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Topic: Outline the social and economic impacts of social media in the last decades:

The effects of social media are undeniable, given the internet's expanding popularity.
Almost a quarter of the global population uses Facebook or other forms of social media.
This figure is significantly greater in nations where 80% of internet users utilize social
media sites, such as the United States of America and Canada. It is essential in the lives
of every individual and society. This inclination is also seen to have advantages and

The primary goal of all social networking platforms is to make it possible to contact
friends, family, and coworkers in a matter of seconds from any location, regardless of
distance. Social media sites have made it possible to connect with people not just close to
you, but also from all over the world. Furthermore, we may catch up with information
that travels amazingly quickly with the help of this trend. For example, there is a piece of
enormous news on broadcast where we have more thorough information about events that
have happened every day, such as BBC News, FOX News, and so on. Furthermore, with
the advancement of social media, the economy has recently become more diverse in
enterprises. Social media has helped the economy expand in recent years, particularly in
the business sector, which is one of the most promising sectors of social progress.
Customers get easier access to promotional merchandise. Customers can also select
products that meet their demands and provide feedback.

While there have been numerous fascinating advances in social media technology, the
negative consequences of this revolution cannot be overlooked. Social media overuse is
becoming a global problem that affects all generations and has been proved to impact
people's emotional and mental health. Sharing posts and comments is one of many social
media applications, and it is normal to want a million likes on them. People have been
known to obsess over the number of likes on their posts, which has been related to mental
health problems. They believe the number of likes shows the number of people who like
them. Furthermore, there are many fraudulent enterprises that advertise low-quality
products as a result of the unorthodox social networking platforms.

In conclusion, social media has a huge impact on both society and the economy. We
discovered that while social media has had many positive consequences, it has also
brought to light certain bad parts of society. Users must understand social media
platforms in order to make the best use of them. The future of social media is bright, but
the negative implications must be addressed before we consider extending its use.

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