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JH sneer seen > vorcou AE fest AA etree Spe AIT Heating element + BH piode: Je say —@— simmeter —O— votereror ZE tramisor Resistance ‘Symbols and diagrams ‘You need to learn the standard symbols used for each type of component in circuit diagrams. Major problems could arse if a motorist who needs to change a fuse in a vehicle lighting circuit confuses the symbols for a fuse and an electric heater. The standard symbols for common electrical components are shown in Fig. 13.21. In addition to recognising these symbols, you need to know the general characteristics, of each type of component Resistors ‘The current in a circuit depends on the voltage of the power supply or battery and fon the resistance of the circuit components. The electrical resistance of a conductor is due to the opposition by the atoms of the conductor to the flow of electrons, through the conductor. This is not unlike a centra-heating system, where the flow ‘of water depends on the width of the pipes and radiators as wel asthe pump which forces water around the system. The pipes and radiators resist the flow of water. The narrower the pipes, the greater the resistance to flow. A resistor is designed to limit the current in a circuit by resisting the flow of charge through it, ‘The resistance R of a component is defined by the equation where V =the potential difference across the component, and I~ the current through the component. “The unit of resistance isthe ohm (symbol © pronounced ‘omega’ which is equal to 1 volt per ampere. temperature ‘dependent ressro a EER uan-cependene resrtor UDR) Lignan cede Ue) ae Fg. 18.21 Creuit symbols Notes 1 The equation R= V+ J can be rearranges 19 V = IR to calcu V fom values of! and & orto T=V + Rto calcuate I tom values of Vand & 2 The power dissipated na esr, P= IV FR since V = IR, 55 Resisors are colour-coded to show the value of resstance, Fg. 15.22 shows the esse colour code Tolerance Gold 5% Example ster 10% ‘opp “a ae = sstrumber ©} Back —§ | craan Ressance = 52 00082 10% 2{ Rea 7| vet 3| Orange 8 | Grey alyeion 8 | mie Fig. 1822, Resistor colour code Experiment to investigate the characteristics of circuit ‘components ‘A wire-wound resistor Fig, 13.21a shows how the current through a wire wound resistor can be measured for differnt potential differences applied across the resstr. The variable resistor is ‘adjusted to alter the cusrent. The measurements may be plotted on a graph of {y~ potential diference against x~ current, as in Fig, 13.24b, ‘© The results plotted on the graph define a straight kine passing through the origi, The potential difference, V, is therefore proportional to the current, I 1» The resistance is constant, the same value being obtained for VT whatever value for Tis used, provided the corresponding value of V is used. ‘6 Because the line is straight and passes through the origi, the gradient of the Hine is equal to the resistance. A differnt resistor would give a steeper line if its resistance was greater. A light bulb filament “The resistor in Fig. 1324 is replaced with lightbulb. The results plotted an a graph of y= potential difference against x current define a curve of increasing ‘steepness, asin Fig. 1325. This shows that the resistance of the fame increases asthe current increases. ‘The reason why this happens is that the filament becomes hotter asthe current increases. The resistance of any metal increases with increase of temperature Ihence the filament resistance increases as its temperature rises with increasing curzent. Asilicon diode ‘A diode conducts electricity in one direction only, referred to as the ‘forward direction. Fig. 13268 (overlea) shows a diode connected into a circuit in the forward direction. Reversing the diode in the circuit enables it tbe tested in the reverse direction. o I. diflerence, as in Fig, 13.26b, This graph shows that I~ resistor oe Potent Fig. 35.24 Inestigatng ta) cect cago.) spat rents Cent Fig. 1525 Potsnsat arerence ‘The results are usually plotted on a graph of y ~ current against x ~ potential ‘© the forward resistance of the diode is very low when it conducts ‘© the diode has a very high resistance in the reverse direction. Fig. 15.26 Tesing 2 dove a] DV Foren cerence (i evetsearecton In addition a silicon diode only conducts if the applied potential difference exceeds a threshold of about 016 V. The current increases sharply with litle change of potential difference beyond about 0.6 V. If the current through the diode is allowed to become too great, the diode ‘overieats and stops conducting permanently. For this reason, a diode in a circuit is always connected in series with a resistor, which therefore limits the current passing through the diode. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) emit light when they conduct. For this reason, they are used as indicators in electronic circuits. The threshold voltage for an LED is higher than that for an ordinary diode. (a) exeuit agar, () ype resuls fe) diode directions

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