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Licenciado para - Beatriz Morais Silveira - 05283457109 - Protegido por Eduzz.


Direitos reservados - Vivianne Brenneisen Fernandes Alves LTDA.

cedido aos alunos do Fisioterapeuta Internacional


Subject: Prospective Student

Dear Dr. X,

My name is Name, I am a (physical therapist? physical therapy student?) from

Brazil and I am very interested in becoming involved in research in (Subject Area).

I have reviewed your staff profile at the University of XXXX website and the work that
you have done got my attention. I was intrigued by your journal article, "Article Title." It
(additional Information about the article or research area).

I have taken Courses and Additional Experiences. My goal is to Goal (PhD?

Masters? independent research?).

I kindly would like to ask (research internship? PhD? Masters?). I can send you my CV
for your consideration and I would be very interested in discussing possibilities with you.

Thank you for your attention. I look forward to hearing from you.

University of Brazil


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