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Guidebook COLETTE BARON-REID fH Wee HAY HOUSE, INC. Carlsbad, California * New York City London ¢ Sydney * Johannesburg Vancouver * New Delhi Copyright © 2017 by Colette Baron-Reid Published and distributed in the United States by: Hay House, Inc.:’ * Published and distributed in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty. Ltd.: * Pub- lished and distributed in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd.: * Distributed in Canada by: Raincoast Books: * Published in India by: Hay House Publishers India: All artwork is copyrighted by the artist and may not be reproduced by any means, electronic or otherwise, without first obtaining the permission of the artist. Interior design: Nick C. Welch Interior illustrations: Jena DellaGrottaglia All rights reserved. No part of this guidebook may be repro- duced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored ina retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews without prior written permission of the publisher. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this guidebook for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions. Printed in China Other Yay House Products by Colette Paron-Reid Books The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life Messages from Spirit: The Extraordinary Power of Oracles, Omens, and Signs Remembering the Future: The Path to Recovering Intuition Uncharted: The Journey through Uncertainty to Infinite Possibility Aupio PROGRAMS Journey Through the Chakras (music CD) Messages from Spirit: Exploring Your Connection to Divine Guidance (4-CD set and guidebook) Carp Decks The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle Cards Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards > All of the above are available at your local bookstore, or may be ordered from Hay House USA: Hay House Australia: Hay House UK:; Hay House India: Contentyo A Note from Colette to You How It Works The Cards The 22 Trumps The Four Elemental Suits Air Fire Water Earth Readings Things to Think About About the Artist About the Author 115 117 119 HA Vote. from Colette toe. Vfow Welcome to my new oracle card deck, The Good Tarot\ This special tarot deck came to me as a calling from Spirit to co-create something spe- cial for you, a slightly different take on working with the traditional, or classical, tarot as a tool for divination and personal growth. As with all my original divination works, when that calling happens I feel that I’m being asked to do this creative “birthing” on behalf of some divine force beyond my intellectual comprehension. All my oracle decks come to me the same way. They appear first as an energy that shimmers on the outer corners of my awareness, then as a nudging from the invisible realms calling for me to bring them to life. I always say that oracles have their own personalities and their own manner of delivering messages and guidance influenced by the intention of the authors who create them and also by the spirit of the oracle itself. The structure of an oracle card deck, for example, may be a hybrid of multiple historic divination systems but synthesized to give it a specific voice and tone. In this case, I felt compelled to create this deck using a more traditional structure, but I designed it with a psychic architecture that is more modern and simple. In other words, The Good Tarot is grounded in its origins as a tra- ditional divination system that dates back hun- dreds of years, yet is also rooted in contemporary positive psychology. Its heart is in the expression of the highest good for all, and its pulse is in the universal laws of co-creation and manifestation. Therefore, this version of the tarot is all about goodness, birthing our awareness of our true selves, and expressing that in our lives. It’s about happiness, compassion, love, and finding our faith and living it regardless of temporary outer conditions. It supports the evolution of the soul and the fullest unfolding of life as expressed through the material realm. It especially speaks to the joyful potential that is inherent in the journey through chaos and disorder to divine viii order, a journey that offers infinite opportunities to co-create your best life. Although its messages are about positivity and how to find meaning and attain a positive result no matter what the flow of events, The Good Tarot doesn’t shy away from the truth of our sufferings. Instead, it gives us hope that no matter how many times we stumble, we never- theless find immense treasures as we discover our true natures as spiritual beings expressing ourselves through the art of living in the realm of form. My History with Tarot I’ve been a student and full-on enthusiast of the tarot for 40 years now and have used the cards as an intuitive divination tool as well as a traditional system for discovering what is pres- ent but unseen, or past but hidden in the realms of the unconscious. When I first started doing professional readings almost 30 years ago (Yep, I’m that old!), long before I began creating my own decks for use in my work as an intuitive and offering them to others, I used the tarot as my primary source of intuitive guidance. I’ve been inspired by the works of tarot scholars and experts such as Eden Gray, Rachel Pollack, and Mary Greer, and the classical works of the Order of the Golden Dawn (the late Dion Fortune being my most profound literary men- tor). I’ve also been influenced by many other mystical traditions of the ancient worlds. Why The Good Tarot Now? We're at a time of unprecedented change in the world, and I believe people are looking again at ancient oracles to receive personal guidance because they are not getting the answers and insights they need when they consult the usual sources of psychology and science. The material- ist viewpoint, which has long intimidated those seeking insights from the nonmaterial realm, is increasingly being called into question, and rightly so. We need to go beyond the limitations of the rational mind and access answers that are available to us in the realm of Spirit so we can thrive in spite of the chaos and shifting sands in the material world. The Good Tarot can light a torch in the darkness and confusion of the night so we can find shelter and home. I humbly offer you this oracle to add to your tarot collection, whether you are a beginner or expert. Although tarot experts can use this deck as they wish, I hope beginners will find this deck inviting and playful as well as insightful. You can use this oracle as I suggest or engage it in a more traditional manner. It is up to you and your intuition to decide how you will work with it. But regardless of how you interact with this system of divine dialogue, know that I created it with the intention of it being used to serve your highest good and the highest good for all. Let the energy of The Good Tarot light the way forward as you spiral inward on a journey of discovery and emerge from the center with deeper understanding of what you and Spirit can co-create together. Love, xi Intention Is Everything No two tarot decks are exactly the same, just as no two readers or readings are exactly the same. If you've worked with the tarot before, you might have noticed that certain decks feel different from others when you are doing a read- ing, and your interpretations of the messages can differ greatly when you use one deck rather than another. This deck was created to find solutions, choose directions, and gain understanding of any situation for the highest good of all, so work- ing with it may be an experience unlike any you have had before in doing a tarot reading. The purpose of The Good Tarot is to direct you, the questioner, to the best possible solution that will aid you in healing yourself and, consequently, the world. You will not find here cards that are “negative” or dire warnings meant to scare you. As you look at the images and read the words xiii interpreting the message of the card, you will not think about all the bad things that might hap- pen to you or dwell on loss, grief, resentment, anger, or worry. Instead, you will be gently and lovingly guided to experience the Light aspect of any message. The Good Tarot is about discovering true prosperity and authentic love. It’s about recog- nizing the many forms of truth and seeing the light that accompanies the shadow so you may help the light to increase its brilliance. This deck asks that you work with its core intention to find good in all things, in all experiences. The 78 cards are read as universal and arche- typal aspects of the human experience that each person encounters within herself, in the condi- tions of the outer world, or within an interaction with someone else. It supports you in discerning both the personal meaning of any message as well as its universal one, for you are always a part of something larger than yourself. You influence the All even as it influences you. Know that your self-healing benefits the whole. Understanding universal meanings of the cards can help you see how your own experiences fit into those we all share—every being and every creature. xiv The intention behind this deck is also to simplify the meanings of each card and their relationships to one another and provide you with various ways of using the cards that require your own intuition to guide you to your answers. Consequently, there are no lengthy passages explaining the cards’ meanings. Note that the text in the guidebook is minimal, as are the key words and phrases for you to ponder and apply to your life’s journey at the time of the reading. The verbal interpretations are written as affirmations in the first person—“I” language— to make the meanings more personal for you. So instead of a card’s explanation being something like, “You are at a crossroads and need to make a choice,” it will say, “I am at a crossroads and need to make a choice.” Affirmations help you to connect with the positive universal energies associated with each message. A decision at the crossroads doesn’t need to inspire fear; it can inspire optimism, excitement, and a sense of empowerment as you remember you are never alone, for Spirit is with you always. Everyone wants guidance during times of uncertainty, a light shining in the dark. The Good Tarot is a wonderful oracle that is especially helpful when you feel lost, want con- firmation about a direction you're heading in, are concerned about the results of choices you've made, or seek greater understanding of your circumstances. This tarot deck is meant to help you get answers to your questions about your circumstances, choices, actions, and dynamic relationships with others. The manner in which you ask the questions is very important. Working with the Good Tarot You will notice right away how this deck dif- fers from other tarot decks. The messages are all written as affirmations in the “now.” For example, when you pull a card, the way it’s interpreted is as “IT am embodying this energy now,” rather than “You will experience this” or “You're being invited to experience this energy.” There is a subtle yet pro- found difference when you are doing a reading as an affirmation, accountable and responsible for the message. In a way youre being trained to integrate the energy personally and immediately now, rather than being told to do this. This deck was also created as a personal tool to do readings for yourself, so when interpreting xvi the cards on behalf of another person, you will need to change the language from “I” to “you.” The cards are read in the present tense and are meant to be interpreted as your journey through many “nows” to help you understand that the past was once a now, the present is now, and the future will be your now at that time. The more you work with the cards, the easier it gets as you achieve greater clarity and intuitive accuracy about your journey on the road of life. As well, it sets a precedent for you to work with time and what happens between the cards. Rather than seeing time as linear, as we've all been taught, you begin to see how experiences layer upon each other in cycles and spirals rather than straight lines. If you pull a card for the future—for example, the 2 of Water, which implies harmonious partnerships—but that card followed the Chariot, which talks about victory after a fall, the deeper experience of the reading lies between those two. What would you have to experience to make the cycle complete? The first card readies you to evolve into the theme of the next. Having experienced the first, you now move into the next version of yourself as you engage first the inner and then the outer world. xvii This deck is also powerful in that it helps you recognize the power of choice and free will. We may not be able to change the conditions of the path we are on, but our experience of it can differ according to our reactions. Thus we have power to change for the better. When you do a card reading with The Good Tarot, the idea is to find an honest and true reflection of yourself in the cards, which reveal what you may not be able to see on your own, illuminate new choices, show you the results of previous ones, and guide you to make your way forward in a way that serves both you and the greater good. Change is easier to deal with when you face it and let the energy of transformation move through you. This deck was designed with that truth in mind—it is not about avoid- ing difficulty but about facing it with courage, strength, and unwavering unconditional love that flows from Spirit. Will the readings always be positive? Sometimes we need to experience things that are difficult in order to get to the positive. The Good Tarot will show you the way out of the tough spots and up to higher ground. Most importantly, allow the cards to speak to you. xviii Yes, use the guidebook, but use your intuition and your own inner guidance when learning the cards. Allow understanding to unfold within you organically and inform you naturally. Don’t be too rigid or “by the book” in your interpretation. Honor your individual wisdom from within as you open yourself to its messages. Stay fluid and curious, and listen to the still, small voice from inside that you can always rely upon. If you are a seasoned tarot reader and a traditionalist at heart, feel free to also use your favorite traditional spreads with this deck. The Good Tarot was created to be inclusive and to honor the traditional as well. Trust, and all will be well. xix The Cards The 78 cards in The Good Tarot are divided into groups. There are 22 cards called Trumps (major arcana) that represent the bigger overar- ching themes that tell the story of the energies of the environment. These energies may be reflected in current physical conditions or events, or in the environment of the inner world (mental/ emotional/spiritual), or both. The themes will be made clear to help you understand the condi- tions you are experiencing. The other 56 cards are what is traditionally known as the minor arcana. They are divided into four suits, represented by four elements— Air (traditionally represented by Swords), Water (traditionally, Cups), Earth (traditionally, Pen- tacles), and Fire (traditionally, Wands). Each element has a court consisting of a Page, a Messenger (you'd know it as a knight in the traditional tarot decks), a Queen, and a King. The 16 Court Cards represent attitudes and states xxi of mind or awareness, such as encountering con- ditions with openness and a childlike wonder or innocence (the Page), or looking at them with confidence rooted in experience, mastery, skill, and wisdom acquired over time (the King). ‘The Court Cards can also represent people or aspects of a person's personality that are influencing the situation. Moreover, they can represent a stage in the evolution of the theme symbolized by the ele- ment of Air, Fire, Water, or Earth. Pages represent new beginnings and being ready for something, such as a change in condi- tions or energy influencing conditions. Messengers bear news of adventures and are catalysts for change. Messengers respond to situ- ations and the need for transformation. The Queens are connectors; they bring peo- ple together, and they embody a mature, vigor- ous response. They represent being fully present in the experience of their element. Kings are the doers of the Court. They are representatives of definitive actions, attitudes, and behavior—the fullness of how the element is expressed in a mature and essential way. They are able to step back and see the larger picture and then lead the way forward, giving you advice xxii on what to do and revealing what actions others are taking in a situation. In this deck, the Court cards only repre- sent people when you intend them to do so. When you do a reading and choose a court card to represent someone, Pages will be children of either sex, Messengers are young adults of either sex, Queens are adult women over 30, and Kings are adult men over 30. The cards do not have to be taken literally: a page might represent someone with strong childlike quali- ties such as playfulness, openness to new ideas, and guilelessness. The suits are representative of the twelve houses of the zodiac: the Suit of Air is Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius; the Suit of Water is Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio; the Suit of Fire is Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; and finally, the Suit of Earth represents Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Therefore, the Page of Water might represent a child who was born under the sign of Pisces, or it could represent a youthful and exuberant adult with the qualities of Pisces. Let your intu- ition guide you in the interpretation. The 40 numbered cards, Ace through Ten, represent current ‘and more immediate, tangible xxiii circumstances or experiences. A reading that is mostly from these cards will be describing what you are faced with in a more concrete and detailed way, whereas a reading with a greater number of Trump cards speaks to a time of major themes playing out in your life. When there are more than two Court cards in a reading, it’s a sign to pay attention to the influence of other people’s choices on your sit- uation and your interactive and dynamic reactions and responses to them. The Numbers of the Good Tarot When you look at The Good Tarot numero- logically, you can get an even better sense of the energy associated with each card. Ace is the driving, primal, originating force of the element—think, “Everything I desire starts with me.” Two is the energy of collaboration or part- nership, with another person or with Spirit— think, “I am not alone in co-creating something new with the energy of this element.” Three is the force of expression, the way the element is revealing itself and communicates, and the beginning of community forming or xxiv coalescing around the element—think, “The fun of co-creation flourishes if I stay present, com- municate well, and work with others.” Four is the energy of laying foundations and the beginning of structure forming, guided by the energy of the element—think, “I see that it is all coming together in the world in accor- dance with what I set in motion.” Five is the force of change, innovation, and dynamics within a group, flexibility, and the potential for necessary chaos influenced by the element—think, “Change can be good. Explor- ing new options before regrouping can help me refine what I am co-creating and make it the best it can be.” Six is the energy of healing, nurturing, repairing, compassion, and regrouping after a chaotic shakeup or new and important informa- tion comes to light—think, “It is time to reassess, regroup, and learn from the changes experienced recently so that all can be healed and the air can’ be cleared before moving forward.” Seven is the energy of seeking wisdom and the force of decision-making that is associated with the element—think, “I am at a crossroads and need to choose wisely for the highest good of all, including myself. I draw upon my wis- dom and experience, trusting that Spirit will help me in this process.” Eight is the energy of movement from one state to another, and, like its symbol of infinity, it represents evolution and continuity. It is also the confident application of wisdom or knowledge in the arena governed by the element—think, “I have come far and can trust myself in stepping forward onto new territory. The past no longer determines my future, for I am fearlessly going forth, with Spirit at my side. I am truly ready for change.” Nine is the energy of global awareness, co-creativity in action, and the relationship between your power and that of Spirit and of others who share in the co-creation of the outer world, a co-creative process that is governed by the element. Think, “On all sides, Spirit accom- panies me, and I walk between the pillars of what I must accept and what I can co-create, knowing that I am never alone and I am there for others as others are there for me.” Ten is the energy of completion and firm endings of cycles, and manifestation of the ele- ment in undeniable, observable ways. Think, “I xxvi am experiencing the concrete results. The clouds have broken, the evolution is complete, and I can move on to the next experience.” xxvii 0 Fool—Enthusiasm I know that a spiritual approach rarely appears logical and sometimes even seems impractical. However, when this card appears, I can take a risk and trust that with faith, anything is possible! The invisible realms will reveal each step along the way. I am meant to experience this regardless of where I travel. This is a time when I’m learning that lama spiritual being having a human experience. 1 Magician—Alchemy When I am in alignment with Spirits will, miracles are possible. When I see this card, Im reminded that my will and skill alone will yield limited results. When I remember my partnership with Spirit, all is well. Im required to explore my commitment to this co-creative alchemical rela- tionship and see the results manifest beautifully. Through me, Spirit works magic. Z High Priestess—Mystery Some things are not meant to be known intel- lectually but are meant to be experienced through intuition. This card reminds me to trust that I have access to higher wisdom and knowing when I tune in and trust my vibes. This is the time when mys- teries will be revealed and I can grow as a result. er te 3 Empress— Fertility This is a wonderful time to give birth to new ideas and experiences. Nourishment is assured as I step into a new version of myself. My life is rich and ripe with possibility that I can manifest and create. 1am a powerful co-creator, and life loves me right now! My world is brimming with potential and infinite possibility that will manifest for the highest good. (raza ) Empersr—Huthorily Following the rules right now is exactly what I should be doing. People in authority come to my aid and give me good advice when I ask for it. I can have the strong confidence that this card suggests. Dealings with institutions like banks, governments, or schools are also highlighted at this time. When this card appears, it reminds me to be committed to a spiritual practice to ensure a con- scious contact to my higher power. When I have a daily practice of prayer and meditation steeped in gratitude and committed to being a co-creator, life works out in wondrous ways. Rituals are in my highest good at this time. Exchanging vows is also highlighted. Love—Oneness In all of life, there is only the illusion of sepa- ration. In fact, we are all reflections of one another. When I make choices, I tend to see things as either/ or. What if every choice I make is about an experi- ence, a sharing, and an exploring? When I choose to see the unity in all things, magic abounds. Love is all around me, Spirit loves me unconditionally, and I can give and receive abundant love. 7 Chariot-Yielory Everything I have worked for, including the obstacles I have faced and overcome, is now part of this time of victory. I have learned to see all aspects of my life as essential to my growth. I have fallen but now I am risen again to live freely and truth- fully, fearlessly and skillfully. Stength—Gndurance I can go the distance and know that everything occurs in divine appropriate timing. I have courage as I manifest miracles. When I allow Spirit to work through me, I am strong enough to move mountains and overcome any obstacle, inside or out! 10 Plermit-Time out Sometimes it’s necessary to take time out for regrouping and introspection. This is a temporary experience but one necessary for my growth. When I step back, retreat, regroup, and renew, I have a clear perspective on everything in my life. 11 10 Fortunes Vheel— I am in awe to experience many meaning- ful coincidences that prove to me that Spirit has my back! These lucky breaks, and moments when things just turn out perfectly, show how we've all connected. My gamble will pay off when I trust my co-creative partnership with Spirit. My destiny is obvious to me now. 12 11 SesticeKarma The law of cause and effect is in play now as I see elements in my life balance out. What goes around comes around. I’m now seeing evidence of this law in the conditions of my world. 13 12 Hanged Man—Surrender Sacrifice and surrender are necessary at times like this. Nothing in life is free, nor does everything happen according to my timetable. When this card appears, Im reminded that a delay is in my best interest, that until all the elements are in place Im meant to surrender to the greater will, for the high- est good of all. Time for me to let go of my attach- ment to how I thought things had to be. I am called to surrender and wait to see how things to play out. 14 13 Transformation—Change Nothing remains the same, and I need to accept that life evolves through cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. Now is a time of transition as things are changing from one form to another. I need to allow this to happen for the highest good. I am called to let go the old so I can welcome the new. Patience—Mederation This card reminds me that patience will bring me into recognition of and alignment to my pur- pose. All my needs are met even though I may not see it yet in the outer, visible world. The angels are looking out for me. Moderation in all things is required right now. 16 The material world is my playground, but I need to be careful not to be attached to outcomes. This is a warning to me to watch for excess and to know what's not healthy for me. When this card shows up, it’s a sign that I am focused on the mate- rial realm and need to be aware of any excess or addictive behavior: my own or that of others. 17 Tower—Suurprises Things happen really fast when this card shows up in a reading. Its appearance could portend a total paradigm shift or a sudden upheaval that takes something away in order for something better to take its place. It could be that I've had an epiph- any. Whatever it is, this card tells me unexpected events will be very interesting and offer opportuni- ties for positive transformation if I remain present with my eyes open. iy Star—Inspitalion I am hopeful and inspired by life right now, and everything that is happening points to a renewed sense of encouragement. After all the changes I have experienced, Im starting to recog- nize the hope that comes with new beginnings. MeonD 18 Meor—IJUusion I may not see the workings of Spirit in the invisible realms, but I know there is great activ- ity “behind the scenes.” It’s important to trust the mystery and remember that the material realm is an illusion. Current conditions are not necessarily a reflection of the truth of what’ really going on in the present. Great opportunities lie in the shadows, awaiting the perfect time for illumination. 20 19 Sun—Hbundance At this time, everything is possible and every- thing I need to know is illuminated. Projects come to fruition, relationships flourish, and my growth is assured. This is a time of plenty. It’s important that I share this abundance with others. I am deeply grateful. 21 Purpose I have everything I need right now to move for- ward with purpose. Im being called into a deeper and more authentic relationship with myself, with my Higher Power, and with others. I am here for a reason. Im required to step forward into my true self, expressing that through my actions. I need to trust that my life has a purpose, that | am “enough,” and that within me is a divine blueprint that has meaning for myself and others. 22 21 Wald-Perspective Im being called to shift my perspective on my life now. When I remember I am first and foremost an immortal soul, experiencing life as a human being, I have no fear. I can see clearly that Iam a powerful co-creator in a divine partnership with Spirit. Aligning myself with Spirit, remain- ing unattached to outcomes, I am a conduit for miracles. 23 Hu—Mind: As you think so shall you be” In traditional tarot, this suit is called Swords and is the suit where the most conflict, ten- sion, chaos, and destructive energy seem to be represented. In The Good Tarot, we relate the suit of Air to the way we think, the results of that thinking, and where our thoughts could lead us. Therefore, in this deck, the Air suit rep- resents the mind, our thoughts, our attitudes, and our subconscious. We're asked to remember that our thoughts are like powerful seeds. Whar seeds will we plant? What thoughts will we rehearse? What perspective do we take for the highest good of all? If we are intelligent creatures, how best can we use our minds to align with the highest good and the best outcome? How can we find value in our suffering as we shift from reactive and 27 victimized to be response-able? Can we find free- dom through radical acceptance and the right use of reason and intellect? That answer is yes if youre willing to allow the Suit of Air to reveal the deep truths of your mind. Here are the cards that make up the Suit of Air, their simple meanings, and their core ques- tions and affirmations. 28 Page of Au New ideas, a theory not yet proven, curiosity, new focus “This calls for greater investigation, as we've only scratched the surface.” “T don't really know.” “That’s interesting!” “If I explore this way of thinking, what can I learn?” 29 Messenger of Hu— Opinions informed by experience, adherence to dogma, allegiance to a way of thinking or act- ing, a learned response, subconscious program- ming, and swift reactions or responses ‘T need to broaden my perspective.” “‘T am reacting to a situation from my past. I have to think about whether I want to do things the old way or respond differently this time.” ‘T can adapt a new way of thinking and behaving.” “If 1 am swift and move quickly, ensuring my actions are for the highest good, positive outcomes are assured.” 30 Queen of SHr— Setting healthy boundaries, strong self-esteem, calculated and shrewd decisions, clear commu- nication, well organized, a wordsmith “I have clarity of purpose.” “My intentions are in alignment with my understanding.” “There is always a strategy in the game called life.” “Can I let go of false truths and be rigorously honest with myself and others?” 31 Intellectual authority, reason over instinct, intellect over passion, successful negotiation, rules, laws “Truth is everything.” “T think before I act.” ‘T work the universal laws with clear intention.” “Do I see how the foundations of the past affect the present and future?” 32 OR ae Hee of Ala— Destiny and fate, the law of karma, powerful forces of transformation at work, synchronicity Meaningful coincidences and forces beyond my human control are operating in my life now for the highest good! Things are happening now with great velocity. I can expect quick results that will lead me forward with excellent information. 33 2 of fla— Stalemate, uncertainty, considering options Time to take a break to consider my options and think about things. There is no need to rush forward. The perfect answer for the highest good will come to me if I take my time and remain in a peaceful state of mind. 34 3 of Aa— Silver linings, natural departures, “Rejection is God’s protection” A third party helps me to see the truth of this situation. What is truly mine can never be with- held from me. Rejection is Spirit's protection. It’s in my best interest to let go and allow for something better to take its place. It is my highest good to see the truth regardless of my temporary discomfort. This too shall pass. 35 + of Aa— Healing, meditation, rest, recuperation Its time to rest my mind and allow peace to take the place of busyness or boredom. The mind needs quiet to think and find clarity. If I allow my mind to rest, I will have greater clarity and my mind will be sharper. This is the time for a break. I need to take care of myself. 36 Tension, conflict Conflict is a good way to see my motives and intentions. I can use this experience to grow into a more authentic version of myself. It’s not import- ant to win. It’s important to have integrity. Other people have different ways of thinking and may not always be in agreement with me. I open to this opportunity to live and let live. 37 6 of Hu— Rite of passage, a necessary change in thinking to gain greater wisdom However turbulent the waters at the moment, I trust that if I create calm within, my outer con- ditions will soon be calm too. I am conditioned to expect troubles ahead, but I have shifted my aware- ness and know that I can choose to believe that step- ping into the unknown will bring me to what I truly desire. I am in a transition to something better. 38 ? of Hu— Independence, nonconformity, living life on one’s own terms without people pleasing Now is the time for me to live life on my own terms, so I must find the courage to reject confor- mity. Listening to my yearning for independence is key to breaking free of groupthink and attending to my own needs. Diplomacy with others can help me to be true to my call to do what I know I must do for myself, 39 8 of Au— Release from denial, seeing things as they are, clarity With Spirit at my side encouraging me, I open my eyes to see things as they really are. To be dis- illusioned is to free myself from illusions that keep me from the growth and healing I deserve, so I bid good-bye to illusions that have clouded my vision. Honesty gives me strength and courage to face whatever I have to face. 40 9 of fa— Shifting negative self-talk to selfcompassion, from fear to possibility, a call to faith With a gentle, mellifluous voice, I tell myself that I will be okay, that I am okay, and that any fear is merely false evidence appearing as real. I for- give myself because I know I am a human trying the best I can and need only call on Spirit to remember that I can and will do better as new possibilities begin to gather on my horizon. 41 70 of HAa— Graceful endings and hopeful beginnings meet, a point of epiphany, an end to old ways of thinking It's all up from here as I bless the ending, grate- ful for the lessons I have learned that can free me from patterns that no longer serve me. I allow my circumstances to end with grace as I know some- thing better can appear at any time. I am thankful that from now on, I can respond differently to any challenging situation. HK 42 In traditional tarot, this suit is called Wands and is the suit of transformation, creativity, ini- tiative, and regeneration. In The Good Tarot, we relate the suit of Fire to the way we act, the results of our actions, and where our intentions could lead us if we act in accordance with them. Therefore, in this deck, the Fire suit rep- resents our passions, ambitions, and motivations turned to action. We're asked to remember that we are powerful co-creators and need to act in accordance with our deepest intentions for the highest good of all. 43 What actions will we take? What inspires and motivates us? What can we do for the high- est good of all? If we are creative beings, how best can we align with our Higher Power and use our connec- tion to Spirit to co-create what serves the highest good and leads to the best outcome? How best can we use our passions to ignite positive, pur- poseful action and illuminate the way forward? Can we steward our power wisely? That answer is yes if you're willing to allow the Suit of Fire to reveal your co-creative partnership with Spirit. Here are the cards that make up the Suit of Fire, their simple meanings, and their core ques- tions and affirmations. 44 Page of Fire— Enthusiastic action, adventurousness, venturing forth, beginning a project, acting on a new idea ‘I am free to venture forth, for co-creating a life true to my desire is my right.” ‘I am finding my purpose as I take the first step into something new.” “My ideas have value. I dream boldly!” 45 Oi ioe Messenger of Fire Determination for a new adventure, innovation, independent creative action, spirited, headstrong “T have an unstoppable spirit and can co-create all that I desire.” “Surrounded by Spirit, illumined by the wis- dom that rises up within me, I set forth on a path to innovate.” ‘T trust in my vision and act accordingly, remaining true to what I most value and desire, which can manifest in many forms.” 46 Queen of Fie Creative collaborations, soul connections, passion inspired by Spirit, artist “Lam capable of strong friendships that inspire me and encourage me to express myself in my own way.” ‘I co-create with others, dedicated to a vision of achieving the highest good of all.” “How might I join in the dance of co-creation, letting Spirit flow through me and inspire me to express my passions?” 47 Ring of Fire— Spiritual influencer, creative inspired leadership “When I am aligned with Spirit, I am a pow- erful leader who inspires others.” “My mastery benefits others as I teach them, directly at times, and indirectly at others, modeling what they might aspire to.” “How can I be confident in my own abilities and vision without becoming rigid or closed off to new ideas?” 48 Hee of Fire— Spirit-powered action, inspired transformation, access to co-creative power When I feel my connection to Spirit, I see unlimited potential for transformation. There is no reason to fear because I am supported fully in imagining something new and daring to make it happen. This is a time to dream big. I can be bold and free because Spirit inspires me to turn my dreams into reality. 49 2 of Fire— Creative planning for the future, mapping progress, trusting in the unknown, Spirit-inspired ambition Whenever I can't see how my dreams will coalesce into form, I can trust in the process of co-creation and engage more deeply in the process of envisioning something new. I have already started to make progress, and soon my passion will attract the perfect situation for me. The light of Spirit helps me to see my way and feel the Universe aligning to bring me what I need. 50 8 of Fiue— Expansion of opportunities, the fullness of creativity, achievement I am on the right path toward my success. I have an abundance of opportunities before me. I need to trust myself, for I can make good choices Jor myself and co-create situations and relationships that are in harmony with my heart’ desire. 51 +. of Fite— A new creative phase, celebration, pleasure and harmony in relationships Dancers have partners, singers have musicians helping them create sweet music, and I find oth- ers who are in sync with me and my desires. It’s a time for celebrating friendship and all that others bring to my life, a time for revelry and relishing the pleasures of being in good company. Making magic together with others is the focus at this time. 52 I of Fire Creative brainstorming, unity in diversity, honoring differences I have the freedom to explore the ideas that seem the most far-fetched. What seems crazy today proves tomorrow to be brilliant. Like a child will- ing to stretch her imagination when a new play- mate comes into the garden, I open to new people and new ideas, intrigued by what is novel and unfamiliar. This is a time for what is counterintui- tive, for appreciating the ideas from out in left field and what they might offer. 53 6 of Fire— Stepping into the limelight, being an enlightened influencer I generously model my transformation so that others might be inspired. I put my light atop a hill so it can shine forth, helping others to find their way. I remain aware of shadows and people who have trouble basking in the warm light of higher awareness. I bless them but do not dim my own beacon. It’s a time to renew my trust that I am contributing to the highest good of all in my own unique way. 54 F of Fire— ersonal best, goin e distance, P I best the dist perseverance, nonconformity Im unstoppable. My passion pushes obstacles aside as I engage in sustained effort. I know how to bend but I don't compromise on what's most important to me. If others aren't happy with the course I am on, I don’t have to let their concerns affect me. I release the temptation to resist chal- lenges, and I trust that I can make things happen as I live life on my own terms. Inspired solutions present themselves. 55 8 of Fire Gathering momentum, celebrating swift changes, travel, transformation Momentum is building as the power of Spirit serves to power this transformation. I am traveling to new territories and I am eager to experience all that these lands have to offer. I have arrived at my destination and now the adventure of discovery is energizing me. 56 9D of Fire— Caution, uncertainty, reevaluating circumstances I need to stop, wait, and look around me before proceeding further. My sense of uncertainty is my inner wisdom telling me to bring illumination to my situation, to allow insights to arise and guide me before I take my next step. Questioning is good! I will look carefully to see ifa different path may be right for me at this point. 57 70 of Fire— Burning away, releasing the excess, endings clear way for beginnings I may be overcommitted and have taken on too many burdens. In this moment, I do the work of decluttering my life. All that I release will take new form and serve the greater whole, but I no longer need to hold on to it simply because it once seemed to have value for me. I thank it for what it did for me, but say good-bye to the emotions, relationships, and situations that I realize do not belong in my life anymore. Se oe 58 VaterMleart: In traditional tarot, this suit is called Cups and is associated with emotion and relationships. In The Good Tarot, we relate the suit of Water to the way we feel and how those feelings influence our behavior and our relationships. Therefore, in this deck, the Water suit rep- resents the heart, our emotions, and how they affect our dynamics with others. How do our emotions influence the way our energy flows into the world? How do they color our perceptions as we respond to and interact with one another and the events of our lives? The appearance of a Water card reminds us that our initial enthusiasm may now be joined by deeper, hidden emotions that come up to the surface for processing so we can use the power of love to propel us through transformation. It is our birthright to experience intimacy and to enjoy well-being, healing, and unconditional love. 59 me Page of Water— Open-heartedness, childlike innocence and curiosity, beginning of intimacy and relation- ships, playfulness, cheerful optimism “I open my heart fully, allowing myself to feel childlike wonder and innocence.” ‘All adventures lead me where I need to go. Love awaits!” “Life is a delightful dance, and I am here to frolic and play. I am ready with a big smile, and I have on my dancing shoes.” 60 Messenger of Water— Romantic attraction, chivalry, admiration, seeing the best in others, heightened emotional awareness, a call to fall in love with yourself “I need to look for the best in others and honor it even when it seems a challenge to do so.” “My attractions stem from self-love and a knowledge that I am a part of all love, which takes many forms, each exquisite in its own way.” ‘I can have what I desire. There is no need for jealousy, anger, resentment, or fear when I am love and love flows into me powerfully.” 61 Queen of Water— Compassion, emotional security, generosity, self-love and self-care, healer “I am comfortable in my own skin. I love, cherish, and nurture myself.” “l am the best friend to myself. My relation- ships with others reflect my security in knowing I am always worthy of love and respect.” “T heal myself so I can be the change I want to see in the world and so my compassion can inspire others.” 62 Rng of Vater— Generous, diplomatic, fair, gentle, a good listener, nonjudgmental peacemaker, mediator ‘I honor and respect all beings, including myself, and see the commonalities we share and the Spirit that is in all of us.” ‘I listen to other voices and blend them with my own wisdom before settling on an opinion, making a decision, or taking an action.” ‘T gently and lovingly lead others away from fear and divisiveness and into harmonious collaboration.” 63 Ace of Water— Unconditional love, overflowing abundance, the fertility of love I am filled with love from Spirit and joyously let it flow out to others, where it fertilizes the seeds of co-creation. Love gives me hope, shining brilliant light on all the possibilities available to me. I am optimistic about bringing dreams into being. Spirit always informs me and guides me, allowing me to illumine the darkest of places. 64 2 of Water— Harmonious partnership, loving and lasting relationship, heart connection between two souls I partner with one who is in harmony with me. Together, we explore what is and might be, know- ing we are there for each other. Two hearts beat as one as we take turns replenishing and encouraging the other. I have someone who can bring out the best in me, and I can do the same for another soul, for we are all expressions of divine love. 65 3 of Water— Celebration, enjoying community, sharing, exuberance, team spirit, common goal, friendship Joy and excitement flow among all those gath- ered. I embrace being a part of something larger than myself. It’s a time to delight in the camara- derie as I experience the greater whole that is my community or team. We buoy each other and play together as we co-create. We are friends, family, and companions, sharing our experiences. It is a time to remember we must accept each other as we are, with both shadow and light within. 66 + of Vater— Dreaming and introspection, contemplation, trusting in the abundance of opportunities A lull in the action offers a chance for me to dream even bigger than before. Whenever plans turn out not to have come to fruition as expected, I feel secure knowing that even greater things may await me. The universe conspires on my behalf, and disappointment and sadness will wash through me if I simply let them flow. I trust that Spirit has many ways of responding to my desires, and what I seek can take a variety of forms. I have faith in perfect timing and divine order. 67 d of Wate ) 5 of Water— Releasing grief, allowing sadness to rise and fall, forgiveness, the ebb and flow of emotion I feel the fullness of my emotions as they wash through me. The ebb and flow are part of life, and I am present in my feelings today. I fully forgive myself and others and let go of any emotions that were holding me back from acknowledging the truth. I deserve the freedom that comes when I release what is no longer working for me. I make amends to those I may have harmed when emo- tion was coloring my perceptions. I surrender any resentments to the divine, knowing they can be transformed into miracles. Fearless inventories lead to liberation. 68 6 of Water— Nostalgia, sweet memories, old flames, yearning for the security of the good old days If I am being triggered to remember the past, I can enjoy the warm memories but must recognize they are ephemeral. Emotion can color my recall and distort my understanding of what is happening today. I acknowledge and heal old wounds. I can experience security today, enveloped in the arms of divine love. There is no need to return to the illusion of a golden era of yore because I can begin co-creating a better reality right now. Authentic healing and joyfulness will be mine if I stop rekin- dling the emotions of the past. 69 7 of Vater— Imagination, fantasy, artistic endeavors, co-creative abilities unleashed Now is the time to tune in to the infinite pos- sibilities that exist and begin to play with them. Everything begins in the world of imagination, and I seize the opportunity to dream. I allow my intuition and desire to blend in an alchemical way, forming something new. Castles in the air can become castles on the ground when I release rigidity, bend the rules, and remain flexible and open. Lim- itations and boundaries give way to manifestation. Spirit never doubts the power of possibility, and neither will I! 70 3 of Water— Journey of discovery, letting go and seeking a deeper meaning and greater authenticity, beyond superficiality All that glitters isn’t gold, and I know that I always deserve authentic riches, the gold that fills me with joy, abundance, and understanding. I fearlessly pause to reexamine where I have been, where I am, and where I might go. Now I con- sciously choose the path that is right for me instead of the one that seems likely to draw me onto it—or the one I feel I ought to walk. I am true to my heart. I've come as far as I can, and I leave by the 71

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