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What moved the society from one constitution to another ( Reason for constitutional making and
amendments )

- Always Constitution is flexible , because it can change from time to time or from certain period of time
to another period of time just because it is a instrument that reflects all aspects of human life to mean
socially , politically and economically

• The following are the reasons which led to changes from one constitution to another constitution even
through this reasons differs from one to state to another some of those reasons are ;

(I) Constitution can be changed so as to suit the current circumstances , as constitution is not a static
instruments to mean that it can be changed from one way to another and always it reflects all aspects
of human life from one time to another time .

(II) Constitution can be changed to restore faith in the government . Example in Republican constitution
of 1962 one of basic intention was for those in power to strengthen their positions by establishment of
executive presidency and the corresponding emasculation of Parliament . As shown in 1The process of
constitution making in Tanzania ( The Africa Review .vol.22 182 ) Nasssoro H.1995 pp 5-15 Brill
publisher .

(III) Constitution can be changed to suit current conditions as maybe revolution appears there should
some changes so as to fit that political change . Example 1965 Changes were largely a response to
internal change as The revolution in Zanzibar and the consequent union between revolutionary
government and republic of Tanganyika . As Shown in The process of constitution making in Tanzania
( The Africa Review .Vol.22 182 ) Nassoro H . 1995 Brill publisher .

(IV) Constitution can be changed due to society needs as when citizen demand for establishment of new
constitution . Example in Tanzania there was a period when there was demand for three government
system as one for Zanzibar other for Tanganyika and for the Union .

(V) Constitution can be changed due to external influence . Example international agreement between
states or international treaties as a country can copy constitution system of another state to it's own

Nassoro Hamid , The process of constitution making in Tanzania ( Brill publisher,1995 ).

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