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Sorina Gramaticescu Adriana Maxim • Doina Miloş

Seria Examene/BACALAUREAT 2000
a primit autorizarea nr. 9401 din 4.02.1999
a Ministerului Educaţiei Naţionale pentru a fi folosită în şcoli ca material resursă.


Profilul bilingv
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
Charles Darwin s early life was a mess. He hated school, and his father once shouted: 'You care for
nothing but shooting dogs and rat-catching, andyou will be a disgrace to yourself and allyour familyl
'He was sent to Glasgow to study medicine, but he couldn 't stand the sight ofblood. He was sent to
divinity school and barely managed to graduale. Whereupon he chucked the whole business and
skipped to the South Seas on thefamous exploring ship Beagle. On that voy-age, one ofhistory's
greatest scientists was born. It was here that he collected the material for the book that would
revolutionize biological science — 'On the Origin ofSpecies'. (Ch. D. Rice, It 's Never Too Late for
II. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals. Do not change the word in any way.
1. Foolishly, I paid all the money before collecting the goods. WHICH
2.1 should really be going home now. TIME
3. Although it's expensive, it's a very good car. IF
4. Everyone who spoke to the victim is a suspect. UNDER
5. In the end it was quite a nice party after all. OUT
6. Please come this way, and I'll see if Mrs Brown is in. WILL
III. The moving picture — whether in the farm of the film or television — is by far the most popular
art ofour times, asserts
B. Bettelheim from the University of Chicago. Do you agree or disagree with him? Sustain your
choice with arguments.

I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
All of a sudden on the way home last night I started to cry... Irodepast a house where there hadbeen a
party earlier in the evening... Itook thosepeople a telegram.You know the kind of telegram it was. The
house was dark now. Then I went back to town and rode all around the streets looking at eveiything —
and then I really saw Ithaca and I really knew the people who lived in Ithaca, all of them good
people. Ifelt sorryfor all of them and I even prayed that nothing bad would hap- pen to them. After that
I stopped crying. I thought afellow would never cry when he got to be grown up, but it seems that's
when afellow starts, because ihat's when a fellow starts finding out about things. (William Saroyan,
Only Good Men Weep)
II. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals. Do not change the word in any way.
1. Jim was the first person I asked for advice. WHOSE
2. The minister proposed regular meetings for the committee. MEET
3.1 tried hard but I couldn't make him teii the truth. • MIGHT
4. If you do change your mind after all, let me know. SHOULD
5.1 have to leave early because something has happend. UP
6. The whole team was in a happy mood. SPIRITS
III. You have certainly seen many Romanian or foreign films. Speak about one you particularly liked
and motivate your choice.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
'Why did I cry on the way home last night?'Homer said.'It waspity that madeyou cry', his mother said.
'Pity, not for this person or that person who is suffering, but for all things. Unless a man has pity he is
inhuman and not yet truly a man, for out of pity comes the balm that heals. Only good men weep. If a
man has not wept ai the world's pain he is less than the dirt he walks upon because dirt will nourish
seed, root, stalk, leaf and flower, but the spirit of a man without pity is barren and will bringforth
nothing — or only pride which must finally do murder of one sort or another — murder of good
things, or murder even of human lives.' (William Saroyan, Only Good Men Weep)
II. Rephrase each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:
1. Tom doesn't like it when people treat him like a child.
Tom resents..................................................................
2. You should go to the dentist's at once.
Don't put.....................................................................
3.1'll get someone to mend your trousers.
4.1 think you must have seen a ghost.
5. It may seem strânge, but I really enjoy the job.
6. It was only when I got home that I saw I'd forgotten my glasses at the office.
III. Imagine you are a Jocal radio reporter. Read your report on the radio about a concert you attended
a night before. Motivate your enthusiasm or disappointment.

I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
You and your parents can stop worrying — Pasteur, Edison, Darwin and lots more were far from
being geniuses in their teens. History books seldom mention it, but the truth is that many of our
greatest figures were less than inspiring when they were teenagers. They were given to daydreaming,
indecision, plain dullness, and they showed no promise of being great. So, ifyou sufferfrom the same
symptoms, don 't despair. The world was built by men and women whose parents worried that they
would 'never amount to a hill ofbeans. 'You don 't hear too much about their early failure because
parents prefer to cite more inspiring examples. (Ch.D. Rice, It's Never Too Late for Success)
II. Rephrase each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:
1. It might be a good idea to use milk instead of water.
Why don't you try...................................................
2. Yesterday I met Sandra at the shops.
3. We haven't seen one another for a long time.
We stopped..............................................................
4. 'Me? No, I didn't take Nick's calculator,' said Tom.
Tom denied..............................................................
5.1 am not to be disturbed under any circumstances.
6. It's a long time since I saw a good film.
III. Childhood is the main theme of Mark Twain's masterpiece, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Do you think that Huck can be considered a universal representative of childhood? Give reasons.

I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
In a world where the sheer weight ofpopulation has created strains on nature
never before known on this planet, is our scientifîc muscle and economic power
enough to keep the planet from sickening and dying?
The currentfindings ofsome sociologists and scientists inform us that much ofwhat
formerly passed as merely aesthetic or sentimental concern for environmental
quality is now turning out to be a matter of sheer biological-psychological
necessity. Violent biological or psychological reaction in humans can hardly be
discounted if environmental conditions are allowed to become increasingly hos-
One of conservation 's most urgent tasks today is to create a general awareness
of ecology in both its biological and sociological senses. Public expectation must be elevated to
require a more responsible performance from everyone —
whether that 'one'be citizen, Corporation, orsome agency of government. {The
Third Wave of Conservation)
II. Rephrase each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:
1.1'd rather you didn't go to Tom's party.
I'd prefer.................................................................................................
2. Fancy you and I staying in the same hotel!
It's really odd..........................................................................................
3. Helen broke her leg, and also injured her shoulder.
Not only...................................................................................................
4.1 regret drinking so much last night!
If only......................................................................................................
5. At that time one of our neighbours was looking after the children for us.
At that time our children.........................................................................
6. Public opinion was so strong that the Prime Minister had to resign.
III. Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn is considered a masterpiece of world literature.
Do you agree? Sustain your opinions with arguments.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
In all fairness it should be said that only a few white psychologists publicly
accept the idea most recently advanced by Dr. Jensen that blackpeople, accord-
ing to his research flndings, are at birth genetically inferior to whites in intel-
lectual potenţial.
Most psychologists and social scientists take the more liberal point of view
which in essence states that black people are culturally deprived and psycho-
logically maladjusted because the environment in which they were reared as
children and in which they continue to rear their own children lacks the neces-
sary early experiences to prepare them for excellence in school, appropriate
sex role behaviour and, generally speaking, achievement within an Anglo
middle-class frame ofreference. In short our experiential backgroundprovides
us with inferior preparation to more effectively integrate within the dominant
white culture. (Joseph White, Toward a Black Psychology)
II. Rephrase each of the following sentences, so that the meaning stays the same:
1. It's typical of Martin to teii lies!
2. I'd Iove to be able to go on the trip with you.
3. It would have been a good idea to take your friend with you.
4. It has been suggested the resignation of the Prime Minister.
5. Do you ever regret not going to university?
6. If the ship sank, what would you do?
III. The gap/conflict between generations has been dealt with by many writers and
playwrights, whether directly or indirectly. Comment upon this by referring to
one of the texts you have studied.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
A case comes to mind of a young white social worker, who, after observing a
teenage black male going about the business ofcooking, cleaning house, wash-
ing clothes and obviously helping his mother care for the younger children in
thefamily, wrote in her report that his masculine development might be harmed
by such obviously feminine activities. What the social worker failed to see was
that this particular male teenager did not rightly separate these male and fe-
male roles in his own mind, and more importantly he also helped out his mother
with a part-time job, was a member of the track team at a local high school, an
able student, met with the girls in the neighbourhood and was respected by the
street brothers. (Joseph White, Toward a Black Psychology)
II. Rephrase each of the following sentences, so that the meaning stays the same:
1. I'd prefer you to work more and speak less.
2. We are looking into this allegation.
3. Our worrying so much was a waste of time.
4. It's just not possible for the cat to have broken the window.
5.1 wanted to go to the party, but it was snowing hard.
6. If you hadn't encouraged me, I would have given up.
III. World literature is full of remarkable and unforgettable tragic heroes and hero-
ines. Speak about one who has particularly impressed you. Motivate your choice.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
Many women would argue that there is a different half of the nation which gets
less than its share ofpower, freedom and wealth: thefemale sex. In spiţe of the
considerable change in social attitudes since 1945, and particularly since the
feminist revolution which began in the 1960s, women are still significantly dis-
advantaged. It is true that women have entered employment in increasing num-
bers. The number ofBritish women economically active has risen to 75 per cent
or more in the 1990s. Nevertheless, theirposition relative to men in employment
has improved only slightly.
The reasons are complex, but have largely to do with the fad that men continue
to control the positions ofpower and wealth and are slow to share these with
women. (Britain in Close-up)
II. Finish the following sentences so as to make sense:
1. Don't worry, you'll soon get used...................................
2. He promised he'd caii as soon as....................................
3.1 know he wished you.................................................
4.1'd have come with you provided...............................
5. She tore up the letter lest............................................
6. The teacher insisted.....................................................
III. A famous American novelist (William Faulkner) once said that if he were to go
to a desert island with only two books he would choose 'The Bible', and
William Shakespeare's 'Works'. What books would you choose? Motivate your
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
Social attitudes and behaviour are undoubtedly changing. The number of
people living alone has risen significantly, from one in ten in 1951 to one in faur
thirty years later. By the end of the century it is expected to rise to one in three.
In the same period the proportion ofhouseholds containing five or more people
has dropped from one in five to fewer than one in ten. The British are clearly
becoming a more solitary nation in their living habits. This will have social
implications, for example housing needs in thefuture.
'There is no such thing as society', Mrs. Thatcher once said. 'Only individual
men and women, and families'. Many people disagree with her, but there
remains a strong feeling that the immediate or 'nuclear family' is the basic unit
of society, and that tradiţional family values remain the mainstay of naţional
life. (Britain in Close-up)
II. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase:
1. If it hadn't....................................,...................................gone out for a walk.
2. When I saw the house it....................................of the one I grew up in.
3. Are you still tired? Or do....................................going out for a meal?
4. Those wires look a bit dangerous;....................................I were you.
5. Can you remember what you....................................ten years ago today?
6.1'm sorry. I was under....................................that this seat was free.
III. Write about a character created by G. B. Shaw. Motivate your choice.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
If this world is full ofbeauty — bad, or ugly the man himself will make it so.
Each man is the whole world, to make over as he will and to fiii with a human
race he can Iove, ifit is Iove he has. The world waits to be made over by each
man who inhabits it, and it is made over every morning like a bed or a house-
hold where the same people live — always the same, but always changing too...
There will always be pain in things. Knowing this does not mean that a man
shall despair. The man will seek to takepain out of things. Thefoolish man will

not even notice it... And the evil man will drive pain deeper into things and
spread it about wherever he goes. (William Saroyan, Only Good Men Weep)
II. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase:
1. But for Sandra, Tom....................................failed his exams again.
2.1'd rather the children............................on the television without permission.
3. If I take the new job, it....................................working late hours.
4. Do the electric heater before we left?
5. If you feel so tired every morning, why....................................going to bed
6. Jim was on....................................of givingup, when he found whathe was
looking for.
III. What kind of music do you prefer? You eertainly have a favourite singer/group/
bând. Speak about him/her/them.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
Hollywood was once the capital of the movies. In the early days most movies
were made at the Hollywood studios. There were entire "Wild West" streetsfor
making Western movies, for example. In Hollywood Walt Disney created the
first talking cartoons with Mickey Mouse in 1928. Later he created otherfamous
characters such as Donald Duck. One of Disney s dreams was to make apark
with all his characters. Disneyland in California opened in 1955 and Disney
World in Florida opened in 1971. Famous films and famous actors passed
through this moviefactory which is still one of the most important centres in film
II. Rephrase each sentence using the word in capitals so that the meaning stays the
same. Do not change the word in any way.
1. Tom has the irritating habit of smoking in the bedroom. ALWAYS
2. You are not lucky today, I'm afraid. OUT
3. She was so popular that every one voted for her! SUCH
4. It would be all the same if we left the party now. MIGHT
5. It's a pity she didn't catch the train. WISH
6. John wished he hadn't offered to help her. REGRETTED
III. Would you have liked to live in another epoch/century? Give arguments to sus-
tain your choice.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
The first food restaurants served hamburgers, but now they serve other kinds of
food as well. Many fast food restaurants have a drive-in sector. Here you can
order andpick up your food without even getting out of your car. Inside there is
often a "salad bar " where you can help yourself to as much salad as you want.
Busy people don 't have a lot oftime to cook at home, and so snacks and con-
venience foods are becoming more popular. Most people now have a light
breakfast, but on weekends there is more time and a large late breakfast or early
lunch (brunch) is often eaten.
II. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.
1. It was an obsessive question whether.....................
2.1'll lend you my bike bring it back in time.
3. If you've finished.....................home.
4. This is an awful place. I wish.....................else.
5. very criticai sometimes.
6. It's more than two weeks since.....................
III. Do you believe in eating habits? Describe the eating habits in your family.
I. Read the text and comment upon it.
Originally the Native Americans camefrom Asia. Some 20,000 years ago, they traveled along land
between Siberia andAlaska. Before the Europeans came to America, there were over 300 different
groups or tribes. Some tribes lived in
small earth houses and grew their ownfood. Other tribes were fishermen and
lived in wooden houses. Most native American tribes were very peaceful. They
thought spirits lived in natural things such as rocks, trees or water. They
believed these spirits could bring success in hunting, farming, fighting or mar-
riages. They held special ceremonies with dancing and musicfor these events.
II. Rephrase each sentence by using the given word so that the meaning stays the
same. Do not change the word in any way.
1.1 really don't know what you are talking about. FAINTEST
2. The main focus of the plot is the adventures of the teenagers. CENTRED
3. Many companies were immediately affected by the new
regulations. EFFECT
4. Too many sweets are bad for you. EAT
5.1 couldn't bear the noise any longer. PUT
6. Yesterday I saw some extraordinary events in my street. WITNESS
III. Give arguments for and against being in time with fashion.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
In the spring most high schools in America have a special dance called a
"prom ". Proms are usually for juniors and seniors, the thirdand the fourth-year
students in high school. They are very formal occasions. The boys and girls go
to the dance in couples. Girls wear beautiful ball dresses and boys wear suits
or tuxedos. There is usually a live bând.
At the end of the school year there is an important ceremony for the graduation
ofall the students who leave school. Students send special invitations to their
friends and relatives asking them to come to the ceremony. At the ceremony each
student wears a cap and gown.
II. Rephrase each sentence using the given word so that the meaning stays the
same. Do not change the word in any way.
1. It was raining so much that I stayed at home.
2. Nobody expected her to lose, but she did.
3. You must concentrate on your work more.
4.1 did't caii on you because I didn't realize you were at home.
5. This is the best film I have ever seen.
6. The demand was that we work all day.
III. Choose the object of a collection and describe it in detail. Speak about the way
you acquired it and the reason why you did it.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
Britain is sinking under a deluge ofbooks. With 65,000 new titles published last
year and sales in the hundreds ofmillions it seems as ifour appetite for printed
matter is becoming more and more aggressive year byyear. Bookshops now have
a market worth 1,2 billion and that doesn 't include the numerous bookclubs and
public libraries. It appears that a large number of people have discovered that
books make the ideal birthday or Christmas gifts — they are relatively cheap,
easy tofind and are culturally and socially acceptable to all levels and sectors
II. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.
1. It was finally proved that all his statements were lies.
All his statements...........................................................................
2. If he happens to come any time today, please give him the parcei.
Should he........................................................................................
3. Walking in windy weather doesn't disturb me at all.
I'mused to......................................................................................
4. Mike could have succeeded if they had helped him.
5.1 haven't had a talk with him for months.
6. It is possible that they have arrived.
III. Speak about the importance of music in everybody's life. You may choose your
seif as an example.

I. Read and comment
- correct reading
- commentary
- interesting/original approach
II. Rephrase
- each correct transformation
III. Monologue
- completion of task (describe, explain, argue)
- appropriate vocabulary
- correct grammar structures
- coherence of ideas, balanced presentation
- interesting details/relevant arguments
Total test: 90 p. + 10 p. din oficiu
15 p.
25 p.
6 sentences x 5 p. = 30 p.
10 p.
10 p.
35 p.
100 p.
1.1 paid all the money before colleeting the goods, which was foolish of me.
2. It's high time I went home now./1 was going.
3. It's a very good car, if expensive/even if it is expensive.
4. Everyone who spoke to the victim is under suspicion.
5. In the end it turned out to be a nice party.
6. If you will come this way, 1*11 see if Mrs Brown is in.
1. Jim was the first person whose advice I asked for.
2. The minister proposed that the committee should meet/meet regularly.
3. Hard as I might try/Try as I might, I couldn't make him teii the truth.
4. If you should change your mind, let me know.
5.1 have to leave early because something has turned up.
6. The whole team was in high spirits.
1. Tom resents being treated like a child.
2. Don't put off going to the dentist's.
3.1'll have your trousers mended.
4. It must have been a ghost you saw.
5. Strânge as it may seem, I really enjoy the job.
6. Not until I got home did I see Fd forgotten my glasses at the office.
1. Why don't you try using milk instead of water?
2.1 ran into Sandra at the shops yesterday.
3. We stopped seeing one another a long time ago.
4. Tom denied having taken Nick's calculator.
5. Under no circumstances am I to be disturbed.
6.1 haven't seen a good film for a long time.
1.1'd prefer you not to go to Tom's party.
2. It's really odd that you and I should be staying in the same hotel.
3. Not only did Helen break her leg, but she also injured her shoulder.
4. If only I hadn't drunk so much last night!
5. At that time our children were being looked after by one of our neighbours.
6. Such was the strength of public opinion that the Prime Minister had to resign.
1. Martin will always teii lies!
2.1 wish I were able to go/I could go on the trip with you.
3. You should have taken your friend with you.
4. It has been suggested that the Prime Minister should resign.
5. Do you wish you had gone to university?
6. Suppose the ship sank, what would you do?
1.1'd rather you worked more and spoke less.
2. This allegation is being looked into.
3. We needn't have worried so much.
4. The cat can't have broken the window.
5. If it hadn't been snowing so hard, I would have gone to the party.
6. But for your encouragement/If it hadn't been for your encouragement, I would
have given up.

1. Don't worry, you'll soon get used to living in the country/to life in the country.
2. He promised he'd caii as soon as he got there/he had finished his work.
3.1 know he wished you had loved him more/you would stop seeing that boy.
4.1'd have come with you provided (that) you had left your dog at home.
5. She tore up the letter lest her mother should find it.
6. The teacher insisted on Tom's coming too/that Tom should come, too.
1. If it hadn't been for the heavy rain, we would have gone out for a walk.
2. When I saw the house it reminded me of the one I grew up in.
3. Are you still tired? Or do you feel like going out for a meal?
4. Those wires look a bit dangerous; I wouldn't touch them if I were you.
5. Can you remember what you were doing ten years ago today?
6.1'm sorry. I was under the impression that this seat was free.
1. But for Sandra, Tom would have failed his exams again.
2.1'd rather the children didn't turn on the television without permission.
3. If I take the new job, it will mean working late hours.
4. Do you remember turning off the electric heater before we left?
5. If you feel so tired every morning, why don't you try going to bed earlier?
6. Jim was on the point of giving up, when he found what he was looking for.
1. Tom is always smoking in the bedroom!
2. You are out of luck today, I'm afraid.
3. Such was her popularity that everyone voted for her.
4. We might as well leave the party now.
5.1 wish she had caught the train.
6. John regretted having offered/that he had offered to help her.
1. could/could have come/would/would have come/had come/was going to come or
2. as long as
3. you can/may go
4.1/we had gone/had lived somewhere
5. can
6. he moved/has been living here/I last saw him/I haven't seen him
1.1 don't have the faintest idea about what you are talking.
2. The plot is centred on/upon the adventures of the teenagers.
3. The new regulations had immediate effect on many companies.
4. You shouldn't eat so many sweets.
5.1 could't put up with the noise any longer.
6. Yesterday I was witness to some extraordinary events in my street.
1. So heavy was the rain/The rain was so heavy that I stayed at home.
2. She lost against everybody's expectation.
3.You must apply yourself to your work more.
4.1 would have called on you if I had realized you were at home.
5.1 have never seen a better film.
6. The demand was that we should work all day/They demanded that we should work
all day.
1. All his statements were finally proved to be lies.
2. Should he come any time today, please give him the parcei.
3. I'm used to walking in windy weather.
4. Had they helped him, Mike could have succeeded.
5. It's months since I last had a talk with him/since we haven't had a talk.
6. They may/could have arrived.


Profilurile intensiv/limbi străine/filologie
3-4 ore pe săptămână
I. Read the text and comment on it.
America is afriendly country. In small towns people say "hello " tofriends and
strangers on the street. Even in cities, strangers may start a conversation. Waiters
in restaurants will often introduce themselves by name and talk to customers as
they serve them. When the customers leave, they will teii them "take care ".
Sometimes foreigners feel Americans are toofriendly. People you have onlyjust
met may ask you personal questions or teii you all about themselves.
(An Illustrated History of the USA)
II. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.
1. He got up late and so he missed the train.
2. It is several years since I last played the piano.
3. It's raining and I don't have an umbrella.
I wish.................................................................................
4. "You really must see that film" she said to me.
She insisted that...............................................................
5. Immediately after I got to my office, my boss called me.
No sooner..........................................................................
6.1 don't want to go to Scotland for the summer.
I'd rather...........................................................................
III. Give arguments for or against the following statement: 'People always read
novels because they are like a close friend.'
I. Read the text and comment on it.
The sweltering heat of the summer and the bitter cold of the winter offer ample
evidence ofhow man is affected by the weather. When the weather hits an ex-
treme, we suffer. However, everyday health and even personality are, to a great
extent, weather controlled.
Even when we consider "minor " disabilities, we knowfrom common experience
that the weather plays an important role in our sense of well-being. Some of
these differences are subtle and not easily measured. The dull, grey, cloudy day
in thefall makes usfeel blue and depressed. Thefirst warm day ofspring makes
usfeel better. As aphysician, I have notedfor many years patients coming to my
office in late winter and early spring complaining ofbeing "tired" even when
they have no organic disease or illness. (J.D. Wassersug, The Weather andHow
You Feel)
II. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.
1.1 hadn't brought your dog with you.
2. The ship is..................captured by pirates.
3. Don't worry, you'll get used..................
4.1 wouldn't accept the job,
5. Do..................going to the mountains this weekend?
6. I'd prefer you..................smoke in here, if you don't mind.
III. You certainly have a favourite movie star. Describe him/her and teii everything
you know.

I. Read the text and comment on it.
It is rather typical ofhumans in that they invent something wonderful and then
discover a way ofdoing something dreadful with it. The medicalprofession must
nowfind ways ofmaking sure that the human population does not overrun the
planet and destroy it.
With more people having more babies who survive in larger numbers and live
longer, it will soon be very important indeed to make sure that there is room on
Earthfor humans, and for all other living creatures that existed in the biosphere
for 4,000 million years before humans turned up. (J. Cochran, An Illustrated
History ofMedicine)
II. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.
1. Mary left the door unlocked in case..................
2. But for you, Helen..................drowned.
3. If..................asked me earlier, I could have helped you.
4. Under no circumstances..................the truth.
5. It's contact the head office in advance.
6. Your the moment.
III. Give your opinion about fast-food restaurants. Bring arguments for or against
I. Read the text and comment on it.
The main paradox about health is why people consistently do things which are
known to be very hazardous, such as smoking or not wearingseat-belts. Although
the number of deaths from road accidents and smoking are wellpublicized, they
have aroused little public interest. This is why many of the realfigures are in the
form of probabilistic estimates, and evidence shows thatpeople are very bad at
processing and understanding this kind of information.
The kind that tends to be relied on both by the smoker and seat-belt non-wearer
is based on personal experiences. All smokers seem to have an Uncie Bill or an
Aunt Mabel who has been smoking cigarettes since they were twelve, lived to 90,
and died because theyfell down the stairs. And ifthey don 't have such an aunt
or uncie, they are certain to have heard of someone who has. (Robert Hallet,
Why Do We Still Dance With Death?)
II. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.
1. Nothing has..................Tom since he left for Australia.
2. You..................right, but I still don't agree with you.
3. Don't rush to decide anything, I'd rather you..................over.
4. It's time all of bed.
5. That was a narrow escape! If I had.................. broken my leg.
6. Hard..................I couldn't solve the problem.
III. Give arguments in favour or against screening a famous book. What is lost and
what is gained? You may use a well-known movie or book.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
Does advertising manipulate people into buying what they don 't need? Critics
say that advertising is so powerful and persuasive that people have no choice
but to buy what they see advertised, regardless of their actual need for these
On the other side of the controversy, defenders acknowledge that the whole reason
to advertise is to persuade. But they believe that advertising can 't create
demandfor a product no one wants. Advertising may bring people into a store
to buy, but ifthey can 'tfind the right size or colour, or ifthe quality isn 't accept-
able they can — and do — leave without buying. People are also able to ignore
advertising messages by turning down the radio or simply turning the page in a
magazine or newspaper. {Advertising and Promotion Industry)
II. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.
1. This is the first rock
2. While you.................., I'll go and buy some wine.
3. Suppose..................marry him. Would you accept?
4. We both wish you..................longer.
5. Mary sometimes acts as if she..................what really happened.
6. One thing is for sure, someone..................known about it.
III. What do you think about teenage fashion? Comment upon the statement "Teenage
fashion starts on the street and ends in glossy magazines".

I. Read the text and comment on it.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines "stereotype " as a "convenţional and
usually oversimplified conception, opinion or belief. Yet, the dictionary does
not say haw dangerous stereotyping is whether it 's telling "stupid blonde "jokes
or assuming that overweight people are lazy and untidy, stereotyping is a form
ofprejudice. The media plays an important part in encouraging us to stereo-
types. We see skinny models all the time, so we think that anyone who weighs
more than 100 pounds is fat. Moreover, TV and movies often promote one di-
mensional characters that silently sanction stereotypes. Unfortunately, when
stereotyping comes into real life it can easily turn into racism and have very
serious consequences. (Teen/ September, 1997).
II. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.
1. The little girl stopped crying only when she saw her doll.
Not until.............................................................................
2. Please, don't interrupt me!
I'd rather............................................................................
3. Someone broke into my flat while I was away.
My flat...............................................................................
4. He knocked at the door and she immediately opened it.
5. Ifyou eat many cakes, you'll get fat.
The more............................................................................
6. Perhaps Diana is watching TV.
III. The future will bring new means of transportation. How do you think travelling
will change? Bring arguments.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
Ifyou asked most newspaper editors what they thought theirjob was, they would
probably say they had the duty to keep the public informed. But when one looks
at the average newspaper in Britain today, one can 't help asking in return:
"informed of what?" Most of the items are trivial and apartfrom that, all the
news seems to be bad. Ifthey were honest, the editors would say that all they
are interested in is selling their papers. It seems that most people enjoy reading
about other people 's misfortunes and in this case editors should admit that their
real aim is not to inform the people but simply to entertain. (Synthesis Plus)
II. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.
1. It is likely that she will arrive here today.
She is likely........................................................................
2.They missed the train because they got up late.
3. He tried to help us as best as he could.
4. Perhaps she gave in too soon.
5. You can't leave without answering me first.
6.1 stopped playing football in 1990.
III. What do you think about symphonic concerts, or operas? Bring arguments for
your opinion.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
Christmas is the season ofgoodwill — but often it seems that business has lost
sight ofthis in its pursuit of profit. Nowadays, tnany merely look at Christmas
as an opportunity to make more money. Nothing wrong with that, ofcourse, but
those who go too far may appear selfish, miserable and dull.
As Christmas becomes more and more commercialized, it cannot, surely be long
before consumer affairs programmes expose companies for being especially
greedy at Christmas, and ruining the Christmas spirit. It is, after all, absurd that
on the one hand they want everyone to be generous andgive expensive presents,
and yet, on the other hand, they themselves forget to be charitable. (Holland
Herald/December, 1998)
II. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.
1. She couldn't wear her new shoes on account of the mud.
2. There is a slight chance that the rain will stop soon.
The rain..................................................................................
3. It was not necessary to post it today.
4. John wouldn't teii you this secret and Mary wouldn't either.
5.1 get nervous when people get rude.
I can't.....................................................................................
6.1'd prefer you to leave earlier.
III. Adolescence is that period in one's life when the gap between generations is
deeply felt. Could you find reasons for this? You may refer either to a literary
text you have studied or to your own experience.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
Present viewing statistics indicate that the average Briton who reaches the age
of 65 will have spent nine years ofhis life watching television. Children of 16
will have devoted more than twice as many hours to TV than to their school-
It is certain that four decades of TV have not produced wiser, kinder, more
humane, more articulate, more concerned societies than we had before. Only
broadcasters and home secretaries resist the overwhelming evidence that TV
has been a major contribution in the increase of violence. Other consequences
of too much TV are a decline in learning levels, less communication between
parent and child, difficulty in expressing ideas logically, a disinclination to be
involved and exercise choice. (Milton Shulman, The Times)
II. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the
word in any way.
1.1 can't stand getting up early. WHAT
2. There has been a ramour that the Prime Minister is ill. IT
3. Calling Jim is pointless, because his phone is out of order. USE
4. One of our philosophers is supposed to have said this. ATTRIBUTED
5. The accident was caused because someone was very careless. SHEER
6. Will you stop complaining? WISH
III. Do you think there is a real gap between generations? You may refer to a lite-
rary text or you may speak about your life experience.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find more
hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever
been committed in the name ofrebellion. The Nazi extermination of European
Jews is the most extreme instance of abhorrent immoral acts carried out by
thousands of people in the name of obedience. Yet, in a lesser degree this type
ofthing is constantly recurring: ordinary citizens are ordered to destroy other
people, and they do so because they consider it their duty to obey orders. Thus,
obedience to authority, long praised as a virtue, takes on a new aspect when it
serves a malevolent cause. (Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority)
II. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the
word in any way.
1. If they offered you the job, would you accept it? WERE
2. The management insisted on our wearing dark suits. WEAR
3.1 don't believe that you have lost your keys again. CAN'T
4.1 can't make any sense ofthis! UTTER
5.1 tried hard but I couldn't move the bed. MIGHT
6. What are you implying? AT
III. Describe a famous cinema actor/actress.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
"Everyone knows that teens and manners mix like oii and mineral water. The
years between 13 and 18 are meant to be a time ofserious rebellion -piercing
various bodyparts, using a saladfork on pizza - not a time to be learning the
ABCs ofetiquette!
But in the USA there are many kids who voluntarily take up classes where they
learn different social skills: how to shake hands, set a proper table and make
poliţe conversation. Plus, they get advice on posture and dress. " (Seventeen/
December, 1997)
II. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.
1. When they got to the station, the train had already left.
2. As soon as she closed the door mother started crying.
No sooner........................................................................
3. When you wait too long, you get bored.
The............................, the..............................................
4. You must leave now!
5. It is possible that they have already heard the news.
6. It is several years since I last met them.
III. What kind of music do you prefer? Speak about it and motivate your choice.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
"Athletic shoe companies, like Nike, Reebok, Adidas are doing everything -
from outfitting entire school teams to sponsoring tournaments - to bring talent-
ed players under their wings.
So, kids getfree equipment and schools get some help with their athletic pro-
grammes but some critics argue that the kids are being exploited as cheap walk-
ing advertisments for the shoe companies. On the other hand, theseprogrammes
are a great opportunity for up-and-coming athletes. And, since everyone else
profitsfrom sports (coaches, companies, networks) shouldn 't the kids get apiece
ofthepie as well?" (Seventeen, May, 1998)
II. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.
1.1'm quite sure she forgot to caii.
2. If it hadn't been for that map, we couldn't have found the chalet.
3. Who do these clothes belong to?
Whose........................................... ..................
4. They repaired my car at the garage.
5. Jimmy is still doing his homework.
6. Our take-off time was 12:30.
Our plane was....................................
III. Describe your favourite way of spending leisure time; give as many details as
I. Read the text and comment on it.
"In the 1920s American movies filled the cinema screens of the world. These
movies were silent. They spoke inpictures, not words, and so their language was
internaţional. AU over the world, from Berlin to Tokyo, from London to Buenos
Aires, tens ofmillions ofpeople lined up every night of the week to see their
favourite Hollywood stars - and, without realising it, to be Americanized. To
most people this world of the movies remained a dream world, separate from
real life. But to some, it became more. It made them realize, however dimly, that
perhaps their own conditions of life could be improved. " (An Ilustrated History
of the USA).
II. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.
1. "Please don't make such a mess in your room" his mother said.
His mother asked...............................................................
2. It is not necessary for you to do the test.
3.1've never eaten snails before.
This is................................................................................
4. We really ought to go home now.
5. She prefers reading to watching TV.
She would..........................................................................
6. The day was so cold that we stayed indoors.
It was..................................................................................
I. Read the text and comment on it.
"He stayed nervous till his plane was airborne. He had discovered things about
himselfin Vietnam that caused him some unease. He had disapproved of the war
and yet found himself caught up in its excitement and its violence. He felt,
crawling around in the jungle on an ambush run, like a cat following a bird; it
was, he thought, premeditated murder, and it was thrilling - a disease that gets
in your blood. Hefelt that he had lost both hisfear ofdeath and his respect for
life. He felt that he would have to stay out oftrouble; ifhe got in a fight, he
thought, he wouldprobably try to kill. " (Open Access).
II. Rephrase each sentence by using the given word so that the meaning stays the
same. Do not change the word in any way.
1. We didn't have the money so we didn't buy the car. WOULD
2. It would be better if you didn't stay long. RATHER
3. Why do you have to complain all the time? WISH
4. It wasn't very nice of you not to invite me to your party. MIGHT
5. Such was the demand for tickets that people queued for hours. GREAT
6. We get on very well with our new neighbours. TERMS
III. In each family there are stories about past events, old things or remarkable fam-
ily members. Speak about one you know and mostly like.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
"With magazines happy topay 50,000pounds for candidpictures ofcelebrities,
the paparazzi are ready to do everything to do aphotograph, no matter the cost.
They are sued, and they are physically abused, but the lure is always stronger
than the deterrent.
There is no doubt that in the celebrity fish pond the paparazzi are the killer
sharks. They arefed by a public whose curiosity is matched only by its sense of
disapproval and they have changed the nature offame.
Instead ofvainly trying to hide, most sensible targets nowfollow the example of
the billionaire Dudley Moore in the movie "Arthur":
Dudley Moore: "I tink Vil take a bathl"
John Gielgud: "I shall alert the media, sir!" (Paul Radley, Workout)
II. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.
1. The fire was brought under control thanks to the night-watchman.
If it hadn't been...............................................................................
2. The discovery of new drugs is helping the fight against cancer.
The. fight..........................................................................................
3. The fog was so thick that all the flights had to be cancelled.
4. It's not necessary for you to type your essay.
5. It's very kind of you to give me a lift.
I appreciate......................................................................................
6. Sally persuaded me not to sell my stamp collection.
Sally talked......................................................................................
III. Speak about a hobby you have or you would like to take up.
I. Read and comment
- correct reading
- commentary
- interesting/original approach
II. Rephrase
- each correct transformation
III. Monologue
- completion of task (describe, explain, argue)
- appropriate vocabulary
- correct grammar structures
- coherence of ideas, balanced presentation
- interesting details/relevant arguments
15 p.
25 p.
6 sentences x 5 p. = 30 p.
10 p.
10 p.
35 p.
100 p.
Total test: 90 p. + 10 p. din oficiu
1. Ifhe hadn't got up late, he wouldn't have missed the train.
2.1 haven't played the piano for several years.
3.1 wish I had an umbrella.
4. She insisted that I see/should see that film.
5. No sooner had I got to my office than my boss called me.
6- I'd rather not go to Scotland for the summer.
1. rather 2. thought to have been 3. to living here/to the noise here 4. if you want-
ed/asked me 5. feel like 6. not to
*• Tom came/would come/might come
2. would have got
- you had
4. must you teii him
5. necessary that
6. is being dealt with
1. has been heard of 2. may/might/could be 3. thought it 4. were 5. fallen down the
stairs, I would have 6. as/though it might seem.
1.1 have ever been 2. are cooking the dinner 3. he asked you to 4. stayed 5. didn't
know/hadn't known 6. must have.
1. Not until the little girl saw her doll did she stop crying.
2.1'd rather you wouldn't interrupt me!
3. My flat was broken into while I was away.
4. Hardly had he knocked at the door when she opened it.
5. The more cakes you eat, the fatter you'll get.
6. Diana must be watching TV.
1. She is likely to arrive here today.
2. If they hadn't got up late, they wouldn't have missed the train.
3. He did his best to help us.
4. She must have given in too soon.
5. Unless you answer me, you can't leave.
6. It's ten years since I last played footbaM haven't played football.
1. But for the mud she couldn't wear her new shoes.
2. The rain might stop soon.
3. You needn't have posted it today.
4. Neither John nor Mary would teii you this secret.
5.1 can't bear rude people.
6.1'd rather you left earlier.
1. What I can't stand is getting up early.
2. It has been rumoured that the Prime Minister is ill.
3. It's no use calling Jim because his phone is out of order.
4. This is attributed to one of our philosophers.
5. The accident was caused by sheer carelessness.
6.1 wish you would stop complaining!

hylODEL 10
1. If they were to offer you the job, would you accept?
12. The management insisted that we wear/should wear dark suits.
13. You can't have lost your keys again!
14. This is utter nonsense!
15. Hard as I might try, I couldn't move the bed.
16. What are you getting at?
1. By the time they got to the station, the train had already left.
2. No sooner had she closed the door than mother started crying.
13. The longer you wait, the more bored you'll get.
[4. It's high time you left!
5. They may have heard the news.
6.1 haven't met him for several years.
1. She must have forgotten to caii.
|2. But for that map, we couldn't have found the chalet.
|3. Whose clothes are these/whose are these clothes?
14.1 had my car repaired at the garage.
15. Jimmy hasn't done/finished his homework yet.
|6. Our plane was due to take off at 12:30.
1. His mother asked him not to make such a mess in his room.
2. You don't have to do your best.
3. This is the first time I've eaten snails.
4. It's about time we went home.
5. She would rather read than watch TV.
6- It was such cold weather that we stayed indoors.
1. We would have bought the car if we had had the money.
- I'd rather you didn't stay long.
I3-1 wish you wouldn't complain all the time!
14. You might have invited me to your party!
I • The demand for tickets was so great that people queued for hours.
I • We are on very good terms with our neighbours.
1. If it hadn't been for the night-watchman, the fire wouldn't have been broug
under control.
2. The fight against cancer is being helped by the discovery of new drugs.
3. So thick was the fog that all the flights had to be cancelled.
4. You don't have to type your essay.
5.1 appreciate your giving me a lift.
6. Sally talked me into selling my stamp collection.


1-2 ore pe săptămână
I. Read the text and comment upon it:
Far below him lay the sea, a sea bluer than any sky he had ever seen. The land
stretched in and out along the shore, up and down, all green and golden, with
here and there red flowers. He stood alone watching the waves and thinking.
Where were the happy days when he used to be with his mates? Had he really
changed so much or was it onlyfancy? He remembered the summer camps, his
first Iove, the smile on herface, and his eyes brightened. It was not in vain, his
life had been good in spiţe of all the tears. {The Viewfrom Above)
II. Rephrase the following sentences:
1. 'When did you arrive?', Jim's sister asked him.
Jim's sister inquired.........................................
2. Physics is a harder subject than Geography.
3. You must be eighteen years old in order to vote.
4.1 didn't go to the disco, because I was tired.
5. Who painted your wall?
Who was............................................................
6.1 haven't enjoyed myself so much for years.
It's years since...................................................
III. It is said that books are our best friends. How did a book affect you or a friend
of yours?
I- Read the text and comment upon it:
When the Germans invaded Amsterdam during the Second World War, Anne
Frank, ayoungJewish girl, went into hiding with herfamily and faur otherpeople.
They remained hidden in a "Secret Annexe" for two years until they were
betrayed and sent to their deaths at a concentration câmp. Only herfather sur-
vived. During this time Anne kept a diary which was later found and published.
Her pet name was "Kitty" and she was a girljust like any teenager. (In the
Secret Annexe)
II. Rephrase the following sentences:
1. We haven't had heavy rain for over a month.
2. The Browns say they'd like to have stayed in a better hotel.
The Browns wish.................................................................
3. Did the postman give you all the letters?
4. What did he teii you? asked his wife.
His wife inquired.................................................................
5.1 think it will be another sunny day.
It looks.................................................................................
6. Perhaps he was late.
III. Describe the district you live in.
I. Read the text and comment upon it:
Television ads or commercials make use of the viewer's vision and hearing in
presenting a product. Because so many people watch television at specific times,
these ads can often reach a wider audience than any other type ofad. Little
stories which haveplenty ofaction are often used topresent the product. At other
times the product is demonstrated. Product slogans, songs and logos are fre-
quently included. Sometimes printed words are on the screen, and no one speaks.
At other times a voice-over (the commentator talking about the product while
the visual runs) is used. (Television Commercials)
II. Rephrase the following sentences:
1. Ann prefers her son to stay home than leave for the mountains.
Ann would..........................................................................................
2. Grandma tells stories all day long.
3. We didn't rent a car because it was too expensive.
4. Whose magazine is this? asked the woman.
The woman wanted to know..............................................................
5. 'I don't want to see you any more if you don't change', she told me.
She told him that unless....................................................................
6. Tomorrow it is possible to rain.
Tomorrow it........................................................................................
III. What can you say about your favourite movie? Give arguments for your liking it.
jyjODEL 4
I. Read the text and comment upon it:
Radio commercials cannot make use ofour vision. They can engage our ima-
gination only through sound. This makes radio advertising unique.
JJsually a radio commercial is brief— 15 seconds, 30 seconds or one minute in
length. The advertiser sometimes simplyprovides product information, but more
often this is accompanied by a catchy tune. The song bears the name of the
product and it is meant to be easy to learn, so that people can remember it. At
other times the product is presented by means of a mini-drama, often with
sound-effects to help us imagine the scene. (Radio Commercials)
II. Rephrase the following sentences:
1. If the firm does not receive the payment soon, the deal is off.
2. A young dressmaker is going to make Jane's wedding dress.
Jane is having her...................................................................
3. 'I think you should teii him the truth,' said Joe's mother.
'It's high time..........................................................................
4. People believe the Chinese invented paper.
The Chinese............................................................................
5.1 haven't seen this film before.
This is.....................................................................................
6. 'Where is the headmaster? I must speak to him.'
The customer insisted.............................................................
Ini. 'What qualities do you value most in a friend?' Enlarge upon this topic.
I. Read the text and comment upon it:
It was dark when she picked me up in her car and headedfor one of the many
small towns that lie out of the cityfar in the middle of the valley. Măria intro-
duced me to her parents, sister and aunt, who welcomed me warmly. The front
room was small: it had an old TV set and a nice sofa. Gifts were piled under a
Christmas tree located in the corner of the room. From the kitchen came the
most delicate aromas.
Măria's father wanted to know all about Iran and the events that had brought
me so far from my country. He listened carefully, occasionally nodding.
(Room for One More)
II- Rephrase the following sentences:
1. The manager is going to interview all the applicants.
All the applicants...............................................................
2. 'Where's your homework, Susan?' asked the teacher.
The teacher asked..............................................................
3. The guide advised us not to leave any money in the room.
The guide said...................................................................
4. Bob doesn't swim as well as Chris.
Chris....................................................................................... >(
5. He gave him a straight answer last night. v
A straight answer...................................................................
6.1 couldn't buy the book because I didn't have enough money.
if.............................................................................................. ;
III. 'Should young people listen only to pop music?' Give your opinion about it.
I. Read the text and comment upon it:
Like animals, man has evolved a 24-hour clock. Over the years, scientists havt
found that nofewer than 40 physiological functions of the body have rhythi
that are timed by the biological clock. Temperature, for example, is regulated
that it is at least two degrees higher in the late afternoon. Knowing all this,
could be easy for us to arrange our daily programme according to our boc
clock. Some of us find it easier to learn or work during the day or early mort
ing, while some of our friends find night a perfect time to work in peace and ni
be disturbed by anyone. (The Body Clock)
II. Rephrase the following sentences:
1. 'Please don't wake me up early tomorrow morning,' said Andy.
Andy asked.................................................................................
2. The old lady couldn't move the table because it was too heavy.
The table was..............................................................................
3. It was impossible for us to continue our way.
4. They were planting roses all over the place.
Roses were.................................................................................
5. Nick and Ann got engaged six months ago.
Nick and Ann have.....................................................................
6. Mary felt very tired but she still went to the concert.
Mary went to the concert............................................................
III. 'Where would you like to travel and why?' Give arguments to support
I. Read the text and comment upon it:
Newspapers, along with reporting the news, instruct, entertain and give i
ions too. An important strategy is to find the right paper that could be ofinte
est to you. News give facts, not the author's opinions. Editorials do the very ol
posite; you cannot expect an editorial to take sides. It reflects the opinion oft^
publisher or that of the editor. You can be an excellent reader ifyou know wl
to expect from a newspaper. You can expect to find the most important facts
the first paragraph, or the important news to be on the front page. (Readii\
ji. Rephrase the following sentences:
1.1 didn't know your number, so I couldn't telephone you.
2. Let's try the new restaurant for dinner next Saturday.
3. Philip's parents don't want him to ride a motorbike.
Philip's parents would rather..........................................
4. 'How did you manage to arrive in time?', asked Nick.
Nick asked me................................................................
5. She probably was very beautiful.
She must.........................................................................
6. We have been writing the book for almost a year.
The book.........................................................................
III. Describe the place where you like to spend your holidays.
I. Read the text and comment upon it:
A winner is not afraid to do his own thinking and to use his own knowledge. We
must know the reality by ourselves to become a credible, responsive person, and
to separate facts from opinions not pretending to have answers for everything.
A winner listens to others, evaluates what they say, but comes to his/her own
conclusions. A winner can be spontaneous. He does not have to respond in pre-
determined, rigid ways. He can change his plâns when the situation callsfor it.
He enjoys work, playfood, other people, life in general. (Winners)
II. Rephrase the following sentences:
1. The woman forced the boy to give the money back.
The boy..................................................................................
2. Jane would prefer to go to the cinema than stay at home.
3. It was not possible for her to behave like that.
4. Although he was huit, he managed to arrive home.
In spiţe of................................................................................
5. They started playing football tliree hours ago and they are still playing.
They have.................................................................................
6. Do not press the button before you smell smoke.
Hi. What is the plot of your favourite book?
*• Read the text and comment upon it:
Wh is the importance of the Afro-American history to all Americans? How
could Afro-Americans contribute anything to American history when they we,
just slaves andservants? This is the image which many Afro-Americans have ^
themselves too. The Afro-Americans need to remake their real historical imam
so that it is known and accepted in itselfby their own people. Men and womA
ofdarker color are human beings entitled to respect and accept their historl
and beproud ofit too because they add to the heritage of the American peopli
II. Rephrase the following sentences:
1. 'I can't give your money back,' said the shop-assistant.
The shop-assistant.........................................................
2. We are not likely to move into our new flat this month.
3. It was possible for him to leave the town.
4. Paul missed the train because he woke up late.
5. They sent a parcei to their parents.
A parcei.........................................................................
6. 'What did you do there?' asked his dad.
III. Give your opinion about the following statement: 'Fashion is a strict law
women object'
I. Read the text and comment upon it:
America is made up of many different blends ofcultures. These many cultura
have come to enrich and diversify the American way oflife. We should not thini
because history has neglected to include the background, that America has a\
inferior culture. We should rather consider it a multitude ofcustoms, religionl
literatures, ways ofthinking and living, that identify its people. The blending J
cultures and people give them their originality, their tolerance and them
strength. (MulticulturalAmerica)
II. Rephrase the following sentences:
1. Tm sorry I have been so bad-tempered this morning', John said to his fathea
John apologized................................................................................
2. Sarah began playing tennis three years ago.
3. We haven't visited the museum before.
This is...............................................................................................
4. They wrote the letter last week.
The letter was...................................................................................
5. 'Who was your teacher?' asked Jane.
Jane asked me...................................................................................
6. Before going home I saw you.
Having seen...........................
III. Describe your favourite novei character.

I. Read the text and comment on it.
Many Americans are volunteering their time and efforts to help others. These
volunteers do unpaid work in schools, hospitals, and charity organizations. Some
of them help raise for nonprofit organizations, cultural associations and han-
dicapped people. I also wanted to become a social worker and volunteered to
work with "the street children ". I had the strangest experience to discover, bright,
gentle, funny, children who, like all children of their age, had their dreams and
fears. Working and helping them made me a better person. (Helping the Others)
II. Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense:
1. They are building a modern bridge over the river. They (to build) it for four
2. What you (to look) for?
3. It (to rain) all day today.
4. Some of them (to live) here for quite a long time.
5. She (to write) letters all the afternoon.
6. They (to think) of going to the seaside.
III. "Don't judge a book by its cover". Give reasons for your opinion.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
John Wayne remains thefamous cowboy whom we all admired in exciting and
adventurous films. America and the world admired and loved him for his
courage, looks, charm and talent. He represented the tough hero, the frontiers-
man, and the adventurer. He was the strongfather who protected the children,
his troops and his friends. He spoke out in films and in politics for his beliefs,
beingfamousfor his integrity. We represent him in our minds on horseback, in
a proud posture, never afraid and always ready to quickly take the gun to pun-
ish the wrongdoers. (John Wayne)
II. Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense:
1.1 was working for some time when the beli (to ring).
2. When he received the telegram he (to spend) already one week in that resort.
3.1 (to drive) for two hours when I realised I had forgotten my glasses at home.
4. Hardly I (to enter) the house when I saw the flowers on the table.
5.1 (not to eat) anything for ten hours and I feel hungry.
6. She (not come) as she had promised.

III. "The pen is mightier than the sword". Do you agree or not? Give examples to;
support your opinion.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
The cocktail party is a curious event. Millions of people follow this ritual every ]
year, yet many complain about how awful or frightening it can be. For some, the ş
cocktail party is a pleasant way of getting together with friends for a social]
evening of drinks, food and conversation. For others, it means spending time ]
with strangers, talking about uninteresting subjects. At some point in the i
evening, one or more of the guests usuallyfail to discuss wph anybody, remain-
ing quite alone all the evening. Towards the end of the party, guests leave, some I
with pleasant memories and others with headaches. (The Cocktail Party)
ii. Only one of the verb forms that follow each sentence is correct. Point it out.:
. 1. It... allday.
a) is raining b) has been raining c) rains.
2. Harldy had she entered the room when she... the coipse.
a) discovers b) has discovered c) discovered
3. While she was reading her child... with his toys. ,
a) played b) plays c) was playing
4. They... in this flat for twenty years.
a) lived b) have been living c) live
5. After they... their exams, they will go to the mountains.
a) will pass b) have passed c) passed '
6. If they... to us they would have won the match.
a) listened b) will listen c) had listened
III. "A true friend is the most precious of all possessions". Support this statement
: with examples taken either from the literary texts you have studied or from your j
own experience.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
In the future television will become a place of creative ideas. Instead of passiively watching
programmes the way we do now, new developments will allow us to participate in shows and to feel
and sense directly the emotions of theactors we watch. Also, there will be methods that will let us
shape and create our own shows. We may even be able to press a button and have our own light
show presented on the screen. We will be able to think of an image and see the image in front ofus on
the screen and different people in different places will be able to exchange ideas. (Television)
II. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form.
1. Can you manage (finish) doing all the exercises?
2. He used (dance) a lot but he has had no opportunity of doing it since he began
preparing for the exam.
3.1 like (skate) and skiing but it is very difficult for me to say which I like the
4. We highly appreciate (you, want) to help our son.
5. We don't remember (you, say) before that John wanted to buy our car.
6. We got tired of waiting for him (come).
IIII. What book would you take with you on holiday and why?
llVtODEL 15
I. Read the text and comment on it.
Every day hundreds ofshoppers stand in front ofdozens oftypes ofdetergents,
trying to decide which to buy. What are they looking at? It could be the size or
the shape of the box. It may be the colors used or the names selected for each
product. Perhaps something about the product rings a beli. They may remember
a slogan or ad used for the product on television. What happens to you? What makes
you buy this and not that type of coffee? What influences you decision? Your
subconscious may influence you by reminding you about something special
regarding the product which you cannot remember any longer. (Shopping)
II. Rephrase the sencences using: must/may/can't.
1. Probably it was already late.
2.1'm sure you are cold.
3. It is unlikely that the boy behaves so rudely.
4. It is possible to rain in the mountains.
5. Perhaps he is still loving her.
6. It is impossible for him to say such a thing.
III. Narrate a famous novei turned into a movie. What did it gain and what did it lose?
!• Read the text and comment on it.
Ifyou were going to spend the rest of your days in some wild place and could
take onlyfive books with you, which five would you choose? This was a question
thatfaced many of the earliest colonists who came to live in America. Whether
they were French, Spanish, Dutch or English colonists, they would have taken
the Bible and other books for religious instruction. Some would have brought along
poetry. Because it was necessary to educate children in the New World, all the
colonists would have brought along instructional books to teach their children
reading, writing and arithmetic. (Which Books Will You Choose?)
H. Complete the following text:
'What will you do when you (grow up), my boy?'
'I want to become a space-ship pilot, so that I (be able) to travel faster than the
fastest planes. I will fly to the moon to see it.'
'Nobody (to perform) that flight yet.'
'Perhaps I'll be the first man to do it. Then I (to establish) a space-station a thoi
sand miles or so up in the sky and at night when people (to look) up they (to se
its lights shining brightly.'
III. Narrate the plot of your favourite novei.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
Some children spend most of their waking hours in instructional classes. Jan
goes to schoolfrom eight to two.five days ofthe week. She attends French clast
es every Monday and Friday and ballet classes every Saturday. As she is veţ
keen on sports she wants to practise swimming, where she also goes twice
; week. The entirefamily attends special classes in Art History on Sunday morn
ing. Recently Jane complained that she had no timefor her friends. She woul
like to gofor a dance, to sit and talk or just listen to music over a cup ofcoffet
But it seems there is never enough timefor everything. (Daily Programmes)
H. Modify the following sentences adding: He said that/He asked me...
. 1.1 have been playing football all day long.
2. Did you see Peter at this match?
3.1 wrote a letter to my brother yesterday.
4. Will you help me?
5. Where do you live, how old are you and where do you come from?
6.1 don't write home every week.
III. Give arguments for and against travelling by plane.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
My name is Chris. I am English and I live in a small town near the sea. In
weeks I am going to be married, and myfuture wife and I expect to be ver
happy. We do not plan to have a honeymoon, because we want to spend twt
weeks to become accustomed to our new way oflife. My mother, who is very tra
ditional, says that our plâns are absurd. She thinks that this period is the hap
piest in one s life and it must be always remembered as something special. Bot'
Sam and I want children, in a while, and together we have special plâns to rais<
them, but they are so different from what our parents think. Its hardfor them A
understand our points. (Family) ,
II. Change the following sentences according to the model.
7 am going to the seaside', Peter said.
MODEL: Peter said that he was going to the seaside.
1. 'I know how to get there, don't worry', Peter said.
2. Tm still reading the book, I haven't finished it yet', she said.
3. 'Why don't you caii on us some day?' she said to Tom.
4. 'He can't have been so rude', Mary said.
5. 'I'll have to buy a new car soon', Jim said.
6. 'I must take a taxi this time or I'll be late again', he thought to himself.
III. What kind of music do you like listening to? Give reasons.
I. Read the text and comment on it.
Afewyears ago it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap, a division bet-
ween youngpeople and their elders. Parents complained that children did not show
them respect and obedience, while children complained that their parents did
not understand them at all. What had gone wrong? One important cause ofthe
generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own
life-style. In more tradiţional societies, where children grow up, they are expect-
ed to live in the same area and in the same style with their parents. But now the
old and the young seem to live in two different worlds. (The Generation Gap)
II. Change the following sentences according to the model
Many people think that Rome is the most interesting city in the world.
MODEL Rome is thought to be the most interesting city in the world.
1. Many people consider that Pavarotti is the best opera singer.
2. They have given their teacher a bunch of wonderful roses.
3. They asked me to teii another story.
4. The cat can't have broken the window.
5. You should teii him the truth.
6. They look after our children properly.
III. What is so wonderful about having a hobby that you would advise others to take
one up?
I. Read the text and comment on it.
As a result ofthe modernization of agriculture, thefarm oftoday looks a lot like
afactory, because machines do a lot ofthe working. Not everyone is happy with
the changes that have taken place on the farm. Some people say that the eggs
that come from farm factory chickens lack the flavor ofthe old-fashioned kind.
Fruits and vegetables are no longer grown for flavor but for their ability to be
quickly harvested. But still there can be no coming back. The machines are milk-
ing the cows, they arefeeding thepigs or they are plowing thefields while the
farmer is to befound in front ofthe computer studying the weather conditions.
(Modern Farming)
II. Add the proper tag-questions to the following sentences:
1. All Englishmen can speak English, ...?
2. Not all Belgians can speak French,...?
3. You don't try to cheat at cards, ...?
4. There are many people of Spanish origin in the USA, ...?
5. He won't do that, ...?
6. They never say hello to us,...?
III. Speak about a film you have seen which you consider others should also see.
I. Read and comment
- correct reading
- commentary
- interesting/original approach
II. Rephrase
- each cprrect transformation
III. Monologue
- completion of task (describe, explain, argue)
- appropriate vocabulary
- correct grammar structures
- coherence of ideas, balanced presentation
- interesting details/relevant arguments
6 sentences x 5 p
15 p.
25 p.
= 30p.
10 p.
10 p.
Total test: 90 p. + 10 p. din oficiu = 100 p.
1. Jim's sister inquired when he had arrived.
2. Geography is an easier subject than Physics.
3. You cannot vote unless you are eighteen.
4. If I hadn't been tired I would have gone to the disco.
5. Who was the wall painted by?
6. It's years since I haven't enjoyed myself so much/since I last enjoyed myself se
1. It's over/It's been over a month since we had heavy rain.
2. The Browns wish they had stayed in a better hotel.
3. Were all the letters given to you by the postman?
4 His wife inquired about what he had told him.
5. It looks as if it is another sunny day/ it looks like being another sunny day.
6. He must have been late.
1. Ann would rather have her son stay at home than leave for the mountains/Ann
would rather her son stayed at home than left for the mountains.
2. Stories are told by grandma all day long.
3. If the car hadn't been so expensive, we would have rented one.
4. The woman wanted to know whose magazine that was.
5. She told him that unless he changed she wouldn't want to see him any more.
6. Tomorrow it may/might rain.
1. Unless the firm receives the payment soon, the deal is off.
2. Jane is having her wedding dress made by a young dressmaker.
3. 'It's high time you told him the truth,' said Joe's mother/'It's high time he was
told the truth'...
4. The Chinese are believed to have invented paper.
5. This is the first time I've seen the film.
6. The customer insisted on speaking to the headmaster.
1. All the applicants will be interviewed by the manager.
2. The teacher asked Susan where her homework was.
3. The guide said that we shouldn't leave any money in the room.
4. Chris swims better than Bob.
5. A straight answer was given to him last night/He was given a straight answer...
6. If I had had enough money I could have bought the book.
1. Andy asked not to be woken up early the next morning.
2. The table was too heavy for the old lady to move.
3. We couldn't have continued our way.
4. Roses were being planted all over the place.
5. Nick and Ann have been engaged for six months.
6. Mary went to the concert in spiţe of being tired.

1. If I had known your number I could have telephoned you.
2. What about trying the new restaurant for dinner next Saturday?
3. Philip's parents would rather he didn't ride a motorbike.
4. Nick asked me how I had managed to arrive in time.
5. She musl-liave been very beautiful.
6. The book has been (being) written for almost a year.
1. The boy was forced by the woman to give the money back.
2. Jane would rather go to the cinema than stay at home.
3. She couldn't have behaved like that.
4. In spiţe of being hurt he managed to arrive home.
5. They have been playing football for three hours.
6. If you smell smoke, press the button.
1. The shop-assistant said that he couldn't give him/her the money back.
2. We may not move into our new flat this month.
3. He might have left the town.
4. If Paul had not woken up late he wouldn't have missed the train.
5. A parcei was sent by them to their parents.
6. His dad asked him what he had done there.
1. John apologized for having been so bad-tempered that morning.
2. Sarah has been playing tennis for three years.
3. This is the first time we have visited the museum.
4. The letter was written last week.
5. Jane asked me who my teacher had been.
6. Having seen you, I went home.

1. have been building 2. are you looking for 3. has rained/has been raining 4. have ]
been living 5. has written/has been writing 6. are thinking/have thought.
1. rang 2. had already spent 3. had been driving 4. had I entered 5. haven't eaten]
6. didn't come.
1. has been raining 2. discovered 3. was playing 4. have been living 5. have passed j
6. had listened.
1. to finish 2. to dance 3. skating 4. your wanting 5. your saying 6. to come.
1. It must have been already late.
2. You must be cold.
3. The boy can't behave so rudely.
4. It may/might rain in the mountains.
5. He must be still loving her.
6. He can't say such a thing.

grow up, will/should be able, has performed, will establish, look, will see.
1. He said that he had been playing football all day long.
2. He asked me if I had seen Peter at that match.
3. He said that he had written a letter to his brother the day before.
4. He asked me if I would help him/He asked me to help him.
5. He asked me where I lived, how old I was and where I came from.
6. He said that he didn't write home every week.
1. Peter asked me not to worry because he knew how to get there.
2. She said that/explained that she was still reading the book as she hadn't finished
it yet.
3. She suggested Tom's calling on them some day/that Tom should caii on them
some day.
4. Mary said that he couldn't have been so rude.
5. Jim said that he would have to buy a new car soon.
6. He thought to himself that he had to take a taxi that time or he would be late again.
1. Pavarotti is considered to be the best opera singer.
2. The teacher has been given a bunch of wonderful roses/A bunch of wonderful
roses has been given to the teacher.
3.1 was asked to teii another story.
4. The window can't have been broken by the cat.
5. He should be told the truth/The truth should be told to him.
6. Our children are properly looked after.
1. can't they 2. can they 3. do you 4. aren't there 5. will he 6. do they.


3.1 (see) you yesterday. You (cross) the street, but you (not see) me.
4. When you (enter) the room, I (listen) to the radio.
5. 'Where is John?' 'He just (go) out. He (leave) ten minutes ago.'
6. It was midnight. Everybody (go) to bed when we (get) home.
III. What arguments would you bring a foreigner in order to convince him/her that
România is worth visiting?
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
/ decided to run away to my aunt Miss Betsy. I had never seen her but I had
heard ofherfrom my mother. She had often spoken about Miss Betsy, calling her
a strânge but kind woman. I had thought ofit again and again since the night
when this idea fir st came to me. I did not even know where Miss Betsy lived. I
only remembered that it was somewhere near the town of Dover. But where else
could I go?
II. Fiii in the blanks with since or for.
1. Mary has known Alice ... three years, but I have only known her .... New
Year's Eve.
2.1 haven't met my friend ... Monday, that is ... almost a week.
3. Daisy hasn't written to her grandmother ... her birthday, so Daisy's grand-
mother hasn't heard from her ... two months.
4.1 haven't seen a play ... several weeks; I haven't seen any play ... March.
5.1 haven't had a cup of coffee ... yesterday and I haven't eaten anything ...
five hours.
6. She has been studying English ... three years; she has been studying it ...
quite a long time.
III. Describe your native town or village.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
/ was afraid to lose my money, so I put it into my mouth. Suddenly the long-
legged young man hit me under the chin and my money flew out ofmy mouth
into his hand.
'You give my money back, ifyouplease', I said, very much frightened.
But the young manjumped into the cart, sat on my box and drove away. I burst
into tears and ran after him as fast as I could. Now I lost him, now I saw him,
now I lost him again. Ifell down, got up again and ran on.
II. Supply the correct tense ofthe verbs in brackets:
1.1 (learn) English for the last two years, and now I (study) French, too.
2. Now he (paint) a portrait. It is the third portrait he (paint) this year.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
Since the introduction of video fdms in Britain, children do not go to fhe cinema
as much as they did in thepast. They simply have to go to a video shop to select
their favourite film. They can rent itfor a couple ofpounds and keep itfor one
day. Also television companies now show many films in order to compete with
cinemas andvideos. As a result, the choice of films is verygreat. Because of this,
a visit to the cinema is a special occasion.
II. Fiii in the blanks with the right preposition:
1. David Copperfield went... Dover ... foot.
2.1 live ... the country, but she lives ... the seaside.
3. He came ... the room and sat down ... the couch.
4. Why aren't you ... work now? Fm ill. I have to stay ... bed.
5. David put the box ... the cart. He put his money ... his mouth.
6. David's money flew ... his mouth ... the young man's hand.
III. Speak about a Romanian resort you like most. Motivate your choice.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
At last, after I had walked for a whole day, Isaw some houses in front ofme. I went
into a Hule shop and asked if they knew where Miss Trotwood lived. A young
woman, who was buying something at that moment, turned round quickly.
'My mistress? 'she said. She asked me what I wanted with her mistress.
I answered that I wanted to speak to Miss Trotwood. Taking her little basket, the
young woman walked out ofthe shop and told me to follow her. She said she
would show me where Miss Trotwood lived.
II- Complete these sentences. Make all the necessary changes:
1. Bill was delighted with his birthday present. He said that........................(Tve always wanted a
2. Mary admitted that .................................................................. ('I saw the accident yesterday.')
3. Peter was very late. He explained that..........................................................('I missed the train'.)
4.1 was surprised when John said that ..................................................
...............................................................('I have been reading the book for a
month and I haven't finished it yet.')
5.1 didn't know they were from Braşov. Peter said that................................
.......................................('We only moved to Bucharest two years ago.')
6.1 was surprised that Tom hadn't come to my party. But later he explained that
................................................................................................... ('I was really
iii. I had a fever last night.')
III. What are your favourite radio or television programs? Speak about one you par-
ticularly like to watch or listen to.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
Ifollowed the young woman. 1 was so tired and hungry that my legs shook unde
me. Soon we came to apretty little cottage with a small gardenfull offlower
in front of it.
The young woman said that it was Miss Trotwood's house. She hurried into th
cottage and left me standing at the garden gate.
By this time my shoes, my shirt and trousers and my hat were torn and terribl
dirty. My face, neck and hands were dark brown. I was covered with dustfron
head tofoot.
II. Complete the following sentences. Use Indirect Speech.
1. 'Who is he?' The teacher had no idea..........................................................
2. 'Where does he come from?' He asked............................................................
3. 'Can she speak English?' He wondered........................................................
4. 'Has she been here long?' He didn't know..................................................
5. 'Do your parents know about it?' He asked them .................................
6. 'Are you going to teii them about it?' He wanted to know.......................
III. What is the latest film you have seen? Speak about it.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
I stood still for some time, when a lady came out of the house.
I knew at once that the lady was Miss Betsy, because she looked exactly as my j
mother had described her.
'Go away', said Miss Betsy, shaking her head, 'go away, no boys here!'
Shakingfrom head tofoot I watched her. She went to a corner of her garden and j
started to dig up aflower. I went in quietly and stood behind her.
'Ifyou please, Aunt', I began.
'Eh,' cried Miss Betsy in great surprise.
II. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense. There are two or three possibilities
1. If he (work) harder and (stop) playing so much, he (be) one of the best pupils
in his class.
2.1 (be) very happy if I (know) how to help Diana. But Fve no idea.
3. If Cristine (hear) anything new this afternoon, which I think she will, she (let)
you know at once.
4. If I (meet) Mary yesterday, I (teii) her about the performance.
5. Paul certainly (answer) the phone if he (be) at home.
6. It was a good thing it didn't rain last Sunday. But what you (do) if it (rain)?
III. You certainly have a favourite singer or group. Speak about him/her/them.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
'Ifyou please, Aunt, I am your nephew.'
'Oh, Lord!'said my aunt. And sat right down in the garden path.
I began to teii her that I was David Copperfield, that I had been very unhappy
since my mother died, that nobody had taught me anything all this time, that my
stepfather had been very unkind to me and had sent me to work. I said that all
this had made me run away to her because I hoped she would protect me. Here
I burst into tears... Then she got up in a great hurry and took me into her house,
repeating 'Oh, Lord!' every moment.
II. Complete these sentences with do or make in the right form:
1. Mr. Pop is in town, as he has to.............the shopping for next week.
2. Mary is busy in the kitchen as she wants to ............. a birthday cake for
3. Angela has.............a dress for her sister. She has really.............a very good
job on it; the dress looks very pretty.
4.1'll.............the washing up ifyou promise to.............the beds.
5. Can you stop.............badjokes? I promise best.
6. Pay more attention when you...............your homework. You.............a lot of
mistakes in your last paper.
III. Speak about the last school-day you spent in the high-school.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
Dorothy and Toto followed the Yellow Brick Road for many miles. After a while
they stopped beside a large maize field and sat down to rest. It was a bright
sunny day and a light wind was blowing.
Not toofar away, high on a pole, Dorothy could see a Scarecrow. The Scare-
crow 's head was a small sack stuffed with straw. On itsface someone hadpaint-
ed two eyes, a nose and a mouth. The Scarecrow was dressed in a blue suit and
wore black shoes and an old straw hat. While Dorothy was looking at the
Scarecrow, she suddenly saw its eyes open and looked at her.
II. Connect the following sentences using whose as a connective:
1. The boys will go on a trip. Their marks are good.
2. The man is an engineer. You are looking at his son.
3. The room is our classroom. Its door is open.
4. The boy is paying us a visit tonight. You talked to his sister.
5. The cat belongs to our neighbour. Its tail is very long.
6. The boy is absent. His brother is ill.
III. Which is the latest book you have read? Speak about it.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
/ asked the young man at the booking-office ifl could have two tickets, and he
answered 'Nol'and shut the window in my face.
'He talks to me like this because he doesn 't know who I am. Ifhe knew...'
But myfriend stopped me. 'Don 't talk such nonsense', he said, 'ifhe knew who
you are, do you think it would help you get a vacant seat in a train which has
no vacant seats in it?'
That was too much. Ifound an official and said very politely that my nome was
Mark Twain and... But he turned his back on me.
II. Place a relative pronoun in the spaces only when it is necessary:
1. The sitting next to him is his brother.
2. The man...........cut your hair did it very badly.
3. Where's the shop...........sells picture postcards?
4. What's the are listening to?
5. There's the has been stolen.
6. The are drinking from hasn't been washed.
III. Do you remember a funny incident in your school life? Speak about it.
I. Read the text and then comment upon it:
/ looked around unhappily but just then I noticed that the young porter of a
sleeping-car hâd his eyes on me. He said something to the conductor pointing
to me, and the conductor came to me, smiling politely.
'Can I be ofany help, sir?'he said. 'Will you have a place in the sleeper?'
'Yes, certainly,' I said.
'We have nothing left except the bigfamily compartment,' he continued. 'Here,
Tom, take this luggage to the bigfamily compartment.'
Then I turned to myfriend and smiled, 'Well, what do you say now?'
II. Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice:
1. The cat stole the meat from the kitchen table.
2. You must write this essay all over again.
3. They have built a new theatre in our town.
4. Next year they will build a new bridge over the Danube.
5.1 am afraid nobody can meet aunt Martha at the station.
6. What did you write it with?
III. Television is part of our daily life. Does it play a positive or a negative role?
Motivate your choice.
I. Read and comment
- correct reading
- commentary
- interesting/original approach
II. Various types of exercises
(supply the correct tense, turn into Indirect Speech, etc.)
- each correct sentence
6 sentences x 5 p
III. Monologue
- completion of task (describe, speak about, argue)
- correct grammar structures
- appropriate vocabulary
- balanced presentation, coherence of ideas
- interesting details, relevant arguments
- correct pronunciation, intonation
15 p.
25 p.
= 30p.
10 p.
35 p.
Total test: 90 p. + 10 p. din oficiu = 100 p.
1- for, since; 2. since, for; 3. since, for; 4. for, since; 5. since, for: 6. for, for.
1. have been learning, am studying; 2. is painting, has painted; 3. saw, were cross-
ing, did not see; 4. entered, was listening; 5. has just gone out, left; 6. had gone, got.
1. to, on; 2. in, at; 3. into, on; 4. at, in; 5. on, into; 6. out of, into.
1. ... he had always wanted a watch.
2. .
11\~ unu mmm ,

she had seen the accident the day before.

he had missed the train.
he had been reading the book for a month and he hadn't finished it yet.
they had only moved to Bucharest two years before.
he had been really ill and he had had a fever the night before.
1. The meat was stolen by the cat from the kitchen table.
2. This essay must be written all over again.
3. A new theatre has been built in our town.
4. Next year a new bridge will be built over the Danube.
5.1 am afraid aunt Martha cannot be met at the station.
6. What was it written with?

■ 1. ... who he was.
2. ... where he came from.
3. ... if/whether she could speak English.
4. ... if she had been there long.
5. ... if their parents knew about it.
6. ... if he/she was going to teii them about it.
1. worked, stopped, would be/had worked, had stopped, would have been; 2. would
be, knew; 3. hears, will let; 4. had met, would have told; 5. will answer, is/would
answer, were/would have answered, had been; 6. would you have done, had
1. do; 2. make; 3. made, done; 4. do, make; 5. making, do; 6. do, made.
1. The boys whose marks are good will go on a trip.
2. The man whose son you are looking at is an engineer.
3. The room whose door is open is our classroom.
4. The boy whose sister you talked to is paying us a visit tonight.
5. The cat whose tail is very long belongs to our neighbour.
6. The boy whose brother is ill is absent.
1. who; 2. who; 3. which; 4. —; 5. whose; 6. —.

Model 10
1. The meal was stolen by the cat from the kitchen table.
2. This essay must be written all over again.
3. A new theatre has been built in our town.
4. Next year a new bridge will be built over the Danube.
5. I am afraid aunt Martha cannot be met at the station.
6. What was it written with
Proba scrisă
5-7 ore pe săptămână
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
Patriotism is like religion, those who believe in it view the rest ofus as sin-
ners, condemned to purgatory — or at least to an uncozy predicament in the
here and now. The notion that one owes an obligation to one's country is
absurd. Our obligations should be to ourselves and ourfellow living beings,
not to some bloodless concoction ofbygone rulers. Our loyalties should not
stop at the border. The United States can kill two million Indochinese, but
Americans concern themselves only with the less than 60,000 U.S. soldiers
whofell in the fetid conflict of Vietnam. Something's not right about that, and
that something is patriotism. (Matthew Rotschild, Put Out No Flags)
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (abou
300 words).
II. Translate into English:
După o vreme, el m-a întrebat unde merg. l-am răspuns simplu şi adevărat că
merg în satul F. să caut un om care nu mai este. Mai fusesem şi prin alte sate,
dar fără rezultat; nimeni nu ştia, nici măcar nu auzise de el. l-am mai spus fos-
tului preot că plecasem la drum spre satul F. fără vreo speranţă că am să aflu
ceva. Despre întâlnirea ofiţerului cu soldatul care a pierit, nu peste multa
vreme, pe malul unui fluviu (nu ştia pe malul cărui fluviu) se zicea că ar fi auzit
ceva învăţătorul sau fratele învăţătorului din satul F. (Ştefan Bănulescu, Iarna
III. 'AII power corrupts.' Enlarge upon the above referring either to a literary text
you have studied or to your own experience (250 words).
I. a. Sum-up the following text in no more than 50 words:
It is difficult to characterize in a phrase a state that takes in over a thousat
miles of coastline, a variety oflandscapes and more than 22 million people.
Nevertheless, it is often said that California is not just a state but a state of
mind. For some, it represents the final embodiment ojAmerica's front ier spirit;
for others, it is a version of El Dorado, a place to find fortunes or spendfor-
tunes made elsewhere. California is the nation 's leader in fads, fashiort
and self-indulgence. Californians, the saying goes, are just like the rest ofus,
only more so.
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
II. Translate into English:
Cu toate că trecuseră aproape zece ani şi în răstimp se rostogolise peste toţi un
război, Aristide nu uita nici acum istoria din anul acela, cu bătaia lui Tache la
moară. Ţugurlan se întorsese de la puşcărie după câteva luni... Numai puţini
ştiau — şi îi dădeau dreptate — că nu din pricina lui fi-său Tache nu-l iertase
de la bun început pe Ţugurlan, ci pentru că ăla sărise la el în faţa primăriei şi îl
dăduse cu ceafa de perete şi îi crăpase pielea capului. (Marin Preda, Morometiî)
III. As a teenager have you ever thought like Huck: 'What's the use you learning to
do right when it's troublesome to do right and ain't no trouble to do wrong, and
the wages is just the same?' If you have, give your reasons. If you haven't, give
Huck's reasons. (250 words)
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
Ever since business began to operate in the beginnings of the Industrial
Revolution, it has generally done so with a total disregard for the environ-
ment. Business, any business, has to be very cost-conscious if it is going to
exist long in a free-market society. At least that is what we are told by
American business as itfights any of the laws which would place restrictions
on the manner in which it dumps its wastes into the atmosphere, or the eco-
sphere in general. If business puts into the production line the types ofequip-
ment which will clean up the residue so that what comes out of the smoke-
stack is nothing but steam, ihey recognize that a number ofthings will have
to occur. In the short run, ifthey do this and other competing businesses do
not do this, their costs of production will rise while that oftheir competition
will not; ifthe levels ofprofits are to remain high enough to satisfy the stock-
holders, then the market price of the good will have to be increased...
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
H. Translate into English:
Moromete avea uneori obiceiul — semnde bătrâneţe sau poate nevoia de a se
convinge că şi cele mai întortocheate gânduri pot căpăta glas — de ase retrage
pe undeva în grădină sau prin spatele casei şi de a vorbi singur.
„Auzi ce idee", reflectă el cu glas şoptit, oprindu-se lângă poarta grădinii.
,,Dacă ar fi aşa, că din cauza păcatelor nu poţi dormi — continuă el — ar
însemna că Paraschiv al meu, care când se apucă să doarmă, doarme până iese
apă de sub el... ar însemna — şi aici Moromete se întrerupse şi gândi restul în
tăcere — ar însemna că e omul cu inima cea mai curată de pe pământ. " (Marin
Preda, Morometiî)
III. 'When I'm with somebody that's corny, I always act corny too.' Enlarge upon
the statement by referring either to the literary text you have studied or to your
own experience. (250 words)
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
The major reasonfor airpollution, especially as one looks at the problems of
hydrocarbons and lead, is the private consumer. In order to savefour to ten
cents per gallon, we Jind people doing away with pollution control devices,
or buying a device which allows them to add regular gas to their tank instead
of being forced to purchase unleaded. This has caused a problem with the
amounts of hydrocarbons and lead in the atmosphere close to the surface, just
as the high smokestack has added to the problem of long-distance pollution.
The problem which is caused is endemic throughout the world... and the
basic cause is the economics of selfinterest (greed) which causes me, as a
consumer, to save as much of my income as possible, just as the business
manager attempts to save the company as much money as possible. I cannot
point a finger ofblame because, ifl do, Ifind three other fingers pointing
back at me...
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words)
II. Translate into English:
Abia când o văzu intrând, Val se trezi din aiurelile lui, îşi dădu seama că e pe
cale sase îmbete, asta n-ar fi fost deloc bine, şi clătinând capul ca spre a scăpa
de nişte viespi, care-ar fi putut să-l înţepe, se simţi dintr-o dată lucid şi stăpân
pe sine. Olga întârziase anume, spre a nu fi pusă în situaţia de a avea o discuţie
înainte cu Sandu, în caz că acesta ar fi venit primul, şi nici cu Val. Astăzi, de
fapt, n-ar fi vrut să vadă pe nici unul. (Marin Sorescu, Trei dinţi din faţă)
III. 'It is never too late to get rid of one's weaknesses.' Enlarge upon the above
referring either to a literary text you have studied or to your own experience.
(250 words)
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
The hordes ofAmericans who roii out ofbed, slip into their Reeboks and run
for an hour in the face of snarling dogs, potenţial muggers and hordes of
Americans heading in the opposite direction on their Schwinn 10-speeds must
wonder sometimes whether it's worth the aggravation. Afier all, ifa rash of
recent books and articles like 'The Exercise Myth' can be believed, the evid-
ence that physical activity leads to a longer and healthier life is based on a
flawed interpretation of cause and effect. It isn't that exercise prolongs life,
the argument goes it's just that people who engage in sports and active occu-
pations are healthier in the jir st place. Moderate exercise, said a report in
last week's New England Journal of Medicine, can add up to two years to a
person 's life.
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
II. Translate into English:
Mici nu ajunseseră bine în Gara de Nord, şi toţi erau pe coridor. în faţa uşii se
făcuse coadă. Când trenul opri, Tudor îl însoţi pe tatăl colegului său, se interesă
când avea tren, un tren care pleca peste o jumătate de oră, întrebă pe cineva
cum putea fi transportat coşciugul. De fapt, de toate aceste probleme, bătrânul
tată, ce-şi găsise o utilitate care să-l scoată din toropeală, se ocupă cu mai
multă aplicaţie decât el — Tudor trebui să constate că prezenţa lui mai mult îl
încurcă. (Marin Sorescu, Trei dinţi din faţă)
III. 'It is hard for a greedy eye to have a loyal heart.' Enlarge upon the above by
referring either to a literary text you have studied or to your own experience
(250 words).
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
A kind of adversary relationship between prinţ journalism and electronic
journalism exists and has existed for many years in the United States. The
journalism ofsight and sound is the only truly new form of journalism to
come along. It is a mass medium, a universal medium; as the American pub-
lic-education systern is the world's first effort to teach everyone, sofar as that
is possible. It has serious built-in limitations as well as advantages, com-
pared with prinţ. Broadcast news operates in linear time, a newspaper or
magazine reader can be his own editor in a vital sense. He can glance over
it and decide what to read and what to pass by. The TV viewer is a restless
prisoner, obliged to sit through what does not interest him to get to what may
interest him. While it is being shown, a local bus accident has as much impact,
seems as important, as an outbreak of a big war. He can do little about this,
little about the viewer 's unconscious resentments. (Eric Sevareid, Saturday
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words)
II. Translate into English:
Când, întorcăndu-se în oraş, trecură din nou prin faţa casei profesorului, vă-
zură deschisă uşa pe care ei o închiseseră cu grijă. Opriră maşina, săriră din
ea şi intrară repede înăuntru.
In mijlocul vrafului de hârtii, atentă, cercetându-le şi scotocind, fata era acolo,
cu părul negru căzăndu-i pe frunte, ca un decor nelipsit al holului auster, cu
mobila demodată.
— Aha, va să zică ne era dat să ne mai vedem, domnişoară, spuse răutăcios I
Drăgan, fără să-l impresioneze aceleaşi priviri mirate şi nevinovate pe care i le
arunca fata.
— De ce să nu ne vedem ? întrebă ea, răguşită de emoţie. (Corneliu Leu, Faptele 1
de arme ale unor civili în secolul războaielor mondiale sau ce înseamnă I
III. When we talk about prejudice we often think immediately of prejudice on I
grounds of race or colour, but there are still other kinds of prejudice. Give exam- I
ples by referring either to a literary text you have studied or to your own expe- 1
rience. (250 words)
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
One of the governing myths ofour times has it that democracy is a synonym
for the marketplace. Politicians and economists alike speak about 'democratic
markets' and a free market society' as if to introduce a market economy is\
tantamount to establishing a democraticpolicy. Yet infact, thefreedom to buy\
a Coke or a video of the Lion King is not yet thefreedom to determine how
we will live and under what kind ofregime. Historically, it is not capitalism
that producea democracy, but democracy that producea capitalism. Capitalism I
needs democracy but does not know how to create or sustain it and frequently
produces circumstances that may undermine it. (Benjamin R. Barber)
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
II. Translate into English:
Când îşi aduse aminte de Vasiliu, Drăgan se mohorî. „Acum crede că eu m-am
străduit să-i lămuresc pentru ca să mă ajute s-ajung primar", îşi spuse. Şi, farm
să stea pe gânduri, puse mâna pe telefon. De la regiment i se răspunse că\
Vasiliu este acasă, dar vigilenţa militară funcţiona atât de bine că nu i se dădu
adresa. Drăgan mormăi ceva şi trânti receptorul. Ce dobitoci! Ca şi cum el..l
Băgă mâna în buzunarul pantalonilor şi scoase de-acolo un portofel. Pe una din1
hârtii găsi notată adresa căpitanului. Dădu mulţumit din cap; era aşa cum îşi spuJ
şese el că ştie — o stradă apropiată, pe-aici, prin spatele pieţei... (Corneliu L<
Faptele de arme ale unor civili în secolul războaielor mondiale sau ce înseai
nă puterea)
III. 'No disguise can long conceal Iove where it exists, or long feign where it is lack-
ing' (La Rochefoucauld). Enlarge upon the above by referring either to a liter-
ary text you have studied or to your own experience (250 words).
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
Since the middle ofthis century British society has been altered by the arrivcA
of a large number of immigrants, most of them from former colonies ofthâ
old Empire. This new diversity ofraces and cultures has sometimes caused
tensions, particularly in inner-city areas where most immigrants have settled.
But although there are still outbreaks of racial intolerance, the mqjority of
people now accept that immigration has enriched British life in many ways.
Slowly but surely integration is taking place and that, while the most recent
arrivals in this country have been changed by their experience, they have also
changed the country ofwhich they are now citizens. (John Thompson, BBC
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words)
II. Translate into English:
Săreînvii din nou ca pasărea Phoenix e desigur o problemă extraordinară. Dar,
oricâte mizerii te-ar abate, oricâte dezastre ar fi să ţi se întâmple, eşti dator să
păstrezi scânteia care mai arde în tine şi s-o aţâţi din nou, s-o faci flacără.
Visurile, pe care le-am visat şi am încercat să le încheg, va trebui să renunţ la
ele, căci nu poţi visa de două ori acelaşi lucru, precum nu te poţi scălda de două
ori în acelaşi fluviu. (Dimitrie Anghel, Triumful vieţii)
III. 'It does take a great kind of a man to crack the jungle.' Explain the symbolic
meaning of the quotation; enlarge upon the above by referring to a literary text
you have studied or to your own experience. (250 words)
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
îs Michael Jordan sick? Or does he simply have an insatiable — and laud-
able — competitive streak that led to his purportedly massive gambling
debts? The vast majority of American men and a goodly number ofwomen
have opinions on these things and willfreely express them upon anyprovoca-
tion. If there is a common language in socially atomized, economically stress-
ful, morally wandering American, it revolves around sports. As the pre-emi-
nent sportswriter Thomas Boswell has put it, 'Sports may be what Americans
talk about best. With the most knowledge. The most passion. The most hu-
mour. The most capacity for cheerful change ofmind. It has become one of
our best ways of probingpeople, sounding their depths, judging their values.'
(Harrison Rainie, U.S. TVeivs/1993)
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
H. Translate into English:
Ca să nu se întâlnească cu cineva, preferă scara de serviciu aflată în aripa
dreaptă; chiar se bucură de această soluţie, care l-ar fi ferit de ochii curioşilor,
dar la intrarea aceea puţin utilizată, folosită îndeobşte de infirmiere, îl aştepta
Nana. „Am crezut că lectura regulamentului este suficientă pentru un om ca
dumneata ", începu sora Nana luănd-o înainte pe scări şi obligăndu-l în felul
acesta s-o urmeze, „dar văd că şi dumneata faci parte din categoria oamenilor
nedisciplinaţi." (Petre Sălcudeanu, Biblioteca din Alexandria)
'Tragedy shows us a moral will engaged in an unequal struggle with destiny,
whether that destiny be represented by the forces within or without the mind.'
Enlarge upon the above by referring to a literary character or to your own expe-
rience. (250 words)

a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
Truth is an attitude of the mind. It is important, ifone does not wish to incon-
venience and to bore one sfriends, not to teii lies. But it is more important not
to think lies, or to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits ofthought
which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude. The Vic-
torian habit of mind was unduly preoccupied by what was socially and morally
convenient. Convenience is, however, in all affairs oflife, an execrable test of
value. One should have the courage to think uncomfortably, since it is only
by rejecting the convenient that one can come to think the truth. (Harold
Nicolson, On Telling the Truth)
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
[. Translate into English:
Din zori ploua neîntrerupt, apele noroioase inundau străzile răspândind peste
târg un miros straniu de toamnă timpurie. Oraşul, terorizat de un cer jos,
nesuferit, părea că se află la sfârşitul unei chinuitoare agonii. Dormisem în la-
borator, îmi terminasem treburile foarte târziu şi mi se făcuse lehamite să mai
defilez până acasă unde ştiam precis că mi se va face foame — numai la insti-
tut am sentimentul că nu trebuie să mănânc — or nu aveam, de mult, nici o re-
zervă şi în plus eram atât de obosit încât bănuiam că nu voi reuşi să adorm prea
repede în patul meu multimilenar, gălăgios şi rece. (Augustin Buzura, Absenţii)
I. 'A valiant man's look is more than a coward's sword.' Enlarge upon the above
by referring either to a literary text you have studied or to your own experience
(250 words).
I. a. Sum-up
- synthesis of essential ideas/information in the text
- correct transformation/contraction of the text
b. Commentary
10 p.
10 p.
20 p.
40 p.
- appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures 6 structures x 3 p. = 18 p.
- accurate spelling and punctuation 6 p.
- appropriate style 6 p.
30 p.
III. Essay writing
- completion of task (narrate, describe, argue) 10 p.
- appropriate vocabulary and correct grammar structures/
accurate spelling 5 p.
- coherence and clarity of ideas, interesting/
adequate details or relevant arguments 5 p.
20 p.
Total test: 90 p. + 10 p. din oficiu = 100 p.
I. a. Pentru a realiza rezumatul unui text sunt necesare următoarele etape:
- găsirea ideii principale a paragrafului — ceea ce se exprimă printr-o
topic sentence şi care, de regulă, se află la începutul paragrafului. în cazul
de faţă propoziţia este:
'The notion that one owes an obligation to one's country is absurd.'
- selectarea elementelor importante, evitând, pe cât posibil, repetarea
cuvintelor din text;
- evitarea exemplelor nerelevante. De pildă propoziţiile care se referă la
războiul din Vietnam reprezintă doar exemple care susţin ideea principală.
O posibilă versiune de rezumat este următoarea:
'We as human beings should have no obligation towards our country but
towards our fellow beings first of all. Patriotism is just a notion created by
rulers in order to make us feel guilty of not obeying the rules. In the name of
patriotism we could kill innocent people without any regret.'
b. Comentariul presupune o interpretare personală a textului prin care candida-
tul îşi va exprima părerile pro sau contra ideilor conţinute în text. Important
este ca aceste păreri/opinii să fie susţinute cu argumente şi exemple, iar dis-
cursul să fie clar, logic şi coerent, într-o limbă engleză fluentă şi corectă.
II. La retroversiune, elementele care se notează sunt următoarele:
- structurile gramaticale;
- adecvarea vocabularului ales la textul dat;
- ortografia.
De exemplu, pentru textul de la modelul 1 problemele urmărite sunt:
- Indirect Speech ('he asked me where I was going'), corespondenţa timpurilor,
completiva directă;
the Passive: 'It was said that the schoolmaster or the schoolmaster's brother
~ in the village F. had heard something about it.'
Subiectul poate fi tratat sau pnn referire la un text studiat în şcoală, de exemplu
fragmentul din Mius Caesar şi jocul pentru putere, sau în mod liber, cu referiri
Se exemple luate din literatură ori din viaţă. Exemplele sunt elementul care
dă vSţă oricăror idei generale. Frazele care cuprind mulţi should şi must nu fac
impresie bună pentru că nu conving.
3. Propoziţia ce conţine ideea principală este: 'The major reason for air pollu-
tion ... is the private consumer.'
Un posibil rezumat:
'Air pollution is mainly due to the private consumer who does away with all
possible ways of controlling pollution because he wants to save some cents
of his income just as the manager tries to save his business as much money
as possible by not using pollution control devices.'
b. Comentariul presupune o interpretare personală a textului prin care candida-
tul îşi va exprima părerile pro sau contra ideilor conţinute în text. Important
este ca aceste păreri/opinii să fie susţinute cu argumente şi exemple, iar dis-
cursul să fie clar, logic şi coerent, într-o limbă engleză fluentă şi corectă.
. Problemele urmărite în acest text sunt următoarele:
- Sequence of Tenses: 'he realised that he was about to get drunk'
- Comparative Clause (as z/structure): 'shaking his head as if he wanted to get
rid of some wasps'
- Purpose Clause: 'Olga had chosen to be late so that she should not be obliged
to have a discussion with Sandu ...
- either/neither: 'Today, in fact, she wouldn't have liked to see either of them.'
1. Subiectul poate fi tratat fie prin referire la Hemingway, The Short Happy Life Of
Francis Macomber, fie la alte exemple cunoscute de candidat.
[lODEL 7
este ca aceste păreri/opinii să fie susţinute cu argumente şi exemple, iar dis-
cursul să fie clar, logic şi coerent, într-o limbă engleză fluentă şi corectă.
II. Problemele urmărite în retroversiune sunt următoarele:
- Purpose Clause: ' that he would help me be elected mayor'
- Sequence of Tenses - tenses used in a narration
- Indirect Speech: ' At the headquarters they answered that Vasiliu was at home
but military secrecy worked so well that he couldn't get the address.'
III. Subiectul se poate trata fie cu referire la povestea lui Romeo şi a Julietei, fie la
orice alta operă literară sau la un exemplu luat din viaţă. Dezvoltarea subiectului
trebuie să înceapă cu explicarea citatului.

3-4 ore pe săptămână
a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
Ifell in Iove with England because it was so quaint-all those Utile houses,
looking terribly old-fashioned but nice like dolls' houses. I loved the coun-
tryside and thepubs, andI lovedLondon. I've slightly changed my mind after
seventeen years because I think it's an unhealthy town now. Things have
changed. For everybody, England represented gentlemen, fair play, good
manners. The fair play is going, unfortunately, and so are the gentlemanly
attitudes and good manners —people slam doors in yourface and courtesy
is vanishing. The cafes are not terribly nice andlspend a lot on taxis because
Iwill not takepublic transport after lOp.m.
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
Translate into English:
Doru (intră cu Livia): Aicea locuieşti?
Livia: Da. La o prietenă. Te urmăresc de-aproape.
Doru: De ce?
Livia: Nu-mi e indiferent ce faci. Nici ce gândeşti.
Doru: Dacă ar fi aşa, ar fi mai bine decât crezi.
Livia: Crezi? Cu cât mă gândesc mai mult, cu atât te înţeleg mai puţin.
, Enlarge upon the following. 'A man can be destroyed, but never defeated' (250
any other country. We also know that America meansfor many dreams, prom-
ises, myths, legends and hopes.
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
II. Translate into English:
Cu Hans am fost coleg din primele clase de liceu, apoi părinţii mei mutându-se
la Bucureşti a trebuit să plec şi eu.
Nu ştiu dacă vă plac întâlnirile cu foştii colegi, eu unul fug de ele. Dar dacă l-aş
fi văzut pe Hans aş fi fost cu adevărat fericit. Şi aş prefera să stau cu el ore
întregi de vorbă, decât să-i scriu nişte scrisori convenţionale.
III. Describe a teenager of your age. Write about his 'problems' of adjusting to the
adult world (250 words).
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
Why is it that British people are so bad at service? Why is it that I always
have to interrupt shop assistants' conversations in order to get sei-ved? They
are much more interested in gossipping than selling! In restaurants waiters
are either rude or lazy and hate being told there is anyihing the matter with
the food. In supermarkets and banks cashiers close down as soon as you
approach with not so much as an Tm sorry'. It's impossible to make an
appointment with the gas board so you have to take a day offwork and sit
there waiting until they bother to turn up! I could go on and on.
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
II. Translate into English:
Rămăsese deodată îngheţat amintindu-şi de ora cinci şi zece.
— Ce-ai? îl întrebă ea.
— N-am nimic.
— Te-ai făcut palid. Te gândeşti la ceva, nu-i aşa?
— Ţi s-a părut. Poate soarele ăsta puternic e de vină.
Copiii continuau să cânte, ca şi cum nici o piatră nu s-ar fi mişcat pe tot pămân-
tul. Nu le păsa de nimic.
III. What do you think about the generation gap? Write a 250- word essay in which
you may express your opinion about this.
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
According to a recent Health Authority survey, eating habits among the great
majority of teenagers are changing for the better. However, the habit of eat-
ing too many sweet foods still persists. Two out ofthree boys still eat fried
food at least every other day although seventy five per cent now prefer to eat
healthier cereai for breakfast rather than tradiţional British fry-ups'. In
addition, almost all young people appear to be cutting down onfood such as
hamburgers or sausages. The report concluded that sweet snacks are still the
weakness for many young people. Four out offive teenagers still find fizzy
drinks, crisps and chocolate irresistible, and hardly any of the teenagers said
they would give them up.
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
. Translate into English:
Doctor Micu (plimbându-se): Ce curios! Cu inteligenţa lui, cu cartea lui, şi
s-ajungă la vârsta asta fără nici o situaţie. Dacă aş fi fost în locul lui, eram
aranjat până acum.
Măria: Dacă ar fi toţi ca tine...
Doctor Micu: Nu-i place să fie profesor... Şi ce viaţă frumoasă e să fii profesor,
cu orele tale, cu vacanţa ta, linişte... Nu-i ca medicina.
Măria: E timpul să se hotărască. Nu mai putem accepta situaţia asta a lui.
Describe a hero/heroine who is the victim of any kind of prejudice. You may
refer to one of the texts you have studied or to any other novei you have read
(250 words).
a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
Americans' claims for justice rest on the provisions of the United States Con-
stitution. Most of the rights andfreedoms that Americans enjoy are guaran-
teed in thefirst amendments or 'Bill of Rights'of the Constitution. Among the
guarantees are freedom of religion, freedom of the press and freedom to
assemble in public. Citizens have the right to bejudged irva speedy and public
trial by an imparţial jury. If someone feels that these or other legal rights
have been violated, he or she may bring the case to court. States have the
power to establish their own systems of criminal and civil laws, with the
result that each state has its own laws, prisons, police force and state court.
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
Translate into English:
Gherasim: Dane!... Băiatule!... Tu aici! Ce s-a întâmplat? Note rele nu mai ai
de mult şi dacă ai avea ceva probleme sper cămi-ai spune ce se petrece cu tine.
Dan: E impresionant la tine. N-am fost niciodată aici.
Gherasim: Poate.căai mai fost aici, când erai mic; dar de fapt ce ai să-mi spui?
E important, nu-i aşa?
Dan: Depinde de ce crezi tu că-i important pe lume.
Gherasim: Te ascult, Dane. Lasă astea...
Enlarge upon the following statement: 'It does take a great kind of a man to
crack the jungle' (250 words).
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
Unlike air travel, which is regulated internationally, rail travel is in many cases
controlled nationally. The degree of safety of rail travel is therefore highly
variable from country to country. In Britain and the United States rail pas-
senger deaths work out at an average ofless than 10 rail passengers per year.
By far the greatest cause of railway accidents is human error, either in
controlling or responding to signals. Recent improvements in the number of
accidents are in large measure due to the introduction of automatic and com-
puterised signalling equipment.
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
II. Translate into English:
Aş fi dorit să mă fi înşelat, să mă fi minţit degetele. Dar dacă era adevărat?
Dacă profesorul mi-ar fi spus că avusesem dreptate? Stăteam pe coridor, cu
mâinile în buzunar, gândindu-mă. Probabil că era multă durere în aşteptarea
mea, dar şi speranţă. Dacă reuşeam acum? Eram sigur de mine, dar totuşi
aşteptarea asta mă speria.
III. Narrate an incident in which lying might be accepted (250 words).
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
Are we not all fashion victims? A huge industry has evolved telling us what
to wear, who to listen to, where to shop, what to eat, when to laugh, perhaps
even how to think. Teenagers are the most willing victims of all. Go to any
club in Britain or the United States and you will see an anarchy ofbluejeans,
trainers, sweat shirts and baseball caps. Ask teenagers what music they listen
to, what TV shows or movies they watch and you will hear much the same
short list. Yet, each and every one of them believes that he or she is a true
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
II. Translate into English:
. Ana: Poate că da, poate că nu. în zilele alea erau grăbiţi să rezolve cazul şi să
pregătească procesul. Dacă nu ne-ar fi găsit, ne-arfi abandonat... Iar după un
an, eu, liberă, aş fi alergat, aş fi încercat să-l scap...
Autorul: Dar era vinovat.
Ana: Şi oricum, în zilele acelea mi-ar fi rămas intact cel mai mare bun al aces-
tei lumi. Speranţa! Tu, iubitule, mi-ai răpit speranţa. Dintre voi doi, nu ştiu care
e mai vinovat!
III. Describe a town on a rainy November day (250 words).
a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
On the one hand, New York is afocus ofculture andpower. New York's attrac-
tions include spectacular sky-scrapers, Broadway Theatres, outstanding mu-
seums and posh department stores. The city houses the naţional centres of
finance, insurance, advertising and Communications. On the other hand, New
York is a city ofpoverty and deterioration. As America s largest city, with a
population of over 7 million people of various ethnic groups, New York is
plagued by interracial conflicts, slums andfinancial difficulties. New York is
sometimes called 'The meltingpot that didn 't melt'.
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
Translate into English:
N-am să pot uita niciodată ceea ce s-a întâmplat cu ani în urmă la Constanţa,
pe când îmi beam ca de obicei cafeaua. Eram acolo cam de jumătate de oră şi
aş fi preferat să mai stau decât să intru în hotelul îmbâcsit, când deodată văd
un bărbat necunoscut care vine spre mine.
— Ce mai faci şi de când eşti aici?
— Scuzaţi-mă, îi răspund. Poate mă confundaţi, nu cred să vă fi văzut până acum.
, Describe the character of a book you have read, who has undergone a tremend-
ous change due to a dramatic incident (250 words).
a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
Britain is sinking under a deluge ofbooks. With 65,000 new titles published
lastyear and sales in the hundreds ofmillions it seems as ifour appetitefor
printed matter is becoming more and more aggresive year byyear. Bookshops
now have a market of 1,2 billion pounds and that doesn 't include the numer-
ous book clubs and public librar ies.
It appears that a large number of people have discovered that books make the
ideal birthday or Christmas gift — they are relatively cheap, easy tofind and
are culturally and socially acceptable to all levels and sectors ofsociety.
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
. Translate into English:
Mihai îi scrisese fratelui său mai mare şi-i spusese că, dacă nu-l va ajuta, nu va
mai putea trăi în casa aceea. Nădăjduia că el îi va împrumuta ceva bani ca să
poată scăpa de necazul în care se aflau.
Peste câteva luni primi o scrisoare prin care frate-su îl chema la oraş cu Ana,
ca să îi ajute să găsească de lucru. Poate slugi la o casă mare! Mihai şi Ana au
citit scrisoarea până au învăţat-o pe dinafară şi tot nu s-au hotărât. Nu ştiau ce
era mai bine să facă.
III. Give your arguments regarding the role of a historical personality. You may refer
to a text you have studied or to any other novel/play you have read (250 words).
I. a. Sum-up the text in no more than 50 words:
The beginning ofcommercial radio broadcasts in 1920 brought a new source of
information and entertainment directly into American homes. President Franklin
Roosevelt understood the usefulness of radio as a medium of communication:
his fireside chats'kept the nation abreast of economic developments during
the Depression and ofmilitary manoeuvers during World War II.
The widespread availability oftelevision after World War II caused radio ex-
ecutives to rethink their programming. Radio could hardly compete with tele-
vision's visual presentation of drama, comedy andvariety acts; many radio
stations switched to a format ofrecorded music mixed with news andfeatures.
b. Comment upon the text above. Sustain your opinions with arguments (about
300 words).
II. Translate into English:
Visul lui se realizase, devenise puternic şi important. Cu cât muncea mai mult,
cu atât succesul lui era mai mare. Dar totuşi, acum, stătea neclintit şi uimit
ascultând muzica pe care n-o înţelegea. I se părea că dacă ar intra, acolo şi-ar
găsi fericirea. Dar îi era foarte greu să intre şi se gândi că nu mai putea să stea
ore întregi în faţa geamului. Ar fi trebuit să plece. Era însă atât de copleşit de
muzica aceeq, încât prefera să stea acolo în stradă decât să pornească înspre
III. Make a dialogue between a suitor and his future mother/father-in-law. Try to
make it as funny as possible (250 words).
I. a. Sum-up
- synthesis of essential ideas/information in the text
- correct transformation/contraction of the text
b. Commentary
10 p.
10 p.
20 p.
40 p.
II. Translate
- appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures
- accurate spelling and punctuation
- appropriate style
6 structures x 3 p. = 18 p.
30 p.

Essay writing
- completion of task (narrate, describe, argue)
- appropriate vocabulary and correct grammar structures/
accurate spelling
- coherence and clarity of ideas, interesting/adequate details
or relevant arguments
Total test: 90 p. + 10 p. din oficiu
10 p.
20 p.
100 p.
a. Ca şi în cazul subiectului I din biletele de tipul A, primul element care trebuie
căutat este propoziţia care cuprinde ideea principală a textului. în acest caz
propoziţia este 'I fell in Iove with England because it was so quaint'.
Un posibil rezumat este: 'In the past the author loved both the countryside and
London because they were terribly old-fashioned and they brought to mind
such qualities as fair-play and good manners. Now, as things have changed
the author's feelings have changed too.'
b. Comentariul presupune o interpretare personală a textului prin care candida-
tul îşi va exprima părerile pro sau contra ideilor conţinute în text. Important
este ca aceste păreri/opinii să fie susţinute cu argumente şi exemple, iar dis-
cursul să fie clar, logic şi coerent, într-o limbă engleză fluentă şi corectă.
Problemele gramaticale luate în considerare în notarea traducerii sunt urmă-
- Sequence of Tenses
- Comparative Clause: 'The more I think, the less I understand you.'
- neither/nor structure: Tam not indiferrent to what you do, nor to what you
- vocabular şi stil adecvate
Subiectul se poate trata în mod liber sau cu referire la Hemingway, The Short
Happy Life ofFrancis Macomber.
a. Propoziţia care cuprinde idea principală a textului este: 'Americans' claims
for justice rest on the provisions of the United States Constitution.'
Un posibil rezumat este: 'The most important rights, mentioned out of the 10
amendments defined in the Bill of Rights are freedom of religion, freedom of
the press and freedom to assemble in public. Any citizen can bring their case
to court in case they feel their rights have been violated.'
b. Comentariul presupune o interpretare personală a textului prin care candida-
tul îşi va exprima părerile pro sau contra ideilor conţinute în text. Important
este ca aceste păreri/opinii să fie susţinute cu argumente şi exemple, iar dis-
cursul să fie clar, logic şi coerent, într-o limbă engleză fluentă şi corectă.
II. Problemele gramaticale luate în considerare sunt:
- Present Perfect + for/since
- Negation
- Question-tags
- Modal Verbs
III. Subiectul se poate trata liber sau cu referire la piesa lui Arthur Miller studiată în


1-2 ore pe săptămână
)DEL 1
nil in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
reda and John Elms were neighbours of ours until about ten years ago. They
were a happily married ... (1) with three children: Bill, Cathy and Tom. Bill
st have ... (2) about twenty-five at the time, Cathy twenty-one and Tom six-
:een. Bill left... (3) when he got married, but only lived a few streets away. Tom
was the problem, though. He started doing badly at school ... (4) he was about
;welve, then he started going round with a group of boys that his parents didn't
.. (5) at all. They didn't say ... (6) to him, though. They thought he ought to
earn things for ... (7). But it didn't work. He almost ... (8) talking to his par-
mts. Then ... (9) day they found a note from him on the kitchen table saying he
fcad- O0)home.
'ranslate into English:
1. Mama spune că trebuie să tăiem pâinea cât mai subţire.
2. Trebuie să terminaţi raportul până la prânz.
3. Era atât de cald, încât am rugat-o să crape puţin uşa.
4. Noi te-am considerat întotdeauna cea mai bună prietenă a noastră.
. Nici nu a apucat să intre pe uşă că şi-a adus aminte de scrisoarea pe care
uitase să o lase la poştă.
. Am mai întrebat o dată dacă să mă duc sau nu.
Ihildhood is the happiest moment of our life — argue for or against by refer-
Iring either to a literary work you have studied or to your own experience (250-
300 words)
)DEL 2
... (8) than a mile away, and our leader thought that we ... (9) investigate in case
they were gathering over a dead ... (10).
II. Translate into English:
1. Cu multă întârziere a stabilit pe cine să numească în slujba aceea.
2. Nu a vrut să ne citească nici măcar o strofă compusă cu această ocazie.
3. Dacă nu ar fi fost atâtea greşeli de ortografie în compoziţia lui, am fi putut-o
da ca model celorlalţi elevi.
4. Ce-a putut să se întâmple cu nepoţii tăi că nu ţi-au telefonat de atâta vreme?
5. Abia aştept să urmăresc meciul de box la televizor.
6. Tare aş vrea să pot înţelege ce a vrut să scrie nepoata mea în această scrisoare!
III. If I were Romeo ... — teii us the story of Shakespeare's Romeo or imagine a
story of a possible Romeo (250-300 words).
I. Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
Many students visit Britain every summer either as tourists, or to learn the lan-
guage, or to do a combination of the two. If you're thinking ... (1) visiting
Britain, there are a ... (2) of things you should ... (3) ready for. First, ... (4)
weather can be very changeable - even in summer - so you ... (5) know what
it's going to be like. It might be rainy or sunny, hot or cold, so you ... (6) be pre-
pared for everything and ... (7) both summer clothes and warmer ones.
Don't forget that you ... (8) eat in pubs and there the food is often good, varied
and cheap, although if you're under 18 they won't... (9) you drink alcohol with
your meal.
One last thing: if you do come, ... (10) a great holiday!
II. Translate into English:
1. Dacă l-aş fi văzut în timpul şederii sale aici, ar fi fost o ocazie bună să-i re-
amintesc de promisiunea pe care a fâcut-o cândva.
2. Sunt sigură că nu s-ar fi dat jos din pat dacă ar fi fost atât de bolnavă.
3. Prietena mea mi-a spus că va putea veni astăzi la mine, deşi este foarte ocu-
pată şi trebuie să termine o carte pentru a o restitui la bibliotecă.
4. Trenul care a sosit chiar acum este acela de care îţi vorbisem.
5. De-ar veni la timp am putea să prindem începutul spectacolului.
6. Tare aş vrea să ai dreptate.
III. There is a permanent generation gap between parents and children - enlarge
upon it by referring either to a literary text you have studied or to your own
expCrience (250-300 words).
I. Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
We arrived at the hotel last Monday and ... (1) since then it's been raining. You
... (2) imagine how the children feel; they haven't ... (3) able to go swimming
... (4) and for the last three days we've been walking round and round in the
fain and ... (5) very wet.
Yesterday we ... (6) to get tickets for a musical show, and the children had a
good ... (7). We were hoping to visit the zoo, but it doesn't open ... (8) the first
of June. If I had known ... (9) the place was like at this time of year I ... (10)
taken your advice and gone to Spain instead.

-Translate into English:

\. Dacă nu vei putea să mă găseşti la birou, încearcă să telefonezi către prânz la
numărul acesta.
1. M-am întrebat întotdeauna de ce se poartă aşa.
3. Şi-a amintit că nu stinsese focul înainte de a pleca de acasă.
4. Nici nu a apucat să deschidă cartea că a şi adormit.
5. De ar fi fost vreme frumoasă întreaga familie ar fi plecat la cules de cireşe.
6. E timpul să plecăm acasă înainte să înceapă ploaia.
. ţriendship is stronger than colour — enlarge upon it by referring either to a lit-
text you have studied or to your own experience (250-300 words).

. fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
After driving ... (1) two more hours along a country lane, we suddenly saw the
village ... (2) the distance, and soon we ... (3) in the narrow streets. The only
problem ... (4) that we could not find anywhere to ... (5). At the hotel they said
... (6) were no rooms vacant, but when they ... (7) the children waiting in the
car, they offered us ... (8) small room which was ... (9) occupied by staff. The
two children ... (10) to sleep in câmp beds but they enjoyed the adventure.
. franslate into English:
\, S-a schimbat atât de mult în ultima vreme, încât nu l-aş fi recunoscut dacă nu
mi-ai fi spus tu cine este.
% Nici n-a apucat să cunoască adevărul, că a trebuit să renunţe la visele sale
3. Aş vrea să te interesezi la institut dacă va mai avea loc un examen de admitere
în toamnă.
4. Cu cât învaţă mai mult, cu atât se simte mai stăpână pe materia de examen.
5. Prietenul său 1-a rugat să nu plece înainte de a telefona la gară.
i Când au ajuns la teatru, spectacolul se terminase de o jumătate de oră.
. Ţragedy is the tale of a failure of the noble man — enlarge upon it by referring
either to a literary text you have studied or to any other example (250-300
. fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
jlost fires start from ... (1) doing something obviously careless: forgetting to
turn ... (2) a cooker, or dozing off with a lighted ... (2). But there ... (3) be other

fire hazards for your house you haven't ... (4) thought of. We asked a Fire
Prevention Officer ... (5) look round several homes for fire hazards — not only
for things ... (6) might cause or spread a fire, ... (7) also things which might
stop you ... (8) escaping quickly. Plus we give ... (9) information and advice ...
(10) making your home less of a hazard.
II. Translate into English:
1. Li s-a promis că li se vor da pături şi haine noi pentru Crăciun.
2. Dintre cele două surori, Măria era cea mai frumoasă.
3. De n-ar fi răspuns obraznic poliţistului, acum nu şi-ar fi petrecut noaptea de
revelion în arest.
4. Ofiţerul a ordonat soldaţilor săi să cureţe drumul pentru ca toate camioanele
pline cu mâncare să poate trece către graniţă.
5. Măria şi-a adus aminte că trebuie să plătească toate datoriile înainte de întâi
ale lunii următoare.
6. El se poartă de parcă ar fi câştigat toată lumea cu glumele sale nesărate.
III. The 20th century is the century of the common man — enlarge upon it by refer-
ring either to a literary text or to your own experience (250-300 words).
I. Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
Sue smoked 12 to 15 cigarettes a day for five years since she ... (1) 23. After
trying everything, she ... (2) decided to see whether acupuncture ... (3) be the
solution. She went ... (4) a qualified practitioner and it cost 25 pounds ... (5)
session. 'When I went in, the doctor ... (6) asked me why I was there. I ... (7)
him I really wanted to give ... (8) smoking, and that I'd tried lots of times ...
(9), but he didn't say ... (10)'.
II. Translate into English:
1. Măria povestea că se aflase de multe ori în situaţii mai grele decât aceea prin
care trecea.
2. Orice ai crede despre mine, te asigur că nu sunt în stare să fac aşa ceva.
3. Cu cât cântă mai mult la vioară, cu atât îşi dă seama că viitorul lui este mu-
4. E timpul să închidem magazinul şi să plecăm acasă, spuse patronul vânză-
torului său.
5. Dacă ar fi avut dreptate, până acum judecătorul l-ar fi ajutat.
6. Trebuie că a plouat tare de te-ai întors din drum după umbrelă.
III. Travelling is a means of growing up — enlarge upon it referring either to a lit-
erary text you have studied or to your own experience (250-300 words).
I. Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
It all started ... (1) Pete went to the bar and ordered two beers. The barman told
... (2) that he wouldn't serve him and, when Pete ... (3) him the reason he told
him that ... (4) didn't like him and his friends, and they ... (5) to leave. Pete
denied that they had been ... (6) anybody, and accused the barman of... (7) liking
young people with punk haircuts. The policeman suggested ... (8) Pete apolo-
gised to the barman, ... (9) he did. Pete promised not ... (10) make so much
noise in the future.
Translate into English:
1. Ştiam că vei veni dacă te voi chema.
2. Dacă ai fi fost liber să mergi ieri la teatru cu mine, ai fi avut ocazia să vezi
una dintre cele mai bune piese ale anului.
3. Eu l-am invitat şi pe fratele Măriei, dar mi-a răspuns că lucrează la un proiect.
4. Mihai ştia să cânte la pian când avea cinci ani.
5. Noi ne-am mutat în cartier acum zece ani.
6. De îndată ce a ajuns acasă şi-a adus aminte că uitase să cumpere fructe.
It is impossible to Iove and to be wise — enlarge upon it by referring either to
a literary text you have studied or to your own experience (250-300 words).
Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
For the past fifteen years I have been ... (1) in the country and I only moved ...
(2) the centre of London a few weeks ... (3). Of course, I have often visited the
city f.. (4) and I thought I would be ... (5) to the noise and the polluted air. I
had read ... (6) newspapers and magazines that London ... (7) become a lot
cleaner, and that the famous London fog was just a thing of the ... (8). Even
nowadays it is impossible to put out washing in our area, because the air is ...
(9) dirty that the clothes ... (10) to be washed again.
Translate into English:
1. Nu poate merge cu noi în excursie deoarece nu are permisiunea părinţilor săi.
2. Mi-a povestit cum a cunoscut-o pe viitoarea sa soţie în timp ce stăteau la
coadă la cinema.
3. Dacă m-ai fi ascultat ţi-aş fi putut spune că nu este bine ce faci.
4. A plecat înainte de ora şapte ca să poată să-şi citească liniştit ziarul în tram-
5. De frică să nu răcească, Măria şi-a pus cel mai gros pulovăr pe care îl avea la
6. Când au ajuns la gară trenul plecase de două minute.
By reading you get acquainted with a whole epoch — enlarge upon this refer-
ring either to a literary work that you have studied or to any other example you
choose (250-300 words).
Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
The position of women in Britain has changed considerably this century,
particularly within the last twenty years, and the ... (1) change has been towards
greater equality ... (2) men.
Up ... (3) the early part of this century a woman's ... (4) role was that of wife
and mother. Even in families ... (5) women went out to work they ... (6) had to
run the home and look ... (7) the children.
Gradually it became accepted that women wanted to have their ... (8) careers
and ... (9) the same pay as men for the ... (10) job.
II. Translate into English:
1. De m-ar asculta măcar acum, ar reuşi la examen.
2. E timpul să ne schimbăm modul de a gândi, spuse tânărul supărat.
3. Victor ne-a sugerat că ar fi mai bine să mergem împreună la discotecă decât
singuri, noi doi.
4. Este puţin probabil ca ploaia să stea înainte de ora 12, ceea ce face imposi-
bilă desfăşurarea meciului de fotbal.
5. Fata se făcea din ce în ce mai frumoasă.
6. Dacă nu poţi să mă ajuţi, atunci poate doreşti să-mi dai un sfat.
III. Imagine you were a fly in a fast-food restaurant. Describe what you see, who
you see and what happens during one hour in the morning (250-300 words).
I. Cloze
II. Translate
- each correct sentence
III. Essay writing
- completion of task (narrate, describe, argue)
- correct grammar structures
- appropriate vocabulary
- balanced presentation, coherence of ideas
- interesting details, relevant arguments
- accurate spelling
10 words x 2 p. = 20 p.
6 sentences x 5 p. = 30 p.
15 p.
40 p.
100 p.
Total test: 90 p. + 10 p. din oficiu

1. Mother says that we should cut the bread in slices as thin as possible.
2. You must fînish the report by noon.
3. It was so hot that I asked her to let the door ajar.
4. We have always considered you/thought of you as our best friend.
5. Hardly had he got in through the door when he remembered the letter he had for-
gotten to post.
6.1 have asked one more time/once more whether I should go or not.
1. It took him a long time to decide on whom to name in that position.
2. He wouldn't read us at least a stanza out of the poem he had composed on that
3. If there hadn't been so many spelling mistakes in his essay we could have offered
it as a model to the other students.
4. What could have happened to your nephews that they haven't phoned you for
such a long time?
5.1'm looking forward to watching the boxing match on TV.
6.1 really wish I could understand what my niece wanted to write about in this letter.
1. If I had seen him during his stay here it would have been a good opportunity to
remind him of the promise he had made once.
2.1'm sure she wouldn't have got out of bed if she had been so ill.
3. My friend told me that she could come to my place today although she was very
busy as she had to finish reading a book in order to take it back to the library.
4. The train that has just arrived is the one I had told you about.
5. If he came on time we could catch the beginning of the show.
6.1 wish you were right.
1. If you can't find me at the office try phoning me at this number towards noon.
2.1 have always asked myself/wondered why he behaves this way.
3. He remembered not having rurned off the cooker before he left horne.
4. Scarcely had he opened the book when he fell asleep.
5. If it had been fine weather the whole family would have gone cherry picking.
6. It is high time we left home before it starts ra'ining.
1. He has changed so much lately that I couldn't have recognized him if you hadn't
told me who he was.
2. No sooner had he got to learn the truth than he had to give up his beautiful
3.1'd like you to find out at the institute whether there will be another entrance
examination in the autumn.
4. The more she studies, the better she feels she knows the exam bibliography.
5. His friend asked him not to leave before phoning to the station.
6. When they got to the theatre, the show had been over for half an hour.
1. They were promised blankets and new clothes for Christmas.
2. Out of the two sisters, Măria was the more beautiful.
3. If he hadn't answered the policeman in a cheeky way he wouldn't have been
spending his New Year's Eve in jail.
4. The officer ordered his soldiers to clear the road so that all the trucks loaded with
food supplies could pass to the border.
5. Măria remembered that she had to pay all her debts before the first of the next
6. He behaves as if he had won everybody over with his bad jokes.
1. Măria said that many times had she been/had she found herself in more difficult
situations than the one she was experiencing at the moment.
2. Whatever you may/might believe about me I assure you that I am not able to do
such a thing.
3. The more he plays the violin, the more he realizes that music is his future.
4. 'It is high time we closed the shop and went home', said the manager to his shop-
5. If he had been right the judge would have helped him by now.
6. It must have been raining heavily if you have come back to get/for your umbrella.
1.1 knew you would come if I asked you to/called you.
2. If you had been free to come with me to the theatre yesterday, you would have
had the opportunity to see one of the best plays of the year.
3.1 invited Maria's brother as well, but he told me he was working on a project.
4. Mihai could play the piano when he was five.
5. We moved in the neighbourhood ten years ago.
6. As soon as he got home he remembered having forgotten to buy fruits.
He can't come with us on the trip as he hasn't got his parents' permission.
Pe told me how he had met his future wife while they were queuing for cinema
f you had listened to me I could have told you that it was not right what you were
\ie left before seven so that he could read his paper quietly on the tram.
or fear she might get a cold Măria put on the warmest pullover she had at hand.
Nhen they got to the station the train had already left for two minutes.
[f he listened to me at least now he would pass his exam.
It is high time we changed our way of thinking', said the young man angrily.
ictor suggested that it would be better for us to go together with them to the
lisco instead of going the two of us only/just the two of us.
[t is unlikely for the rain to stop before 12, which makes it impossible for the foot-
>all match to start./The rain is unlikely to stop before 12 .. ./It is unlikely that the
■ain might stop...
'he girl was getting more and more beautiful.
[f you can't come and help me, then you may wish to give me some advice.


I. Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
Not too far away, high ... (1) a pole, Dorothy could ... (2) a Scarecrow. The
Scarecrow's head ... (3) a small sack stuffed ... (4) straw. On its face someone
... (5) painted two eyes, ... (6) nose and a mouth. The Scarecrow was dressed
... (7) a blue suit and wore black ... (8) and an old straw hat. While Dorothy ...
(9) looking at the Scarecrow, she ... (10) saw its eyes open and look at her.
II. Translate into English:
1. Mama trebuie sa plece la cumpărături imediat.
2. Dorina nu a putut să înţeleagă de ce profesorul este supărat pe ea.
3. Ce-ar fi dacă am pleca la munte săptămâna viitoare?
4. Dacă plouă vom rămâne acasă.
5. Valea Prahovei este cea mai frumoasă regiune din România.
6. Ne-am mutat în acest bloc de zece ani.
III. Enlarge upon the following: 'First think and then speak' (250 words).
I. Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
That is what happened to a Frenchman ... (1) lived in England and did
.................(2) know English very well. One day he ... (3) into the post-offîce
with a letter. He ... (4) a stamp and gave it together with his letter ... (5) the girl.
'Oh, no,' she ..., (6) 'you must stick the ... (7) on yourself He was ... (8) sur-
prised. He could not believe his ... (9). He said 'Why must I stick the stamp on
II. Translate into English:
1. Pot să deschid fereastra?
2. Copiii nu au fost în stare să culeagă toate hârtiile de pe podea.
3. Când au ajuns în gară trenul plecase deja.
4. Mi-a spus să nu-i mai dau telefon.
5. Dacă ştiam adevărul nu te mai invitam la cinema.
6. Trebuie să ai curaj şi să pleci la munte în luna ianuarie.
III. Describe your favourite actor/actress (250 words).

Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
As I was walking down the street, I stopped a young man and said ... (1) him
'Good friend, will you ... (2) my question, please? ... (3) you a patient in this
asylum or are ... (4) just visiting?'
He looked ... (5) me stupidly and said 'Fair sir, me seemeth...' I walked on, ...
(6) find someone ... (7) could teii me where I was. A tall boy ... (8) coming
towards me. He began to ... (9) and laugh loudly until I stopped ... (10).
Translate into English:
1. Mi-a spus că trebuie să plec la gară imediat.
2. Copiii nu au voie sa mănânce dulciuri înainte de masă.
3. Dacă ar fi venit la timp am fi văzut întregul spectacol.
4. înainte de a pleca de la şcoală Măria a udat florile din clasă.
5. Te-am întrebat de ce nu doreşti să pleci cu colegii tăi la mare.
6. De îndată ce termină de mâncat, Paul va pleca la şcoală.
Write a letter to your friend whom you haven't seen for a year. Teii him about
your new hobby, what it is, how much time you spend with it (250 words).
Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
Visitors may have diffîculty in fînding their way about London. The British
capital ... (1) a very old city. Each century brought new historical ... (2). Most
visitors to London ... (3) a plan of the town, to help them find ... (4) way about.
The London transport service will also help ... (5).
After visiting Hyde Park, it... (6) be convenient to go back towards ... (7) east
along Piccadilly to Piccadilly Circus. A trip up or ... (8) the river will make ...
(9) possible to see ... (10) famous bridges such as Westminster Bridge.
Translate into English:
1. Mama ne dă întotdeauna sfaturi foarte bune.
2. Elevii trebuie să fie la şcoală la ora 8 în fiecare dimineaţă.
3. Paul ne-a întrebat de ce nu îl invităm şi pe el în excursie.
4. Povestea pe care am citit-o a fost cea mai frumoasă pe care am citit-o vre-
5. Dacă am fi ştiut de ce a plecat l-am fi putut împiedica.
6. Poţi sa mă ajuţi să urc acest bagaj la etaj?
, Describe the way you spent your summer holiday last year (250 words).
. Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
I turned to my friend and smiled: "Well, ... (1) do you say now? Didn't their behaviour change the
moment... (2) learnt that I ... (3) Mark Twain?' As I was saying that, ... (4) porter came up to us and ...
(5) 'Oh, sir, I recognised ... (6)
the minute I ... (7) you. I told the conductor so.' 'Is that so my boy?' I said ...
(8) '... (9) am I?' 'Mr. McClellan, Mayor ... (10) New York', he said.
II. Translate into English:
1. Dacă am pleca la timp am prinde trenul de ora 8.
2. Vom pleca la munte de îndată ce am terminat examenele.
3. Locuim în această casă de zece ani.
4. Nepotul a povestit bunicului ce făcuse el la grădiniţă zilele trecute.
5. Nu se poate ca Măria sa fi plecat fără să ne spună.
6. Am întrebat-o la ce oră trebuie să vină la întâlnire.
III. Write a letter to your penfriend to teii him about the way you spend your
Sundays (250 words).
I. Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
Most people in Britain have at ... (1) two weeks of holiday a year. July and
August are the ... (2) popular months for holidays and ... (3) is always a lot of traffic on the roads to
the seaside.
In the south west of England, you ... (4) find small fishing villages where you can stay for a ... (5) in
peace and quiet. In the north east of England you can ... (6) along the wild coast of Northumberland
without... (7) anyone at all. ... (8) the south coast you can ... (9) on the beaches and enjoy the ... (10) on
the English Riviera.
II. Translate into English:
1. Helen scrie poezii. Acum scrie o poezie despre primăvară.
2. De câte ori ai fost la mare anul acesta?
3. Mergeam la şcoală când am întâlnit un vechi prieten.
4. Dacă n-ar fi pierdut trenul, ar fi câştigat concursul.
5. Când eram copil nu puteam să cânt la pian.
6. L-am întrebat dacă Mary va veni, aşa cum a promis.
III. Comment on this: When playing a game you do not only learn the rules of the
game but you also build your characte (250 words).
I. Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
David lived with his mother and stepfather, Mr. Murdstone. When he was ... (1)years old his mother
died, ... (2) David with his stepfather, who was very ... (3) to him. Mr. Murdstone sent David to ... (4)
to work. The work was very ... (5). David ... (6) to wash dirty bottles from morning till night, and ...
(7) very little for his work. Nobody taught him ... (8), nobody took care ... (9) him. He began to think
about ranning ... (10) .
II. Translate into English:
1. Priveşte! Iar plouă! Şi a plouat şi azi dimineaţă.
2. De cât timp locuieşti în acest oraş?
3. Mă uitam la televizor când o pisică a sărit înăuntru pe fereastră.
4. Mi-a spus că îi pare rău că mi-a pierdut cartea.
5. Nu voi putea să vin, trebuie să o ajut pe mama.
6. Aş bea nişte ceai fierbinte daca aş fi în locul tău.
. Write a letter to a person you admire (a film star, a sportsman, a teacher). Say
who you are and why you are writing (250 words).
Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
For a whole week David ... (1) to the town of Dover. He had ... (2) money, so he had to sell his coat to
buy ... (3). At night he slept in the ... (4). On the seventh day he ... (5) Dover, tired and weak ... (6)
hunger. His clothes were ... (7)and dirty. AII day ... (8) he walked about Dover. He asked ... (9) if
they ... (10)Miss Betsy Trotwood.
Translate into English:
1. Tatăl tău este acasă? Da, tocmai a venit de la lucru.
2. Ţi-ai făcut temele pentru astăzi? Când le-ai făcut?
3. Mă întrebam dacă îl mai văzusem.
4. Cred că Tom se va supăra dacă nu-1 vei invita la petrecerea ta.
5. în curând vei putea să mergi din nou.
6. N-am fi pierdut meciul dacă n-ar fi plouat aşa de tare.
. Describe some of Romania's beauties in a letter to a foreign friend trying to
convince him/her that our country is worth visiting. (250 words).
, Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
Young people work ... (1) during the week but over the weekend they ... (2)
their friends, watch television, go to a ... (3) or to the cinema.
In big cities, the first ... (4) or 'showing', as it is called, begins ... (5) two
o'clock in the afternoon and the show ... (6) on from then until about half past
ten. The cinema is not emptied ... (7) the 'showings', so that once you have ...
(8) for your seat, you can stay in the cinema as ... (9) as you like. There is usu-
ally one main film, a shorter ... (10), some advertisements, and a 'trailer' telling
about the film for the next week.
, Translate into English:
1. Nu i-am mai văzut pe bunici de mult timp şi mi-e dor de ei.
2. Când ai văzut o piesă de teatru ultima dată? Acum trei ani.
3. După ce am citit scrisoarea de trei ori, am înţeles-o.
4. îmi promisese că va veni la petrecerea noastră, dar n-a venit.
5. De ce a trebuit să plece mai devreme? îl durea măseaua.
6. Dacă aş avea destui bani, mi-aş cumpăra o maşina nouă.
. Have you ever had a picnic in the woods? Write about it (250 words).
I. Fiii in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank:
There was a folk festival ... (1) the Palace Hali on Sunday and the ... (2) from
our school were the surprise of the ... (3).
Folk groups from all... (4) România came to perform on the large ... (5) of the
Palace Hali. They were dressed in their specific ... (6) and they sang well-
known 'doinaş', ... (7) ballads and short funny songs about the lazy ... (8) of
the village.
I was very ... (9) to sing and dance beside the ... (10) folk groups in this country.
II. Translate into English:
1. Ai încercat vreodată să înveţi italiana? Nu-i grea.
2. Pictează un portret. Este al treilea portret pe care 1-a pictat anul acesta.
3. Ningea când am ajuns la Braşov. Ningea de o săptămână.
4. M-a întrebat cât e ora şi unde mă duc aşa devreme.
5. Mary întârzie. Va trebui să luăm un taxi.
6. Din nefericire n-a avut voie să vină cu noi în excursie.
III. Write a letter to a penfriend in which you describe your native town/village
(250 words).
I. Cloze
10 words x 2 p. = 20 p.
II. Translate
- each correct sentence
III. Essay writing
- completion of task (narrate, describe, argue)
- correct grammar structures
- appropriate vocabulary
- balanced presentation, coherence of ideas
- interesting details, relevant arguments
- accurate spelling
6 sentences x5p.
30 p.
15 p.
40 p.
Total test: 90 p. + 10 p. din oficiu = 100 p.

1. on; 2. see; 3. was; 4. with; 5. had; 6. a; 7. in; 8. shoes; 9. was; 10. suddenly.
1. Mother must/has to go shopping this moment/without delay.
2. Dorina couldn't understand why the teacher was angry with her.
3. What if we left for the mountains next week?/Suppose we left...
4. If it rains we will/shall stay at home.
5. The Prahova Valley is the most beautiful region in România.
6. We moved in this block of flats ten years ago.

1. who; 2. not; 3. went; got ; 4. bought/got; 5. to; 6. said; 7. stamp; 8. very;
9. ears; 10. myself.
1. May I open the window?
2. Children were not able to/pick up all the papers on the floor.
3. When they got to the station the train had already left.
4. He told me not to phone him any more.
5. If I had known the truth I wouldn't have invited you to the cinema.
6. You must have the courage to go to the mountains in January.

. 1. to; 2. answer; 3. Are; 4. you; 5. at; 6. to; 7. who; 8. was; 9. talk/speak; 10. him.
1. He told me that I had to leave for the station immediately/at once.
2. Children mustn't eat sweets before meals.
3. If he had come on time we would have seen the whole show.
4. Before leaving school Măria had watered the flowers in the classroom.
5.1 asked you why you didn't want to go to the seaside with your mates.
6. As soon as Paul finishes eating he will leave for school.
. 1. is; 2. monuments; 3. buy/have; 4. their; 5. them; 6. may/could; 7. the; 8. down;
9. it; 10. other/some.
1. Mother always gives us good advice.
2. Pupils must/nave to be at school at eight o'clock every morning.
3. Paul has asked us why we don't/won't invite him on the trip as well.
4. The story I have read was the most beautiful I have ever read.
5. If we had known why he had left we could have stopped him.
6. Can/could you help me carry this luggage upstairs?
I. 1. what; 2. they; 3. was; 4. a/the; 5. said; 6. you; 7. saw; 8. happily; 9. Who;
10. of.
II. 1. If we left in time we would/could catch the 8 o'clock train.
2. We will/shall go to the mountains as soon as we have passed/finished our exams.
3. We have been living in this house for ten years.
4. The nephew told his grandfather what he had done at the kindergarten those
5. Măria can't have left without telling us.
6.1 asked her what time she had to come to the meeting.
I. 1. least; 2. most; 3. there; 4. can; 5. while; 6. walk/go; 7. meeting/seeing; 8. On;
9. lie; 10. sun.
II. 1. Helen writes poems. Now she is writing a poem about spring.
2. How many times have you been to the seaside this year?
3.1 was going/walking to school when I met an old friend (of mine).
4. If he hadn't missed the train, he would have won the contest/competition.
5. When I was a child I could not play the piano.
6.1 asked him if Mary would come as she had promised.
I. 1. nine; 2. leaving; 3. unkind; 4. London; 5. hard; 6. had; 7. earned/got; 8. any-
thing; 9. of; 10. away.
II. 1. Look! It's raining again! It rained this morning, too.
2. How long have you been living in this town/city?
3.1 was watching TV when a cat jumped in through the window.
4. He told me that/he said he was sorry that he had lost my book/he was sorry for
having lost my book.
5.1 shan't be able to come, I must/have to help mother.
6.1 would drink some hot tea if I were you.
I. 1. walked; 2. no; 3. bread/food; 4. fields; 5. reached; 6. with; 7. torn; 8. long;
9. everybody; 10. knew.
II. 1. îs your father at home? Yes (he is), he has just come from work.
2. Have you done your homework for today? When did you do it?
3.1 wondered/was wondering if I had seen him before.
4.1 think Tom will get angry if you don't invite him/unless you invite him to
your party.
5. Soon you will be able to walk again.
6. We wouldn't have lost the match if it hadn't,rained/unless it rained so heavily.
1. hard/much; 2. visit/meet; 3. disco/restaurant/bar; 4. performance; 5. about/
around; 6. goes; 7. between; 8. paid; 9. long; 10. one.
1.1 haven't seen my grandparents for a long time and I miss them.
2. When did you last see a (theatre) play? Three years ago.
3. After I had read the letter three times, I understood it.
4. He had promised that he would come to our party, but he didn't (come).
5. Why did he have to leave earlier? He had a toothache.
6. If I had enough money, I would buy a new car.
1. at; 2. pupils/school-children; 3. performance/show/festival; 4. over; 5. stage;
6. costumes; 7. beautiful/wonderful/old; 8. people/men/women; 9. proud/happy;
10. best.
1. Have you ever tried to learn Italian? It's not difficult.
2. He is painting a portrait. It's the third (portrait) he has painted this year.
3. It was snowing when I got to/reached Braşov. It had been snowing for a week.
4. He asked me what time it was and where I was going so early.
5. Mary is late. We'll have to take a taxi.
6. Unfortunately he wasn't allowed to come on the trip with us.

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