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TOMMY (00:00):

The contractors.

SPEAKER (00:00):

TOMMY (00:01):
There is pertinent information that needs to be in the team arrangement for the benefit of the agency.

SPEAKER (00:08):

TOMMY (00:08):
Alright. The agency doesn't give that information to the contractors. They don't give them a template.
They really are expecting the contractor always to provide it to them.

SPEAKER (00:18):
That's right.

TOMMY (00:19):
And so let's say that your market research demonstrates that a team arrangement would really work for
you because you've got a requirement that really crosses over maybe two or three different schedules.
And so you could issue it as a RFQ that would encourage teaming from these schedules. You would
identify the schedules and the sins from those schedules so that the contractors would know where to
go to find their... some other contractors to team with. So, but there are some savvy contractors out
there that look at requirements and they understand that they can't do it all, you know?

SPEAKER (01:02):
That's right.

TOMMY (01:03):
The agency issued the RFQ without a consideration for teaming.

SPEAKER (01:07):
That's right.

TOMMY (01:07):
So the contractor looks at it and said, Gosh, if I could team, I could really give them a good quote.

SPEAKER (01:13):

TOMMY (01:13):
And so the question is, can you accept a team quote when you didn't solicit for one? And the answer to
that is yes. So, if you know it and you solicit for it, that's good market research, hence you're using the
program as it's intended. But if the contractors offer up to do a team arrangement for you and you
didn't ask for it, and it is your best value, you are able to award without any further consideration.

SPEAKER (01:42):
OK. Excellent. Excellent. Alright. Well, I don't have any new questions. Again, this is your opportunity to
take advantage of having this expert from GSA. And if there are any other questions, please let us
knownow, before we end this, Tommy, I hate for you to get away. You just a wealth of information and
I've known you for years. So, let's see. Here's another question. I don't feel like we've been given the
reason why we can't do sole source II and 8A, what is the authority regulations, et cetera. Everything in
part eight and far part six seems to indicate that you can, I think Tommy, everybody wants to do 8A sole
source on the GSA schedule,

TOMMY (02:34):
It would be wonderful, but the rules won't allow it. I can't cite any statute off the top of my head.

SPEAKER (02:41):

TOMMY (02:42):
But sole-source 8A are just not allowed under the schedules.

SPEAKER (02:48):
Yeah. And I, let me just chime in. I really think, I'm not, again, I'm not a GSA expert, but I have worked
with the 8A program, and I honestly believe it has to do with the offer and acceptance

TOMMY (03:00):
And the PCR element.

SPEAKER (03:01):
Exactly. Exactly. And I'm sure that SBA does not want to advocate those responsibilities from the
program. While the GSA schedule program it's a great tool, but I think that that's one thing that SBA
doesn't want to give that authority away.

TOMMY (03:18):
Well, and you know, the reason years ago if you awarded to an 8A, you were able to claim 8A credit.

SPEAKER (03:26):

TOMMY (03:27):
But today you're not.
SPEAKER (03:28):
That's right.

TOMMY (03:28):
And that was back then GSA had an MOA with SBA.

SPEAKER (03:34):
I remember that.

TOMMY (03:35):
Alright. But when that MOA expired, it was SBA who would not renew it.

SPEAKER (03:41):
That's right.

TOMMY (03:41):
And the reason what, that they would not renew it is because the 8A program is established for
contractors to graduate over an increase business over a nine year period.

SPEAKER (03:52):
That's right.

TOMMY (03:53):
They could graduate early or they could extend, you know. But the goal is to come to a point within in
nine years.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
That's right.

TOMMY (04:03):
What was happening was that contractors who were 8A's who were in the schedules program were
graduating way too early.

SPEAKER (04:12):

TOMMY (04:12):
The predominance of them were graduating early, and so they were going out based on the business
that they had acquired, but not necessarily on the experience that they had acquired.

SPEAKER (04:24):
I see.
TOMMY (04:25):
And so SBA thought it best then and still do today, that 8A's not be, 8A credit not be given to an agency
who awards to an 8A under the schedules. But since there are numerous 8A contractors that are on
schedule, and to be an 8A, you had to be small disadvantaged business.

SPEAKER (04:44):
That's right.

TOMMY (04:45):
Why not give that credit?

SPEAKER (04:46):
Yeah. All right. Very good. I hope that answers all of the 8A questions that we've been getting today. If
not, please let the Ossie Blue office know. And let's see, what else? Let's see. Tommy, can you also get
copies of any mods to the schedules

TOMMY (05:06):
When mods are issued? Well, if you've awarded and you are working off an award and we modify a
schedule, that mod doesn't apply to your award until you renew it. Alright. And so, you know, you are
going to function as you were with your current award that you have. Alright. But if the question is
merely, can you see how a contract was moed? Yes, you could. My approach would be to go through the
contracting officer who is managing that contract or that schedule. And you can use Elibrary as a vehicle
to find that contracting officer. Because if you go to that schedule, when it comes up on your screen,
over on the right hand side, towards the top is gonna be the name of the CO and it's gonna be be their
email address and their telephone number.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
Yeah. Yeah. And actually, before everything was so automated, you could call into the GSA help desk
and they would give you that contracting officer's name and number and you would call them to get any
additional information. So, I have to say that the GSA website is truly informational, very intuitive, very
easy to find this type of information.

TOMMY (06:23):

Speaker 2 (06:24):
Very good.

TOMMY (06:25):
Now, and our COs are, you know, they've got a desk full, so if you don't get 'em right away, don't give

Speaker 2 (06:31):
Yeah. Well, it sounds like our contracting officers here at HHS, Tommy, there was a question that wants
to know. There's someone who wants to know, can you find far references or GSA training documents
that we can reference for the award file to support the price reduction question that was asked

TOMMY (06:50):
Oh, it is. There is... in regards to asking for the discount?

Speaker 2 (06:54):

TOMMY (06:55):
And, eight, it's in 8.4. And... Give me just a second. I was hoping it was it. It Is most definitely an 8.4 and
exactly where an 8.4, I'd have to find. Oh, OK. Thank you. Matt. 8.405-4 it is where the instruction is.
And that applies over... you can ask at any time, but you're required to ask for a discount if you're above

Speaker 2 (07:57):
OK. Very good. Alright. So, switching hats.

TOMMY (08:00):

Speaker 2 (08:02):
What about information security in reference to it, requirements on the schedule and schedule
contracts. Can agencies use their own information security checklist?

TOMMY (08:15):
You can, that's a good point and that's a point I'd like to expand upon just a second. You can use
anything specific to your agency, additional clauses or terms and conditions and checklist, as long as
your terms and conditions are checklist, don't counter anything at the contract level GSA has with the
contract doors. So you can add that to your solicitation. So, the answer is yes.

SPEAKER (08:41):
OK. Very good. Tommy, here's a question that I'll assist with. If you had a requirement that was solicited
under small business and was later canceled as the bids were way over the IGCE, the Independent
Government Cost Estimate, and the program had no funds in which to supplement even up to the
lowest quote, now there is an 8A interest from a company that teams with two others, can we resolicit
under 8A status once some adjustments have been to the program requirements? The answer is no you
may not. Once a requirement has gone out as a small business set aside, it is not eligible for award
under the 8A program.

TOMMY (09:30):
In any circumstance.
Speaker 2 (09:33):
In any circumstances.

TOMMY (09:34):
Good to know.

SPEAKER (09:35):
Because what SBA won't do is harm use another business category to harm another or a different type
of business category. So, that is one of the eligibility requirements under the 8A program. So, alright. I'm
checking to see if there are any additional ones and, OK. What training do you recommend for a CO who
wants to establish BPA's?

TOMMY (10:03):
Well, there is a... If you're want to establish a BPA within the GSA schedule system, there is a BPA course
on the DAU portal. And that happens to be FAQ 036. So, if you go and do the, uh, search, it'll come right

Speaker 2 (10:19):
OK. FAQ 036.

SPEAKER (10:22):
Correct. 036.

SPEAKER (10:23):
Very good. Alright. So, any other questions? Alright. I think that might be it, Tommy.

TOMMY (10:33):

SPEAKER (10:33):
Extremely helpful. Yeah, very, very helpful. We truly appreciate it. We have I believe over 400
contracting officers on the webcast, but HHS actually has over 3,000 1102's in this organization. So, we
are going to take this webcast, put it in our FA task schoolhouse, so that those contracting officials that
were not able to participate in this live webcast can archive it and still get credit for the participation. So,
extremely helpful. I truly appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule and to come all the way
from Norfolk, Virginia to visit with us to provide training to HHS. Again, thank you so much. I truly
appreciate having you here on behalf of all of HHS.

TOMMY (11:26):
Thank you much for having us. We appreciate that.

SPEAKER (11:28):
Alright. Thank you, Tommy.
TOMMY (11:29):
Thank you. Bye-bye.

SPEAKER (11:30):

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