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English work

 Escolher uma década (the present)

 Mínimo 5 minutos, máximo 10 minutos

Introdução (introduction):
- introduce the generation itself (how they live; the type of life; when it started..);

- Give knowledge of the points that we will talk about during the presentation;

- Fashion and music

 Types of music that we listen and explain a little bit of that;

 The artists that most of the generation listen to;
 The type of styles that exists nowadays;
 and we are going to show some pictures about it and also list it with different types of person;
 Some negative points about the previous topics;
 We are going to give some examples;

-Entretainment, technology and social media

 Relate the types of entertainment of the past years with the current;
 The evolution of the technology (we are going to show some images about it);
 The relation that we have with social media nowadays and also the evolution of it the advantes
and the disadvantages;

Conclusão (conclusion):
- we are going to present some curiosities about this decade;

- In the conclusion we are going to give our opinion about this specific decade (if it is fun, if it is a great
decade, the things that we like most and agree or disagree and what the hate about it);

Na minha opinião a geração Z é uma boa década por mais que tenha várias desvantagens em termos de
receber informação e de meios de tecnologia é a melhor. É verdade que poderíamos estar menos apegados
as tecnologias e mais apegados a conviver, mas isso também se deve aos riscos de atualmente e as
privações dos nossos pais. O que eu mais gosto desta geração é o facto de independente de onde eu esteja
consigo falar sempre com as pessoas que mais gosto

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