore an eye patch, which along with his scars
made him seem dangerous and sexy. His smile and laughter made him seem to glow to her. Of
course the sun shining on his skin and showing his sparkles made him all that much more

"Hey sparkles throw me the ball!" Jacob yelled as he broke away from Paul.

Jasper grinned evilly and threw the ball so hard that Jacob flew backwards ten feet. Jacob sat
on the ground a look of pain on his face before the laughter broke out around him. Bella had
gotten used to the rough play so wasn't panicked to see Jacob lay back on the ground with a

The girls laughed at them, Jasper looked over at them and jogged lightly to Bella's side. He sat
down beside her with a grin.

"Happy darlin'" He asked.

Bella's smile widened and she couldn't help but reach out and trace a scar along his cheek. She
loved to touch him and he let her. He closed his eye and leaned into her palm, kissed it lightly
before getting up and running back to the game.

She heard a soft sigh beside her and looked over at Emily. She had a dreamy look on her face.
Even stoic Leah seemed to have a soft smile.

"I'm so glad Jasper has you now. He deserves happiness." Emily said. Leah nodded watching
the boys again.

Bella felt a little uncomfortable. Jasper deserved far better than her, but she didn't argue.

"Chow time!" Billy yelled as he wheeled away from the table.

The girls laughed at the stampede that followed. Jasper was of course in front. He filled two
plates before the others could take all the food. He had no problem shoving the boys out of the
way and even managed to knock poor Jared down. The boy got up quickly and shoved his way
back into the chaos.

Jasper's blonde head stood out from the rest of the dark haired pack and Bella grinned to see
that they gave him room now.

He emerged with two plates heaping with food and walked towards Bella and the girls proudly.
Bella's smile widened as she watched him give Leah a plate and bring the next one towards
her. He had made a habit of making sure Bella had food after the first get together. Bella
thought if he didn't she probably would never get to eat at these shin digs.

"Thank you." Leah said softly looking at her food then at Jasper. Bella frowned as she saw a
glimmer of something in Leah's eyes. She liked Leah a lot but that didn't mean she could make
eyes at Jasper.

She heard a soft chuckle and felt herself being lifted then placed into Jasper's lap.

"You know you're the only woman for me Belly." Jasper whispered in her ear.

Normally she would hit him for calling her that dreaded nickname but his breath on her ear sent
shivers down her spine. He kissed her neck softly and Bella suppressed a groan. She lifted the
hamburger and took a bite. He had fixed it perfect for her and again a surge of affection ran
through her. He knew what she liked and took care of her.

After the pack ate an enormous amount of food they all stood up to resume their game. Jasper
kissed her forehead and started to rise but Bella pulled him into a much deeper kiss before
letting him go back to the field.

"I don't know what it is. Whether it is we are getting used to him or whether it is the happiness
but Jasper's scars seem…less shocking to me." Leah said as she watched him.

Bella felt herself bristle with anger. She definitely didn't like Leah looking at Jasper so
appreciatively or the way she seemed to disparage Jasper's scars. His scars were a part of
him and beautiful to her. She was about to retort angrily when Emily interrupted her.

"It's love." Emily said. "Jasper is happy, it shines around him and infects everyone. You can't
look at his happy eyes or smile with fear."

Bella studied Jasper. It was true he didn't look so intimidating. The pack played and joked with
him, there wasn't the fear that had once been there. She had put it off as familiarity but it was
more than that.

She knew from his telling of his past that he had been very charismatic as a human. As a
vampire he had his gift of empathy , but Jasper swore he didn't use it often. She didn't think he
was manipulating them. Jasper just drew people to him with his light. It had been hidden for a
time, behind pain and insecurity but now…now he was free to shine and even his scars couldn't
detract from his inner beauty.

"Yes." Leah sighed wistfully.

Bella stood up angrily and stalked toward the girl, she had enough of Leah looking at her man.
Both women looked at her a little surprised.

"Keep your eyes and your thoughts to yourself Leah. He doesn't need you making goo goo
eyes at him." Bella gritted out with her hands on her hips.

Leah stood up her own anger rising at the challenge.

"You obviously make him happy Bella, but when Edward comes back and you abandon him.
Maybe I will be there to pick up the pieces." Leah growled.

Without a second though Bella pulled back her fist and punched the taller girl in the face. Leah
was shocked for only a second before she dived at Bella. The fell to the ground, kicking,
punching, pulling hair and screaming at each other.

Everyone was shocked and the men stood still for a couple of minutes till Jasper and Charlie
came to their senses. They waded in and pulled the girls apart.

Bella struggled in Jasper's arms, her anger was overwhelming. When she found she couldn't
get away she settled for yelling at Leah who was being held back by Charlie and now Paul.

"He's mine, you need to stay away!" She screamed.

Leah somehow managed to stand up straight, almost regally; even with Charlie and Paul
holding her to make sure she didn't attack Bella.

"He's yours. He wants you for some reason and I will respect that but if there ever comes a
time when he is free…" Leah didn't finish the sentence but Bella got the implications.

She got a hold of her breathing but her anger was still overwhelming her. They stood glaring at
each other before Jacob finally broke the tense atmosphere.

"So are we still going cliff diving tomorrow?" Jacob asked.

There was some tense laughter but everyone agreed at the meeting time. Leah said she was
going to pass this time and asked Paul to take her home. Bella glared at her back, glad she
wouldn't be there.

After that the group steadily dispersed. Emily gave Bella a quick hug before leaving with Sam.
Bella felt bad for making Emily uncomfortable but not for standing up to Leah. She was still
angry when she thought of the tall beauty making eyes at Jasper.

"C'mon darlin' let's watch a movie." Jasper said.

They made their way to the living room, stopping to make some popcorn and inviting Charlie to
join them. Charlie declined claiming to need his sleep before work tomorrow. Bella cuddled into
Jasper's arms and let the anger drain from her as they watched the movie.

Jasper couldn't help but admire Bella's curves as she stood on the top of the rock in a wet suit
that seemed to emphasize her figure. She was slim and petite but feminine in a way that sent
heat throughout his body.

The past few weeks had been heaven. They were closer than ever and Jasper was beginning
to have hope that maybe she could love him. Last night's fit of jealousy had given him a huge
boost in confidence of her feelings for him. He had felt a slight stir of desire in Leah but had
written it off as desire for Sam. Bella desired him but Bella was special and could look past his
scars. He seriously doubted any other woman would see anything in him.

Bella smiled nervously at him as they watched the boys dive off the rock one by one.

"You sure you want to do this Bella?" He asked.

In the last few weeks Bella had put together a dirt bike with Jacob and learned to ride it. She
had enjoyed it and Jasper was happy when she was happy. After hearing Jacob talk about cliff
diving she had insisted on coming. Jacob had tried to talk her out of it but Jasper had stood up
for her. She had enough people to keep her safe and he wanted her to be able to try the things
she wanted to do.

She had spent most of her life catering to the whims of her mother. She had gained freedom in
Forks only to be caged again by Edward. Jasper liked her free and wanted her to be able to
find what made her happy. Her happiness was his.

Bella nodded but didn't answer him. She looked over the edge and gulped. Jasper grinned
before moving closer to her and kissing her.

"Would it be easier if I dived first and was waiting for you or if I watch you from here?" Jasper
asked. Sam was down there waiting for her but if she wanted him to be there he would be.

"Could we jump together?" She asked timidly.

Jasper smiled at her. "I guess we could."

He pulled her close and she wrapped her arms around him. He could feel her heat through her
wet suit and he nuzzled her hair for a moment enjoying her scent.

"Ready?" He asked.

Bella didn't answer she just nodded. Her fear was swallowed up by desire and Jasper couldn't
help his grin. It still amazed him how much she wanted him. He had tried to write it off as the
natural reaction of a human to a vampire but her feelings were much deeper than that. He
kissed her neck gently and she shivered in response.

"One." He said and moved them closer to the edge.

"Two." He said before filling his lungs with air. He would need that air or he would sink like a
stone. He pulled her with him as he jumped over the edge.

He felt the surge of excitement and fear rush through her as they fell. He made sure that he hit
the water first to break her fall. The water rushed over their heads and Jasper began to kick
immediately, not wanting them to go to deep for her sake. They broke the surface and Bella
laughed as Jasper let her go and began to swim for shore.

They came out of the water laughing. Bella playfully hit him.

"What happened to three?" She asked.

Jasper grinned sheepishly. "Well you did say you were ready." He told her.

He felt the adrenalin rush from her and was glad that they had done this. They made their way
to the bonfire where the boys were roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. Bella grabbed a
marshmallow and a stick and moved towards the fire.

She shivered a bit and Jasper rubbed her arms in hopes of warming her up. The night passed
in blur of laughter and camaraderie. He held Bella close to him as much as possible, enjoying
her warmth and happiness.

It all came to an end to soon and Jasper followed Bella to her truck. She drove them to her
house quietly, holding his hand at times and smiling happily as she watched the road.

They arrived too soon for Jasper. He didn't want the night to end. He didn't want to go to his
cabin alone. She sighed as she shut off the engine and Jasper knew she was feeling the same
way. They got out of the truck and walked towards her porch hand in hand.

He was lost in her emotions, she was so happy, it was a balm to his soul. They stopped at the
door and he drew her to him. He kissed her lightly at first but it didn't take long for the kisses to
grow more intense.

He was lost in her. Lost in her scent, her emotions and the heat of her body. Suddenly he was
pulled from her heat and thrown backwards. Jasper stood up quickly with a growl. He looked
over to see Edward standing in front of Bella protectively and growling in his direction.

He felt the anger, fear and determination coming off the younger vampire. Jasper fought himself
trying to keep from losing control. Every instinct told him to get the vampire away from Bella,
protect her and rip apart the threat.

Edward was actually shaking as he looked at Jasper and Jasper knew he feared his scars.
Jasper pulled his hood over his head self-consciously, but didn't leave. He wanted to make sure
Edward wasn't going to hurt her and didn't want to provoke the boy to do something foolish.

He looked over Edward's shoulder at Bella. She was staring at Edward and for once Jasper
couldn't understand what she was feeling. Her emotions were in chaos. Fear, anger, confusion
rolled through her.
"Edward…what are you doing?" Bella asked.

"Alice saw that bastard hurt you Bella. She saw him jump with you into the ocean. She didn't
see you after that. I had to get here and save you. I won't let him hurt you." He growled. With
that he charged at Jasper.

Jasper fought him easily enough. The boy couldn't read his thoughts when he didn't want him to
and had no real training in fighting. He easily pinned him to the ground and would have ripped
off his head if he hadn't felt a surge of fear and love come from Bella.

He fell back off of Edward and lay on the ground. His despair was overwhelming. He had really
thought he was making progress with Bella but she still loved Edward. At that moment he
hoped that Edward would just end his life.

Bella screamed Edward's name and a shot-gun blast rang through the air. Jasper turned to see
Charlie exiting his police car his shotgun drawn and pointing at Edward.

"You need to step away son." Charlie said in a commanding tone. For a moment Jasper
remembered Charlie being new on his job and much less sure of himself. He felt a surge of
pride in his friend.

Edward seemed to debate whether to obey but eventually stood up.

"He tried to kill Bella, Mr. Swan." Edward said slowly.

Charlie scoffed. "I don't think so."

Edward clenched his fists and Jasper felt his anger rise. He didn't try to defend himself at the
moment he just wanted to run and hide but he couldn't leave till he was sure Edward had
calmed down. He wasn't going to let the boy hurt Charlie or…Bella.

"Alice saw that he was going to jump with her off a cliff. She didn't see them coming out of the
water." Edward growled angrily.

"I don't really care what Alice saw. I know Jasper would never hurt Bella." Charlie said not
lowering his gun.

"Edward, we went cliff diving. We jumped off that cliff this afternoon. I don't know why Alice
didn't see me coming back up but as you can see I am fine." Bella said touching his arm.

Jasper turned away from the scene, unable to watch Bella reunite with her love. He felt Bella's
love and it made him squeezed his one eye shut in hopes that if he couldn't block out feeling her
emotions he could at least block out the sight. She was feeling so much love and concern that it
nearly choked him.

He waited a moment to check over Edward's emotions. He felt his anger cool and a bit of
jealousy coming from the boy. He didn't think he would hurt anyone now. With that in mind
Jasper let the need to get away overwhelm him and ran off into the woods.
Chapter 16
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 16

Bella stood there, unable to move. She heard Edward and her father talking but wasn't paying
attention to what they said. Everything had happened so fast. One moment she was in Jasper's
arms being kissed thoroughly, the next he was pulled away from her and Edward stood in front
of her with his back to her and growling at Jasper.

Edward had for some reason believed Jasper would hurt her. Jasper would never hurt her,
Bella knew that. She was more sure that Jasper would protect her than Edward. She had never
believed Edward would hurt her either but there had been times she knew he held on to his
control by a thread. Jasper also took care of her better. He had a shelter prepared for Charlie,
he had taught her self-defense. Edward had never brought it up. His solution do danger to her
had been to abandon her.

She felt a hand on her arm and looked at Edward's perfect face. Her rage almost overpowered
her at the sight of him. Jasper had been doing so good. He had been coming out of his shell,
not hiding in his hood, then Edward had shown up and the hood had come back. Jasper
shouldn't feel that way, he was so much better in so many ways than Edward, but how many
times had Edward made Bella feel like that. Feel like somehow she was inferior to him, wasn't
worthy of him. What if all the progress Jasper had made was ruined? Bella shook Edward's
hand off her arm.

"What are you doing here Edward? Last I heard I wasn't part of your family. Why would you
even care if I died? As I recall you left me in the woods. If Jasper hadn't found me I would have
died." Bella told him her voice full of bitterness.

"I'm sorry Bella. That was the hardest thing I have ever done. I wanted to take you in my arms.
I wanted to take back all my harsh words and tell you how much I loved you but I couldn't. I
was a danger to you. The blood lust seemed to be getting worse and I was so afraid I would
hurt you…" Edward said holding out his arms trying to draw her in but Bella backed away from

He was saying everything she had so longed to hear but now…She looked off the way Jasper
had run and her anger surged again. How dare Edward attack him! How dare he make him feel
the need to cover his face! She really needed to go see Jasper. What if he ran off…but Edward
was here. Wasn't that what she wanted? Wasn't that why she wouldn't give Jasper her heart?

"Bella I've had a lot of time to think…" Edward paused taking a breath. "I'm ready. I can change
you and we can start our forever." He said with a crooked grin.

Bella stared at him in shock and Charlie cursed behind her. She had forgotten her father was
there and turned to him now. He looked angry and he was doing his best not to meet her eyes.
She smiled softly. He was probably trying to not influence her. She knew he preferred her with
Bella looked off into the forest again. Would Jasper run? She had given him every reason to
believe that she would go back to Edward if he came back. The thought of Jasper leaving
caused a pain in her chest and she rubbed it unconsciously.

She looked back at Edward's perfect face. Once it would have caused her heart to speed up
but now…It was a plain face. A face unmarred by pain and suffering. A face that judged all
others, that decided what was best for those around him without true knowledge or care for the
inner feelings or wants of those around him. It wasn't the face she loved.

Bella suddenly felt joy deep in her soul as she made a realization. She had been blinded by
misplaced loyalty and fear of becoming her mother, but she owed Edward nothing. He had
abandoned her. She was free now. Free to choose, free to love who she wanted and she loved

Bella laughed and kissed Edward soundly on the cheek. He looked at her shocked but smiled
back at her.

"I'm sorry Edward but …" How could she put this gently. There really was no way. "I've moved
on. I don't love you anymore." She told him softly.

Edwards smile dropped and his mouth fell open in shock. Bella laughed again. He really thought
she would take him back. She patted his arm and moved past him. She really didn't have time
for this. She had a man to catch.

She heard Charlie's chuckle and smiled broadly at him.

"Go on Bells. You better catch him before he convinces himself to leave." Charlie told her

Bella grabbed her jacket and began walking towards Jasper's cabin.

"Well now son do you want to come in for a bit? How's your family?" Charlie was saying to

Bella laughed thinking how much she truly loved her father.

When Jasper finally stopped running, he wasn't sure where he was or how far he had come. He
punched a tree to his right then let out a roar of anger before falling back on the ground.

He stared at the sky peeking through the trees, he couldn't see the stars. What was he going to
do now? Should he leave? Could he leave? Could he watch Bella with Edward? Jasper growled
low in his throat. It would be hard but it would be hard to leave her too.

Jasper sat up. He really didn't want to leave Charlie either or Sam and the pack for that matter.
He put his head in his hands. Was Bella even safe? She was Edward's singer. Unless Edward
had changed his mind about changing her she was in danger.

He pounded a fist on the ground in frustration. He couldn't leave his friends and he couldn't
leave Bella. He got up slowly and turned to go back when he got the surprise of his life. There
in front of him was a short dark-haired vampire. She was smiling up at him and her emotions
were odd. She was happy and sad seemingly at the same time. She seemed familiar….

"Hello Jasper." She said in a light musical voice.

Jasper said nothing as he studied her reading her emotions and trying to remember where he
had seen her.

"Yes you know me. We met in a little diner." She told him in a sad voice.

The memory hit him hard along with the pain he had felt at the encounter. He remembered her
horror at the scars he wore. He pulled his hood further down so she wouldn't have to look at

"I'm sorry…" She choked as pain and guilt flooded her. Jasper was unsure why she felt guilty
and didn't know how to ease it without using his gift. She seemed to gain control of herself and
Jasper was grateful.

"My name is Alice Cullen. I'm sure Bella has told you about my gift." She said.

Jasper stared at her suspiciously, hadn't she told Edward that he had killed Bella and didn't
Bella want to talk to her about some things? Bella had said she suspected Alice was avoiding

"Bella is in danger. You need to get to her." She told him and started to walk into the woods.

Jasper grabbed her arm. "What kind of game are you playing? First you tell Edward that I killed
Bella now you're telling me that she's in danger. Why should I believe you when you obviously
lie?" He asked.

"I didn't tell Edward that you had killed Bella. I showed him the vision of you jumping off the cliff
with Bella. He jumped to conclusions." She told him with wide eyes. "You constantly confuse my
visions. I didn't see you reacting like this…" She trailed off and he began to sense fear in her.

"Please Bella is in danger. Laurent has left Alaska. He isn't staying on the animal diet. He's
going to find Bella. She's looking for you…" She didn't get any further before Jasper let out a
loud growl and shoved her ahead of him.

"Show me!" He demanded.

She began to run and he followed her. He still wasn't sure if he believed her but he couldn't take
the chance.

"He had to come back you know. If he hadn't Bella would have pined for him forever. Misplaced
loyalty would have come between you and her. Now she has made a decision. Now she is
free." Alice said as she ran.

He wasn't sure what she meant and wasn't sure he cared. She was manipulating his life and he
didn't like it. She had called Charlie all those years ago. Lead him to Jasper's door. He
remembered now that Charlie had told him an Alice Cullen had told him she had broken up with
her boyfriend and she wanted Charlie to check on him.

Meeting Charlie had been one of the best things to happen to him but he didn't like the fact that
this woman was manipulating his life. Bella was in danger and if what she said was to be
believed it was because Bella was looking for him. Bella was looking for him because Alice had
manipulated Edward into coming back. If Bella died, Alice would pay.

"Dammit!" Bella exclaimed looking at the stinging scratch that now decorated her hand. She
used her shirt to stop the bleeding and glared at the blackberry bush before turning back to the

She hadn't found Jasper at his cabin but she was determined to see him. She couldn't stand the
thought that he was thinking she had chosen Edward. She couldn't believe he had left. Wouldn't
believe it. If Jasper was gone…it wouldn't be like it was with Edward there would be no
climbing out of the darkness. No she was going to find him. She raised her flashlight and shined
it around the path.

She almost dropped it when it shined on red eyes.

"Laurent!" She gasped vaguely remembering him as one of James coven. Edward had assured
her he would not be a threat.

Her heart began to pound and she moved her bleeding hand behind her back. His eyes were
red and she was bleeding.

He could smell her, feel her…She was near and she was frightened. Jasper ran faster than he
ever had. He smelled blood and another vampire…He remembered that vampire. He was a
member of James coven. He cursed to himself. He should have hunted him down. He knew
better than to leave him alive, he should have known the vampire would eventually be a

He noted that Alice was no longer leading him. When she left he wasn't sure but he didn't have
time for that right now. Bella was in danger and he had to get there in time.

He heard Bella's heartbeat pickup and felt Laurent's hunger. In a burst of speed he ran forward
and caught the vampire by his hair yanking him back hard just as he started to descend on
Bella. Luckily he let go of her in surprise.

Bella cried out in pain and Jasper glanced her way, immediately noticing her dislocated
shoulder. He roared in rage and grabbed Laurent's arm, wrenching it from his body.

"Please…" The vampire cried out clutching his shoulder and stumbling backwards. "I didn't
know she was yours…I will leave…never come back…" He gasped.
Jasper's vision was colored red in his rage.

"I let you leave once. You have used up my mercy" Jasper said as he stalked toward the
frightened vampire. He increased that fear and Laurent fell to his knees shaking and mumbling
nonsense in his terror.

"You touched what was mine." Jasper growled and began to methodically take the vampire

The red haze didn't leave his sight till he had a fire going and had begun to drop the defeated
vampires parts into it. It was then Bella picked up an arm and came beside him before tossing
it into the fire. He was shocked. She saw him go wild in his rage and she wasn't feeling fear. He
read her emotions. There was pride, relief, love?

She looked over at him and reached up to pull his hood down. He flinched away from her but
she ignored him and reached again. This time he let her take the hood down. She looked up at
him and reached up to caress his face tenderly. He felt naked in front of her, vulnerable and
frightened. Was she going to tell him that she was going with Edward? Tell him that he was a
monster? He had acted like a monster.

His head dropped in shame but she wouldn't have it. She stood on her toes and kissed him. It
was a tender kiss, it flooded him with warmth and he began to hope that maybe she had
chosen him. Was that possible? Edward was perfect and Jasper was...

She pulled back and looked him in the eye. "I love you Jasper Whitlock, more than I ever
believed I could…"

He didn't let her say anything else before his lips descended on hers. He pulled her close as joy
spread through him. Hers , his he wasn't sure whose it was but it didn't matter. She flinched as
his hand ran over her arm and he cursed himself for forgetting her injury.

"I'm sorry…" He started to say guilt in his voice when she interrupted him.

"It was so worth it." She told him with a laugh.

He kissed her one more time, gently, then turned to put the fire out. When he was done he
turned back and her picked her up, carrying her bridal style, he kissed her forehead.

"Let's get you taken care of darlin', I don't want you in pain." He told her as he began to walk
back to town, his heart light and happiness pouring out of him in waves. Anyone he ran into was
going to get a giant dose of happy tonight.

Bella snuggled closer and nuzzled him. She was feeling such love and security and he marveled
that she felt that way about him. He looked up into the sky and saw some stars peeking
through the clouds and the trees.

"I love you too." He whispered looking back down into her lovely face and letting her feel his
Chapter 17
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 17

Jasper looked at Bella, sleeping in his arms. He frowned slightly at the sling she now wore. Dr.
Gerandy had reset her shoulder then put her in a sling warning her to not use her arm or he
would put her in a shoulder immobilizer. He made sure to ease Jasper's worry by telling him the
standard 'She's young and should heal quickly.'

Jasper didn't like it. She shouldn't have been injured. He wasn't comfortable with the knowledge
that someone was manipulating his life. Alice was responsible for Bella's injury…Jasper sighed
the truth was he was responsible. He had reacted without thinking when he saw her in the
clutches of Laurent. If he had just taken a moment, incapacitated him with his gift, Laurent
wouldn't have been able to hurt Bella.

Bella muttered his name and nuzzled her cheek against his chest. Jasper couldn't help the growl
of satisfaction that rumbled through him. All thoughts of guilt left as he reveled in her warmth
and marveled that she loved him.

It was a miracle and hardly seemed possible that she could love him. She was beauty and life,
he was scars and death. He really should let her go, let her find someone more worthy of her
but he wouldn't. He had seen how Edward's leaving had affected Bella and he could never do
that to her. The only way he would ever leave her is if she asked him to. He prayed that she
never would.

The sun was rising as he made his way to the Swan house. He could tell that Edward was gone
and that Charlie was up. He should have called, he hadn't been very considerate of Charlie.

He knocked on the door and Charlie opened it quickly. He took one look at Bella's sling and
frowned darkly.

"Let me put her to bed then we can talk." Jasper whispered to Charlie stopping him from asking

He walked up the stairs and entered her room. He laid her gently on the bed and stopped for a
moment just to look at her. She was so beautiful it was hard to leave her but Charlie was
waiting and he had neglected his friend too much already.

Charlie was standing by the door when he made it down the stairs. His arms were crossed and
Jasper could feel the irritation coming off him.

"I started to run off but I had already stopped and was deciding to come back when Alice
Cullen found me." Jasper began.

Charlie didn't say a word just studied him and waited for him to continue.
"She told me Bella was in danger and I needed to get to her. At first I didn't trust her, after all
she did lead Edward to believe that I had killed her. The chance of Bella being in danger though
convinced me. I followed her and found Bella about to be attacked by Laurent. I grabbed him
off of Bella by his hair. That caused him to drop Bella. Her shoulder was dislocated. After that I
ripped off his arm and proceeded to tear him apart. I'm really not sure all I did, I'm afraid I let
my anger get the best of me." Jasper paused. He really hadn't liked Bella seeing that but she
hadn't commented on it. He didn't know what that meant and he was unsure he wanted to know
what she thought about the monster that he could be.

"After I burned him I took Bella to the hospital and Dr. Gerandy fixed her up." Jasper handed
Charlie her medicine. "This is the medicine he prescribed for her pain. She needs to keep her
shoulder immobile."

Jasper ran a hand through his hair, nervously. "I'm sorry Charlie I shouldn't have let this happen.
I should have believed Alice. I shouldn't have let my anger get a hold of me. I could have
handled the whole situation much better."

He felt Charlie's hand on his shoulder. "Bella has been getting herself in trouble since she was
young. Protecting her is a full time job and I can't think of anyone more qualified to protect her
than you. I wouldn't have believed Alice at first either. Seemed she caused you and Bella
trouble that isn't over yet. You saved her from a vampire who had her in his clutches. From
what I understand that's not an easy thing."

Jasper remembered why he had befriended Charlie so many years ago. The man seemed to
have a knack for saying just the right thing. Jasper began to smile but then what Charlie said hit

"Not over?" He asked.

"Even though Bella told Edward in no uncertain terms that she didn't love him anymore and had
moved on, the kid is convinced she is just angry at his desertion. Made me promise to tell Bella
that the Cullens are moving back and are sorry for ever leaving her. Said he was never leaving
again." Charlie told him not hiding his irritation.

Jasper growled loudly. For a moment the anger he had felt earlier in the evening returned and
thoughts of 'convincing' the boy to move on floated around his brain. It didn't take long for his
insecurity to take over and he began to worry that Bella would change her mind. After all
Edward was perfect…

"You stop that right now. You are so much better for Bella than anyone else could ever think of
being. Even if she hasn't told you that she loves you yet, I know she does…" Charlie was
saying before Jasper interrupted.

"She told me she loved me." Jasper whispered.

Charlie broke into a wide grin and chuckled. "Then you have nothing to worry about. She is not
like Renee, she takes after me. It's why she took so long to let go of Edward even though she
mistook infatuation for love."
Charlie's optimism infected Jasper and he felt himself beginning to smile.

"I'll call Sam and tell him the Cullens are moving back. I don't know how that is going to affect
our get togethers but I have no intention of stopping them even if we have to go to the
reservation." Charlie said before covering a yawn. "Maybe you should stick close. I don't think
Edward is going to do anything to hurt Bella but better safe than sorry."

Jasper nodded, he had no intention of leaving Bella or Charlie alone.

"Get some sleep Charlie I'll just wander around make sure everything is secure. I won't leave."
Jasper said.

Charlie nodded and reentered the house. Jasper let his senses expand and started to walk in a
wide circle around the house taking comfort in Bella's emotions as she dreamt sweet dreams.

Bella started to stretch when she woke up but stopped when she felt a pain in her shoulder.
Memories of the weekend flooded her. So much had happened in such a short time.

She smiled and lay back as she remembered her confession to Jasper. How could she have
been so blind for so long. If she had just confessed sooner so much could have been avoided.
She didn't like that she had hurt Jasper, still she would have always wondered about her
feelings for Edward.

Seeing Edward had clarified things for her. She knew without a doubt that she didn't love him
anymore. She was madly in love with one Jasper Whitlock. Bella giggled at her thoughts as
happiness bubbled up in her.

They were free now. Free to love, nothing was standing in their way. Bella looked out the
window and was surprised to see the sun shining, but she smiled none the less. Of course the
sun would be shining on such a perfect day.

She got up unwilling to lay in bed and hoping she would see Jasper today. She made her bed
and changed her clothes. It was hard keeping her arm still and she didn't think she succeeded
as her shoulder began to ache.

She made her way down stairs and realized her father wasn't up yet. It was unusual for him to
sleep so late and she hoped he hadn't stayed up waiting for her. She felt a moment of guilt. She
hadn't even thought to call him. She had hoped she was getting over her thoughtlessness where
her father was concerned but apparently she still needed to work on that.

She got some bacon and eggs out of the fridge and started to mix up some pancake batter. It
wouldn't make up for making him worry but she hoped making him breakfast would help with an

She had just finished up the pancakes and bacon when Charlie entered the kitchen.

"How do you want your eggs dad?" She asked.

"Bells, you're not supposed to be working your arm." He said as he took the spatula from her
and shooed her out of the kitchen.

"I'm sorry for not calling you last night." Bella said softly.

"Well I'm glad you are alright and I hope it never happens again but we do live in an area
inhabited by some pretty dangerous beings, please call next time." Charlie said as he handed
her a medicine bottle.

Bella took some pills and drank the water Charlie had poured for her. "I'm sorry dad. I will." She

Charlie put a plate in front of her then sat down beside her with his own plate.

"Jasper told me what happened. Please Bells don't be wandering in the woods alone. You
know you are a magnet for danger." Charlie said while cutting a pancake.

Bella choked on her own food, laughing. "I won't. What did Jasper tell you?" She asked
wondering if he had told him about her confession.

"He told me that he saved you from Laurent at the urging of Alice." Charlie said.

Bella was just about to tell him that they had confessed their love when Charlie went on.

"And he said that you told him you loved him." Charlie said with a grin.

Bella broke out in a wide grin.

"About time Bells." Charlie said.

"Yeah, well I take after you." She told him.

Charlie smiled at her. "That you do." He said proudly.

Times like these made her love Jasper all the more. He had given her, her father. She doubted
their relationship would have mended on its own.

"Well I hate to rain on all these good feelings but you need to know. Edward told me last night
that he is sticking around and that the Cullens are moving back. Seems he didn't believe you
when you said you didn't love him and is convinced he can win you back. Says you are just
angry at him and he will just have to prove he isn't leaving you again." Charlie told her.

The smile left her face a long with the good feeling she had this morning. That arrogant
bastard, first he leaves when she wants him then he sticks around when she doesn't. He never
listened to what she wanted. Why had she ever loved him?

Bella pushed away her plate no longer hungry.

"Glad I waited to tell you till you were almost done eating." Charlie said as he took a drink of
his coffee.

"I told Jasper about him sticking around. Neither one of us think the boy is dangerous just
foolish and determined, but we don't want to take chances either. I called Sam and warned him
the Cullens were coming back and Jasper is going to stick close to you. I want you to be
careful too. No wandering alone, you need to make sure Jasper or one of the pack is with you
or within shouting distance always." Charlie told her.

Bella folded her arms and almost growled in frustration. She liked that Jasper was going to
stick close to her but she didn't like being sheltered. Maybe if she tried to tell Carlisle or Esme
that they needed to get Edward to leave?

"I have to go into work today, but only for a couple of hours. Jasper is patrolling but don't
hesitate to call if you need me." Charlie said before kissing her on the top of the head and
pulling his jacket from the closet.

"Dad." Bella called standing up. She hugged him tight. "I love you dad." She told him before
letting him go.

"Love you too Bells." He said before heading out the door.

She smiled then turned to start cleaning the kitchen. She screamed in surprise seeing Alice
standing there.

"Hi Bella." She said cheerfully.

"Alice." Bella said her hand over her heart trying to calm its furious beating.

"I don't have a lot of time Bella but I had to talk to you before I leave. Don't ask me questions. I
will tell you what I can. What won't change the future." Alice said.

Bella just stared at her in shock. She didn't know what she would ask anyways, her mind was
curiously blank.

"I've seen that you and Jasper will be together. You will make him so happy Bella. He deserves
to be happy." Alice said.

Bella agreed but didn't say so. She knew Jasper deserved every bit of happiness he could get.

"I tried to tell Edward to leave but he won't listen. I tried to tell the rest of them that they
shouldn't come but they aren't listening to me. They feel so guilty about leaving you that they
want to make up for it. When they thought you had died they regretted leaving you. Edward had
to come back. You had to see him again so you could let him go. He would have always been
between you and Jasper otherwise but I didn't foresee his determination to win you back or the
rest of the family returning." Alice said.

Bella started to doubt Alice for the first time since she met her. If she hadn't foreseen them
staying maybe her visions weren't reliable.
"Jasper constantly confounds my visions. I saw him when I woke as a vampire you know." Alice
said as if she was confiding a great secret.

"I saw us together in love, but I never actually saw his face." Alice frowned and stared past

Bella felt her anger grow and doubt deepen.

"I waited in that diner…so excited." Alice lowered her head in shame. "I saw his face and I…I
reacted badly. He was so hurt…"

"Hadn't you seen his face in your visions?" Bella asked even angrier at Alice. She didn't like
Jasper being hurt.

"No I never seem to see his face." Alice looked at Bella in sudden realization. "Maybe that's it,
when people see his face their decisions change?"

Bella scowled at Alice not liking the way she was talking about Jasper. "He is beautiful, only a
fool can't see it."

Alice looked at Bella. "You're right Bella. I am a fool and so is Edward. You're not though." She
said with a smile.

"Bella I have to leave. Everything is going to work out. Even if you no longer believe in my
visions believe in your love. You're the best person I have met besides Jasper and you two are
perfect for each other." Alice said and before Bella could say anything she was gone.

Bella stared after her for a long time before she heard a noise behind her and turned to see
Jasper. The tension left her at the sight of him. He looked worried and Bella could only think he
was worried about Edward trying to win her back.

She walked to him and stood on her toes to give him a kiss. His kiss sent tremors through her
body and she wished desperately her arm wasn't hurt so she could wrap them around him.

He pulled away and smiled at her. He reached down and tucked some hair behind her ear.

"I love you Jasper." Bella whispered wanting to reassure him but also just enjoying saying it.
The smile spread across his face warmed her heart.

"How's the shoulder?" Jasper asked looking at her sling.

"It will heal." Bella said still smiling and happy to be with him.

"Let's go to my cabin and enjoy the porch." Jasper said.

"Sounds wonderful." Bella smiled then grabbed the hand he held out for her and followed her
out the door.

Author's note: I am overwhelmed by the response to this story and I am glad that so many
enjoy it. I try to update as fast as I can. This is a very busy time for me so it is a little hard to
update quickly at times but the school year is almost over and that should make things easier.
Thank you for the reviews, favorites, follows, and just plain reading this story. I hope you enjoy
Chapter 18
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 18

Jasper looked at Bella's small hand entwined in his own much larger one. Her skin was as pale
as his own but smooth and soft, warm…he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it lingering
over the feel of her skin on his lips.

Bella let out a sigh of happiness and Jasper drank in her contented emotions. Two days and
Edward hadn't shown up. He knew that his luck wouldn't hold though and soon the boy would
show. He hadn't actually met the other Cullens. He had felt their emotions and saw them at a
distance but he hadn't actually talked to them and they hadn't seen his face.

He wasn't looking forward to that. Vampires reacted bad to his scars. It was instinctual to be
frightened of a vampire who had survived so many wounds. He remembered Alice's reaction, it
shouldn't have upset him so much at the time. He wasn't sure why it had. Logically he knew
what her reaction would be, he used that instinct in battle. Still for some reason he had
expected more. Maybe it was the optimistic feel of her emotions? He wasn't sure but he knew
better than to think the Cullens would react in anyway but with horror and fright. Still he hoped
they would accept him, for Bella's sake.

Bella still cared for them. She no longer wanted them as a replacement family but she often
talked about them. She admired Carlisle and Esme. She adored Emmett, thinking of him as a
big brother in spite of his abandonment.

Rose, Bella didn't say much about except that she hadn't liked her. She had said Rose was
extraordinarily beautiful but vain and self-centered. She had been unkind to Bella and had often
urged the family to not be involved with her. She didn't feel betrayed by Rose leaving, she more
or less expected it, but she wasn't looking forward to seeing her again.

Jasper remembered the woman, remembered the deep hurt he felt in her. Maybe it caused her
coldness. He wasn't sure but he wouldn't let anyone make his Bella feel badly when he met her.

"I only have a few more days in my sling. My shoulder already feels so much better." Bella said
snuggling closer to him. He smiled down at her, she had more like five days but she was
anxious to get out of the sling.

She leaned up to kiss him and he was lost for a time as he relished her lips on his. He groaned
as he felt her tongue slip in and tentatively touch his. Her desire rose and his began to match it.
He had to stop this she wasn't well enough for what he wanted. Any second now he would pull
away. Maybe one more minute…

A throat cleared and Jasper pulled away reluctantly. A growl began in his chest as he saw
Edward standing there. His face was free of expression as he smiled solely for Bella but
Jasper felt his deep anger and jealousy.
Jasper growled louder and Edward looked at him. His anger turned to disgust and fright as he
looked at Jasper.

"How can you kiss him?" Edward spit out in distaste.

Jasper's insecurity nagged at him as he looked at Edward's perfect face. He reached to pull up
his hood but Bella's hand on his arm stopped him. He looked at her and saw the frown on her
face. She was angry.

"Very easily Edward. Was there something you needed?" Bella bit out.

Edward looked properly chastised but his emotions still seethed. Jasper took comfort in his
jealousy. His jealousy turned to smugness quickly and Jasper suppressed the urge to growl
again. He wanted to hear what the vampire wanted and he wanted to beat him with his own
arm at the same time.

"Carlisle and the rest arrived last night. They would like you to come over. Esme said she has
been practicing a new dish she wants you to try." Edward said turning from Jasper and only
addressing Bella.

"I won't come without Jasper and dad." Bella said.

Jasper was a little surprised, he had expected her to want to meet them without him. He knew
he had to meet them but he assumed it would be later, after she had gotten a chance to talk
about their abandonment of her. He was glad she included him and her father, he wanted to be
there for her, but he was nervous too. Would she expect him to show his face? She wouldn't let
him wear his hood in her presence. The pack and her father were used to him but the Cullens…
he dreaded that encounter.

Edward didn't answer right away and Jasper could almost feel the wheels in his head turning as
he thought about her demand.

"Are you sure it's wise? I know Charlie knows about us but the more exposure he has the more
danger he gets put in. And Jasper well…ummm…" Edward faded off. Jasper knew exactly
what he was trying to say. He didn't want Jasper frightening his family. Jasper pulled his hood

Bella stood up and stalked to Edward. Her finger was pointed firmly in Edward's chest and
Jasper felt Edward's shock and anger, with a touch of blood lust.

'Don't even think about hurting her. You will stand there and listen or I will show you how I got
these scars.' Jasper thought at the boy and accompanied it with an ominous growl. He felt
Edward's fear rise and was comfortable in the knowledge that he wouldn't do anything.

"You listen now Edward. I love Jasper. I will not go there without him and I will no longer keep
my dad in the dark. He is coming with me or I won't go." Bella told him firmly.

Jasper smiled and sent her his pride in her. Bella turned to him with a brilliant smile. She came
back to him and wrapped her good arm around his waist before sneaking it up and pulling down
his hood. Jasper didn't fight her. She turned her gaze back to Edward and glared at him as if
daring him to do something.

Edward frowned but said nothing for a moment.

"Okay. I'll tell Esme to make enough for Charlie too." Edward said.

"Tonight at seven?" He asked.

"That should be fine." Bella told him and he took off.

Bella stared off into the woods in the direction he had run. She was feeling remorse and Jasper
didn't like it.

"Why are you feeling regret?" Jasper asked.

"I don't understand it myself." Bella said leading him back to the porch and gesturing for him to
sit before she planted herself in his lap.

Jasper breathed in her scent and one hand moved into the silky strands of her hair. Her words
worried him but her nearness comforted him.

"I guess I feel bad about leading him on. My feelings for you are so much deeper than I felt for
him. I admired him, I was grateful to him, I was fascinated by him but I don't think I ever really
knew him." Bella sighed and rubbed her cheek on his chest. He felt a rumble of satisfaction
grow in his chest. Bella giggled.

"I like that you purr." She said.

"I don't purr." Jasper said indignantly.

Bella didn't answer she just smiled knowlingly at him. Jasper had no choice but to kiss that
smug look off her face and he did so. She pulled away eventually laid her forehead on his
chest, her breathing was heavy and it took her a moment to get back to normal.

She laid her head on his chest and they sat in silence, listening to the birds and the wind in the
trees. It was heaven for Jasper. She warmed not only his body but his soul.

Jasper sat nervously in the back of the police car. Bella and her father sat up front at his
insistence. He reached for his hood that wasn't there. Bella had insisted that he not wear his

He felt naked and exposed and was wondering why the hell he had agreed. Bella turned around
and smiled at him.

"I want you two to know that I've changed. You both have helped me so much…You've helped
me grow up. I want to meet with the Cullens because they were kind to me and I do care for
them but the both of you mean so much more to me. You both were there not only for the good
times but the bad." Bella paused and he felt her struggle to find the right words. "I love you both
and if there is a choice to be made I will always choose you." She finished.

Charlie smiled at her and Jasper sent her his love. While he was still nervous as hell her words
soothed him. If at the end of the day Bella was at his side nothing else mattered.

They pulled up to the house and Charlie and Bella got out of the car. Jasper hesitated, Bella
turned to gesture at him when she was swept up in a hug by Esme. Charlie stood to the side
uncomfortably as Carlisle approached him. He shook the hand he was offered but Jasper felt
his reserve. He only felt happiness and guilt from the Cullens. Rosalie and Emmett were still in
the house obviously waiting for Carlisle and Esme to get the first hello's.

Bella laughed in Esme's arms. Jasper felt her love and forgiveness for the Cullens. He wasn't
sure he was willing to forgive them so easily for the hurt they caused her.

Bella pulled away and Jasper noticed she had tears in her eyes. He pushed himself back in the
seat hoping that maybe they would forget about him. He didn't belong here and soon Bella
would see him next to the perfect Cullens and realize that.

She came to the door and pulled it open. Carlisle and Esme stood back anxiously. He wasn't
sure of their feelings, they were curious and unsure. They probably wanted her to get back with
Edward so that she could join the family. They did seem to truly care for Bella. Jasper kept his
back to them as long as possible but Bella wouldn't have it, she pulled him around and he faced
the Cullens.

Esme screamed and ran behind Carlisle. Carlisle became as still as stone and Jasper could
feel the war in him. The doctor in him understood and warred with the vampire in him that
wanted to attack or run. Jasper itched to run himself. He hated this.

Bella stood there her mouth hanging open in shock. "How could you…I really thought the two of
you would understand…" She muttered in surprise, her shock was turning to anger and Jasper
couldn't let her be angry at them.

"Bella you don't understand. You don't see me as they do. A human sees the scars only as
disfigurement, the shifters see them a little better and they are like a danger sign, but to a
vampire they are a neon sign flashing brightly and screaming danger. They couldn't help their
reaction and I'm a little surprised Carlisle was able to hold it together with me standing so close
to his mate." Jasper said in a subdued voice his head lowered.

Charlie came over and laid a hand on Jasper's shoulder. Jasper wished for his hood but was
grateful for Charlie's warm acceptance. He felt only anger from Bella.

"Maybe we should go home." Bella bit out.

Esme squeaked in protest behind Carlisle. Carlisle squared his shoulders and approached
Jasper with his hand held out. Esme growled behind him but Jasper could feel the battle being
waged inside her. He knew she was fighting her instincts. She wasn't as old as Carlisle and it
would be harder for her. Jasper took Carlisle's hand and shook it.
"Welcome Jasper. I am sorry for our reactions. I wish it hadn't happened but know we will try
to get past it and learn who you are so we can look past the scars." Carlisle told him.

Bella erupted beside him. "The scars are part of him." She bit out.

"He is a dangerous vampire just as the scars tell you but he is also kind, compassionate, and
strong. He got some of those scars in the vampire armies. He survived because of his strength.
He got more of them through betrayal and torture; it taught him to be compassionate. He got
more in protection of my father, me and even you. Those scars are a part of him and they are
beautiful!" Bella exclaimed, her face red with anger.

Jasper felt so much love for her in that moment, he could almost believe her words. Believe that
he wasn't a monster.

Esme approached him slowly, she looked up at his face. He could see her hands shaking and
felt her fear but as she studied him it lessened.

"I'm sorry. I see it now." She said softly as she looked into his eye. She stepped back and took
Carlisle's hand. "Please come in." They followed the woman into the house.

The minute they stepped through the door Emmett grabbed Bella in a big bear hug. Jasper felt
only love coming from the big man so he stood back as the two laughed.

Emmett put Bella down and looked at Charlie. "Hello Charlie." He said cheerfully then turned his
gaze to Jasper.

The minute his eyes landed on Jasper he attacked. Jasper jumped out of his way and threw an
elbow into his back as he flew past him. The big vampire let out a grunt as he fell to the floor.
He only laid there for a moment before he charged Jasper again. He was pretty quick for such
a big man but no one was as fast as Jasper.

Jasper moved to the side and managed to grab his arm as he passed. He whirled him into
Carlisle. The doctor took the hint and grabbed Emmett attempting to stop him but the vampire
was too strong and broke his hold. Jasper didn't like this he didn't want to hurt the vampire. He
started to send out calm but the fight or flight instinct had a firm hold on the young vampire.

Suddenly Rose stood in front of him, her back to him facing Emmett. "Emmett Cullen you stop!"
She yelled. She caused enough of a hesitation for Jasper to get a better hold on his gift and he
sent out a huge dose of calm to Emmett. It was enough to stop the vampire.

"Emmett why don't you come to the kitchen with me. I could use some help with dinner." Esme
said approaching a subdued Emmett.

If Jasper had hit the vampire with anymore calm he would have knocked him out and he was
glad he hadn't had to. He really didn't want the Cullens knowing the extent of his gift. While he
didn't think they were dangerous it was always a good idea to have an ace up ones sleeve.

Rose turned around and faced Jasper. He felt the room still and he prepared himself for her
reaction. It was not what he expected. Her instincts were overwhelmed by a deep sadness that
threatened to consume him.

"Who did that to you?" She asked her voice coming out in a sob.

He was shocked. No vampire had reacted in such a way. Humans at times did, he didn't like
their pity but it wasn't pity he felt from Rose. It was understanding. He tilted his head to the side
and wondered how she could understand.

"Was it someone you loved?" She whispered.

"No, someone I thought loved me." He answered just as softly.

She nodded her head. "I was beautiful and vain. I wanted a rich husband but I also wanted
love. A family, children…" She began.

Carlisle came forward his concern for Rose apparent but Jasper put up a hand to stop him.
This was the hurt he felt inside Rose. She needed to get this out.

"I was out late and I ran into my fiancé and his friends. He…He raped and beat me." Rose
lowered her head. "He passed me to his friends. I thought he loved me but he never did. I may
have been beautiful on the outside but inside…I wasn't good enough. I didn't deserve a family. I
didn't deserve children or love. I was vain and spoiled. A beautiful mask to hide an underserving
heart." She whispered. Jasper felt Bella's denial and compassion, Carlisle's deep sorrow and
Charlie's anger.

"Don't you believe that for a second. That man was the one that was undeserving. He didn't
deserve your love or your beauty and make no mistake it wasn't just external beauty." Charlie
said his fists clenched at his side.

Rose looked up and when she realized that she had said so much in front of everyone
embarrassment almost overwhelmed her.

"I understand." Jasper whispered trying to reassure her. She looked back at him.

"I have the scars on the inside but they are still there. Sometimes I wish that they would show
so everyone would know. So they wouldn't get close to me…so they wouldn't be hurt by the
ugliness inside me." She told him.

Jasper understood exactly what she was saying. She wanted to keep people away so they
wouldn't be hurt by the monster she felt she was inside. He felt that way too but Charlie hadn't
let him hide, neither had Bella. Jasper guessed that the Cullens wouldn't let her hide either. It
explained why she pushed Bella away. Jasper imagined she pushed everyone away.

He made a decision then. He didn't like exposing an advantage before he could use it but he
couldn't let this woman continue to hurt.

"I am an empath. I can feel emotions from the people around me. I can see the inside. I see the
scars inside you. They give you more depth and beauty. They reveal the real you. They taught
you how to love deeper and truer than you knew how to before. I can see your love for your
family, for your mate and I can only hope that I love as truly as you do." Jasper told her
sincerely. The woman's deep love for her family and mate was loyal and steadfast. He knew
she would give anything for her loved ones.

"Thank you." Rose whispered and turned away. He knew she was going to Emmett. The
encounter had been intense and he understood her need for her mate.

He looked over at Bella and saw love and pride shining in her eyes and felt it coming at him in
waves. For the first time he understood what she had been trying to tell him. His scars had
changed him, made him who he was. Just like what had happened to Rose had changed her.
Maybe what Bella said was true maybe he wasn't a monster. Maybe in his own way he was
beautiful too. Jasper felt a smile form on his lips and started to feel at ease for the first time
since learning the Cullens had come back.
Chapter 19
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 19

Bella watched as her father talked with Carlisle. He wasn't showing it but Bella could tell he
was uncomfortable. He wasn't one to judge others but he was a simple man and the Cullens
tended to flaunt their wealth. She regretted making them come with her. Everyone had reacted
badly to Jasper except Rosalie. She never would have insisted Jasper go with out his hood if
she had known that they would react in such a way. If anyone had reacted bad she had
expected it to be Rosalie. She had always thought her to be shallow and vain. She expected
her to react to his marred appearance with the coldness and bitchiness she had always shown

She looked over at the beautiful blonde to find her deep in a quiet conversation with Jasper.
Insecurity and jealousy raised their ugly heads and she tried to quell them. Rosalie was so
beautiful and now she realized she had a depth that Bella hadn't known was there. Why
wouldn't Jasper be attracted to her.

Jasper looked her way and she felt a wave of love wash over her. She smiled at his
reassurance and tried to send back her own feelings. A grin broke out on Jasper's face and she
knew she succeeded. She let out a sigh and wished they were alone on his porch, swinging and
holding hands. She was happy with their closeness and while she wanted him with a passion
she didn't know she had, she was content to wait. He wasn't Edward and didn't withhold
physical affection. While he had at one time told her no when she asked to be friends with
benefits, she knew that their relationship was not the same. He let her know without a doubt
that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She felt a blush begin on her cheeks from her

Rosalie must have noticed Jasper's distraction because she followed his gaze back to Bella.
Bella cringed expecting a nasty glare, like so many she had given her before. Instead Rosalie
gave her the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. Bella looked behind her to see if she was
smiling at Emmett behind her but there was no one there.

Rosalie laughed and stood up. She said something to Jasper then made her way to Bella. Bella
watched as Jasper began to talk to Emmett. It was hard to believe that an hour ago Emmett
had attacked him. Now they were talking and joking. Bella shook her head. Boys would be boys
and she would never understand them.

Bella debated briefly getting up and going to help Esme in the kitchen, where the woman was
still hiding, but decided she would rather get this over with. What ever Rosalie was going to say
to her she would say now or later. Better to hear it now.

"Bella." Rosalie said her smile still firmly in place as she sat down next to her.

Bella didn't say anything she just tucked a strand of hair behind her ear nervously and waited
for Rosalie to let her have it.
"I was wrong. I misjudged you." Rosalie said.

Bella looked at her in shock, unsure what she was talking about.

"I thought you were shallow. Being involved with a human and letting you know about us, put all
of us and you in danger. I felt you didn't take the threat seriously or just didn't care about the
rest of us. You seemed obsessed with Edward and becoming a vampire. If you really loved
Edward...all of would have understood how he feels about being a vampire."
Rosalie said.

Bella didn't know what to say, she still didn't understand quite what Rosalie was trying to say.

"Carlisle changed Edward and I with good intentions but he really didn't ask either of us if we
wanted it." Rosalie paused and looked down at the floor. "Carlisle is a good man and I can't be
angry at him for it but sometimes..."

Bella wished she could offer the woman some comfort. Her dream was gone forever. Being a
vampire meant she would never have children. Bella wondered how she felt watching Bella
demand that she be changed and give up her chance at children.

"Edward hates what he is. He feels that we don't have souls anymore, that we lost them when
we changed. He told you that and you didn't listen. You still insisted he change you. It made me
believe that you really didn't understand him or love him as much as you professed." Rosalie
told her.

Bella wanted to protest but what she said made sense. She really had believed she loved
Edward with all her heart but how could she have and disregarded something that he believed
so deeply. She hadn't even paid attention to his feelings, she just dismissed them. How was
that love?

"I think what you have with Jasper is love. I see the way you look at him. It shows in your
eyes." Rosalie said smiling again.

Bella looked toward Jasper. Had she been wrong to insist on him going without his hood? He
had been right the Cullens had not reacted well. Was she doing what she had done with
Edward? Not listening to him? Did that mean the love she thought she had was false again?

"Edward told us that he offered to change you and you turned him down. He can be a bit of a
stuffed shirt sometimes but Edward isn't a bad guy. He is like a brother to me and I do love him
but he isn't for you. Jasper however..." Rosalie looked over at Jasper then patted Bella's leg.
"Hold on to him Bella. He's the one for you." She said then stood up and left her to her

"Bella!" Bella turned at the sound of her name to see Esme smiling as she stood next to
Edward. Edward looked uncomfortable and a little unhappy. Bella took pity on him and gave
him a small smile. The tension seemed to leave him and he smiled back.

Esme pulled Edward toward Bella. Bella glanced at Jasper who was now talking to both
Carlisle and Emmett. He looked at her with a little concern, she tried again to send her love and
he smiled at her hesitantly.

"Bella I'm sorry. I didn't tell them about his scars." Edward said drawing her attention.

Bella looked at him and frowned. Had he hoped for a bad reaction? Did he think that would
make her abandon Jasper in favor of him? How shallow did these people think she was? She
thought with rising anger.

"I expected him to wear his hood. If I had known I would have warned them. I'm sorry." Edward

Bella's anger was replaced with guilt. She was the one at fault. If she hadn't have made him
come without the hood he wouldn't have been embarrassed. She hadn't been thinking. She
didn't think they would react so badly and she...she rather liked his scars. She had assumed
they would understand them as she did. Carlisle was a doctor and she was sure he had seen
disfigurement before.

"He's obviously had a very brutal life." Esme said and moved a little behind Edward.

Bella's anger resurfaced. "He's had a very hard life! The scars are a testimony to his strength!"
Bella spit out.

Esme looked over Bella's shoulder and retreated hastily. Bella turned and saw Jasper
approaching them. Bella's anger grew. Why was Esme reacting so badly. She had always been
so kind and accepting. She had always viewed Esme as the perfect mother figure, but how
could she be when she had no compassion for Jasper.

Bella felt Jasper's hand on her shoulder and longed to lean into his embrace but didn't want to
hurt Edward. She let her emotions slip to him though and felt an answering squeeze.

"How's it going darlin'?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Jasper I don't understand why Esme is reacting like she is." Bella said, disappointed.

"She was married to an abusive man who beat her and her son. Her son died and she tried to
kill herself. It took her a long time to trust men again. Carlisle's gentle nature helped her
tremendously. A normal vampire seeing Jasper's scars is going to be frightened but for Esme
it's ten times worse. It wouldn't be right for me to tell you her thoughts Bella but know she is
trying very hard. She loves you and wants your forgiveness, she fought the hardest not to leave
you. Please give her time." Edward told her.

Bella looked the way Esme had gone. There were so many things she never knew before. She
had just looked at their pretty faces, never looking at the pain that lurked beneath the glamour.
Rosalie was right she had been shallow.

"Bella..." Edward said a little nervously. He looked at Jasper beside her and paused. He
seemed to make up his mind and continued. "I screwed things up I know. I'd like to be friends
though. I will be upfront and tell you that if you change your mind I would take you back in a
heart beat."

Jasper growled beside her. Edward cleared his throat unnecessarily.

"But I will accept just being your friend if that's all you want to give me." He finished.

Bella smiled with genuine fondness at him.

"It wasn't all you Edward. I contributed to the mess. Rosalie made me realize that I didn't listen
when you tried to tell me your fears. I'm sorry Edward." Bella said softly then leaned back into
Jasper. "I don't think we were ever really meant for each other but I am glad to know you and I
would like to be your friend."

Edward smiled sadly and turned from her. She heard Jasper growl slightly and lean down to
whisper in her ear.

"I'm not sure I like that Bella." He told her. Bella couldn't help the shiver that ran through her as
his lips brushed her ear.

"You're the only one for me. I will never be with him alone. I'll always have you or dad with me."
Bella told him a little breathlessly. How could he make her want him so much with such a small

Jasper chuckled and she knew he felt her lust. The blush on her face burned her cheeks and
she tried to cover it with her hair.

"I think it's time we went home." Jasper whispered to her, this time kissing her neck.

Bella couldn't speak so just nodded. Abruptly she felt his arms leave her and she nearly cried
out from the loss of his touch. He grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers quickly renewing
their contact and Bella smiled up at him.

"Let's go get Charlie." He said and Bella followed him willingly as he lead her through the house
in search of her father.

Bella looked at the trees and sighed. She burrowed closer into Jasper's side dreading the
conversation she knew she had to have with him. It was four days since the visit to the Cullens.
Esme had called her a couple of times. Bella talked to her but she still felt different about
Esme. She supposed she would until Esme got over fear of Jasper.

Emmett had gone hunting with Jasper once. Jasper had come back all smiles. Bella was glad
that Jasper liked the big vampire. She still didn't quite understand male bonding though. They
called each other names and challenged each other constantly but both seemed to enjoy it.

Carlisle had looked at her shoulder and insisted that he take over her care. Bella agreed and
Charlie gave his okay. Charlie felt a little threatened by Carlisle so Bella kept a friendly distance
from him but she hoped that maybe the two could develop a friendship and she encouraged it.
Rosalie had come over twice. The first time had been awkward. Bella could tell that Rose tried
but she still carried a protective distance. The second visit was better. Jasper had been there
and it had helped Rose be comfortable enough to let some of her walls down. It was at that
visit that she had insisted that Bella now call her Rose, claiming Rosalie was just too stuck up
and she preferred Rose. Bella found she genuinely liked Rose and was glad they had finally
gotten a chance to know each other.

Edward had kept his distance. He hadn't contacted her once, nor did he try to make friends
with Jasper. Bella wasn't sure how she felt about that. She was glad for the reprieve but at the
same time she had been hoping that he would befriend Jasper. Jasper deserved many friends.

"What's on your mind Belly?" Jasper asked.

Bella smacked his shoulder and he chuckled. She settled back down into his side and sighed.

"I'm sorry." She told him softly.

"What on earth do you have to be sorry for?" He asked.

"I shouldn't have forced you to go to the Cullens without your hood. I should have listened when
you tried to explain to me why you needed it. You had to face their reactions not only on the
surface but their emotions too." Bella said her eyes filling with tears.

"Shhh darlin'" He cooed as he kissed her hair. "You couldn't know. I'm a little relieved to have
gotten it over with. It was like ripping off a Band-Aid. Painful at first but needed to be done." He
pulled her up into his lap.

"In the future though I would rather people get to know me before they see my scars. Not
everyone has the heart you do Bella." Jasper told her before kissing her tears away, then
claiming her lips.

Bella pulled away before she became lost in the magic he created in her. She needed to talk
about one more thing.

"How do you feel about me becoming a vampire?" She asked holding her breath. What would
she say if he felt like Edward did? She didn't want to ignore his feelings as she had Edwards
but at the same time she wanted desperately to be with him forever.

"That's your decision darlin'." He said carefully.

"No, it's ours. I want to be with you forever but I don't want to push you into something you
don't want. I did that with Edward, I don't want to do that with you. I love you and will accept
any time I have with you whether it be fifty years or two hundred." Bella said in a rush.

Jasper chuckled and kissed her.

"Being a vampire is a hard life Bella. The blood lust alone is enough to turn most people away.
Your senses are heightened to a point that they can almost be crippling and if you have a gift
like me or Edward..." Jasper trailed off and Bella held him a little tighter.
"It's hard to control. The pain of the change is excruciating and even after it's finished you have
a constant lust for blood that is almost debilitating. I can help with that but I can't eliminate it."
Jasper said looking into her eyes.

"I can't go back to hunting humans Bella. My gift and my conscious won't allow it and if...if that
is what you want..." He trailed off pain in his face.

"No!" Bella cried shaking her head. She didn't want to hunt humans either. She knew that before
she had ever met Jasper.

The tension left Jasper's body and he kissed her again. "As selfish as it is I want you with me
forever. I want you to become a vampire but I will accept what you give me." Jasper told her.

Bella let out a gasp of joy and hugged him tight. "I want you forever too." She whispered in his
ear. She couldn't believe how happy she was. She was glad that Rose had talked to her and
made her think to talk to Jasper. She was glad that he wanted her with him.

The porch light came on. It was Charlie's hint that she should come in. She had school
tomorrow. A cloud came over her happiness. What about Charlie? She didn't want to leave him.
He had at one time said he would change for her. Would he still? Did he want to or was she
forcing her own wants on him? Was it the right thing to do?

"What is it darlin'?" Jasper asked smoothing her hair from her face.

"I don't want to leave Charlie." Bella said nervously.

"We won't Bella. Whether he decides to change or not I won't take your daddy from you."
Jasper said with a grin. "If he decides he doesn't want to change then the worst that would
happen is that you would spend a year away from him getting used to the change, then come
back to him."

"But if he doesn't change then eventually he will leave me and he will..." Bella didn't finish,
couldn't finish. Saying the words would give them power.

"We have time darlin'. We will talk to him and the Quileutes. They aren't happy with the Cullens
being back. Sam is worried about more of his tribe changing with all the vampires around. I
don't want to add to their burden. We will figure it out." He told her and kissed her again.

Bella let him soothe her. It would work out. They would be a happy family, she would make
sure of it.
Chapter 20
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 20

Charlie sat at his desk staring off into space. He rubbed his temples, the stress was starting to
give him a headache.

Things were going good between his daughter and him. His friendship with Jasper was a
constant source of comfort but still he was unhappy. He didn't like the Cullens.

Emmett and Rose were okay. Edward…he imagined he wouldn't dislike the boy so much if he
hadn't hurt Bella the way he had. The problem he had was Carlisle and Esme.

Esme still treated Jasper like he was the boogey man of her nightmares. While Jasper wouldn't
say anything Charlie knew it hurt his friend. Bella had explained Esme's past and Charlie tried to
be sympathetic but he figured a month was enough time for her to get used to Jasper and see
beyond his scars.

Carlisle…Charlie clenched his fist in anger. He had always thought of the doctor as a kind,
compassionate man. After he had found out he was a vampire he had admired him even more.
The man controlled his urges and helped people. He had heard of the doctors good deeds. He
was glad he was helping the people of his town. That was all before his conversation with him
last week.

Sam had come to him concerned with the Cullens continued presence. Quil Ateara had changed
two weeks ago and while the boy took to the pack well Sam didn't want any more of his people
burdened. He had asked Charlie to talk to the Cullens about leaving.

Charlie had expected Carlisle to understand, instead the man had scoffed at him. He had
treated him like he was a stupid, small town sheriff and told him there was no proof that their
presence was causing the Quileutes to change. He told him that there was no way he was
abandoning Bella again and that was the end of the conversation.

His response had shocked and angered him. He hadn't talked to Bella about it. The truth was
his feelings concerning Carlisle were tangled up in jealousy and he was afraid that it colored his
judgement. He didn't like that Carlisle was the man that Bella had wished to replace him with
and for a long time had felt inferior to the vampire.

Now though, he just felt anger at the man's hypocrisy. Carlisle made very public gestures of
good will but when his generosity threatened his own comfort he held back. He wouldn't know
what it meant to go hungry so your daughter could eat or to work a second job to help Mrs.
Jacobs till she found work after her husband died. No Carlisle gave only when it was convenient
and looked down on those not as educated or wealthy as him.

He wished he could talk to Jasper about it. Jasper had been his confidant for so long, but he
didn't want to burden his friend. Jasper was in a good place with Bella right now and was
happy. He deserved his happiness and Charlie refused to put anything in the way of that. Bella
adored the Cullens and to ask Jasper to take his side would put him at odds with Bella. Charlie
couldn't do that.

Charlie had to tell Sam soon what Carlisle's answer had been and he wasn't looking forward to
it. The pack got along with Jasper but they hated the Cullens. They were sticking to the treaty
religiously but Charlie knew they hoped the Cullens would break the treaty so they could kill
them or drive them away.

Charlie didn't want that, Bella would be torn between the Cullens and the pack. She loved both
and it would hurt her.

He also couldn't talk to Billy. Harry had a heart attack a couple of days ago and things weren't
looking good for him. Billy was at his side constantly, Charlie would be there too but he couldn't
be away from the station for long periods right now. Not with the recent deaths.

"Another attack Chief. This one is closer to the rainforest. Do you want me to check it out?" His
deputy asked.

Charlie rubbed his eyes. As if his problems with the Cullens weren't enough he suspected they
had a rogue vampire on the loose. Two bodies had been found in the last two weeks, this one if
it was the same would be the third.

He should have talked to Jasper after the first was found but he hadn't wanted to intrude on
Jasper's happiness. Jasper tended to react harshly to rogue vampires. Aside from James
coven one other time a vampire had passed through. Jasper had insisted Charlie hide in his
prepared shelter till he found and took care of the vampire. He had been there for a week, it
hadn't been pleasant.

Charlie figured Jasper would react twice as strongly this time with Bella in the picture. He
wasn't too worried for Bella's safety. Jasper was almost always at her side and he had
informed the pack. Still with the Cullens here they weren't crossing the treaty line.

He should have told Jasper immediately. Two innocent people were dead because of his
unwillingness to trouble his friend.

"No, I will check it out. Why don't you hold down the fort while I go have a look." Charlie said.

He didn't want his deputy to be a casualty. The man looked distinctly unhappy with Charlie's
decision and Charlie couldn't help his grin. He had been the same all those years ago. He
grabbed his coat and hat. He would stop by his house. Bella should be home from school now
and he would take her with him. It was time to let Jasper know what was going on and it might
be better to do it with Bella present. He really hoped that would help soothe any tensions that
were sure to arise. He really wished he could deal with this without involving them but knew that
it just wasn't possible.

Jasper lay in the grass and stared up at the trees. It was a few hours before Bella would get
home, he hated to be away from her but he didn't want to lurk outside her school waiting for
her. The temptation was there but she needed some space. He didn't want to crowd her.

He really hoped she wouldn't want to go over to the Cullen's house tonight. He liked Rose a lot
and Emmett was great fun but the rest…

He still scared Esme and he hated it. He wore his hood whenever she was around but still she
shrank away from him. She was right to be afraid, he had done awful things and she knew it.
He read it in her emotions every time he was around her.

Carlisle wasn't much different. Oh he smiled and treated Jasper with utmost politeness but his
emotions…He didn't have to say it for Jasper to read his contempt and abhorrence of who
Jasper was. That Jasper had been in the southern wars and tortured and killed others was a
point that Carlisle couldn't reconcile. Jasper regretted telling him his story, but Carlisle was so
important to Bella that he didn't want to hide things from him. It hurt that he didn't meet the
man's approval.

The man tried, Jasper knew he did but he didn't understand how Jasper could have been
ensnared by Maria. He told him in no uncertain terms that he would have rather died first than
be a party to torture. He had been smug when he said it and Jasper was torn between anger at
the man and feeling like he wanted to crawl under a rock. Bella had assumed that he was
talking about Maria's torture of him but Jasper had known by the look in his eyes that he was
talking about Jasper's own deeds.

Jasper heard a noise and was on his feet in a second. He felt grief, fear, guilt so strong it
nearly knocked him off his feet. He smelled the air and caught a scent, it smelled like Leah but
not like Leah. He stared into the woods and waited for her to appear.

A wolf appeared. It was Leah.

"It's okay." He called to her softly sending out a dose of calm in hopes of getting her to trust
him. Her grief was all consuming but so was her fear and he knew it wouldn't take much to
make her bolt. He wanted to help her and he had to know what had happened. He didn't think
women went through the change. The implications were staggering. Leah's change would mean
she was part of the pack mind, which meant she would see all of Sam's thoughts and they
would see all of hers. Jasper had been helping her get over what had happened but it took
time. She hadn't had enough time.

Leah changed into human form in front of him. She stood naked and trembling. Jasper
immediately took off his hoodie and brought it to her. It really didn't cover enough so he led her
to his cabin. He sat her on the porch while he went to get her some clothes.

"I'll be right back." He told her.

She didn't answer. She just pulled the hoodie around her body tighter. He found a pair of shorts
and an old flannel shirt and brought them to her. He turned around after she took them and
waited for her to dress.
"Thank you." She said in a rough voice and Jasper turned around to find her standing in his
clothes looking scared and vulnerable. He took her in his arms and pulled her onto the swing.
He sat her next to him and kept his arm around her trying to offer some comfort. He knew that
she was probably having difficulty with his scent. Sam had taken a while to get used to Jasper,
they were natural enemies.

"You can tell me…" He prompted knowing she needed to talk to someone.

"I've been feeling off for a week now…" Leah said.

"I knew the symptoms but I just never expected to shift. I thought that only males changed."
She trailed off and a tear escaped her eyes.

"If I just would have paid attention." She shuddered and Jasper felt her deep guilt. "I shifted in
front of dad."

Jasper tightened his grip on her shoulder. He had heard of Harry Clearwater's heart attack but
no one had mentioned Leah was present at the time. Last he heard Harry was fighting for his
life at the hospital. Charlie was upset as Harry was a friend of his, but hadn't really talked to
Jasper about it.

"I caused his heart attack and today…" She let out a deep sob. "He died."

Jasper pulled her close and rocked her gently while she cried. He didn't try to assuage her
grief; she needed this time to mourn.

"I've been running since I changed. I hear the pack in my mind but I just can't face them. I don't
want this. I don't want to be different. Things were hard enough, now my father is dead and
how long will it be before my brother changes? I want them to leave! They don't belong here!"
Leah shouted the last bit anger overtaking the guilt as she pushed away from him.

"Charlie was supposed to talk to them. I heard it in Sam's mind. He was going to tell them to
leave." The fight seemed to leave her and she sagged against his shoulder. "If only they would
have left earlier or never came back." She whispered burying her face into his neck. He knew
she was talking about the Cullens.

Jasper wondered why Charlie hadn't mentioned this. They used to tell each other everything,
did he feel he couldn't talk to him now?

They sat there for a while. Jasper held her while she cried. He knew she didn't need words just
a shoulder to cry on and he was glad to be there for her. He thought about what had happened
and had come to the conclusion that he was going to talk to the Cullens. He didn't want Leah's
brother having to deal with the change.

The Cullens could go to Alaska, it wasn't like they weren't rich enough to pay for Bella to come
visit them. Maybe he could compromise with them and bring Bella there for the year she
adjusted to her new life as a vampire. She only had a couple more months of school so they
wouldn't have to leave her for long.
He didn't like to leave Forks he really loved it here. He loved the area and the people. He didn't
want to leave the pack and he was afraid that he would be leaving Charlie too. Charlie seemed
to be leaning towards not becoming a vampire. Jasper knew it but didn't want to say anything.
It would break Bella's heart but he would respect Charlie's decision.

It would only be for a year though, then he would convince Bella to spend the remainder of
Charlie's life on the outskirts of Forks. He didn't think it would take much convincing and just the
two of them shouldn't affect the Quileutes adversely. They could visit the Cullens as often as
they wanted.

Jasper was so lost in thought he didn't even sense Charlie and Bella approach till they were
standing in front of him and Leah.

Bella's jealousy hit him like a punch in his chest and he quickly let go of Leah to proclaim the
innocence of the situation. Before he could utter a word he felt everything still around Leah. All
the grief, guilt, pain and fear left and her entire being seemed to focus on one thing. He
followed her line of sight and saw that she was staring at Charlie, who was staring at Jasper
with a look of anger that matched the fury radiating from him.

Jasper's mouth dropped in shock. He had felt the emotions from Sam for Emily, he knew what
this was. Leah had just imprinted on Charlie.
Chapter 21
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 21

Bella saw red. She stared at Leah glaring with all her might. She knew without a doubt that
Jasper was blameless. He had a big heart and was most likely ensnared by a sob story given
to him by Leah. He was being manipulated and he didn't know it, she was sure.

Before she could voice her displeasure Charlie spoke in the angriest voice she had ever heard
from him.

"What's happening here Jasper?" He asked his eyes narrowed.

Bella was a little surprised by the intensity of his anger.

Jasper frowned and Leah stood beside him speechless.

"Leah is now a shape shifter. She shifted in front of Harry. That caused his heart attack."
Jasper said slowly, glancing at Leah once in a while as if to be sure she was okay. Leah's eyes
seemed glued to Charlie and Bella did not like it. She felt some sympathy for the girl but she
didn't like her attention on Jasper or her father. Leah was an angry abrasive woman, who had
already proclaimed her interest in Jasper. As far as Bella was concerned she should go
elsewhere for comfort.

Jasper's demeanor became softer and he looked at Charlie with sympathy. "Charlie, Harry
passed away today." He said quietly.

All the angry thoughts left her head and Bella turned to her father. Harry had been a good friend
of Charlie's. Not as good as Jasper but still she was worried how Charlie would take the news.

Charlie clenched his fists and Bella could see him grinding his teeth. He looked over at Leah,
who held out a hand to him. She looked like she wanted to comfort him but was unsure if it
would be accepted. Bella reached over and put a hand on his shoulder. His muscles were stiff
and he seemed to ignore her gesture as he stared unseeing at Jasper.

"Charlie…" Leah said and moved toward him. Bella couldn't describe the look on her face. Her
heart seemed to be in her eyes and Bella was more confused than ever. Why would she be
looking at Charlie like he was the center of the universe?

The spell was broken at Leah's soft call and Charlie turned away from them and began to walk
back into the woods. Bella started to follow him but Jasper stopped her.

"Let me talk to him please Bella." Jasper asked her.

Bella looked after her father. She wanted to comfort him but maybe Jasper would be the better
one to help him at the moment. She nodded her head and Jasper leaned down and kissed her
gently. Even with everything happening she couldn't help smiling at the feel of his lips on hers.

She watched him chase after her father then turned back to Leah. She really hadn't thought
about being left with the woman. On a good day she had trouble being nice to Leah. Finding her
in Jasper's clothes, with his arms around her made this definitely not a good day.

Leah stood there staring off the way that Charlie and Jasper had left. A tear ran down her
cheek and for a moment Bella was struck by her exotic beauty. She looked proud and strong
but the look in her eyes and the tear that ran down her cheek gave her an air of vulnerability
that touched Bella's heart.

She walked over to Leah and touched her arm. "I'm sorry Leah." She said softly and she meant
it. She was sorry for fighting with her. She was sorry for the bad thoughts she had about her,
she was sorry that Leah had to go through not only becoming a shape shifter but her father's

Leah looked at her. She seemed to study her for a long time and then finally spoke. "I
imprinted." She said slowly.

Bella knew what that meant from Emily and Sam. She smiled glad for the girl that in the middle
of her tragedy she had found a bit of happiness.

"Who did you imprint on? Was it one of the pack?" Bella asked. She wasn't sure if she would
like it if she imprinted on Jacob. On the one hand it would be nice for Jacob to have someone
and his crush on Bella was a little annoying but on the other Jacob was her friend and…well
Leah wasn't the easiest girl to get a long with.

"No." Leah said and looked down at the ground.

Bella was beginning to think she wouldn't answer when Leah whispered a name. Bella couldn't
hear it and asked her to repeat her answer.

"Charlie." Leah said a little louder but her eyes were shifting away from Bella nervously and she
fumbled with her fingers. Bella noticed she was shaking and knew enough about shifters to
know the danger of her shifting suddenly. She took a couple of steps back.

"Charlie who?" Bella asked as calmly as she could.

"Your father." Leah whispered.

Bella backed away from her again in shock. No…just no. There was no way this was
happening. Leah and her father…If Charlie actually went along with this that would make Leah
her step mother.

"No!" Bella said forcefully. Her sympathy only went so far. Her father had been through so
much. Renee's rejection, Bella's anger, all those years alone…He deserved more. Bella
hardened her heart against Leah's hurt face.

"No." She repeated.

It was more than Leah could take she shifted into a gray wolf and turned and ran. Bella felt a
moment of guilt but quickly pushed it away. Charlie deserved better than Leah. He deserved
someone that was kind and loving, not someone angry and bitter.

Jasper caught up with Charlie quickly. He walked beside him for a bit waiting to see if Charlie
wanted to start the conversation.

"I talked to Carlisle." Charlie said angrily. He kept his pace and Jasper walked beside him
waiting for him to go on.

"I told him that Quil had begun to shift. I told him that the presence of so many vampires was
causing the change in the Quileutes. I asked him to leave." Charlie bit out. "He told me there
was no proof that there presence was the cause and that they would not leave Bella again."

Charlie stopped and to Jasper's surprise punched a tree near him. Jasper could smell blood on
him and knew he had hurt his hand. Charlie sank to the ground and leaned his head back
against the very tree he had punched.

"When I saw Leah standing by you in your clothes, the pieces fell in place. I knew Leah had
shifted." Charlie clenched and unclenched his fists. Jasper stared at his friend a wave of
affection rolling over him. He knew Charlie had never thought for a moment that Jasper had
done something inappropriate with Leah, he had guessed the reason that she had needed
clothes and comfort. Charlie's faith in him was something that Jasper could always rely on. He
never seemed to think the worst of him. He made Jasper believe that he was something better.
That he wasn't the monster he had been.

"If Carlisle had listened to me none of this would have happened. Leah wouldn't have shifted
and Harry would still be alive." Charlie said hitting the ground in frustration.

"Maybe." Jasper said quietly. He understood Charlie's anger now. "We have to deal with what
is happening now. Even if the Cullens left this minute. Leah would still be a shape shifter and
Harry would still be dead. I will talk to Bella, tell her what is going on. If she goes with me to
talk to the Cullens I am sure we can find a solution before more of the Quileutes change."
Jasper said calmly.

Charlie nodded and stared over Jasper's shoulder, he felt Charlie's anger begin to fade and
grief take its place.

"You know at one time I was closer to Harry than Billy. Billy was kind of rowdy back in the day
and Harry…well Harry was a family man. Leah was already over a year old when Renée
became pregnant and I went to Harry a lot for advice on dealing with a pregnant woman and
then later a baby girl." Charlie said softly reminiscing on his time with Harry.

Jasper remembered that time. He remembered Charlie's excitement and wonder at Renee's
pregnancy. Charlie had been so happy. He also remembered Billy's drinking and womanizing
before he met Jacob's mother. Later Charlie had gravitated more to Billy though all three men
still gathered to go fishing when Charlie went to the reservation he visited Billy not Harry.
"Why did that change?" Jasper asked. He hadn't ever really thought about it before. He had just
figured that when Billy settled down he got a long better with him, but now he wondered. He felt
embarrassment coming from Charlie and was surprised to see a blush appear on his face.

"Little Leah developed…well a crush on me." Charlie said looking away from Jasper.

Jasper bit back a laugh at Charlie's discomfort.

"When Renée left, Leah declared that she was going to marry me when she grew up and that
Renée never deserved me. It was cute, she was only seven and we just humored her. We all
thought she would grow out of it." Charlie said shifting his legs.

Jasper listened with interest. Had part of Leah always known? Jasper didn't know much about
imprinting only what he felt from Sam and Emily. He didn't understand if it was similar to how
vampires mate or something entirely different.

Of course he hadn't seen many vampire mates either. Rose and Emmett said they were mates.
He was sure Esme and Carlisle considered themselves mates. There was a man he knew in
the south…Peter he had risked his all for a girl. His emotions had been so strong that Jasper
had risked Maria's wrath and let him take his girl and escape. He had been punished for that
one but it had been worth it. Peter's emotions had been so strong…so pure…Jasper would do
the same thing again if he had to.

"At twelve she declared herself a woman and insisted she didn't want to wait anymore." Charlie
told him drawing Jasper's attention back from his thoughts.

"I knew I couldn't be around. I figured in time she would find a boy her own age and forget all
about me. She was a pretty little girl. Eventually she met Sam but by that time I had drifted
away from Harry and spent the majority of my time with Billy. I never told you about it
because…well it was embarrassing…and I figured that Leah might not want it known. Don't let
on that you know about it. The last thing she needs now is to be embarrassed again." Charlie
told him.

"I wish now I had handled the whole thing a little better. I wish I could have said something to
ease her crush and hold on to Harry's friendship. He was a good man." Charlie said softly his
grief surfacing.

Jasper looked at his friend and tried to decide if he should tell him about Leah imprinting on him.
He could be wrong after all. He wasn't there when Sam first imprinted on Emily so he didn't
know what the emotions were like at first. He knew that Emily was the center of Sam's universe
now, but had that happened instantly or did it take time? Sam had said it was instantly. Leah's
emotions had been focused entirely on Charlie. Everything she had felt before he arrived
vanished the moment she saw him. Maybe her crush lingered…No what she felt was no crush.
Charlie had to know.

"Charlie, Leah…" How could he say this, there was no soft way to say it. "Leah imprinted on
you." He finished.
Charlie sat there looking at him. Jasper couldn't decipher what he was feeling.

"What?" Charlie asked his lips curving in a half smile. There was humor in his emotions now and
Jasper guessed he thought he was playing some kind of joke on him.

"Leah imprinted on you." Jasper said again seriously.

Charlie's smile left and was replaced by a frown. "You're wrong." Charlie said simply with a little
bit of anger.

"I could be. I don't always read emotions right but I wouldn't have told you if I thought I was."
Jasper said.

Charlie stood up suddenly and turned his back on Jasper. Jasper stood up slower and stood
behind him waiting for Charlie to speak.

"It's not fair to her Jasper." Charlie said softly. "The girl has lost what she thought was the love
of her life. She shifted into a wolf , giving her father a heart attack , and became part of a pack
of adolescent males…Oh god!" Charlie stopped and rubbed a hand over his face.

"She probably had to hear all of Sam's thoughts about Emily…" Charlie dropped his hand to his
side and clenched it into a fist. Anger was beginning to seep back into him. Jasper didn't say
anything and there was silence for some time.

"Then her father dies and she runs to the one person she knows has enough compassion to
help her. She sees me and imprints on a man old enough to be her father." Charlie said shaking
his head, his anger left him replaced by sorrow.

"She deserves more, I'm too old for her." Charlie whispered. "I'm not exciting, handsome, or
rich. Hell I can't even really protect her. If there was a fight she would probably be protecting

Charlie suddenly turned around, facing Jasper his emotions were determined. "There has to be
a way out of this. A way for her to be happy. I understand that she has no choice on who she
imprints on but surely there is some way we can get around this. I don't care about myself I
already knew I would spend the rest of my life alone but she deserves more. We'll figure it out."
Charlie said with a shake of his head.

Saying that he began to walk the trail back to the road. Jasper walked beside him in silence for
a while before finally speaking.

"You know you are only thirty eight, not exactly ancient." Jasper tried.

"I'm still old enough to be her father. I knew her when she was in a diaper Jasper." Charlie said

"She's not a little girl anymore. She's twenty, old enough to make up her own mind." Jasper
tried again.
"But she didn't make up her own mind she imprinted." Charlie answered him. "If she had a
choice do you really think she would pick me?" Charlie asked.

"Why wouldn't she? You yourself admitted she had a crush on you. Maybe part of her always
knew. Maybe she is your soul mate." Jasper said.

Charlie scoffed and stopped turning to face Jasper again. "I'm too old for her Jasper." He
repeated slowly.

"You are eighteen years older than her, I am over one hundred years older than Bella." Jasper
told him quietly.

That stopped Charlie for a minute. Jasper knew he didn't think Jasper was too old for Bella.
"You look like you're in your twenties I don't." Charlie said simply and turned to walk down the
trail again.

Jasper sighed and followed him. He didn't think Charlie was going to be able to find a way
around this and his reluctance was going to hurt both Leah and himself but if Jasper knew one
thing about the Swan's it was that they were extremely stubborn. He just hoped there wouldn't
be any irreparable damage to either one. Maybe he should try one more time?

"Charlie…" He tried but Charlie cut him off.

"There is a rogue vampire in the area. There have been three deaths. I hadn't told you yet
because I was hoping the vampire was passing through and I didn't want to disturb your
happiness." Charlie held up his hands fending off Jasper's anger. "I know I was wrong but it's
done as you said earlier we need to deal with the now. I will take you to the site where the last
body was found then I think you should talk to Bella and make a plan to talk to the Cullens."
Charlie said.

Jasper wasn't about to let him end the conversation about Leah there. "Are you going to talk to
her?" He asked.

Charlie sighed and rubbed his face in frustration. "I'll talk to Sam and see if there is anything we
can do to get her out of this."

"You need to talk to her Charlie. She has changed into something she doesn't understand, lost
her father and imprinted on you. She needs you." Jasper said.

"I'll make it worse. I'm not good with words." Charlie said.

"She needs you." Jasper insisted.

"Let's take care of the vampire and the Cullens then I will talk to her." Charlie finally gave in.

Jasper smiled and clapped a hand on Charlie's shoulder. "I know it will work out Charlie. You
deserve happiness." Jasper said.

He felt Charlie's doubt but he didn't say anything as he entered the police car. Jasper entered in
the passenger side and let the matter drop. There was a rogue vampire that needed to be
dealt with.

Author's Note: I know Bella reacted badly to the news of the imprinting but heh I don't think I
would have reacted very well to the thought of Leah becoming my step mom either. In fact she
reacted better than I would have lol.
Chapter 22
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 22

Jasper found Bella still at the cabin. She was sitting on the porch staring out into the woods.
Her emotions were far different from the picture she presented. She was feeling a strong
amount of guilt, worry, and fear.

"I suppose you know." She said without looking at him.

Jasper was unsure what she meant. Was she talking about the rogue vamp, Leah imprinting on
Charlie, Charlie's talk with Carlisle and his reaction?

"Yes." He answered figuring that covered all bases.

"How does he feel about her?" She asked answering his silent question on which happening he
knew about. He hesitated answering, it was a private thing and he wasn't sure it was right to
tell her.

"Confused, guilty, unworthy." Jasper answered finally. Maybe if Bella knew all of it they would
be able to help the pair. Both deserved some happiness.

Bella looked at him her mouth dropping open in shock. He was glad he told her. He didn't think
either of them realized just how alike they were. Both were extraordinary humans and both
thought they were unworthy.

"He thinks she deserves better than him. He said he was too old for her. He told me he wasn't
exciting, handsome, or rich and that she deserved more. He said he had resigned himself to
living the rest of his life alone." Jasper told her as he came to sit by her.

"But he's wonderful. He's strong and loyal. Patient and understanding….He really expected to
live the rest of his life alone?" Bella asked.

Jasper nodded solemnly.

"How does Leah feel about him? I know she imprinted but does that mean she loves him? She
has been so angry and bitter. She hates me…" Bella told him trailing off at the end.

"I'm not sure the emotions of imprinting are strong, Sam undoubtedly loves Emily and Emily
loves Sam. I know before Leah imprinted she was attracted to Charlie. Her heart would speed
up when she saw him and I felt a longing from her but she avoided him as much as possible. I
didn't understand it till I talked to Charlie. Apparently Leah had a crush on him as a child. It was
the reason he stopped hanging around Harry so much. When I felt her imprint it was like
everything disappeared for her, everything but him. It was…Her mind was filled with chaos…
grief, guilt, anger…then it was quiet and focused. I don't think she suddenly fell in love with
Charlie. I think she may have always loved him but had given up hope of him returning her
feelings. I think the imprint just made it impossible for her to ignore." Jasper told her. He felt
Bella's compassion rise and remembered again why he loved her so much.

"Do you think Charlie could love her?" Bella asked quietly leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I think he could but I don't know if he will let himself. He still views her as a child and he wants
to find a way out of the imprinting for her." Jasper told her with regret.

"That can't be good for Leah." Bella said.

"It wouldn't be good for either of them. I think Charlie really intended to live out his life alone. He
was planning on rejecting being a vampire, letting you and I go our own way. He was such a
happy, optimistic man when I met him. All that changed when Renée took you and left. He
never fully recovered. Having you back has helped but he still feels that he failed you." Jasper
told her.

"He didn't fail me! I thought we had worked through all that." Bella said angrily.

Jasper pulled her closer to him. "You did darlin' but he has lived with this for so long and even
though you tell him you understand and love him he hears about what your life was like with
Renée and he feels guilty. For some reason I can't understand he still put's Renée pedestal. He
believes the divorce was all his fault and that he wasn't enough for Renée or any woman."

"We'll have to help them." Bella said and Jasper chuckled.

"He helped us when I thought that I should be loyal to Edward, that I wasn't enough for you."
Bella continued ignoring his laughter.

Jasper pulled her closer and kissed her. He wanted nothing more than to hold her and kiss her
but he still had things to tell her. He pulled away reluctantly.

"There's more I have to tell you." He told her when she began to pout. "There is a vampire on
the loose and I want you to be extra careful. Don't go out without me or one of the pack." He
told her sternly. He knew she hated being babysat but she was a danger magnet. If there was
a rogue vampire around sooner or later it would find Bella.

Bella sighed in annoyance but nodded her agreement. Now it was time for him to talk to her
about the thing he dreaded.

"Quil changed two weeks ago and Leah changed a couple of days ago. Sam believes the
Cullens presence is causing more of them to shift. He asked Charlie to talk to the Cullens."
Jasper paused.

"They're leaving?" Bella asked a little sadly.

"No, Carlisle told Charlie that there was no proof that they were the cause and refused to leave
you." Jasper finished. He felt Bella's temper begin to rise. He hadn't been sure of her reaction
and he was kind of glad she was reacting with anger. He hated to admit it but a small part of
him wondered if she would side with the Cullens and want them to stay regardless of the
impact on the tribe. He should have known better. Bella was to kind and compassionate to be
so callous.

"So you and Charlie want me to talk to them." She stated her lips thinning in determination.

"Yes." Jasper told her.

"We'll go tomorrow." Bella said.

Jasper picked her up and put her in his lap. "I guess that means we have a little while to
ourselves?" He said before kissing her neck.

"What will we do?" She said breathlessly as he gently bit her earlobe.

"I've got some ideas." He growled before pressing his lips against hers.

Bella sat in her truck staring at the Cullen house. She didn't understand why she was so
nervous. It wasn't like she was asking them to go away and never see her again. She had
worked it out with Jasper. If they were willing she would spend her newborn year with them. It
was a big concession because she didn't want to leave Charlie at all. In terms of forever she
was going to have such a short time with him she didn't want to waste a minute.

Jasper reached over and grabbed her hand. She was glad he decided to come with her. She
smiled at him and gained her courage. She got out of the truck and approached the house.

The door was flung open and before she could say a word Esme had her engulfed in a hug.
Bella laughed and hugged her back. Esme began to usher her into the house talking about a
new cookie recipe she had tried and asking Bella to taste it. Bella looked over her shoulder for
Jasper and found him standing near the truck. He had pulled his hood on and his face was
covered in shadow.

Bella stopped and pulled her arm out of Esme's grasp. "Umm can we wait for Jasper?" She
said. She wanted Jasper by her side when she broached the subject with them. She needed

Esme's smile faltered and she looked frightened. She wrung her hands but nodded. "Of course,
I will just go get the cookies. You two can wait on the couch." She left before Bella could say
anything. Bella frowned after her.

Jasper came to stand beside her. "Does she always do that?" She whispered to herself. Even
though she hadn't meant it as a question, Jasper answered.

"It's hard for her." He said looking down. "She tries."

That irritated Bella. Jasper had done nothing to earn her continued fear. She understood after
Jasper told her that it was instinctual for a vampire to react to his scars but surely enough time
had passed for her to get used to them.
Esme came back in with the cookies and set them nervously on the coffee table. Jasper stood
up and moved to the far corner of the room. She knew Esme's reaction was hurting him. How
come she hadn't seen it before? The more she thought about it the more she realized that she
usually visited Esme alone. Jasper was usually talking to Rose or playing games with Emmett.
Sometimes she joined him but he never joined her for her chats with Esme.

Why hadn't she noticed before? Was she still so wrapped up in her own wants and ignoring
his? Every time she thought she was growing up she was faced with another hard truth about
herself. It was time for this to stop. It was time for the Cullens to leave. They were hurting her
friends and her man.

"Esme we need to talk to all of you. I thought Carlisle said he would be here?" She said
wondering where he was and wanting to get this over.

"He'll be here in a moment dear. He had a call from a doctor in Seattle who wanted his opinion
on a case. Why don't I go and get Rose and Emmett. Edward is out hunting but he should be
back soon. I'm sorry he isn't here but he wanted to be sure his ummm…thirst was under
control." Esme said smiling nervously.

"I understand." Bella said trying to put her at ease. Esme's smile grew more sure and she
moved past Bella toward the stairs.

"I'm sorry Jasper." Bella said quietly walking toward him. She didn't want him hiding in the
corner and she hated that he felt he had to.

Jasper didn't say anything as Bella wrapped her arms around his waist. She leaned her head
on his chest.

"You should have told me. I should have realized." She told him.

"It's okay. I'm used to it." He said.

"No you're not." Bella said.

"Jazzy!" Emmett yelled as he came into the room.

Bella turned around smiling, happy to see Emmett. Rose followed him a little more sedately but
smiling too. She wasn't as affectionate as Esme but Rose's smile was just as welcoming.

Emmett dragged Jasper into a conversation about games while Rose rolled her eyes and
started to talk to Bella about a car she was restoring. Bella had no clue about cars but enjoyed
talking to Rose about them. She had enjoyed fixing up the bikes and hoped to learn about cars
from Rose.

They were deep in conversation when Carlisle and Esme entered the room. Carlisle bypassed
Jasper without even a hello as he made his way to Bella smiling. Again Bella was struck by his
behavior. Was it another example of her ignoring how Jasper was treated.

Bella walked to Jasper's side and took his arm. She glared at Carlisle. This behavior was going
to stop. Jasper was worth ten of him.

"So what is it you needed Bella." Carlisle asked his smile not faltering.

Bella was unsure how to start and looked to Jasper.

"Leah Clearwater has begun to shift. She shifted in front of her father the first time causing him
to suffer from a heart attack. He died yesterday." Jasper said.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Carlisle said.

"Oh that poor girl…" Esme said.

"We believe that the presence of so many vampires is causing more Quileutes to change. They
have asked that you leave so that the changes will stop." Jasper went on.

"We won't leave Bella again." Carlisle said firmly.

Jasper was struck speechless so Bella continued.

"It's not like you will be leaving me forever. I could spend my newborn year with you. Of course
I would want to come back to be with Charlie after I was stable but I could visit a lot and…"
Bella was cut off by Edward who had entered the living room.

"So you are planning to be changed?" He asked his expression hurt.

Bella couldn't reply, she just nodded slowly.

"Is Carlisle going to change you?" Edward continued not looking at Jasper.

"I will change her." Jasper growled.

"Bella don't you think this has gone on long enough? I understand now. You were right and I
was wrong. I want to marry you. I want forever. I'm sorry for not realizing it before but I was
only trying to protect you because I love you." Edward said his arms outstretched and pleading.

Jasper stiffened beside her and Bella knew he was fighting the desire to hurt Edward.

"Edward I don't know how I can be any clearer. I don't love you anymore. I'm in love with
Jasper. We never would have worked out." Bella told him firmly.

"We would have Bella. I was a fool not to see it. I was a fool to leave and I won't leave again. I
can't. I need you!" Edward pleaded approaching her.

In a flash Jasper had pulled her behind him and was growling at Edward. Edward looked ready
to attack but Emmett and Rose moved to Jasper's side crouching down readying for an attack.

Edward let out a cry of betrayal before turning and running out of the house. Bella stood there
watching, her heart pounded in her chest. Edward had really frightened her for the first time
since she had known him.

Jasper turned around and pulled her into his arms. Rose and Emmett offered murmurs of

"I'm sorry Bella. Please tell Chief Swan I am sorry I didn't listen to him before, but I can't leave.
I can't leave Edward. I'm not sure what he will do." Carlisle said.

Bella didn't say anything. Edward had frightened her but the Cullens still needed to leave before
more of the tribe shifted.

"I understand that Edward hurt you. I understand that you may not be willing to forgive him right
away but Bella please think about what you are doing. Jasper is…" Carlisle stopped searching
for words. "He is a violent man. I don't know that he is the right one for you." Carlisle finished.

Bella looked at Carlisle to shocked to say anything.

"I have seen vampires in the southern armies. Violent killers, fighting over territories to claim
their own, to murder in. I have even heard of Jasper Whitlock, the god of war." Carlisle looked
directly at Jasper his eyes hard and cold.

"You may have grown a conscious after your own torture but does that make up for the
thousands you have killed and tortured. Some I knew of, some I tried to help after you were
finished with them. Saying you're sorry and living on an animal diet does not bring back all those
lives or change your nature." Carlisle told them angrily. He turned to look at Bella and his
expression softened.

"I know you have a big heart Bella, but when you see him for what he really is we will be here
for you." Carlisle said and left in the direction Edward had gone.

The room was quiet with shock.

"Dude, you're the 'god of war'?" Emmett said in awe.

Rose elbowed him in the side.

"What he's bad ass!" Emmett yelped.

Rose rolled her eyes and approached Bella and Jasper.

"I'm sorry for what happened. Emmett and I are about ready for another honeymoon. You tell
us when you are changed. You are going to be one beautiful vampire." Rose told Bella.

"You survived. You are not a monster. Don't let anyone tell you what you are! You decide what
you are." Rose told Jasper.

"I learned that lesson from you Jazz. Maybe it's time you learned that lesson yourself." Rose
told him then kissed him on the cheek.
"I love you brother of my heart." She said softly then left. Emmett looked at the two of them his
eyes big and the smile for once not covering his face. He didn't say anything but hugged them
both before turning and following Rose.

"I'm sorry." Esme whispered.

"I've never known Carlisle to be so…" She trailed off.

"So much of an ass!" Bella spat out.

"Yes." Esme breathed sorrowfully. "I..I'm sorry I couldn't control my fear but I don't think what
Carlisle said is true. I believe we can change our nature. You have changed yours, you're not
the same vampire. I..I'm not going to be the same either."

Esme came forward slowly, she shook as she walked but she wrapped her arms around
Jasper and hugged him.

"I'm not going to be ruled by fear anymore. Thank you Jasper Whitlock." She said softly before
pulling away.

Bella could see her shake and was never so proud of anyone in her life.

"I believe I will go visit the Denali for a while. I don't think Carlisle and Edward will leave but
three of us going may help out the Quileute. I am sorry that we have hurt them. Please let them
know we didn't mean it." Esme said.

Bella gave her a hug, then took Jasper's arm, walking toward the door. Jasper said nothing as
she led him to the truck and she worried about him. He hid his face in the shadows and sat as
far away from her as he could.

What had been said had hurt him deeply she knew it. He had just been starting to believe in
himself and Carlisle had to open up his fat, judgmental mouth!

Bella glanced at Jasper worriedly. He was going to pull away from her she knew it, but she was
not going to allow it. Not this time. He was too important to her and she refused to let him go.
Chapter 23
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 23

Bella parked the truck at her house. Unfortunately Charlie was not home. She had been hoping
her father would be there to help her talk to Jasper.

She heard the truck door slam and turned to see Jasper heading toward the woods.

"Stop!" She cried terrified that he was going to run before she had a chance to convince him to

She didn't know if it was her cry or her emotions that stopped him but he did stop. He didn't
turn around and Bella felt like she was standing on a fence. If she said the right thing he would
stay with her if she said the wrong thing…She didn't want to think about that she needed to be
strong now.

"If you leave I will follow you." She whispered.

"Like you followed Edward?" Jasper asked. His words hurt her, the memory of the girl she had
been with Edward was painful.

"No, I gave up when Edward left. I only followed a short way then laid down to die. Loving
Edward made me weak." Bella said remembering how pitiful she had been.

"I will never give up on you. I will never lie down in the woods and wait to die. I will follow you to
the ends of the earth. I will become a vampire to find you. I will fight all those that make you
feel less than you are. Loving you makes me want to live. It makes me strong." Bella said
determination in her words and in her heart.

Jasper turned toward her but still didn't meet her eyes. He stared at the ground, his face hidden
in the shadows of his hood.

"Carlisle is right. My change of heart doesn't bring back all those I've tortured and killed. I don't
deserve happiness. I deserved these scars I am a monster." Jasper told her clenching his fists
at his side.

"Carlisle didn't live your life. He was accidentally sired and left to his own devices. I will grant
that he had amazing self control. But would he have had that same control if he had been sired
by Maria? If he had been told fight or die?" Bella asked.

"I should have died. My life was not worth the thousands I took." Jasper whispered.

"To me it is." Bella told him walking closer to him. He didn't back away and Bella took it as a
good sign. She slowly raised a hand and tugged his hood back. She laid a hand on his cheek
"You are not a monster, you proved that by leaving that life. A monster would have never left. A
monster would have killed Maria for what she did to you and ruled her army. A monster would
have continued the blood shed. Enjoyed it. You put up with it but you never enjoyed it." Bella
said gazing into his eyes trying to convey the love she had for him. She knew him, knew that he
had never wanted to be what he was. He had played the role that he thought was his till it grew

She reached up and traced the scar that ran along his lips. "I love these scars. These scars
opened up the heart that you had locked up to survive in that life. I hate that you were hurt, it
breaks my heart to think of the pain you went through, but I can't hate these scars that brought
you to me. " Bella stood on her toes and kissed his lips gently.

"These scars can't hide your beauty from me. I see you Jasper Whitlock and you are not a
monster. You are the man I love." Bella told him.

Jasper growled deep in his throat and pulled her into his embrace. She felt all his love and
desire hit her full force and moaned as his lips descended on hers. Her knees became weak
and she would have fallen if Jasper had not picked her up and held her to his chest.

Bella felt like she was on fire his cold skin didn't quench the heat it inflamed her. Her hands
threaded through his hair at the back of his neck. She shivered at the silky texture of the
strands that flowed through her fingers.

She was in heaven. His strength holding her up, his need inflaming her, and his love giving her
strength. She had almost lost him today. She knew without a doubt that he had been very close
to leaving after Carlisle's words. She didn't want that to happen again. She had to mark him
somehow. Brand him as hers, make him know without a doubt he belonged to her and could
never leave her.

She pulled away from him. "Let me love you." She whispered against his lips, letting him feel
her love and want.

Jasper growled again, the sound went straight through her and she gasped at the feeling that
had her stomach clenching with desire.

She felt him moving but didn't look where he was taking her, too caught up in the feel of his lips
on hers and his skin beneath her fingertips. She began to squirm in his arms. She needed more,
she needed to feel more of him. She wanted him to put her down and let her explore.

Jasper groaned as he pulled away from her. "Soon." He whispered before his lips were
devouring hers again.

Bella let herself be lost in his kiss. She traced the muscles on his shoulders and arms, the
cords of his neck, the shell of his ear. Perfect how could one man be so perfect…without
warning his grip loosened and she felt her feet touch the ground. A thrill ran through her and she
wasted no time before she unzipped the hated hoodie and pulled it off his shoulders.

His hands were on the buttons of her blouse and she smiled as she felt his fingers trembling
with excitement. She worked on his buttons, her lips never leaving his. When his shirt finally
came free she stood back from him, taking this opportunity to look at him fully.

His skin was pale except where the scars marred it. Bites and tears like a map over his perfect

"Beautiful…" Bella breathed before making her way to him and running her fingers along the
contours of his chest. How long he let her explore she wasn't sure but she was grateful that he
let her touch him to her heart's content. Maybe later she would take the time to explore every
mark, trace every line but now she wanted more. Her hands ran down his stomach to the jeans
that hung low on his hips. She traced the waist band slowly making her way to the button that
held them in place.

He let her move at her own pace and Bella took delight in moving slow. Her desire raged but
she wanted to savor every moment. Finally his jeans lay crumpled at his feet and he stepped
out of them. Bella gasped at the sight of him fully naked. He was magnificent.

In a move too quick for her to follow he picked her up and laid her on the bed. "My turn." He
growled and began to undress her. He moved slowly but instead of being content to touch as
Bella had been he kissed every inch he uncovered making Bella gasp and moan with pleasure.

Finally she was naked before him, eyes heavy with desire, body shaking with need as he
looked at her.

"You are more beautiful than I imagined. I love you more than I thought I could." Jasper said
before claiming her lips. Bella returned the kiss and ran her hand down his side wanting to
touch him, wanting to feel what she had only caught a glimpse of.

They groaned at the same time as her hand wrapped around the most intimate part of him. He
was hard and ready for her. She loved the feel of him and moved her hand a little as an
experiment. He groaned and pulled away from her. She didn't want him to pull away, she
wanted to feel him, feel his hardness, his pleasure.

"Darlin' I won't be able to last if you keep touching me. I need to be inside of you." He
whispered in her ear. Bella shuddered at his words. She knew she would be hearing their echo
in her dreams for many nights to come.

"Please." She moaned wanting him to be inside her.

"Soon…" He said and began to kiss her body again as his hand made its way to the place she
ached for him to be. She moved her body, urging him on and cried out when his fingers found
her. He touched her gently and she whimpered, the anticipation making her body impatient.

"Please…" She whispered unsure what exactly she was begging for. Jasper knew though and
his finger entered her causing her to cry out. Yes he knew what she needed, he was a genius,
a genius! Then his finger began to move and her legs trembled with pleasure. She had to touch
him, had to share this feeling. Her hands grabbed his shoulders and moved over his chest,
making their way down his body.
His lips moved to hers and he kissed her hungrily as she reached for what she wanted to touch
the most. He added a finger, stretching her and making her feel even more. She began to move
with his movements. Her hand finally reached his goal and the feel of his fingers moving inside
her along with his length in her hand caused her to fall over the edge. Her back arched as lights
exploded behind her eyes. Her breath came in gasps and she bucked beneath him.

As reality returned and her breathing became normal again. She looked up at him in wonder.
That had been unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was more physical pleasure than she
had ever experienced but it wasn't enough. It wasn't the joining she had wanted. She wanted to
join fully with him. Mark him, claim him, brand her name on his heart. She smiled as she felt him
still hard in her hand.

She wiggled and urged him over her. "I want it all." She told him kissing his neck as she
positioned herself under him. "All of you." She groaned as she tried to guide him where she

He let her guide him but when her movements became unsure he took over and slowly entered
her. Even though this was her first time her body was ready and there was only a little
discomfort. He felt wonderful inside her, like he belonged there. She gazed into his eyes as he
held himself above her. She wanted to burn this sight into her mind. His hair hanging down
around his face, his jaw tight with control, his eyes shining with love. This was her Jasper
caring, compassionate, loving.

"I love you." She whispered feeling it with all her heart. She felt his emotions as he sent out his
love and desire. She gasped with the strength of it. He began to move. Slowly at first but soon
the friction and the feelings got too much for both of them and he was moving faster. Pleasure
spread through her and she knew she was close to something. It was almost like before but
somehow more.

He held her gaze as he moved and she didn't even try to look away. This was more than
physical release, this was a joining. She began to whimper as the feelings began to overwhelm
her. She reached up a hand to his face, cupping his cheek, the other hand searched for his. He
grabbed her hand and that was all it took. She screamed his name as the pleasure swamped
her and she held his hand tightly to anchor her.

He groaned his own release, her name on his lips and in that moment Bella felt it. They had
joined more than their bodies. She felt all that he was and she was sure he felt her. Her love for
him flowed out of her and his love for her consumed her. She felt his pain, guilt, shame. She
soothed him with her concern, understanding and love. She felt his acceptance as she showed
him all of her.

She felt her own insecurity, fear and selfishness being filled with his pride, strength and
compassion. Every negative emotion either of them felt was met by an answering positive
emotion from the other. Where before they had been two broken people they became whole.

Bella smiled in pure joy as she floated back into the world. She knew that they were joined
now, they would never truly be apart again. She pulled their joined hands to her lips and kissed
his hand. "Mine!" She declared.
Jasper laughed and drew her hand to his lips. "Mine!" He whispered before kissing her gently
on the forehead.

The feelings were too much, the happiness and pleasure left her deliciously weak and she only
let out a slight protest as he pulled out of her and laid at her side. He pulled her back against
his chest and whispered in her ear for her to sleep. Bella didn't protest, she was tired and there
was nowhere else she would rather be than in his arms.

Jasper looked down at the beauty in his arms. He smiled as he heard her murmur his name and
sigh in contentment.

After what Carlisle had said he was determined to leave. He had been sure that he was
undeserving of her love or the friendships he had developed. Bella had changed his mind. He
still couldn't believe her determination. She was so different from that broken girl in the woods.
Had their love changed her or had it been a byproduct of her maturing?

He ran a finger down her arm. She shivered and moved closer to him in her sleep. Jasper had
been shocked by their lovemaking. He had always known she would be loving and passionate
but what had happened between them had been something different. He had never felt that
from anyone in his long life. Their souls had joined, melding together, filling the empty places in
the both of them.

Peter had felt possessive of the woman he had escaped with. Rose and Emmett complimented
each other but they were very much separate. Rose had hidden places where Emmett couldn't
go. Sam put Emily above himself and would do anything for her, be anything for her but he was
part of the pack and she was not.

He and Bella had something different. They had opened themselves to each other, bared their
souls. Showed their darkness as well as their light. Instead of backing away from him she had
embraced him and he had embraced her. They were still very much themselves but they were
joined in a way he had never seen or heard of.

Jasper could feel her still. Feel her love inside of him, comforting him, soothing him, filling him.
How had he lived so long without her? He reached down and smoothed a lock of hair away
from her face. She had branded herself on his heart. Where she went he would follow. She was
his and he was hers, forever.
Chapter 24
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 24

Bella smiled as she watched Jasper walk off. Almost a full week had passed since the first time
they had made love and she had lost count of the times they had repeated that act.

She sighed in contentment. She felt whole, the loneliness and insecurity that had haunted her all
her life was gone. She was complete…secure. She knew without a doubt Jasper loved her, all
of her. He knew her secrets and scars and loved her anyways.

"Hey Bells, Jasper gone hunting?" Charlie called from the kitchen.

"Yes." Bella answered walking into the kitchen. It was odd but even when he was hunting she
didn't really feel like they were apart. He was a part of her now and she felt him deep in her
soul. She didn't hear his conscious thoughts, sense his emotions, or know his exact location.
She just knew that he was okay, he was happy and whole. She was with him even though she
was standing in the kitchen with her father.

"I'm going to be late tonight Bells. The rogue has claimed another victim." Charlie said breaking
through Bella's haze of contentment.

It was easy to forget in her happiness that problems still existed. Edward and Carlisle's
continued presence kept the pack from patrolling Forks and whoever this rogue was had
quickly learned the borders and kept away from Quileute land. That left Jasper and Charlie to
look for the vampire. Jasper was distracted so Charlie was taking the brunt of duty.

Bella had worried at first but Charlie insisted that it was about time Jasper was happy and he
wasn't going to let some rogue vamp interfere with it. She had argued with him but since the
vampire had not claimed another victim she let it go. She had a bad feeling that was cutting
through her love haze and she wasn't going to let this argument go as easily as she had before.

"Dad I don't like you hunting this vampire on your own. Jasper can go with you." Bella told him.

"And leave you alone? I don't think so. I have lived here all my life. I've known Jasper for over
half of it. I know how to handle myself Bells. The fact that this vamp hasn't come after me is
very significant. He most likely knows of Jasper and is unwilling to piss him off." Charlie told her
handing her a plate of pancakes.

"But dad what are you even going to do if you find this vampire." Bella asked.

Jasper had discussed this with her at length. He had been unwilling to leave Bella unprotected
to search for this vampire. He had argued that while Edward hadn't shown his face he was still
out there and neither of them were sure what Edward might do. He didn't feel the rogue
vampire was as dangerous as Edward could be. He assured Bella that Charlie knew how to
handle himself.
Bella had stubbornly insisted that her father be protected but Jasper told her Leah was keeping
tabs on Charlie. That relieved Bella's mind a lot. Even though she was unsure how she felt
about Leah's imprinting on her father she didn't doubt for a moment that Leah would do
everything in her power to protect him. Plus she could easily summon the pack in a second and
Charlie's safety was something the pack agreed they would break the treaty for.

"Ask him to leave." Charlie said matter of fact.

Bella groaned, she loved that her father protected this town with all he had. Loved how he took
care of it but sometimes his self-sacrificing ways frustrated her.

"I have a few tricks Bells. Don't worry so much." Charlie said with a chuckle.

"Maybe I could go to La Push tonight and Jasper could come with you." Bella said. Jasper had
hunted for the vamp a couple of times but the vamp was strangely elusive. The vamp hadn't
made an attack since Jasper had told her about it. So Bella hadn't pushed too much. She was
in a fog of happiness and had optimistically believed the vamp would move on. Now though…

"I told you Bells there is nothing to worry about. The vamp just fed. It should be safe for at least
a week. Jasper can hunt with me later, you two need your time." Charlie told her before taking
a sip of coffee and looking at the paper before him.

She was just about to argue more when someone knocked on the door. Bella sighed in
frustration as she got up from the table. This conversation was not over, not by a long shot.

She opened the door to find Edward standing there.

"Edward…" She exclaimed in surprise and a little fear.

He looked at her hopefully, holding out a bouquet of wild flowers, she assumed he picked from
their field. The look quickly disappeared and a growl emerged from his throat. The bouquet was
broken in his grasp and he reached out and grabbed her arms. His grip hurt but she knew he
could have snapped her bones if he wanted. Still she feared the pained look in his eyes.

"What have you done?" He growled.

She was frightened and confused not knowing what he was asking.

"I can smell him on you. You fucked him!" He growled louder.

Against all sense this made her angry. She should be pacifying him instead she let her anger
get the best of her.

"I made love to him you incredible asshole!" She hollered back.

Edward looked at her with wild, angry eyes and Bella stared back defiantly. Suddenly a blast
filled the air causing Bella to flinch and Edward to cover his ears. She didn't waste any time
getting out of his grasp and running behind her father who stood pointing his shot gun at
Edward glared at Charlie. "That won't stop me." He growled.

"Maybe not but Jasper tells me that it hurts like hell and I'm figuring he knows you are here and
is coming. I think you know that it might not be a good idea to be here when he arrives." Charlie
said calmly and Bella marveled at her father's bravery.

"Bella…" Edward said his eyes pleading with her.

"I've made my choice Edward. Go to Alaska. Maybe in time we can be friends but we will never
be lovers." Bella told him.

Edward stared at her for long moments before letting out a howl of pain and running away.
Bella let out a whimper, she didn't want to hurt him. At one time he had been her world. Maybe
she didn't love him with the strength she loved Jasper but she had loved him.

She felt her father's arms come around her, drawing her into a hug. She greedily took the
comfort he offered and let herself cry in his arms.

Charlie drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. Jasper had arrived shortly after Edward had
run off. Charlie had figured that he was hunting close. With Edward and a rogue vamp in the
vicinity, Jasper wouldn't be far from Bella.

Jasper had taken one look at Bella's arms and roared with anger. Charlie had to fire his gun
again to get his attention and convince him that Bella needed comforting more than Edward
needed to be taught a lesson.

Charlie would have liked to smack the boy himself after looking at Bella's arms but he knew that
would only compound Bella's guilt. It had taken her quite some time to get over her feelings of
responsibility to the boy and let herself love Jasper. She would blame herself if Edward was
hurt. It was better for the boy to move on.

Charlie parked his car and began his hike to the spot the body had been recovered. He heard a
rustling in the trees and knew without a doubt Leah was tailing him. He wasn't sure if she
wanted him to know that she followed him so he didn't let on that he had caught her.

She had been following him since the whole imprinting thing. Charlie hadn't said a word to
anyone about it. He was confused on the subject and didn't want to hurt Leah, but he didn't
know her now. He remembered the charming little girl and he admired her strength after her
bad break up with Sam. He couldn't help but notice her beauty and be attracted to it but he
didn't know her.

He didn't know what made her smile, what made her angry, what she liked to do or how she
felt about this whole thing. This whole imprinting thing was the biggest crock of shit he had ever
heard of. She was young and beautiful, wild and free, now she had been saddled with an old
man who never wanted to leave his home.

It was going to be like what happened with Renee, except Leah wasn't going to have the option
to leave him.

Charlie kicked a pebble angrily. He had wracked his brain this past week, trying to figure a way
out of this for her and he had come up blank every time. He came upon the camp site and his
mind went into police mode.

Charlie studied the ground around the campsite of the most recent victim. The body had been
removed already. He had been unable to view the crime scene earlier as his deputy had been
on duty, but he had been informed that it was pretty much like the others.

The vampire killed his victims quickly and painlessly. There was never signs of struggle. The
victim was usually alone, his neck was then broken and his blood drained. The victims were
always male, they varied in age, though none seemed younger than twenty.

The vampire seemed to only kill when it was hungry, Charlie guessed by the gaps between the
killings. That was the main reason he felt confident in hunting the vamp on his own. There was
no senseless bloodshed, he felt the vamp could be persuaded to move on.

Charlie something in the bushes near the campsite caught his eye. He walked over to it and
picked it up. It was a very old-looking diary. Charlie opened it to find yellowed pages covered
with beautiful handwriting.

November 7

It's so cold. Too cold without my Garrett to keep me warm. They told me yesterday he was
dead but I don't believe it. I would feel it wouldn't I?

All I feel is cold. Why hasn't he come home to me?

Father has been watching me. He knows I will go and search out my Garrett. He tells me it is
unsafe and that is true but I must find him.

Soon they will relax their vigil and I will have my chance. I will find my Garrett, we will be
together and I will never feel this cold again.

Charlie closed the book feeling sorrow for this nameless woman. This had to belong to the
vamp who was bothering his town. It seemed like something the vamp would want. Maybe he
could bargain with the rogue.

Charlie continued his inspection but found nothing more. He was just turning to head home when
the hairs on the back of his neck seemed to stand up on end. He wasn't surprised when he
heard a male voice speaking to him.

"You have something that belongs to me." The voice said.

Charlie turned around to see a red eyed vampire studying him. The man wasn't as tall as
Jasper but he looked well built. His hair was black and he tied it back with leather. His clothes
were old and dirty and Charlie supposed he didn't enter civilization often.
"You are the vampire that has been hurting my people." Charlie said not able to keep the anger
out of his voice. He had known this last victim.

"I only take what I need to survive. I have seen you with your master and I have no interest in
making that one angry but I want that diary." The man growled.

Charlie had no intention of keeping the diary but he didn't want the vamp to run off before he
said his piece so he hung on to it.

"I'd like you to move on. These are my people and I don't take kindly to them being used for
food." Charlie told him.

The vamp growled and Charlie threw the diary at his feet.

"Next time I see you I will have Jasper with me and maybe some of the pack. We won't be
talking then." Charlie told him.

The man bent down to pick up the book and before he could straighten up a large gray wolf
leapt out of the woods and knocked him to the ground.

The vampire rose snarling and the wolf moved in front of Charlie her own growls rumbling in her

"He's leaving Leah. You need to calm down sweetheart." Charlie tried to soothe her the
situation was volatile and he didn't want her to get hurt.

The vampire moved to get his book. Leah saw him move and jumped at him. The vampire
moved quickly and hit her in the side sending her crashing into a tree. Charlie had his Taser out
and was about to shoot when he felt the vampires teeth sink into his wrist. Fire shot through his
arm, he yelled out his pain but held on to his weapon.

The vampire's teeth left his wrist as Leah's jaws latched on to his neck. They rolled away from
Charlie and he watched in horror as the vampire overcame Leah.

Charlie lunged forward his Taser in hand. He saw his shot and took it when the vampire turned
his attention on him. The man shook as the current shot through him. He fell to the ground and
seizing and howling in pain.

The fire from the bite was starting to travel through his arm and Charlie knew this was not a
good thing but he needed to get Leah out of here. Jasper had helped him modify the Taser to
take out a vampire but the shock would only last so long, they needed to get to his car and get
to Jasper.

Charlie bent to help Leah up. She had reverted to human form and was laying on the ground
bleeding from cuts and scrapes. None of it looked to bad but Charlie worried she may have
broken some ribs. He threw her arm around his shoulder and tried to encourage her to walk but
she cried out in pain so Charlie picked her up bridal style.

He wasn't a vampire and he felt the weight of her but he hurried to his car desperate to get her
to her pack and safe. The burning was more than distracting but he persevered. Leah needed
help and he would save her if it was the last thing he did.

How he made it to the car he wasn't sure but he laid her in the back and took the driver's seat.
He was a little surprised he didn't sense the vampire following him but wasn't going to wait
around to see where he was. He started up the car and turned on his sirens.

He knew his driving had to be erratic and dreaded what the townsfolk would say tomorrow but
he was having trouble focusing through the fire that seemed to course through his veins. He
wanted to scream his agony, he wanted to cut the flames out of his body but he held it inside
him needing to hold on to his sanity.

He slammed on his brakes as he drove into his driveway. He heard Leah moan in the back seat
and it gave him the strength to get out of the car and go to the back. He had opened the door
and began to reach for Leah when he heard Bella's sweet voice behind him.

"Dad?" She asked then gasped as she caught sight of Leah limp in his arms. She rushed
forward and Jasper followed behind her.

Jasper took Leah from his arms. For a moment Charlie held on, unwilling to let her go but he
knew his strength wouldn't last much longer and did let go. Jasper took her and started toward
the house. Bella pulled out her phone and was calling someone. Charlie sighed in relief. Leah
was going to be okay.

Charlie's knees buckled and he sank to the ground letting the fire consume him.
Chapter 25
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 25

"Damn!" Jasper swore as he felt Charlie's emotions turn from fear and determination to pain.

"Sam, Leah is hurt I need you and Emily to get here as soon as possible!" Bella was crying into
the phone as she looked at the unconscious girl in Jasper's arms.

Jasper's mind was racing as he took stock of the situation with his senses. He could smell the
rogue vampire on the both of them. Leah smelt of blood, he saw some blood on her lips but no
open wounds. She could be bleeding internally. He set her on the bed in Charlie's bedroom
gently and turned to Bella who fluttered behind him worriedly.

"Stay with her, I'm going to find out what's wrong with Charlie." Jasper told her.

Bella looked torn and he knew she wanted to be with her father. He spared her a small smile
trying to comfort her. He felt her relief and trust in him and he prayed that what he feared hadn't

He knelt at Charlie's side. He could already smell the foreign venom. He examined him carefully
and found the wound on his wrist to be the only one. It wasn't a deep bite but the vampire had
injected his venom. He probably meant to incapacitate Charlie. Jasper was amazed that Charlie
had somehow managed to bring Leah here and elude the rogue.

At those thoughts Jasper looked around, allowing his senses to look for the vampire. He
growled low in his throat as he sensed him. The vampire was definitely male, he was angry,
panicked and on his way here.

Jasper picked up Charlie and tried to ignore his groan of pain. Charlie's emotions were all over
the place. Pain, regret, loneliness, fear. Jasper closed his eyes and tried to send Charlie some
peace. It was hard to send someone an emotion he didn't feel and Charlie had years of
familiarity with him. His efforts were fruitless.

"It's going to be okay Charlie. Leah is alright and Bella is waiting for you." Jasper told him
hoping his words would comfort him where his power hadn't.

Charlie's groaning stopped but his emotions still burned. Jasper set him down on his bed beside
Leah. Charlie wasn't thrashing and he seemed to calm a bit more, as did Leah. He wanted
them to be in the same place as he went to meet this vampire.

"Bella stay in here with your father. The vampire is on his way here and I need you safe while I
deal with him." Jasper told her as he looked over at his woman. She was so afraid, he knew
she had a hundred questions to ask him but he didn't have time to answer them right now.

He reached out and caressed her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. He felt
her trust and love. He prayed that it would be justified.

"Be safe." She whispered sending him her love.

He let it wash over him and turned from her. The vampire was almost here and he let his anger
out, projecting it. He took off his jacket and his shirt. He wanted to show all his scars. This
bastard had hurt people he cared about. People he protected, he put on his game face and
walked out the door.

It didn't take long for the vampire to appear and Jasper growled loudly at the man. He felt a
moment of reluctant admiration as the man stood his ground in spite of the sight of him and the
amount of anger he was projecting. Jasper had never met another who had been able to
withstand such an onslaught without running in terror.

It didn't matter though this vampire was a bastard and was going to die. Jasper charged
forward and threw a punch at the stationary man. The vampire went flying into a nearby tree.
He laid on the ground by the tree not moving. Jasper felt his fear and resolution.

The man didn't even try to defend himself. He didn't move to run as Jasper approached him
again. Jasper was so angry he could hardly see straight but the man's actions and emotions
were starting to reach him through his blur of rage and Jasper hesitated delivering the killing
blow. Instead he settled for tearing the man's arms off.

"Speak!" Jasper demanded barely controlling the urge to rip the vampire apart.

The vampire looked at him through a haze of pain. Jasper watched him as he began to think
through his options. He knew the moment that the man decided to tell him the truth and waited
impatiently for him to begin. He needed to be in the house with Charlie and Bella not out here
listening to the man responsible for their pain. Something about the man though made him
pause and listen.

"I was changed during the revolutionary war. I've been around a long time and I have heard of
you. Believe me when I say I didn't want to piss you off." The man began.

"I came here in search of answers. I ran into dead ends till this last contact, but the bastard
tried to extort me for more money. We argued…and…well I won the argument but I lost the
book he promised." The vampire tried to sit up a bit but it was difficult without arms.

"I knew you were in the area and I smelt you on chief Swan. So I tried to keep clear of him and
his deputy. The deputy interrupted my search of the bastard's campsite. I had no choice but to
leave and come back later. Unfortunately Charlie came back too. He found the diary. The last
thing I wanted was for him to take it and put it in some evidence folder so I made my presence
known. As I said I didn't want to cross you so I tried talking to him. We had actually settled our
dispute. He was about to give me the diary and I was about to leave the area when a large
gray wolf attacked me. I fought back, Chief Swan pulled a Taser on me. I didn't think the Taser
would actually injure me but it could hurt me enough to let the wolf finish me off." The man
"I didn't mean to turn him. I just wanted to incapacitate him. I bit his wrist and injected a bit of
venom. I thought it was enough to keep him out of the fight. I planned on finishing the wolf and
then sucking out the venom before it could change him. Believe me I didn't want you angry with
me but Chief Swan is one tough son of a bitch. He somehow managed to fight through the pain,
grabbed the Taser and shot me. I don't know what he did to that Taser but it took me a while to
recover. I've never been shot with that much electricity before. It's very painful." The man said
with a grimace.

Jasper couldn't help his grin of pride. Charlie was a strong man.

"I don't even know how he managed to get that wolf down here when he should have been
suffering through the change." The man shook his head in admiration.

"I knew he was coming to you. I knew you would probably kill me but I had to come. Killing a
man is one thing, but leaving him to change? No, I never have done that and I never will. I came
here to help him through the change and help him deal with the effects." The man finished his

Jasper studied the man, he believed his story. The truth was he could use some help. He had
no doubt Bella would want to change to be with her father. She had only been waiting to gain
as much time with him as she could. He really didn't think finishing school was going to stop her
desire to change.

He was going to have to take Charlie away. Whether deeper into the woods or into another
state, he had to get him away from this area. Charlie would be very upset if he hurt someone
from town.

Jasper's anger rose again at that thought, Charlie hadn't wanted to change. He was going to
have trouble adjusting and if Bella changed too, Jasper would have trouble concentrating on
anyone else but her. He had helped many new born vampires their first year but he had done it
with threats of pain and death. He couldn't do that with Bella and Charlie.

Jasper turned to the man on the ground. "What's your name?" He demanded.

"Garrett." The man answered.

Jasper nodded then proceeded to tear off one of his legs. Garrett deserved some pain for all
that he had caused. He picked up his limbs and put them on the porch. He stopped for a minute
and tore off his right hand. He had bitten Charlie's right hand and Jasper would be keeping that
hand for a while. Then he went over and picked up the man and brought him into the house. He
dumped him on a chair and walked into the bedroom.

Charlie was groaning but he seemed a little calmer with Leah next to him. Every once in a while
he would catch his murmurs. He mentioned Renee, Bella and Leah, though he called Leah, little

Bella walked into his arms and held him tight. He felt her love and trust.
"The vampire's name is Garrett. He was searching the area for a diary when he ran into your
father. Your father put up more of a fight than he expected. He didn't mean to turn Charlie and
he's come back to fix his error." Jasper told her.

Bella looked up in horror. "He was going to kill him?" She gasped.

"No he was going to help him through the change and his newborn year." Jasper explained.

He could almost see the wheels in her head turning.

"We could use his help, couldn't we?" She asked.

"Are you going to want to change?" Jasper asked.

"I don't want to leave dad for a year and I would have to wouldn't I? Who knows what Edward
is up to so you can't leave me alone for a year and I can't be around newborn Charlie as a
human. But it would hard for you to help us by yourself." She told him.

Jasper hadn't even thought about Edward. He could easily hunt him down and deal with him but
he didn't think Bella would like that. He rubbed a hand on his face. He wished he knew if he
could trust Garrett. He felt he could but it was such a big gamble.

"Is he trustworthy?" Bella asked. She was so open, so trusting. He knew she would trust
Garrett in spite of his attack on her father, was it the right thing though?

"He came back in spite of knowing it meant death to him. He seems honorable, but I don't like
taking chances with your lives." Jasper told her.

"I trust you." Bella told him.

Her words and emotions filled him. Jasper leaned down and kissed her. He didn't think he could
love anyone more than he loved her. He heard some barks and growls in the background and
let her go reluctantly.

"The pack is here." He said. Bella nodded her eyes slightly glassy.

He walked into the living room just as Sam was entering. Sam shifted at the sight of Garrett in
the chair and Jasper jumped in front of him before he could attack.

"Leah is hurt and I need this man. He won't hurt anyone like he is and trust me it hurts having
your limbs ripped off." Jasper told him quickly.

It wasn't his words that got through to Sam though it was the fact that he was still shirtless his
scars plain to see. In the excitement he had forgotten to put his shirt back on. It hurt a bit that
after all this time Sam was still afraid of him. It was understandable but still it stung.

Jasper grabbed his hoodie and put it on before the rest of the pack made it through the door.
There were growls and Jasper had to stop Paul from attacking.
"Sam go to Leah. Charlie is changing and I need to get him far away from this place." Jasper
bit out. He really didn't want to deal with the teenage shifters right now.

The other wolves started to back out the door but Jasper stopped Jacob.

"I could use your help." He told him. Jacob shifted and reached for his shorts. Jasper waited for
him then beckoned him to follow him.

"Bella could you please pack a bag for you and your father?" Jasper asked her. She nodded
and went immediately to complete her task.

"Sam I don't think Leah should be moved right now. I think she may have internal injuries. I'm
taking Bella and her father away. I could use Jacob's help transporting Charlie and Garrett."
Jasper said. He wasn't about to give Garrett his mobility till he was sure of him. Part of him
was hoping the vampire would give him an excuse to burn him.

Sam looked stunned by all of it but he nodded numbly. Jasper threw a phone at him.

"Why don't you call Emily? She should be able to help." Jasper told him. He figured Sam could
use Emily's presence right now.

Jasper walked over and picked up Charlie as gently as he could. Charlie groaned in pain and
his emotions flew as he was separated from Leah. Jasper hesitated for a moment. He looked
at Sam, studying him. There was no way Sam would let them take Leah.

He didn't even try to argue he just carried Charlie to the car. He returned and took Garrett out
to, he carried him much rougher than he had Charlie. When he was done he saw Bella coming
out to the porch with a bag and Jacob behind her carrying another. He was glad she hadn't
packed too much. He loaded the trunk then ushered them into the car.

He felt regret from Bella as they drove off. He reached for her hand and pulled it on to his lap
before bringing it to his lips and kissing her palm.

"We will come back darlin'." He told her.

Bella nodded then snuggled into his side. He prayed as he drove. Prayed that Garrett was
trustworthy. Prayed that Charlie didn't wake up a totally changed man.

He had seen that happen many times though generally the individual did show signs of
something off in their emotions before the change. Would Charlie's unwillingness to be a
vampire make him an angry vampire? That could be dangerous. He should turn around and
send Bella to live with the pack for his newborn year but the truth was he couldn't be away from
her for that long and he couldn't leave his friend to face the change alone. No he was doing all
he could and he was just going to have to pray that it would turn out alright.

Leah was lost in the pain. It was all her fault. Charlie was hurt because of her. She knew when
he carried her. She could feel his cool skin, hear his harsh breathing and smell his woodsy

She had never known his scent before the change. Now though…he smelled so good she had
to be near him. Had to have his scent. Something was wrong though, there was a sweet scent
coming from him. It was small at first but it was starting to overpower the woodsy scent she

She felt when he laid her down, when the engine started. She was tossed in the back seat as
the car raced to where she wasn't sure. Then the engine stopped and she was in his arms
again. The sweet scent was getting stronger by the moment and she could now smell Jasper
and Bella nearby.

She wished she could move when arms as cold as ice and as strong as steel held her. She
wanted Charlie back but she couldn't move, couldn't voice her wants.

She felt her panic rise as they laid her on a bed alone. She calmed when she felt Charlie lay
beside her. His smell was still changing but it didn't matter she needed him near her. She heard
talking but ignored it. She listened to Charlie's breathing and muttering, she hated when he
mentioned Renee. That woman never deserved him.

They took Charlie again and this time though she waited he didn't come back. Leah fought, she
needed to get to him, and she needed her body to respond. How long she fought she was
unsure but finally she was able to open her eyes. She saw Sam sitting in a chair by the bed

The sight of him no longer caused her pain. She didn't want him anymore. She had never
wanted him as she much as she wanted Charlie. She had settled for him when it seemed
Charlie was out of reach. Now there was no choice in the matter. There would be no settling.
There was only Charlie for her and she needed him.

Painfully she sat up. She was careful to not make a sound and her desperation seemed to help
her as she moved out of the room without disturbing Sam. She made it out of the house without
Emily noticing. Only Sam and Emily seemed to be in the house. Leah guessed the pack was

She quickly shifted and scented the air. She couldn't pick up a scent. They must have left by
car. It didn't matter she knew which way they were headed. Her instincts guided her as she
turned and began to run down the road. It was painful but she was determined. Her wounds
would heal but her mate needed her and she would find him.
Chapter 26
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 26

Bella buried her face in Jasper's chest. She was tired, they had driven all night and most of the
day. North, through Canada. She had asked if they were headed for Alaska but Jasper had
quietly told her that he was heading toward Nunavut.

He explained that it was a large area that was lightly populated. It was rich in caribou which
would be an excellent source of blood for the newborns. It was May so while it would be colder
than Forks it wouldn't be unbearably cold, not that it would matter once they changed.

They had driven as far as they could and left the vehicle. Jasper had lifted her on his back. He
left Garrett and their belongings in the car. He told her that he would send Jacob back for them
later. Jacob carried Charlie.

They had traveled for hours, Bella had kept an eye on Charlie but Jacob was careful. He was
obviously in pain, he moaned and at times thrashed in Jacob's arms. Jacob carried him as
gently as he could while still holding him securely.

Eventually they came upon a cabin that looked a lot like the cabin Jasper had built in Forks.
Bella eyed Jasper. When did he build this? Jasper caught her look and grinned at her.

"You should know me well enough by now darlin'. I have five of these cabins. One in Forks, this
one, one in Texas, one in South America, and one in Montana." Jasper told her.

He then explained to her that it had been some time before he met Charlie. During those years
alone he had been a little paranoid that Maria might decide that she wanted him dead and find
him. Jasper liked to have contingency plans.

They had aired out the bedroom and laid Charlie on the bed. Jasper asked her if she wanted to
rest but she couldn't sleep. Charlie's groans and pain held her awake. She cleaned the cabin
while they waited for Jacob to return.

Jacob had dropped Garrett on the floor unceremoniously and laid on the couch. He fell asleep
as soon as he laid his head down.

Bella raised her head from Jasper's chest to look at her friend snoring on the couch. She was
glad he was adjusting so well to everything. He took being a shifter in stride, reveling in his
newfound power. He hadn't accepted Bella's relationship with Edward but he seemed to accept
Jasper. Of course, that had taken a while.

Bella reached up and caressed Jasper's face. He had a way about him that just seemed to
engender respect. Once people got past his scars they liked Jasper. He was kind and
compassionate, strong and honest. She got the feeling that Jacob had backed down because
he genuinely liked Jasper.
Another loud groan came from Charlie and Bella again buried her face into Jasper's chest. She
hated that her father was going through such pain. She wished there was a way for her to take
it for him.

"Can you do anything to help him?" Bella whispered into Jasper's chest. She felt so guilty, for a
brief moment when she found out Charlie was changing, she had been glad. She knew he
hadn't wanted to change, but she selfishly wanted him with her.

Listening to his cries of pain, she wished now she could stop it. She would do anything to stop it
and she was mad at herself for wanting him to do this.

Jasper lifted her face to look at him. His thumb brushed a tear from her eyes. She hadn't even
realized she was crying.

"I'm sorry darlin'. I tried to send him some happy but it didn't seem to help. I've known Charlie
for twenty years, he knows my power and gets annoyed when I use it on him. It was making
him angry and that's the last thing we want right now." Jasper told her gently.

Bella nodded, sniffling slightly. She didn't want to make Jasper feel bad so she let the subject

"When are you going to change me?" She asked.

"It'll have to be soon." Jasper said his voice full of sorrow.

"What's wrong?" She asked suddenly afraid that he didn't want to change her.

"I'm not looking forward to causing you pain darlin'." He said, eyes downcast.

She was about to tell him not to worry about it but listening to Charlie stopped her. She
understood his unwillingness to cause her pain. She would feel the same thing in his place.

Suddenly she wanted just one more hour with him before everything changed. Bella knew that
once she woke up from the change everything would be different. She didn't believe she would
forget her past as Alice had but she would be different.

Charlie might not remember anything…the thought finally occurred to her. What if he didn't
remember her? What if he wanted nothing to do with her when he became a vampire?

"What is it Bella?" Jasper asked sensing her fear.

"What if Charlie doesn't remember me?" She whispered.

Jasper squeezed her a bit tighter pulling her more into his embrace.

"That won't happen." He told her confidently.

"How can you be sure?" She asked a little crossly. She felt as if he was patronizing her.
"I've known Charlie since before you were born. He came to me full of joy when he found out
Renee was pregnant. He was so happy." Jasper told her.

Bella smiled. "Tell me more." She asked as she burrowed into his embrace.

"You know how he met me. Well back then Charlie was one of the most optimistic and happy
man who I had ever met. I couldn't help but like him instantly. He felt such a strong sense of
duty, not just to the town he loved but to every individual in it. He included me in that number."
Jasper told her. Bella could hear the disbelief in his voice. He never understood what a good
man he was, at least now she had eternity to tell him.

"He wanted two things. He wanted to marry Renée and to become the Chief of Police for
Forks. Those were happy times. Renée married him and had you. He bragged about you
constantly. I could feel his overwhelming love every time he mentioned you." Jasper told her
kissing her head and stroking her arm.

"How did he react when he saw your face?" Bella asked. She had always been curious. Was
he frightened and had to take time to get used to Jasper or did he automatically accept him.

"There was a little fear but not enough to overpower our friendship. He didn't even flinch and if I
hadn't been an empath I never would have known he was afraid. The scars have never made a
difference with him. Neither has my past. I told him everything and still he accepted me. He
taught me how to look beyond myself and help those around me." Jasper paused and looked
down at her hand in his.

"I know that I have done too much evil to atone for but Charlie helped me to not give up. He told
me I had an eternity to make up for my past and there were a lot of people I could help, maybe
more than I've hurt." Jasper told her.

He tilted her face up and kissed her gently. "I don't know how you can love me, I don't
understand how I could be lucky enough to have you but I am going to treasure you forever. If
you don't remember me after your change…will I'll just have to remind you. If Charlie doesn't
remember we will just have to remind him. I know him, he is a good man and I have every faith
that his goodness will cross over with him when he changes."

Bella felt comforted by his words. He was right. Her father was the best man she knew, well
except for Jasper. That had to carry over. She sat up and looked Jasper in the eye.

"I want you to know in this moment, I love you with all that I am. With my heart and my soul,
and I know that nothing will change that." She told him trying to send him all she was feeling.

Jasper kissed her tenderly. She felt all the love he had for her in his kiss. The fire that always
simmered below the surface when he touched her bubbled to the surface. She moaned, wishing
they had more time. She wanted to make love with him once more as a human, but it would be
awkward with Jacob and her father in the small cabin.

"Want you." She whispered as they parted. Jasper shuddered against her and she smiled at
the obvious show of desire. She was tempted to reach out and touch him, feel if he was as
ready as she thought he was, but she clamped down on the thought.

"If we didn't have a teenage shifter sleeping on the couch, a vampire I'm unsure of in pieces on
the floor and your father changing into a vampire in the next room I would change you the way I
wanted to." He told her.

Bella took in a breath trying to get a hold of her lust. "How?" She asked, knowing she shouldn't
but unable to stop herself.

Jasper grinned and pulled her close so that he could whisper in her ear. "I would make love to
you slowly, making your body hum with pleasure." He trailed his hand down her side and she let
out a moan.

"Then when you were at your peak I would bite you, so that your pleasure would overshadow
your pain." He told her kissing her ear and working his way down her neck.

"I'm ready Jasper." Bella told him, her voice filled with desire. She was glad that he had built up
her passion. Her skin tingled and ached for his touch. The thought of having his bite marks on
her filled her with happiness. She would have his marks on her through eternity. Scars that he
had made on her body, telling the world that she was his.

Jasper picked her up and carried her to the room that held Charlie. There was only one
bedroom to the cabin and she would have to share with her father. Luckily the bed was a king.
Why Jasper even had a bed, Bella was unsure she wanted to know.

She heard Charlie groan and it killed the mood Jasper had created for her. She felt her fear
start to rise along with a healthy dose of worry for her father.

She closed her eyes and willed herself to be brave. Her body tensed in anticipation.

"I love you Bella." Jasper told her softly and she felt his love pouring from him. It washed over
her, soothing her fears and calming her. She smiled and relaxed her body.

He picked up one of her wrists and bit down. It hurt a bit but it was nothing like the pain she felt
when he injected his venom. It was like fire traveling into her arm. For a moment she wanted to
scream but she felt his cool tongue lick the wound and she concentrated again on the love he
sent her.

She tried to concentrate on that emotions as he repeated his actions on her other wrist. It got
harder when he bit her neck. She reminded herself that they had talked about this and agreed
on where he would bite her. She had wanted him to bite her neck. She wanted his bite mark
visible for everyone to see.

The fire was burning through her arms and now down her neck. Any moment now she was
going to start screaming. The pain was too much…how did Charlie manage to just groan a bit?
How did he manage to get Leah to safety?

Maybe if she moved just a bit? She started to move but the little movement she had thought to
make turned into a major convulsion and she felt her arm hit her father. She should feel bad,
she did feel bad but the fire was burning her up.

"I love you Bella." She heard as if from far away, then a cool body curled around her and pulled
her into it. Bella sighed in relief. Jasper was holding her, even in her venom haze she knew it.
His cold body didn't quench the fire but it helped.

She wanted to tell him she loved him too but she couldn't make the words. The fire raged but
Bella concentrated on the feel of her lover holding her. He was the tether keeping her grounded
in a sea of pain. Bella concentrated on her love for him and started to going over every memory
she had of their time together.

"Jasper…" She whispered, finding the strength to say his name and hopefully let him know she
was thinking of him.

Jasper held her close, wishing he could scream out his frustration. He hated seeing her in pain.
He hated Charlie in pain. He didn't want to leave her, but he had to deal with Garrett and Jacob
had woken up at Bella's thrashing.

He knew he was helping her but he had to deal with this. He inched away from her and Bella
whimpered. He almost gave up and said to hell with Garrett. He could stay on the floor without
his limbs. Jacob would come in here sooner or later and he could talk to him. Another groan
from Charlie convinced him he had to move.

Charlie would wake up sometime tomorrow and he needed to reattach Garrett's limbs if he was
going to be any help.

Jacob showed up in the room before he had willed himself to move. He heard his growl but
ignored it. He understood the young shifter's distress at seeing Bella in such pain.

"I need you to go get Garrett and bring him in here. I have to leave Bella to reassemble him but
I want to leave her as little as possible." Jasper told him.

Jacob stood there for a moment and Jasper wondered if he would do it. Finally the young
shifted exited the room coming back a moment later with Garrett. He dumped him on the floor
roughly and Jasper couldn't help but grin at his antics.

"Jacob I could use your help. Are you planning on returning to La Push? I don't have any food
here but there is plenty of game to hunt." Jasper asked.

Jacob thought it over before answering. Jasper almost sighed with relief. He was glad Jacob
had agreed to stay. He should have asked him sooner.

"Garrett, I am going to trust you a little bit only because I need to. I am keeping your hand but I
will give you back the rest of your limbs. I think you know what I can and will do if you betray
my trust." Jasper said sending out a healthy dose of fear to the vampire.

Garrett seemed to ignore the fear. Again Jasper marveled at the man. He knew he felt the fear
but he kept himself together and didn't show it.

"I changed Charles Swan without his consent. I owe him a debt and I pay my debts." Garrett
told him. Jasper felt he could really grow to like this man.

Jasper used his vampire speed to reattach Garrett's limbs and came back to Bella's side
before she had done more than whimper.

Garrett said nothing as his limbs sealed themselves back to his body. He sat on the floor for a
bit before getting up and leaving the room without a word. Jacob followed him giving Jasper a
look to let him know he would watch him.

Jasper knew he wouldn't try anything with him in the room. He really doubted he would want to
hurt Bella or Charlie. He feared Garrett might run now that he was reassembled, hand or no
hand. If he did, he did. Jasper would just hunt him down when Bella and Charlie were secure.

He pulled Bella closer to him and rubbed his hands over her limbs, hoping he was helping in
some small way. He kissed her cheek, sending a steady stream of all the love he had for her,
and settled into his painful vigil.
Chapter 27
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Author's Note: This chapter will go over Charlie's awakening. Next chapter will be Bella's.
Their awakenings will overlap slightly so this chapter will be Charlie then we will backtrack in
time a bit for Bella's. I hope to write the next chapter tomorrow but I hate to make promises
because life has a way of making you break them. I will promise to try. If not tomorrow then
soon. I hope you enjoy : )

Chapter 27

Fire burned through his body. He heard people talking around him. He heard Jasper and Bella.
He even heard Jacob snoring at one point.

He couldn't focus on them though. His mind drifted through old memories. Sometimes he saw
Renée. She was so beautiful and carefree, but when he tried to hold her she would disappear
leaving him aching with loneliness.

Bella appeared to him often. Her appearance varied, though. Sometimes she was a little girl
looking up at him adoring. Sometimes she was a teenager that didn't seem to want to talk to
him…a teenager who was hurt by him. Other times she appeared happy. Most of those times
she was with Jasper, one or two times she was with him.

He saw little Leah. Following him around at Harry's house even though he tried to encourage
her to play with Bella. He remembered her at twelve standing before him telling him she was a
woman and ready for him. Even now Charlie felt a twinge of guilt over that. For one brief
moment he had wished he was young enough to take her up on her offer. Then he called
himself a dirty old man and started to back away from the Clearwaters.

He remembered Leah standing beside Jasper, in Jasper's clothes, looking at him in such a way
that it made him know that her feelings for him were back. That look had haunted him since.

He saw her again attacking the vampire. All the fear he felt for her, the anger at the vampire
that dared to hurt his Leah.

Jasper's face appeared to him and calmed his anger. Memories of their years of friendship
drifted through his mind. It was something he could hold on to. Something that comforted him in
the most painful times of his life.

The fire intensified and the parade of memories dimmed as he lost himself in a sea of pain. He
heard screams, realizing that it was him he clamped his mouth shut, biting his tongue till he
tasted liquid in his mouth. It wasn't blood.

Fear ran through him. What was happening? A vampire…he had been bitten by a vampire…the
taste in his mouth…the fire in his veins…He opened his mouth and screamed, now in fear and
panic as well as in pain. His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest.
He was being moved, it hurt like hell and he began to thrash.

"Charlie I need to move you away from Bella so you don't hurt her." A voice told him…Jasper?
With a great test of his will he locked his arms at his side and ceased his cries. Bella would be
worried if she heard him and he didn't want to hurt her. He couldn't help the whimpers, the pain
was almost more than he could withstand.

He felt himself being lowered. He felt something hard against his back, it felt like they had
slammed him down and he couldn't hold back his cry of pain.

"What's happening Jasper!" Jacob cried frustration obvious in his voice.

"He's about to wake up Jake, it always hurts the worst at the end. I need you to be calm."
Jasper answered.

"Maybe you should stand back boy. Your scent might affect him." Another voice said. It was a
voice he had heard before but he couldn't quite place it. For some reason it angered him and he
heard a growl.

"Ha! I think it's you who should step back! Charlie's going to kick your ass!" Jacob declared.

Charlie heard him but ignored it as his heart beat harder. Maybe he would just die. Maybe that
would be best…

"Aaaaahhhhh…." Charlie let out a scream of agony, then everything stopped. His heart beat
stopped, the noise in the room stopped, his breathing stopped.

Charlie opened his eyes. The light nearly blinded him. He wasn't dead…he was a vampire.

"FUCK!" He shouted and stood faster than he knew he could.

His eyes adjusted to the light. He saw everything clearly, better than he ever had before. He
studied his hand, noticing that he could no longer see the blue lines of his vein. His skin was as
smooth as marble.

His eyes moved from his hands and took in the wood of the wall behind him. He could see all
the grains, it fascinated him. He heard somebody clear their throat and looked up.

He saw Jake standing a few feet from him. He looked frightened and jumpy. That wasn't a
good thing for a shifter. He started to look to the boy's side to find out who the other voice was,
when Jasper spoke.

"How do you feel Charlie?" He asked.

His voice sounded different in a way. It's was as if Charlie never heard him clearly before.
Charlie randomly wondered if he would be able to hear a dog whistle now. He almost chuckled
at his thoughts but turned to Jasper instead.

Jasper was standing in front of a doorway, his hoodie was on, his hood was up and covering
his face in shadows. Charlie wondered at it momentarily before realizing he was afraid of
Charlie's reaction to his scars.

He shifted his attention back to Jake. He wanted to reassure Jasper but he felt like he was on
a knife's edge. One moment cracking jokes in his head, the next feeling guilty for making them
fear him.

"Are you hungry Charlie?" The man beside Jake spoke and Charlie turned to him.

He knew this man…this was the bastard that dared hurt Leah. Rage built up surprisingly quickly
and Charlie felt himself crouching down readying to attack.

Before he could move he felt a wave of calm come from some place. His rage grew even more
as he realized Jasper was trying to calm him down. He turned to attack Jasper but he caught a

His insides ached with hunger. It wasn't pure…something was trying to contaminate that
heavenly smell. If he could get to it…consume it before…he lunged at Jasper.

Jasper had told him that he was used to dealing with newborns but Charlie never understood
what that meant till he found himself flying into the wall. It wouldn't deter him though, he needed
that scent.

He charged back through the broken wall, he threw aside a large black wolf and bowled right
over the other vampire. He was stopped short at the sight of Jasper, his hood was off and
Charlie saw the scars on his face.

He had seen them many times as a human. The very first time he had seen them he felt a little
fear but never since then. Now it wasn't fear he felt. No, it was bone deep rage.

He stood there staring at his longtime friend. He knew the pain those scars represented, knew
that some of them came from dealing with newborns. He had been so consumed with that
scent he would have added to those scars and it pissed him off.

He didn't want this. He didn't want to become a vampire, didn't want to be a threat to his
friends. He stood before Jasper clenching his fists. There was a rumbling sound that he soon
realized was coming from him.

"Charlie, what you're smelling is Bella going through the change. She's halfway there. You're
smelling her blood becoming consumed by my venom." Jasper told him calmly.

Bella…he had wanted…Charlie howled in rage and before anyone could stop him he ran out the
door. He had to get away from them. He was dangerous. He didn't want to hurt them, not even
the one responsible for this, but he knew with a certainty that he would not be able to control

He ran, knowing that they wouldn't be able to catch him. He had newborn speed after all. He
briefly hoped that Jasper had gotten them far enough away that he wouldn't find any humans.
That was the last coherent thought he had for two weeks.
Leah panted as she sniffed the air again. She had been searching so long. Her wounds had
healed but it had taken longer than it should have. Her constant running had disturbed the
healing process.

She still couldn't catch his scent. She felt she was heading in the right direction but she was
getting discouraged. What if this feeling was something entirely different? What if she was
chasing ghosts? What if she never saw Charlie again?

Leah howled into the night. She couldn't lose him. She wouldn't give up. She had run hundreds
of miles only stopping when absolutely necessary. She had hunted and killed game on her way.
Something she swore she would never do. She hadn't reverted to human form once.

Sam had tried to call her back. Used his alpha command voice and demanded she return and
heal before searching for her imprint. Leah was able to ignore him.

Leah stopped and laid down on the ground. She needed a short rest. She had traveled far
north but she was unsure where she was, she only knew that she had passed into Canada.

She looked up at the full moon and couldn't resist howling. She gave a wolfy grin when she
heard answering howls in the night.

Ending her brief respite she got wearily to her feet and began her run again. She ran for
another two hours before she caught a scent.

It was a vampire, the sickly sweet scent that usually made her stomach clench and her inner
beast want to run rampant…this one though… she stopped her run and sniffed the air. There it
was, it was Charlie. The woodsy scent she loved was still there. He had definitely been
changed into a vampire but his scent was still there.

Leah let out a bark of joy and ran harder towards the scent. She would find him now. Even if he
didn't want her she could watch him from afar. Make sure he was safe. Whatever he would
allow she would accept. She needed him and even though he didn't realize it he needed her.

Her renewed vigor brought her within sight of him in no time. She barked, hoping he would
acknowledge her.

He turned toward her and Leah came to an abrupt halt. Her breath caught in her throat. She
had always found him handsome. He gave her butterflies before she even understood what
those tingling feelings meant. Now though…

She began to pace in front of him. Her instincts ran wild. A part of her demanded that she
attack, remove the threat, sink her teeth into his neck. Another part of her wanted to bare her
throat to him in a sign of submission. The last bit of her wanted to run into his arms and touch
every part of him, know that he was well and unhurt. Wolf…imprint…love…all warred inside of
her as she paced in front of him.
Suddenly her pacing stopped and she shifted to her human form in front of him. She ran to him
and threw her arms around his neck. Love won out and her hands began to trace his cold, hard

He growled loudly and grabbed her hands with surprising strength. He pushed them over her
head and backed her up into a tree.

"I don't want to hurt you Leah." He growled. His voice was so different and yet the same. She
shivered, not from the cold but from the knowledge that she was naked and being held by him.

"You won't." She declared confidently. She didn't look away from his ruby eyes, but held his

"I don't want you near me." He growled again.

Leah smiled at that. He hadn't let her go. His actions belied his words. She arched her back,
pressing her breasts into his chest.

"I am yours Charles Swan. I am yours for eternity." She told him still holding his gaze.

He groaned and his lips crashed into hers. They were hard and cold but to her it was heaven.
She whimpered under his onslaught. Butterflies danced in her belly and she pushed against him
as much as he would allow.

"I can't stop myself Leah…. I came out here so…. I wouldn't hurt anyone…. I don't want to hurt
you." He said in between kisses he laid over her lips, cheeks, chin and neck.

Leah felt her body heat up under his ministrations and she moaned in pleasure.

"You won't hurt me." She repeated and bared her neck to him.

With a growl that rumbled through his chest and hers he took what she offered. She gasped as
she felt his teeth in her neck. She trusted him with all her heart and knew he wouldn't inject his
venom. The feelings were too much for her. His teeth in her neck, his body pressed to hers, his
rumbling purr of pleasure as his tongue moved around the wound he inflicted, Leah came hard.

Charlie chuckled as he felt her body shake in his arms. He removed his teeth and sealed the
wound with his tongue. He was not gentle and Leah didn't mind.

He pulled her arms down, Leah hadn't even realized that he still held her. He pushed her to the
ground and she let him. Her legs weren't really working well anyways.

He moved over her, unbuttoning and removing his jeans before Leah could even register his
actions. There was no foreplay as he entered her, it was rough and fast and Leah gasped out
her surprise and pleasure.

He filled her completely. A perfect fit. He was made for her and she for him. He waited for her
to adjust, then began to move. He groaned in pleasure and Leah shuddered at the sound. His
enjoyment made her enjoyment so much more.
She reached up to touch him but he grabbed her hands and again held them above her head.
He began to move faster and Leah cried out encouragement as the delicious friction worked its
magic. He hit just the right spot and her insides tingled with pleasure.

She wanted more, she wanted to touch him but he wasn't allowing it. She brought her legs up
and wrapped them around his waist as he moved. This encouraged him and he began to move

"Leah…" He moaned.

Her name on his lips was what pushed her over the top and she had an intense orgasm. Her
body tightened, her insides fluttered….

"Charlie…." She cried as she broke free from his grasp and threw her arms around his neck.

He stilled above her, her name whispered on his lip and his body jerked as he let go and came
inside her. He collapsed and laid his cool body on top of her.

He didn't say anything as Leah held him. Her legs and arms wrapped around him holding him
tightly against her. She knew he would feel guilty but she couldn't be worry about that right now.
She felt deliciously sore and sated.

He started to move and she let him. He moved away from her and she felt the loss of him but
didn't say anything.

She reached up and touched the bite mark on her neck. He didn't know what he had done but
she did. She had seen a bite on Rose's neck one day and asked her about it. Rose had
explained it was how vampires claimed their mates. Back then she hadn't thought Charlie would
become a vampire, but she had been curious.

Leah smiled to herself. Charlie had claimed her.

Charlie looked at her guiltily.

"I'm sorry Leah." He told her unable to look at her. "You need to leave. I don't want to hurt you
but I can't seem to stop myself from doing whatever my instincts tell me."

"What are your instincts telling you now?" She asked.

He looked up at her and she could see the desire burning in his ruby eyes. She gasped and felt
her body thrum again in anticipation.

"To take you again." He said with a growl.

"Then take me…" Leah whispered.

Charlie looked over at a sleeping Leah. A mixture of guilt and affection rolled over him. She was
so young and beautiful, so trusting and loving. He had taken what she had offered. It was
wrong…but even now…even with those guilty thoughts in his head he wanted her.

Leah had explained her journey to find him. He had been able to figure out that he had been in
the wild two weeks before she came upon him. Two weeks of doing nothing but hunting.

He was grateful that Jasper had indeed had the foresight to bring him someplace that wasn't
very populated. He had not run into a single human and his hunting had consisted of mainly

He hadn't thought, hadn't wanted to think, until Leah showed up. Then all he could think about
was her lush and eager body. Three more days of doing nothing but hunting and fucking. This
was the first time he had even allowed her to sleep.

Just thinking of her caused his groin to tighten and he had to stop himself from waking her up.
She needed her rest.

Charlie stood up and tried to move away from the temptation. He didn't move far. Something
inside him didn't want to leave her and he was too new at this. He couldn't fight the beast inside
him. It wanted her every minute. Wanted to be inside her, to bite her…He had only bitten her
that once but the temptation was there each and every time. If she bared her throat to him
again he wouldn't be able to stop himself.

Luckily she had become more aggressive and instead of submitting she fought to touch him as
he touched her. She was a firecracker. Hot and willing constantly…

Charlie growled at his thoughts, it wasn't helping and the temptation to wake her up by running
his tongue along her sweet clit was almost too much for him.

He moved away from her as far as he was able and began to pace. He had to do something.
He was taking advantage of her and it was wrong. He was a dirty old man and she deserved
so much more.

He looked over at her again and saw the bite mark on her neck. It had been three days and it
hadn't healed. Maybe vampire bites didn't heal on shifters.

He found himself feeling an odd mixture of guilt and pride as he looked at the bite mark. It
would show everyone that he had been in her…loved her…Charlie shook his head, not loved,
no he didn't love her. It was instincts and it was wrong. He had hurt her.

He needed Jasper. Jasper could help him. He could help curb this lust that burned in him. He
could help him let Leah go.

Yes, that is what he would do. He would let Leah sleep longer. When she woke he would have
her again. This time he would be gentle. He would explore every part of her before they

He would let Jasper work his empathy on him. Get rid of this desire that burned in him. Get rid
of the possessiveness that plagued him. Help him let her go.
Having made his decision he was able to sit down and relax. He watched her as she slept and
made plans for what he would do when she awoke.
Chapter 28
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 28

Jasper stared at the hole in the wall that Charlie had left through. How could he have been so
stupid? He had done everything wrong.

He should have changed Bella sooner. He should have known she wouldn't be far enough along
in the change.

He could smell her human blood still, of course Charlie would. Then He had allowed Garrett to
stay. The very man who had changed Charlie to a vampire against his friends will. Charlie's
anger had skyrocketed when he noticed him.

To top it off he had Jacob stay to help him. Jasper knew the boys scent would affect any
vampire negatively. Especially a newborn.

"Garrett just ran after him Jasper. Do you want me to follow?" Jacob asked him tentatively
breaking through his self-recriminations.

"Yes Jacob." Jasper told him wearily. "I need to stay with Bella."

Jacob shifted and raced after Garrett. Jasper put his head in his hands He heard Bella call his
name and turned back to her.

She was starting to thrash and he rushed to her side. He pulled her against him as he lay down
near her. He gently stroked her cheek and whispered words of love till she calmed down.

Night fell while he lay with Bella. Her heated skin glowed and he ran his hands over every inch
that was exposed trying to cool her, sooth her. It was all he could do to help.

Jacob came back just as the sun started to rise. He entered the room hesitantly. Jasper
wanted to growl at him, he didn't like him so close to Bella when she was vulnerable. He held
back his growl though and asked the boy if he had found Charlie.

"Garrett managed to track him. I never would have found him." Jacob told him.

"He headed further into the wild so he didn't confront him. He's fed twice. Once on a caribou
and once on a bear. You should see Charlie in action! I never would have expected Chief Swan
to be so vicious. I'm glad he didn't do more than push me aside before he ran off. He could
have torn me apart." Jacob said his voice filled with awe.

Jasper grinned in spite of himself. He had suspected Charlie would make a ferocious vampire.

"Garrett said that it was best for us to leave him alone. Trail him and keep an eye on him but
not to let him know we were there. He said he would only interfere if it looked as if Charlie was
heading to human inhabited territory. He told me to come back and tell you." Jacob said.

It was sound advice and probably for the best but Jasper was still unsure if Garrett was

"Jacob could you go back and keep an eye on them? " Jasper asked.

"Will you need help with Bella? Charlie was more than a hand full when he woke up." Jacob

Jasper considered it. He had been wrong about everything so far. Bella wanted the change so
he didn't expect such a harsh reaction from her. Her emotions so far had been stoic. He could
easily feel her pain but she tried not to show it. She whimpered instead of screamed. Moaned
instead of thrashed. Not once had she been angry.

"I'm not certain when she will wake up. I injected as much venom as I could, to hopefully
shorten the amount of time she burned. I expect her to wake up late tomorrow or the next day
but I was wrong with Charlie. I expected that he would wake up later with the little amount of
venom Garrett injected in him. My error caused most of what happened. Charlie is out there
because he smelled her human blood. If I had known he would wake up so soon I would have
changed her immediately when we got here." Jasper said running a hand over his face.

"He's going to feel so guilty about this." He whispered embracing Bella tighter. Wanting
forgiveness for his error.

"Jasper no one is going to blame you. Least of all Charlie. It's going to take him a bit to find
himself, I can't imagine that when he does he's going to hold this against you. Neither will Bella.
We both know how accepting she is." Jacob told him.

He was right, neither of them were going to hold it against him. That didn't stop his guilt.

"Tell Garrett what's going on. Come back tomorrow night. It might be better to have you here
when she awakens and you can tell us how Charlie is doing. "Jasper told him.

"Oh and Jacob stand down wind of her when she wakes up. Your scent isn't exactly calming to
a new born." Jasper added.

Jacob laughed. "Yeah, being in a room full of vampires isn't a bowl full of roses either." He
called as he left.

Jasper chuckled and kissed Bella gently as he settled in at her side.

Bella felt his cool lips on her forehead. She felt the fire burning through her body but she also
felt his cool hands stroking her heated flesh. She felt his love and worry.

She wanted to comfort him but the pain made it impossible for her to move and the few times
she had managed to say his name her voice had been full of pain. She knew he would feel her
love though and she tried to only feel that.
She had heard her father's rough awakening. Felt it when Jasper left her. She had known it was
too soon.

She had heard Jasper speaking to Jacob telling him that Charlie would wake up tomorrow. It
couldn't have been more than two hours later that her father had woken up. She had heard the
shouts, though she couldn't make out all that was said. She heard a loud crash

She had begun to panic then. She felt Jasper's anxiety and knew the last thing he needed was
to worry about her. She tried to will the panic back but that didn't help.

When she thought that she couldn't hold it back anymore and Jasper was sure to feel her fear,
she found herself on his porch in Forks.

She sat back on the chair he had put there for her. Her hand went out and she could feel the
fronds of the fern she had given him. She didn't feel the pain, she didn't feel the fear or panic.

She smiled as she felt cool breeze blow through her hair. She looked over to where Jasper
used to sit and sighed.

It would be easier to stay here. To avoid the pain of the change but Jasper would notice it if he
couldn't feel her and he would be frantic.

The cool forest air was replaced by fire, heat that burned through her body and she couldn't
help the groan that escaped her lips. She felt cool lips on hers, cool hands run over her
forehead and cheeks. Jasper was with her again.

That is how the hours went. When she groaned he kissed her, soothed her with his touch. The
pain was intense but not unbearable. Not when Jasper was with her.

She dreamt of Jasper, her father, the shifters, the Cullens. All of them parading through her
mind making sure she remembered them. Jasper was there the most. She knew now without a
doubt that he was her soul mate.

Everything they had been through had lead them to each other. She wished he hadn't had such
a painful route. It wasn't fair that he should have had to suffer so much. She admired him that
much more. He had survived things that would have destroyed lesser men.

She was tempted to escape the pain, use the method she had discovered earlier and ride out
the change pain free. She wouldn't, though, if Jasper could survive what he had, if her father
could survive it then she could.

She wouldn't leave him. She knew instinctively that while she was in that place Jasper wouldn't
feel her emotions. It would scare him and she didn't want that.

The pain was getting to intense and she found herself groaning louder. She felt Jasper's
soothing touch and it helped but the pain was so much…

Her heart began to beat faster. She knew she was nearing the end. Just a little longer…
She screamed, couldn't help it…the pain…she felt cold arms pull her close…a voice…Jasper's

"You're almost there. I love you Bella. You're almost there." He told her.

"Jasper!" She cried , opening her eyes wide to see the ceiling above her and blonde hair
brushing her cheek.

It was over, the pain was gone. All that was left was a burn in her throat. She knew what that
was. Jasper had told her to expect the hunger and it didn't surprise her.

Jasper kissed her neck. The feeling was so much more intense than she had felt as a human.
She growled slightly and wrapped her arms around him. She kissed his neck hungrily, ran her
tongue along the scars she knew to be there.

She felt him shudder against her and smiled. She pulled back wanting to see him with her new
eyes. His golden eye looked back at her, filled with desire.

The heat left her as she saw the true extent of his scars. A growl built up in her throat, this one
filled with anger instead of passion.

She pushed away from Jasper. Stood faster than she knew she could. He looked at her in
shock. His face was littered with bite marks. More than she had seen as a human.

She howled with rage before rushing forward and tearing off his hoodie and shirt. His chest was
exposed to her, he was too shocked to stop her. She felt his hurt but was too blinded by anger
to acknowledge it.

His chest and arms…the pain he had gone through…

She screamed again, shouting her fury for the world to hear. She turned and ran through the
hole in the wall. She vaguely saw a black blur emerge from the forest. It tried to stop her but
she was too fast. She evaded the wolf and kept running.

She felt Jasper give chase but she the madness of her rage had her in its grip. She knew who
had done that to him. Who had hurt him. Only one thought consumed her. Maria was going to

Jasper ran for all he was worth. He couldn't lose her. Even if she didn't want him. He
understood why she would run from him. Now that her eyes were clear she saw him for the
monster he was.

He couldn't lose her though. She was running south. Running to civilization. She could be hurt,
she could hurt others. He had to protect her even if she didn't want him anymore.

He had tried to send her calm, tried to send her love, he had even tried fear. Nothing worked.
Nothing broke through her all consuming rage. She was angry and had every right to be. He
should have never courted her. He had deceived her. Made her think he was something he

He was losing sight of her. He could still follow her scent but for how long?

"Bella!" He cried.

If she heard him, she didn't stop. He ran on. He knew Jacob followed them but he knew that
they were faster and would soon lose him. He couldn't stop to talk to the young shifter.

He ran for hours, till he could no longer see her and eventually till he could no longer smell her.
He ran on following his instinct. Following the direction he could feel her in. An hour later all
feeling of her left and he cried out in pain, feeling bereft.

He fell to his knees. Howls of pain leaving his lips. He couldn't stop it. He had to cry out his
agony. He couldn't sense her. For the first time since he met her he couldn't feel her.

He hadn't even realized that she had become a part of him. When had it happened? The first
time he met her? Or later when they began their friendship. He didn't know and it didn't matter.
She was gone and all that was left was a hole in his soul.

He heard a noise and looked up. He saw Alice emerge from the forest around him. She had a
look of sadness on her face.

She had a gift didn't she? She could see the future from decisions. Had she seen this? Did she
know where Bella was? If she was here then maybe Bella was alive and he could find her.
Before he could ask she spoke.

"I'm sorry this happened Jasper. It couldn't be stopped. At first I only saw you two together and
happy. I saw her as a vampire but I never had a vision of her being changed. Not until I saw
Charlie changed. Then it was too late to warn you. I've done what I could." She said nervously.
She was eyeing his scars and he could feel her fear. He growled not wanting to deal with her.
He just wanted to get to Bella.

"Where is she?" He asked his voice hoarse.

"She went after Maria. She didn't leave because she was horrified by your scars Jasper. She
left to kill Maria." Alice told him.

Jasper shouted in fear. He would rather she be disgusted with him than to take on Maria. Maria
had an army. Bella would be killed…He jumped to his feet. It would take her a while to get
there…she didn't know where Maria was, he did. Maybe he could head her off… he turned
back to Alice and studied her.

"Can you find where she is before she gets there? Can we stop her?" He asked hoping against
hope she could.

Alice looked down. "I've tried. All I see is her fighting Maria. She kills her but she is then
defeated by Maria's army."
Jasper felt like someone had shot him in the chest. He turned away from Alice, he didn't care
what the seer said. His Bella was not going to die. He started to run again but Alice called out
to him.

"Wait!" She ran over to him.

"I don't know everything. You have confounded my visions many times. I have told the
Quileutes, the Cullens, the Denali, Peter and Char. All of them have agreed to help you. They
are all headed down there to help battle Maria's army. I will tell Jacob and together we will go
back to get Garrett, Charlie and Leah. Carlisle has offered us transportation and we should
arrive in time to help. Go now." Alice told him. She surprised him by standing on her toes and
kissing his cheek.

"I know you will find her in time Jasper. You deserve your happy ending." Alice said and turned
around to run back the way she had come.

Jasper wasted no time turning around to run south. He was going to get there. He had to get
there. He didn't deserve a happy ending but Bella did, and so did Charlie. He was going to
make sure they got it.

Author's Note: Whew! Three chapters in three days! The next chapter will have to wait and I'm
sorry about that but I won't wait too long. I just need to catch up on some things, like laundry,
grocery shopping, housework….
Chapter 29
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 29

Bella could feel the pull in her chest, the place where Jasper was. She knew if she closed her
eyes and followed that pull she would find him. If she could find him then he could find her. She
couldn't let that happen, couldn't let him be hurt.

Sanity started to gain a foot hold in her mind and her running slowed. If she went after Maria
then Jasper would follow. She couldn't risk his life, maybe she should turn around. As the
thought entered her head the red haze of anger soon followed and what little grip she had on
herself started to slip away.

'Stow it away' the thought whispered in her mind. She could tuck that part of her away. Like she
did during the change. Block off the piece of her that was attached to Jasper. Wall it off with a
wall so high that he would no longer feel her and couldn't follow her.

It wasn't as hard as she thought it would be and she soon found herself on Jasper's porch. It
was different this time. Last time she had felt no pain in this place. Now she felt her body
moving, felt the hunger that burned her throat, felt the single minded determination. While she
could feel it all she still could not break through the madness that had her in its grip.

She wasn't even sure she wanted to. Maria had to pay on that she was sure both in her
madness and her sanity.

Jasper began to think as he ran. Things Alice had told him came back to him. She had told him
that he messed up her visions. If that were true perhaps he could get to Bella before she
attacked Maria, even though Alice's vision said Bella would arrive first.

How could he do that? She had a head start and newborn speed. He had a good idea where
Maria was but he wasn't sure. It had been a long time and she probably had moved her
headquarters. There was a good chance Bella would find her first.

If he could just feel her again…how had she managed to cut off their connection? He had
thought she was his mate, their feelings for each other were so strong. What could break the
connection between mates?

Alice had said that she would make it to Maria, that meant Bella was alive. So death wasn't the
answer. He shook his head at this thought. His stomach clenched at the thought of her death.

A gift might be able to do it. A shield…it had to be someone with a shield. Edward had never
been able to read Bella's mind. Jasper's gift had worked on her though. It had to be Bella that
was the shield. If it was an enemy how would Bella make it to Maria like Alice had
predicted….Jasper stopped that train of thought. He didn't trust Alice's visions. Hadn't they
been wrong many times concerning him?
He just had to deal with what he had and not give up. If Bella was a shield and was shielding
herself from him, then she was very powerful. Still no shield was perfect. He didn't believe she
could shield herself from the pull of the mating bond completely.

He just needed to concentrate…He began to breathe, not because he needed to but because it
helped him center himself, calmed him and helped him focus. Nothing happened and Jasper
growled in frustration.

Maybe he was going about this wrong. He was trying to connect to their vampiric bond, but
their bond was so much more. He had felt it when they made love. She was a part of him, she
completed him, filled him. She had given him a piece of herself that first night and he was sure
she couldn't take that away.

He relived the feelings that had rushed through him that night and found that part of him he left
with her. He could feel her emotions. It was faint and her anger was almost overwhelming. As
he focused on her the feeling grew stronger and he knew where she was.

"I'm coming darlin'." He whispered grimly, hoping that she could hear him and would feel his love
for her just as he could feel her anger.

Charlie slowed as he came in sight of the cabin. Someone was there and he felt his nerves
begin to jump as Leah came up beside him. He moved in front of her and growled softly.

Leah wasn't happy with that, she shifted and moved beside him. Charlie was about to demand
whoever was there make an appearance when a woman came out of the cabin. She was small
and her hair was short. She had a mischievous grin on her face and Charlie felt a little of his
apprehension fade.

"Hello Charlie, hi Leah." She called in greeting.

"Hello Alice." He finally answered. He hadn't recognized her at first. His sight was so different,
everything looked and felt so different. He struggled for a moment as anxiety threatened to
overwhelm him. He knew of Alice's gift and her appearance couldn't be a good thing in spite of
her grin.

"Bella and Jasper need you. We just need to wait for Garrett and Jacob and then I will take you
to her." She told him and then went back into the cabin.

Charlie looked at Leah, she seemed to calm him and he needed that right now if he was going
to think clear enough to help his friend and daughter.

He straightened up out of his crouch, took a deep unneeded breath and followed Alice into the
cabin. Leah stayed beside him and the brush of her fur beneath his hand helped keep him
grounded. Helped keep the fear from taking over. Thoughts of letting Leah go were slowly
replaced with thoughts of how much he needed her.
Bella stayed to the shadows. It was easier than she thought it would be to avoid humans. For
the most part she stayed away from them but she had fed twice when her hunger and the scent
of human blood had gotten too much for her.

She felt no guilt. Maybe later she would but right now only her purpose burned through her. She
had to find Maria. She knew she needed to go to Texas and from there she just needed to find
vampires willing to direct her.

She stopped suddenly as she felt a familiar touch in her mind…"Jasper…" She whispered
whirling around, trying to see him. She could find him nowhere. She searched for his scent but
found nothing. She examined her wall and found it intact.

She started to feel uneasy but decided that she would continue on. She ran a little more
cautiously but it wasn't enough. She was tackled to the ground suddenly.

She was about to throw off her attacker when his scent caught up to her and instead of pushing
him away she pulled him closer. She attacked his lips, kissing him fiercely, her passion for him
almost overwhelming the rage.

Almost but not quite. She pulled back and looked up at him. His hood was back on and he was
trying to hide his scars from her. Bella growled in anger. He was trying to protect her, trying to
get her to change her course. She was hurting him…

Bella squeezed her eyes shut and groaned. She wanted to be able to pull down his hood, kiss
every scar, prove she loved him but she knew if she saw his scars it would set off the fury
again. She had to take care of Maria, had to make her pay. Only when Maria was dead could
she look at those scars the way she had as a human.

"I can't help it…I have to make her pay Jasper." She told him hoping he would understand.

Jasper sat up, he grabbed her hand and pulled it to his lips. He kissed it tenderly and Bella
didn't even think of trying to escape she was too caught up in the spell of love he was weaving
around her.

"Do you feel it Bella?" He whispered.

Bella struggled, his love helped, calmed her enough that she hadn't attacked him, but the rage

"Feel what?" She asked unsure if he meant the love he was sending.

"Do you know how I found you? How I managed to catch up to you, even though you are faster
than me and shielded me from our mating bond?" He asked.

She couldn't speak so just shook her head. The shield was still in place, part of her was still
hiding in the oasis in her mind.

"What we have is more than a normal mating bond. There is a piece of you in me, completing
me and a piece of me in you. You can feel it if you try. I found it by remembering our first time
together." Jasper told her.

Maybe if she could find this connection she could end this madness. She tried but she couldn't
overcome the anger. She remembered the night, remembered the feelings. They were so
intense that the memory had survived her change. It didn't reveal this connection for her,

She growled her frustration and the anger began to rise again. She threw Jasper off of her and
turned to run again. She could out distance him she was sure.

"Bella if you die I will die." Jasper called out stopping her.

She turned to look at him her eyes wide and conflicted. Her fear for his life and her rage at
Maria freezing her in place.

"What we have is so much more than a normal bond. I won't live a life of sorrow like Marcus. I
will die. We are too connected for either of us to survive without the other." He told her.

Bella felt like screaming as her emotions warred inside her.

"I know what you are feeling Bella. I know you have to do this. I will help you." He told her, then
took a tentative step forward. "Let me help you." He pleaded.

She really had no choice. She nodded once then turned to continue her quest. She felt him
follow her and she let down her shield. It was useless anyways and she didn't like blocking off
any part of their bond.

She looked over at him and gave him a brief, grim smile. He nodded and they ran, neither
speaking but both determined. Jasper to keep Bella alive and Bella to kill Maria.

Charlie paced. He had followed Alice into the cabin but had been unable to stay in there. It was
too confined and his nerves were to high strung. Leah nudged him and he ran his hand through
her fur. She had not shifted back to human form. He wasn't sure why but trusted her to know
what was best.

Her ears perked up and her head turned to the forest. A big black wolf emerged from the trees
and barked in greeting. Leah returned the bark but didn't leave his side. He was grateful
because his instincts were screaming at him to attack this new threat. To protect his mate. His
rational mind argued that this was Jacob but it was hard to think straight when the scent of him
screamed enemy. Why didn't Leah's scent affect him the same way?

He didn't have time to think about it as he felt Leah stiffen underneath his hand. He looked up to
see what bothered her and saw the man who had tried to hurt her before. He crouched down
readying his attack when he heard Alice's voice yelling behind him.

"Stop! Charlie this is Garrett we need him!" She yelled.

Charlie stopped but he didn't rise from his attack position. He fought with himself, this was
worse than the smell of Jacob. Leah was upset, he could feel it. He wanted…no needed to rip
this man apart.

"Leah you have to calm down. If you don't then Charlie won't be able to control himself." Alice
called as she slowly approached.

For some reason her words pissed Charlie off more and he snarled, but just as he was about
to attack Leah moved in front of him. She looked at him with her big expressive eyes. Charlie
felt her calm herself. She nudged his hand, licking his palm.

Charlie took a deep soothing breath and slowly stood upright. Garrett wisely kept his distance.

"The helicopter will be here soon. Leah and Jacob you might want to shift for the ride. I brought
you both clothes." Alice said.

Alice walked over to Jacob laying his clothes down and then turned to the cabin. Leah followed
and Charlie was glad she wouldn't shift in front of the others.

Now that his instincts were under control something about this man…Garrett…was bugging
him. He needed something…

Charlie tilted his head as he focused on the feeling he was getting.

"You need help." He said suddenly. The words were seeming to solidify what was running
through him.

Garrett looked at him his eyes narrowing.

"You're looking for someone…" Charlie said pausing. He remembered vaguely the diary he had
read before the conflict with this vampire. "Carolyn." The name came to him.

Garrett's eyes widened.

"How did you know? Do you know what happened to her?" He asked quickly.

Charlie tried to grasp the feeling tried to find the answers but none would come. He felt Leah
come up beside him. Felt her look between the two in curiosity.

"No, I'm sorry." Charlie said with sincere regret.

"I think…no, I know..." Charlie paused whatever was running through him was intense and
would not be ignored. "I feel the need to help you. I have to help you. But first we need to save
my daughter." He told him.

Garrett looked at him strangely but said nothing. Leah squeezed his hand and smiled at him.
Alice smiled knowingly but kept her peace as they heard the helicopter approaching.

Jasper studied his surroundings. Maria was close. He could sense ten guards. A little less than
normal for Maria but still a good amount to deal with.

He looked over at Bella, she was barely controlling herself. He was sending her as much love
and calm as he could but he knew it wouldn't be enough.

He grabbed her and kissed her with all the love he had inside of him. If they were going to die
then they would do so together and knowing that they loved each other.

"I'll try to distract the guards. You handle Maria." He told her. He knew she needed to do this.
She needed to soothe the beast inside her that called for revenge. Though it tore at him he
knew she needed to defeat Maria on her own. He would handle the guards and give her the
time she needed. Hopefully they would win and be gone before the rest of Maria's army could
come to her rescue.

He briefly wondered why they weren't here. It was unusual that Maria had so few of her
soldiers around her. He hoped it was luck and not a trap. They had not been discreet on their
way here.

Suddenly Bella screamed in rage and ran forward, crashing through a door and running through
the guards Jasper had sensed. Her attack was so sudden and vicious that the guards were
stunned into immobility for a moment. It was all the time Jasper needed.

He sent out a wave of fear, more powerful than he had ever managed before. He moved
quickly, borrowing some strength from the link he shared with Bella. He moved in and out.
Beheading two before the others gained their wits and began to fight back.

There was no hope of him beating them but he kept them busy and away from Bella while she
fought. He caught a glimpse of her occasionally. She was beautiful in her ferocity. Her newborn
strength and speed helped but were not an advantage. Maria was used to fighting newborns
and she hadn't survived this long on manipulation alone. She was a fierce fighter.

"You need to think Bella. Don't let your instincts rule you. She knows how to fight newborns.
You need to think clearly." Jasper called.

If Bella heard him she gave no indication as she screamed again, reaching out for Maria to grab
her in a hold that would crush her. Maria laughed and easily evaded her.

"Is this the only thing you could get to fuck you? I'm not surprised. Does she put a bag over
your head before she lets you touch her?" Maria taunted.

Bella screamed again and rushed forward. Jasper tried to call out to her, tried to stop her from
giving in to Maria's taunts. Maria wanted her to attack wildly.

Maria grabbed an arm that reached for her and bit her. Bella screamed again, in pain this time.
Jasper roared out his rage. He was willing to let Bella have her revenge but not for her to be

He quickly evaded his opponent and landed an earth shattering punch on Maria's face, sending
her flying. He raced to Bella's side. He was so intent on her he wasn't paying attention and the
five vampires that were left managed to lay hold of him.

He fought wildly but they held their grasp.

"Don't tear him apart yet. I want him in one piece as he watches me tear his pet apart." Maria
said as she walked calmly through the hole in the wall that Jasper had just sent her through.

She walked over to him and pulled down his hood. She sneered as she looked on his face and
for a moment Jasper felt the deep shame inside him he always felt when people looked on him.

Bella ran at Maria, but Maria easily sidestepped her.

"Oh, this is fun!" She said laughing as Bella stumbled then righted herself and turned to attack

"Bella you have to think!" Jasper called.

One of the guards grabbed his jaw, stopping him from speaking. He held it securely while
Jasper struggled. He watched as Bella charged at Maria again and again. This had to stop if
Bella couldn't get a hold on her instincts and attack intelligently, they were going to die. Jasper
was determined not to let that happen. He finally had happiness, he wasn't ready to give it up.

He stopped his struggles. He filled his mind with love and calm. 'Use my calm, use my
memories. You can do it Bella. Find the link.' He thought. Hoping against hope that somehow
she would hear him.

Jasper was in danger…Maria was in front of her…Rage ran through her veins.

She charged again and again. Maria was always just out of reach. Her frustration added to her
rage, making her moves even sloppier.

'Use my calm, use my memories. You can do it Bella. Find the link.' She heard Jasper's voice
and began to search for it.

He was still being held by the guard and she knew he had been unable to speak. How did she
hear him? She lay on the ground panting unnecessarily. Maria was laughing but Bella focused
on finding where the voice had come from.

It was a thought, a thought inside her…She put up her shield and in her mind's eye she saw
Jasper's porch. Sitting on the porch was Jasper. She knew that he had always been there she
had just been unable to see him before.

She remembered his words. He had left a piece of himself with her…she smiled and touched
his face. His scars were beautiful, they didn't inflame her anger here, only her love.

'Let me help you.' He told her then kissed her.

She felt it like a shock through her body. Her panting stopped. It was unneeded…a leftover
human instinct. Her mind cleared and she smiled. She had his knowledge, knew exactly how to
take down Maria.

Her smile turned to a smirk and she stood up straight. Maria was still laughing, she hadn't
sensed a change.

Bella charged again, seemingly wildly. Just as Maria started to sidestep her, Bella shifted and
threw out her arm catching Maria and spinning her off balance.

Within seconds Bella was on top of her. The guards shouted in fear and in their distraction
loosened their hold on Jasper.

Her warrior took advantage of it as she had known he would. He engaged them again and Bella
sent him her admiration.

Her momentary distraction was enough for Maria to escape her hold. Bella grinned. She had
every confidence she would win now. Jasper's memories filled her and she knew all of Maria's

Maria went on the attack. It was Bella's turn to laugh as she used her newborn speed and
Jasper's skill to evade her.

Maria threw a sloppy punch that Bella easily eluded, Bella slapped her and drew back, laughing
again. Now Maria began to attack in anger and Bella encouraged it. She wanted to humiliate

She moved in and slapped her then ran before Maria could grab her twice.

"Bitch!" Maria screamed and charged. Her hands turned into claws as she sought to scratch

Bella grabbed one of her hands and using her newborn strength tore it from her arm. Maria
stared at her arm in surprise. Bella took advantage of the moment and grabbed her arm. She
pulled it behind her back, then grabbed the other one pulling them tightly.

Maria struggled to get loose but she was no match for Bella's newborn strength.

Bella knew she could end this now but she wanted Maria to suffer. She looked over at Jasper.
He had finished off the last of the guards and dismembered pieces of vampire were strewn
across the ground. She felt nothing but pride in her mate.

"Jasper send her the emotions you felt every time someone looked at you in horror or fear.
Send her what you felt as she tortured you." Bella asked him.

Maria let out a sob and Bella smiled.

"You deserve more. You deserve to be tortured as you tortured Jasper. But I think I want to live
happily with my mate. I think your death will be enough." Bella whispered into her ear.
Maria began to laugh. "It's too late for that."

Bella's smile faded and she looked around her in fear. She could smell them, her army had
arrived. Quickly Bella twisted Maria's neck and pulled her head off her body. She threw it aside
without a second thought and walked over to Jasper.

He smiled at her and they put their backs together. She held his hand and squeezed it briefly.

"I love you Bella." He told her.

Bella smiled in spite of their situation. "I love you too." She told him.

They let go of their hands but Bella still felt him inside her. She couldn't help but be glad that
she had met him, glad that she had a chance to love him. If they were going to die today then
at least they would die together. Still… they wouldn't die easily.

They faced Maria's army, back to back, both determined to take as many with them as they

Author's note: So sorry for the delay. This was a hard chapter to write for some reason. Next
chapter will be the end and I will try to get it to you as soon as I can. I know that was an evil
Chapter 30
I don't own Twilight, Stephanie Meyers does.

Chapter 30

"Richard!" Jasper growled looking at the vampire that had taken his place. The vampire who
caused his jealousy. The vampire who replaced him at Maria's side.

Jasper felt angry but he felt none of the jealousy he felt back then. He knew without a doubt
that what he had with Bella was so much more than he could have ever had with Maria. He was
angry that Richard was threatening him and his mate but he didn't envy him. Life with Maria had
never been happy. It had been filled with pain and cruelty. Charlie had shown him friendship and
Bella had shown him love. He almost felt sorry for them man standing in front of him. That didn't
mean he wouldn't kill him.

"You're pathetic." Richard said before nodding to a soldier. "You were never worthy of Maria.
You were weak. You gave mercy when you should have been ruthless. You felt guilty for what
you are. What Maria made you. You should have felt honored. It isn't surprising she turned to
someone who would appreciate what she gave them."

The soldier he had nodded at started to pick up the pieces of Maria. Bella shouted and started
to rush forward but she was blocked by other soldiers.

Jasper's thoughts were fast and furious. He didn't want them to die here. They were seriously
outnumbered and he doubted his gift would be enough to get them through this. He finally had a
chance at happiness and he didn't want to lose it. Bella was shaking and he knew she wouldn't
be able to hold herself back for long. Her eyes followed the soldiers picking up Maria as she
clenched and unclenched her fists, growling loudly.

"Look Richard, this is your chance. You could let us burn Maria and be on our way. You could
rule her army, I certainly have no desire to." He said hoping that Richard was more power
hungry than attached to Maria.

Richard stared at him, his eyes narrowed. "You never understood the depths of the emotions
Maria and I share." He said softly before giving another nod. The man was deluded, was
Jasper's thoughts.

Bella screamed as a vampire picked up Maria's head. No longer able to stop herself she
pushed through the vampires who blocked her way. She attacked viciously.

Jasper tried to follow her he wanted to help her, make sure she wasn't overwhelmed but a
circle of vampires formed around him and Richard punched him in the chest sending him flying
into the arms of one of the vampires hemming him in. The vampire pushed him back into the
circle with a laugh.

Jasper stood and looked at Richard. He could hear Bella but couldn't see her. He was going to
have to trust that she would be okay and finish this battle quickly.
He took off his shirt, exposing his scars. He felt the fear in the vampires around him. Some
were battle hardened and didn't betray their fear, others were newborns and some cracked
and ran two rushed at him. He easily defeated them.

Others started to move forward but Richard held up his hand.

"He's mine. I want to show just who is the better vampire." Richard said.

Jasper laughed and smirked at Richard. He knew what effect his smile had. His deformed
mouth gave it a sinister effect and Richard actually took a reflexive step back before catching
himself and charging forward.

Bella had lost herself. She could feel Jasper still and knew that he was alive, occasionally she
caught a glimpse of him and couldn't help the rush of pride that ran through her. She fought with
all that was in her. Biting, grabbing, punching, a kick here and there.

She knew that she was getting hurt too, felt the teeth that sank into her flesh, the arm that
wrapped around her but she was too strong for anyone to hold. Even in her wildness, Jasper's
skill stayed with her and she fought without thinking, using moves her conscious mind couldn't

She was outnumbered though and eventually she found herself pinned to the ground by a large
male vampire. She cried out as she felt her arm being ripped from her shoulder. She had heard
about this from Jasper, had even done it to the vampires she fought but feeling it herself…the
pain was unimaginable.

She swallowed her cries. She knew that Jasper was in his own battle and she didn't want him
distracted by her.

The vampire who held her reached for her other arm, smiling at her maliciously. Bella returned
his smile. She nearly laughed at the look on his face but she didn't have time for that. She
bucked against him gaining enough room to wrap her legs around his chest and reversing their
positions. She quickly took advantage of his shock, pulling his head to the side with her one arm
and biting his neck.

With a twist she pulled his head off and tossed it aside. She got up and charged after a female
vampire who had Maria's head.

Jasper's grin hadn't left his face and Richard sat on the ground looking up at him and holding a
stump where his hand had been. One of the vampires from the ring moved forward to help but
Richard shook his head vehemently.

Bella's cry echoed through the battlefield and Jasper turned his head looking for her. He felt her
pain, he sent out a huge wave of fear and the vampires before him sank to their knees. Others
just flat ran. Jasper was about to charge to his mate when he felt a sharp pain in his lower
He landed on his stomach on the ground and looked behind him to see Richard on his feet and
staring at him furiously.

"Your fight is with me!" Richard yelled out.

Jasper was on his feet in an instant. He growled deeply. He needed to be with Bella.

"Hey Richie, long time no see!" A voice called out.

Richard cursed but Jasper couldn't help his grin.

"Hey Major, figured it was about time I repaid my debt." Peter said with a stupid grin. Jasper
was shocked, he hadn't seen Peter since that day he let him go with his mate. He never
expected to see him again, but here he was with that stupid grin looking at him as if there were
no scars on his face.

"There is a pretty newborn over there using some of your moves and causing all kinds of havoc.
She lost an arm though Major and I believe she could use your help. Let me take care of Richie
here." Peter said. Jasper would have laughed at his use of the name Richard hated so much if
he weren't so worried about his mate.

Jasper nodded and started through the chaos that had now ensued. The circle had been
broken and there were more vampires fighting. Some he didn't know others he had seen before
but never expected to help him.

"That man you're so intent on hurtin' did me a favor. A favor your death can't even begin to
repay." Peter was saying behind him. "I think maybe a little pain in the middle might help make it
closer to even."

Jasper shook his head. Peter hadn't changed at all. He charged through the battlefield following
the thread that connected him to Bella. He stopped occasionally to fight or help someone he
knew. He saw wolves scattered throughout.

He recognized Jacob snarling as he attacked a male vampire with Paul. The wolves seemed to
work in pairs. He saw Sam with Quil and Embry was there with a shifter he didn't know.

He saw Charlie fighting fiercely with three newborns. His newborn instincts had control of him
but Leah was there in wolf form covering any holes he left in his defense. Together they made a
formidable team. They moved together almost like they had fought together many times before
instead of this being the first time.

He saw Carlisle fighting beside Esme. He was rather surprised to see the man here after his
condemnation of him to Bella. He fought adequately but it was easy to see his heart wasn't in it.
Esme however fought fiercely. Jasper wasn't really surprised. Esme was a mother figure to
Bella and the other Cullens. They were all here fighting and any mother would fight to the death
to protect their own.

Edward and Alice fought together. Their gifts enabling them to be a lethal team. Edward's help
wasn't totally unexpected. If Carlisle was here then he was sure all the Cullens had shown up.
He searched while he ran till he found Rose and Emmett, they fought side by side. Emmett's
strength was almost on par with a newborn's and he had a fighters instincts. Rose wasn't
strong or fast but she was vicious in her defense of Emmett.

He saw many others he didn't know with the golden eyes of an animal drinker fighting on their
side. He saw Garrett fighting valiantly with his one hand missing. A blonde who seemed to
shock her opponents was by his side. Jasper didn't know her but felt the deep feelings of
protectiveness that ran between the two.

Jasper was pleased with how Garrett fought. He noticed a vampire slip past Leah to get at
Charlie but Garrett saw it too and picked up a rock. He threw it hard enough at the vampires
head to make the man stumble allowing Leah to attack. Garrett had definitely earned his hand
back and after this battle Jasper would be sure to give it to him.

He finally found Bella fighting a group of vampires trying to retrieve Maria's head. He felt lust
burn in him as he watched her graceful movements, she was spectacular. Even with only one
arm she was more than a match for those around her and they hesitated to press forward.

He grinned and leapt into the battle. It was unlike the battles he had fought with Maria. Instead
of fighting at the whims of a power hungry woman, he fought to protect the one he loved and he
didn't feel guilty for enjoying the battle. Bella smiled at him and he returned her grin. He felt her
lust for him rise and he promised himself that when this was over they would go somewhere
private and claim each other like vampires should.

Alice stood outside the flames and watched as vampire parts were thrown on the fire.

Peter walked up carrying a male head….Richard, Alice remembered seeing him in a vision, but
she had seen him killing Jasper…She was glad her vision was wrong, glad that Jasper always
seemed to mess them up.

"Do you want the pleasure Major?" He asked Jasper.

Jasper shook his head no. "It's all yours Peter." He told him, keeping his arm around Bella who
was holding Maria's head.

Alice looked over at Garrett, the man was talking to Kate Denali. Alice sighed as she watched
the two of them. They had a long road ahead of them.

Alice could see them falling in love, in every vision they ended up together but it took longer and
was harder in some than others. Garrett still wanted to find Carolyn and he would with Charlie's
help. Carolyn had been his fiancé as a human and finding her would cause problems for him
and Kate. Kate was his vampire mate though and in the end they would be together.

Charlie sat with his back against a tree, Leah beside him rubbing his thigh gently. Alice knew
that she was keeping him calm. Alice frowned as she watched them. They would not have an
easy road either. Charlie was going to find out that his gift was helping people. It would drive
him and control his life. He would know when someone needed help and he would be driven to
help them.

He had always had this gift, though it was weaker as a human. It had driven him to help Jasper,
driven him to become the Chief in Forks, to help the people there. Already she could see him
twitching with the need to help Garrett.

Garrett's problem wasn't going to be easy to solve though and Charlie would help many people
before they found Carolyn. She knew where Carolyn was and could tell them but that would
end Garrett's happiness with Kate. Alice resolved to stay out of it. The Denali's were like family
and she wanted Kate to be happy.

Her gaze shifted to Leah. She couldn't see the shifter's futures but she could see glimpses of
Charlies'. She knew they would remain together, it would be a while before Charlie admitted his
love. Eventually he would though and she saw a baby in their distant future. A boy…She
couldn't see his future. Maybe it was too far in the distance, or maybe his heritage blocked her

Bella started to walk toward the fire and tossed Maria's head into the flames. She stood there
watching them for long minutes before Jasper came to her side and wrapped his arms around
her waist.

Alice sighed at the love so obvious between the two of them. They were going to be so happy.
It would take time. Bella was going to feel guilty over the lives she took and Jasper…well he
was beginning to heal but he needed Bella's love and more than that he needed a way to feel
as if he was redeeming himself. Bella would need it too.

Charlie was going to help them in that. They were going to New York and they were going to
form a partnership. Together they were going to help many people, vampire and human alike.
Garrett and Leah would go with them and eventually Kate would join them.

They were going to form a detective agency and name it Redemption. Oh the people they
would help, she wished she could be a part of it. Her time was in this drama was over, though.
They were going to have to muddle out their future on their own. She was going to have to stay
out of it. She wouldn't look…

She turned away from the scene with a smile. Well, maybe she would look a little, she thought
as she walked away from the group.

Author's note: Sorry it took me so long to update. I had a hard time deciding if I was going to
continue the story, write a sequel, or just end it. I had so many plans, but I lost the thread and
was having a hard time continuing. I decided to end it with the chance of a sequel if I can pick
up the passion for this story. I don't want to start a story I can't finish, I know how frustrating
that can be. Thank you all who followed, favorited, reviewed and read this story. I really hope
you all enjoyed it, I enjoyed writing it!

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