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RC and RRC

Read the passage in the left column, highlight the clauses which can be reduced or have been
reduced, and write the reduced or original form of the clauses in the right column. THERE ARE

Passage Reduced-Relative Clause/

Original Form
(1) For more than a week now, children who live in some
districts in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have
been waking up with a high fever and drenched in sweat.
(2) At least 50 people, mostly children, have died of the
fever, and several hundred have been admitted to six
district hospitals and none of the dead tested positive for

(3) When India appears to be slowly recovering from a

deadly second wave of coronavirus, the deaths in Uttar
Pradesh have provoked a rash of panicky headlines about a
"mystery fever" sweeping through the countryside of
India's most populous state.

(4) Some physicians believe Dengue, a mosquito-borne

viral infection, could be the main cause of deaths. (5)
Dengue, transmitted by female mosquitoes, is mainly a
tropical disease and has been circulating in India for
hundreds of years. (6) It is endemic in more than 100
countries, but some 70% of the cases are reported from
Asia. (7) There are four dengue viruses, and children are
up to five times more likely to die during a second dengue
infection than adults. (8) The mosquito, Aedes Aegypti,
biting during daylight hour, breeds in and around houses in
containers holding fresh water. (9) "Humans provide
breeding places and only humans can take them away,"
says Dr. Scott Halstead, acknowledged as one of the
world's leading experts on viruses spread by mosquitoes.

(10) Earlier, in 2006, scientists investigated another

"mystery" outbreak of fever-related deaths among children
in Uttar Pradesh. (11) This time they found that the
children had died after consuming cassia beans, growing
abundantly in the western part of the state. (12) This food
poisoning was the result of poverty, hunger, lack of
parental supervision, ignorance, non-availability of toys
and easy access to the plant, the scientists concluded. (13)
Clearly, only more investigations and genome analysis will
reveal whether the latest spate of "mystery fevers" in India
are triggered by dengue alone, or a host of other diseases.
(14) This would mean training local clinics and hospitals
in collecting samples of people suffering from fever and
send them for genome testing to labs. (15) Also, there is no
clear record of how these fevers began and progressed; and
whether the severity of the condition was determined by
the long, arduous journeys that people have to make to
government hospitals for treatment; or whether the
afflicted children were suffering from other conditions
such as tuberculosis.

(16) But experts believe that climate change and rapid

urbanisation are also triggering outbreaks. (17) Rainfall
has become unpredictable, and mosquitoes have adapted to
urban environments. (18) Mosquito-borne viruses are also
mutating and developing resistance to drugs. (19) India has
traditionally tried to tackle these viruses by outdoor mobile
fogging. (20) It is a visible control method but is often
ineffective as it attacks adult mosquitoes and not the
larvae. (21) So, what India needs more are anti-larval
programmes, implemented through environmental
modification such as draining and filling or through the
use of larvicides.

Retrieved on November 11, 2022, at 11.13 a.m.

Facebook-owner Meta to cut 11,000 staff

By Chris Vallance
Technology reporter
Meta, which owns Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, has announced that it will cut 13% of its
The first mass lay-offs in the firm's history will result in 11,000 employees, from a worldwide
headcount of 87,000, losing their jobs.
Meta chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said the cuts were "the most difficult changes we've made in
Meta's history".
The news follows major lay-offs at Twitter, which cut about half its staff, and other tech firms.
"I know this is tough for everyone, and I'm especially sorry to those impacted," he wrote in a
Mr. Zuckerberg blamed massive long-term expectations for growth based on the firm's rise in revenue
during the pandemic.
"Many people predicted this would be a permanent acceleration," he wrote, "I did too, so I made the
decision to significantly increase our investments."
Instead, he said "macroeconomic downturn" and "increased competition" caused revenue to be much
lower than expected. "I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that," he said.
The announcement of job cuts was widely expected.
Mr Zuckerberg told hundreds of Meta executives of the plans on Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal
Mr Zuckerberg said the company would focus on high-priority growth areas, like artificial
intelligence, advertising, and "our long-term vision for the metaverse".
Meta will also cut costs elsewhere - including reducing its spending on buildings and offices, and
increasing desk-sharing.
Affected Meta employees will receive an email soon, he said, and will have an opportunity to ask
US employees will receive redundancy payments worth 16 weeks’ pay plus a week for every year
worked. Additional benefits will also include continuing to provide family health insurance for six
UK and Ireland
Meta's European headquarters are based in Dublin, where according to local reports it directly
employs 3,000 people and many more contractors.

According to a Companies House filing, Meta employed more than 5,000 people in the UK as of
December 2021.
But Meta has so far declined to release the number of redundancies it will make in either country.
Kevin Poulter, an employment lawyer at Freeths, said it was important Meta followed UK laws on
He told the BBC that confidence in the tech job market and the opportunity to move freely and easily
between established and start-up companies "had been diminished if not wholly undermined within a
He warned that "if the leading lights of Twitter and Meta are now approaching the future cautiously,
others are likely to follow".

Find two ideas of cause and effect and one idea of contrast, then change them to
the other form of sentences.
NO Cause and Effect Contrast

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