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Dr. H. A. Roberts born on 7th May 1868.

• Dr. Herbert A Roberts is a well-known name
in the world of homoeopathic philosophy.
Over many years Dr. Roberts articles were
universally popular and unanimously accepted
and read for their scholarly exposition of the
various sides of the homoeopathic philosophy
and practice
• He studied for four years in New York
Homoeopathic Medical College and obtained
graduation in homoeopathic medicine in 1896.
• Dr. Roberts started his medical practice as a
homoeopathic physician in 1896, in the same year in
which he got his graduation, in Brattleboro of Vermont.
He practiced here for three years as a successful
Three years later he closed his clinic in Brattleboro and
shifted to Shelton. Connecticut. He started his clinic
here in Elizabeth Street at Derby, Connecticut, just
across the Housatonic River from Shelton. He practiced
homoeopathy for nearly fifty years.
• Dr. Roberts became a member of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical
Society after starting his practice in Shelton. He became president of this
society for 2 years, from 1904 to 1906. Later he was elected as its secretary
and remained in this position for more than thirty years. In 1907, he
became a member of American Institute of Homoeopathy.
Dr. Roberts was elected to membership in the International Hahnemann
an Association in the year 1910. He was entrusted with the Presidential post
of this Organization in 1923 and for ten years, from 1924 to 1934, he was
the Secretary Treasurer of International Hahnemannian Association.
Dr. Roberts was one of the incorporators of the American Foundation
for Homoeopathy. His distinguished services to this foundation as a
chairman of its Board of Trustees for a number of years were highly
praised. Besides, for many years he was a member of the faculty of the
Post-Graduate School under management of this foundation.
1. Study of Remedies by Comparison
2. The Rheumatic Remedies.
3. Sensation as if
4. The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy
5. Introduction to Boenninghausens sins"
Therapeutic Pocket Book"

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